Newspaper Page Text
THE BEAUMONT ENTERPRISE 6UNDAV, SEPTEMBER A, 1904. SOME ODD WEDDINGS Iriir Pkitvnif- iiiu'iitm. us il wa , IIuiiikIii i lii- yoiiiii; iiiiin was i'inK. Ilili li 1 MIIK III ii k l, mo lo 'ml for t'i ';iiiiii'liir. 1'imn her irnul llicy boill lol.l iiu llicy loveil each Hud hIiIiiiiii-U lin y lia, il ill. il .lull ..u.i... ! 111. .IP r.' i. ill kli I II ki.i a iusmbmi in u muu.ioii ur- ... ,.ii:,, lu.w.r iml,,. ,. ,,. ,,,, my. "A wt'f furi-d Mule lihl wlm iiii, U hour were muni,, ii-, Iut Married h Convict. "One Fun Iny I ua iireaeliiiis In n CiiiiiiiIish tire i ho romances that li ail lo nuirriaue, liiit If ooiiruliii love- law lahi-ii 1'roiean form luuriluu. Comedy, iniKi'ily, uud pa- llmx, till lluil U iinliiii', much iHluaued lo tho iiriny mine wiili uu lo llie, l iiuiKl- Iut lit wife, in order l Will In iciiiiiioiiiiIucc. mo lo be 1'iuy llio fliiiitl omuil. Annum llm "nl Ml" mifci mm ni 1114 uoiuoh ....i m -.1 .... (llA A.luU In III.. niiii-riiiiii ni.'f.ini:. ,1 l.v ill.. """ ' II vuillia I.UI1 ill 0 until .....-.. , .. . ... . . .. "- '' imld vii v rloHo uMcnHiiii iii ill llio H.nli-0 of llio duirih. Hero ttmu , llU, , , llf,ir .ire hi. nit- rler-fruit-u'it iiurni;hot of iln m-rviro wiu over and -ocmi'il ilior- llio oilili'st llllinliiKt'H III wlllcll cull "milly it-llilllK'il of llio life u lii' l liccil li'llillIlK IIIHl :i,-i.lll V of lllH piiKillnii h a convict. 1 lit crime mum n-miil. Willi inti'iii to Kill, and lie rvcr olllciulcil. Thin a iiiIiiIkIit nuiHj Up on IiIh Kiiui'd Jk( c lit sumo uk hi Iut iiiorluU Is llio Ion on convoyed ly I lie eicr ii lire of one ioiulur clel'K.vmiiU wlioiio chilli II i.s crowded v illi rcircHciiialive lillhllli':;,! nu ll. .Moreover, in a InisiiieHM i)j ii it liinine f. I'm' IliU leiihini lie I.s iiiioo,I lo lie a lit t lu liieie hhrewil r 1 1 ) it Hie liveriiyc lli:ill if Hie cloili. 'I'll Ih In I ln hi oi y of il lllliillle we'lilini; in wlllcli lie ottlclllteil : "One cvenlnu I lie housemaid en lered my Hlinly," walil tlie cleruyiiiuii, "Sin. wore n liroud ni'lu uud carrlcil a ra nl li lier liuiid. "The KeulleliKin nays llicy are very li il ii his lo Hee you." Hill. I the clrl. "Whom !i' you menu I v 'ihev'.'" I iisKeil, i hi her tOiuriily. 'you know I llrler receive cullers on Sal unlay." "H'm it Keiitleiiiiiii and ii lady, nlr. ami Ihev lay liny have lo catch a I r.iin, sir.' "I m'iii the servant out. tolllim her In loll 'ho persona I could not hoc llieiu. 1'renciilly she relurned. tryliiK to i;ti ijii'i:;s another prill. She handed in" :i i a nl. on which wok written in ii iiue ciiiie t nil'' : "I liar S'r We wnnl lo lie married and are here only lor the evening fn. in out of town, Tlea-e, please mar ry us." "Well, I did not wish to he ill tiirlie 1 Ini. wlicn u man wautH to he nr.iri'leil rial I'tni ihe hest thlim to do is lo marry him and gel tlimimli with it as IHlielily lis iiosslhli1. So I put iikI'Ip the miiniiscripl of my sermon for the I'o.lowiiiK day. and told the (,'lrl loj n.-iiT the pair Intif Hie sludv. "Tile man was a lariie. line looUinHj i liau. n-illi a w'll-ioilo air. and of the inei ive city hred typ". Kroin th man ner in wlrili !e sialeil Hie I'ael.s relit- J live to the ceremony I fell lie was ii'li'n:- (he trelh. After 111 - ceremony, liad heeit 'lerfornied lie-cnllei me iiiiiile and said in an omharrassed :iv ' of the ninrilaue, il would crra'e of talk and place l lie weiiian In u false liuhl. 'Ill insisted, however, uud r.Khl ilu re In . hlx npartnicnlK, I ni.urieil them, lio i n revered, partly in least. n:id llv "I advised against l Mini: tin m lii'Hi that a tremeiidoiiR anuneil pleaded Knii:y. As I t-h Mi'i; hands ! f'r kcvciuI years. Tlu-v ip' til their with hill I Clare hnvliiu' he polte ill. ". win I to hpeiik to you a iiiemeut,' he aid. "I niie:i him in lell ni wlnt he I ad lo kiiv In as few wo'iIh iih pii.-si'u'e. mi I he told uie the slory of his Irou'i'e hlH'lly. "'I ain't say In' I didn't do It,' hr il. '1 was ili'imk as ii foul, and It's a wonder I didn't Irll h'm even " up wn H:ci in v clip. "Our little slslir see. ned much Inter ciil'd In li I in an-' a;d;ed him nuinv iiiieslloua. Ills face I'chted u a he iinswerii. mid I felt t''en and lliere that that pa'r ha.) tiiken a deep Inter est In one mini her. He wont tu pt'lH on, hut she wrolo to him and nine e twice Went in see lliin. "e Hervc.' llhl term, which wiih liulitened hv t;ood Ip liavlor. and when lie came back in ilii city lie soiiuht me and asked me to Hid him in Kcttini: work, lint It wan I he little HHter who uot ll'in 111', first .loh, I lutt of jii'iltur in an o(lie hril.l iliK. Wiililn two yearn ho had save! ciiiiauli to i tart a (jrocory. Hut he nl wav'H found lime lo come lo the meet liir.H of the Salvation Am . One lilpht. he and the Utile sister ninie up lo mo aft or the service and asked mo to niarrv them. I did xo. nnil wh'le II was a simph; ceremony, I want to till you It was the end of one of the mettiest romanccH In the history of our oriranVr.'loii. That little ho'iso hold is now cue of 111',' happiest In the lown." Dc.v.h Bed Woddlnn. ""One ma'riase I performed IniiKht me more clearly than an'thin;,' I u'.ei knew what il means to a woman to hear I he mi mo of Uie mnn idle loves," sa'il a nriest. "Anions the parish iiaii'is was a puir 1 wai i;nallv i'-t-iaclteil lo. Tlie yoiuift man was a hu'id.some. dashiuK l"''. and when ti... ...I'l. .... I .'..u ...'in. in. n'fint " Dorlor I came over here lust for, t j l i i Ti i t : i to serve in Ilia army .1 I I . i , H l',l M I , .1 II' I . .11 l.T . '1 , Ml 1 11 III "- j enonuh for the usual necesmirv ex-, I want to show you that I1 aiil'reciale vonr kinunes : iu perform- :in,l I shall have lo a chock for mo, if In;; this marriage ask von lo cash you will.' "This was rather a st ratine pro.-e-'- il re. hill the man shov.-c:! me s:'ver;di )l I irs. or. ralhcr. envelopes, ad-' tlrei'i-ed to the name he Kave. Theyt liire ns return curd llm names ot men well known to ntc in hu;ines. i l"Hipi"'"il I" have the money he asked for. The chock was drawn for $l"0. "'Just lei uie have $1'H on that, Poetor.' said the mnn. 'I Intend that vou shall have $:,0 as your fee, if that iK satisfactory.' ' I replied thai $")0 was perfectly vlisl'acinry, and the pair left with my Sinn. half hour cosl mo just thai sum. for i he check came hack marked 'S. CI.' " there. His Kweetluart nir.nicd him before he foil desperately id and was post pencil until his i her, I fancy, had anv that niiiiht mean. Hlu was lo ifv left, hut she the wedd'iiK rot urn. Ne! Idea of what Krpw wor o Lucky Thirteen. 1 "I mire ofliclateii at a hoodoo mar riage," said ii niini' ter in cliai'KO of a down town congregation, "flue ovo ltMi;; 1 was stimmnncd into' the recep tion room of my home and I was con-It-jiilecl by a man who had the des-ii-n.ition nf 'sporty' wrillen till over hi, n from th" top of liis In the tins of his patent. "JitIi- s'vi'.s. With him lHillaaioii'led blond per vim. lev ille lv:,(' between the fin timdied his hal shinMic; bat leathers and was a much am of the Twirlinir h's cane or- of one hand, he on i he back of les in hi- iiead and tipiiin.t; forward on nts iocs lie befrnn: "Doc. we want to et married. "I did not rel'sh bis familiarity, and cold, icy tones asked mm n s:''efed me. Wiiliont lh- sliixhtist no cave me ii rcsoundim; slan on the i liiinlili r thai almost up ( ;ne. 'Aw come on. Doc,' be bawled. ! -piTuilv. 'belli a feller out. Thisuct-t'"- linrriet ji mi" a ''end easy snap. in t Mill lis li up ciuicu mi , - i- . , n,'.i .iu v hen vou ininiii a feller icriioles: 1 nun. I'll' III ') Mil Ml and her malady developed Into ron-i-air.ijiliin. The disease became rapid and wasting. Titin; after time he' family and physician thoiifilit tu0 could not survive another da v. " 'I shall not die before he come back,' she insisted. 'I could not die unless I were .bis wife.' 'That almost frenzied decMon was the onlv spark nf vitality left In her frail body. I tried to sot Iter ( think of the hereafter, but ah would put me aside vv'.ih the cry to have him come home, lie did come, hut aftei a year and a half. She hosst'd mo lr. marry them. "T can no4 die until wo are married.' she pleaded. "His name mils', he on my tombstone. Please do it. I have wailed so lint?. "Her lover was only too willing and he overcame my objections. 1 married them. She was lyini? in bed wiih the iial'or of death already on Iut emaciated face. As I pronounced I hem niiin and wife she sank bind' with a ra'nt. ftap of joy. She. whis pered: "'Thank do'd I have lived to sec this day and bear myself called his wife.' "This was the end. and when I saw ti,f. v'oio'efful smile on her thin, wasted face, 1 could hardly regret iv hat I had done." The Deceased Father's Wife. "In order to tell vou the story of what I consider the ipieerest ninrrl.-is-t:-ceremony a! which I ever officiated. I shall have to jto hack and give you the preliminary ro'mance," said r prie-t. "Several years aso there lived on Fifth n vanue a wealthy family con sisting of a man. his wife and two sons. Amonir the servants was an un usually pretty Irish nirl who was It" housemaid. The wife died, and while Hie two sons were away nt coi tus U'ik " , ! il... I......I i.f the hnnsello il mar- cniircn, :- f-- " " " . . 'lied Hie I.Tetly ll'isn mam. "Mihcai-'-i ihr-'e vi'iiv liad elapse .., .- .lnti'i he'eier lo no ..,.i mi new i anv syiiimoui- 'si',.;,.,.,",. Hi'-at-s. I'd n dern Kiltht .,... i-e married in U'e conn mm . II. iu lu 11 r, r ,,m. n ason. mi hi ii notion in my head llm' l ,1 to be married on lh; i::t' day . n,."i,h 1'ci-iese D! Is mv lucky in.i.iber. " e ve I" ' Wi i; i"'. "' m.i. ..r .veli tnoi.tb. honin' lo rri niar- . ,i .... Kriitav the l::th day ... . !,' i, u-.i'iM cone on. W i':-.v i- I'll lav. the 1 wr. wonlil try to va , thi' ontv i-rpi t. I tiai r ieiv D.e : v an'4 if ib of any 11. to-. ih so we tlioimm , ult veu becioiso V'l'i i preacher on Thirteen! 11 s i.-.w it was. n s ii,' ( v n tw a'! nclii. j ' -w;,o co il'' r-sl v' r,'i ;- ...,,.T,.r ' I .-' ! ... . . i. t nin-l.. : n t Ti -tTi ma "' . "' : 1. a wo' l'l c..nv!ic.-.a-,fl -v n -.1 ili.-m. Af'- r the I I'" '::"'-'i'ea ''Mi oni i i ' iir I l4'' 4 ,1 I ....... ..... i ' i ii".-s :: '' . ...... ..... ... i...t i ' " - in. n v i n slime t' e di ath of Hie f -rttier wife the fnHi'T found t'-a4 th" sons wee viy hitler toward him not only for Retting mar-led but f".' uial r; iiic a si l van1 They ri'-fured tn livo under lb- nar"n tal roor. ami Hie'r father took his yoeiift wife an I wi nt to Rurope. Tbr iiair spent Iiv" vars abroad and th husbaail i'l voted a irrent deal of pa'n. li.v.-prd ilii.-atiiin- the toun-r won-an. She Iir' a'l lb1 li b an: p::"" of tb -. ' os' tencbers an ! trave'.nnrl as h- was an l t pupil le- actinired not only s"r fare ai l omiib-bin, nt s. but a fa i : all'4""!? "f cr''ii e'l lurnt a tha fi- ,:i si: ;:t r:-t it i ii i , i it - i ' Mich a birj. S.i 1 ii:i''! f , r"i"' nv Hi p. . !, I'.'l "r S , v I M It 'The ri I i. 4 1 tn 1 v. 44 ' y'H i". ii: ! v. a - I f.. i.i y rrra Win ' -n in,4h . b Mi ' r- .t'.-l : v cur- tp' i" .a'c i b ar y 1 his'aiid d'el h"V"-' - iii-.ivi: I'-n-s for bis wife Ikt r lis'i n'4' fr;" '''ini in -.-, . ..fa Letieiou.-: p:irlin When fiinw. br."' it rv lo -' I ' ;'' 'iln h" tin i, , -,l v. iih t'" cr-tlS p'-a'p. Ktl" b in He- i ..I ;fnl 'ii ' lime traveling and trying evt rv avail able ne 'uns for the hiiKbaml lo retiabi Jih healili and Hlrcn.L'ili Tlu'v wi very happy ti yetlier. I'liially he die l. leavlmt her for il-e vocoiid lime a willow4 Willi the same inline. Hie onlv i use of Ms k'rd ihat ever cwmo under mv olmervatlon Uider ulsc Pretnnc, "Oil. these people that want In pet married!" exclaimed u cleirvinan. 'One n li ci in niii I was enbed lino my 1 1 cciii leu roiiiii aiid there I saw a ."ouple who nib-slim was plain, but hopeless. They looked the part of yoiiiiir perstms who are iduhlni; for wediled liiisK. but Ihev were youns -iidly yoiiiiK. They itiiled their ai'er. He was she ciiid tshe was 1.1. I llsml seil them wl'h a !"ctiii "One ninht several nioiiihs no at i lie end of Hie evctilii4,' srvlee a yoiiun couple came up in me and r.sked me :o innrry tin in. The brldc'.Toom elect '.ore a niusiacbe of suspiciously v lit irons p'owth but thai thoimhl did not come '- me with sulllcleiii force ill aflerwaril. The lady in the case was youthful, but her I. air was dime up in the bitesi style unit he nown trailed on the Hour. I (pie -tinned 'hem inliiutely. I even asked: "'llnve you not been bil'e before?' Ibit the lieitalive was tslnut ami reus .surins. "Alter the cercinonv (lie newlv made wife (iirned (o m-. and chirped: "Now, Doclor, see what a Ion;; skirl loea. Yon' woii'd not innrry ns three rnonllis a.!to lieeause I had on a short kiW ' "f was asloiindcd, mil It made me -so ! 1 1 --! I cnithl reply. There win anotlmr lec4ure !' ed of I"" 'oiiKue, but the bridegroom cut it v. .. H. ,:,., she!. "'And see what a mustache does, loclor, he said Willi a bra.en chuckle, '.lid it doesn't c':st much, eh her.' ''ti , i ;,at be .'Hilled nfi' th" ill";!" nl blond mustache you ever saw. He !: have l; ii"ht it at a pawnshop. Mo was (be in me youth of 1! nvrao' I don't know what I would have sai.t nt. they I'lineil my iinni I'diint o'" ursl by rxcniiinjt as iiooii as they oiiuld rcacb t!:e ''oar." Their First Falsehood. "It is said there should be implicit onfideiice between married folk,' (aid a Methodist clergyman. "I am a eliever in this little iiijuncl ion, but 1 am also cerlain that 1 once married i pimple who tried to deceive not only mo another, luif even t be'iisidvrs. nl he altar. I knew them both. He was bachelor of 70; she was a spinster if about tin. Hut. you would not have houftht. so when llicy enmo lo pet me n marry them. She was nltired like shop jrrl out for li"'- first, hall. -and ' is raiment bespoke 'ho youthful dm' f 22 or H:s snow-while mn--. iche bad Iven dyed black and waxed ntil the ends looked like kill! tin4.' 'ced.lees. "1 asked them their nrtes. "Thirty-five,' be said ftrnvely. "Thirl y.' she sliiinereil. "Now. each was aware of deceivini4 he other, but T want. o tell you both looked positively happy and unlrouh 'cd over the conscienceless falsehoods viih which (hey hal bettiin their mar -led life." VILL YOU TAKE OFF YOUR HAT? t.ovelv Woman's Detention of Her Hair Ought to Teach Ba'd Heads a Lesson, "riini the Thieauo Chroiiicle. Ihlldness lias lately been given as ne of Hie s'tfiis of ,le;;ciieriil ion. Tlie '.let that women are not apt to become aid as men are puts an end to any such BiippiTsilion, for no one would idniil that men are more ileKenerale han women. In many ways a woman i?ives evidence of decay enr'icr I liar, i man. bat her hair, vvhV-h llie iiible calls the :ory of a woman, reimr'is :n its vi'ir baiit after lier Inisliaiid has become as buhl as the while head "d eagle niipears to be. This baldness is a myst'-ry fii'lin for niliiiii i. In li'-n of any olln-r ex planation it is the craimi nowaday! to fa I bacit upon Hie germ thenrv Hid the germ Is ten' i-n-,li;", w' b i-'p; tb" cause of ba 'I'u ss. It is u-lii-ii-ii ihat the barlier's shop is mi i.Hi'ii ih'-eb-ating li'i'ise of all .lis if cai iila'.v ami ii-'ii'-'sis ;:f "' Cl'i.n.--. and : rv ''av hi i' I 'h i v.-o.i'.l It. 1-,-tt. r Hi - ." i.lbiv 'lis wlfo or hV. . is' --v in cm h's liar'. ;.Hi' r i''i"i trust to the can b ssti, ir (!: ignoranc" of lb" luirb'-r. I'n-H le i 4u ! l'""ry 's shown to b" a tin l however, e'4ii will slili n-sorl lo He il.' r l-rn-- r I' .. v. Jn..--1 l.l ri S -l4-' ;t , I.. ' l--!t I t.i 1 b i.ov.' Ir -i- 1 n j' 's e- b. i-r r-iip.--. T T" t r -1 t ii' ,1 I ' - T' - h id i --'ifi-- ' tr if - I l T .fl V H. i 4r'r ..In b-i.l !t--tliHI ha 1 to t--' i-it-r w. '-'-a T!r--, lir 'i'-'o' t.a! ! ! . ; Tl I-'.'.-. '.- 1, ti... v "1 v --.!'- ' . ' !,' iu- nnki; 'm.ircp f- barber. Tie y ev it ' ay I In v n fr-r tialilii have tlr ir hair cut by '' . a'" m- m''er if il" The p'4 :' nl f"'l "' ':a' has :. ' I n '.'i " -il r-f hi i irai'ii4-1'-' r.i!' : f- cpon H'" h'r. t'1 r:i'-"lv 'niwT'.ic !' -i- so far ns - r, ii: Ilia-xp- '1 1','i bi a ' if : i 4 -i'i f:i II, iiv. .. . v.-: f ' I nn l r.r,"- T(,,. il- 1 1 ft I a Ti f -' ''.ill . x 1 I' T:' ' i ; v f ; .;.i.i ,.. -. I ctr-; i" ' '. i 4 1 : r i - T: ;i' T 1 ... i i r-'- i - - r i- i.d - -i i oh i-b 1 rl r Ta' . I.:.- -. ' 1 JpiiiMk. AI.. -. f m m w Bn- a TH lir.V' -1'V V5 jn K--v" F V W.iT TXjr J CaCJ V- v.-ii''j7'-,A - I of (' mMwmm THY 8 & 'JK3 ii ml& !!;::: Alw&yf&J, w 1 w am B As a iix-ri.'r m rve t-mic, w li ii'l ipl. '! t i n -i.l ll.e (i:n. li-'iu rf nature, I oipsider in:ii V me ot I'afdui has im iinri.ii. M,. H, J', fi i.i iMo.N, U'J North llith tii . t, Xoolivillt . 'JVmi. Wine of t'nnlul b:iH iiiidi) a wouileiful iliaii4'" in " 'if''. 1.1 I.I.IAN I! ILL. 10 1'yi'r.'Sj Avenue, t'aiiipl'll, Cal. I am ciiioyiui! h.K u.titl lu.iltli tod"iiy and f,l that it Ii all ilno to Wiw M.Se..A Ml.lilvlj;, 1 1- We l .Mlh .'tnvt, fliicaBi., III. TO DAY kii'd.i oi Ircalmeiit ami lulled to bccuTU roliel t '"ivC uaU.U JiUMk'M.. Mill taken i II Mill been to Are ynl ili:-Cour:l;ri''b' . . r 1( W ine of C'ar.lui lu -' done so niili li for oilier women, why Won't It nnrn Voir Iroiilde. iheii'-li painful, may i,. -ivmlily tit Wimi of (' "idiii W inool Cardu! never fails to lieneiil- llm wr,t. eisrs ,.f ,lUr.ler.'.l iucii.iliuiiti..n, Uaiin;r il'ivvn li'iiu i mid female wciil.ness. The womli rful hi-ilim; ipi.ilitiei of lliis iiicilit imi liavo Miruicil tb.,:4 .uls of ilesimiidcnf siiffercrs by l-rin-in;: III .iiioMy lo lie.illli. It I.s mvilVss .i r:-y that inn 1 j, . . 1 . I I 1 .... I...... .... t ... . . I il., IS UUIVJil-V if I'-udiii lr i clireil tlioiiiiiiuls ot mck women w m "' pi''n op ..v,.. Wine of t'iililui h :i "''I'l loiiio that every woman idnmM lake, l'very i!rn4.:l t i i CIVF. WINE OF CARCUI A TRIAL TCDM'. bor.les. st t. bats are i!omt, and whether hi'se or some kind of ilegi ner.iey is he cause of Hie prevallini; liiibiuess. THE REIGN 0? THE DINOSAUR. Cutting Off Those Giant Reptiles Al !Vlost Sir"ult.-inrous the World Over. Ili-nrv Fairfield Onboru lu the Century Never in the w hole history of I he. world as we now knoiv It have there been such remarkable land scenes as were presented wm n uie reign oi these titan' reptiles w;is at its cli max. It was also the prevailing life picture of England, Germany, South America and India. We can lm;i;t'ne herds of these creatures from fifty loi elghly feeL in leiiglh, vvlih limbs and r,filt aiialagous to those of gigaulie ephaiilH. bill Willi boliics eMeii'lmg' linoiigh (he long, flexible i.iid taper ing necks inio the djminut ive lieads,. imi reaching back into the eipially; inch a dii'eiici-bss ripiiily followed by point, would lie lis cxtinctlonn. Cute J"d the Army. From Harper's Weekly. A Fort Sheridan, near Chicago, six mm-roniiiiisslnneil olliccrs have hi en reduced to the ranks Tor running what is techn'eally known as u ."blind pi4;" or u.'i.iw I'ul caiilci n. When the nun grumbled I Imi I hey were doing no more ihun th. coinniis.sioiieil olliceis did, Ci -lon.'I Wh'Jeliall. it Heenis, d's-cl.-red wilii .-.oiiie emphasis that what ,Mis meet for oMicern in the uist club h ,!se was no; necessarily proper for le ivates in iiiiarlers. The pupers say that he said: "To put the private en the same fooling as the coniniis siini d iilli'''er would lie ruinous to dis c'pline. We must have casl' ii Hie M lil'y just ;is there is casle in oiiisl le society. Wo have the same class dls linciions. and williout (hem we could li ive no discipline." Colci'.'.'l Whiiehall's scnl imelits are : "end enough. Imi if he was ipiolcd long and still more tapering tai n. j .,,...,.!, a,, be was mil fm'tuiiale iai The four or five viirict'es which e- i,i.; u fluids of eMiressimr I hem. Mil J1 is- isted logeliu r were each title, I lo some special mode of I'.fe: some living more exclusively on land, oi'ieru lor longer periods in the water. The ci;miel ii ion for exis'i nee was not only with I he greal carnivorous iinosaurs, but with oilier kinds of lerhivorous dinosaurs (the igu.iiio' D'ltt I wlrihlrid much smaller bodies lo sustain and a much superior looth mechanism for I he taking of food. The cutting off of (his giant dino saur dynasty was nearly ft not ipuie simultaneous, the world over. Tlie xplanation which is dedncible from similar calastrophes to other large types of animals is that a very large frame, with, a limited and specialized special - food, is , u dangerous, eondii- at if jii of hiiiiiciers. Such a monster; uganisni is no longer adaptable: nnv erioiis change of comlitVins which; .'on Id tend (o eliminate tii" special' "ooil would ;ilso f'liiniiiiite these ereal '.irinals as a necessary conseipieiice. j j, jj llilie IS illl l-llilli'iy 'I,!, !'., I; f explanations, however, to be cnn-l sldered, which iire cnnslslen! bolh. villi file colli i n lied Illness of struct ire of the giant tbnouusr tin inse ves' Old wiih the survival of their especial "ood; such, for example, ns the in t rodi'cl io'n of a new enemy morel deadly even than the great cui'iiiv-j oious dinosaurs. Among such Hieo-' ries the most, ingenious is Hull of llie late I'rof. Coi", who miwiii' d 'hal some of the small, inoffensive! and incoiispiciio'is forms of Jurassic mammals, of llie s'.xe of the shrew, -and tlie hedgehog. con'racO'il 1 1n habit of seeking mil the iirv;; nf , hese iliiiosaiirs, gtiawing ihrou.".h tie shells of I heir and thus destroy ing their young. Tlie appearance, or cvoiiiiion of any "-g lest roylng ait' mals. whether reptibs or mammaln. which -i il 1 1 j iillack Ihi.; cnai D ii rv law gives olliccrs privileges which private. i do not share. II cre 1'ies ini ail iiieial cat'.le for miltaiy piir.i.ises, tlioiigh whither it, forinally gives oflicers larger liipmr pr'. ilege.--, than it give:' t" privities is :o'giialiIe. nut in oiil'dde society American law re oiurzes no caste and no class distinction's:. TRI-ANGLE ROUND TRIPS M.iT BE PURCHASED io Si. Lali vU Colonda D (a Colord vl. . Unit. ASKJOUR'AGENT FORJMM "A TUr hClllirn rr . m.i, J lie ULNVLn KUAL 0 0OU8HBAIIY SOlD TRAINS PALACESLEPm ACAFE CARS. Tbfs arrangement applies from all points in the Southwest enainciuacs wop-over' privileges, that you may cnloy ,i.i it raimui; ana KCSl in "LUUL, COL0l(AD0" oeiore or alter visiting the.... WORLD'S FAIR A. A. CLISSON, Cenx Pass. Aunt. FT. WORTH, TEXAS. Ileal Kul a!i.4 taken in part payment, for any kind of contract work or building maleilal. Aiidre'-is (!, "U'e Flilerprise ollice. H I ."I I'. Lamp Sale Tregday at Vaughns. (ansasCitySouihern sit SPECIAL RATE St. Louis and Return $15.95 Kancts City and ticturn J15.00 Tickets on Sale Sept. 3. For pb'ine furiiier iiiformalion, write or R. A. MORRIS I'llOlle ;. t'iiy Ticket ullice cor ('. I I't ai l . . T. A. ti I'owie. 3 3 TMP4vTrT'irr4tTri JOB PRINTING OFFICE LOUSIANA DAY SPECIAL VIA THE-: Tlus Train will leave Shrcvcport Sept. 12th at 4:45 p. tr.., ant arrive St. Louis 11:30 next morning. No change of cars, and Cotton Belt all the way. Sept. 14 th is . Louisiana day. This will be the rcatist day for us. Everyone should fjo, so o and help to swell the crowd. For this diy a rate of $11,70 has been pt on. This will allow you seven days in St, Lotiis. Shreveport is the rendezvous as Louisiana Day Spec--ial will start from here, so ash for your ticllet via Shreveport and the Cotton Kelt, and he with Louisi ana's text people. This train will carry thrcujih Pullman Cars, Dining Car, and our handsome Chair Cars. Further information will he cheerfully furnished by L. P. SMITH, T. P. A., 218 Milam Street, Shrcvcport, La. pr r-jii? all KijkI .Jo' I.S NOW OI'EN anil to do any and WcrK. wr y r (r t-v t fi. U. L. K. Texorkena & Fori SniESh Ry. World's Fair Route Cd O ST.LOUIS Through Sleepers Without Change 1 r.wrst rat;"1 1,'tiaranlecd. n'J the best work Vin. J -Or I'cport and Ccltcn Hclt Route, ttcth Phones 93 Phone us nntl we'll do iho rest. 2 F,. F. McCOMAS, 8 Manaf'cr. trrir.'i x -arm ...Dining Car Service... T.Mi Train Leaves 7:15 A. M. Daily; in St. Lccis Next Morrlng. Djub!? n.iti Strvicc to Kansas City. Through 'Buffet Sleepers Ct.!. T-s. Aft. R. A. MORRIS, City Pass. 2 TklUt AL