Newspaper Page Text
o BEAUMONT LNURPRISL JPbUte) Ever MorUni by ffHI BEAUMONT ENTERPRItC IPUILISHINO CO. rttrprl Building, Beaumont, Ttnat tatrei t t Pohtoflloe. In in-aiinioit M Becoml Clam Mill Matter. ' i , THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1901. Termt of Uutierlptlon. One year ft 00 Three monthi 1 M Wunday, pr yeer 1 00 BlDKle copy kc NOTICE TO PUBLIC. ,, The Enterprise Publlihinj eompary la not reipontible for any debts con tracted by Its employees, of any char rter whatever. A farmer lii lm: in'iir Crnii'li'V, l.n . lillH Willi. II In the eililnr of t!i Crniili')' Signal thai lie li:il Irieil Inlie hlH mlvlre ami use riee as fi-e-l foi IiIm stuck hut Dial lie hail lin-n iinalile In Imy Kiieh f. i ll ill Crowli y mnl Hint ho Iiivi-sIiiI liis in-iiiey in .Mlhsnurl mil s. II ociir.-t In us lli.u Hie Ulce AHsiieiiilioil ol Ann rii l hIioiiIiI nl unco InKe .slrpH In haw rice hhiiiiiiI iii fill n slncl, f 'i'il a. I I mal.e an elTiirl In n-i Mm fariuern in use it iiisli'itil of : Hindi corn ami nalH. 1 1 h true value ami niiularity Will ilisillici liniinrleil feeilH if the inn 1 1 1 -I- h liamllcil In I ! I it-iit ly ami we helleve I lull II will he I in- Innsl raniil iiicaiiK nf inereasiiij; cii)suiii' I - t ii.... i ..,.i. I,f. .I. vl,..l. Tlii'iv ham heell II s when Ihe wheal farmers of Kansas fnuiul It nion pinni.iimi to use Iheil wheal us slncli I' I lluin to ninrket it mnl II Is up Hi Ilu- rice fanners In Klvn rici; u llin'rnuyli test tic Hlnck fnnil. lleinncral ie liuances uiusl lie healthy sinei- il lakes an a-'isislanl treasurer to hamlle Ihe fumls. TEXAS NOTES. (iuy Uiweiy. an alleinlanl who wan i.l ruck in Hie head lasl Krlilay al III hoHpilal lor ilu- insane al Terrell, with u syrup pllchcr in Hie hamls l :t pnllolil. died al the iusl il ill ion id his Injuries. He was inlerred in Ihe Camp (Iroiiiiil Ceuielery. A KetiMil iuiiiil shoiilinu; oecured a I f'umby, slxleen miles wosl of Sulplnir Villus, on tho Kaly, lasl Saturday eveniiii;, In which an nminvniniis lei ler ndilressed lo Mrs. Mallfes .Mason flimri-H ciinsiiii'iiously. Mrs. Mnson went to a business house willi a nislnl nml slicli, ordered .lolin Warren, a well known oifizen. lo bold un his hands, lie knor-licd the pistol down, ....,.e v ns n siio irniej i he i l Ii- The woman turned and rim and was nbol thrnuuh the lofl sbniilder dan- porously. She then fired two morn sliols nl Warren. Mrs. Mason Is nn- dor $L',riliu lion. and Warren $ri,nn0. The biles! news from I'residin !s In Ihe effect thai mil Ii in?; remii'iis ev c pi the Catholic church, which is located aliniil n mile o- more f nun Iho flier Tin- penp'e lire herded on a hillside, and many are In need of necessilles of life. Two hundred nml einlily-slx fi''o vilhoiit hmnes and unable lo provide for Hie present demand. Local sub Kcrihtlons have been si art "d ami help has been relidi-'ed by lluise mil nf flieled. II is said that all effort will In made In rebuild I Ile town III a point not subject to overflow. Word recoil-oil U Vol n w. a t"W-i on lit.' I went v miles w. -it Sheriff Sid Simmons K.nMite from Santa l-'e at" nit thi't i pnty had be. a sift in. .1 killed by Van I II tlol.l'ls wen' Wa-ren. Sheriff ' over on " e : '!" vol returned t-nin. but his not I'xaet .irt ienlars are n til.le, but it s. -oil's Iliat the bad niiarre'.-.l on Sun. lav o. r an account ami w lo n -1..inl:i ' W:"i reii ojieii. d Ii:, I olitain ti men :ilit-rnniiii tbev til. I t ih" fr;l shot Simmons ran out re 1 lie sl'l'oll.l sloi Mas tiled ll-lll ' :.its wr.i fired. I .i'ii I '';m r The .l.-iol man wa I'mu-'l SnliTiio'is his f"r it i-H!" fi.- .. ,1. pntv Ik n'T at 'i i-iw .' " " , I lie l.e-l d. i-lll b - in I ' "'' I 't ' Tile M l--soi'l i. Kl.ll- ii A I I- al-. al llal'as. f,- ' that i!" ' ,,,,. ,,, lie w.i,., I- ' ' t. '..-I'lat'll '-I'- Hi'"''-' " ' ' :""l '' ;, . I' i- ,' I' ... '. I ' . . j. I e ... ll . ... -- ' -. -." 1 , .-. I "f, I tl .1 In hi y i . nt.. ri t ..I,.' c-iT'-fl. n-'T y' ' wiili a discus -ion of lli' niaiii r on II..- i; ..mill lliul ii i a of l.nn'. Tin- rax- of SUic vs. Henry Wil hen. Ilii' It-utor." Is on I r:;l ii: Hi.- ili.-iriri i out i ai Marshall. Tlx pit-, i.l'i-r oimiil. ritMi trouble, t scour .1 Wil.-i.u, Ii U all. im-iI. shut ami l.'l'. .1 J II. 111. Is.,.- al 'Ii.' j.'iini of ii. .- AiI.iiii-.ns Mini a ('oti-oh.l.itiit I.-.- f '..lupiiny. llic iie.i'ng of Au"'i-I IS In I. The rv' wiim si' Hint ili ro of ll . in wore dunlin.; In iva'i r ' ii li Indian il'.i i..r li-n ri.-.ll v i n in.- tit i. ilii in, jii- ml In lii'ii'l. ninl -"I I l-'t.lnc: 'Whin In vim Laic I ri li Miviim ill inn my if' ?" nil'' Cl .1 Us ll'' Illl'lod III" Mllllll'l-. Ulnl-iii- in-vi-r al'iir lulu:! I ol ll.- inn. i.iiMi. il l.v l In- doctor. ln colli iiini'.l in sIhh.i ll him 'I'"' i'iii li.r h Is nil. fed. Ill .' four iIio'k. im.i of 1 1., in sulking I In- ! i'II-i. l ami I oii'idng iI.h". I 11 I- . i f. Il;.- H ll-'ll lil'IISIH i ii mi! , III. Hi.- ii r.-iiilniil . Iioii-i' miring m- i . , rir , k tti i ( I. -ii.. i ii.i' mi liiininm r iiinpiiMil to ;';i wiir Tin .1 Ii.l mil ri lu ll ,,oi mil 2 ocluiK Hie foilowinKi 1,,1,,'ri.. llli.'ll his wife f.M him I u In. I I!I.-iI-im' hii.l Mil. In .I...-I his nlslol mnl 111 nil'''- w- m 1 i:1 i iirih i.r IH. ilyne. fniin-l him nl In- house nml hh-il him m hIkIi!. ii, o e LOUISIANA N0TE8 roinli-le li'luriis mi Ihe l irciul JililKe .'llip ilicliiill III'- lint lu. ht elU'UKll liave li.'in oliiaiiii'l fiiun ilirierent si'i'li'ilis of Ihe ilislilcl In iissure .linke .Muutnii of l.ala.vetu- Ihu- iiuinl Mill lull. .-. ...m tlcomc H. lleail. eililnr nf the Kin-;-Kiilil HeKislcr ilicil Hiiilileiily nl his r.'hiileiice ill Arcailia. Henri failure is saiil in have heell ill.- lililrti; of Ills sinlili-n ileal Ii, hi; havliiK I'ulleii frnm . . .... . . i . .. his m ill. I Ile ileceaseii leaves u m- Iwn rhihlreii mnl " hnKii nuiiiljcr of I'l'ImivcH mnl relatives in niiiuni his ,,.., .-,. nlrc than twenty years he has heell a iin-mlicr of tho l.nuis-lim-i iluriim which lime he has Iiivii connecleil witli u number of newspapers in iliat jiarlsli ami IK h'oio. A trip llirimuh die west end or Ihe KiKliUi waril of Veriniliim ami the nnrllieast nml ('iimernii parish re veals the fact Hull Hie rice crop is iml what il promise.! some four weeks nun. 'I'liD ilecreaseil nrreai;e ami Ihe ilecreased yielil will easily lirilif? Hie liilil crop 'J. In Ilu per cent short ol' Ihe llin:; crop nl the seel ion ill qucs I inn. The decreaseil yield IS duo laruoly In Iho rice worm anil lack of fresh water when rice Miouiu nave boon Hooded. Not only do these con-I ilii inns prevail In that, particular sec-1 Tho London ivtroieiim ueiiew -,.Vv r children h-um. i ne liim, lull hi Ihe whole of Vermilion as commonl on Ida Tarbell's mliclos iio HI IV daui'lilers of Mrs. AVil- weli. While Hie crop is short, lb..' on Standadd Oil says: Ihi in (Jrosvenor. Mrs. Oliver Could !iualily is very fair, and sliould lie no i "A garbled nlatenieiit of half-facts, .lenninss. Mr. C.cmre f. S.olt. tin less n inoiieyc.l crop than that of frwant in its ulleranccs am) on- sns ,,f i,-. Sydney Sinilh and Major I lifts::. ' truthful in fls main purport. We ml- ,, c Mallo:y. . j IpiM ial an autheiilic account of Hie Xevl came "A IMcnio." after n fiim- ' James Caffery a m-iiro, chaiKoii rise of Ihe Sltindanl Co. would be or s i:n;rMsli print hy Mnrlnnd. In this ' Willi at tempi inn' to collecl' it bonus iv'oat inlcresl lo all connected with cre posed Mrs. William I'ayno ,d oiii.,. liinl his iireliiiiiniirv I bo petroleum iudiislry, yel wo rrank- Thompson. Miss Kosarnond Street, licariiiK liefore I'nil. d Slates ( iiminis- sinner Claude Mayo at Lake Charles He was arrcsled by Culled SI ales Deputy Sheriff C. .1. Iluskey on Auk. IT. and placed in jail I here. 'I'lie of- nihil ion u-ia eirirue iiKiiiusi nun is of section .I. -Hill of tin revised Kliitutt-s of I lie Cniled Stales, ev. Knlhor Van do Von, who is wel kmnvit in soul lie-.n Louisiana, land years uk was pasior of Ihe Catholic church lu .lenuiUKS and also Lake Charles, and who lias fur the past wo years been loci I oil al Union I nue. lias received ollicial notilira- lion from Home of his appoint ui.'iil as bishop of North Louisiana, with ' beadiiiai lers al Natchitoches. . 1 ('.oil .. Lyons, ol al. receivers of Hie Kirby Luinber Company have asked in I lie district. court al Lake ( les for all aitachmenl auainsi iho Koerner Cocsl ru.-l ion Company for such of their piods as ai'e in that city. The petition sets bulb Hint ilu- Kirby Lumber Company sold and delivered soods In the Knot ii. i Consti uciioii Company to Hie ammiui o $:il.n:, iind that I here have been no credits tllilenll. The pe.itioii tin t lii -r sets fori It thai Messrs. Cami.-i ami Christ man are or will lieeoiiie i 1 1 . 1. - 1 1 1 1 il In II. Km l j In -i of the Koerner Const ruci ion Com pa. ii. or that they hale money or! plepel'iv lielolluillS In tile Koelll.-rl I 'eiei i in i inn Company. l-"or such ' in. in. y or property tno I'latnlin asK.-.t il:: ' l:.ll III-llllielll proeeeiliims he uiaiit. d .Imlni- Miller Mam. d ih" p. 'i ion- as prayed lor nmn i lb" .1 ':.i I i -i i id li his. t 1 t'e lu,.: llltn; s. it III.' I'l 1 1 1 -1 I id e "ill 1 mil l.let.T' -.1 I in- hi- 'Ml 1 1 i -: ' i. . l-i"l' cit . : i;a: . I,.lt Led ' oa-o 'l the Mat. -j.'inii wbre man l . : ,'ee- 'Ill .hee I . -ll. '1 'I 11- I i-b N. Ti.ihati . I i i i t ii, u n in' and . ii- in nt tl ' ' I'l S li.ll "I !',. I i al I be I" ' .- -1 .1 ,1 'I III ll 'III-. I II I I III 1 ' l ..f I : In . I ,. ill.- . ' . - - l.-i I l'"ITl ill" I t Ii.. 1' It... 1 K.e ii.n .l.i ;!. i I.-.!, n i ui ,ls t . I"- .'I ..!t: I.e. 6 THt BEAUMON f ENTERPRISE THUR6DAY. SEPTEMBER - - . J 1 1 WORLD Tin- mil of ilu- Wist Virginia ll In inj.;iiiv n' Jennings, ulm l. ini.l.' i.i ..r. of 7."'"i liari' ls of nil m r iluy 'f.. i .ii ini'l n hit f la k. ni l !, nli If in.- i i..i.iii Mi'iirua. iii-'iu. mi. i iin Mil (,'iiMit.l nini-e. Ill" in in- r " .i i mil lin; In l.i II wfi i n ill I he wll. mill v!in ihU is il me ilu wi ll V i'l ,i.; l.ieali lit fi.lllH'.- p-e-ni .J A I IN l.lllr- of Alloriii iii Niel'oy H In lie C.ili'i lin haul; I. nil. Una in nil coi.inrnv Fi-uniK nun " "'k ami cn'iiracii -I fur a 'i'it-ii c' hole In n liiih'M'i iiiii vi'ori'i lli'l'l. nil III inn . i. . ....!.... Mil,. I k' i'iiii- foi' H-nre I. x cna-n n" " .,' W. I:.h h .v.- lelleveil J.i-I In her.' Hi.- inwn miiii'i on ic" 1 - f.-.l I i-oni;.-!' Im rMinliH in lill "ii Id; .Inlliil .'I.I t .: it i v.-n "i in i ;i.ii'le mi I'n- l.neasliie. Th'-v fin ami l.alii- n!li' lllirolcil li'liinin riiaillis !ii'-j..r.- In Ihe iln -ei mm l.i .,!-'lii I hose ivilliiii; in i-in'm Ii In ill., iniiiire r.iiiniillv nrtrrne.i ' lin- name or the lmlsliimi (HI Co.. nil ll:i.rlei ciiiillal. $liU.H'iu; ilnmlelle. Welsh. . Thi- ollleeis eleeleil were: 1'resl I'e'nl I, K. Itnl'llis'i". Welsh:- vice i',r, siil. nf. I). H. Swift. Lake CharleH; vecreliirv. ('. n II. r.l.'Ks. MalliMin. i ireasiircr. II. Cii!l;lns. Welsh. I lie r.uir f.iiemilllU'. tnnellier Will. II. A l.nx "f Mall'"'!!. 111., constitute it- first liirii'l r iliieclnrs. linni.'i a ley -iiltm- oryaiii'iiif- " ciiiupuny lei Ihe nml met rr tin- nisii,),,,, )av rs(.,.v f Sow York, veil, In he -nnk in the eastern por-j iv,.(.iS have hei n spent in prcpa a t l,,n of Welsh, in .1. W. Kinlii-.v. n( for ovonl. Iiiml; pltites nml wi ll known ami oxperienceu i ' will W Ill-Kill llieilii'"".l iilcly. Spimlle Top has 'been pnnluolns ,'m very uieellliie Kiiinnnin " Kiimo oi I lie jiimiiH .-i .-. Tin- I'anillne (HI I'd. of this cilv will pav amither ilivldeml on Ocl. r. I li. which will make an im;;re;iilo ol mil) per colli on $li.liliil capital. NnlhliiK new lias ilevelnpeil in the repnrleil slrike al .lniinsons I la you. Well posled oil in'-n say Ihal I hen- is l.o oil of any consequence I hero. Twenty illSII'O n cent oi lipe line at .leMiiinss will from that field in nonunion.. ly conless I hat Hie I iioukiii nil rcnn-i who was induced lo examine i no work of Miss Tarhell in order lo b Iniii some exact informiition willi re- K;ir.l lo tin- remarkable Kt-owth i" .levelmuiienl of the Stamlard '-. 'cc.tiltl not fail lo meet with keen .lis- appoint incut. The "history" was a il. liberate nil aok upon Iho company from a standpoiiil of pellv, nrroKanl , ami narrow-minded individuals, who Tin yenrs had been endeavo'-'ins ll.wart its plans, and hob! il up to public ridicule ami abhorrence. l!"l Mule is lienor accumpiisli'-d al liis Ilill. Matasonla eounly. One experienced oil man lias exnressed the opinion : Ihe real Hold has not et been discovered. Cnpl. W. C. Tyrrell, presideiil i.r Hie I ley wood Oil Co.. relumed last nisbl from Iowa, bavins slopped a. ; .l.-i v ill .leiiiniiss, where his cotnpany is driMinn a well. The Jewish Population. 'I he statist ics i:alhereil for 111.' ! "American .lowlsh Vca Hook." covet ins Ihe yecr from September 1', 1!m:!. 'ii. September !. I !'0 1. place the .le'v-i-li iiiiiulalion id ibis country ill L I IL'7 .:'. and with this populallmi the 'Cniled States ranks third anions tiio llatiiili- of ill.- Weil l 111 respect to tno '-.umber nf .lew-- iiiibii its borders. llussia Is credited willi a population of ."..IS!'.I"I Jews. Anst in llulisaiy Willi LVUTI.-.'". I. te'i'eanv with '.M'.!'s. Turkey with :'''''. 'be lirit'sb eiil- 'nf I ! ii i Cm wPh "7' ' 1 I . Aby-i-inia with 1 "'. ami f ranee with S". o:t the in. tit and 1".'.1::l' in Msi via .-'il l The ii ii ill I - r of .l.-ws ii H.e I i- t.ii' at 1 ' T T V.J . or"i.'"'"l tl a tin i'n Cur I , i a i -d St;, if n: - bti tnimb.-r of 'i s aeeoi l Can. i la a: i .ol-.! i'' lb- I l: h i -i n; 'i.-? a i. .:i " .b v . oi th. mi . i ;e.'i .-nit un-' III- ."T1 TScte Who Strike. 'I 'i- 1 f i iii.lo mi in i mi!. I n i l should !' maintain l I'lnlrr a mumII'.' ii of hung limit l ha i uliii ii now i-kit aii'l v..ilnn:l il. r ttiiiK i In- a-'. r:tli-s. (jtl.or union ham tlnnc in mil in I l.i. dir.iiioii In tthhli liny have net iI.i iiim-Iii 4. They luit increased wait an. I Im-iut.-iI i-oii.liiii.iis. Now h i l In in iiudi-rtakt In n .l n .' ilu- i-i.-l I III lug. IIiiih inrri iiiiiH lb' m-l iv iiig ol all ilasM-ii of uoikini; m-..I.-.Ii ami' half Hie tin- nmn. y itml 1 1 In. ililiriiiiiiaiioii il.iol.-.l In iu' in ,,, at.. mri given i.i ihi i li b an..", j,!l , (, nHM-rai ic mi l ilu . jml.l! ,. mni,.s woul.l il. Inr.- inin l' iMn-' v sr n-iiinl all furnu of i Klorli.ui at ,, i.hh.u of iiioiioMili' s, or iiiii-l I nn.iioiMili. H. Thi li iiiiiin for It n. iliii liuii nf the luilll In a r asniiiil.le hits woiilil he Kit liii iil Hint mi party ti.nilil iliir.- Inlii'.'r In innre II. AMU the (Milii y of remoi iin; ihe lanflT i n lirelv from triixl-imnh- I" "Is UK 11 ,i naliy for ImtkIkI.-iiI lio.'.ljr.lilii -is nil Hie i:iii o ci-l nun coiiiiiiini' inns it mil. I have In hecium- a null. mill im'lcy mnl ihe (iiillcy uniil.l have In In- I'lifn ceil. ll Ik harillv cim-.-ivalili' lli'il ihe IiiiiIch iininiiM can i rv iniiterinlly in creiise I hi- ivni'l'H liny llnw etitny: hut they can. hy liiKInt; ui ihe iiiaMi-r ..' i co.ioinieH. ami i i ' I i n on ile llhi nile. Iiitelllmiet. ili'lermilK'il linen. h''li In lirlllK ilnwii I lie lAeesslve Cliht of evlsli nee. Hum p.-nliu' more hmie Ills from Ihe Kir nl wiu.'S I hey receive. Kansas City Time. NEWPORT IN LIVING PICTURES. Society Beaus and Belles Represented FamouB Portraits for Charity. Sneicty unthereil W illlesilay nlf,hl In lin- iiltracllvp Hiealer of Iho Casino fur Ihe IniiK-lnllteil of l;ililrau- vi va. us. which were fclven In ai'l of ilu fninl for iho traiueil nurses of the Newport hospital ami Ihe rresenla- , p.oo:raphs of Ihiiuiiis imrlrails have been studied over, n ml Hie result was a wonderful cnllec'lni or famous piJulliiKi broimhl to lire under Iho mlislle Kiiidmieo of Mr. Howard Cnsh irir. "ho had for his nsslstiinn- benii l!es lliiil liny it'll Isi be ulad to Immorliilhio on canvas. Nnlwilli- slamlini; Ihal tlckeli were nl 1 nl St", each, nl' wore sold, and Into coin ers hml In be oonl eiil Willi tdnmllliK room. There was prellnilnary music by Mu1 la'v's orchoslrn. Ii was an unusually l iillanl audience, as Ihe women were nil in full dress and wore Hud- lieauii ful jewels. The tnble(iii woi-o shown in ii huso frame thai took up nearly Ilu- entire width of Hie I'-irsI ennir Iho nrellv pleliiro ' i-.iiiiiins .i.n.n.ii. n ed piece ol lapostrv T.-presenttmr n Messrs. Louis llrusuiere nml ilbi"- Spencer, who were attired in Khilt ticnili r'-nliiry eostnuos, preseulins a fl-o bit oi Colo!-. Then came "A Wedsewood I'lacuno, a slmiv in bine and while. the (inures represented hy Iho Misses j Helen Hriec and Mari.-i Movan and -Mr. H'nir l-'nircliild. who were all In 'dead white, havi is Hie appearance of 'slalues !- bus relief. There was a miirmn- of ndmiralion .when Hie next piefu'-e was shown, This was "The Infanta" al'te-- the ! famous por! rait bv Velasipio.. Il was 1 nesed bv Miss Kate Tlrice. whoso costume of while corded silk and ftoM cord wi'h lis royal order or Spain .was a direct cony or tin- oi'isimil Pit in I in:;. II was made for her bv 'worth of Paris mnl worn at Ihe fam ious llradley-Martin costume ball. 'nvocnlio:i i' Hie Nis'il." was a i v. onilorfii! artistic croup of two. posed I by Miss Cynthia l.'oehe its Nislit. in hi unrseoits cost nine or silver tissue 'and a da k s'luze. and Miss Alice il.liuht. as a Vesliil Virsn. with benu 'titul llr.cian draperies or white smco. The pidui" was sreeteil with a round ol applause. Intermission Ciistavo llonle. Noel Piiien" aria f :m "T'- fn'b-wed and then ir. a Paris barylimo. suns I y M.asse:tet. nt'd an " 'Masked Hall " .initio" of the tableaux The second bosun with an aninsius ami anm'.-i I-. alisiic bit of Paris up I" dale, called "i a Vie d.-s Leah-vanles." The cen- 1 1 .1 fi -ii-.- was .U rs. .lames r. . ' II. S" I! live r. in nn crepe s ar a rn lie C costume ol pale tine, purebasins which was pre ; ,s Nellbold. Seated trout of a restauratii in ( do Chn'iib'-nn ri"! -iiled ..'. . r by :,; the flble I ,ere the Vise i h. in itio. i ir. .laim s l:. biitn H--0 ti - in lev ii.i tie -:b!- ;.'-.:. ii .' lan::M. the French embassy. irker at: !,i'e Mr V. I.e.- of ....... , l Wieii i'lll l'v - p.-ip-rs. ii,. ,i,-l ii n - i-" - - i n r 1 M l.v - Tor z r. "f p. i .i r tl. V with Tl V, 'i - .ii. -' ( -.I"., U V !' i !i. i :. - ',it of 'i. mi"." an ' t -. ' h Mr-. P'o" r - me" ii nt of a n ,ii-t-!.i-:t,' --i ! : tl L.i' n'e 'I . i- I.- I ,-t I-- i a" ',.!' t u ,. .if i (it Tsur S!tntach Rlinl - - c i Ja, 1904. say. that- A 6PINSTER ir ilittiiuli fur ikiiiio nii'ii to mean .. . . .1 .... BUM milt in.- owy i 8"ine men are Inillt fur lal'or and, miuii for (Hiiiiii-ai juha. A man may have umro nioney thui l.iuiiii ami mill ma Ij a Uxpaytr. The only i-harma wune men imsmAni are ai'liel In llielr nalt li ihaina. Very few men have wenk eyeu frim Iih.Miik nn Iho hriKht al'le of lliiiinit. Koine men liivcHt In hnlr tmilrt na soon mi they bt uiu to iinuu uuL, on , !oi, Win n n man liecomcH pnihler nml wiser Ids binluesB usuully excceUh LU .vlsilnm. . Nn man would In- willing to answer to half tho tliliiKH he Huya lUiriuK i nurislilp. Hy Hie tlino sro hrlnRS a man wis iloin In- Ih generally too old tm liuvo any use for It. It Is tnihl that but few hIiikHo men ;.'iid double lives. I uuppuso unt) of that kind Is inounh. What n very young man Moesn't know ho thinks he knows ami it ihu suniu purpose. The first thing a mnn lon8 nftor iiihKIiik a fool of lilmaelf Ih to.try auU explain how it happeneil. There aro a few wives who drive) heir husbands to drink and there nro lots of husbands who vyould be ulad to havo Buch wives. The trouble with the avprK0 man is that he seems to think ho is en titled to a month's vacation every limo he does a day's work. DIAMOND DIMPLES. "Siriko homo" Is a good motto to hang on tho fence. The pitcher is never In such a bad box ns when ho is knocked out of one. It may prove a very perlous miss lake to let a ball slip through jour tlnsers. You need not fear that the fans won't tumble to a player when he tails down. The successful fielder must bo a practical philosopher and take things is they conic. Whilo a player may bo able to walk -in four balls, ho must beware of tak inR a drop too much. "The outsider sees most o the same," especially when there are forty thousand inside. It does not necessarily follow that ii 'PHiise the magnate owns the club iio kr.o.vs how to use it. Facing some of these latter-day pitchers seems a good deal like "seek i;.g the bubble reputation even at the cannon's mouth." Conditions dictate the comparative importance of things. In one game a run pmy be of no account; in another, ll may win tho pennant. Say what, you please, every umpire :.s both a modest and a generous man, for instead of posing as an ornament ro tho bench he assists the players to lo so. New York Telegraph. AN IDEAL HOSTESS. Flip is a clever woman who can fill the hostess' part to perfection. Opinions differ as to what consti to.tes an Ideal hostess, but according to a number of women w ho -went, over lb" question over the teacups at a tea hero are some of the indispensa ble qualities she must possess: She must make you feel individual ly that you are the favored guest. She must make you feel perfectly at home. She must nossess the mu bins. see everything and yet, art of seeming to eeo She must never look bored. Sh" must always bo able to keep i.. ooniorsation ball rolling. She must never let ,lisl.'eil or oierlool.i d. any one be Si"" must "know lust whn to ask ih.- anmie'ir musician to display his or b. r tab rd!-.. She must be -. rOotly .!it her own pit Ms lire. on selfish Pl.e ni':t not rt:it "her mi-ts : a' the san,e t-tne ri'iit not civo j .ni t Ki nin. h i f her nn fioct.ty. SAID BY FOUR WISE MEN. j ,.-n are i s-i ip-r-r ti uti than-i- r."V:T:i; g-ttird. ! : r.-i . f .! -1 i-r ' ' i"" Is :o r- 'rt i'i i 1 1 1 frl J. J. It "in--ati. t r - i . T'.a'-; fu' pr- t - IT . i d'r. r 1 -ris ti.-;: f, . Ik f-T e'-i : f-r 1 -rr ri i I $ owooooaww I I ts Friday Every Department will be represented. Genuine Nathan Bargains Watcn this space to-morrow for description and prices NO PLACE LIKE NATIIAN'-S FOR VALUES. Our Store will be Closed all Day Monday on account of Holiday. 00O0000'O'0COO00OOO0OOO0CO0O- 2 Australian Curiosity. Australian geologists recently dis covered a great curiosity in tho shnp' of a fish of opal. The fish is iilmn' three and one-half foot, long, mid i-' of the shape of tho dog-fish. It lias distinct opal veinings. River Skirts Lake. One discovery made by an eyplor. ins party in Abyssinia recently i.-- th:t the river Gelo shirts tho soitthernmn.-t extremity of Lake Tata inr.load "f Mowing Into the lake, as was hitherto believed. Opportunity. When Opportunity knocks nt your door, go and open it quick, and don't stand still sneering at her heeniiro sue wasn't, up to date enough to ring electric bell. Somervillo Journal. tin. Women Know No Birthdays. Among female Moors birthday cel. bratlons are unknown. A Moori'di woman considers it a point, of hm-or to be absolutely ignorant of her aire. Water as Sound'ctor. Tho sound of a bell which can I" hoard 'IE.2()D feet through the watet can be heard through the air only 4"ii feet. Oil foe Locomotive Fuel. Of the LSaO locomotives owned ami operated by the Southern Pacii;.-, Tm: are now using oil as fuel. Tartar Alphabet. Tho, Tartar alphabet oouta' letters, bolus the loi".-e-t iu m,.. iv.'iU. Chinese Most Spoken Language. There aro o.s.niiu.nou Chinese speak ing the same language, making Chi nese Hit- must spoken language. Tin t" are many dialects, however, which jem scarcely to belong to the same fonvuo. The inhabitants of .Mongolia and Tibet can bar. !y v.mlerstiunl the :ii:ile.t ol the people ill IVkill. Other ividely spoli.'n l iiuu'is. s are as fol lows, in mltliiins: l-Ii i i j i : . I:'"; G r-ir.-'in. 7"; It'issiiin, t;s ; Spanish, 11; !'nt-ti;gttt.--e. 31'. Pra:se3 the 'Razcrbsck." oiiie ot our sirite ex'.inis r ilHtiS the suriival ol the c. oii'aek." I. 'it In- cirri, s a I. ie U- ::iu;i" if'iine . 'i, e tool- ll at orn. rv )ii-i !: I. the (.-l.i'.ity : ni-rt ;it i I y i he - :!l i e ap,i "TM' a i'i! ti Ir.- ' ' : ,ii M !:t nun i:; tl..- .. i' i "- .1 hi- -'-c 'I' II' !' of ! i- l' 1 1,"-'-- i - i- I I"' Ctre fc v.! Crr! -nl . I'. Tc C-'3-v id ooooocoooooto o o o "l.nct Tarj For Looking." ,7i; a v'sli a el "l'l'-n l-i'iir -V i-.l ,- , m ei' Mm- a lovely pair l.aii!sliiiiK a! inn li "in l"-li!iid a chair: "l asl lIK I'..-.- li "I il'"'" ,- ;,:rl. v. iili a sunshine heart, ..:i v. ii r ally Kriei In part, i-e vuu'k- hcui hi-r say, s I-I - lll '.M Wh'-l: " :-tr -1.1. .-I -Th.' i " for liinkiiiK." . nf friends nin-4 part." tlu-y i .in- !il mi ;M i.ii; lei' i ii ii nil el l-.'.s i; IneliillK.' I irii tlila day, : aiiay. I. a: . Hi' i'l :. u 'tli :.. she waits fnr m". III. nil !., li--. Ili'lll .'ale S"l fn'i'I .Vl.i 1- I i .-Hi'. ., i'l::i s I lit I'D l i n. i..r 1,,-ii i";;." i !-i Al.f "I Work cf British "Grnftrrs." Accon'iir; lo tin- i-omi'iiltee of pub lic arcijutits. wholesale "grtil't ins" pre vnilc.l e:i (he Hrilisli side during I ho liner war. For example, out of a total sum el' S'-.U-M'.' m" heated to the imperial yeomanry coiiruittoe, SI?,!?:;", nun can mil be nccoiii'ted for. Of '.,!,!, tunics shipped to lieira. on the South Allien", eun-a. l.'iS died a! s'-a and Iho fot'ialnii'v, SH "cm not lie traced i'ur l!:rr Hian Mi ira." As for reinnunls, out of lilT.ueii i'or.'i':'. and I ."i.).lMiii uiule3 ill, no: oil te I ;ive been isonl lo Africa, ll.'i s l ot.-"- at.d j.m;-.' mules can not in- accounted for. Lauqhler ?nd Dyspepsia. l.nuL'i'e" . linvtl.-iles the di-.v.tivo pi-.':r.--ss, aec: ler.-i'es the re:-pit:itior, --.ii.l five.! a warm clow In the whole syttem. It l"ii:iilens the eye. expands the ctiest. l'mees die poison out frc'l Iho I. ns! u.-i-'l lung celhi, tills th'":t iiiih lit" ai . ins oxygon, and tends In rosinf" i i .it exquisite poise or biihmce bich we - all health. If tin re Is ftivhiie- we need tn learn, it Is to laiv'i ct " ;:ls. Tlioro is no tal.lo '","" ii ,, j; t; ;;i the .Meat enemy rf .-. -n. ; TALH OT THE KANGAHO0. Capt. CouV Tiioybt lie Had Diocov- crerl a Nf.- Ani.rrl. In 'In l'.T" .I. C. ol: : ail.vl i.on liotai'i ii-,.- iii his idiip Iho ICn ' ''nt. -' for:'-'!!-, or ev Im-iitg parly I'l'"'-:'1 '-ii.-: I'i iii..i I'n- lie-.-.s of lin; .;i-!.,i"ry .,f ;i .,-. ..I,, I. Il i describ .1 if IV. Ah!.-!: d ai I reck i i July p'tv. ilu. b i;ii;i.-. !:. i."-. . aril - ' t.t i,,- , . ' tl,.. nl '!...-: iY I KM. 1 . ri . 1 ! ' ' I