Newspaper Page Text
THE BEAl'MtA ENTERPRISE THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER . 1904. - M 0 - JKi It Is Hard To Hold On In your iwmi'y whni you m-o our FFICE OFFER. Wo nr. Kivlitt? you our profit on Hi frlw rnliir. It yiU ni' IiiIiti'sIimI, nun.!. iiir;. Tlit'y tiro HuIiir fast. V.. I.. Wilson Hardware Co Kansas CilySouihern V-, fpoKir & 4 SPECIAL. RATE St Louis and Return $15.95 Kansas City and Return $15.00 Tickets on Sale Sept. 10 and 11. . Tor further, information, write or lill'HIO R. A. MORRIS l'lionn fi. Cily Tici;ot office enr C. P. As T. A. Pearl i'i Howie. Vilue of Moderate Eating. K'u mutter what klud of footl U talitu. the quantity should bo small. J'lio human body can ve and thrive ami work on a surnrtxIiiBly small iiiiantlty nf iinurUlimt'iit. Oroat mod tiution In eating In. thfreforo, one of the keys that unlock the dour of long living. Greatest Misfortune of Life. Mayors appear to lisvo hod, their troubles two centurU'B bro. At bielo. ftl.l. Germany, tlu-ro Ik a Uunhiitoiio with tlilH Inscription: "Hero Ilea Jo-huiihi-s Ilurh'Rrovo, who considered hla ttVttlon aa tiurKnuwtor of this city ilio sreateat mUfortuno of U Hfo." The Day's Length, rty a simple niU. tho lineHi of the day ami ntfcht. any tlmo of tho year, limy bs OHccrtnlnoil hy doubling the llniQ of tho Bun's rlHlnir. which will Klvo i ho length of tho nlnht; and don lilo tho time of setting will Rlvc tho length of tho day. FOOTBALLERS IN PRACTICE DR K Y. M. C A SQUAD WERE LOOS ENING UP THEIR RUSTY JOINTS. WEATHER WARM I OR HARD WORK Challenges Have Been Sent Out to a Number of Institutions After Weather Is Cooler Other Teams Wilt Organize. Lightning and Trees. Prof. AKHinnnn, ono of the Gorman wivorr mont meteorological exports, snyn that llKhtnlns seldom striken In a forest whero the trees nro dense and of about tho same height. Dan ger exists only whero Isolated trees rise hlah above, their surroundings. Origin of Lathes. Nnture, or well 03 necessity, moth eterl the Invention of the latho, the ftst of machine tools. It wnH buili ofrlnally hot ween two adjacent treoa near which grow n springy sapling. I. utiles litto It are used to-day lu nome of the Asiatic countries. ; Peculiar Case of Strangulation. An engine driver was attending to ti e machinery at Kay's wharf, Tooley Ftreet, London, when the ends of hi1; iipckticarf were: causht by tho shaft !iir slid ho was drawn up thirteen feet fio:n tho floor and strangled. NATHAN SELLS IT FOR LESS. $1.50 l'pwanl. Julian C. I .awn-nee. Proprietor elegantly furnhdied apartments; par lor lied room and private hath; elec tric light, p rivato teleplione; ?iti weekly for two; witli meals ?.0. A new, model, homelike hotel or re fined patrons in the fashionable res iilentnl section. Convenient to ShopK Theatres, Churches and Lines. Special summer rates to transient gUOKtS. $17.00 PER WEEK WITH MEALS TELEPHONE 6760 GAMER Meals, American or European Plan. ner,7."io. ?S weekly. Cuisine of Valet attendance. Breakfast or Luncheon, GOc; Din noted excellence. While service. Van Renssellaer Hotel 7 and 19 East SHh Street, near Fifth Ave. and Broadway, New Yorti City. Now is the tiaia to build that house. We are prepered J trt famish you the Lumber. Space does not per- C ? mit us to tell you just how much we can save you on your purchase. $ :. Come and see us. .: A THE KIRBY LUMBER COMPANY j Special Rates to Contractors. 6 TRI-AHGLE ROUND TRIPS WAV EE prrorwatcn to St. Lanls via Colortdo,and to Colorado vis St. tool. I V ASK YOUR AGENT FOR THH4 ONE WAY VIA. THE DFNVFR R0; '.-TSs . . . DOUBLE DAI iY SOLD TRAINS PMACESIIPUlS &CAICAP3. Tbfa arrangement applies front all points in the Sooth-est ana Includes otop-over' privileges, that you may enjoy eeiore or eiur visaing the.... WORLD'S FAIR L a CLCTM, C:ri Piss. Atew fr it:, t,t. tJI.V . 1 S I IN BB 2 k r TAYLO'lVt. B. R. NORVKLU Treannrer. 5 W. C. TYRRELL, AL S-ct. and Treasurer. I Heywood Oil Co. S PRODUCERS and SIIIFPERS OF CRUDE OIL O OF BEAUMONT AND SOL'R LAKE. TEXA. 5 Cemplete Equ'pmert ar.i all Faet'ities for quick g OrFICT: Kyie Cperm I!orte DM g. KefeTencet Aay ef the Beaumont BaaXs. The Y. M. t'. A. foolliall simd was out for iircriml.iiii'y practice yester day afternoon, on tho vacant lot for merly occupied by the tabernacle on I'earl street. No regular teams have been organized as yet, because It is still too warm to permit hard prac tice or regular play. The indication!!. however, are for n pretty good team. Tho squad is composed of about. twenty husky youths who are seeking honor on the gridiron uml from these it is expected eleven good men can be chosen. The team Is being coach ed by Mr. A. V. lluuriue, director of physical training In the local V. M. C. A. Challenges Sent Out. Mr. Fred Lego has been selected manager of the team and lie has already sent out challenges to a num ber' of Institutions that will have teams in the Held this fall. He has received no replies as yet and the lo cal eleven's schedule bus ..consequent ly not been made up. it Is' expected it will be completed within a couple ot weeks. Among tho Institutions challenged ure Tulaiio, Sewanee and St. Edwards. All of the Y. M. C. A.'s in this section that have teams will he challengedd. Eouraue Good Coach. There Is considerable Interest In tho football squad here. Tho young men have taken hold of the idea with vim and from now on will turn out every afternoon for practice. Mr. Uourtiuo. -the coach, is recognized as one of the best football men in this section. He got his athletic ex perience in Chicago, where lie has played on and against practically very one of the star teams, including the Chicago Bankers, who Walter Camp once said were probably the best aggregation in the unnea States. For tho present the practice will consist of falling on the ball, running, signals, tacklin gand forming interference without opposition. As the weather gets cooler two regular teams will be organized and win line up against each other for regular practice every afternoon. Basket Ball Teams. Within the next few weeks the Y. M. C. A. will also have two or three good basket ball teams in the field. T'.askct ball will be played out of moyii'k as loner as the weather will 'permit. Three or four teams have ! already been organized and from i these five good men will be chosen, I to represent, the Y. M. C. A. in con gests with other teams in this vicin iily, with which games will bo nr i ranged. A baseball team has also been organized but It is doubtful if li.meli is done on tho diamond this fall. In to spring considerable atten tion will be given to this sport. Base Ball at Woodville. Three of the most interesting games of the seasno were played hero Saturday between the Ileauniont Journals and the Woodvillo team. Hatteries, Saturday's game: Woodville: McAlister and Forlt. Journals: Schroder and Hatfield. This was a twelve ining game, called on accountt of darkness. The Score, 4 to 4. McAlister got. 12 slrik.? outs and only gave four hits. Tim score should have ben 4 to 0 in favor of Woodvillo bail it not. been for rotten playing liy the Woodvillo fielders, rmplre. Hill. Sunday morning game, batteries: Woodville: Siewart and Fort. Journals: Wigeman and Janas- tliiick and I lilt field. This was the smoothest of the three i'.hiikk !! intiinirs. Score li to i in tavor of Woodville. Would have been " to 1, only for un error by the ;hd baseman. Cmpire, Slout. Sunday evening came; batteries: Woodville: Mc.Micken and Koit Journals: ration and llarifn-M This wrh I he hard'-sl foimbt fam.' land noted f'r good playing all round. Icailed ot close of M Innincs for tlio (Journals to caich the train. hcor 1 1 to I I'mpire. M'lors. Moore left tho lx fit cVkc of the loth inning find MfAlist.-r firiMe-d the game. MrAlihMT gave itfft mi i-ta I ion. Fort, bo rang tit for Woodiile. !-, not live at Iti-aomont nehtier io' ft he liv at Woo-hiH". but has aimlil !V same for the '..., ill., i. am for iial 1hn- mo:iih. Work of t-liort istop. thiti - man and 1 ft fi !.l r. arid " l i" 'iin2 of Ph'ton n1 J.-iria-' V ':,tt,,r Hanfiild lie- "'" lesit'ire if tti- Jot:nii' t-'ajwe VVoo-U " ' p:'f i-r n f"t'r i '! t-'' l,n.t work. 1b-r.- r m v "il t-o-'d t.ln" !' ' 'ii'i : III J a diilBloil of I'uiplro MullttUO. Attendaiu-ti KJJ. teorj l.liile itiMk nun uiu 20113; 5; 1 Memphiii :! o ua 7: 7: lliidilli'Kion uml ZlniMii; Htockdalo and llurlliiirt. New Orleans 8; Shreveport 4. New OrleiuiH, Sept. 7. fihreciort won the first mii mo on llollyit mid Hi Hieiihieins errom In tho llrl pail of the uinie, D'irxt; Shre.eport win :'im into ; 7: 1 New Orleans ...Jmui irj tinu ;; 8:4 ('llllam and CialllUH; llieileiisleiii and Fox. Second gnmo: Rhrevepon Olid Hurt It 1; 1: 2 New Orleans i:id '. o-'J Clllliini ami Grullluti: Wlgg uml Fox. Montgomery 3; Birmingham 5. nirniinghiini. Kept. 7. While llnle was not hit bard. I'.li'niliigliaiii Mole buses nnd won on O'llrien's home run drive to deep right Held. Retire: Hlrmingliam -'uu in a; i; i Montgomery uw mil mio :i; S; 1 Imliuui and Miiieriek; J niiu aim O'lirlen. Atlanta 6; Nashville 2. Atlanta. Sept. 7 Dwyer. a now pitcher, held Nashville to two lilts and won I ho first game this after noon, rialt was hit hard In the sec ond. First game: Atlanta I"!-. 00 : u; 4 Nashville "I'd out) mill ; 2; 2 Dwyer nnd Clarke; Nickens ami Accorsiney. Second game: Atlanta I'M W0 00 li; 111; 4 Nashville ;"0 uuo linn :!; : :t Smith. Hardy and Clarke; Piatt and Accorsiney. DELMAR WINNER NATIONAL LEAGUE. New York 6; Philadelphia 3. New York. Sent. 7. Poor fielding gove tlm locals the game. Score: New York t)t)U Mia itu- ; u; u 1'hiladelphia ....ool 200 0(10 8; (J Wallse and Warner; Sulholf uud Uooin. Cincinnati 3; Pittsburg 5. Cincinnati, Sept. 7. Poor fielding lost the lirst game for tho locals. The second went to a tie in the seventh when it was called on ac count of darkness. First: Cincinnati "00 101 010 a; !;4 Pittsburg 010 021 010 u; 1U;1 Harper and Selilei; Cuso and 1'lieips Second : Cincinnati 000 000 11; 5; 2 Pittsburg ooo lot) 01; 4; 2 llahn and Ueltz; Leever and Archer Boston 2; Brooklyn 6. Boston, Sept. 7. Willis was easy for llrooklyn today. Score: lioston 000 010 0102; 0;.4 Lrooklyn 001 104 0(H 0; IIS; 1 Mitchell and JJergeu; Willis aim Needham. . , , . .- Broke Even at Chicago. St. Louis, Sept. 7. Chicago and St. Louis broke even in a double header. Score: ,! St. Louis 000 200 100:!; C; 3 Chicago 200 000 2004; 0; 1 Kyler and McLean; lirown and O'Neill. Second game. St. Louis '.200 Kit 00 4; 8; 1 Chicago 000 000 0101; 2; 1 Nichols and ' Swinddell; (iroellio an O'Neill. AMERICAN LEAGUE. 18 DISQUALIFIED "CRIME" WINNING THE SECOND RACE WAS NOT ELI GIBLE. STAKES ADJIDuED 10 BEHOOVE Martinmas Won the Six and One Half Furlongs Event on the New York Track. Other Turf Features of the Day. St. Louis. Sept. 7. Crlnio, the will- ner of tho second rate at inimnr was dlsiiiallll.'il on (bo proteHt of W. W. ICIIlott, owner of llohoove, who finished second. Tho result of the race os far as (ho belting Is concern- ml uiiimlx. Crime, however. Is dis qualified ami ihe money goes lo He- hoove. He apparently wits not eligi ble for tho rruce. ni uiv fi'iii-loni-a ui'lllnir: Detest won; Always Fullliul second; Alber tola third. Time l.lti :t-4. Second, seven furlongs: Orlmowon; llehoovo second; Miller Young I bird. Time 1:28 3-4. Third, six furlongs: Apple Sweet won: Faster Wolocra Becond: Lady Churchill third. Time 1:17. Fourrth, mile anil seventy yards: nilssful won; Uncycrawford second; Liibln third. Tlmo 1:4(5 1-4. Fifth, mile: Ibirkelylte' wop; Lyrist second; Sam Stevens third. Tlmo 1:43. Sixth, 0 1-2 furlongs: King Ttoso won; Sting second; Crlsc.ollna thirrd. Time 1:22. The Day at New York. Now York, Sept. 7. Results: First six and a half furlongs on tho main track. Martinmas won; Armenia sec ond; Adriihula third. Tlmo 1:18 3-5. Second, the Hells last 5 1-2 furlongs futurity course: Tradition won; Hantl zarra second; Linda Leo third. Tlmo 1:0(1. Third, tho Waldorf, six furlongs: Agile won; Dandelion second; mil Bailey third. Time 1:13 2-5. Fourth, the September slakes, mue or. ihrnn f iirldlll'M ttl'lllo 11 Won ViVBr violin econd: Ort Wells third. Time 2:19 3-5. Fifth, mile: Sir ' Lynns won; Spring Silk second; Phantom third. Time 1:41 in. Sixth, mile and a sixteenth on turf: im i)i.iio..,i inni T .it I in Km sec- IVI U 111 .." Hum " .,wi- r.r-ev Vriar third. Tlmo l.w 1-u. Philadelphia 3; New York 0. Philadelphia, Sept. 7. Planks fine pitching prevented New York from scoring. Score: New York 000 000 0000; li; 1 Philadelphia ....000 021 00 3; 11; 1 Detroit 9; Chicago 7. n.ifrnit. Kent. 7. In t ho most rag ged game scon this year, Detroit de feated Chicago. Score: Detroit mio 001 20 9; 12; 2 Chicago ono (iOO 1007; 7; 5 Kitson ami Drill: Altrock and MC- Farland. l i MfijuAi Cleveland 5; St. Louis 1. Clnvolniiil Sent. 7. Cleveland made hits count for runs today. Score: leveland un ' '; ; 1 St. louis ow ooo oool; ; .: Ilernlianl and Ituelow; SudhofT and O'Connor. Even Washington. Washington, I). C, Sept. 7. The best Boston could do toilay was an even break with Washington. First: WiiKhlncinn ...010 110 (MIO 3: 7; 1 itiistiiii ooo o.:o nn 8: 14; 3 Hughes ami Kittredge; Young und Criger. Results at Chicago.. . fhinnmi Sent 7. Oregor K. at 7 to 1, won tho feature event at nai vir-nt r. 1-2 furloncs: My li-ieanor ' ... .-)...... Hnfln won- Hutu n second: uiwu imov, iiiiiu. i ii" - w- Ovn furlimi's: KxilltOd WOU Rl OIni second; Michael Byrnes third. Timo 1:01. Third, mile: Orogor K won; l'onso- cnonit- Hi- ncess j uiane in"". 1 III - , ret..... 1 tll j I un; i . i". I.- i. mile- New Mown Hay linn , ,i., l.Mlci. won: Brand New kocoiui; jxihB t..... l. 11, i,, I Tlmo 1!Z(I 2-5. Will III l.lln.i. ....... . . Fifth. & 1-2 furloiiKS: '011 .... 1 . 'I.wlln won; Siiiwirny iksiio himjohu, uhu. . m-iiI ........ Rffnvrn .iiiniisiiii ni'tnii'ii m..u1. thivil Tlmo 1:12 M. 1 IIMIIII " . . . Seventh, mile: Dutiful won; r.i.ony i. I i.itiuuriiLMier tlllrd. I lino niioini, ... . . -i - 1:41. JJS- Timber That Lasts Long. iron,-! wmrl lasts nerfectly under for twenty-flvfi year. Jarrah, amdher Australian timber, has been ...ot,..! fur ihlitv-threo years beneath if... mn nml found sound at the etui of that time. - Hocond: Washington , Boston Wolfe and Doran. ! W ..002 100 21 B; . .ono ooo olol ; Clarke; Winter 13; K X; 2 and luisille 1; Columbus 3 Indianapolis T'deilo 0. Minneapolis Minneaiiolis St. Paul 3; Milwaukee 2. 7; Milwaukee 2. Kansas City 2. (2d Ah lint fit fr. il :ri! 1-ru l.i- urn Song from the Persian. 3 ;ii,- tliii v?in kii'iw ii. .1 Inv., Iioln ri;i.-i; nil 11 liiir Ard" P'-rt, liiviliil n of l.ilrj- ih,. m. ,tn1 .i,iif 't - li'i l"i fltf Up" .i.. 'hi iv nit ini1 r-- r i-.tu S 'iln .'.i-if mrim pi'.uth of lli.ii I V.'iiii.. l- p. mitT'tln niui h th. ) ! it ' l. ::: i . t; it. e - i. T 1:9 .f-1.-- 1 f . TTi'MlC. ,,, ii-.. iti'. i.ilr'lif ti-. ..-Til Iti I u.'l !r-.i -li-wn ilui-k In- ill.' K t.'itf-T f'MfH'Ift. q f 1 1 -): r-. t.tit a a .o!'-. ')) il.. V.WIESS & SON . F.r. f i'"r and Vkno. Acf-i l-r1 Vh . Bf jiD"i.t. Tnae. j Hebcrt & Hebert.- cutj::s5 4 Healer In l-v Stotk. Li ' t fo -"-r"1-! r.t.t-,or b'iu :o ' td ;-OTt- " ctil iii Vv !'' l''-"i; Iir'- httlRT aV HEeERT. ! SOUTHER LEAGUE. Little Potk 2 T:o-J. S Me-"!1! I 1 Tirr.: hi ih. ll in' T . rl . Mi III. I.t. m HI. I--Hi . I- 1 .- A . !' Ii in It.fc fi.n-i- r You can't afford to miss the great World's Fair The greatest show ever held, an education within itself, equal to, a journey 'round tho world. , Why not fto now thla month Kates are very low, accomodations are easily had at reasonable prices. If you are in doubt about tho cost of a visit you can purchase m complete round trip including railroad ticket, hotel accomodations with meals, admissions to the Fair and all necessary expense for any number of days at a certain fixed price, with arrangements all made in advance. Write us . about this at once to-day. The Cotton Belt Route operates Through Daily Trains to St, Louis carrying lrfprr, dining cart, chair cam, coarhet Wiite lor World's Fair (older containing map of grounds, train schedule, etc. E. W. LaDCAUME, C. P. T. A. St. Louii, Mo, 'or call on Cotiwi Belt Route Ticket Agent PoiM 144 WORLDS FAIR ROUTE er t riiTf . rHROUGH SLEEPERS' Aanta I? e ana Complete Service Splendid Trains Harvey Dining Halls. Stopover at Eureka Springs. W. A. TULEY, Gen eral Passenger Agt., Fort Worth, Tex. $ 4fc M 4" 4 & E & & s& it ft a ft ft Illinois 4Kb Central WORLDS FAIR EXCURSION RATES BEAUMONT TO ST. LOUIS $36.40 for Tickets Good Until Dec. 15th. $30.35 for TicKets Good for 60 Days. $24.75 for TicKets Good for 15 Days. THROUGH SLEEPER LEAVES BEAUMONT 10:03 P. M. DULY ARRIVES ST. LOUIS 7:08 A. HI. Fast Train Service-Bisfftt Library Cars-Dlnlnfj CaisWaU a la CarteFree Chair Cars Pullman Sleepers. Special Rates to all Summer Kesorts. Apply to TicKet A(ent for fall Information, or address N. D. FINCH, T. P. A., Houston, Texas. r.nnno Rubber Workers. Eery year 5,000 tons :f Chiiko rub lii.r aro Hold In the marl!t at Al.t Ti,ia rnhlicr is KatluTfO by nu whn cM f.O rents a week ani! pay tht'ir own eMiunrf. Treacure from the Sea. c,.n,i. nH tlted tmllriuyH fxrriitorl. II Is .tilliiiat-l Unit I MO.iliiO wiirl:. ! tlsh I lnlly draKK-d nut 'f tho hip liy I'rltlfh flHlierrnrn. Porto Rico Has No Debt. Porto Rico whlrh iKland iays fttc armv nor navy Is tho most lii-litly taxed coui.try on 'arth. It bar no ! lit. Ten Years of Cold Mining It riiniHtKl that win) ;2.;nn.iMi0, noo wwih f f cold has Un found dur ing the lant yare. tewing Machine In Gerniany. Hor than a nil I Hon iwwing roa-rhtni-s are made la Ot-rniany every er. . ESTABLISH 1889. R. M. MOTHNER THE POPULAR JEWELER .CROCKETT 8TnEET, ..BEAUMONT, TEXAS SEYMOUR KISCH ATTORNEY AT LAW. 17 Gilberrt Buildlnfl, Beaumont Correapondents in New York. St. Louis, Chicago, Etc 13. A. McDowell T. C. Taylor M. 8. Dumo M DOWELL, DUFFIE & TAYLOR Attorney; at Law Alexander 151 rtg. n!aurc:Dt. Tex. C T. Helaig. T. V. Smelker. HEI6IQ A SMELKER. GENERAL INSURANCE AND SURETY BONDS. Thonne 61 Braunvirit Tx. 1.- I"r-1. I- 11. L' i 'lllpi , f f"ifl I':' ' i ''?- ii- J' " ' V v 1 ;,.( ,,. I ' T ' V.llicm fad fcr New Territory. Th- ' a-giilt-ll'n if va-4 itt'i-oT :' ''"'' H-a'-f If r. is " f'1 " S 'i t' lyiii iai.a. ii. mni i"i, t inri'l. $"..'" i-i .im.: I '.,!,: uia and N W'l! ri. fi: At v- a. tl '). "i. iH.t. ''!' '. lli-HM'fl" 1-IT,5. ror"H -st f -:i,. I1'". 1-'t. t't'i 7V ! a'!'.) 1 f - I'D r? i. 'i-;iij-i a C' 4 f ft. Anetent War Cartoon. In te n om at Turin are florae i .... . - I It' . j-1 f'tal f ' ' TALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 1 raups mm Cemer S'rth St. a-d Broadway. BaunKint. T 'i- K im-ara'Tf e'l'""! ikit" arn r'.'i. fi-,l e't-n-'" t r'ud'mM ! "ft tir lrt' f'f Af-flMa'i-i wi'h I Vwi'T "f " f t-r.'t.; !i'.:a'hia to ttt. b-m-r I"'fdl. "n'S'l rlH. AtUr ttfn tli tTC: ritual. Ai-rur B. shilripe. B. u Jftr. i Old frboae 12. Vltt CaJder Ave, Old Forrester WhlsKey Guaranteed. S'ri-tly.nrp aiid "f ltip'fiti-. flavor. IVMH ft di-tiil'-ry and ruaraa--d Vy V - dij-'ti'l' ry- F-iM ovirr tt. rn;v.'tr thebot- t1 l.T V. G. FUREY, 4 V'a f?rft .. Nw 111' S''l. Lubricating OILS Direct from Refinery to Consumer! No Jobber's profit! Write for Prices Today! GULF REFINING COMPANY (97 BtMKtH SLDC. NEW ORLEANS, LA. 1 1' fr fr fr fr 4