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THE BEAUMONT ENTERPWlSg. FRIDAY, AUGUST ?, 10. II If " . Combination Salesman and BooK-Keopcr WANTED Must have experience and first-class reference, ry Salary but a smi berth for a WORKER. APPLY AT ONCE. No fan- nr 0 The Trail of the Knights Templar ACROSS THE CONTINENT. The Grand Master's Special Train passes Reaumont Auij 28th at 3 a. m., en route to San Francisco. This Palatial train will be composed of the following cquipmcntrBaiipiaee Car. Composite Car, Compartment Car, Pullman Sleepers, Observation Car and Dining Car. Secure Reservation in this Train soon as possible, Remember, no smoKe, no dust, no cinders alonjj the route. Call For Attractive Illustrated Itineiary. A. R. ATKINSON, D. P. A. J. K. TOOKE, C. P. and T. A. t e HECHES IRON WORKS! (INCORPORATED.) COUNISROF BOVVII! AND HAKIMS aU:U.i. Heavy Casting, Farginj: and Structural Work, Saw Hill Work a Specialty. Well Machinery Kuilt and Ht paired. liOIH 'PHONES JJ07. iana. Brick & Tile Co., Ltd. Correct Clothes for Men Cwr-titilMI. A. S tOa. HARACTER Is the measure of the man M also of the man's ap parel when it bears this label jlfredBenjaminc MAKERS ifc NFWVORK " Character ! " is the watchword of all their workers. The high est exposition of the tailoring art is represented in the produc tions of these clever craftsmen. Equal to fine cuitom-midc In all but price. The maktri guirintcc, and ourt, with every garment. Wt ir Extluilve Distributors In this city. ROOS BROS.. Petri St. Landing a Big Fish. mil n iin'lly Klrl Mv ia hip lilu mill liliie. I walk an IT I inn iifraiil I 'ml I will lin'iiH In two; Vv viilro U HUi't'l linil low. I It. I'll III V I'VI'M llllllll tti KI'Olin6. Ami when I clear my llirunt 1 uct As II It hull mi! hu. (iiii'O I wnlkcil mi n nillrnnd brides Ami miule h cvn that l Wiih Hiait-'l In ho iibuvu the crock Hu wry. oiy I.IkIi. 1 limit I III' ctlll'Ht ilillf R'eps, I HhiiihliTi") at tile Hlri'ain. Ami cli.niin'il my lirau hy i;nsilnf out , irhannliiK lit t It Hcrciiln. Whene'er I hcp a horrid rnw. I uiinii anil llulit for tiri-atli Anil cwldlo iiii In ( hurley una 11 I li k 'H hl:n In Ui-nlll. Tin' lliiiui:lil nf how I need Ills strength lll'IIIKH H II1H Hire II HIIIIIO, And I'll Jolly him iiIuiik lid lunil him uicrr a wiiiip. Indianapolis Hun. NaKers of Common RICK "Universal Peace." The czar's attempt at tho establish. mcnt of universal peace la not tha Hist of the kind that lias been made by u Kuropean monarch. The French King Henry IV. of Navarro proponed nomtthlnt; Klr.iilar In the sixteenth century. Ills Idea was to form the European nations Into a confederation of id ut es, and each state to be even ly balanced In military and naval power. The confederation was to be a supreme court of arbitration to lie' elde all disputes that might arise, There was one flaw in this peace pro posal the Turk was to be excluded, iirul the states were to wage a war cf xlermlnation against him. Tiio project was discussed ana dropped HE WAS AFTER MORE. The Best BricK in the World Address: LOEB, TEXAS FUEL OIL, Higgins Oil & Fuel Co. Beaumont Texas. t'r .i u rr nii.l 5hipperjMl Ckimn PHTKOLRUH from Sinr l ake iuI Heaiimont. 5 torn p;e lanky Beaumont, Morgan City and Sour Lake. Ur-xri'llcil tncililm fur making prompt sliipmo it, y rail or wu'jt. W( iso Bolidt towing on tlio Gulf for now tugs '( IillxM't" am1 "lliggins " Oorrospondonra solicited- irrrs.rajinramsaii i Lubricating OILS I)itcct from It?firery to CotiMim: r! No Jobber; profit! Write for Trices Today! GULF REFINING COMPANY so: iitNtt Bint. NEW ORLEANS. LA. ill j 1 i? ii jl ft '8HS Overworked Man Carried Out Bluff to the Last. Two brothers, both active, young business men of this city, went lately to visit an uncle, a short, stout, light- hearted man of (10, who owns a farm up state. They found him loading hay into a cart. Wishing to Improsa his nephews with his ngility, he de- clared he could stack hay as fast as the, could pitch It. The nephews accented the chiillanco, threw off their coats and when ho had mounted the ruck, fork In hand, work com inenced. The hoys lifted large forkfuls rap Idly and nil went well while the body of the rnek was being filled, but when the load began to nettle above and be yond the stakes and It became neces sary to place each forkful In the prop er place foe binding the mass below tilings becMvo a little mixed up on top of the load. Still their uncle yelled out at the top of his voice: "More hay! More hoy! Prat It, bios, you don't keep me half busy!" Tin- li'iys tos:cd the hay up faster, and the old man's pulling as he strus ul.'.l to keep Ms head above the flood .'nil,! be plainly heard. At length. wliiV with his struggling and his cl.iining ii" 1 Ms being blinded under the tlii. l. coming mass, mid the clum sy, ill I isl loiied manner in which he 1 ; lie.! the b" half ': forkful. e t 'i i f tlie mad slid off upon the I i it .: a, 1. 1 the old man Willi It. I' i' i. I'm le Sam. what are yon (, i" asked one of the iic;: . v. j "I una ier for." gasped the old i ,n:. stiu . li.ig up from th choking '.Il.i liiig pi! . "why. eiinsnrn yer lay. i .;.... f. r notaini: pletuie. I've come ! ion afui inert lay!" New -York i !Y... Teach LarWt to Cmg. Yorl.sVie !.. at 1 In. lib Id a M l iivm'i iat on. wlncli pro , ir . I he Miit'tiB t larl. 'ptive ! 'l .1 i ' 'iMl Sit Ul 1(1 I - mop are It itr. !t.t,. :he l I l.i i-'. l. up ' ' I . I V. .. - 1 .. .'1 I . . .., 1 ..-. i l.v I'l'int tal. n in , ,!. In r, Mi, y re . :.i ..f fii-'- lui Is i iiii i" ! ions lor . , -i (i. lii a! ano-'S . ...rct-.i: t"r t n i v lie. ! a .it. .ik. In . T !u ri. . '. sii i Vt- c- r : !.i . r In I ' . Ii: t.. .hi i ;. ri-i' s PLAYS ANO PLAYERS. Otto Sktnner la Chliif la the Molt Wood, Mlt Julia Mailowa U rwtlnir at her UiuBier lilac. llluhmouuL Ut U Cat.kllU. Itora Olaen of the Woodland" corn pa uy la aa eiwrt yaehtuwoumu, tha alia knockabout alatukt every fte uouu lu lUmton liurbur. Hie Wliard of Oi" will make tn x tended tuur of thlH country nvxt nu ou. Kverjr dty of luiHirtance ou the l'aclllc count will alittt be vUltcd. Grace Kins of In "Woodlaixl" com pany lit a dautfhti-r of Allan KIhk of Jackitonvllle, Ma., who vim one of the luoat faiuoua niusiclaua of the nouth. hed Ixiuiioi ban retired from the cast of 'The lluld and the Muiumy"i and liui becu nuectHtded In the rulu of the bankrupt curio dealer by Ulehurd Carroll. niutuhe MorrlHon of the "IloHtou tana" baa made one of ber ercnt sue- ct-saea thla aeuaou wherever alio haa played Maid Marian In "Itobln Hood." She took up the part of lolore la niit Bcreiiudi!" at lesn than tweuty four boura notice. Mlaa MurcUi Vun Drettser la In Nia Diouutalua of tho Tyrol, but keeping up her vocal atudlo even In that re mote region. Though aho will uot Hint In public for two years, ahe la a nal- arled member of Ueliirlch Coiiiied; Metropolitan Opera House forces. HORSES AND HORSEMEN. Knap McCarthy worked old Tnlia Leaf. 2:10,4. lu 2:UVi at the Indlaunpo 11a track recently. William Almln of Siirlnglleld, O.. baa Huzelwood Hal, 2:15, by Hal Dlllard. 2:04);, und alx others lu his atable. l' E. Schooley of l'ort Dover. Out., will race the pacer J. 11. t, 2:1SV4. ud aeveral green pnmpecU this summer. UeorRO Md'herson of Moutreal la racing the Chamber of Commerce can didate, Angus l'oluter, ou the Canudlau circuit W. P. Harrison la at tho Indlnuopotla track with Vyzole, 2:H'i. by Vyznut, and aeveral head of grevu horses by Courad, a sou of Electioneer. II. M. Heaves of Athens. Ga., will race Gold Call, 2:1114. iud n four-year- old green trotter by Grattuu ou the great western circuit this summer. E. D. Hcdford of Brooklyn recently purchased from Hugh Milam of Head- ville, Mass., u yearling colt by Directum Miller, 2:0S,si. dam Staretta. by Sweep aiaKes. i . 0,,,.,,i.. i.- ,i.,. Dr. Strong. SflO'i. stepped the last , " half of a work out mile over the Tole do liulf mile track In 1:05', j. His tirst start will be in the 2:00 trot at the Co lumbus early meeting. IP I Iffliil HOURS The DOCTOR is extremely wise, His health means much to him ; Good beer's the only kind he buys It gives him strength and vim. You may be very, very sure That he selects a brew that's pure IT'S MtOLEIH Good Beer, thoroughly aged, contains a great many health-giving qualities. Poor beer, improperly aged, means biliousness, headaches and indigestion. You owe it to your health to buy the best. Ask for the world-famous brews of THE CHRISTIAN MOERLEIN BREWING CO. CINCINNATI, OHIO Trade Supplied by J. T. GULLAHORN, Beaumont, Texas Natural rno. In Tuba, In the rural districts, tin natives sometimes catch the great "light nlng buss" "Cucujof-" they cal! tin. in and place several et tin m !n side a paper lantern to sec by when Cing about ut niht. Napoleonic Relics. In tho library of Ilinehclero eastla. Lord Camnnon's residence in Hamp shire, England, are the table and chairs which Napoleon used when hi ENGLISH ETCHINGS. Tho cost cf the English navy amounts to $22 a your for every family lu Great Bil.uln. A bbnbblly dressed man wearing a pnlr of uruiy trousers wus arrested and fined in S'tmtfiml, England, ror "Wing ing dljcivait on his mujesty's uniform." In future,' ull vans lu London must have a window on each side of the driver, so that ho can see whut Is be side bim as well us what Is in front of him. Only one person in Ave uses the tun nel built in London for crossing the street near tho Bank of England. The others prefer to take their chances among the horses und vehicles. A new defense wus sprung lately lu an English criminal trial. It was pleud cd ou behalf of tlie defendant that he had once received an electrical shock of 2,000 volts und that it had impaired bis u-.lud. Widening London bridge from fifty- three feet live inches to sixty-live feet has cost $3,500 a running Inch. But Its roadway, thirty-five feet wide, and Its footwulks of fifteen feet width ou ei ther side ure worth $."i00,(00 mure In Increased facility for its enormous trullic MODES OF THE MOMENT. Waste Sugar Cane. It Is suggested that tho waste susar cane in Hawaii more thnn Z.Oimi.imic tens a year which In now consumed ss fuel, could be more profitably icioii for the manufacture of paper. Far Behind the Times. A doctor writes in the London Lr.n tot thut as regards sanitation and veil tilation the English churches retain the customs of the middle agos. Rats Sink Battleship. Owing to the ravages of rats, the old French battleship Mars, ui!ed as a barracks, suddenly sauk in Toulon harbor. French Capital's Immense Debt. Paris has tho biggest debt of any elty In tho world. It amounts to $400,ii(JO,O0O. MEMBERS OF MEDICAL PROFESSION AND OTHERS asked to remember t.liat tho consensu s of the Best Medical Authorities (based on invesl igal ion and results) imanjiuomdy favors tlie unrivaled advantages ' : j ? ' , Cool. Colorado Offers as a resort for individuals or those In need of Physical Upbuilding bo can e of Over-wnrlf, Sedentary Habits or Oilier Causes; this having par ticular rel'ereiici) to Ihoso rex ding in the Lower Altitudes or Malarial dis tricts. This Land of High Elevation Invigorating Atmosphere rnil Magnificent Scenic, f! rand en r, presenting iiiieiliia.ed Opportunities fur Out-Don r Life and affording all the ComfonJ of Civilization nt Minimum Expense s, is but one day's journey from Tex as via "THE DENVER ROAD" which is the Only Lino offering Solid Through Trains from the Southwest. "Tho Denver" saves you ;5'.'n miles per round-trip ami many houra time, and provides Double-Daily Through 'i'r:iiii;i with I'alaco Drawing Kooui Kleepers and Magiiillcently Appointed Cafe (i". serving all ineais m city price-. Hemeinbe' live weeks; session, llouliler, began July 1th. "THE COLORADO CHAUTAUQUA," Asl: ynur TJotne Ticket A.eiit or write us now "Tri-Anglo Tickets" to Colorado via HI, for informal ion relative Louis the "One Way Via the Denver Road' Davis, T.P.A. . R. W. Linens In checked put terns are the latest weave. 8ea green Is one of the prettiest of the season's colors in lawns. Vessiilliie, taffeta nioiisseline and louislne ore the silks generally em ployed for the frilly gowns of the day. White, green mid yellow, the last shading to orange, are the colors that take precedence for trimming purposes. A pleasing effect of color Is Intro duced by using a slip of organdie lu floml pattern under gowns of white net Fichus of embroidered lawn or soft Australian Kangaroo Farming. Kankaroo farming Is to become an established Institution in Auslr:il!n. For tho Telephone. In the hoiixe of a woman physlclnn was observed a very Intelligent uanitary device, says the Philadelphia Press. The mouthpiece of the tele phone was lilted with a cover, some thing like the felt piece with which a photographer shields his lens. This cover was always kept on the mouth piece when the telephone was not In use, the object being to keep out dust, which in a doctor's office might be Infected with an unusual allowance of germs. The example is worth fol lowing in any house. Trlcke of Russian Traders. To ferret out the thousand auJ one irtiiil tricks of Russian trader is co Misy task for the government It has j 1'itely been found necessary to give ,:ibt ructions to all the railway oS ciais to rub out any chalk marks they might notice on tho carriages. This mcaMire was rendered necessary by N. S. Tipton, C. T.A. A. Fort Wo th. Texas. Glisson, G. P. A. iVOHLlS FAIR HUUIt ST. LOUIS THROUGH SLUKPERS ianta Fe and rorr.plete Service Splendid c Trains' Harvey Dining Halls. Stop-over at Eurem Sprinys. W. A. TULEY, Gen rrai Ha'.iunur Agt.. Fort Worth, Tex. inuidin ore frequently seen on tun' the fact that In numerous cas Ris budhve In nrefercuce to the more stiff! slnn merchants carried on their lust druperiee of silk. lihiusos of tusi-an and fish net In white and ecru tdindcs ure exceedingly popular. They are worn over self color r contrasting llulngs. Hrooklyn Llagle. nes correspondence by tr.eaL" short hieroglyphic Inscriptions cc cairlac of railway trains. RAILWAY RUMBLES. Strike the Happy Medium. The ureat : rouble wlta tnt cf is v is that we do not live senpUiy. V either tike life ton sortoiutv plunge into cur work with ss r..-7 i a that n tdls on its erther 3K-sy r pnyidcallv. or e l-'lttr aov. r " Indolently, faking life iS. " N. " there I a tlrre fur ork aa.1 a t.e I t us, then, te:t- -ii.ii !' t t;.i-n C. T. Hrii 9. T. V. Seiker. HEI5.IG 41 SMELKCR. GENERAL INSL'NCE ANP St,ETV BONDS. n, .-!.- i l - fw-auu A In. 'sges paid street car men In the t'nlii-t 8tntee annunlly amount to niore than Sss.OOXU'"". The tusttmum load on the Trnl-bert-in rnllrond I only U0 tons. la America 2,000 tons cviuprlse the aver for ror ivat leu. a-r li-ad. full all of the time nor pity i-it- Japnn has only bslf as nisny miles ij- it Is the wli-e man or .-rr. v-0 tt mllruaJ as New York atate. el- Mril( tie ta'anre of U liSf though It U Uiree tlmm aa large and me.l;nm it; llvitf ; Las f ttmo its population. 1 I Tie tVllmlncton and Wrldnn rail- pcr . rood, tviw a part of tlie Atbuitk Coast lf ,(,i Iit nyfum, iwnm or an otiumusi ji r, torr. It la K-vtity-one -rears old and 2 ),u I n tM-ver kliied a per;er. It Is 1'3 V';i !! a'' n- 1 1 n.:i.- m and at ttie time of Its ro- t"ir-'--r Th. ti - TDt't miTDC nrrnnnrvttirnT 'y-ft ,' mwL, L.vt)t,rij w 1 uuuubiEjiuiii 'jfr'r&'r'' are seniible peojile. That wise maxim. r . . -e- , - w: at m r t . fwk t a siiicn in isme saves nine , is very ap- '"y.'yj propriate uhen applied to the eyes, f ' PR0r?7NF.cS it important, bat SKILL v Y7 FULL ISL . IMEVT is essential. No Ch F'kr Kftminticn. Consult ARTHUR L. FINS, Lpert Fye Specialist at the BecK Jewelry Company () (1 (1 1 : - - i 1 Sale at ' ! -f m v.. ,i.-i.t!. Tf IK I First National Binkof Beaumont 1 y ru waa the louct rsllruad tte ot Id. la nii It It!. " 7 r.' 1, ... TAOon .... "O "C S'ta-o .-'1. r-.ond Asst. Cashier. .. t.i'bert. D -rctcr. ' P. Ifvjr, D'ttor. C. V ti. DircttoT. 0 CM r i-ti t '.ii a nan mi?, lit tat J II!' I'l J' I: Mil l.nil.1-. MATH AN SELLS IT fCt LEIV i