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THE BEAUMONT ENTeWPWiaa, 8ATUWDAV. SEPTEMBER 10. 1904. COTTON MARKET IS ENGLISH CABLES RATED 81ICHT. LY LOWER. SEPTEMBER VAGUENESS CLEARED Wall Street Hammered the Market Down a Few Polnte But Reaction Soon Set In. New York. Sept. D. Tho cotton mar ket wan easy at utuliunsed prices to a docllno of 7 points In response io I lower English cables, generally fair weather and Increasing receipts. Trad' liiK waa moderately actlvo during Hie early session. Liverpool continued catty after tho local opening and scut Belling orders to this side, leudlng to tho anggoKtloa that actlvo covering m that market, tho previous day hud greutly cleared up the ncciilatlv0 bit tuition In relatlou to September con tracts and tho delayed ahlpmonts from this aide. At first tho market contracts hero showed more or lefts irregularity and bb prices dtopped back to about :io points under tho high points of yesterday's fulr demand from tho scalpers on the reaction theory. Wall street kept hammering tlu market, and with hardly a reaction of over a to u ponus, m . - steadily downward until In the after- noon It snowed a nuc loss ui twui to 17 points. Later there was a rally of six or seven points on covering and reports that a tropical storm that has been working up from tho West In dies had reached Florida and wus likely to spread over tho entire east ern belt. This stimulated demand only for a moment however, tho mar ket was filially barely steady at a net loss of 1114 points or nearly tho lowest for the session. Sales wero estimated at 300,000 bales or a little better than yester day. Full exports were shipped but the receipts ran full and large Inter ests in sight for the week had some Influence in the decline of the early allcrnoon. vii PHEW 7""' New Orleans. New Orleans, Sept. 9. Spot cotton in good demand but lower. Buyers demand concessions but most of the factors refuse to -rant them. Sales 5300, Including 4300 to arrive. Quota tions 1-16 c lower. Futures opened easier, pprices be-iiio- k tn 7 nninta down. Both Liver pool nn.i w Yorkwere easier. The offerings exceeded the demand and llv declined until they were well below yesterday's closing figures. In spite of the fact that the weather map has been favorable for some time past, crop reports con mine ns alarming as ever. Reports from Texas and Mississippi ere bad and told nf irrpnt ftnmniro bv the boll weevil and boll worm and by rust and by shedding. In the trading, uctouer opened 5 points lower at 1017 and fi nally declined to 100G. The market closed easy with net losses of 14 to 1G points. New York Statement. New York, Sept. 9. Cotton mid dling 11 c; gross receipts 2,894; sales 2G3; stock 2G.317; exports Great Bri tain 5,518; continent 1,727; France 250. Total today, net receipts 27,817; ex ports Great Britain 16.93G; France, 250; continent 8,814; stock 145.704. Consolidated net receipts 131.G1G; exports Great Britain 40,328; France 250; continent 27,787. Total since September 1 net re niiio ir.iiTH- evnorts Great Britain 154,266; Franco 8,908; continent 2S- 415. Galvestoi-. Galveston, Sept. 9. Cotton quiet; middling 10 1-8; sales 2,304; rc::ipt 11, 213; stock 55,911. L'verpiic!. Liverpool, Sept. 9. Cotton fair demand prices 4 points lower; American fair. 704; good mid GS8; mid American liiir, b"" 676 low mid 65G; good ordinary G34; . , t'llllllcllj ...... Tho sales of tho day were 7.000 bales, of which 300 were for specula tion and export and included 6,300 American. Receipts 3,000 bales, no American. Futures opened easier and closed steady. American mid roc Sept. tiofi; Sept. Oct. 5i5; Oct. Nov. 557; Nov. 1XT 554; IX-c. Jan. 552; Jan. Feb. 550; Feb. Mar. S.Vi; March April u.,0; April May 551; May June 501. i: it in New York Spots. New York. Sept. !. Mid up mid gulf 1125; sales C24. 11c; New York Futures. No ww York. Sept. S.-Toron M- tires rhwd barely fteadr. Sept. 1M: (H. 101S; Nov. Jan. .-,h in.-.:.! Auril 10.17; v,'. 1041. New York Money. N,w York. F' Pt. ? Cl"e mor,T mil 3 . t tr.-r.-l n' 1. Tim" l"n. "-i. i-ivy d?v. iar. : i -.' tit vi'm l.r. 7. 1r-i 3-4. w.i-a v.m.bie Surn'y. ..- OrX-atn. J8"!"- .-!'T-'rr H,,,-, --. n'-ri "f - '.,) xipplr "f 'r"m TT,a'1'" ,,p lT" -"'l ,'" t-l'e-ph)- j, -rti T --. S T!1' f'ir-. Ii )'" "i UNCHANGED 19 la.t year an J l.3IM0 year be fore Ian, am) of all other kind. In cluding Kgypt. Praiil. India, etc., .. Ooo agaiiut filjoou last week fiu3.. uMi last year audd tSS.uod year More last. The total world'e visible supply of cotton ta alove know an liu-reaso roniar-d will) at seek of 37.&fc. mi.l lii, A.,iiniMr...l with ImI VfSP of i:!ii.::i and a dem-asa compared year ix-mre ium 01 iHMtn, Of the world's visible aiiiily of cot ton oh above llierer la now afloat and held lu Creut Hritain and continental Km ope Si'.T.iKiO. attaliiNt 47I.HOO last year and 7ll.wrt year before last : In Kuvpi 4.oimi, atsaiiiHt e.ntio last year uiul H.oort year lH-furt In-st; In ludla HIVOmii, aKiiltiHi 3S4,imia latit year and :ln:i,(MM year before Inst : and In the I'nlied Stales SiM.ihm) aunlnt-t 17!.ono luxt year and 353.uihi year before last. Not Including MuiuhcMer Block variation. Corrected exclusive of Galveston n.ln.m at.n k cjrrtlon week . 5.377 f,,rr,wt ml v.IiiuIva if f'uli'... Corrected exelimlvo of Galveston correction to date f.8;'8. READING STOCK TRinroo pat it nirif akih TRADERS BAT IT BACK AND FORTH AS IF IT WAS A SHUT TLE COCK. PACIFIC AISO AFFECTED . ... - . , ... Wa No Theory to Explain the Movement of Reading Other Than Belief that Operators Had Changed Position. New York, Sept. 9. Head i rig had the center of tho stock exchange singe today and its violent movement, was t'he dominant influence on the whole market. When It broke to more than a point under Inst night, after the market had opened strong, it was concluded that important spec ulative interests were getting out 'of the market and the traders rushed to fallow the movement. Union Pa cific also got a point under last night and the Pacific continued to bo affect pi! hv nrnflt.tflkln nil tlnv. When Reading made its violent rebound the tenders concluded that tne early set line hail been on the short side rnfhnr thnn tho Inns' The slldrt rushed to cover In the stock and the s'liow of timidity on their part was rmiKiflorprl pa nnother effective test of the stability of the market with chances favoring a runner advance. The belief was prevalent, however, that - influential operators . . had Changed their position and vague un easiness was felt of some forthcom inir flevelnnmpnt.. There was no news tor explain the movement In Reading. The late up- wnrH mnvpmunt in KVmnatllV With United States steel preferred, made the closing strong. Bonds were active and firm. Total sales, par value, $6,210,000. TTnltPH States bonds were un changed on call. ' Paris Exchange, Paris. Sent. 9. Three per cent rentes 98 f 70 c for account; ex ehnncp on London 25 f 23 1-2 C for checks. i New York Exchange. New 'York, Sept. 9. Close prime mercantile paper 3 3-4 a 4 1-2 per cent; sterling exchange steady with arinni hiisinesR in bankers bills at 487.05 a 487.10 for demand and 484.50 a 484.60 for 60 days. Posted rates. 485 and 488 1-2; com mercial bills, 484 1-2. Bar silver, 56 7-8; Mexican dollars An 1 j. Government bonds steady; railroad bonds firm. Dun & Co.'a Report. New York, Sept. 9 R. G. Dun & Co.'s weclly review tomrtrrow will say: Holiday influence Is calculated to check distribution of merchandise m riifCK mm i mmnm i mlt ,mst week has brought more I . ..!.. tn hnuinoaci enmiiraeiiisr results in 'no Business world and from many points come re ports of steadily expanding trade L.i:iia ti la not excentional to find comparisons with the corresponding wt lpvi vear. favorable to 1904. Retail trade In fall lines of dry goods. clothing, m-llinery and neany an earins apparel, shows a neauny crowth and for hardware, household iiipnuilu unit kindred lines there Is a broader demand. The best develop ment of the week was the resump tion nf m-orli In manv Industries that have suffered throuch ptrikes while serious controversies ere averted. Prnn nrorres Is better than ttie V- erace and hiirh prices promise lar profits to t n rnrmers. ttanwr.y eitrht 1 heavy, chiefly due to the mrtpCno nf rmin and oottrrp, and "amines in Anmt were 2. per cent r.rzer man m i".. i'mi'' n- im i oMs nn better tn foreirn com- merre. whiert "ffr Trom prices the r'pws of eonsnmpr snrrtal. r tK 1at wwV's return" f'r thi I nr,t-t ro itmiirfirr. rsp'-r's in jih tamo rwv 1 year. h;i im- r.r er.rrp t:.::.3r.. Cippa rff l:Min enid!t:nns 'n 1h tMiiiir'r as tie t'' Tr '. A' JUGGLING !-hp o.rh ibw . c '1 irntii.v "ri 'Jfiaimjiii gcy G'vee Out lidiis r.t.r 'f h l.'""n''is r'.f-l'T- tria) Etirte Today. '.r;t. -thi-h '"rl'n- ih Y,irk c,t Bra-i f o i"! l.p irnn 'ti' Ti' ' t.r'mi7 Tt y.r'" r"T'!:-n tTiT"1 :a, ..1p ,--. '-I f'i rvm r-"'"- '1 ' " ,- ' ' ... a . . . . i -, 1.p ' b r" V- f ' IRE AFRAID OF CROP BULLETIN MANV HOLDERS OF LET 00 THEIR GOODS. WHEAT EEASED A FAVORABLE REPORI Ideal Weather Throughout the Spring Wheat Country Counterbalanced the Effect of Higher Cable. Chicago, Sept. 9. Fearing that the government crop bullet lu to bo In Mied tomorrow would not confirm lu entirety the numerous recent damage rcrorts, many traders disponed of their holdings today. As a result ouotatlane on December wheat were unchanged. Corn was rr 7 8, oats were down 3-8 a 12 and provisions mnw'l practically unchanged. ,. . ' .en,her throughout ti, o BnHnir wheat country counter Imlaiiced tho effect of higher cables. ii...nt.,i.i. when! wna unchnnced to l-A lower. Immediately arier mc ......iiinir Mm nmrtei experienced a sudden advance aa a resuu oi n mn general demand for May ami iiecem i .... niu.i mm to ins 7 8. hut the high er prlcea brought mil liberal real izing snlea and the decline was as abrupt as "had been the advance. Toward noon tno mnrKei nwn ttu inw level with Pecember 107 3-4 Some recovery was made on buying. duo to smaii pnnuo? .....i..-. - i,i iuinr fnirlv Rtcady with market closing fnirly steady wiui December at 108 3-8. . Minncanolls. Dullith and I inengo rcnorted 424 cars against 347 last week and 807 a year ago. Kucellcnt weather for tho maturing or the crop was perhaps the main cause or a decline of nearly a cent in the price of corn. The market closed at aimom mu lowest. December opened l-t a ii lower, sold between 52 5-8 and 51 i i a 5-8. Receipts 749 cars. 71 contract. For a brief period oats snowen A rm n no u litif effort weakened in sym- r.nihv with other grains. December opened a shade nigner, som ou iu 32 1-2 and closed at tne uouum. re ceipts 174 cars. There was an easy tone in iu iMc trine .Tnnnnrv nork closed 5 c 1-2: lard unchanged at 717 1-2 and ribs a shade lower at C a GO. Estimated receipts tomorrow: Wheat 79 cars; corn 5G3; oats ICS; hogs 11,000. t LIVE STOCK. Kansas City. Kansas City, Sept. 9. Cattle, re pptnts 4.200. including S00 southern, in, htirher. Choice exports an(T ippf ctpprs 5.00(SG.OO: fair t mnd a.7KiBK.OO: western fed steers 3.75 ffi 5.50; stockers and feeders 2.50 4 25; southern heifers 2.005.75; snntiiern cows 2.00ffl3.00; native cows 1.502.75; native heifers 2.50 (3)4.85. Mntivp eows 150 a 27a: do heifers ok s- lmlla 2 a S50: calves 250 a G00. Hogs, receipts 4,800; strong to 5 c hi,rhpr- bulk 575 a 557 1-2; heavy $5.45 a$5.50; packers $5.40 a $5.60; nlfra ami lichfa (5.40 a $5.60. Sheep, receipts 1,000; mkt strong; native lambs $4.50 a 85.75: do. wein ers $3.25 a $4.00; native ewes $3.00 n M 75! western lambs 4.r(u a jij.oo do. yearlings $3.60 a $i..00; western sheep $3.40 a $3.7o; ewes j.uu a $3.90. MARINE Port of Galveston. Galveston, Sept. 9. Arrived, the steamers Mercedes do I,nrrinaga, Rrl Thompson. New Orleans; Tei dora do Larrinnga. (Br ) Hudson. Havana; Iris. (Nor.) Devig. Port Ar lliur; El Siglo. ('.rant. New York. Cleared, steamers Iris, (Nor.) IV--vig. Tnmpico. Sailed, steamer Irada, (Br.) Rob erts, LlverptKil. New Orleans Sugar. New Orleans. Sent. 9. Sucar was strong: open kettle. 2 3-4f3 3-16: open kettle centrifugal 31 3 BS; centrifueal white. 4 7-8: yellows 4 5-Ki3-4: seconds 2 5-Sffi 3 3 4. MiilaKKeu nominal: onen kettle 20 i25: centrifugal UiTilS; syrup nom inal 2"fi2 Memphis Cotton Oil. Memphis, Sept. 9 Oil. earlots. per eallon: prime crude 23: fiff emdp nominal: prime summer yi-llnw 25 1-2: off summer yellow nominal: choice rool.inz. less than carlo's, ",t. M al. prime Il'.nfti 21.25. Pine Line Balances. Oil City. Pa. Sept. a-h nre. fl 54: CPtiificatPs no liid; f-bip-nnts 7;.7; svrrsee "s,7::2; rn": 't !. a vera ee 7n.!5. S-hit.ments, Limi 74 T.fiJ. avpra?" Ct.V':;: nms. Lima .7.t. av-ras (. .. EPADSTREETS REPORT. m-rr' ill far: r,.. ri-f,p arid iTin'1' ' ''t'l's ba' p lH l-f:-r:''r fa. y,i. -l. I if rit, ii-i,, in f-' f'll f "T t-"- tiM'rifi" I s- " i. ... fri'. Tr a-l'- Tl '' " toward flual maturity which, how ever, this year, is later than usual and several Industrie hitherto (real ly depressed or oIktsUiik on abort tune have resumed running full. The ludiftrial aituatiou Is .UkMI.v le.a atraiucil than It was and the IttH-f airike la almost ended. The iron and iel, pl and prospective, price reductions have encouraged In iiiiiry, ronsuinptlon ha llunlly over taken production and stocks of crude material are smaller. W 1 1 Ii I be hegiuniiiR of the crop movement mliiib s reasonably heavy for this period ha conto improved collee iionx and Iwtter railway earning re turns. All lu all. the prospect con tlnue favorable fcr a falrlv acllvr I rude lu most llu'. but mulling n the way of record breaking I looked for In general business or In crop outrun. A fairly satisfactory jobbing bus I nee hna been done lu New York In dry goods. Kastern print cloth manufacturers are not pushing business at present prices. The woolen goods trade Is not a active bh might he wished, hut raw wools aro firmly held and confidence In the Klntlxtlcal positions of that commodity Is gmc BuHncRS failures In the United States for the week ending Septem ber 8, number 144 against 1S9 ln"t week and 1G5 In the llko week In 1903. Failures In Canada for tho week number 14 ns ngnlnst 17 last week and 12 last year- LOW RATES OVER THE SOUTH ERN PACIFIC (Sunset Route) AiiKtln Texas and return 19.45 Tickets on snlo September 11 and 12 Final limit September at). Austin, Texas and return.. ..8.15 Tickets on snlo September 13 and 14: final limit September 22. fiilnnlKt rules to California points.... t-'.u" Tickets on snlo September 15 to October 15. . Galveston and return 11-30 Tiekpts on snlo September 13, morn Ing of tho lith inc.; Until limit Sop iuiii inth. Mexico City and return $33.80 On sale September 6 to 11 Inc.; final limit I!0 flllVS. Celeya, Mexico and return $31.05 On salo September G to 11 inc.; final limit 30 days. S'altillo, Mex. and return.. On salo September 6 to final limit 10 days. Monterey, Mex. and return.. On salo September 6 to final limit 10 days. A n Atkinnnn. Tl. P. A. ...$20.20 14 inc.; ,. $18.30 11 in J. K. Tooke, C. P. '& T. A. Ttpnnmont ncoule do not mind itienilinir a -rood amount of money to be well entertained. You aro guaran teed a first clnss entertainment at a small price at the Olio. Tilt LOCAL MARKET Grain and Hay. Quotations for car-load lots delivered on trackB Beaumost or other points taking same rates. Dealers charge from store 510c per 10 pounds more on bran, 23c per bushel on oata and corn. 1015c per 100 oa hay, Oats Texas. n055c; No. S mixed, 49c; tvhlte, 51B3c. Bran Per 100 pounds $1.30(3135. Corn chops, pure $1.301.40. Oats Texas 4345c. Corn 7074c. Htiy Choice alfalfa, $15.00; choice timothy, $17.00; South Texas prairie, $7.508.50; Johnson gratis, $9.60 10.00. Teed products very stiff, with ad vancing tendency. Market barely steady, with a declin ing tendency. Hides and WooL Dry flint butchers, 18 pounda and up, 13c. Dry flint kipa, undar 16 pounds, 10 l-2c Dry salt, hides, over 18 pounds. 10c; under 18 pounds, 3c W. S. hides, 6 1-2 7a. Sheep pelts, 15 to 40c Goat oklns, 10 to 15c, Horse ualr 15 to 18c. Wool, free spring, 12 1-1 to Mo. Wool, free fall, 10c. Wool, hard burry, 8u. Butter ana Che nuHer Hlue Star, 25: dairy butter lSa20: Klgin, 2ia27; lleritiec Fancy Creamery, 28: Meadow Hold, 30; Fancy renovated creamery. 23a24. Allison's I'uro Dasteurled cream butter. lDg1e pound 3uc; 2 pounds for Chocse-Full cream flats, 14' ; daisies 14,: prints. 15; full cream Lottghorns, 15 Flour and Sreadstutfe. Flour Hasts, ak. Fancv hich pitent $:,.'; fancy half patent $.'i.::0; third grade $4 50; 241b facks lo iw.r Kiirn-I liiirlipr: tliiiir in wood. 30 per oarrei hiirhcn-ar lots l'li; lens. r annaous (mkis friis. numinj dH cream meal, in 40-lb m kt, ts r ss'k, pearl meal in 35-lb sa ks, 11 ur, ttnr barrel r.f four sacks: Keot' ll oti t2.!'."is3.oO: Friends' "ts V25a J no- Vditmltia oats. 1Z.-: Ham key oats. 2.y: lin ker's bwkheat. 11-lb pa:kaire, tl.fcsl. Cr kers-A II C oda bulk, bf.xes, 7 1-lh cartons. lr dozen. 1O0: pint-i snsps, 7i: r-.-atns, . state vlatks, H cake s and iun.ii'.s. n Canned OoedSL California F.ntra Ktsr.dsrd f21-1b insl Kix-k rherries. Zl,: Iw-t-piea. V. f:i'li-. tl.'-V U :. arl,e fl.: ai-ri.-.ts, l o i;ar-.,ett t-.t-s fl--.: rrai-s n-"'- Mki.i ,-fi. i, im r t-ttr'n !- . J".s",-rn ant'-d ii'-t' atd Xt-?-tvi!e -Nn. 3 si'' '". '-": sV"d pif i- . . .. . ..... ai.j.. I pi-s. l : r- aua . T.o-st-i' "XirriVd t ;K-!i('i;. Il."": i.i(..- t-'-rh ji.ks. t itA ll.V.. fiirt' Nlmtks. 14-:i. ;. .f. S -sf'te '- f'ltMl t :!-. II -':"-' l-. 2-. ii '"-'if -. 2- b - !- ,: z l 1 '. 'if: - " J-lbkrul l.iV J-lblVtU IHiis ex slftm) June !- 1 kt; S-lb.tandiud Marrow fat if . 1-00: 3 lb litihv-weiffbl Mar-ro-fi iea. WO; S-lb pumpklu, W: 2-lb lit Kldg corn, M0 M cora, l.S5l.35:3-ib Cupid bulled corn, Drugi ana chemleale, Quinine, 34a4do per ounce bottl morphine, ilt'm d per ounce; eiH'alo i '. ,. iuia u.ltV ikp iii iii nd ia luo-lb piv.kak'et: coiM'i a U.IHI In bar m.I. ..Mal.tH nil 1 ll IIMI iriilllin In A- eallon iiacknge: epsoin salts, 2.' r 1UU IP, IU imrrina; nieouoi, i'w."" per callon: sulphur, X'S. r 100 lbs, In (.K..1a I ii in imr lb. In barrels: U I V H . . 1 - " - -I --- ' lalelum rrbld, 4.00 H-r 100 lbs: alt- ewr. ( 'a ir rsrr u . Canned Molassee. fleoriMa, Cane: ffallona. 3.10. half pal Wm, 3.M, quarts 3.7A: t'ero da Uatterle, jrallon. 3.10, half fal. 1.50 quarts 3. 7?: Kalromel Syrup, 10 lbs. 2,00, 51b. 2.20. 21h. I.IK). Dried Fruits and Nuts. 1A r m i,Iaii nil nnprnnts. 'AH In esse. per lb. Si' 12 ox cleaned currents, 4H in case, iwr lo. if, S urown ssmyrna im- iiorted lljfs, 10-lb boxes, pr nounU, .!. H ri.i.iL'n Kmvpn tmiwieted llufl. 10 1L. 1. u . II. I V f.uu n f 1 u 1 i f, r. nia ilgs. 1-lb bricks, 10 lb boxes, per I IA. 3 oniivn I'allfiirnla llirs. 1-lb cartons, 10-lb boxes, ier lb, 1.26: 12 ox pacKages soeded raisins, 1.) in case, ier pkjr. U; 10 os packages soeded ..Ul... 'lit In ixidi, itt miekncrn. Ml! 2 crown L, L. raisins, 201b boxes, per . A n r r I Oil II. box, z.uu: crowu i jviuhuis, -umu u.v .lit. iwy v ' iirnwn Ij. i x. rutsins, 6-lb Ihxoh. iH'rbox, 70; Amor, r'ifui.siin fti.rnri. m-ii. t txos. iht iu, 16: Anur. orano hhI, 10 lu bo.Nes, per A t ' I l It. I. ..I..... lb, Mi Amur. UMiion ikhji. " iu uuawh, IV. IJ. V's 1 i Si 1 1 fiin I u ilIiiwiiiiIh. pill 111 M m " 1 soft slioll, 8IU K8 contulnitifr about K0 pounds, per lb. lb less quam.'ues, per in: n. Pecans Sal 2 not lb. Mlaealiariaou& ' Rono Sisal. 7-10 basis 0. Manila n...t..n vvv 11 wi"i ...... Salt Hock, U.O'J per ion; iouisiana course. 5: Texas and Kansas, per bid, nn.tu . (ill- KK).3m. i.i:: 110-2. S2.M.0 Tickles- I'itits, 110; quarts, i . I.irnlliiii l- Ft irilllllll kotrs, 2; lO-dullon kitrs, $3.50; Cross und Uluukwcirs puns, .u.t. Cundv Stick, wrapped, standard (l!a7; fancy mixed, in puils, tija'-'i fancv in case3. iimih1 roe unu Simn.n IVui.' 411. Hi kin vps. 4: 1'lllSS bulk, 4i; Nitikel, $3.00; 1 to 3 pound pack aires, oa.). Molasses Centrifugal, fair, 23 prime, 2a28; choice 23a30. Corn Sy-uc 30a31. RAILROAD TIME TABLE. Texas and New Orleans R. R. Co. rast Bound. No. 6 Local Arrives 7:00 p.m. No. local ..Leaves a nx No. 10 Sunset Limited Arrives 9 a. m l.pavpR 9:05 a. r. No. 4. Oriole to Echo Arrives 12:16 p. m. Leaves 12: W p. ra. No. 8 Texas Express Arrives I -67 p m I.pavpq 10! 05 D. m. No'. 192. From Sour Lake Arrives at 7:05 p. m. Weit Bound. No. 7 Texas Express to San Antonio Arrives 7:18 a, m., Leaves t.m a. m. No. 3 The "Oriole" Arrlvea S:67 p. m., Leaves 4:07 p. m. No. 5 IDcal Arrives 7:23 p. El., Leiv at 7:33 p. ra. No! 9 "Sunset Limited" Arrlvea :2l p. m., Leaves 9:33 p. m. No. 191. To Sour Lake Leaves 7:00 a. m. North Bounc. No. 153. To Dallas Leaves 9"o) p. m. No. 15G. From Dallas Arrive 8:40 am. South Bound. No. 151 To Sabine Leaves :4f a. m. No. 152 From Sabine Arrives '6:10 p. m No. 163 Local to KocKland Leavei 9:30 a m Local from Rockland Arrive (:30 p. m. No. Kansas City Southern. North Bound. No. 2 for St. Louis, Kansas City, Shrcvcport, Texarkana and Fort Smith leaves 7:50 a. m. No. 4 for Kansas City, Joplin, Fort Smith, Texarkana and Sbreve port leaves 7:50 p. m. South Bound. No. 1 from St. Louis, Kansas City, Fcrt Smith, Texarkana and Shreveport arrives.. ,.9:'d p. m. Leaves or Port Arthur. .9:15 p. m. No. 3 from Kansas City, Jopllo, Fort Smith, Texarkana and Shreve- nort arrives 1:40 a. m. Leaves for l'ort Arthur. 8:46 am. Port Arthur Servlca. To Port Arthur. No. 3 departs 8:40 a. m. No. 5 deparu 10.30 a. m. No. 7 depart 4:16 p. m. (Sunday only.- No. 45 Iocal Freight departs 8:00 p. m. (except Sunday No. 1 departs 9:16 p. m. From Port Arthur, No. 2 arrives 7:4S a. m. No. C arrives 12:20 p. m. No. 8 arrives 9:25 a. m. (Sunday on ly t No. 4C arrives 10:OS a. m. (etcept Fun-iay.) No. 1 arries 7:45 p. m. Gulf. Colorado A ftanta Fa. Kan's City Mail and Kpr-ia. No. 215 ly" :,M P- No. 217 Arrives 12.2 p. m. Sara'nra fcuprens. v- sr. im ?:naa. as. lNo,2''S. Jtrrlm 7:00 p. as j rpDtw Wall aa Etpr--". :Vi. ?r,2 lisTii 11:U a. n. I ir. li1 rrlr C:'M . SB. Xjnr, r.-nm-mt 9 A H. rrlr r;sMeron 12 f'l f. M. -kv Glr-rt'' .....2- P. - Arr:ve l5-?rootjt 721 P. M- Oi!f lier1te F-iry. 2 IS'i'-t lKiti',i :'tir' I (-'.rh l.'H.Ii 4 i 1 1 i- K "t ' '. C tn 1 : Ii !-"'! I f- : I- I, 1. ,t.i. 1 M m Corx"Klil. Burr Mcintosh Art Stuiiti. .J.1 Each New Subscriber Can Get en Art Picture With The First Month's i 8ubsci( '.Ion. liana Brick Makers of The Best BricK in the World Address: LOEB, TEXAS FUEL OIL, Higgins Oil 6 Fuel Co. Beaumont Texas. Producer and Shippers ol CRUDE PRTROLEUtl from Sour Lk nd Beaumont. Storage Tanks Beaumont, Sabine, Morgan City and Sour Lake. Unexcelled facilities 'or making prompt shipment by rail or water. We -Jso solicit towinf? on the Gulf for new tufs 'Gilbert" and. "UicKins " Correspondents solicited. I NEGHES IRON WORKS! S (INCORPORATED.) 2 5 CORNER OF UOVV1I! AND SABINE STREETS. Heavy Cantlntr, Fjrginj: and Work a Specialty. Well Machinery Built and Repaired. BOTH 'PHONES 207. Beaumont Sour Lake and Western No. 1 (West bound) depart 7:3(" a. m. No. (west bound) departs 4:10 p. in. No. 2 ( East hound) urrlvo 12:15 p.m. No. 4 (12a:;t bound) arrives 7:00 p.m. I I.. FentherBtoue. For Sale at a Bargain. 40 head nf young mulua. 11 road wagons. 3 log wayiitiH. Will ai.ll all fir nnrt. liiKt to milt tho purchaser. Tho mules and waRnim can be seen at Kloriin. I .a. Address W. M. Ti; hot 141. IHKvi;ie. Ij 8 24 1 M C LANDRY JIR0U MEAT MARKET. Horn Killed Meats Only. Treadway Bld'g. 'Phone f.59. Saratoga ti Baton Transfer AND LIVERY STABLE. F-HILIP M. OARRICAN, Propf. H'-avy haul nt and general transf aad livery bnsloess. I'hoca No. t; Sara tor a. Tesi. A.Broussard's L I V KRY. In Old Beaumont Iron Works EUn comer Bowie antl Orlesna. BOTH MKOKES 63 MONET How are Your Eyes T' trw" 1 tn y"-r r- 'f It Tt4 nrt tl ms -" ' " -i '" TI E I'L' K !r" n.f.T f'O. L a.Jtj CV-i' iMi m. & Tile Co., un. Common ICR Structural Work, Saw Hill THE BEST YET rurcliaso your tickets to St. Louis via the. LOUISVILLE. AND. NASH VII.LU It. R., and ilake In tho two best nlmwa on earth, tho World's Fair nnd America's Greatest Natural Wonder Mammoth Cavo, Kentucky. Round trip St. Louis tickets permit nidi! trip to Mammoth Cavo Junction without additional cost. Stop overs also allowed at Nashville, Tenn. Fur rates nnd full Information, call on or address Louisville a Nashville R. R P. W. MORROW, T. P. A, Houston, Teias. J. K. RIDGELT, D. P. A, New Or-lama- La. MRS. ALONTO ATKINSON. Graduate of Boston Eprlenced Teacher (Emersonian System). Reader and Impersonator. CSt Cartwrlght Ave. Take Park car. Old 'phone HS. "V7". 1VC. Crook: ill mm. atottme 1-17. e:anene ttrtata Bida. A-wociatea' R. C Mama, L W. Lwtnr Bra-atnonta Texas. Dr. A. C Staffer!. Death t is r r4 to 6i aTl 1r'ft4s of eeotal tffrk. T"-k--a rras'iritile. ristrtfa t.'ti f- trrr la rrt'artlTit t, rtnr Tl'nrrt 1 4 aol lfc, rr K-krt. htm I'boua Sti. ar:tt l ic: J , 1 h t r l.a I" 1 t'.:' I' r '- I J 1 i. -1- '. r'. "I I. Hi.