Newspaper Page Text
THE BEAUMONT ENTERPRISE. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1904- 1 . !- , . . I .1 n i . r i MAGNOLIA PARK This Eveninti iit 8:15. CRANU CflNCmT---''lHESIi TWELVE PIE-' 3. To lovers of fne rmi ' will bo a rare as tarty: orchestra It seldom hear.) In Beauno-.t. PROGRAMME! 1. Man h. Y M C. A lisicad. 2. Willi' S fVH'll Clllllio Op, I.I, "Til" Pllllie ' I I'llse!!' I.Ull.TS. :!. Inl i mi 'ii. ' N.u a.'i " 1, Ove!ll ', "Tailored," -villi .1. Tin- Li-hHi'.UM- .iihl Ih. Itnal. inilll 'I I'.- I i. i. ii I-r," Covei Solo. A. Cm M". s Tohiiul Ii. .Miiii'li, li-tim "The I'rophi t. ' Meyerbeer. l i- ulir: i i ." . . . . Wall '. Wind .-ti i ii t Troinboli Intermicainn. Mnnli. from 1". II. 1:!. Eili Vi V'-t inn 'Ki'l" I )' A NiiwI'-h. Ti'lilll.lllH- ...II. Wagner. ipli'lg of Hi" .. It II. Hall. from 'TiiiiiitiaMKii'" In, ITilik Anaya It. WllIIKT. i,:n Ciiinlr Opera. I. mill. riiiiHi" I'ratt'-n. Ml. I. 'Mil "The Wi . S'. "In -i Cns.-y WIRED MIS PAPER WHILE BLEEDING Weather Forecast. WaHhIiiKti.n. W C, B'l'l. T.-Koru-east : "wVhi" T "iih: Fiilr Thursday. x i Klmui rH In ixireniii western iKirihin: Friday, fair and warmer in tin (Alniiio tHii-iii imriliin. F.ast Texas: I'un cloudy Thursday mill Friday; showers on -oil. WILL CONTINUE PACKERY STRIKE Mai'-ii. "Tli" M"'H''iim r. .2;. I...... M - ..I- I i.ti lor con's Cimrtoor.iph Moving PitiJrcsj' Y v r v- v NicfHt 1 imudcuts ami Tin :,: ( Tialn Itobl.ery: rVrep.m-.-h I :niil '. H i I iron. Cir'-M-:; The Snaiilsh I Hull Fiv.M; nii'l other lit U nci loin. SHOT THROUGH THE LUNGS AT LIAO YANG BUT WAS DEAD GAME. SIORV Of SOLDIER L1IE VNDCRriKE ,l D.lg w.liM M. Rod. Fl. fTEfl THE VOTE TO KEEP IT UP LEADERS Arifc in DARY. DO M KNOW WIIAr 10 DO NEXT Attempt Will Bo Made to Put on a Meat Famine by Means of a General Boycott, No Arbi trators Need Apply. KILLED IN WRECK ON ROCK ISLAND Miles to File the Message. A Pen Picture of the War's Horrors. Mukden, Kept, fl. Tin! following nns- :.g0 Hi'' I'UllilT 1-VI-lllM "f Mil- Japanese attack (ill Hon. SUikd In .H corps southwest of Liuo ViiliK Angus! :;u. was written on me nniue- II..I.I hv .M. K r oil. olio "I in'.- DECINNING SUNDAY AFTERNOON High Class Vaudeville C;'"ii iy of Toads. , Tit- I r J i i i .'iii; l i-roody. I' feed ciilliirini ly t !: : t: m-Tn Mtt (!;' i:!--,!-t. an! I.i t ' 'o.! t y ft u . hc-vs '; till! n-ii !i riianl'ty of !i;wi:l ' I" fi.ur tltii- s ila tst- v.v.'ih r:iu 1H1J. Pride Kept Lomj From Mol!-.rr. V.'l i n a Cli'M-ia t;' i i riv.rrli-ii nl-nn-'-i wall r.;iv ii'.iiiHiM l)il""o (II in- Hi- nll'iv.-s l it t-i T.y In t !:r-l v!-:ii I-) hi'.' t::c-!i:i'. miiI in MnUih ii for IiiiiihiiiIhsIoii Just hcl'iiic I he -oi i ( .si"iiiili'lit WHH sshul in Mil- Iiiiikh. This iiiiiinliiK iiiiminl Mi'" y"H KiniH tlinniliTi'l iiiiccii.siiiKly. ' ;-ikIiIh foriniiiK a Hcinlciii'lo iiioniid nil- Hly wt-rt! (I'llicl 1H' J'-t" "r llaini- iiinl lit I Its lluc-k uinl wliito ( IoiiiIm. TlK! Htriat lt.- was rlt-uriy v,;i- ,4.,,, WoiU was iiniimiiiccil tfiilay. 1,1,. from tin; waUT lower of Uuo ' , ., . 111,i.1 (ii,.iu ChlniKo. Kt'l't. 7. HrvImr vtilt-il to roiilliint! Hit- HlocU yurtlH Hlrllto mil II hi-iit-i- ti-rnm ciin liu Heciircil, lilt; Hlrilso It ailiTs IoiiIkIiI arc 111 n quan dary us lo what liu.- next move will he. When Uk; n-HllIt of tho vole of Mil- men (IcI'calliiK tin- iro)iwiilon lo !:!! !! ovi ili::. Lor-rony In !.-.:'ia. i V: I'.-.D :-;; I'-jx-r rmr-try -f !hl. r I!:::: i- i : i; ti r. III"" Ml Clhi r.l.-i-s of liii:l lri:;llU'lll f.'o R".ro J. pn.icso St.impe. .l;'-:':i hf; .v vi-ry r:-.i-..- :o::r.xo Kt-!i:... Ti.o. iis'i: t ov.-r i;alil for a !:;..::! i:mti wsh JTi). The "Bird In :iie H.ind." l-'j l:i !-.o v'tii: I'!'"', i'" t v.-ill (;nlt a coi-L .'.Inty tor f:i imcirtaliity. Uuiuiil-I Jjlinsoii. ("ver Tin- r.f Kit vlcr roll liiii ( O l Nl ftf.fV I L l M .r4 mm IP Vaim. Tlio itiiHMaii left alonu was mil cliKaHcl. Al. 7 a. in. Hio ioiti-s-ponilciii roih! lo I ho Hiisnian collier whiTc I he Jaiaiiosc were coiicenli at UiK in an al tempi to break IhroiiKh anil clinilteil the neinliLviliii; IicIkIus lollowiiiK a detachment, lo relieve the hiiinniHlKTH who had heen coverliiK; the hsii lory commanded hy l'okol llolT, one ol I he heios of Kiiileiichelig. The .lapaliese, iiccordliiK to cuslom, V(!ii- shelliiiK places while they he lii veil I he IliiHslan reserves were lo- i- i, llclore the coiresioiidelit. cimld reach the hat lory, he had to ci ess a daiiKor zone ol one hundred ami liny yards, projectiles fallliiB ; ami l.urslins on i nut ii the very iKioiind liceini.-d lo quiver with wrath. I There was a louchini; seem; when the I sUii inishers were reached. A Um;sian soldier met a hrolher whom hi! had last seen in their na tive village. There were j-iyous j;i eel inns and a quick cxchniiKe of in ws from home, 'men eacn weni li'.s whv and set I led down lo the work ol Unlit In;. The Japanese lire was spasmodic. Their millets sa.ii; like Ini ds as I hey sped overhead ami tho Itiisslans crackeil jokes ahoul it. Two hours laler,, the coiTespolidcnl. leached the bat lory and found Unit l'okol Muff and anolher ollicer. Cost lull, hal liee, kilh-il or wounded. Captain Tenroif was In charne of the lallery. His quid courtesy recalled tin. Ih'.iii id' one of (fount. Tolstio's 'novels. l-'ifty yards away was a 'snli ndiil iookiiiK Kiiiiner whoso duty ii, was lo record Hie .success or failure ... .i-i ! r i. I jnl I'llcn Mini. till- ki "ii "'"'H with deadly inessenmrs was all a id him, hill Hie linsslan lAiiiiuer 'Stood ei'cci and nlterly failed to heed I ln ian;.'.er lo which be was exposed. I The Uiissian olifi-ers had inn ealen i.-uylhii'-: since llio previous day and cm re:ip(iii(i''iil shared with them whatever ho had. Tho laslo ol food caused lliem lo n-iili.e the inlensil'y ni' their hunger. I'rudelice lllf!ei till' i .nespondeiit lo have Ihi! spot but Ii was lacinaled Here t lie message ended. 'i in- ollicer who seiii forward M. KirilolT's (Coirecll last ilespatch added: "Al. Kiriliiff, who was a;i cut husiasi ill his work was (hot llirou.i'.h the rinht 1 ii Ii K while siaiulini; by our battery and fell back llitill-4 mleline auiillV. tin! Ill 1 spnilinu from his mouth, let hi:; do vrilinii in duly enalilo'l him lo over cinne his siilT'-riiiKS. He inslsled mi plai'i ii on a horse so that he add ',i l lo Lino Y.-inc, and lib- his pal' b. It look Ii'iii live hours In iur I be distance In I. km Viiiik. le u In- ii eell' d Hiere. M. KililolT was :n ehaiisled ami weak from loss i; IiIiihI thai we .l him into rtle I'Hal iiltli-im;li ac.ainsl his prnu-si. a1 ki'd me lo coiiiph-li bis ibs aich lor him. I am a soldier ami fm i lit. i- Inn will '.ay nllir an awful i. In today wi' aii' si ill hobli.i our isil'ous. .lapaaesi' builii-s bi-sln-w 'i Hi.' biiulns. Their losses must nil i in 1 1 lb'' lens of I liiiusati'ls i v i b'.i ;..(ni ilius far. A shrap I , II I or-., iu'ii pace, froni (b ii 'lakelbi I".-.. b" leina ineil lor I .ii-. iiinl. i lire, killing two ullicers. . iieial was slightly woiuided ill I.L- II was slated hv tilt; union olllclals Ihal a second ballot would be ordered at once. Shortly after tho announce ment was mailo, how-over, the plan was abandoned and efforts were he loin to secure anothor conference with Hio packers. In this Hie slrik- IU U'l't'.. III1KI1C cossltul and then tt v:..'oiwl iiiiiionncoineiil was made that the order issued last week, plaoinii all meat, on I lie unfair list, would no into effect tonight. While iiituiikc- .....i.iu lv.. n. Iii'lnir niailn to nut. Illls order info effect it was suddenly dis covered hy some ol t no leaders nun he allied trades conference would have to Kive their consent to tho or der before it could be enforced and that it would he Impossible to put the manifesto Into effect tonlKUt as i. wtmld not he able to arrange for a iiieelinK or lis members until tomor row. It was then staled that Hit! cen tral orKiini.atioii would meet tomor row at 11 o'clock to consider the quest Ion. Kollowlni; the announcement that '(. strikers hud voted to continue I he slrike a meotlnj; attended by i.iii'esenlaliveH of all lilt! packers was held at the olllcos of the National I'lukini; conipaiiy. Alter llie nieei inj; it wan slated by one of the pack ers that no oppori iiuiy wniuu Kivcn hy llie labor loaders to present n proposition ombraeinf; iirliUrailon. lis was belli;; pliinnod by the strikers. How the Votp Stond. The followlni; stalemonl was rIvoh out by the iinii'n: "The HkIiI or the organizations was on a proposll ion lo ileeluro the strike off. Of L'S.OIill slrikors, i.Vr. voied to return to work mid Hn.ri!i7 to reniaiii on a strike iiiitll a fair proposition embracing ar bitration' can bo obtained. THREE KNOWN DEAD AND FIFTY BADLY INJURED BY COL. LISION. OTHERS PINNED LNDER WRECKAGE Passenger Collided with Freight that Had Broken In Two. Six Coaches Demolished and Occupants Badly Shaken. Princeton, III., Sept. 7. Tlio Kan sas City fast pasHi'iiKiT train on tho Chicago, Itock Island and raclllc rail road was wrecked half n mile east of Tiskilawanu tonlubt and moro limn fifty- persons wero badly Injiireil, Hiree of whom have alneo died. Oth ers are pinned under tho wrecked passoiiKor eonehes and as yet havo not been recovered. Iho imsseiiKor train collided with the roar end or a freiKht I rain that had broken in two. The engineer was ullulilly nijureti niid tho llreniau was seriously hurl. Half u dozen passeiiKer cars weio wrecked and the pnsseiiKors llinwn In every direct ion, elKht landing in a corn Hold at one side of the track. Many of those Injured have been iiiken to Tlskllawatia anil others la the hospital at l.asalle. The dead are; MAN SUPPOSED TO Uli DOX AIJ)SON, Chicago. I'M l)K NTI Kl Kl ITALIAN. UNIDENTIFIED MAN ADOUT 37 years of a::o. tie IV'. 1 ll ' I j ba i W. ;ti Hie MURDER AND SUICIDE. Sensational Affair Occurred in Louis ville Boardinq House. Louisville, Ky Sept. 7. Win. i-f. Neal, uiidi-r indict nieiit for Hie mur der lasl winter of Assistant Coin lu.'iiwi'allhs Attorney .lames K. Shra-ilt-i- today shot ami killed lii wife, Nellie liobinson Neal and then ended bis own life. The lra;;edy occurred in a boarding house on west llroiid way, where Neal and his wife had boon 1 1 ' 1 1 1 v. since Sunday as Mr. and Mis. Johnston of Nashville, Teiin. Mis. .1. ( !. Itaird, tin- landlady, .-aid: "The couple came to my lions" Stimlav and paid two days board. Tliey acted in a peculiar manner. "Mrs. Neal had been nplainin:; of lieini; ill. Slit- cam. down today, limbing hai;miiil and worn, saying her husband was loo ill In come in llie lable. She wanted lo take him a li-ln lunch. Mv ihiuisliler was n tin- ailjoiniiii; room when she h'-ncd i ii in lalkini; ill whispers. A silence then en lied. Olio shot I'ilUK "ut siel iii.n almtaer. The interval was .t.-t." Mrs. Neal was Nellie K 'bill' tin. ilaiii-.hier 'd I'tid. W;!liiiin Kobinsou. ol I lopl.ilisvill"'. I.I. I,,,i..,, i t O'Neal, counsel ..r VERMONT'S LANDSLIDE. Republicans Will Control Legislature Better man Tor -rears. White ltiver Junction, Vt., Sept. 7. With only two small towns missing the republican plurality ot .tl.r.uo in yesterday's election is believed to l e within a few votes or I lie correct limires. Four years ago, it was 31,- 12. Tin. ,wvt lecislal lire will bo more completely controlled by the republi cans that tor many years. i no u- turns from 271 towns show tliat ino senate will be solidly ropuiillcaii, whore last year there were five dem ocrats. Returns for Hie House snow l.Vii republicans, thirty democrats, three independents and two citizen members. Last year the democrats l.i.d llfty members 111 the House. Killed Wife and Himself. Chicago, Sept. 7. Italher than pay his wife, from whom ho had been separated, $,7 r. week as ordered by Hie court, Joseph Rennet- a porter employed in the wholesale slore of viumiinii vieM and Company, to- l.ight, shot mid killed her and then committed niieide. Uegnet today ro ot ivod lh j notice of the decision of the court. Burglars' $10,000 Haul. Charlotte, N. C, Sept. 7. Burglars blow open Hie safe of the county tri usurer, J. A. Logan, ot l .kims- v'lle yesterday, and Kocureii noiweeu SS.IKili and $1U,(MMI. The safe in the postolllee was also blown open. i"- n.astcr Maekie reports thai over ik was stolen. The burglars socmen lools from a blacksmith shop in mo town. County Treasurer mjk.iu oi lers a reward of $2,000 for the cap ture of the burglars and money. Bob Taylor Married. llristol, Teiin., Sept. 7. Kx-C.oveni-or Hob Taylor, of Tennessee, was married to Miss Mamie St. John or Chilhowie. Va , this afternoon al L"o o'clock. The wedding occurred at tne bride's home and was attention ny .,r ,1... ui,l.. I'irele of relatives. Iilrtnj "I " " . C.ov. Tavlor has been married three I times, having been divorced only a j ii'ioiulis mm from his set-anil wile! at Knoxville. C.ovonior mi'l Mrs Taylor will reside in Uristol. Il'e aid: "I of I' lutU llefi Use ill i le- Sluad'-r ca-e will alii IT" ' 1 never haw N- al ol ih .ii-r-:u .1 i-ii- i f " - -''"" YCU MAY I.AUGII OR CRY. Dai l you ran net shake our brand nrvv ptcr.t GUttrs from your rye It is irr.nirtti ril wh.At shar nt'-e your noc may be. Come in nJ ice thc-m BECK JEWELRY CO. LtADIHG CPTICUN. 1 lo..i . W ll ;ei I r.llil' in' pill llllwll, i p I he oppori mill y i- i haiL'- of w ill Smad'-r. Only -M'sion of fad s. aHtl on his Conqratulated by Roosevelt. Ovstor Hay. Sept. 7 President , UiMisevell has telegrapli'-d Senator Proclor Charles A. Hell. -."veni"r I elect and the K' puldic i.i slate com- j inillee. ctii-rai libit ing th. ni cordial-i ly on the result of the Vermont eke-: lion. COTTON GOODS MAKERS MEET. Oi g.ini7f(i Under Name of Southern Color'-d Codi Weavers. ' A' I. no. i Sep; 7 - About foriy of n, , ,.,.H,.n Is inaliul u t'ir ,i. ,.i I'm- .'uili nut li.-ie lol.iv ate! ,,, .. ,, . . i : t i r i lm name of tie S mi Colored I ;.-! Wrairrs as :i' ,.'ll I' ' M.'ttii'n-. of I- THK ( ) ( ( v ( T 4 !. ' n f. r ii ml r - ! I' , Uabich. i- ! rinnmh'ee '.I .erf'--1 III'' U t 1 nmnt'f.ic ot I'll - "Till-: ROYAL MCSKOKA" Hold i, the largest and most magnificent summer hotel in Canada. Local ion unsurpassed, in tho relilre of the fa nmiis Muskoka Lakes district. High lands of Ontario (l"'i'l f"-t above s-a abou six hours journey nor'h oi Toronto. Th- croumls Include an area or i;tii acres, containing pine and ln-m-lin k ro-es an, l many tit-.-iniifnl a'ks an. poinN t-oniii'Hiiilina U lv vb ws. Hi. -r.. ar" Tennis, tl.ilfing. ltowlnc. Ki-hirs.'in-i. CroTCt Itowl-m: an.l many mjoyalilo water trie -"ir- I.i- in evert r ---c1. i:i-illetit'm frrvi' e. lvrnpiw liieratcre ami inforn-.a-ti.m low i" r.- i. h the " --1 M t I " k i" on a-p ie; i on in C,y. W Vn'tn. A C. 1' nr. I T A . Mcnhain Trn-t PI'I'c . (Ti,rar-.i. DOES IT PAY TO ADVEITIS: THIS QUESTION HAS BEEN ASKED The Enterprise Proposes to Answer This Question With a Big Tb. fresT National Banrof Mm i!i- -l- -i n -iiinn -I I.K t'-" .1 ilr- a- t.iv. r-;i;. , t.,' l Liverpool. ..l S :' 7 - ' .1. piaiel : CMC I'ih- r n'. r" ai 1.' I l T' ' ,.' - I C an t'l f .'-r. 'V. V. floi-fc . I . V. iff-t . ion z-y; -'t S-ro'd .t. C -rc::r. G -1. Z) Ttt: . L r v. D Tc'rr. . -t.1. D"f;'-'. C .--t' er. t. An- It does not however propose to limit its answer to Beaumont or East Texas but it proposes to go over into Louisi ana where the Enterprise covers the ground hours before any other paper. We here quote one letter out of over a hundred the Enterprise can furnish to show that we cannot only cover Texas Territory, but that we also cover Louisiana Territory as well. mmpYBon Ami. La. August 31st. 19V4. Globe Furniture Co. eaumont, Tex. "Dear Sirs:- I haVe just seen your advertisement in Sunday's "Enterprise". 'Please let me -fcnoW if yoa Will fsend the 3-piecc Oak Ttcd-Room Suit at $13.85, F. O. B. at "Beaumont, also price of Springs to fit bed and What you Will ship the Whole for, freight prepaid. Please let me hear from you at once. Very Gruly Yours, Mrs. J. E. Chopper. The Enterprise Wishes to Distinctly Assert it Has No But it has more subscribers in South East Texas and Louisiana than any paper in the 1 c state ot 1 exas can ooasi oi. If you are an advertiser and wish to reach the people of this section ask the ad vertising man and if he does not convince you, don't advertise. 6) 01 ,0) .to Cr" E C HMMtMI ''' V. w. c