Newspaper Page Text
THE BEAUMONT ENTERPRISE THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 15, 1904. M :nd end -Bgeinnaiif Sale AT THE BIG STORE Positively the most Sensational Sale that this; store has ever attempted. To-morrow we place on sale five hundred pieces New Fall Outing Flannels at Mill End Prices. It's the most wonderful sale you have ever had the opportunity of attending. Outing Flannels ir.O pl.Tcs now KiiH Out lK Klaiinrl:! in Unlit ami iliirlt (miImi'Iiikm; worth 7 l-c Mill icmi rnc 5d Outing Flannels UiO pliccs Online Klannils lu pink mill liluu KtrlpiH; In fanry (IokIkhh; rwilur 8 lllc vuIiich; Mill Kiid IMco G 12 Outing Flannels lull plfivu liwl (pialily ( lilt Ins riiiniK-Irt In n niful variety (r new Tall Stylos ami Color ini;s; ri'Kii'ar prlro l"r; Mill 10ml I'licu 7 1 Outing Flannels leu pli't'CK Ti-axl.'ilowii ami Nnvi'lty OtitliiK KlaniH'lM In all I he lnti'st. wciivi'H ami coliirlmm look I'xm-tly likf l'ri'iuli Fliinm-lH ami wear JuhI an well. Annuit; lliftii " w'11 Hom" hw.'II patti'iiiH for (IruHHlnK Hariiui'H. kinionnn. Imth atnl IninninK roli'K; llioy are worth t: Jlill Kml l'rlco 10 I Every Department In the Big Store teeming with Mill End Bargains. Center Tables loaded with Mill Ends and Remnants of New Fall Wash Goods at Mill End Prices. The Big Store The Busy-Store GORMAN TO LEAD. Reported That Ho Will Take Chargo of Campaign Instead of Tagfjart. Chlc-tiRo, S pt. H. J ii'lJ Alton n. Parker may ro on platform with In Uu next tx wvk uiul respond IK'i'sonally to tlu question asked by I' tit ItiMiricvi'lt in ihn lattor'a Jet- tor of acceptance, according to Nu Itlonnl Chairman J. (1. Johimon of , KnnriuH. I Mr. Jolinsmi. who arrived In Cliloa iKn toduy. ileclured thai Si-uutor l!or .niiin In to Imvo charKii of llm rum IpalKii, Htiix rKiMlim; t'halrmaii TaKKurl . mill i!viwutlvi I'lialrniiiii Shi't'han. I loiitliimrtoin will ln opened In the! . li'..i unl.l Mi .lutiliuiin mill llllkt Irt I : ll i nil m . ... " -. -- I why Chairman TuuKiirt In coining to .Ihlu city next !!(. It In tho purpose of thi) iuiti'iKil cniiiiniltoo to wiikk tt jlmnl Unlit In Colormlo. I'tah, Wyom ing, Idaho, Washington am! Callfor- 'nlu. I v., vn.t. i t iiuil;il iiiiDii nn liolnis ... .1. ... .1... 111. I. II.. II'.LUI 1 I l.'mocTlli ic. in I"" .minim 'i ! WIscopkIii. lllinolx ami Imliami w ill ln the liatllo promiilH. .linlno Parker (will pi to Now Yuk thin week and IciiiiHiilt with tlw nailonal committee, ill Ik tho belief 'f III'' members of the 'natiomil committee that lio will K Ion tho platform ami reply l Homo of ,lhO lIIClleH Of 1'lVSllll'llt ltOOK.'Vl'lt. 'Former President. Cleveland ami Mr. I III I. f 1....1.H III y nil also win sperm mr i iiim-i. Petroleum in Arkansas. Utile Ilocli. Sept. 1 1. Informntlon has been received In lhl rlty to the rlTi-rt thaMielroMim has been dis covered by Oco. M. r.uUey, near l.ite vlllo, in Pallii comity. Tln oiu-ra-Hoiih In Hint field Imve heen" kept se rver, hut one of the men interested in the operations Hinted today that one well nan heon drilled. slrlUInc: oil nt a depth of r.r.O reel, with nn estimated production of 15 to 20 bar- ivls a rtav. The well Is now neinp; drilled deeper with the expectation of securing a lilu;:er yield and ai'i'oiwe- mrnts nre lieliifr made to sink other wells in the fame territory. ANOTHER TROPHY LIFTED CONSOLATION PRIZE ROCKYv MOUNTAIN TOURN AMENT AT DENVER. IN STILL PROUD OF TEXAS PLAYERS Says Tennis Men of Colorado Don't Appreciate Fine Points of Game as Do the Sports of Texas. part limn, Mr. J. L. Cunningham of this city, v.lio has just returned with his wife from a three weeks' trip to St.. .Louis uiul Denver, won a beautiful silver Tennis tournament at Denver. It was (he consolation prize in singles. Speaking of tho tournament and the he played in it, Mr. Ciinning in conversation with an Enter prise man, said yesterday: "I was very much surprised to win p trophy at Denver, as I hud thought the fellows up there played cruel; ten uis mid would put me out of the run i,:nir niilrklv. As a matter of fact y did put me out of the running in ' straight play in singles. I drew I'xeeiilioiinlly good player and was l.cilen in Hie fl'-st round. They Had rom olplion prize up there, though. was a unique arrangement, i ne wiiff were beaten the first nav. ciuiire. we e out in tne rimninK mi (uran'-'ement was made to them start In again among tlx mm lyes, draw partners and 1jay ., tour i-imenl lor n roiisomi I ueiit down- to Una's in tliis I and easily lnmi my mini tinlsli" (iii.iiine.hain Favs he has more rr-piTl To- the Teai lawn tennis plavers sine.- scei it the Colorado m. n plav. "I thovcht thv were more n Hie Tine point" OI n,." tio r.nid. "hut in reality tl Hie an a that linn ot hut ha, nut Cl!l. ( llllll'l at 'h' Mr Second : , , , Hii-mingham 210 020 Olx-C I Now Orleans 001 101 001 I 10 ! Clark, Regan and Milleriek; liriet enstein and Fox. Game Forefited at Atlanta. Aalnnta. Sept. 14. Childs, formerly f of the Charleston South Aiianm had Memphis completely at hH mercy today. In 'the first 'half of the elgnth inn ir.L several Memphis pnyers disputed one of umpires decisions and after much wrangling, the umpire forfeited the game to Atlanta by a scoru ol i) to .. . 1 Allania 010 100 Ox-2 4 1 Memphis 000 0011 0- 1 2, Childs and Winters; Ehret and Hurllnu-t. Nashville 12; Shreveport 9 " Nashville, Sept. 14. Nashville led off with heavy batting ana won in the first two innings. Score: Nashville CGrt OHO nOx 12 12 ? Shreveport 4100 S01 001 V Nielins, 1'iatt aim imiou, r., Bart Icy and Grafflus. ' Rain at PhiladelpMa. Philiideliihia, 1 1. Wabliing)- ton game postpoiieil. '8 Kain. Montgomery 3; Little Rock 9. Montgomery, Sept. 11. lioth teams hit hard. Score: i 'iltle Rock 201 000 1SO-0 0 2 Montgomery 020 001 000-3 1.1 0 lSolin and Anderson; Gardner and 'Maimers. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Brooklyn Wins. Brooklyn. Sept. 1 1. The game v won l,v lliooklyn. Score: . Philadelphia ooo ool ouo- 1 ,.,, .., mm eel no I - 22 Co'-riihm and Dooin; Iieisling KMter. fi 2 to i; and 1l,v t an thin! pot with They ihm't our nla'CHs compare. First: lure. If Chicago Wt Grounds at Cincinnati. Cincinnati. Sept 1 1. Pit 'sluirg postponed. We' ground:. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Chicano T?ks oth. Chicago. Sept. 1 1 Tho 'oeils out played Cleveland and won both Lames. Score: OF THE TRACK PRINCESS RUPERT CAME IN FIRST IN RACE FOR $15,000. WAS RACE FOR TWO YEAR OLDS In the Steeplechase at Hawthorne Track Colba Fell, Broke His Leg and Was Put to Death. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. I.ouisville-Indinnapolis, postponed, Wet. grounds. Milwaukee!); Kansas City 0. Milwaukee 5; Kansas City 4. Minneapolis 11; St. Paul Toledo 1 ; Columbus C. Outfielder McGce Under Ban. Cincinnati. Sept. 14. Tho national baseball committtee !ias decided that Outfielder Mc-Gee is ineligible to play with the Philadelphia national league club after the close of the season of the southern league. McGce signer wlih the Little Rock team la:; wiv-inn- lnif fntlfj1 in rmmrl". Till Philadelphia club has drafted MeGee from the Little Rock club for next year and as soon a the season 'if the southern league closes, he will be eligible to return to Pliiladeipiua. HISTORY OF THE STRIKE. ailed July 12, Settled July 20 and Declared on Again the Next Day. The strike of the Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Rutcher Workmen New York, Sept. 14. The II. U. Duryea entry, Princess Rupert and ltose of Dawn ran first and second today at Brighton Beach in the sec ond half of tho $15,000 Produce stakes, for 2 year old lillies. First, six furlongs: Lady Rohesia iwin ('nun nn Kf.cnnil- ISO ) iUUl imy third. Time 1:13 3-5. 1 vas called at noon Juuly 12, when 41,- Second. steeplechase, about twojf.nn mn iw nmiilnvoa wnlKcd Third, mile and a sixteenth: Little (tors to secure an increase In wages Km won; Jane Holly second; Garnish f,,r ((, common laboTers. It was the third. Time 1:47 2-5. nr(Jt g(.no,.ai packing house strike, ..,,,,lrt.?.' .f., J "..S"u and scarcely Had the men left the UlllCS, &1A Illlll'llfca. ii"ua I won- Rose of Dawn second; ltainietit great, plants when meat prices began lliiril ' Tinin 1 : 15. Fifth, mile and a furlong: Sonoma ltelle won; Cincinnatus second; Coun cilman third. Time 1:54 2-5. Sixth. 5 1-2 furlongs: Sir liriller won; Santa Catalina second; Sauls bury third. Time 1:08. Si T.nnis. Sent. 14 Wortliington an Turn Holland or Smip Km had been , ( lev. . l.l tinvo fit: on fV-l TIM'V - fasi'v. Tho rnoti ilon't riar i i.i, .a in, iti" :i mi l m iioini-'-do n ' 3'llr f":"'1 n ,,!,t ' c'aV !: vlltc down h-re." ..twrinc"d considerable "ifi- i.lavinsr 1.f " "f - rnnMnued Mr.'n. d mat trout,:" in c Ill 1 ... ., , .i , . - ilist I f'.'ln t (,,. I h-r, i vi hln? I'n ;i f.,lt f ii It i It ! I lin 101 001 Oiry ?. 7 0 ooo ooi i mo 1 r, 1 and Sullivan: Doiiohu'; and Owen Pirelow. Sfi nd: Pihin. 1,1 Cl-v. .hilMl ""1 I""-" Iatpr'in and Sullivan; Ib-s Otdiik. R 7. niid to rise In all parts of tho country. In Kansas City 7.400 men struck and 5,000 others were affected. For (wenty-four hours the meat In dustry was paralyzed, no killing be ing done In any of the packing houses. Then the packers began ti recover. Striko breakers were rnnh- . . . f . . . K M 1 II T IM'trnil llillll. Ill'' was the Heaviest played winner n i, f(fr)(,ilIs nil(,p (,v(.rv ,.fflrt , First"' u 1-2 furlongs: Lady Lou won.lpr-vent disorder and the police fo,n.l . Hia llunter second; K-hels Pride , R(ril;fl orik.r(.d ""second"' V- 'furlongs: Worthing- eonf-rences between the pack- i-h-iit'Hrcm;,;1 T N nJ , 2o v is: Heb- strike was called off. ,he rew won; Ath. ua second: Mildred a,r,eing to reinstate t o s., tliird Tiiro Tl 'ho wage scale hi i lg left tr nr.ii ra- rour... mile' and an eighth: Lubin Hon All the men ox.i.-c.ed to be .. . . ,. i.-. .nmlovr-il nt i.t:re. however, and wli.-n won- .via lis ir nc heeoiui. ... .. . ... third. Time 2:04. Fifth, miie: Dolinda won: Dr. Kier serond; I'biora third. Time 1:51. Sixth, mile a half furiong. seliinc: Kxiol won: Howling Dirvish!; liihoove ihird. Time 1:27 1-2. ihsUNSE l0 HI ROUTCm J-l LowColonistRates TO CALIFORNIA Sept. 15 to Oct. 15 Inclusive R.ATE $27.50 S.opov.'r of 5 days allow, d at Yuma and Mrlrf.. Ari' ll intenneiUau. iH.lnlrt In Caliloiniu m ll..; Souihern IMc no, except U Angclc and San Fr.iu.iMO. by d.'iMiMtlnrt llckot with tliket ligeui at mop over Hiilll. Oil Durnlno Locomotivet All the wy. NO SMOKE. NO CINDERS Kxnira SU'eping Cars. "'d Wi'H Vt-iillliiti. A. R. ATKINSON. D. P. A. J. K. TOOKE, C. T. A. OK)0000000000000000040K0 , W C TYPniCLU Pres. and WfT A. M. M KAHDIM. Vloo-Pre. K, C TAYmu Secy. H. a NORVKLL. Trurr. " W. C. TYIUIKLL. Aft. Becy. and Treasurer. Heywood Oil Co. PRODUCERS and SHIPPERS OF CRUDE OIL OF BEAUMONT AND SOUR LAKE, TEXAS. Complrta Equipment and all Fadlltiea for quick -llvrU OFFICE: Kyle Opera IIoubo Old's. nr . nw nf tK Rfhnmnnt BAnKs. 1 neicrcuvci iimj w - LOUISIANA DAY. Exercises at World's Fair Marked .by Parade of Militia. St. Louis, Sept. 11. Elaborate ex ercises marked the celebration of the Slate of Louisiana at Hie expoRif Irm. The exercises were inaugural ed by a nnrniln coninosed of several mili tary companies, under command of Cm Tllnnrhnrd the directors of the exposition, President Francis. Gov. Tllnnchnrd and Gov. Wartleld ol Mary land all being moimled. The route of the n.irade traversed Hie principal avenues of the exposition ending at the Louisiana Slate pavilion wliero a formal welcome was extended by President Franc's. The feature of the dav was Hie re mvwl lift ton of the historic ceremonies which attended the transfer of the lioulsiann Purchase territory to the government, of the 1'nited Slates. Gov. lilaiuhard was Introduced and made an address. C-W J ESTABLISH 1.3 1889. OTHNER THE POPULAR JEWELER .CROCKETT STREET, ..BEAUMONT, TEXAS i LLlLiJ 1 2 .1,.,..,, ,m t. S&.&.stt. m'$''5 i in-" WORLDS FAIR ROUTE CV1. LUUlil THROUGH SLEEPERS Complete Service Splendid J A 1 uiuj Harvey Dining Halls. Stop-over at Eureka Springs. W. A. TU LEY, Gen eral Passenoer AqL, Fort Worth, Tex. 1 I It Is Hard To Hold On to your money when you sec our FREE OFFER. Wo are giving you our profit on Refrigerators. If you arc interested, coino quick. They are going fast. l. L. Wilson Hardware Co 1 m" E .- t H lirr.l fen l-T f n ,'.'T" nn tr ti'' nHTP'H l f,5 F'T" er . Hf. l W' .rrll -,Vl 'l"T" T 'T - f 1 I New York on Ton Again. IU. I..H. S-i't M.-V,y '1 ' t i ;i'i.- mid u - '", '' ' i;,.-d th ir:-t i!a- " Oi, On Tti- f;' ,i"' V- r' . ic f. T I " - tl '-IT, O'l I. ,.,1T-i :-.;' ' 1 n r '' ii'" V t i- TV ''" , .i r-1 ; r 1 V' '- 'r F L . .n, '1' Nf v.- Vn'k r dr.v. P'fi-': iuk lioi-'.-n 'ii -'.ro fn l t'ri-'i S' .iid: l-)-'f.n N w V"rV ' ti Mil V;'iir' . llM'l 1! ; -f ; 1 1 i r uti' V. nil Ill 1 ; 1 :Ti- Tl V-trp 1 - lO IMI IHI ; I'.m. l f. 7 an! 1 1 " fit. 1 "hica;,-o, Sept. 14 In the ft-i-pie-ih::M- haii'Iit-iip at llawlhoili' I'nay. C.j.11 a. whir'., was fo,i !-.-.l in ll:- ''' t'ug !tli K-harzwalil f-:i '" 'I'' !.;v:!i ininji and brol.c Lis ) an'l -s prt n d'-ath. i;r-t. fiuti 7n vn: Anni I! aM (-'-fond; a thrd. Ti-i- 1 , s- '-".i. f "-:: - has". : r '- , I,-ar;- !'' -''Ti: lionri."'"' :.:::,: n'aT.'V - r-Td. T.'f 7; i, fit-, f -l-.n- : ;tr tnn t--'"": r ! Ti" 1:M ' n';t t 1' " 60LTHEN LE CL E. 1-" 1.!. ' . ti. a'i 1 hi. lou . 1 1 - M'l 1 f.-H ' ' I.'.t.- p S .Tl Ko-C" l-: 1 K f-''. r. -i.-.itt 'r. v.-;-i. 1 ji 1 1 T r ! tl 1. wv't.'v a' -.ft Il:f' f-.'i Ii VI. ' t 1 1 ' V V.- ! 1 i : A thn narliiT. failed to do lllls sur.l s orm of p'oiest was rait-ed that t.i" l ad'rs avain ordered a Ktril.e and loth sides pr l-ar.-d for a fitrlit 10 n Tnish. Mary othir unions joitu d Hi" sirikers and -tn' of (he idKtits wet fo ced to dose down. In this rltv the f'udsry. Ruddy ?rid Sf hwf r.vchild k S'll.berri-r I:oiim vtrp closed f'r a e K. I ! Ar mour plantain '-VT. s Jitile J- frpied and did minh to br hV In'' strike. Kati-n ( iy s J'o-' r"-n-rir.E fir,m th" v--otid fi'K.d s.nd m: nv ,f tb irik'To 11 l't"t ti ilv. 1 h'-pacl-T ruh'-d in 'Tike Lrilirn :,'! . .y -ti- tl.'- I an' i.e t-;ril:' r -"ti b -'in I 'i f " 1 I' ' if rnoTiy and r"': n to 'HK i ' lal.rtrn for M.-r- Unn mrc ib- f.r"' d'-w-r. Tb" ' ' 1 ivttfh'rs "'d .'. atid v.t.-l 10 :i-1 t,r 11," afi'.n .r :!'- l"'v mitt.-d il.'v !'' 1'' '' f.V- 1 'i"'-d tl.iv I '! fi' "! '' Li.t f i- .-id '-K.i,-i- t'-'y "r Lubricating OILS m A Illinois Central WORLDS, PAIR EXCURSION RATES BEAUMONT TO ST. LOUIS $36 40 for TicKets Good Until Dec. 15th. $30:35 for TicKets Good for 60 Days. $24.75 for TicKets Good for 15 Days. TH30M SLHW IEAVES BEAUMOfiT 10:03 P. H. " ... .nnmrn (IT I AIIIO TflO 1 M. DAM AKKIVLo ol. LUHia I'M a. m. . . .. D.aAt to Mil smnmrr " Apply t TicSct Agent for full information, or addrti N. D. FINCH, T. P. A., Houston, Texas. 11 - T . 'tl .f I Direct from Refinery to Consumer! No Jobber's profit! Write for Prices Today! GULF RRFINING You can't afford to miss the great World's The greatest tbow ever held, an education xviihin itself, equal to a journey 'round tho "Why not rjo now this month Kates are very low, accomodations ar easily had at reasonable prices. If you are in doubt tbout the COSt CI a VlSil yua nuw- - complete round trip including railroad ticket, hotel accomodations with meals, admissions to the Fair and all necessary expense for any r.urrber cf days at certain nxea price, wim erraricements a3 made in advance. Write os tbojtthis at once lo-day.KTbe Cotton Belt Eoae operates Through Daily Trains to St. Lrouls ...- rtiiT run .ill I n ft ! W f, flt f ' t i, 4-ry V i','1,- 1 l.r ''- fi!1 Mi 4 111 I'!'- I COMPANY NEW ORLEANS, LA. ..f , 'i,..f4 Worlfi fa Mia (Maiains friap t f;'Ouod. trai licilule, eC t, W. UBtAUME, C.P.T.A. - & ci utt Ctr l;th kovit TVkrt Ar ,o-'e H'.i'tr g rfrtnl 11' 7111 f it-. 1 -1 i f - -r t . 1 - : T' ' f.T n h'Vry j,.,.,,-;., t' 1 .1 1. ft- I.. il. . '