Newspaper Page Text
THE BEAUMONT ENTEWPrtTal FRIDAY. AUGUST 88. 1904. conon market CONTI NT.W ORLEANS SHOW VANCE OF 16 TO POINTS. AN 18 AO- IRADING IS ACTIVE THROUGHOUT New York li Steady With August Net Unchanged and Other Po- VANCE OF 16 TO 38 t Points Higher. Now Orlonns, An. 25. Spot rot ton tlrm nt a fair iloniund. Suit's .750 bah'H Including :!)0 to nrrlv-' IVllvercil m contract 1100. 1 Quoin tlona higher. Futures oncnoil Irregular with prices from 4 points lower to 7 points higher. Liverpool opened low er, hut cloHod higher. Now York opened decidedly lower. Tho local murket however, paid lit I lo attent ion to tho early condi tion of either New York or Liver pool, hut promptly sent prices up. 1'rlvato dispatches reported that prollt-taUIng by "onus wan tho euine for the declines In Now York and l.'verpool. There was "second day story"- attached to yesterday's sus pension or II. A. Page and company and tho general impression wa that the firm was In a position to enter Into notlvc business again shortly on ns favorable a footing as ever Tho coming bureau report Is a feature of which will in a few days, overshadow overy other factor In Hie markqt. It: will bo full a? Im niiriniir. as anv report is. ny th5 .loiiirtmi-nt of aerlculluro this sen- son and the market will probably i.n in n' nervous state for the next few days. IMay bulls claim tbnt. tho report has deteriorated at least thir ty per cent, since me iai r'-i1"11' wMp hours claim that the detorior.v 1ms not amounted to ten per cpnt.- . , The decidedly mixed crop ac counts coming from the country are rocmiimihin for the wide d!IToonoe in nninion. In the trading September oppned l points lower at 1050 and finally sold up to -1088: December opened 1 points lilgber at. 1042. sold up to 1078 and flnady declined to 1070. The market wa active fliroucn out the session today. Net. gain? were August 10 points, September "1 and the other positions 3S points. New York Cotton Review. New York, Aug. 2S Sentiment in cotton hero was very feverish and while the south seemed to be selling more or less freely through wire bouses, there was a renewal of bull support and soon after the opening tie initial losses were regained Around mid-day, tho market was quiet but showed a pretty steady undertone wit bin a point or two of last nielli's figures, when one or two people, who had been heavy Kell ers started in to break market, offered several substantial blocks and tho room becoming con vineed that the flurry of covering find run its course also became free rpIIpi-s. Tho cotton was easily ah- sorbed and the bull support again be came evident leading to a ruh of ' covering Hint carried the list up to n new h eh level for 1 Ho movement with Soiilt'iiilier sell 1 11 tr at 11(11: Oct. nt 100L': December at 10S5 and Jan 1(tsr. gains of about 20 to 20 points. This represented an advance rrom tlie low iioint. of last Friday of about six dollars a bale or C00 a trad ing contract. Townrd the closing the market rencted nliout steady with August net unchanged and other po sitions from 10 to 18 points hla er. Sales were estimated Vat C50,0U(I bales. A Boy and t Girl. I MW thm on Any In li aun'lilna. Out lhiit where the i-hiyvr bluwg- A r III tie tiny towhtninV.I air I A'ltl ty with rrei-kleil nn' Wttlt an-oM iraw hat wtiliout anV brim ' Atid nllii- HuIiIIiik hU vlmhec A wo Utile irtil witli a ilif lull lirHtil - And boy Kith two alubl4 Iwa.'"! I mw them mi ava In tha twlllstit, thiwn llmra li-r the river ilu-vs: Tlie llHll hrnlil la a III liriild iihw How a lad or a inula ri The. old atraw hnl la a naw hut now And nuvur a frwkla atiowa On (lie fare of a youth' whs, bonding til head, . - (Uvea n fHlr-hai4 trmlden a roia. i I ci them nan In" In the uiutilne, An. I whatever do yon UnoeeT Divin tlmm and about thein than! romped And rnti and i-lnna to tliolr elothoa. A woe i little tiny towhetidi-d alii And n hoy with two ntulihed oa A writ limn (hi with a' plKlutl bratit AnJ boy with frei-kleil nnmi. CoMlvi's Weekly SLIGHT GAINS ' MADE IN WHEAT LIPTON MAY RACE AC A IN. Significance In Fact That Shamrock III. la Not for Sale. It may or may not ho significant of Sir Thomas J. Upton's Intentions regarding- a fourth challenge for the America' cup that Shamrock Id. hua been withdrawn from the market. When the first and second Bhamrockr wore Sold last November it wua gee orally understood that the third Shamrock was for sale also. About , ten days ago a yacht broker mndo an Inquiry concerning the Shamrock of J. Keithly Crowiher; Sir Thomas' man ager In this country, and was unheal tatirtgly Informed thnt sho was not for sale. Mr; Crowthcr succeeded Mr. Davis as tho Llpton agent short ly after the conclusion of tho lust match for the America's cup. Sli Thomas Is c:.puctcd In tho first wool, of September. PIT EXPERIENCED A FROST , SCARE AND PRICES' GIVEN ' A UIFT. ' , . I0P PRICES NOT MAINTAINED Toward Session's Close Market Weak' ened on a Heavy Lint of Profit Taking Net Gains , Small. It Was Good Money. An illustration of how thoroughly some coins go out of circulation was furnished by an incident In a street car yesterday. A sedato mm sat reading h.3 newspaper when the con ductor torched his arm for his fare. Without looking up he han;ied over four coins. After scrutinizing them the conductor Kald: "Can't lalio 'em." The man simply loo!:ed up. "Your fare, please," said the con ductor. "I offered you my full faro," said the man. Then the conductor began to get mad. "You mustn't attempt to put off any foreign coins on me," he replied pick ing out oiio of the pieces and shaking It at the man. Then the passenger said to his neighbor nt hl3 elbow: "Is thnt a good coin?" "A good United States coin," said the man addresKcd. The conductor took tho pioco, look ed It over carefully, and said: "Well, I'll be darned. That's one on me. 1 never saw ono before." It was a 2 cent piece. New York Sun. INGENIOUS MODE8 OF DEFENSE. LIVE STOCK. ......... Kansas City. Kansas Citv. Aug. 25. Cat tie lteceipts T.500 including 1,000 south erns; steady to 10 c higher; closed easy; choice export and dressed beef steers 5251 finQ: fair to coo I 37.riffiTnn; western fed steers ZtMt 550: Blockers and feeder?. 225W410; southern steers 250f425; southern cows 175? 300; native cows and heifers 150ffH75; bulls 2Tnn(l; rnlves 6U0. Ilns Receipts RtOO; market .". to 10 c higher. Hulk of falos, ClSffiCOO; pigs and liBhtsr.onff snr,. Sheep Receipts 5.000: steady. Native lambs 45ifi500: native weth ers. .l.'iOfl 400; western lambs 4? 450; nestem yearlings, SSnffMnn; western fheep 325W370; stockers and feed rs r.20ffi3C0. Moro Forts Strengihcnei by All Sorts of Devices. Gen. Wood's campaign In Mindanao against tho Moros required some stifl fighting. Many of the co'tas, or Moro forts, were wonderfully strong and in geniouj in their defenses, especially that occupied by tho sultan of Maclu They were surrounded for quite f distance with hidden traps largi deep, holes covered over with ltvlnf fchrubbtry and filled with water, wltf sharpened bamboo spearu In the but torn pointing upward, almost as 1m r and as sharp as steel. ' A man 'allin; into one of t:to30 would hav. beet pierced through. Then came a ditel filled with water, from twenty t tfty feet wide and eight to twelve fee! deep, and more bamboo spears. Some times there wore two lines of ditches Then a sod parapet, loop-holed, tot to twelve feet high, six to eight feet thick at the bane nd two to thi'03 a the top, surmounted by be m boo pull sades and abatis. On the top at inter vols they all had mounted Rucleot cannon of little efficiency. Chicago, August 2(1 The market ex perU'ticcd a frost srnrn today while It lasted, lifting prices 3 1-8 to 1-4 over yesterday's close. Final quotations, however, showed net gains of but 3-8 to 3 4c. Corn is off 3-4 to 1 1-8 ami prrovls ions 2 1-2 to 10c. At tho start the bulls In wheat enmlngly maneuvered for another break and under their manipulation, prices dropped below those of yes terday. September closed 1-8 to 1-2 lower at 103 1-8 to 103 1-2 and De cember 1-4 off, 104 1-4. The weakness was only temporary and buying at tho lower prices soon rallied the marrket and set It on an advance that carried September to lUti 3-4 and December to 107 7-8. Toward the end of the season, the market weakened on heavy profit tak Ing. I.nte weather reports Indicated a rise in tho temperature for Friday. Tho break in corn reacted upon the wheat market. All operated to re (luce tho advance. September closing at 104 and December nt 105 1-4 3-8. .Corn was easy at the start under tho influence of favorable conditions and lower cables. September started unchanged to 1-8 higher at 53 3-4 lo 53 3-8 and December off 1-8 to 3-8 it 52 1-4 1-2. Tho market closed weak. Septem ber closed at 53 and December 51 3-4 7-8c. Receipts 107 curs. Oats did not seem to catch tho bull spiprit which prevailed In tho other grains, lloth deliveries mnde a small fractional advance but closed at the bottom, September at 32 1-2 and Dec ember at 33 1-2. Provisions were active without ma erial changes. September pork clos ed down 7 1-2 (ft) 10c nt. 11.00; lard oft 2 1-2 (fD uc at O.fM at fi.92 1-2 and ribs lown 2 1-2 7.35. Oil City Statement. Oil City, August 20. Credit balan ces 150; certificate no bid; shipments 18,234; average 74,122; runs 107,717; iverage 78,795. Shipments Lima 70,838; average 85.189; runs, Lima 70,777; average 2,324. A 4 V MARINE Port Eads. Tort Ead. Ane. 25 Arrived Ttramer r.M.i'irs. IV-arrflona, Citu Pf Jli'viu Itif fm. Ceiha: Mount Vm..n. Unon: Kl Cid. Nc York. Sailed Kramer Harold. Tort lim it!. Tara valla. Havre via New York; Anlm. PiMTtn Cortea. Vtnethtt Cotton Oil. M.refhK Ai- 2S- ear V l-r ralhm .rinie rrnd 23 off erttd t 1 "l I'l : fwlme nimm'f J" l'"r ff mmflH r-ll.w, nominal: r-.oiee eookine tmnn-r rllow thit car l1 nominal. M-af prime 21""- 1 QUEUE A BADGE OF SLAVERY. Chinese- Compelled to Wear It by Their Manchu Conqucrore. The celestial' pigtail, in which hr takes great pride, and over tho plait Ing of which he takes any amount of trouble, Is really the badge of slavery. Before the rise of the Manchu suprem acy. Chinamen wore no tans or queues, but tho cotiqtierors from the north gradually enforced this out ward and visible sign of China's hu- milintlon, and each province, one af ter the other, adopted the practice of wearing; long hair and plaiting It up In a coll with cotton or silk. One clan at least, to tM day. Indirectly repudiates the degradation by ww Ing- at tfirea a turban in which the pletail Is hidden away. Chinamen, while at work or la the house, may. for the sake of convenJtmct, .oll tln-lr queue round their head, tot It Is a alga of much dlstespeet whenever thoy do ao In the pi-nre tf a vlaltof nr aapertor or In public. War Tir Censorship. The late Archibald Korbea one said of nnsorsUp In war times: "Wire I a e;enral and had I an lni pendent command offered me. I would ace4 It only, tm condition that I snould have tha thartT lo hor pvery ar correa jiond est found ith In fifty miles of my h'-adqmrtera. The most earcful eorretond nt -anfwt rtte a er t'-w-e Mti the tti-t--t r-nrr. If be la ti a ari-tl.itu at aTl. rannot refrain from earirt;oTilne. that may tot d a tint to the aiie :ctn:geiic officials of tbe otti New Orleans Sugar. New Orleans, Aug. 25. Sugar strong; open kettle, 2 3-i(?j3 310; open kettle centrifugal 3ff)3 3-1; cen whites, 4 3-4: yellows 3 3-4 (fi 4 5-8; seconds, 2 rH6tA 5-S. Molas?es nominal; open kettle 20ifi la ctitrlfngal lOifDiri; syrup nomi nal 20025. THE LOCAL MARKET - Grain and Hay. Quotations for eartoad lots delivered on tracka Beaumoat-or other points taking same rate. Dealers charifs from store 6Cl0o per 10 pound mure on bran, 203oVer Bushel on oata and corn. 10if16o per loo on bav. - Oats Teiaa. AOOMes No, I rolled, 40o; white, 61 C 63a . Iiran 1'er 10U pounds ll.JOff 3S. -Corn chops, pure 91.30(1.4(1. Outs Texas 43 450, Corn 7074e. Hay Choice alfalfa, $15.00; choice timothy, 117.00: Bouto Texaa prairie, I7.60dp8.50; Johnson Rras. .60 lo.eo. Feed.producta-Tery aUff, with ad vancing tendency. Maiket barely steady, with a declin ing tendoncy. Hides and WooL Dry flint butchers, 18 pounds and ud. 13e. .. Dry flint klpa, under It pounds, 10 l-2e. Dry salt hides, nrer 18 pounds, 10o; under 18 pounds, 3c. W. 8. hides, 8 1-2T. Sheep polta, IS to 40a Goat skins, 10 to lBo. HorBe lialr IS to tho. Wool, free spring. 13 1-1 to Ha. Wool, free fall, 10c. Wool, hfcrd burry, f.J. Butter ana Cheeaa. nutter Klue Star, iirr. dulry butter 1Hu20: Kljrin, 2Hal!7: Hei'iiiee Fancy Creamory,28: Meadow Cold, 30; t'ttiiey renovuUl creamery. 23a24. Allison's I'ure cream butter, tlnglo pound 35c; 2 pounds for 05c. Cheese Full cream flats, 141; daisies 141; prints. 13; full cream Lonirliorns, 15 Parisian Information f&ueau. An information bureau has recently V evn Inaugurated in connection witl ho University of Paris, and Is cwi k!o.ed an excellent innovation. Tlie 'itireau will afford information on all matters t.'onnected with higher educa tion In Paris, whether In government r private institutions. Those who, In this country or elsewhere, are con teiuplating entering tho university md who have spent hours In trying to lerive some tangible Idea from calen and class syllabuses will appre ciate the useful purpose which would he served by a bureau of this char-ictcr. Consoling a Friend. A man was ljing In bed, very iil with pneumonia. To bim entered a friend. "Ah," said the friend, "the doctor says you're going to die to-night, ot pneumonia, eb? Do you remem ber PeedesT" "Yes." "He died of pneumonia yesterday. Do you remember R.wterV -Yes." "He died of pneumonia too. Well. t muff go now, but Ml come and cheer you tip again toniornw."--lon- (on Tlt-R'ts. Oak Trees of Queens. Many English queens have chosen oak treea In Windsor forest win rcon their respective names, with the dtites of their choice, have been com memorated by means of brass plates. In different parts of tbe forest, with ai round them, are oaks bearing 'ns names of Qm en rcilxatx th. Queen Caroline, Queen Charlotte and Qu'-en Victoria. "H'-me's Oak." men tinned in the "Mirry Wives of Wind mar aa being In Windsor nark, wn Jeatroyed by a pale on An. II, 1;S NATHAN SELLS IT FOR LEI. Pearls Liable to Deteriorate. Pearls are perlt-hable. They can not V-e considered a flret-rat Inveft- ment. like diamonds. Aft.T a time thry eeay. Sometimes a flne aperl- D win loae Ha lnt-r and beauty ml'blB a few months, ao that Ihe r"- fiir of mtrb treasupm well k-t p hi-m vut aa ay la a all 1ace Tlier ermst of thla films o-rlaM tri- njifrti anh'. Hh more l-as trlmal Mer twweeti tie layer; n H It W wrmi-r flat tfcey 4-erl Flour and Srsadsturfs. Flour Hnsis sacks. Fanev high patent $5.30; fancy half patent. $$5.00; third grndo $-1.80; 211b sacks 10 per barrel hilier: Hour In wood, 30 per barroi hlL'hercar lots Ilk; less. f arluaceoiis uootis t.rns. nominy and creum meal, in 40-11) sacks, per satik. 75 pearl meal In .'t.Vlli sneks, $1.95 jier barrel of four sucks: SeoMi oats 2.li5a..0(); Friends' outs 2.t.rja 3.00- Columbia oats. $2.8.5: llawkeye oats, 2.85; Ilecker's buckwheat,- H-lb paskagos, $4.80. Cro:kers A U C soda bulk, boxes, 1-1 b cartons. er dor.on.100: cinder snaps, 71: creams, 8, slatro iilunks, 01 cukes and jumblos, II' ' MIscelianeoiM. Rope Sisal. 7-10 basis 01, Manila cotton, XXX, 14 3-4. Salt llock, 0.0' per ton: Louisiana coarse, 85: Texas and Kansas, per libl. G0-5s, $2.(i(); 100-38, $2.75: 140-2, $2.85 i'lokles- rints, uo: quarts, $1.0.14; eallon, $3.25: 1-srallon, $4; 5-callon kefjs, $2; 10-gallon kegs, $3.50; Cross and lilackwcll's pints, $.(.05. Candy Stick, wrapped, stantiard 6Ja7; fancy mixed, in pails, Gju9; fancy In cases. 1 1 ai"' roo naiz. Starcn I'earl. 40-lb noxes, 4: gloss bulk, 4i; Nickel, $3.00; 1 to 3 pound packages, 5a51. Molasses centrifugal, tair, z.j; prime, 2(la28: choice 23a,,0. CornSy-'UD 30a.11. , Canned Good, California Extra Standard (21-1 b. tins) Hluck cherries, ,:.$2.25; white cherries, $2.25; Y. C. peaches, $1.75; L. C. peaches $1.85: apricots, $1.00; Bartlett pears $1.85; grapes, $1.50; standard, 10 per dozen less. Eastern Canned Goods and Vege tables No. 3 apples, 85: sliced pineap ples, 81; rJ. and U. uineikppies,; ex grated pineapples, -tl .75: uineapple chunks, 1-lb cans, $1,35. pineapple chunks, 1-1I cans, $1.(10: Singapore ex-irrated i)Ineauiles. $1.85: 2-lb uears, 75; 2-lb strawber ies. DO: 2-lb black berries, 85; 2-lb peaehss, none; 2-lb fui'-weight tomatoes, 75n80: 3-lb full weight tomatoes, 1.00; 2-lb light-weight tomatoes. 80a85: 3-lb light-weight. 05: 3-lb kraut 1.25: 2-lb Petit Pots ex sifted June peas, 1.00; 2-lb standard Marrow fat p-as, 1.00: 2-lb light-weight Mar rtvf -t peas, 00: 3-lb pumpkin, 05: 2-lh Hi t Kidge corn, 1.25: 2-lb Al corn, . 25al. 35: 3-ib Cupid hulled corn, 90. RAILROAD TIME TAII C Tsxas nd Nsw Orisans R. R. Co.. fast Bound, No. !.acal Arrtvea. ;.';,;', T:00 pm. No, local ,.1eavea a m. No, 10 .Sunset I4mlted Ariires I a. m 1 leaves rt)6 L rs ' No. 4. 6rlol' to) IScho Artivei II; U p. iu. Leaves M:'6 p. in. No. Texaa Eiprena Arrives I'lT p. m., 1cavea 10:05 p. m. No, Ittl From Sour Lk Arrives ai 7:05 p. m. West Bound. ' No. 7 Teias Express to Ban Antonio Arrive Villi a. m., Loavea 7:21 a. m. N 3 The "Oriole" Arrirei S:67 p m., Leaves 4:07 p. ra. Na S Locfl Arrives 7: JS p. u., Lean at 7:33 p. m. No. 9 "8unset Limited" Arrives 9:11 p. ra., Leaves 9:3 p. m. No. 1L To 8our Lake Leave 7:01 a. m. ... North Boui'O. No. 155. To Dallas Leavea 9'W p. nt No. 1C. From Dal la Arrive 8:40 am. South Bound. To Sabine Leaves 9:4f a. tn From Sabine Arrive 5.10 p No. 1S1 No. 1G2 m. No. 153. Local to Ktcaiand Leave 9:30 a. m No. ' Local from Rockland arrive 6:30 p. m. Kanaas City Southern. North Bound. No. 2 for St. Louis, Kansas City, Shreveport, Toxarkana and Fort Smith leaves.. .. ,.7:50 s. m. No. 4 for Kansas City, Jnplln, Fort Smith, Texarkana and Shrevo port leaves 7:50 p. m. South Bound. No. 1 from St. Louis, Kansns City, Fort Smith, Texarkana and Shreveport arrives.. ,.3: id p. m. Leaves for Port Arthur..!): 15 p. m. No. 3 from Kansas City, Jopl!n, Fort Smith, Texarkana and Shreve port arrives 8:41 a. m. Leaves for Port Arthur. 8: 45 am Fort Arthur Service. ' ,;' To Port Arthur. No. 3 floparts 8:40 a. m. '' No. C departs 10.30 a. m. ' No. 7 departs 4:15 p. tn. (Sunday on ly.- No. 45 Local Freight departs 3:00 p m. (except Sunday.- No. I departs 9:15 p. ru. From Port Arthur. No. 2 arrives 7:45 a. m. No. G arrives 12:20 p. m. No. 8 arrives 9:35 a. m. (Sunday on ly) No. 4(5 arrives 10:05 a. m. (except Sunday.) No. 4 arrives 7:46 p. m. Gulf, Colorado A Santa Fe. Kansas City Mall and Express. No. 218 Leaves k 5:00 p. m. No. 217 Arrives.!. 12:25 p. m. Saratoga Express. No. 204. Leaven 7:00 a.m. No. 203. Arrive ......... 7:00 p. m Center Mall and Express. No. 202 Leaves 10:15 a. m. No. 201 Arrives 6:00 d. m Leave Beaumont 9 A. M Arrive Galveston 12.50 P. M. Leave Galveston 3.30 P. M. Arrive Beaumont 7.20 P. M. Beaumont, Sour Lake and Western. West Hound East Hound Head (lown Read up No.l No. 3 ... -No.. 2,. No.. 4 a. m. p. m. STATIONS a. m. p. m. 4:10 Beaumont 9:20 4:13 0 C & S F Hy 9:17 4:1S S & E T Con. 9:12 4:20 T & N O June 9:05 4:20 S & E T Ctn 9:10 NATHAN SELLS IT FOR LESS. Drue ana Chemicals. Quinino, 31a40c per ounce bottl morphine, 2.35a2C0 per ounce: cocain 4.25ero7.: borax 9-10c kt pound in 100-lb packages: coperas 2.0(1 In bar rels: castor oil, 1.20 per gullon i'a fi gallon packages: epsom salts, 2.25 per 100 lbs, in barrels: alcohol, 2.70a3.O0 tier gallon: sulphur, 3.2.) per .'00 lbs, in harrels: a'um .tie per II), in barrels calcium carbide, 4.00 per 100 lbs; salt- ter, lo ti ir larr a Canned Molasses. Georgia ('ane: gallons, 3.10, half gallons, 3.50, quarts 3.75: ('ero de Hatterie, gallons. 3.10, half gal. 3.50 quarts 3.75: Kairomel .Svrun. 10 lbs. 2,00, 5 lb. 2.20. 21b. 1.90. Dried Fruits and Nuta, 10 oa. cleai.ed current, 30 in case, per lb. 81: 12 or. cleaned currents, 4 in case, ier lb. "1:3 Crown Smyrna Im- iMirted tigs, 10-II1 boxe cr pound, 12: 0 Crown Smyrna Imported tigs, 10 lb. boxes, per lb, 15; 2 crown Califor nia figs. 1-lb bricks, 10 lb ImiXcs, per box, I.L: i crown Cahtornia Iil's, 1-lb cartons, 10-11) boxes. ier iii. 1.25: 12 ox pai-Kag'-t seeded raisins, 4. In case, wr .kg. 9; 10 ox packages aecd'-d raisins. 3d in case, per iia'kage, 81; 2 crown tj. L. raisins, 20 lb boxes, per box, 2.00: 3 crown U L. Haiaina, 20-lb boxes, tier Ihx, 2.15; 2 crown L. L. raiaina, i-lb lxixes. tier box. "0; Amer. Ciraiean citron, 10-lb In.xea, tier lb, la: Amer. orange jl, 10 In boxea, tx-r lh. 14; Amer. lemon fe-l, :o lb 1-KiXes, per lb. 14: N;. I t.'alifornia almond. soft abell, inn oontainln- a Unit MO pounde, er lb. lb less qualities per ih: 11. Pecos Sail net lb. G:.10 G::s:i C::i8 0:45 6:40 6:53 (i:5fi 7:07 7:11 7:20 7:115 7:50 4 : :t:t . Sand Pit f8:57 4:i(l McLnln's f8:54 4:47 Keating f8:43 4:51 Mocker s 8:3'i 5-00 West's f 8:. 10 5:15 Hrasier f 8:15 5::!0 T&NO Crsnff 8:00 7:00 G:57 ' C:52 G:45 G:50 6:37 G:.14 0:23 6:19 ' G:10 5:55 5:40 To Eastern and Northern Summer Resorts Tno Louisville & Nashville Roll road affords the Fastest Time and Finest Service from New Orleans and Memphis to ail the noted Sum-' mer Resorts In the Enst and North. Tickets will be on sale after Jup.e 1st at vrry low rates to Nltfgara Falls, Mammoth Cave, Put-In Bay, Uld I'olnt Comfort, Waukesha, St. Fiul and Minneapolis, French Lick, Petoskey, Oconomowoc, Mountain Park, tnd to the Mountain Resorts In Tenncsscb and Kentucky, tickets be ing limited for return until October 31, 1904. The Louisville & Nashville operates Double Dally Trnlna out of New Orleans and Memphis for all resorts mentioned. Trains are wide-' vestibulr-d and carry modern Pullman Qlonmira F.lop't rln.l Airh tnrt nintnirl Cars and Coaches and Free Reclln Ins: Chair Cars. For ratea, the tables and further information, address be low-named representBtlvea of the, Louisville a Nashville R. R P. W. MORROW, T. P. A., Houston. Texas. T. H. KINGSLET, T. P. A, Dallas, Texas J K. R IDG ELY, D. P. A, New Or loom Ia f'.:,t-.'. a )i m Copyright, Rurr Mclutoth Art SluMei. Each New Subscriber Can Get an Art Picture With The First Month's .Mil I 2 ..s 8ubo-l..loii. 1 o yJ TPM affile am nnukk ROUND TRIPS MAT BE PtTlirtficrn "vMniicw I( , I to Su laolt via Colorado and (o Colorado via Si, lavJ. JISKXOUR'AGENTFORTHEM ONE WAYVlAv LTHE DENVER ROAb; ,H ll , 1 II-' OOUBIE DAILY 50UD TRAINS PAUCSPOO &CAICAR3. Tula arrantrcment aoolle tmm Bu ; 4u- c ju.. - " fHa aim liiu aJUUtlf rrvvn ana includes 'Stop-over' privileges, that you may enjoy your reai vacation ana Kest In "COOL COLORADO" J WORLD'S FAIR A. A. CLISSON, Cen-CPass, Ageht. . FT. WORTH, TEXAS. MRS. ALONZO ATKINSON. Graduate of Boston Experienced Teacher (Er.iertonian System). Reader and Impersonator. 659 Cartwright Avow Take Park car. Old 'phone M9. Wood and Coal. Dry risk and p;ne w.d fplit readr t'tr o-e. Prk-e and J'.hnwm, N. h phones 1 05. !' a d'i.r' 1..I- M- , h'-at'h. Iv-iora pwifideti'T r-.m TTKtid Har-r Whitk'-j-. Fj14 by J. I. Oos etl "W. IvI. Crook: Corporation and Commercial Law. Roema 1-17. Bianchette EHate Bldf. Associated R. C. Harria, I. W. Lawhoti BcaamoDt, Tetat. mom.! You can't afford to miss the great World's Fair s The greatest show ever held, an education within itself, equal to a journey 'round the world. Why not go now thia month Rates are very low, accomodations are easily had at reasonable prices. If you are in doubt about the cost of a visit you can purchase a complete round trip including railroad ticket, , hotel accomodations with meals, admissions to the Fair and all necessary expense for any number of days at a certain fixed price, with arrangements all made in advance. Write us. about this at once to-day. The Cotton Belt ,'. ,. Route operates Through Daily Trains to St. Louis carrying lcrrr, clininp rar, chair' ran, cnsrlira-' Write lor illii.tratcd WorKI'i Fair folder containing map of grounds, train aclicdulcs, etc. . . 1 E. W. LaBEAUME, C.P.T.A. St. I.ouii, Mo. 'or call oil Cotton licit Route Ticket Agent' 'Pabm la A 4t - fcs - v We are "IT" for McGregor's Golf Goods Spaulding's Sporting Goods, Wricht and Ditson's Tennis Coods, also Ham mocks and Cro tiet Sets. Dr. A. C. Stafford. Dentist Is preperel 61 tj vins f dental work. Prlee rea'inslle. Eiamlna tlna trtm f . m w m 1 t rr-t I t. be rnn-f-4 Romns 14 and 1. I oer Treach Market New vh'c Mall orders promptly eiecuted Write for prlrea. imwrs book mil ti, 1 LANDRY JIR0U MEAT MARKET. Home Killed Meats Only. Treadway Bld'fl. 'Phone E59. ' 1 '.4 i How are Your Eyes Tfm te It tn four ;f ft f n4 otrt at eiee iir v e r--' M -f TIIK l:y K ir.Vi KI.HT '!. Saratoga B Batson Transfer AND LIVERY STABLE. PHILIP H. GARRIGAN, Propr. Il"avy baul nt; ami general traniif and livery buKiness. TIkidc Na i; Kara toe a, T(ia. A.Broussard's LIVERY, In Old Beaumont Iron WerVa Stand, corner Bowl and Orleans. BOTH 'FH0KES 63 ' MONET f LOANED () I f) witmi. jtirtt- V',N T. I Itif lit. U trtLi Pearl St.