Newspaper Page Text
THE BEAUMONT ENTBAPAIIE THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER . 1904. 1- BEAUMONT IMf-RPRISt. : TEXAS NOTES. aH IIAt'HONT iNTERF""- i-wk.UHlN(i CO. knWrprlM Doiloiny, Beaumont, Tea Adams. (Iiiii;'n wild the murder ... .t, l.i.ii liul II Unit hg.l m ILul - mi. ta:. li. n a iii.iiiinn.iiy nor 11 In i.. .Hi. I IkiiiihI over to Jiil .11 (In alilll of I ., I. luiL W.M. I'. HA I It 1 1, ili)hlian mid 4 riiiiK.t-nu. 3ii ar it i tl jl limine u. t"Utu Uiteaoiii. Wbfti- ever ni I iik in you lv vu mn k t nuluuble jnhi- or ireuniii nt. l u-i ! fniiunaii Liudly iri'Hit'J ami -1 jvlM .t. No mini r s-iii . umi nl fa- iii diue. V. hliiirhciie llbls. N-w OKHO0OKK)K)000OWOK)K)0 tillered at tfl I'owtnilic. In n-nuiuoat j I I l I V Hull li U II u l In--tl run lull il oil I Im ; 'I . .is 't-iii i al Mill hnoll THURSDAY. SEPTEVr-ER . 1'- Termi of Uutkcnptloi. One year t" lhr tiotitha J ' KniiUny. par your tliiKl ul.itu imii !mri,c. uith mlilinu Um' H kiru.f i iifiiri i'hiihi" i n ....... , Hi.ii. Imi Com.r lm w Mirfhifl Im l-l.ll.-d. I.V ! Arl.Ulli.ilii HHHI'llHM Ul HI"! f. W ill.) ll.l- II.III- jklllll" lllllf. MIIIM'H HI Hill" WIllllHI. tin- aiiKuii.4iiituairfiuiMil ii M r i: li will '"' ii- hiir to Iiuvk iin-hf i.i.i rx iimne In Inn. Im Clin In' tirutuiii luii ii. n... i..., viiin.r in... Miilii.u rum- Ijistrii I Aiiorm v liurliind i.:.:.i im ; lilr.l all alii. lldllK III In lUlSiitlllf So.s u Oprt.iSii.i, report .-...,. r ... .....n, lis ...i.iiiil hiiH'k in: i xniiui'llmiry im mn mi- on l:i Im. II l'l"."l.) lllf JIMl.lll'll. hi. i..ii., . ii. i. . in Hi.' in M . .111. ... I illiil f'Ollll- III It It -:i i nn iii. i: nml ! i.iiiiy Slniill r.iniiil Manlin of l.'liin lolnif liitri li. .ii tliiirufl Hi Jo 'iici- A.l. i in-.' rum i ul .Sun timid, r of J. hi. i l Siuuriliiy nirhi. wlillf ili' V wire on lin n wuy lii.iiii. from u political mi i t iiik hi Villi pho if. In LI in tin- Inn-rest ol i lit. eiiuiluliiiy o Judg.i .Mom on lor Antonio, tlif Circuit Judgeship. Ii moiiis lliul Morale mid iMr. liailauil liwl i!inlTt iikc-.i in NOTICE TO PUBLIC. . ... D.,i,ll.l,:i,n rrnunny! . i. ........ .i.r ..r in,. . Ui.ral... umi '. Mr liall.lllil llU'l l!!lilitllkc.l ill IiIh nH.n..''iwM" ii r .-.ii. - - . U not reiponiiible for iny riebl con , ,, i.jwi.nul. i.. I,i ul HI- k..h-. I. m (In- u. i.l int( lo mil ilioi Incted by IU employe, of ny ch.u- ,, miurf sinnl.iv till- Mn- olllr. r wiim ; iuwli-ss Ii :.i HI of lliul sfction n rt.r vhutever. ! .:i!.iii nn i.rr.-M. His xiiininiHloii ,iiiroiu.l lor iln ir r.Ti-nl inlsl.. Ikiv lor. , , i - - mi.f, .l'irf lomorrow. Allii-rl lnn hoin.. of llifin olij.-i-lfil to IiIh . ' II. .11. 1. 1 hi j.iilnl in ill" hiinif liliio.'ri liiiiriis. Inn lln Ironlil.. pussi il ovur. v.. ii., .i. . l.iml.l l r In i in l" i" i., i . .i.K i inn i. ..i.i:ii; i.iuiil. .On tin- ri iiini lioini- iiowcv. r. iih li.-, for !"' iirnlvitl n-i . lull. Vr fun l,H '""" ti.ill, llll i;....lo.l iU I'i'V- I if tli.-y nif hom rly uilwTii'""! ""'V will i,iu;iil niiii'ii"! of ii 'M'l'' wtiii a lit 1 1 nil fin iu ';"'- ;l)llf or Hi'' IfKilllH or nil llH Ifiia-l l.r.i.liifli r I i " iii"l ' !. r :is"l int..,. s to -:nt;:- a " lai'lul vn;t million of lln Milm- of rif Jt:' nloi-U Tooil nml it will no .loiil.l if Mill III till IncrrllMKl USf of lllitl fflfill nml ii I' ms n:ii' lor ll"' "n'x 1,11,1 , u ili which iiminnlly r 'i i I In- ciiiniiliiif of tliuiiwiii'ln of ilol Iium of honilifin nioiif.v. .Inst why It pi fsiili litial Heel ion; Mich :is wo have lliin year hIioiiI.I ii"-Mlili- l.usiiif.'.s is liiinl In iiinlcrnliiii'l yi-l II .ice ins lo K' licrally ml ttt i I In l,f H ue The .r K nl inciiinhf nt ., I In- ollicc had I In1 rccnr.l of hin imrly lii-liiuil him wliih' .lmli;i' is n nr of I lie inoul coiiKffvnlivi. in n in tl,f U.iiif.i ht.-.K-s. j h t;(, rimlry ,.,., , r,(.,0M, OiihI iinllcil lo Hi" pri'si-nl. Hianiiiini oi , J(( S(.(,ny itoi.c-tsm,, respec- moiK-y I hni it I'.fMin llial llnTf Is 1 1 ivcly slfwanl nml assiMliint of the mn.. i..r miv In lie hIiiiiikmI I II' iiiinnvfrrin, a wiclul organization nlioiil. II wiiulil not In I. nnhlfii tin; prcsiilentiul (julif ii iitiinli. r of iik li liuvf In-' n I:. i.t i.v I., il.f luifuiuiloiiul aim liri-ai Noi l Inn, llops lit I'illrHlllir. umi Ii'iiiki If iIiom. who ri n in I ii liuvf liffii Inforiiif'l ly. Imi II, al ihfv ill losf rroin four lo nix iiiiuui ilnys ilii.-i nioiiili, owliiK to I ho ilfprcs :.'oii in liiii lin s. I'olli. wiiu: a (.liowor. Monilny hIkIH Sun Anioiiio wiim vli.ilfil hy a vusy i y ol llyini; Iiihi-cIh raiiKinw froui n pal., yellow Kiuit lo an uniliracllf liiieil criflifl. 'I'liosn Ihikh KWiinneil our sirift liiuiis. lulo liotulH, rcnl ilfiici-.s ami liiisini-ss lioiiHfH until imiiiy m iv coinpf llfil lo pill nut the lll'IHH. pnriy wuh wiiyluiil l.y a kiiiik of liooil I ii iiih. who tihoi oil Hielr pis i. ils ami iian-il i In- liisirii-t Aiii.niiy in kIiow No one wuh hurt, fot'iinalf so li.r no urri-hls liuve In-1 u li Im Kliih-il in Austin liy rrletnlii of I It. ii K V. .Seahury, cumliilaio for ftjii-alii-r of I In- IIoiihi! of H-pri'Hflita-Iim-s of llio next l.i'KlKliiluro, that. Hon. II. I', lir.-l.-iloril of Kiistlnml ami llii-himl MayH of Coisleiina. who have lii en i-polte,, of as poKslhle camliilatfH lor tin- position to which Mr. Sfiiliury a.-piles, IniVH plfilj;i-il Ihfir Kiipporl ti ihf lalli-r. 'I'll Ik Iii-Iiik Irue. I( Is con-:;iil,-ivl iuiprohalile that. .Mr. Sealiiny will have any oim)sIiik rnmliilniu lor I lie lilare. Hi IT HAPPENED NATIONAL COMMITTEEMAN EX PLAINS THE RESULT IN IN VERMONT. REPUBLICANS 100 SIRtlOIJS 1 1 ' Mil IIS Ali-xini lian jni;l iloiie so that wo V.olllil pot have this lack of roliliih'lice MO freilelll ly. Willi lh.. coiiiplei Ion of a first class Wilier worhs H;.:;t . m which will tnUe Hie waler hiiih eiioie; up the river In fsciipe all ilani;er of coiitaininal ion Irom Ihe clly sewage I hero will lie mi reason why anyone shoiilil fear In live in I .;i li m n t on neetmiil of Wiii-iitl lieallh conililions. Desplie I lie- 'fai l we have hail a conslanl Hource of ilmiKor fin" years from our wil or, which has been useil for luiiii Ine; ami riiu.inv, glasses in the saloons nml soda foiinlains the general luallli lias been very noml ami we have been coinpaial ively free Iriiiu lyphifiil fever. The new waler works will make ii.-i safe ill thai respoel ami our -it v will 1' inoro healihy llian ever. Iiail bleu lo Operaleil on the "club" plun since th" if is 1 1 1 oi i iii t saiiiiiiis, wi-ii: ittijiiuf i. KUilly of violations of I he local option law in seventeen cases for the former nml sixteen for t In; latter. Tho of fence churKi'il was HellillK 1ok beer, the court IioIiIIiik I Ii ii I ouch issuance of a liekel for Ibis kinil of beer eon sliluteil a vlolalloii. There are a liiiinber of "clubs" here ami botlloil beei: is (li.sponeed freely, but this is State Was Flooded With SpeakcVs and 200 Meetings Held in the Last Week Result Was No Surprise. New York, Sept. 7. Tho following statement cuiieeniing the result in Vormoni. ami is.sueil hy ('huirnian 'I lioinas TiiKK.irt of llio (leincloratic iiiilioiial coinuiiflt'o tonight ami was conciirreil in by Wm. F. Sliechaii. hitiriiian of tho executive coinuiitloo, a nit Dcluiicy Nicol, vici'-cliairman: "Tho result in Vermont is not mir- prisilii; in view of the iiuparalolloil efforts made by llio republicans ami I lie campaign conducted by the ilem- Ibe lirsl case where Isor boor was lianilleil. Th. parlies did not dispute Hie fuel that I hoy hail IskiuvI tickets -. ailininisl ral ion concent raled for kej; In or, but resled Ihelr case !i,l o fmc.s nml rominrnoH iiiion Unit I slate, hobliiiK in I ho lust week anil upon llio tact l liiil the sail! Had not been made by I hem nor in hii coun ty. The court, hehl ilifl'erently ami III.- cases were appealed. LOUISIANA NOTES A I Jefferson I Mill held, lilt! victory. in Hie prohibit ion elec anils won a derided Kver.v In hopi times ill.' colivie! inn of jls si man who leaves lieaintioiit of lindini; a plstoo where bet te r soon ii-I urns with the that this is Hie lies I tiiwu in the eouiiHy and Hiat il has more promisi- lor tin- fulnre eliaii any town in the south. To bo Kin wiih lleaiiinoni ami Hie snrround inn territory i.; a wealthy creating I'm ce which is laroely coin rolled liy nc.-iiimoiit peoplf. l-'or Ibis reason Hie ueallh so pruilucnl Is kept lit home. IMially a town like Ih-au-m. .lit i- luiiii up Willi money lnom;lil in by otits i!,- rapiial::ls. 'I'he result is l bat Hie reiil:. ami iuh-i-.- t j-.m s away . lub- iiIiih.. I nil of M in this case is I, .hi in . Tho Ul. at bulk ol Hie lire f'llp ill .Ic il.'l' .'.Ml f'liuil v h I .. :i Hi,. -li I ; i , 1 1 ; i ! and I'.i auiii.iiil.-is have i!rjwn liine! I u , nf I lo i it-:i ii i f s In, in i In- ml li. l ! . uiiirh i:o: b- i ll h.-i.- ;,l lioi-n- vitii Ihf li nil that tin if are im-i.m.-s ii' i.iaiiiieml :..i,l',!:i . . t t i . - -1 in surh :i il:o e. The:-.- a n ndil 'Mis w lii. il ;-.if .taliility to tl-o pl.n e and pt. ai-f.i-; w.-ll lor lb.- I. -Iiii.' ami ill. y air f.iiis ul'iili ..uvlu In in-1 i. . :-i. .it.-r .Ifilm llorno, a yomiK man froo ' I - laiiklin, omployoil in tin; ltayon cot .Ion Kin. al Kayiif, was problibly filial ly injured in Hint establishment Mon day afternoon. A sol i lenient has been made in Hi" mailer of the defalcation of Sheriff IVikins witli all that portion of He 1 ii it. Ih in llio bunks of l,ako Charles and l.aiou Koii;e mid the I'l.unii de por.ilnl by tho American lloiidini; company, which was today piiid over to the Slalo, ho Fidelity Trust com pany. Hie parish school hoard and the parish of Calcasieu, respect ively. liy this apportionment the State received "'N.illn ux, I lie Fidelity Trust company Ti'1 !!.!". iii.- school board $Mli.'i:; and te parish i t.MOii. iiieeliUKs. Tho candidal o for vice president, the secretary of war, llio speaker of the lionso of Representa tives, seniiloi'M of (ho LI. S. and rep resonlativoH in congress, assisted by :i host of lessor lights, made urgent appeals lo the republican farmers to .o lo tho polls. In view of (hose cfforls never made before by any parly in a September elect Inn, It Is remarkable Hint the administration did mil succeed in incrcashiK 'tie republican majority, indeed, il did not oven Increase the i epul.iieaan vote. mm Do Your Shopping This I Skeins Monday WeeK, You And Money. Will Save Worry. Time Boys' Clothing Iloyfi" T.'io nml I .On Mothers' Friend I i loll si": ; lioy-H' .'.no nml 7-"r; Mother:!' Frb-nil WulstH ami Shirts; Iioya' .'idc nml :e K. K. WniMls nml Willises; Hoys' r.0e nml 7"iO firilfon ISraml Waists ami .Shirts; Halauco of this wool;, Very Special, 39c No limit; you want. von mn buy as ninny ns Boys' Suits Hoys' $1.00. $l.r.O, nml $5.00 nil wool Knee Hunts Suits, nt .! : Medium weights, nbsoluto nil wool, choice styles; Cheviots, C'assinioros, Soi-kos and Worsteds; n very Rrent hari'aiti. HriiiKS nn opportunity lo buy school dollies lor the Hoys. All sizes, li to Hi. Boys' Fall Clothing Our complete siok nf Fall ClotliltiR Is n ady; prico.i ratiKo from $l..rii) to I.IU'lteSt shown. ..() nn. I best lino we have ever School Shoes Complete Lines Ready Hoys', Simon. Hoyn', Hoso. Misses' and Children's School Misses' and Children's School Hoy: and ', Misses' and Winter I'mlerw Children's Fall Hoys', Misses' and Hals nml Caps. Children's School Girls' School Dresses Pn ity fllnKhnms, OuHuks nml Cntloti Checks nml Fluids, unliable for chil dren's school dresses, all moderately priced. Special Today THURSDAY 7.ri Hoys' Wash Suits, fI.os 1! lo S, that wo don't want to p-iek away worth up to $1,011, 9 to 10 a. in. choice . 2r'' Sr. Hoys' Wash Suits, sizes 2 to 8; wonh up lo $2.50; 0 to 10 a. in., choice 0 The IHtle fellows ran wear those suits in the house nil winter; I hey are as cheap as common overalls. The Nathan Store will be closed Saturday the lOth until 6 p. rn, on account of Holiday, Store will open 6 p. m. and remain open until 11 p. m. Saturday. No Place For Values LiKe o 5 o CKO0K040OK0Oo000'eX) K)004OKO TEMPLARS AT FRISCO. Cap- HENRY WATTERSON ROASTS ROOSEVELT tConliniied from I'uito 1.) C liaynii a vouui; man probably I weni y years of iiko, was arrested by Hie parish authorities Monday after i it i:i.".ln til I - -drill. I, M.-rli. T'ir w ;Mi I'H.r. i- II:..- I 'a. 1 1. and hrouKht 1" this city last and lodi;e. in the parish prison I d with complicity with llio minder coinmiled by youiu; S-itnr'av. I l.eesville llii;ll School opi lied ail iitteiiilaneo of "LTi pupils. . I. en .M. I'avrol is principal, and it O il by .Misses Sallie Sp"licer, lloiuii r. Oliri.i Frazier, Nellie Walker. in in ami l.i.n Cm 1 .1 . .i i P. 'I ii.-r .II.-'.! .'III. I -.IIV I t.i!. : t:i:.l. h n il. I I. I il Il but iiimoni . , ,.'.. a ih I. 'i in il lie .n .ff.-l ' i Hi -Im a iii kik. who is ill Ihe Ch;'ii!y lli.spiliil at Shrew-port with :i luii i i in Ins bark, was Onlay idrlitl :ii d as l.rini; wuato.1 for munlrr. Ill i . iM-eu -i d of KilliiiK Jim .'obnson. a v li : . . lor. man in Hie Oi:.ill Irver amti. ami a in tin ill Coiifordia : for i it::: Sat;:h I'llrk.-lt in Ascent, oil -. t f i .1 I t i..r k hi:; ill The II" Cl.l ' h I'ri -.hi by .Mi.sily in Itiis'irr as ri-moiil lo iN-p.ity Sln-titr makes It, in my judgment, all the iitore imporalivo that .iiiil I'arkor tdiall i'ealie and por.irm his duly lo the millions of honest voters, who seel; no oltiee, look for no personal I c.ain in this election, but who see in him an ideal and hope and aspire jlo preserve through him tho insti llations they love. The people need la judicial chief inanisl ral o. but not loo judicial 'i candidal". Tho juilKo 1,; trained to look nt both sides of the ease: llio candidate should have his blinds full in looking after his own. From a jn.lf.rf is expected cautious as piration, eneru-y. pprotulitcss and ill-Tensive impulse. If is the pari of a leu lor to lead in ill" combat nf idea, the eiinlliet of principles, tho I'cuuiiciat ion nf public wrongs, in the luesenlaiion and e nloreelliont of 1 1, llll. Why He Spoilt? Plainly. It is lifcauso I so slroiiKly .lo.-iie .ledvie Parker's election, thai I speak r i plainly. I In i; of y.m when you him at Ksopus to urtfo Hint In arrrpl also tin- full responsibility of bis ,o- ii ion. dial lie w ill noi p rnni Hii- ramiai!:n in Now York-llie piv . lal Mali- to lie lunnaKnl b' 'It1 small politicians who be-ei him: lhal lo- w ill, in Ihf n. t ii" davH. bo 'fii n. oie than In r. tol'ot ,-. ,h.- people I. ad. r and tei-rhrr. Hn ir Iribuno and ii Iwirat. tSiiiii.- If .InSKI-II ITI.ITZFK Louisville at Golden Gate Park tured the Drill Prize. San Franci-co, Sept. 7. Follow iiiK their t?reat parade of yesterday. I'diniiledly the linest ever nivon by the order, the Knij;iils Tomplar today Withered al (ioiden (late ark to wit ness Hie triennial compel il ivo oxhivi l ii mi of their eraok drill corps. The drill was bold on Ino extensive lawn ordinarily ilovoicd to base ball and oilier siiorls and on lite grassy slope.. .- iirroiindinn it many thousand of spectators wore oonsreKaloil. Tho weather was ideal. The compel it ion wi's iK'tweon St. liorniird Coiiinininl ory No. ;!"i drill corps of Chicago: J.oiiisvillo Cominanilory No. 1 (Pill corps of Louisville, Ky.; Mallii Com niiindory No. jl drill corps of Itin:-:-t;i in l i in , N. V.; Ivaiihoo Coinmaiid ery No. "1 drill corps ol r.iiiwaukeo, Wis. The lirsl ptizo was nwarilod to the drill corps of I .oiii:. villi- Coniiiiandery Nn. 1' Tin1 second prize went lo llio Ivan hoe ('omiiiauilei v ni' Milwaukee ami tie third In Malm Comnuindory ol Ulnuhniupton. N. Y. Three remilar nllicers nf llio Fiiitod Slates army ncl.-il as judges. The first compel iiii: teiini to nl-lie.-ir w;is drill cinpn nf Louisville Cnmniaiiib ry No. :!, led by Sir KniKhl Flunk Fehr. The- were .net nnd creeled by twenty pretty Kflitilflv Wild Dogs cf Central Africa. Tho wild do;; of orulral Africa, an explorer writes, is common enough. Ho Is an ugly looking boast, with a pied body, coarse liair, short head and largo upright ours. Those wild dogs play fearful liuvoi: villi game, occa sionally clearing oat whoso districts precisely In tho same manner as the rod dholo cf linliu, before which even tho tiger Is said to re I real. Snake That Stele. While working close to a farm house at Fuibecii. in Lincolnshire, a laborer wns astonished to see a snnlce, over a yard long, sivini across a stream. With some trouble he cap tured it and found in its mouth a choose cake which it had stolen from tho farm house larder mi the other slue of tlii! river. London Daily Express. gills who wave bl.i, , and call pa'h which lh in v,'rton The nun Wi and In l he w. i-M-ciiteil III sever.-il f'r:l ii' without .1 Maw. .1 ari's of while I llnwrr; aioll; b iped would and llio bad Woman Mountain Climber. Hy far tho most export woman mountaineer in tl.e world Is Mrs. Fun ny I'.tillock Workman. In the Illin.i lavas she huH climbed to an uliitmio of 2L',fi;8 foot. On the sumo occasion lir husband bn ko the world's record for men by 311 feet, by limbing ":!. :.i4 foot up a mountain l!-l.-!7'.t f.-ot high. Mrs. Workman is nf inedliiii; lieiglit, and there is nothing in her iip P'-iirance to suggest the sirengin she i as dispbtyed in M.ine of her woadi i nil feats. Going, Going, Gone. Down in a Virginia town the agod pastor of one of tho churches fell ill not long ago. He was beloved by all tiio neighborhood and a constant stream of anxious friends rang tho boll to make inquiries. Tho nurse in charge was an intelligent negro wom an, and alio decided to issue bulletins at froiiuont intervals. She wrote them herself and plimod them to the front door, and this is tho way thoy road as they appeared successively: "Rev. Mr. lilank am vory sick." "Later Rev. Mr. lilank am worse." "Night Rev. Air. Hlnnl; am sinking." ".Morn ing Rev. Mr. Blank have mink." NEW WAY TO HATCH CHICKS. or" in oc. lb M form .-. I 'iraiin of "Mivi.." in-. i!i 'd viilui t, ns .vi.l ii'iivemeiil i. apparently Uni1. crsity Celebration. I'niv. rsity nf Fi imii" brol ci'lebriitli n r.r -nlly pmc. plewnl ks. ii!u:..i:i.. iiot.s. a the nf.. (sirri l:,-i; ! ihe ri n". tl I PARKERS FIRST SPEECH. n-om-it w;"-. :m (lH'nlaiil '1ii'hiI:iii. irte: iiioiirv a.i.) was lo. nrre-iel a ma. Ii- l.y li. . .ham uli. br fal--!u. .1 in Hi, c Editors iTp S-ieak at Will H(ar Nom Row mount. t tf -.-in V- . w r ni K.ulr- II Is - 1 T oil V 'l.i i ,in. I l.-r a I a-i I to 1..I A : 1 ' .f 1;.al. '.1 -II l f'-l'I'US. Si pi. i . . a t, lo- lit-M i oil ar. i l.taT r, le '-I lh. .llll! i. in e t he - ! tin; el. i, w - 7.- .In. I re Parker ill -Im i . Ii since bis fur- I of 'tie ti.iirin.iti.m at '. I low III t he pres. nn i .,iii..i nf .b nn.rrai tr J i 11 i.i.- Hi.- form of I to an ae.! .- nf tr.tlmi: i" . bat W Kn.ipp t Si ' Roitine Wc-k. h'.in Fraliri i n. Si pi. 7. 'I'll in ao'pim n1 r- i on. in it t.'.i.iv oi Colli, n :;. Ili'l. wiih l M.-.l-i ill III.' i-'iai'-. I .ie in '! 1 1 1 -. ;oi, ei ti!nr-. so. -intis .T" .l.-vol- d 'n Hie r.'a.biia i' ml V- r-O - ii'II o! ''if ' 1ul : f 'I '' f mil v.nioi- .-nmiii it i.f. T' f ,'.-, t i..n ot ..(ri i iH i loteoriow .-oid ii '1 ::i-o . n The :r...i. siin-. i!tv...i. I llll; nllt of the Illl.llb. r ni Slll.1,1 ;.eoii. !: f tb.' -'.I. -I. r: : ; lit 1.f f:-ct that t if ii-n. '; r 1. reached in f-v... a d lo- v .t- imi' l-'.:'.i !-. I w ;i. n h- ..iiite.i :ii a i Hie imi) .ur t!ii'ii-.i.':. i l.i..-- til :. ,-. the : to i IT'-d ' a : I. 1,0 bi.b l.tUM- .ti I i Cr.rrnstmg Victirrc cf "lutton Tru;t. I Wli v at.- it. r - tun I i.t!. m u, or ri i n 'b.o Il.f I ll. r .1-. to.-. I : w ill Ih -. f C ... hi .1 li. ! "I , r nt 'I ii- 'M the I 1n.k fl-.l!l l tl .11 I. ' . . 'i. i In ib- 'w.i bun 1.'T11 lie .-. Wi. k. ;. . 7 w. T - Iiiitu T T.,1! tt It-. n bit - - r t i. -, in I ":i . r .( ib. i- . ; (Ml , 1.1 llll If T II, ai.l from 1 oh .r tie If I If V . ! Ci'i" C M - .r.r .(,.. ,, -.-! .1 fll-l 1" -' i: it in ' hi II S- a i I in l. - 1 T -,i ... . i Har l-'i ! 1 . "i ll ai 1 r i. -ii. T.-"-- .1 .! .'!'-. 'T 1 t l a t . I .. ,(.!.- Hi. r---I I) r 1-. r. a: 'la! sill ! il n c.jt? Tin , I li!-- niit!..i, f ; i . in n i:t: i ;b. i ;iit i. -ii -i .ii b.l 'iil on n a ! .'! y of tl li bad" tbai i I ,f, , vi a i I'l.-.a i;d.ia i Consumption of Coffee. In proportion to its population Bra zil takis first, place) as a country of C"l'fef-iiri!:l;rrs. Tho cor.KUinption of crffeo per capita in Hrazil is fourteen pounds each year, in Belgium and Hol laed it is eleven pounds, while in the Fiuteil States each person in tho pop ulation consui.u s an nverago of eight loonds of coffee yearly. Knglaud is iini'di In hind in tho procession with a consumption of only one-half poiim! per pnplt.i annually, but the amount of tea consumed on an average in Hint country by each person Is five tinges as greit as in the United States. Henry Decker Utilizes the Heat Gen erated by Bees. Henry Docker of Hartsgrovo, Ohio, has a now and novel way of hatching chickens and enjoys tho reputation of being the first man to use this kind of an Incubator. Ho uses the heat generated by bees, and says that ho can hatch 1U0 "chicks" from 1U0 fer tile eggs in nineteen days. This beats tho old ben by two days, and every farmer who knows how to handle boos might profit by this sug-ge.-iii.n. If one colony of bocs ctn be mndi! to do the incubating work of right or nino hens, and also produce oii.n 1-Pi to 'Idti pounds of honey which Mr. Docker says is possible it will not lie long until bees nre con sidered as indispensable to the farmer as rural mail delivery aud telephone sen ice. Mrs. I,. V. Brown of North Oeneva il:t w tho contents of a can of fer moiiteil fruit out of tho hens and In a short time they wore staggering aii. .i:L under the "load" like an old toper on his regular spree. ABOUT ST. SV.'ITHIN'S DAY. Ancient Supr rUitxit That Still Lin cere in Swilliiii's tb-.i' v.::-. Jul St. i:i...j:-.l l.i. il lain : oi loity ;:.):, otili.iiy. y hen :'.f i ;: iik-As, s':!i -:i ! . v rr is a th..: d-: .ill br -. i. Sw C ii' ir, rstition '.. sun ill. I il, ej" li i . b. hi : : all! I ,! .' ear Su '! IT:,. I lot I I I "I", '.i...,'. M " , in. I" !.-. for i.i H t'llll '.-'t. i Wii.i'bi t. .'liiil ll I If am! in thai if .-ding o-l t!ie luir ror- ilar: Tin- ; "ll. i. I'.i- old hi S-.lC:i!i. a illHIIll the ...iiiiit; St. Frcn-Mcuth a Queer Bird. Tin ",-.! n. ay low be kooii In liie Zoo I ,!rt.-i! Sociuty's ea:-lorn aviary a liriireu of a curious Australlnn .!rd. known i.n the frogiuoutli. It i- a ciiieer-lookiti!; bird, and with Us iMitib i ;d.:'i. ago i:nd quaint iiostures t Its rat'.i'-r the appeEtui:'-,, ,,f an Id It I :-:rb" ivy I f-: A ill. .-L.ii -i l.i IliK iO.-Sl ..ii.y mo t. i'a :.:i l o- i s'ory t'.a' I. -: n! I.! -. bo .1 I.I l-.l .-.ill- ll li in iii i i -i: r. I...-: i . -.' . I II- tands . 'i'!i,,itss nn of :!octu-nal habits dnrlnir the day it " ' to .' !'.e-' r.lierinr, ii: 'v i rr.i .of t: :; -''' ' ' :' i 'ii.' .. . t i ".:':: " i f f Jii., (r-o.!3r-:i is It i i.'finr.Tfiiif nnuth. lis gnat l :1 M (.IM- it -thing of t'.C '.. . i.n ii l. v.l.icb, imi ri!. In oth.-r ; -. I -. It r1i:ely re -n;ljlo... It - iij.on ! -fi.ill !i':d-. mice, Inocts, . - Fail .Vail Ca.-'tf. fotivc Powitr in China. Kr""l Hioe i m.ii b 1 t!o Chitii .n - ! rd' ' t i.n d : i rt .1 1 i .cai-. ainl ii..". i'.iur f : tijif .-. at.,.. ,, l.,.!. 'I I v b. i 'br.iin-i ai d tt -. flmirv l.ll.- ,1 ,-jrt ! t T.I - r t krb ii-; ! vj't.'in: " ' i.::: 1 and it Is ... a 'in it-It '". iill II II bun 1- r: .1 C1e Ar"j Ait-.. i - i- i: '!'.-.,.-.- -t-. ti ra, --.V r -f 1. t di : i;i- -i r i. Tl- T - ATHM SELL IT TCn LESV. - f -ti .- 5n h .li i r-t i-ii t.'