Newspaper Page Text
i i CJl A I BEAUMONT INURPRISl.: JSHt BSAUMONT tNTERPh"" rCktLI(HINa CO. Kntrprli Djbaina. numoM. Tn Culwwl t Pohtoftlr H' 'i'U.-it i .. . .,.. I ivl. iu,:r. livil!e Thunelay l' compl. to ttf-" Una It flnesl m.ii:, hikI llrtiiHi'. me - .,.)lo , , it.t of Captain PI- l.i.Os i.f nil Ira I To. a '""I The mIh-Ui.b of Jury in un gft,c, Kift Wtta ma.lo hi nw .miniuc f i f I ln.'.i mi. I Indian mi'l ' iliv vh. I'ri. r I'ravam ut Klv, . ,y ,1,., Haliun JU-ii.-vol.-iit So 1 .... i .i .... ;.rl,il fi.r Urn murder of i.-t v of 'iiiili-ni Kiiii.lllmi lo celo- , ,i,. is i,i i"l. . . nj , .,, ,.,. u-.l !.IUI iu .iKllli i lUll l.lilll.liiy. K'"f II...I iki-e: i.f .ni.l ' . , . KH-uri-il. two uf ,., l aluhlliii.. Iiiihuiii friend of Cup- u.u.o to t-o'i'li- ,!, juror in Iihiik excused tui pixnm', inude pul.lln HiIh mag "i.. ui n.iiiii i.lrKiii's. tilth t-iit donation in I In 7nu iiieinhrn . .. M li IV. .i.l.iiiii i.f AllMtlll. Nil- ..I ikn llu Inn oli'.illl- Will) IfHlllt'rt'll ' "'"'"t!r"" , ... for llu. 7. .all ,.f L'Pnlon KrancalM to A'.-.- iaii'.n tl.n.iiKl. M-rlrs i.f , arrlvi-.l there in ,. . ,llt. c,.ail.n. Tho wllil' Ht ll'lll ...... ... .. ...ilililUIIII IsMII.'ll ill l.ll.ltlf I ..,..,u,o. IiI-OVmIIi-.I. : Ul',.1- 'n. iii? ini'iy . l II. ill. 'I v. 1 1 ii, lie prinii il In "bom "", SUNDAY. tEPTCMBF-R M. ViCS. Termi of aubscr Iption. om jc.r Tbrr Dinr.ttu ... Kiiii'lny, h'I '' WukIb oiipy . 1 l' If- ii.r.i in u niiiiiMM im IsmiiicI iii l.iiniir i ...... I,... m u s'.ul.iiM . .i... ... l. us.. Ilr 'A'ul hllllUI rxaill- ,111 .! I UMl III Ml"l , , . ,,1,, ...... I,i. ill ll III lllll .III II iH Mil 'I :'TT'z..Zf' ., , . . .. I I III. I.llll'll I 'IIIM " ' I.. .,ii ill ll' riH uf i ii Mu-li f"r ll'- aii . - my U( 4. f liulf r. il-l -, i ill Ii mlalit lllll II IX h'"" !,,. ,im (.vi-ry M IIU IK 0 of It ...imii.-H for im.l.ii.1? av i mi uiiliii'ii. .lu.lui. I.'vy l"; ,.,.,,.,! w,h n tliiiuor ami upn ' . , tu, HI-..IIM.I IliH ..l..s.. 10 Ilolil lllflll ,;,,,, ,ll)(,HKll,IO 10 lli-HOrll-. .llinii. i.f rlrc mi'. K. stlon-; il.irli.K llu- Irial. I'lilorno. I'ri hl'l.-nl i.r lln Imilali . ii n u Ii for il.'- arl ,j ( capiiiinio. Proslilci ...,.,, v .,i ill- ruM-i " "", NOTICE TO fUOLIC. Th Koterprlie Publiihing compny la not retpomiir.1 for any dtt U con tacted by H employees, of ny thr nrter whntever. FOOLISH TALK. If )io I'liiK ii i.ntH.uNil i" Jiini.M Ti.t. M-m-tary of llu- A H Tiu.l. s C.iil. i. ik'.s I" ' ' -- i - '' ml. roii.-. iiiiim fi'suli "f 'I'" ilril.i' 'I lllll'. I II' 11 I.. I'.. n U'l.rll. I.i I'X.'I'.llit'i wl.l. , lllll i si loll of tin ft" I, num. i. in' in o. a' i'U iu' " hl l ; u ii aff- Hi.' hhi rini or mui .u ... I.I....I.I: tl.ii fr--lK ""' S'air. Th. m-Hln wan riUlnly 'X- . M. llrtllTH to IK" ' . ,,nw4 ,.,,,,1,1 . Oil- t;;l.l:iK ll l""' "f r,"' iK" " S tall U U . l.ll.l'Tsl.l Mint tho .;, .,,,,,. .ur of Tiahs. ,.(.iinilii..(. will propiiKi. nn niiionU- 'o ' . , ,i i Ui.v.11 loiiiiiiiioii.trs ,,,., ... ii,.. f. r lilll to I"' i.r. s. nti.. to N ,,. '.vvai ll.- li.-xl li-Klrt'.Diro. TIiok.' in aMi'll- ,i:,. ,:!., a r.port n ,, .',. wit- SIk-iIIT Join. .1. San-I. r- iu i.i r.:p.iiiv- ( M nf (.Hl,hv,.: rnniy. Slurirr J. W. m l in " I'-uli loi"lr.n liuuilliiallon ,(kl.r f .r,etinaii rouiily. i x Slu r- , ,, ,,:!;, ..f il.o .Sia.o way Lo c-x- iff S. I. Clark of Tarr.u.i rom.iy ami fi I I I ll .1 t - Mr. I'ali'Ktliie'K S...rh wax In Hal- Ian, ami ivi-ry miiuiko of It was uproar A. Ian ml- C'liiiiinriio. Prnsliltnt nt ih.. Mm mi Hi nollr. i.n li.illaiin, nn- M.... i.. .i,..ih..i uli.ili'oil thPir I. : III. 'i. Ill .. -IJ. Hi" . '..'' - - . vi-Kslon I , imi in ncroilil .. .nil iii Improv.'. - 'I h. n U soul.- talk ul.oui Hi'1 I'"'- Mr. TiiK-y i: I" l-"""' "' llu- fool ! Hi- Mpiailioi. l parliiiK for I. ill. r.' Mr. Tiii'y c r- p'.ii'U an m U,K,.' nil xi.ik' h ll I' -uli. il in m i.-l.,ry f-.r Hi.' In-raii- ii.ih.-r limn rink a Mrui-.-.l.-. ill" i inployi-rs will l' i' i"l.v to -!- wi'l' II. .- unions on an!' '' ':) Ki.w llw fart is ilial II"' slriki-rn w .' wlilppcl l. ii hlainlHlill ami wliil- ili' Pii. k.-i H di'l of. r to hiilmiii I In- in-'"- . t. r In nrliiirnlion, wliii li tin iln-y wi-ro to lr-:il with H:' unions on nn -ii i I :i )! - l.asln, iliu tinioim r fusel lo do so ami noiliin lint a i.r I. riili- HlrniiKl.l. woulil ilo tin-in ami wi- liuvc no (loll tit l.ui Hun ll"' l'i''k its woif miriiiisiil Unit Hn-y wi-m l4i f rnsy li whip. H i i uo hiiIVW-imI ly ulnl.i nii-iil Unit proinplw u.-i to It'll or-i:iiiii.-.l lull".- thai, ill" liarkini; slrik' was n WatM-loo ami that if Hn-y am lo make pionn-ss lln-y must rlium;.' r.imi.' or lli.-ir laws nn-1 kill ..IT Knm of llii'ir li'ii'lors. or sliik-j rrs liavii Ik'.-ii in i.'imiIiiIc want ami j Ml,, it !i..vins tlial me piirhiM!, i'ii.. I I w ..III - v I lllll .nn i - ii in iui. li.slnu Ills I'l.tiri- navy Hu.i rity. wi n. nun..'- ( ,ar will ush l -lU muI-'huuI. .1 niLlnlKht Tl.urs.lay. R-vs. ,l. ,i,s. y.-ar of ilio war f.r Urn Hul WuK,,)Ktol) wh in, ron li,. Hi. ) Is nol I'cpial lo II." J"l,u,"'s,!.,,.,.h., s.-rvl.'i-s at l.llirty rli.ircli. ...I lt. ill. i. ti rl lir ' . I 1.,,.,... tit n ttlliririf ill'lv- Hiv. H. S. .f'urrv 'f SlKininn, a list, nnil ltv. '. TJ l lui far ii..i,i..i.iiiii imsiiir of Hap "i'" list rl.urili.'Kiii.atril nlnn inll.-s south i., . ,.i.v u i'i-,i iiiur. cniusiy ns (ho Kift with otln-rs ulniost. If ni ,piltf as lorKc Charli'ii i'amnii. Vlrr Consul of Italy, row uuu u"" - Cntitnln Plzntl in tho nanio or ine Covcrnniciit of Italy. Tin; roniliilmn hh- hliiipl. t aptnin PIxzhiI Kinmls n-iiily to ilcllvf-r tip C'.-n mill in iinv I inn- to form tin' niiricini of a funil for ln firciion m n (harlly hospital for Italians In N'W Orliniis.' Haliun socii-lli-s uri a pi cti-.l If roino up with inon.-y to buy tin- urouiul nnil rouipu-K- 'no . 'i- i ini'iit. In nil. " Is -xp.'-t''l Hint n run 11111111111 ilollnrs will In; soon si' cured. mill Its tl.-imrluri. ' i,,r,iln,r tuim,. in a biiKy iiriv- iniproii-rli'il iiljrn tliroimh a lane wlu-n liny wcro sinnuih ami I. uvo lll.ssiii i... ,..'K k.. .. .,l. . ..i.i humn d.-rld.' to fit out fin ' upon Willi n hiioikui I,,,,,,,, should Julian , , , , W.iKhiiilnii was s.-nl- :l ,w last sl.lpi to pt-y on KiihhIuii ,,,., , . r,y who i.,ii.iii.-rr.'. It Is also said thai l'lr(l, ,, Khol$. WnshlnKton was ... . ... . . .I...... .-ntltritlLr i, ins nr.- nol rvi'ii " ""' 1111 t-irnck ny a iiiunn.-i n.- - l.iin in- I .... i.i.. tinn in l.m of bi'lni? In, from tnf in. hh." i i "' iIiito waist. i:urry nan ni .' i j 7;. vovav." to nay nolhii.K lu.l.ilm? Him alti-r ihcy u--t ii"r . , .,.,',.,, ,i. nrrk. His At lliis ilislanrn ll looks as if ' ( ..mlil ion Is vnrv sorlous. Suspirion would b" tho most scnsil.lo tliini; rorjm)llts v,-ry slronnly lo n.-nroos. Itu.sln lo nsk nation to itU-i-, Ihoimh un to noo,, no nrrnsts J.ijvo ,.,- or ra r ..rf-r Us K.n..I o,Ii.-,'S h.-n inm o Tho wound.-,. pM-.i.hns .. . ... 1 i.t 'ni-o ncirrocs. to hrinir anon. p-ii" iiianiK'r slop llio usi-h-ss waslo or iiv.. mid nioni-v Ilial Russia must Maiiil lo rvi-n Rot si art. toward r.-ucliiiiK an rlToitlvi' war footinK. Tho soconil strntuin of oil wiik slnii'k In Wilson -llulliirn won in ' . . ! 1...,. I.....1, C.,t 4 I ll loot 01 raxiiiK ii"" " ' .ri.imriiifirv to drillinu In. Aflor !'n ..1. ...!.... .1,0 rim If flllOMl SOVOll fool tho a'nivol, 111I1I1I0K ami sniid forrod tl'oir way IhroiiRli from hcow. nnn in innio limn throe million which certainly speaks well for Hi" 1 1. 1 iin.v 1 1 vi- In rn ...1 ,.,.11 ,iit inn ni' our e.ltv and l.iSHOH Ilitvi- li,," f,'-" 1 tiiniii, 1. ,1 i" ...... ..1 ... ilw, kI rikcis ! ...i.-.i.. .1,,..... iu n ui.i.ill .lorroaso over losses. The loss to III" paol-.ers will 1.. , buck Hum t'" fa,tl n,!" wliil,. their planls have boon idle Mm MiM'k Is Si Hi l t1"' ''V '"' 1.1. f r-li.-r.'.i and lln-y will make I heir losses f;ond while the si i-ikors will iml In- nlili- in a life time lo !A'I b-u-k wh,, il.ov bnvi; lonl. The fm t is Unit or- 11... .,.,..,,., in iIkiuikUs nf the four M!lt,)niM )aks in nonunion! an.ounls ,lif) ,ltt ....cossitate.l null im; h' i:a- .. .I..H....U 1 i.,.r .i.i.iK.i- iiin-n beliiro (irillinir in wb uoiiais nit, .., ,.- ... n.. I., Llllll HIT fill 1 llltlr,' ..- Mi an , ' " .... u.,1,1 .1,0 ninn thus sot in. In drillins ... .1... .,11 piime nut freely and soon .' .. ..1....1. ..niwlu won rovored. The Ih,- niunii ,-....,.. .. . . - o lll.'li- in i nn,., I 1 li ""I-11 ,r , lust Hli.lemonl the los Is duo lo indii-alions now or- that i l iii'i'i I inie aniod labor has not boon rendniK sip.iiw of the limes. Kmployeir. nr.' b.'lsll.liili!,' I'i feel Ilial 111. -y mii',lil ...,.ii slmi down I heir plants as m i n " . ' -I ... . I . . .... .11 U If I I ' , llieir iiusimi.s .ni l ,'. ., . nol a .lollar inveslod lli-lriu. i-miilnyee who rotnes lo an rni- ,, lover. Ilionjj.i lie may have come a llm' mi'.-:' mid has never boon inside the ilati before lias as much voice in llio union as Ih'' "tib-sl mem ber. He may Im ir.norunl and inoom pclonl lint ho has as niiii h voice n the wise and eompolenl iind be is imich more suscopl ibh- Id lb' aif.u in, nl of the iinscriipul'ius loader than l lie money that has been invested in and around nonunion which is belto? than havini? II in I bo banks. The polton fanners are complain iiilt hecaiiso tlu-y have trouble in got lini' labor lo pb'k their crop and some of our rice farmers are hiring 1ho I urn bavi The , ..rt llw, wnlol nnil l lo in nn,,, . m ... . Kiavel from above a irool well will no in tills straliun. i. u.,.,u ulniost mi iinnosslbillly lo ii... ini.iu.iiso it v of in i-i, win,- ,ii,- , water nnd (ilirksand Hint has hern encountered in the various wells i,i .mi-., lioon nut down here. This i the sixth welt. The immense irns f.-nin l;e:..w keens evory- u I. un i lii.i ii,!.,,r I., in.-ni.ill and willl all the ly i.iiiii linn ....... i,,.,, ... 1 To Avoid Sunstroke. a ...I.. tti.iMinn w rites thut a few tilntK as to how to avoid sunH.roha n ay not be amiss at this season oven tl'oinh wo may have passed the trop ical poll:!. ni.inri must be to protect tna ton'tial nervous system from the solar rtys. Now, a but proiei-is mo uium, l.i.l i:::.i:y v. Inlal :u.-o or sunsiroho una nr.i'Ud from the fact mat. me hjiiiiui rjonl Is ulniost as vuirerauio. w.o ha. k l' lb'- ' sl-.or.Id be protected. !n India n ihmlilo layer r oioui is ctu-n alon;; me inniuio imu i.f Hi:; j'!.-':"!. b' l i:'.d. Vouns women win bmt'.n t'.'.i ir shirt waists iu ino luck, take mitiiv! A douliio row of tin.- buttons may prevent suiisiroue. ll.i.Uon Herald. Field Ready With Answer. On one 'if Kukciii! Tii Id's visits to London h'. was ilinins,' one cvenins with a company most ot whom wera stniniieis to him. The lady on his linht was flout. i:onie,vhnt more than mhldle n;! . (1. nnd a lit Lie inclined to he'iil of others. When It was .usually remarked that Kiehl was from CliU'njro. she turned to him, put her ulassi'-K to her eys, and remarked: "Oil, indeed! Aim how do pooplo live; In C.iicai;o?" Well." reiilied Field, "when they ri'.nirht me I was li vi::;f In a tree." New York litlh' excuse at any one i;oiii(? llio present hungry in There is a decidedly holler tone n the lumber business which probably nu-aus Ilia! all Hi" mills in Soluti on I Texas will soon lie running lo I lo-ir lull enpacily. , i in ,.n,i i . ... i 1 1 v mill' rare that has boon mvokcdil obstacles have pre sonled themselves that ''' 'imicull lo ovei-conio The II. L. No. Oil company of Hous bavi' their derrick built and will roinmence their well at oco. e v LOUISIANA NOTES Ih, In olv TEXAS NOTES. A vev (loslructive lire at the plant' iilder employee. If there had or Knstwood & Mankin. iron and , , linu'l n. Hun "f wa -.o. in ! brass rounders at Sherman, caused a " " " ... lloss III excess of Jd.lHHI. ilium which I i" "'" 'b:. a:-o :,trihe n ro...,. i,,,,,,.,,,,,.,, f .Mv $S.7.H. LOUISIANA NOTKS. The Luke Arthur Rice Mill will be ready to start operal ion by tho tilth or lliis nionlli. It is one of the finest mills in the Stale, Willi all modern Improvements and the latest machin ery installed. no t doubt have boon ; . ii 1 .1 but . :n b ll"W :., . -nlal. ii lo lake llu- bic inos hands of I he owners and si -1 1 1 1 I wiliioui :i'.-iiiiii'iil wa: of while oak timber in one body. Ml loll I.awler, Opelousas real e-lale dealers, sold lalelv to Max Cooiy,.' Iteardon, a substantial far- Fleischer. ,,r Memphis. Teiin., all of ..,ii ,.. I I ..iiul if A llllilllil. .1 1. !!...!... .... n lrm. 1,1 " iii, -i iiium i, ,iii in,,,.-- . ,,- iiie wii.i,- oiiii iiiiomi ,m, ,i ...... ... Iiii-ii If 'was found dead near his homo Tuos- nmt 1,001) acres for $l..77ii. en.1-!! , 1 I.. 'I'I... tiw, in. l 1...1 ....I.. l,,,i'i ' ' r-v.-aloil llio fad Dial he had taken i .ackers to l.renli Hie power ot ; hnlno. iiuiiMi and t' .-V l;il so In ii- "i j Jiiilno Hayes, in Hie City Court ot 'ii-oni-isl u.iioii cili.-s in (hoi The plant nf the Sherman Com- Crowley, overruled an exception filed ' ........I 1 1. ,ii, Imt i... ,1... fur the dod-IIKO In the I -.-l ili-s Tin- l-'lllel IU : ' S H"l 'lO' S l inn li.i.i . .. . . "" . . , ii 1 "'' s- "" '"' 1,1 . ..... ,. ,. ,., ,.r ....ii.... i.e. .,f the dtv nf Crowlev vs. M. i! to lilt I' HI OM-r M "ii- .' i .... ,, . ..... r.., .,- i ri in in;: ns i,hi,i,i,,,,. ,i , built and put into operation. The he :,nd ibis is llu- i- "' ' i.inniiin or oii. ral Ions recalls lo mind i 1 . ft 1 CI I.I fill II ve,.,l ;.n I which wiii p-o- ti e most iiiHHs.n.un r ,i i , i.i..,, ,i Tor no pasi niioen yi-.u-.. Iltcir mill m ' '" "' ' '"' ' '' I ,. I'ni.-.l h'ta..". vvi.v u.Htin. ., ,,,,;,. ,, l.'is 4 . ;i . Texas Cent nil freight irain ai V.iv.isotn John Do Sba was snd bli Ih for lb. Ih Hi. I 'nil. i,iiosr. tiv In run p'o I Coiinl rl German Soldier Dies at 101. Pochl, the eldest former member of die Cermtui army, died recently at Holkenhelm on the Rhine, ttgo lui joars. Shipping at Dui-ban. In the joar Ifnio the port of nurban f-'oulh Africa, was entered by 79-1 i.'Sin-ers ami IK! s-Mlitu? voskoIs. A Organization. Here is a summary of the Salvation ui-.ny operations on the social side: Then, are ISO foo.l nln iter depots, with nccuniiniiilation for l::..r,ul, an, I no fewer than 4, 573, (MM beds have been provided during Hie last year. There are seventeen prison s iU' homes, with accommodation fur 53!-. nn 1 2,iil)H satisfactory cases have be, u passed throimli tliei.i (luring the last twelve months. There are 111! rescue homes accominoiliitini; 2.710. nnd i . 7 - satiofaetory cases have been passed throui;h, while the eighteen hind col onies contain 2!t.2fi2 acres, and Rive touiporary oinplo) nieiit to 67,tin0 men ADVERTISING TEXAS. T- a ; is ,o:i-.:; iidv, i-1 ,1 a- ii,-m" t i i..t-. a pl-ii-.- I., i I'i 1 " " I "'" i i-s ;in.t I.i. o- - 'ii' li i" ti'i 1 a t i' .'i-.' .,,.. i of Ih,- i...!r...t-i- n bin-: 'I', . . It. mi M I . '' - ' ' '- ! .1 i.l.iv .-cl.i iii ..ii, iii in '"' a' j t . w f. i " i .ill.", 'ii" 1 ' ' ' ' ' I. " i . ;.:l I.:i, I,. I - w .-f I a i i x i rl i-iu nt i'i 'ii '"li 1 e ' i-' r . Iii.. I,. .!'-' i ' i . ; ,,. : ' .--'! !- : ' ' '''' ' - i , -, . - .-;. : i.- a ' . , I. , .- - . I I ' ' ' I I . I ' . . VI - - . . . y ... : t i . - - : ' . . . !'. C: 1 . : ' . .. r, - i i . .!'i'- rilsivoitb. manager of Iho local li.iiii.ii of llio Waiors-Pierce Oil Com pany. The exception was Unit: Mr. Kllsworlh was not the proper per- son lo arrest and place on trial for. not complying with I he ordinance ro rintly passed by the Council, an I ; .Indue Hayes holds that ho is tho ,-iulit person, and overruled the -x- eeption. Tho attorneys for the do-, f.iise. Messrs. Medloiika & Taylor, filed all answer this afternoon. The: .aso was iri.-il yesterday, and Un: counsel will carry the rase to I In Siilir. me Court. i Ties ease Ki'-w out of an ordinanre .. - 1. 1 1. : a I pa-Mil by Hie it y 1.111111,11 .ii,oi,i.-- The rase or the State s. Konni'h (,,. Im.iu i.i: of more than l'' P. n-iii. rharu-.-l with 'hi' murder f barr.'s of Gasoline, oil. etc., withiir the i n v s limits. Forty-eight Tons of Scriptures. The society continues to make record figures. Ihirintr, tho month o.' June tho output of Scriptures Iron, the warehouse In Queen Victoria street hIoiio exceeded all previous totals. Forty-eight tons of 1'criptiires veru dispatched, in 410 rases and teveiity shipments, to all parts of tl: vorld. This represented 1H...(." luioi.s In 114 different langmi AnHwers. Battflcfc Patterns .. Always Pease... CtTOCER OELINE4T0KS 13e 100 peryer,WcopUi Orders taken at the Pattern Counter. SNTESIEST1M0 SIOIIE NEWS FALL and WINTER GOODS are Reardy 1-i 71 Is all you in'! lo pay for n Kwoll Tailor Made WulkliW Suit. Iloimln Suits for Spot cash, marked iheni close for nuiek H'illng. New Norfolk, box coal stylos belt in back: line F.lumltio. Cheviots, nnd Novelty Mixtures; mannish suit itms and tan covert: nnv sl"ov.-s: some have turn back cuff.-:, sunn lined: skirts ate sored, Irliuni". to ma. oil rout. Special values in Tailor made Walk- Lit; and dross Suits. nt $7. ."ft anil t.r,o Th.y nro nn(ue::l ionably llio best Hull values ever offered In Ileaumoiil . A few of those Hindi Silk Coats at rA)0 Tho Pongee Coals nt Wo expect to clean the lot up entire ly Monday, ALL REDUCED. Girts nnd Boys Dresses Fine Madras. Hingbnnis. Chamhray Presses for Poys. nnd (iirls, ages 2 lo S; worth up to $1.25, Choice IciC Fine Linen nul Clmnihrny Presses for Hoys and Uirls, sizes 2 io 1. worth nn lo $ t .75, Choice !). fiinshnni. Cli:unbrny. Lin-n Presses, sizes 2 to 11 win th up to $1, Choice lloll.sliicbed Pillow 2..c n ptilr, ipecliil Covers. Iu Teniemlifr worn noiirl th(se Presses can be , all winter in this section. REDUCTION ON STAPLE AND HIGH GRADE Table Linens Wo have ino lnrge a slock nf Malf Wenched Linens: want you lo ho!)) us "right" our Linen slock. These Half Pleached Linens wasli while and oulwenr the Pleached starohv Linen usually sold in spec ial sales. .", bolts of our nnr seller, lit! inch, Half Pleached Table Linen, reduced to, a yard, ... I! bolls of our i:.1c: grade ed Tallin Linen, reduced lo, a yard, ... Half 2 bobs of our reduced to. n 75c grade, yard ...r:s r.h-acb- IS4 ....c.s4 O io bolt of our $1.lin grade, reduced to. n yard SPTCIAL VALUES FOR Monday Only Pepperoll Wenched Pillow Cases. 42 x-:!(!; our regular price :',5c a pair special, a pair '27 Pepperoll Pleached Sheets, double bods: usually l"o, spociil, a pair I 2xl.n. for -- TSr Ploacliod Sheet s, linen finish, for doitblo beds; seam down llu collier; usually r,iie. Special 3Sr or size. NIxMu, usually Moiulav usually -4 . u pair Ul- SPECIAL VALUES FROM THE Dress (Joods Section S inch Shepherd Chock: half wool s.iitiii" In cliMceliii'. brown and whK...Mmvy , "; fr (hildren's suinmer i-luu w.iim suiis. m, n yard. r Two liun.lroii ! -''S An.osk. ag Teas down O.iilngs. new. beau. Ilnl .loMv. s. ligl.l a. ark colorings: a Im. sol I colors, white cream, pearl m"' l'1""' sp. clal values, P.ii inch sollid color Voiles, half wool, black and colors, red, brown, nav, and cnsior. very s. asoiiahle, n ynnl .C :0 inch bull wool Cashmere, all shades, a yaid -.r Hanilsoino wool ami half wool Waisl- - Xos'i, dainty designs, c,,,.,,, 1 1 ri 1. 1 v m:i nn ish Suit in ie-H checks' illlil sll-ipo nn" -'I!' '''S nt TiSc and ' IS inch all woo! beautiful Alnaiross. ' in solid colors, black, cvcatii. pink, blue, red, navy, brown nnd green: a seller from the start a yard .r0; Plaid nnd check ami Col ion Suitings, just llio thing lor children's tail school drosses: ::ii inches wi,,,' n yard 1C SPECIAL SALE White Cmods MONDAY ONLY Lie While Lawn, -in inch wide, able for children's aprons, etc very special, a yard 12 l-2c While India Liium, hook fold, :::! Inches wide: very special, reduecoil lo. a yard 12 1-2c nuulity K-.iglish Lawn, only in 12 yard pieces, Special a yard l.e and 2lc fancy satin stripe open work While Hoods, used school aprons, etc., Monday, very special, a yard ir.c India Linon, Ueilueod to. a yard 20c India Linon. reduced to, a yard 2.1c India Linon. lviluuoi-d to. a yard 2."c India Linon and Persian Lawn reduced to, a yard.... ri.le nnd Hie White French Lawn reduced io, a yinl lli 12 While French Lawn, reduced lo, :i yard "2flO 7."c White Krench Lawn. 17 inch wide, reduced to, a yard ISC f I un While l-'r -nch Lawn, 17 inch wide, reduced to, a yard JS All Our Fancy White Coocl.5 Reduced Monday for Quick Selling We Need the Foom, Hllil- sold 9 nnd for 9 1G- All Qoops ndvertisxl are on sale until the lots are are closed out except the Roods advertised for Honday only. No Place Like &&& For Values l.i-coipilaiod to Hie ground, sustain . iug several very bad I. rinses .m , bones wen broken, but it was roared I.' was in hired infernally. The i n it. man was put on tho tlrst south ..nnd train and sent to the hospital :,i Houston. It I g. s. f..,i:,!.i:: II ------ I . ..i . i jr ' .t . -..J- - - TrrmvwamaasB!sm "Wir Lake Geneva. Wis.. Nov. 20, 1903. KiiKrr H'A , Jn; -"tt..i( m:hs ago. oi.gag'.laia 11 M.issov at Honey Cnne H" i-nL-acril the di-ftict i-omt n ha ni. The jury r.-lur i.-l : i t of at-travated nit . an 1 ih.- )niTiltl'ini ni m a b"- - ' .ii-.. I m.Hc ir.onihn in iai! M tv. r trial Porin J z n . it. the . nMontiary. i -n ?, loroiiod en nC'-r f-r r i ui I-"".' f'r 'In- .o- ' tj,.. . n.-r I - "' r-' , .- r.. :ni-.l ' a i"1' ' '" 1 ' ".r It., .ii'l .'-T-'i'i". "'it '"' f, ., ,,f nn-1 U'- b -il '' , , ,..,! ' v Oi-t '' r I T 1.. r 4 t r t- tit ho The Police Jury r C;.1c.isi, u Far-i-b made u a nii-.b .a anr p',n--sba!'!'- bv tine t,i kill nlbgaoi' in tu:i' pari-h. r I .I a u .t I 1 ; I." and Tinas KW' Mi i,t :i:il T-.sir'bu',.T As la' ion. ' v.h:b nut in Lake Char,-. wo-.i', t e i:i ti inf. ,i ilia' '". Im yeild U f.,,1 t'.-.l tho in.iil.r of tTitvixineiiK ' ; , , , ti 1 1 til.. C:-; a jt Lit" ii :.T' I h.' ,T' -,. .1- '-T i' iiiir--l ic i:i-u i.i the tioar lu'iiro v .i . ty 1 l , , ,l :i I'' . ft, -i.i. Tit r -fa-i-'l that the b'-'i-' i,. - i.o ti I- of ." in' r -i , .... ,. '. , .,!' ',';r Z i "v-r; -. i -f r ' ' '' ' ': " '' ' ' . .. ,i,r,'l.-'.i - ' T-.r 1.... t-i -! i. ' 'b- ri " ; .1 .,. -1... . '. I'. - ft ' I'' - .... '."..-.. ,f . ;-.r.r ' a ti .;:"! ."r- f-H t !;-':' . . ...... - I -. .. - - ' ' ' I :-.- ' , ,. .,.,'. '.- :' -.'. 'I ' ' " - , ...... . - .-. ... . in : '' r - " : "" "' ' , . i. ,, i-: . r. -i t -I !.- ! i 'i.: f 1 ' Lake Geneva, Wis., Nov. 20, 1903. T!f. V, K.n nnr lonfr ninht of misery for me daring the past three years, because of my miserable state of health. It seemed that I endured all the misery that a woman could endure in that time and live. Three years ago I caught cold while out skating, and suffered a severe fall at the same time. As it unfortunatdy l-.appi ncd during the menstrual period the subsequent consequences were as bad as could well be imagined. Inflammation and ulceration set iu. not oa'.y in the womb, but aLo in the ovaries, and affected the fallopian tubes. My phvsLian did his very best to rc'-lcve ine, but after three months deJ-red there was no relief exctpt through an operation, which I o-jtcted to most c.c.-.;.. . . ........ t .v. en t-ied several highly recommended remcuies. w.tno'Ji ar.r rt.p, ui.. i ui. iu.ti cd mo to trv '.Viae of Cardui as it had been recommend-. J to tier. i ty I uok it as a person grarps at a straw al it proved a veritable r.'n! a trw.. rains rraiuiv crew k?.s. the dzZv heaiathes I had i-J'iereJ from then cirpeared. My gei.eral lrf-alih kept imprjvi-.g and b Uv.ineen weeks I was fully rcicrei. I"o operation was f 3 . J ". , . : f - - 1 TT-ir rif ircr 'IsC'i'a I --VilXI. . :.c . uj l moil glay dj I g!ve it the ctUrc credit. r-.' -r . - -r r---T., - 18 ,.- Ethel 3aker ',i,.;.-i.i.vy o 0 61 A! I