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0 - " OUR-STORE ' - Will Dc Closed Saturday, September 10th B. DEUTSER FURNITURE CO. ICEWATER WAS . THE HOT STUFF WON FEATURE BY A LENGTH AT THE 8T. LOUIS TRACK. robb m bumped BY SAND CRABS LOST TO GALVESTON IN ISLAND CITY YESTERDAY BY THE SCORE OF 21 TO 2 0000KKO0OKO0OCOKOOKOOOOJ On Account o( It Is Kafd To Hold On lii your moiify wlum you see cmr FREE OFFER. Wo nre Kivlns yn" our prolit on lirfrUvcriilors. If you :ir inti'i'csliMl, como quick. Thoy an; ilnii lust. !:. I.. Wilson Hardware Co Kinsas CitySouthern & & St, j ARTHJJfi SPECIAL RATE Louis and Return $15.95 Kansns City and Return 515.00 Ticket;; on Sale. Sept. 10 and 11. v For further information, write or jiliono A. MORRIS R. Phono C. Cily Ticket office cor. c. r Twirl & T. A. & Uowic. DALVAY WON HAELCM If ANDICAPi BURNS BEAT OLD TEAM MATES Colonial Girl, Who Defeated Hermit ln$50,000 World's Fair Handi cap Won Omnium H.indl- . cap at New York. Si. T.oitln. Si pi. !. hvnvntor won tln- Couture hy'n k'liKUi. I'lisi, :iiU' iiniitl hIxH'ciiIk: KI-"m Wlllinii-'.lii.v won: " mi HiTiuiit; rrpix-r lilck thlnl. Tlmo 1 :!!. Ki'Miuil, ."i fiirliiiiKs: Tlio Clink wiiii: Violin sirnnil; Alice 1'hiit thlnl. Tlmu 1:o:j 1-1. Thlnl, milo nml M-vi'iity ynnls: riiil'lcyiii' won: Avoid Bccoiul: AniiM-lroM thlnl. Time 1:4-1. IAiiuiii. i ftirhmmt: Iccwalor won; Commoiloiv Kccoiul; Allan Avon third. Tlmo 1:11 11. r'il':h, milo mid TO ynriln: Tho Itc Kent won: Amu- Pnvls kitimiiI; (Htm ncvis third. Time 1:Hi 1-1. SKI li. milo nml Bixteonlh: Viirn. wen: niiKlehorn secoiul; Dawson lliiiil. Time 1 : -I S. Rcs'llts at Chicano. Chlrin'o. Sopl. !. Thn font u re event at ll.irlcm today, n mile haiin irap. wan won by Dalvay in l:"'i llul. . - First, r.-R mile: Cntlo,- won: The Novice second; Katie Zitl: thiro. Tinio 1:o0 1-5. Hecond race, , KleepleehaKe, shorl eiriiise; Miikh won: Col.len Mnk necinid: Swarzwahl Ihird. Time 3::iO (Kiinals track record.) Third race, mile: Pal way won: Wain-a-Moinon second; CroRor K Ihivd. Time 1:30. Fiiiuth. fi 1-2 fmlonss: Raff Ta? won: Ued Tin von second ; Jim Halo third. Time 1:20. Results at Sheepshead New York .Sept. !). Colonial Cirl. wlio defealeil ilermis ill the $"O,0.M WniiiVs Fair hamlieap, won tho Om l'i'im iianilican, mile and a furious, al Slieejisliead T!ay today. film was played down from 10 to 1 t() ." to 1. MeChi'sney was practically left ir the pnst hut ran a rooiI race, finisii inn' fourth. Firl, hi:-t ! 1- furlongs of the ru lurity course: llriisli Up won; Flour de Marie second: Miss Modesty Ihird. Time 1 :ur '.)-'. Second, milo; Ormandes Itiffhf. won Wild 'Thyme second; Ancestor third. Time 1:io. Third, the Ooldon Ttod. C 1-2 fur hums: Oisean won: Pasadena secoiuT Waterside third. Timo 1:19 4 .1. Fiiurlh. the Omnium handicap, a mile and a furlong: Colonial Cirl won: I Inrsl bourne second: Polly Spanker (bird. 1'imo 1:.':! :i-.ri. Fifth, mile and n quarter: Kasle won: The Southerner second; Auru master third. Time 2:07. SiNlh. mile and a sixteenth on tin Stolen Moments won; Prince Chins second: Sidney C. Love third. Time 1:47 1-.".. ' In Saw Off Soriet Johnconlte Agaii Defeated tho Houston Crowd In Old Style Ball Game. Roeolal to I ho Entornrlso, (inhesion. Texas. Sept.- 9. Tin tennis balillni; for honors In the saw off Herlea locked horns nnd went nt ench other viciously today and nave tho funs an exhibition it old style, hit nml run, hammer nnd tonus huso ball. The Sand Crabs walked over the .Mud Cuts to tho ex ten of twelve to six and In the melee both nines did somt" clever floldhm and hard hittinK. horrell Top lloiih formerly of tho Drillers, pitched for Houston nnd not his bumps for tin? tiecond time this year, (ialveston hit tint? him freely. Mis support, how ever, was not the best. 'SmiliiiK; ;eno" Hums delivered the Roods for (inlveslon nnd took Ki-eat dellKhl in administering pun ishment, to his former team males, from among whom he was cast mil early in tho second series. A hi.? crowd watched tho Rame, which In spite of the big score, was a fairly good contest and delighted the loc.-n fan anyway because (lalveslon was victorious. The score by inning follows: (inlveslon I1 "2S OtiO v Houston "HI (120 (121 fi liatterles: Hums nnd Page; Itohb and Moore. THE MANHATTAN L0UI1 METER, Proprietor. 6 00-04000OK00000 000400040OfOC0040 Phlladelphlil 001 inn lllx-H K 2 Howell and Kleiimw; Henley ami Schreck. Secmd- N-w York d'10 ill (1 nuo 1 7 5 Philadelphia Oil :iu0 otix-ri i 1 (Irilllth and Mcniilre; addell ami Schreck. Washington 0; Boston 7. Washington, Sept. Plneen almost Invincible. Washington . Out) nuo mm o I lost on 220 nuo uu:J-7 Patten and Kiltredge; Pineen Farrell. Lotiisvlllo 2; Columbus II. Indianapolis 2; Toledo 11. Minneapolis NATIONAL LEAGUE. Pittsburg 3; Chicago 1. Pittsburg, Sept. !.' McCormick's two bagger in the eighth won the game for Pittsburg. Score: Pitlsbnrg 000 Kin nx ;. : u Chicago 000 010 OHO l 7 0 Lynch and Phelps; Ilriggs ami Double Header at New York. New York, Sept. 9 To locals won the lirst game. The second was called m account of darkness at tho end oi the fifth inning. Score: First: New York 201 OOP. OOx fi 8 2 Philadelphia 220 (Mill 0004 12 3 McOinnily and ltowerman; Frazer and Ttoth. Second : Now York 000 000 1 n Philadelphia 000 000 5 1 Ames and Bowernnn; Corridor and Dooin. Boston, Sept.. postponed rain. !). Bosl oil-Brooklyn a o o Now is tha time to build that house. We arc prepered to furnish you the Lumber. Space does not per mit vs to tell you just how much we can save yeu on your purchase. :. Corns and see us. ' THE KIR BY LUMBER COMPANY & .Special Rates to Contractors. noooooooooooofrC0000c00OC04(. TRI-AK6LE ROUND TRIPS NAT r.S Vrirmcrii SOUTHERN LEAGUE. Montgomery 3; Birmingham 0. AT.iiilirnmorv Sent. 9.1 TllO locals again shut, out Birmingham today. At tendance 1,000. Score: Birmingham 000 000 0000 3 .". Montgomery 003 000 OOx 3 (! Kcagan and Matthews; Leo and Clark. Ac Memphis 7; Shreveport 10. Memphis, Sept. 9. The visitors plaved an uphill game and taking ad" vantago of Memphis' costly errors, won In the sixth inning. Shortslop Smith and First Baseman C.ilks play ed brilliant ball. The locals put Aliell, formerly of tho Texas league in the box. He retired after the second inn ing in favor of Sparks, a new acquisi tion from tho Palla league. Score: Miminhis 400 100 0027 9 r STirevenort 020 004 13010 11 0 Abell, Sparks and Hurllmrt; swann and (irafllus. ASK YOUR AGENT FOR THEM ONE WAY VIA; THE DENVER ROAD; ill rVl H 0DUBIC DAllY V SOLID TRANS j Double Header at Nashville Nashville, Sep'. 9. Rank errors by Nashville in (he first game today mane ii ..'isv fur At l.-i nt n. In the second name the local (earn retrieved them selves by fast playing. Score: First : Atlanta 111 301 020-9 10 0 ViiKhvilln (102 010 OUU 3 9 9 Kuckor nnd Clark; Utissell ami Ac corsiney. Tblt arrangement applet from all point In the Southwett mad Include Stop-over privilege, that you may enjoy Jf'jur r-.fll rn.ciiiuiii Kl'H la "klUl. VJLAJliUJ before or afur visiting the... WORLD'S FAIR -JLCL:x:a.C:5iri:sJlan Second : Nashville Atlanta Nickons :id V ia !;. On.". 200 Oilx' .". R 4 ill) loo (mil 2 ( 1 Accorslnev: Pwyer New Orleans 3; Little Rock 2. N - Orleans Si lit. . I.iitle Hock played a lKise eani.- ii-day an 1 the lo cals male m big score. l imn niu nil oofi Min z New Orlians 01 o 120 :.-? 1 I l inn. !.(. r and And'THon : Whit and Vox. ridi AMERICAN LEAGUE. HOLIDAY We Wilt Be Closed Today Until 6 p. m. : was r, o 1; o and St. Paul 10; St. Paul 10; Milwaukee 2. Kansas City 2. Kansas Cily 0. PLAY OFF TODAY. Golfers to Compete In Second Quali fying Round. Tho play off In tho second round for the September cups will bo held on the links of the Beaumont Oolf ninli tlilu afternoon, heir lining about o'clock. The gentlemen nnd ladies who (nullified In Ihe hrsl round last. tnrday will compete lor tne priv- lego of playing tiite cup holders next eek. There will also no a diiihi bugey" contest. Millions for Foreign Inventors. It is estimated that 5 per cent, oi oi.Miit Jxr. noO.OOO of the annual in come from American railroads goes to foreign Investors. Sure Thoy pet Pure Milk. At l-eytonstone,.,Jiug., an enterpris ing dairyman semis 1113 cows ronnu lo customers, and milks tliom at tne door. NEVER HAD SEEN THE FLAG Alabaman's First Introduction to tho Stars and Stripes. A man was discovered In Coosa county, Aiuhamu, last winter who had never seen the American lias. What Is more, ho hud not tho leaBt percep tion of what It meant and was much astonished when this was explained to him. Tho Incident happened In tho long loaf pluo country In which tho Kaul Lumber coinpuny Is operating, near the little bfickuoods town of Juniata. a party of government foresters, un der Franklin W. Hoed, was encamped In tho woods beside the ' road. A large Mag tied to a sapling pine an nounced tho Bile as a government camp. One evening a llttlo old man ciimo down tho road driving a yoke of steers and stopped to inquire whether the party would like to buy some pork. He got out of his cart, sat down on a stump and after a mo ment's conversation his eye caught sight of the Jlag on the sapling. He looked at it In a puzzled way, then asked what it was. Tho men thought at first ho was Joking, but it was soon apparent the question was In good faith. "Tliat'B the American flag, man. Haven't you ever seen the nag uu fore?" No, be had never seen a flag of any kind before. Ho had heard there wero such things, and once he had seen a picture of a llag on a poster, but that was a long time ago, and he had almost filrgotten it. He had lived in the woods all his life and had never been more than 13 miles from home. He wanted to know what the flag meant, and listened in Bilence when this was explained to him. He did not know how to read or write, and had never heard that the Fourth of July was any different from any other day. Top Hsts for Paupers. Ton liatfi are (supplied to six elderly, .veil behaved English paupers in the rsevmondscy workhouse. Best Language for the Telephone. French Is said to he more easily un derstood over the telephone than Kuglish. Immigration Into Ge.rm&ty. normnnv Is at present gTfnine 18,- 000 inhabitants yearly by Immigration. Tcrpid r-ish Spread Disease. 1 i,er.-ins In South Minneap olis have been ill. and some critically, by eating fish that have been scooped out of the Mississippi river In enor- nous quantities by small boys. It is elicved that the fish have been pol luted by gas waste that has been car led Into the river. The boys' who caught tho fish tell a strange story. Down between the two giivei nnu nt l.ims. thev say. at tho only approach to the river in that neighborhood, :aw fish floating near the p.urfaco of the water. Wading In. they were able fo nick iin the ti'h at will, throwing them on the bank. The flsh wen; alive, but permed to be In a torpid slate. Tubs and express wagons wero h ad ed with fish of every si.e and descrip tion known to river fishermen. Min neapolis Tribune. Smallest Monarchy on Earth. The Bovercien who reiens over the smallest monarchy In tho world Is the king of Cocos, a group of Islands noar Sumatra. Theso Islands were (lis covered about 300 years ago by tin cantaln of tho Keeling, but were com pnratively little known till 1 25. When Mr. Uoss, an Englishman, visited them he was struck by their benuty nnd trail; im bis abode there. It Is his pandson, Oeorgo noss, who now holds sv.ny over tho Cocos, Italy and R-ypt nt the Olio. Condemns Tod Hats. The Ixmdon Medlcol Press thus Is sues a call for heroes: "Tho top hat is ugly, unhygienic and embarrassing. Its solo claim to support Is the ap iii.ii-.inca of resnecLabllity It Klves. If onlv a few medical baronets would drive to their consultations In Puna tr.fis nnd cloth cans they would break the tyranny of habit over health and comeliness, and at the samo time earn the undying gratitude of their humb ler confreres." Rrcfreshments in Church. Family pews were Introduced at the beginning of the Bcventcnnth century Homo of these had a table and fire filace. also mrtidiis ut'd window blinds, so as to secure the utmost nrnacv. This led to abuses. In nunc of the ciosei! i es aril pbylng whs not uncommon and the tedium nf a long B'Tvleo was sometimes relieved by litht rtfreshmeni:;.- Tho Reliquary NATHAN 6ELL8 IT FOR LESS. can't afford to miss the freat World's Fair The greatest show ever held, an education within itself, equal to a journey 'round the world. Why not fjo now- this month Kates are very low, accomodations are easily had at reasonable prices. If you are in doubt about the cost of a visit you can purchase a complete round trip including railroad ticket, hotel accomodations with meals, admissions to the Fair and all necessary expense for any , number of days at a certain fixed price, with arrangements all made in advance. Write us about this at once to-day. AThe Cotton Belt Routo operates Through Daily Trains to St. Lotits carrying ilrtprn, dininp ran, chair can, roarhri Write (or illustrated World's Fair (older containing map of grounda, train schedule!, etc. E. W. UBEAUME, CP. T.A. St. Louis, Mo. , .' ' f or call on Cotton Belt Route Ticket Agent' 1 ' "POIM149 kwniH 111 M ! HI I WORLDS FAIR ROUTE ST. LOUIS THROUGH SLEEPERS Santa Fe and Complete Service Splendid Trains Harvey Dining Halls. Stop-over at Eureka Springs. W. A. TULEY, Gen sra Passenner Agt., Fort Worth, Tex. 1 i, - -- LrJHl-i.-ijiLiiJ.ij. r. " ".' ' -liimj--Tj.. ' r " i tr i r-i a.. Illinois dm, Central WORLDS FAIR EXCURSION RATES BEAUMONT TO ST. LOUIS $36.40 for Tickets Good Until Dec. 15th. $30.35 for Tickets Good for 60 Days. $24.75 for Tickets Good for 15 Days. THROUGH SLEEPER LEAVES BEAUMONT 10:03 P. M. DAILY ARRIVES ST. LOUIS 7:08 A. M. Fast Train ServiceBuffet Library Cari--Dinlnj Ce,riHtJ a la Carte Free Chair CarsPullman Sleepers. Special Rates to all Summer Retorts. Apply to TicHet Agent for full information, or address N. D. FINCH, T. P. A., Houston, Texas. ESTABLISH 1.3 1889. R. M. MOTHNER THE POPULAR JEWELER .CROCKETT STREET, ..BEAUMONT, TEXAS SEYMOUR KISCH ATTORNEY AT LAW. 17 Gilberrt Building, Beaumont Correspondents In New York. St. Louis, Chicago, Etc 13. A. McDowell M. S. DuOle T. C. Taylor I M DOWELL, DUFFIE & TAYLOR Attorney:- at Law Ah'tandor Bldg. Deaun-ont, Tea. W. C TTRKE1.U rres and Ugr A. M ?! V AT.T IS. V -rrm. " w. c.' TTRr Kt-U Jr Arrt. B-cy. and Trfco'w. Heywood Oil Co. PRODUCERS and SHIPPERS OF CRUDE OIL ' CF EEACVOUT AND tCV'R LAKE, TEXA. CrnfleU Equ'PT-ert a4 all Faci.s for et-it-k ellrlea. i CmCZ: Krle Oj-' tl;wm f i t. ' P.ifer?sces An7 el the ijimont Banrtt. Split Even at Cleveland. fl. vi land. SMn. . 1-t-lml and ifliw-aco atain fj-lit vtn. S'n.; i 1 1 ri , !n1 -Z 1fl0 f'tt-l 1" 3 I I '! Slid rid Snl.iian. f'i' t )Hlli i' On Account of HOLIDAY The Big Store Will Be Closed All Day Today--Saturday. Open At G p. m,. Ready For Our Usual Satur day Night's Business. i i. t 4 i. v C. T. Heisig. T. V. Smelker. HEISIG V SMELKER. GENERAL INSURANCE AND SURETY BONDS. Phones El besumoct. Tea. Old Forrester WhisKey Guaranteed. Hnrtly .ur- ti4 .f ih fiin-n llKr, fvrtiifii at tl' fii-iiilTy and r'laran t.h i.i.i i. i, ,i, i.i.i i. 1 I'l o I.)! nil IS ) i'n : W1.:-- hi '1 .- i'l, i. I. 'i . . i. iU n t ) y ! V ;..l. I v.-r.- Ill l".'l t'.-ll : 1- i..i v '.'l f-...l) nn lM - i. -i. I.-;'- iiiitjf i- i.ii raw' I z V-l: 1 S 's. A'.. .'.A -.- ! '.- i. ' i Kill t.y tie ry. Soli iv-rr 1hf rotifitfT r y 'he !' iin 1y P. G. FUREY, 44C . Vk.m ' Ftrci. Lubricating oils j Direct from Refinery to Consumer! No Jobber's profit! Write for Prices Today! GULF REFINING COMPANY SI7 BEVXEI KLDC NEW ORLEANS. LA.