OCR Interpretation

The Beaumont enterprise. [volume] (Beaumont, Tex.) 1904-current, September 11, 1904, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86071101/1904-09-11/ed-1/seq-3/

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Once more we plunge our Knife to the hilt severing us from all profits and dropping the shecKles into the purses of our
many customers. All who are familiar with our methods of doing business will cheerfully say THE GLOBE gives
you what they advertise. & -c? & & & &
7K.ead Carefully 'our Trices then compare them tilth others.
tttt m
Glvt mathtGlobt
Carpets at Wholesale prices
il'iilon Ingrain, M Inclii-a wide, rimmI pniUTiia: VKuliir prlro 7jiur'yari;
inr I'lutim, Hil I'riio, per yard..-. .'t
) All wool "ii Indie wide, bright color.: regular prlco' ,
j M-r yard; our I'liinito Halo I'rlcf, jht y:ir
All wool, mini lu-qvy, :tU Inches wld. In nut If ul pnt'oriiR;
H Kttl.ir price $I.imi yard; our I'lungo Solo Piled "or yard 73
Velvet llriitiKi'lri, till latent doslKna; rvKular pilflti f 1 .50 per yard, '..
duriiis; iliix miIu only, per yard .1.21
ICxliii Axinliisii r, handsomest lino In city: roRiifnr lrlco 2.00
mt ynnl; our money siivIiir sale price, i'r yurd, 1.G0
Our Stock of
mum Im reduced. 'o luivo (.Uoprlu
nil ilio liitcM tli'Hlitim In toi!ui Mrlprt
mil brocaded piiKi rnn, .raitKlug ; iu
prices from S2.2." " $20 leMlr.
Our upstairs display 'rooiiiv' ls lari;e
nml well lighted. It will Rlvo ub plonH"
mo lo show you our stock.
We Will Also Add
Our I.iico Curtains iin.i niiKi In this
Vl.VGI5 SAI.R. Wo will ninko you
prlcoa never before mmlo. Tliono gra
nil n.'-w kooiIh, the very Intent atylos
nml lionnt iful patterns. Don't fall
to Hi'O llll'lll.
Our Matting Sale
Tk Clekt It Bair.
will i.ii intio ilurliiK ilio work. W' have furnished ) ninny houses with
iniiUlnR o will not piutiy prices, but they aro alwaya Uio loweat. . 'J
Our Mirk of hIuuI.-h la tix larn nml wo will kiilfo lliotu ilurrtnit ttilfl aalo.
Ilxfi flnih Slmilca, dlffortnt rolora; roBtilar prlco 40c;-
i2 ;
M Cloth Sluuli'H with frlnec; rcRiilnr prlro G0?: "
cut iti.s 39
Our oil SIihiI.'h, Duplex Klmdi'a nml extra wlilo SIiiuIoh, all gn at a hvavy
(IIkcoiiiiI ilurlmt lliln Halo. ;
556 Pearl
Phones 786
Meeting of League Called for Tues
day Evening, when affairs of
Season Will B Wound
A moctinpr of (ho club owners ot
1 1m Simla Texan LnnRiie of Rasclmll
C'nlis been callod for Tuesday
veiling In fJalvoslon. At that time
the question of baseball in South
Texas next season will be taken up
and at least partially ROttlcd. Also,
the affairs of the league for the sea
son just closed will be wound up.
One of tho most important actions
in the latter line will bo the division
of tho reserve fund, vlliich has been
quietly accumulating all the season.
It is expected there will be between
$?,flOO and $3,000 to portion out
among the managers. This will
'help some," especially in Beaumont,
where Perry Wiess is supposed to
have lost money on the second ser
icr. It is not known whether Wiess
will get this money or the Club com
pany, but it is probable the sum will
lie divided equally between the com
pany and Perry.
Next Season.
In Galveston and Houston there
has been considerable discussion re-'
giirding Beaumont's position in base
ball in (be future. It has been
charged that this city will be cut out
of the reckoning for next year, be
cause the past season has been pro
ductive of more or loss trouble, al
leged to emanate from this place.
Charges and counter charges of jock
eying with games, buying players
mid umpires, etc.. have been made.
It has also been charged that fandom
ii, lieni'inont exerts too great an In
fluence in the conduct of the teams
b"i-e and that it would be better for
the interesls of the league if this
citv were cut out.
It is the opinion smoug baseball
experts who know that all this
nnuiimts to nothing and the predic
tion is ma'le lhrit -Beaumont will have
,i team in the league next season a.i
surely ns there is a league. The men
who will decide whether Beaumont is
to be included In the list are the own
er'i of the olher clubs, because Hip
Hub owners 'ecide such questions by
vote and liecnupe three votes Is a
majority in this four club aggrega
tion. I
F-vor Beaument.
Welly anil Johnson, owners or th j
riuhs In Jlonston and Galveston re
spectively, will vole to hive Bepii
numi included, been us Welly and
onus-on have both made money on
ll.elr panics here, hnvw always mad.
i.'-mry hero and will always make
money lure. They reentcnlxe Bean
tiinnt'ns a "good baseball town." As
n matter ef fact. Perry Wiess did not
,nv tbe Beaumont club at the close
r lli firi series, lie only b ased It
for $1. and acte,i as manager f'r the
Dilvlns Trk n-social ion, wi.icn still
b..ds Hie franchise and frwtri the
llayois. Wiess has fumed lh. c!-ib
bacii to the owners and thes rrnlle-t.K-n.
A. B. Br.Kk. Waller A. M,ri-1-j
x Oocru. nmin' F'cher ami
Wrche Or-er. prr.po" a
t.,m V-e next P-a.m. The Jran
rh is h'U in the ram" of Y.ych"
Crr,rr prroimt of the bcebaf cbih.
Xi, e onit,ifm fans on th in-j
ci.ie ic'that the sv next T'-ar
v j I ho M...nt ib -r" ax hs
,,i i,,pm man' to pli acnti.
. Tli'l'v t..i J-o 'loe Vnu
- . ... YaT.Mt tiftt t"-
t,,.n or 'i r ,
,-ur.Tz Kn An' -n'o
bilily Hint If no one can be Induced
to lake Hie franchise In ri.m Anl'inln
It will bo Irunsferred to Lnke
( 'ha lies, which Is a -good baseball
own nml wiiero II Is uclievcdil a
lenm wouldd pity. This weu'.l rlim
inule the long jump of tho olher clubs
t ' Sun Antonio, which has been "oh
Jeeled to so si Tenuously. If o ilruw
Ins; club were put In nl Snn Anlonlo,
however, there wmilil be. no objei:! I.ia
lo I be jump, ns money could Fil l!! be
Six Club Question. ' '
There is a possibility but only n
I essibility Hint the North and
South Texas I.engues will combine
nnd form a six club Texas league,
cutting San Antonio out of (his
league and Paris out of the Norlh
( lid bunch, making a league of Hous
ton, Galveston, Beaumont, Fort
Worth, Dallas and Corsicana, It is
understood tho North Texns people
are favorable to tho proposition now.
It Is doubtful, however, If tho South
Texas managers will caro to go into
the nrrangement, since this league
now has a rating one class higher
than that of North Texas. The Beau
mont management, it. is understood,
will oppose tho six club idea nnd It
1:1 understood Johnson of Galveston
niso opposes it.
Double Season Question,
One thing is pretty thoroughly
agreed upon by all managers: That
is that if there Is a league in South
Texas next, year no double season
will be played. The belief is that the
double season- arrangement has been
(he cause, of ntuch-tof t Ito -trtfirble-m
the league during the second series
and it is anticipated that all hands
will oppose such an arrangement for
next year.
There is no doubt that 'Houston
simply quit playing baseball when
the second series opened, because it
didu aii4 .-to win the secrid series
end thereby make a saw off series
unnecessary. Houston acted as if it
didn't care who won the second se
ries as long as it didn't, and the re
sult was that, tho patrons of the game
here, but especially in the Bayou
City, got very sore on baseball gener
ally. The expectation is that one
season, somewhat longer than either
of those played this year, will be the
arrangement next year.
Keeps All Players.
The club owners have thirty days
after the close of the season in which
to establish their claim on the play
ers signed with them the day of the
last game hut the local owners have
already given notice that they will
hold all their men. This does not
necessarily mean the team next year
will be the same as it was when the
season closed, as some ot the men
n-.nv lie released and others signed
long before practice begins next
spring. There is also a possibility
that some of the men will be drafted,
nil hough no notice of draft by any of
the bigger leagues has been received.
The Lucifers Here.
William Lucifer, the well known
physical culturisl, is in Beaumont
with a view ot arranging an enter
tainment. They gave me in Houston
recently for the benefit of the Faith
Hume "and the Post said that their
work was equal to any ever sii n !n
that ciiy.
t It-
v a 1
, in Fn A
tv . vt. that
h th- r'T'v
Moose Hunting.
There is a region In Canada, lo.
cated in Northern Ontario, where tho
Moose, "the monarch of the forest."
is to be found in gn at numbers. This
territory is known as "Termasrnmi,"
and is reached from Buffalo. "hicnco
and Detroit by the Crand Trunk rail
way syslitn to NiTth Bay. The opn
season in this reeion ' from October
It.ih to November l"th. lmih day in
cinsive. and by applying to T.
Bell. Orneral Pass, n per and Ticket
Anent. Grand Trunk Railway Pyst.-m.
Montreal, all informal ion con' .-nrne
rnptis. c'tidcx and full particular"
crn be bad.
P-e?ident MelSon Here.
rre.-i.Pnt M-!lon. of tbe .?. St. r.,'.
fr IN-trf't'-'tn cm pstiv. r in tl-"
city an. mill r'-miiin b'-re t'.r
'lavs a'"Ti'l;!'ir to rna''r in cun'-i-
lion -w ith the 1" tl ""hi IfS-HE't -
tit h ha.' ju t Iw-n ttvjvi i b r
. "S' '- .
- ft .' .-',:
rMher was very effective
Sand Crabs Now Need But Two
More Games to Win the Season's
Honors Fast Game Likely
This Afternoon.
Standing of the Clubs.
I'ly'd. Won I.o.-t Por i,.
Galveson ii 4 1 .SOU
Houston 5 14 ."Oil
Result of Saw Off Series.
Galveston ......2 Houston 2
Galveston (! Houston 4
Houston 4 Galveston .... 1
Houston 1 Galveston .... 1
Houston 3 Galveston .... :i
Galevston ..y.. 15 Houston 2
Galveston 12 Houston 0
Galveston (i Houston 2
Special to the Enterprise:
Galveston, Texas, Sept.. 10. Gal
veston won tho fifth gamo of tho
raw off series here this afternoon,
defeating Houston by a score of six
to two. This is four games Hie
Sand Crabs have won, making them
need but two more to win the sea
son's pennant. Houston has won
but one game in the series, althcugii
three tie games have been played.
The teams line up this afternoon
for the sixth game and Galveston will
try hard to cinch the rag further by
winning. On the other hand, Hous
ton will try hard to win because -a
big bunch of rooters are expected
from the Bayou City. Little Beulher
administered the dope for the lioms.
crowd his afternoon and was as ef
fective with his slow drop as ever.
Kdmondson pitched for the visitors
and was hit lustily at times.
W. L. Coleman and Mrs. F. S. Henry
Make Good as Cup Challengers.
Mr. W. L. Coleman and Mrs. F. 3.
Honryfwefo the winners of the sec
ond rounds of play for tho September
cups on the links of the Beaumont
Golf club yesterday .afternoon. They
finished best in the groups which
were competing , for Uie privilege of
playing1 tin' present cup holders next
Saturday. Mr. oCleman's gross wor
was R4. Hi handicap being 10
strokes gave him n net score of 11.
.Mrs. Henry qualified -with a net scorf
of 41 on n handicap of T strokes. A
good sized bunch of players in addi
tion lo the cup contestants were out
for an afternoon of rport.
by I ho visitors gave .Memphis today's
game. Score:
.Memphis mo 1 1:: oox ii o o
Hhreveport 1121 mil 2m (J ! a
Kbret nml Ilurlbiirt; Feyo mid
Crn III us.
New York Wins Both.
New York, Sept. 10. Cnexpecteilly
tho Pbiladelpbinns gave ruo locals
two hard bailies today, but they were
beaten in both.
Philadelphia, onn ion 2104 0 4
New York oim 012 002 S 7 0
Kiitthoir and Dooin; Wlltso nnd
Philadelphia 200 100 00215 7 r
Now York 201 10(1 02x fi !) II
Col well nnd Ttot h Taylor and Bow-crmnn.
Pittsburg Captured Both.
, Piltsburg, Sept. in. Pittsburg enp
I ii red both games with comparative
ease. Score:
Piltsburg 010 000 01 x 2 fi 1
Chicago ; ooo loo pooI 4 :!
Kobertaille nnd Phelps; Weimor
and Kling.
Pittsburg 200 003 S 7 0
Chicago 000 000 (l It 1
Case nml Phelph; Liiiulcgrcn mid
O'Neill. . .,
Cincinnati 6; St. Loula 10.
Cincinnati, Sept. 10. Poor nii)or!
was' responsible for Harper's defeat.
Score: J ,J. ' .
Cineinn(tl loo KM) 4jo G.Kl 4
St. LoiUs 001 210 111210 15 1
Harper nnd Pelt; Taylor mid Grnily.
' Broke Even at BoetorV ;( . '
Boston, Sept. 10. Boston and
Brooklyn broke even. Both, games
were loosely played. Score:
201 000 003 fi ! 4
(100 101 2015 7 3
Neodhuiii; Mitclicll
Pitlinger nnd
and Bergen.
lteisling nnd
005 01 C 0 3
200 002 0 0
Wtler; Fisher mid
Philadelphia 1; Boston 0.
Philadelphia, Sept. 10. In the fin
est, gamo on Hie local grolinds this
v.ar, the home (emu In a thirteen lim
ing game defenleil Ponton by the
fcoorti of 1 lo ii. In I ho hiHt Inning,
Plank hit n fast one over first baso
to the right field fence. Murphy Hcor
lug from second. Score:
lio.-ton ooo ooo ono hoi) 0 0 7 0
pi'jl'.plila . ooo ooo ooo noil 11 7 3
Yoihg nnd (Vigor; Ptnn'k and Povr
Broke Even at Detroit.
Pel roll. Sept. 10. Detroit nnd St.
l.oiilH..'hijo(e even. Score:
Del roll 002 0... (mix 2 7 1
st. Louis ooo ooo mm o 5 o
Killiaii nnd .Drill; Sudliofr Anil Sug-
Oon, '
Detroit. 000 000 0000 3 2
st. I.OUIH ooo ooo ltio i r. ;t
Kitson and Bevello; Polly and Kn
hoo, Cleveland Won Both.
Cleveland, Sept. 10. Cleveland
won two games from Chicago. Score:
Cleveland 100 001 0035 10 r
Chicago 000 021 1004 8 3
Bernard and Iluelow; AUruck nnd
Second: I
Cleveland 710 102 OOx 11 12 i
Chicago 000 300 003 0 7 2
Mooro ami Ostledk; Smith ami Sun
Double Header at New York. '
' New York, Sept. 0. The victors
won tho first hut the feature ori'lioto.
gnuieg waa tho batting of DougBBrty.
Score: (j
Flint: .
Washington 100 000 001 13 12 1
New York 000 100 010 02 10 3
Hughes and Clurk; Garvin and Mo
Gulro. t
Washington ' 302 000 0005 11 .
New York 201 020 001 (i 14 Is
Wolfo nml Kltterldge; Orth and
LoiiIhvIUo 9; Toledo 3,
Indlannpolln 6; Columbus 4.
Indinnnpolls 3; Columbus 0.
St. Paul 11; 'Milwaukee 6.
Minneapolis 5; Kansas City 4.
Homembor no amateurs, every per
former is a professional at tho Olio.
Artists who" have rocolvod thobest
education that Kuropo and America
can give, at tho Olio. ;;
pTMf;l V'ifidr
Ti'T.i-h P-si'h S':.p
nd Ti' - ;
2 .. f-.f ;i
Double Header at Montgomery.
Montgomery. Sept. 10. In the first
Bratidl was bit bard and in the
Isecond the locals crnld n"t loncb
Pvlant when biU would have mean'
runs. Score:
Kirsl :
Birminc'nam 10 o('l f.-n 1 r,
MoTitgMineiy OIMI 100 (no -1 T. !j
Ktr. it and Millerick and Man liew: i
Bran.lt and Clark. I
PirminLham ro 'fT fc o i
M'.ntromcrr n t.io 1 ". !
Plyarit nnd Millnkk: flard" nT.
1Ial- ami Clark.
New Orleans 3: LiMIe Rotk 4-
Nw Orlorn-. F'. 1'. !.i"'e
Tlor-V lo.k mlvnti'sf of rn"i'V
.--aVi' v tiT'T b" b'l M cit
iti tl.e fiTt Tm : tic. t'. -ti-d.
H in the h, ti.. t'.-iTri-
-, r.n l.v 'b" i '''i" S'"" '
l.l-iU- Tt k - I'-1 " "
y.w o-i.i,t, :r """i - " 7 t
f;n'---ed anl Atv-i-Tn; I " f ' ti
i'i'l yi.
Mrs. R. KLINE. Proprietor.
Flu Hies !
.Plumes !
Plumes !
While in New YorK recently I purchased Plumes to the amount of $1,000.
Bought them at a sale of 50c on the dollar. Most of them must be sold before
our Fall Opening, which will be anneunced at a later date. To make them
sell or rather to make you want themwe quote the following prices:
15.00 Plumes 10.00
S.OO Plumes 5.00
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday,
(SEPTEMBER 12. 13 and 14-
We want you to take advantage of these prices. You would not do better at
the Ostrich farms. X? X7 X? COME AND SEE THEM
We have not neglected our
eitheri have some beauties, right up to the minute.
Wouldn't mind showing them to you.
Watch for the Announcement of Our Fall Opening'
t f a Hi
Si' u p! i . .K' . 1 '' v
:Xc tb- franh!-. Tb-re

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