Newspaper Page Text
BEAUMONT ENTERPRI THE BC AUMONT, TEXAS, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1904. VOL. VIM. STATUS OF THE "LEN4" AT SAN FRANCISCO JAPANESE CONSUL PROTESTS AGAINST THE PRESENCE THERE OF THE RUSSIAN AUXILLIARY CRUISER. FEDERAL INSPECTORS OF WILL INVESTIGATE Russian Representative at Washington Will Ask Per mission to Remove Guns and Thoroughly Over haul the Vessel Which May Remain Until War is Over. San Franc! sco, Sept. 12. Tho Him-1 b'ftn triniHport .. ...i,ii. .....,. I b nil iritiin,'i'i i jji-uu, wuii;ii MiiuAiiLi-f . arrived .a port yesterday m ! Vladivostok, remains nt anchor oft Secretary Murray of the department tho Union Iron Works. Her coin- of commerce and labor who has dl mnndcr states that her boilers are In ' jurlslctlon In the matter. Tho need of repairs and that some .me,- .ts "Sand! iiiust elapso before tho wl.l be In . mo tnat R8san auxiliary cruiser condition to go to sea As yet nothing j Lena, arriving at this port nth Inst., fin ill i. it iiiJiiu i t n in u iiiiiv ink ii vi na - - i i . . i . . 1 i .. l : - u nvn wnnm a. nmira 'i no nontu n dry dock and no Intention has l.oen i -lrtS that hu has entero for repairs t.onera! Kt.ropatkin has returned to . - reports that ho has entered for repairs Mukden al'tor in-neeiimr u.. f,..nn,.n dlKcloscd regarding her future move- ,llttor , am reqno8llns lho InHiiecto-lfi" "t ?, ,C ? ? m.-nta Tho TTnlVc.l States aillhoH-' ,f 1,.I1 n.wl Mlon, In nmlo. mi nvmn. i 'lns at 1 iO 1 8S3, WOI It Oil which IS Los here say their action will be governed by Instructions f-'om Washington. At tho conclusion of a conference regulations for the collector asiiinn between the collector of the port and lug any authority and request instiuc the Japanese consul, the collector :tions." gave out a statement in which ho Orders to CohecUr. sulci: "I have decided not to allow I Acting Secretary Mm sent tho tho Japaneso to go aboard the Lena following dispatch to the collector: t; make an examination.- This mat-1 "Your telegram addressed to the ter is between the United States and secretary of the treasury concerning tho 'Tlusslan government and the jitussian steamer Lena received, at United Stales will attend to It with- '4; 45 p. m. You shoal"' have miurivs out asking assistance from others. 1 ed this department as directed in cfr know the law and will enforce It. Iculnr 29. The neutrality of the United Stales "Wire the exact hour of sttMrnor's will be maintained without regard to, arrival at vour port and concise state tiny request or act of the Japanese p-icnt of steamboat in '! icier ?. repoir consul." land if repairs arc neeissarv ami iho Wants to Make Repairs. Itear Admiral Goodrich lunched wilh Captain Berlinsky and oilier of ficers of the Lena on board the ves sel. Thov could nt be seen. Lieut. 7.tolT. npenking roriiie captain. sm tnat tlio mam oojeci 01 uie iuiih v,.Ssel In making this port, was to have an opportunity to make neees- fary repairs to tier ensme an- "' ers. tier 1101 nm 1 10111 "-c t,v 1.0 cleaned in dry dock. The liei!tonnnt said that tli i j Lena u coal bunkers wero far from being de pleted and he thought It would ue un necessary for her to coal at th's pott. The Unitedd States Inspectors of i...iic f.nri hnllers have been ordered l,n nnlf red xam nal ion of ,ort win toW . .1 . i. of the stay to make a thorough exa the Lena and on the report lv depend the duration tii" vessel In this bay. If It is decided that repairs are re tiuired they will be made as rnpily as possible and It js generally antici pated that this Is what will ho done. Collector Wires Account. Collector of the Port Stralton has not received any definite instructiona' es from the front, St. Petersburg has l mil retreat, and tne nrst a. my from Washington but has wired anngain fallen back upon rumors. 'P?' X 'hi account, of the situation. . Countless stories are afloat regard- .(( ,,J In the meantime, the cc- lector Ing he 1 uss n aeiea a , . . - )Ic momnt an, 8W!1lrc safe vii'W or tne met rnni mo rcunirs uiu.himiiu ui ...-.....- - - - said to bo Imperative, has refused 1 to while others have apparet. ly basis o,der Lena fremt the harbor wl.h- In fact to give them a semblance of n ,4 t,o:s wttnout a tin. mvesug,- The Lena is anchored between the fer army transports lying In Mis- from tno n.g guns " -nno oatiiesm,, wineii was aeccptcd ny tne v:," " , " , n. ment Saturday. The navleatlng officer Speckeniff, t.n being asked how long he wouM re main ho-e. said: "We expect orders f-om our naval representative at Vashington, who has been advlsedd of our arrival. It Is probable that he will ask the American government foT permission to remove the guns from our decks and allow the vessel to remain hede until the repairs can b'j finished." When asked how lo-ig h thoneht that would require, he said: "The, I-cna will prohoh'v remain here tin t; h. wr Is over." The Japanese cfinsul has little to My on the nihlrct of the presence In tlio Brtir ' the Ictis. "I hsv wlrd to te Jsan w min ister WaRhlnirton." ail he. "noti- f:ng him of the vessel srrtval ne. i, .!,, v. Russian 'iilia t r"ii.r The Japanese a-ovem ment w-l take U,nm, s,.pt. 12-Jmes i.w,n.-r. " "" ,rtlrf. a,Hr.-d action at present, hut will wait for thr onvrvstive m-mt-r P-rlis- fr'ne,.p.T.. hn 'l.e rni.e,i S.ate, to make their K Thao, diviMon .f Ken,, is to be lmtv mI.-p J '"Wn VhsV Th vsel d'K-s impress ,Km in 1ML K-irM. 'JZ me as lKin formidaMe and I do no, J J'Tsav- ,,,,. tba, ,h, hs. r.r g.o this port j Repwbllt.B. CmrTlti M.,e. ,M fnrr, U in a spirit of t-im.ty to Japan. j rorlUn, M,inP fA 12-Tb- T.',I1 if,,.iri.m its' Jaoanese Con-ul Prof.ts. ' publican, nrrl-d t. ss'e in M- t ert.r.'Wrt, in ih- R- r.m,r, of Jstisn Main- s;-,o 11 oTWk .onisti, in1du.-:r a r,:.rlm t.rr.,..,ir V-.ns 11.- I,na. which srrivM at Pun Fran. two , R..p,nfj t-sndidi vesterdsy. to rmin Vf'T :;r. with l.. nrs came tlsv lni ,h'- .'n"-- I .r-r rM:n' - i'ir v-"" e m.t'r 1:mm d-msnd si diTK-s. ih rirr,. in.,' ri rn.i " ' . ....... . . -.A it.. that tifct il'.c BOILERS AND HULLS SINCERITY OF THE VISIT ties of tlio arrival and the protest Wax addressed tn thn uninlnrv nf thn ij - J, Nation of the vessel's !iinc.lii:iery,not wc" advanced but is being bur- with the consent of the RiiFfdnr. eon- sul and the commander of the Lena. 1 Can tlnd no authority In the law or (time probably required t.i complete troops Rpnt t0 Topingshcn retreated them. On receipt of partlr.ilats i.inwjtll heavy ,OHg (le.iaiimenr. win instruct yuu mum;.. The referred to w:ts to sued on February 13 of the present twcen Sinmi.ntin and Mukden, shoot year before tho hosl ihtlo .-twcen ,nR tQ (Icat(l n,lsslln ,)!Urjols, Russia and japan uopmhh h- u huh m- sides containing mo piesmuin a i"'"- IRHtion and the stahileft regarding neutrality, gave inslr.ictiors to tol lectors "that snoum any mws ...- lng nnicmi acuuu wtm, ju nmnicate the fact to the dep '-"tment by tcsegraph. Russians After Kurokl. London, Sept. 12. The Daily Mail's ...1.... ...111. tr TgnniinHn rO- , t tne Japanese re-. , cl" 1 lBl"'"ul ' ... .1. correspomiem. "" i" .' 'peats tho Tien Tln report that Lieut lUncvitch with 6H.0U0 men invaded tvl ltl, Wea and cut Gen. Ku- , Sj"Wan6 B iviM..v - niinnw "' . Fails Back on Rumors. , o... 10 rnh St. reuersoiuK. ... the lull in military operations and an almost, entire suspension of despatch-. inn Kuropa.k.n is to bo superceded by G.-n Is named as thermos, probable sic- " satisfaction Willi tne uiiimie "i fron, Noither Alexieff's nor Kuro - natkin'g friends RfH-m to attach great ' . . .i .. . . .1 .... I ..... .1 V. imporiance to imw! . . ing mem. Weather Forecast. Washington, D. C. Sept. 12 Korc cast : Ixmislana partly cloudy Tuesday; show-e a and ctwder In west ponion. firo Hn .rten tno neaviest. Wednesday, showers; light to fresh I t must Ik- aid for the .lamncsp south winds. Iths althntich ther flcht with the East Texas Showers Tm-sday: j r,oM fw-rrencss. risrina and curaco. cs1er in northeast p irlion; Wed-n-s- j,jl0r ,Bit1. not like msdm' n. but day showers; fresh south winds U lth their hearts and they .lx y th ir West Texas Part cloudy TuesdaT-. 'omrn, )n nu ,tnlt." showers; cooler in extreme western- yr rturltirh testlflod. s oth r cfr porlion. respondent have f1fc. tht t'.e Jsrv so's a f oontinMslly rrt!nc f'evh Member of Parlilsment Dd. plur!i-y f Vnt' f'r r - n - - rrt - M fr li il ' I .... Mf-f.lln1ilv IllM i ' I" ' K A BREAK DOWN. A break down and delay of 3 hours ' at tht power houte of the Beaumont Ice, Light and Refrigerating CoWi'pany ' almost put the Enterprise out of bus Ineas last night. RUSSIAN RETREAT IS YET CHINESE BANDITS AliE SWARi.;. ING AROUND MUK DEN. 12 om ficiinT mo n Correspondent say Musscovites Pre sented Dejected Appearance After the Battle and the War is Unpopular London, Sept. 12. The Dally Mall's Sinnilntin correspondent cabling un der date of S led along. At the some Unit danger ous and costly efforts to delay Japan- ese advance are being made. This is the outcome of the em pi rors orders and that the emperor even peremptorily commanded Kuro patkin to retake Liau Yang. There is no abatement in the re treat of the Russian troops north ward. The noise of a fierce artillery ei.gagement was heard south of Muk den Friday night. The whole line of retreating Rus sians when within five miles south east of Mukden were attacked by Japanese marksmen who were invisi ble amid lh5 millet. The Russian Chinese bandits are swarming the Thp 0))(,ra(ons aKainst Liao Yang nro described as twelve days of the llnr(lost flpl,UnK an( marching on Klnrt ralnns wj(n a ,,ml,oratr (i 100 doRroes ln tno 8ha,j0 and f.-eqnont fcs of nijn A) ()f njs jj. js saj,j ,)orno Hi;lpn(),,y though the men wnro wora out aftor tno tcnH0 Kirtig- gle. Recounting the general lines of fluting, the correspondent says I "On Until nml. 1 (till ullllPl.' fi "On September 3. the at tack of the .. , 1, Japanese first army had been check ed. The enemy were much s ronger tlinn we. they having five divisions holding the northeaster,, heights. Our . , ., ... . ,, I POSH.lOn HI! UIH IMIIC Wtt!S i-llin .i: i" v.ew of the possibility that the enemy might have attacked us In force. Ttul a mixed brigade and later the left rnrorp0,, maklnR ,r pf . lon i.Qn g0ptOinber 4. the enemy was - . f ,, Brmv ri Buriollh "rt1o thn nallv nolt quarters a long description of the fighting m-a h,-1y .U.rkl by K-tropa . Kan for fc IMs.lans. I -k, K.m.rlved mo more than any ' ... . . , , , thine else was the wonderful insnner in which th Jananesc continue I for whole week their awful bombard ment of the Russian nosltlons. R was the fiercest artillery attack Ier iiS"i. !n history." Tens f thousands of shells were thrown daily, bill the supplies seemed InenhaiistKble. The Ruslanti only Te- upasmoiliesllv. but their rifle Wn Into the flchtine rTi:s nn v . T- Miii'" t-'-,"t,' a wi' it-t-i A :.,!"-,' 'n th- r r tm- t.w- - , ih .fT.- If msnr .--tt . ... TV.. - fiM.i1 tl r ik.t.i :if ANTI-JEWISH OUTRAGES. Kaltowltx, ItiiHHlnii Kllesla, Sept. 12. Anil Jewish disturb- anee ornrrcd Sunduy at the fi-ullller lllWll l.f SostloficC. UllH- shin I'olaiid. on iho occasion of 4 Iho colobntlon of tho Jewish Now Year.- Hoys atoned the celo- brationlsts and Injured' a child.' 4 with tho result that a rumor spread that Iho Jews had Killed. a child. A number of women marched In procession throiiKh tho street In tho evening, at on- Inf tho windows of Jewish Hons- es and thoso of the synagogue Several Jews wero Injured with Knives and stones. Tho doctors refused to attend them, fearing tho mob. Tho rioters also broke Into several Jewish dwellings. Tho troops of tho garrison event- 4 imlly dispersed tno rioters aim w arrested ten of them. NOT YET ENDED EIGHT PEOPLE INJUREO IN AT TACKS ON N0N- UNION MEN. fOUR IRE SENT TO HOSPITAL Two Young Women Pulled From Car and Ecaten, One Struck With a Rock in the Face Mob Foupht the Police. Chicago, Sept. 12. Savage attacks were made on non-union workers at tho stock yards tonight and In the lights that followed, eight people were Injured, four o f.hcm so severely that it was necessary to take thorn to hosoials. A Halsead and Root streets, two young women, Annie Cook and Mamie Jasper wero dragg ed from a street car, pounded over tho head, knocked flown and badly beaten before the police arrived. Misa Cook was severely cut in tho face, her shoulder was Injured and sho was taken to the ho-pital. Miss Jas per was struck with a brick and her tacc and forehead tiadly cut. It was necessary to take her also to the hos pital. Three policemen rescued the wo men from the mob, but it refused to disperse and continued to throw stones. A west hound car which hap pened to pass during the trouble, was struck and two of the passenger, wero hurt. One woman was hit in tho mouth with a hr'ck and all her front teeth knocked out. Anton Ashutra, a driver for a brew ery, tried to drive through the crowd and was hit in the back of Iho head with a brick and knocked from hsl wagon. His scalp was badly cut. A call for help has been sent In and officers soon arrived, whereupon the r-owd soon scattered. Ten minutes after the oicers re turned to the station, ficy wero call ed out to suppress a second rial In which several colored men employed In the stock yards were scattered vbv a large crowd of strike sympathizers. Policemen made a strong light 'he crowd. One of the negroes was chased Into an alley where he was knocked down, kicked and badly bruised. A number of the crowd wero hurt by flying stones. MODERN THEATRE. Louisville Play House Fitted With Fire Protection Devices. Ixuilsvlllo. Sept. II The Hopkins theatre, situated on the site of Musi Hall, the scene of thn famotn f!och"l convention, opened Its doors tonight The theatre which has the iartfst scatinst capacity of any In Ixuisvill'1 was built in i-trlct conformity wilh the city ordinances regulating th ronstrnetbn of theatres. A wall ma'.mry 71 Inches th'ek and extern' inr 'our feet sIkivo fie roof of IV htiiidin? on the houe nrop-r fror- !- caste wh'eh can be Instantly cut off by an aslwstos curtain. In addition ;n ample flro apparatus there Is an Immense spray over flu Ware f-r em'-rency tiso. There " numerous exits rn three don's, al' operated by an electric t.n'ton anf1 flm ewrapes si tn w-M'h ffl' tr from tho fl-nrs MilirHr to ttr rmimd . The 4vnmos whi'h otx-rst- hr. ttphts from n'-carate r'nt a ! -he i,v ordinsit' pwiuirs that " Pchr. Knrn -rti"iea'Tv. Th In,'--'.!-I rfr 'ir,'n . tA '" tv 'n -sh't and n -Ti-r ,f i "ne-rs w- r pr-'tit a th- riprn ins l-f.r V.1,i.V-T. Sdd .y y T. fieMt. ti" Ri"i I v- h'-aiily f'-;f!', t.-r Vn-s ip"r 't.e rltT and 'in 't tn-s ti-Tth f VtiVd'-n ''" I '-t t iid 'i ttiV a !-: -nd. PRACTICALLY HOUSE FLORIDA TRAIN WHITE MAN AND NEGRO DEAD ,AS,THE RESULT OF A '"' FIGHT. FRIENDS TO RESCUE Of SH001ERS Are Guarding a House Where Accused Are and Offer Defiance to the Sheriff and Militia. Cause of Trouble Not Known. Atlanta, Sept. 12 A spcclul from Cordole, (!a., says a party of about 50 friends are standing guard with load ed Winchesters around a house In Ihixtcr, Darker county, Florida, In which nro Charles Altnian and Hilary Altnian, two men who aro accused of iho time being, centered In rumors killing n negro and a white mail In today that Viceroy Alexlelf had re nt! excursion train near that placo ' signed ns roortod Sunday; that Ku last night. ropatkln Is to bo replaced by Lieut. Tho friends of tho Altmans say den. l.lnevllch now in command of that tho sheriff or militia' will take the forces at Vladiuistok and other tho men only over their dead bodies. Ktalements which cannot he traced to The two men killed wero Jackson 1 authentic sources, but all of which Duncan, a young white man, and Jlui Riley, a negro. W. M. Iluncan, tho father of tho man who was killed, was iliot from ambush four times today. It Is not known who did tho shooting. It is reported that a military com pany from Jacksonville has been or dered to tho scene. Tho exact cause of the trouble on the train Is not known. No Arrest Made. Jacksonville, Fla., Sept. 12. Pur ine a row on an excursion train on the Ucorgja Southern and Florida railway between white men, Jackwm Duncan was killed and ins nroiner, Marshal Duncan, dangerously wound ed. Both men lived at ICddie, a sta tion just south of tlio Georgia- lorida line. Jim Riley, a negro, was killed by a stray bullet, ho not being mixed up in tlio row. Today. W. M. Duncan, father of tho Duncan boys was shot four times In tho back as the result of tho trouble. No arrrests have been mad up to 6 o'clock tonight. W. M. Duncan is a tiirpcntino oper ator at Haxter. His sons run a gen eral merchandise storo at lSddy. ASKS REDUCTION. McFaddin Interests Write Letters to Railroads. Mr. W. I'. II. McFaddin of the Mc Faddin, Wiess and Kylo Rico Milling lonipany yesterday sent out letters to ( , ..i,i.,. (i lr.rxr. . ",' I 7' ' ,,,U.T", ' '"V e' . - il,. rniinrnfiu Urn, the MeFaddln mill here, which will begin operations within tho next few days, has made a cut of & cents per barrel on tho current rato 01 milliiiLr ric A short time ago wiien air. wicrao- din was In Houston, asking the rail- roans lor a reuiu;iin mm - ..i.i.. .1... I-..-.,.,... .... n.ii, mnncv tbo railroads asked him. "What aro' you mii.ers ilolng for thu farmers?" Hl. letter announcing tho cut Is his aa- .aJi; ALLEGED HE WAS DUMB. Clyde Arnett Arrested Yesterday as Suspected Fraud. A man giving his name as Clyde Arnett. his profession as a waiter. and Ills home as New Orleans, was arrested and confined in tho police station last evening on a charge of vagrancy. He Is sisH-c,ed of having worker! a fraud on the licaumont pub- !ic. by palming himself off as deaf snd dumb, and thereby securing gins if money. Some of he police, officers say they saw Arnett during the flay, repre-M-ntinc himself as desf and dumb n at-king alms by signs and writing. In the cv.-ning. fhey alleged, they kw him talking wilh other men, and laimliine arid using his vocal orRans as mil ax anybody. He was there fore tti'D imo custody. Hypnotising Rabbits. Amer'ein ihyslrian. who ss An boen' form acc iivtr,nier to xrlnnnt wi'h s. E'fi'rilly f'nind that chloro killed them before lie had a rhanet- t.i tifi-nt". Ii'ri1ei at the ii.ii tulpe-s of this method, h" trld l:j pi,'.' :mh on one rabldt that he had J. ft. an-t f'i'it-4. Ms mrpri, that with a few ,ae of ?h hands b r-n'A -il lilpO'''"'' Ptfle rr-a t.ire pirfeeiij that it Jit ail caps ii'i 1 .t fun tit or s-n-atl'ifi If r. an t ht i -vi'lred. it i'.i - -i t -ri t" a pt'le jner-'l.l. ; 1 ';!'" e-iiw "f V t may , ; . 1 ,' ' titl v Stn '-t-t. NO NEWS FROM THE FRONT RUMORS OF ALEXIEFF'S RESIGNATION AND RETIREMENT OF hUROPATKIN CANNOT BE AUTHENTICATED. DISAPPEARANCE Or JAPANESE TRUM FRONT IS PRECURSOR OF APPEARAN( E ON FLANKS Roads are Impassible at Mokden and the Price of Fc( d Has Become Prohibitive, Army Srottlers Losing Most of Th ir Supplies la the Retreat From Liao Yang. Associated Prcsa llullotlll. Tho samiuinary sldo of tho Russo Japanese conlllcl Is now la evidence and with the practical suspension of news from tho front, tho Interest for If true, would have a. most Important hearing on thu situation. One Russian correspondent points out that when tho Japaneso with draw from the Russian front, It Is usually tho percursor of their nppear a nee on tho Hanks and ho thinks the Indications point to u winter cam paign. Japanese Use Balloon. Ceo Foo, Sept. 12, 7:110 p. m A Chinese who left Tort Arthur the night of September C, arrived here today and reports that Japaucst troops to tho number of 5,000 control Louisa Hay. Ho says the Japnnesr aro making use of a balloon whic! he describes us a cigar shaped affair with a car suspended and says t ha a fat foreigner wearing a moustache runs tho balloon. 1 The Japaneso entrenchments lint tlio hills In every direction ami rein forcements aro constahlly arivlnv 'from Port Dalnv. The Japaneso bos ( )(!l,H (l( ,,,., ,)aIny ,. ,,,, wU wounded and transports are eng'igedi In removing tho wounded to Japan ui; fast as possible. Rumors Discredited. St. I'etersbirg, Sept. 12, 8:30 p. m Tho rumor thut Viceroy Alexlefl has tendered his resignation has beer .rmit rr H,,v,.rnl days. No conflr Million of It is obtainable but it Is hardly credited. A report that Lieut. Gen. Llnevitcl w1 ' Ku.opatkli. as com I'ttlHI-Ilill"IIH"l in inu ill relating ll not connrmabl The report, published It. the Dally Mail of l,onloii that (iiti. Kurnpatki ordered by the Ktnperor to r.-capenrc Kiao King is noi creuueu Losses at Liao Yang, Ovster Hay. Sept. 12. President u,M((.(.V). l r,.(.,.v,.d today a cablegram from United Slates com at Toklo giving revised ofliclal figures of the Imssoh at the battle of Liao ran. As reported by Field Marshal Oya- ma, the Japanese losses during the several days' fighting were 17.5im, while the Russian losses were 20,000. Russians Continue to Retire. Mukden. Sept. 12. The Russians Br(; d,,,,!,,,, their retirement to .(. pHKK The Japanese advance Is ow thotmh the military situation Is not unfavorable lo them. Many Rus slan companies now consist of only thirty men. Notwithstanding the Russia,! reverse the troops arc ch. e - mi Keeping in Touch. Toklo. Sep,. 12. 2 I m -KI'M Mar shal flyama reKirts that a Urz- IkhIv of Russian cavalry has spin an d at rittaltxu. eastward of the rsilrosul lie tween Venial arid Mukden. The Rus sians a e merely keeping in touch with the Javam-ie Rinhted Japanese. I'eti rstiure. Sept. 12 A d-s-has fx en r eved Imm Lieut Sakhac.ff under vet.-rdav St. patch 'en di.te. nina-ilne hs a IsfL-e Jauawve f'Tee ha tnn s"fi north "t Yttitsi lint on the mint h there . many lare- camps .f JapatM'-e. Minh P"ic- t Wu"1e. Mukdn. S -p '2 l--' tdaht rain at in fe'l in torr'-ii's a ! t'Klar It I drir..lins Th- r'K in-pas'1''! nui.tarr mn "''ti' 9 s-aiii-'ill. Tt-- town I at" are aim ate at a ' T'lWd'll . i'tp. iw nr al.le ITm ha-. i t.i.-i and quad iii"'t lout al .ri pled Tle . inoti most all their supplies during the Russian retreat. Civilians aro at the allroad station and other plucuu. hut It is almost Impossible to got food. Dum Dum Bullets Used. Washington, I). C, Sept. 12. Tho Japanese legation today received tho fallowing cablegram froniToklo; Tho Mnnqhuriun army reports that two finds of dum dum bullets wero found among tho munitions of war captured at tho Liao Yang battle. They resemblo cartridges intended fol tho Russian rifles of the typo of IS!1. Some of the wounds Indicted on tho Japanese Ih thought to hnvo been caused by bullets of that kluu. As to Contraband. St. Petersburg, Sept. 12., fi Ji p. m- The commission which has been considering contraband qucstlolis has n ached a decision While unable to ascertain Its exact terms, tho corres pondent of tho Associated Tress li'tirns that it is ravorable in the main to tho contention of tho United sintf.u ii nl n ii.ii t tlillnln recnrdlnsr absolute and conditional contraband. Foreign Minister Lcmsdorrr , will see iho Kmporor tomorrow and answers to tho American and British notes ire expected this week. The Baltio Fleet. St. lotoiHburg(..-8opt. I2.rr-The Dal 'ic fleet, which nulled from Cronstadt yesterday la expected to remain at Lilian for about a fortnight. Thence t will sail for tho Medlterannean. From Front to Flank. St. Petersburg, Sept. 12. Tho re tirement of tho Japanese southward . rom Mukden means nothing to a Russian correspondent, who when .elegraplilng tho news calls atten tion to the raot that previous expe rlince has shown that when the Jap aneso withdrew from tho Russian out this was usually the signal for their appearance on tho Russian dunks. It. Is said there Tomaln two full months, the best of the year for cam paigning. Another corresismtlent c insiders it extremely significant 'bat the Chinese olllclals at Mukden have already broken off relations with thu Russluns. The chief of the Jlilncse says ho lias received orde s fioin tho Japaneso to pay tho tax to I hem. Maine Election. Portland. Me.. Sept. 12. Returns fo, governor In today's state election fMim ouu bundled clUcs aid towns B:ve Cobb, republican, 24,034; Davis, emocrat. 14.1187. In 1!H'0 these p'.aces gave Hill, re publican, 22.4W; lod, demtxrat ....i n lvfivn Tim returns ao far piiinii mi, i. - . show a demtK-rallc gain of 1.378 and on the basis of the present returns, Cobb's plurality Is estimated at about 2:,,ooo. ALLEGED FOOTPAD. George Hobbs Accused of Attempted Hold up of Stranger. A strang. r to the city filed com plaint with the police yesterday that h.. had bei-n the victim of an attempt ed hold up the evening before In h vlrinlty of th 'mi " - - Kit He had f.sshed a roll if money at the depot and later, ne claims a sanlted by a man who attempted f rob him. lJvt renins he went l it town with jsilice o rs and suc-.-d-e. In ) aline ami. If sys. Idetit dy ing his assailant In the fw-rwi i a man who riv his iiiiw as Gfftge Hol.l.s. H' bbs was arretted. Hcoq CsHed O" Davis. New York. Kept. 12 H-nry C. lmisall-d DimorTatic aja'Pmal t,. a Iqisrters and held 'iite ni in tb rwm -riii 1 ty W m T. -hehsn. t'hairman Tatcac. r'it ivlmon. leT'tsry Wnodwm. rirm ( l a m n V. K Joties Form-T mor Hoes f T and all "f ' promimtit offleia'a connered wt'h ! t,-l..nal mimni"i- ea.)l tn him w- anf Nieol. le rba;rman '4 the I xniorTa' w wttmiai com mi" ha fine to St. lyiies to sp-nf t,-mr t.r at th World s Tair. Xj,,. tnetfc' T"-:f?'n a i'1' i ts:i'r four j is ti'-t 'h r'-'T" i ' " I