OCR Interpretation

The Beaumont enterprise. [volume] (Beaumont, Tex.) 1904-current, September 15, 1904, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86071101/1904-09-15/ed-1/seq-7/

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The Day Closed With an Advance
of 25 Points With New York
Reporting Sales 350,000
at Any Time uunng nsvnrini.
New Yrk. Sept. H.-Moro hulllhh j New York, Sept. 14. There was
rrop en, reHiililiii; from eol.l wi-uHi jinn momentnry ht'sltmlon anions
er In tint Mi, report tluit talim wero.Humo or tlio ImliiHirlul ntoikn at tho
th layliiK tho inovemem ami ilnimiK- LipenlnK today. Thin won partly
ln eotioii, prlvale uilvlrt'H of raphl Hliaken ofT nml tho market mov
.leierioratloii. ,Mil.ate, lo.U.y's cot- cl upward. Tho readlnic of ' tn'"
,,,, , Idur iik the day hIiowimI tho rlso to no
I" nrlwl ' -"necllon lth Unlit-, sl.aiJ;.r lmn'Bl Bny unio during the
vr rereipts aau iiuk oi mi "iu""
trade d imiwl. Tho market opened
tlrin in an advanco of 12?2l point a
No net mil from wan reported In tho
lu ll hill ll wan uiicomfortalily closo
mid tho foreran! for Texan called for
eoiitinui'd cold wonilier, whllo prlvnto
,,,,,, coin
advices stated that roads were In
had conditio,, owing to recent rains
Horn thai source. However, this may
hi-,; It In certain that the movement
for the day was smaller than was ex
initeil and with private cahles from
Liverpool bullish on tho Improved
ili uiaiid from MancheHter, tho advance
here rout lulled until prices reached a
nit pain of 2Hr81 itolnts. At this
level offerings becamo mora liberal.
After easing off a inntter of about
te points from tho best, however,
tho market was again rallied by re
ports of a better not demand and
rumors that, tho New England cotton
roods situation was Improving, and
toward the close, room shorts cov
ered and the market was finally
Bleady at a net advance of 24&iS
1M Sales were estimated at 350.OIM
bales. During tho early trading the
market was active and quite excited
with more public business than for
some days past, while in tho after,
noon, It. was largely protessional in
charcler. , ro1
llecelpts at the ports today 27.521
l,nles against 1!,1G4 last week and
17,i!nl last. year.
Knr the week 200,000 bales, against
131 (MS this week and 110,48:5 this
year. Today's receipts at New Or
leans .1.10:! unlcs against 2,r,22 last
year and at. Houston 13,342 against
4,334 this year.
New Orleans.
Now Orleans, Sept. 14.-In the spot
cot Kin market there was an improve
meat in both supply and demand;
sales 3,800, including 1,800 to arrive.
Qiinlnlions advanced 1-8.
Kui ures opened firm at an advance
of from 1 to 19 points. Influenced by
bullish Liverpool and stronger New
York The market was active and
pxciled. The bulls were heavy buy
ers being convinced that another pop
nlar buli campaign is forming similar
to that of last year. Weaker shorts
covered freely and assisted In Bend
ing prices up on themselves, the ad
vance being about. 25 . points above
yesterday's closing level. At the mid
dle of the morning a reaction was
caused by profit, taking longs cou
pled with some fresh selling by bears
This reaction sent prices down about
JO points. At. noon the trend o
pricVs was upward again. Bad en
: . .,tiiiiieii to come m from
lillll Ill.ll rii-i'iiiin w . .j a
it-iiu...-, , , too
the be t and weamei - -
Cose to please the bea,,. In .the ad-
ing. October openeu n -
1.W2. advanced to 10,10 sold dow n to
:o and finally recover
innrket closed Mm, Willi ll
;ains of 15 (ft 20 points.
New Orleans Futures.
NoW Orleans, Sept. 14. Cotton fu
tures quiet. September 10.4849;
Ortobrr 10.34(i73r,; November 10.35(f8
7- ).H'e,nber 10.3S (ft 1 (.:!!; January
io.'43(fi 4l: February 10,uUfft52; March
10.57JI 58.
New Orleans Spots.
New Orleans, Sept. U.-Cotton
, Cni..a :;kiio bales; ordinary 1.
if,; :"Hr ordinary 1-4: low mid
fair 10 7-8; receipts ,1U, blocks
New York Spots,
New York. Sept 14.-Cotton
l.ii-lier: mid una
f,leady. 10 li"ts
llr: mid B'llf
11.2j. Sales 1,125
New York Statement
v,.rL- Sent. 14. Cotton
,iv ,i,t 11 r; cro-s receipts S
r..,'. Lair. 17: x'-Tks. 30.074; exp..rt
'.: '. i,.i,o:n M77: continent "
e :.M. Total todav. net r.-ceii.'s
"7 '.71- rxirts :ret Hritain K.t..
Pruned. rontinent 5.C17; gtocks,
2"5m'.li.lat net r-rrlpta 1.5V
. ,,. i:reat I'.ri-nin 61 7M: V n.
r..1 r..ntinnl 1 ".''-: Japan 1.1"".
Onre S.'ilem1-T 1. Ti- nf-.n:-
r.nt Tlritain 1"r'.-
M7; continent r.H.ll!:
;'.; I'-U''''
jnj..ni : 1 "
p. jit. 14 Cotton firm:
jiia n-f-'-ir't 12.
ii . 1'.:
c f, jKiiitt h;eb .-.
I f!Tl n't 1'T-
J.. , 'I ''"
! -fi:.rv
lion miiI fkMiri anil liicludij a sou
Auifiuaa, IU'tinis Jou.
Kuiun-a it-ii'il 'l'ii''i nl rloi
i.M'ly. Aiut'iU-uii mill b u t Kip'.
8-i. !, 5mi; Ort. Nov, still; Nov.
I at. rll. Jim. Jan. r't'lt.
Ml; rVh. March 501; March April
: April May ; May Juno "-
New York Futures.
New York. Sept. M. Coiion future
iIos.mI Ki.-aily. Setcmltir in.59; ur
i,il,er 4t; : Novcmhcr HM7: Novell!-
Iter lu.47: neremlier Hl.SO: Jununrry
Hi.55; rVhruary lo..': March UUil;
April M.ii2; May lO.iiS.
Rise Appeared to be Steadier Than
f iiT..riiu.u tn lako nroflts which were
met on tho way up neemed to ho Unlit
er than heforo and tho hoars made
ni,ri.ll nttemnt til COIHOSt tllO
lailvanee. In fact, they were nsHlHtlng
It hy their efforts to cover hiioh cuu
tracis and were too much Intimidated
y"Vho pe n Htent strength of tho mar
J '.,. rpIlpwe(1 ommsHlon
- - . ol)8tacIeSi tllo
taint, I Aniirun ,,r iirtpn wan nractically
continuous, except for occasional in
tervals when tho buying movement
I list fiireo. Tho clos
ing was active and strong throughout.
lloudH wero strong. Total sales, par
value J3.1 50.000. I'nited States bonds
unchanged on call.
New York Exchange.
New York, Sept. 14. Closo prime
mercantile paper 3 3-4fft4 1-2; ster
ling exchange heavy, with actual bus
iness in bankers bills at 4Sii.at an.
for demand at 484.50fft484.i;o for to
days. Posted rates 485.50(488. Com
mercial bills, 484 1-4. liar sliver
silver 5(5 1-2; Mexican dollars 45 1-4;
government bonds steady; ranroau
bonds strong.
New York Money.
New York. Sept. 14. Close money
on call easy lM-2; closing bid and
offered at 1. Time loans suguuy
firmer: (ill davs 2 1-203 er cent; an
days 3l-2; six months 33 3-4.
London Exchange.
London, Sept. 14. Consols for
money 88 7-1 0; do for account 88 1-2,
liar silver steady 20 1-lfi; money 1 1 -2
(ft 3-4; short bills 2 3-87-10; three
months 2 7-lGl-2.
Paris Exchange.
Paris, Sept. 14. Three per cem
rent os 98 f 07 1-2 c for account: ex
change on London 25 f 13 C for
Kansas City.
Kansas City, Sept. 14. Cattle re
ceipts 15,700 including 1700 south
erns; market steady to 10 higher;
choice export and dressed beef steers
525G10; fair to good 45; western
fed steers 4550; stockers and feed
ers, 200100; southern steers 250(fi
375; southern cows 1503()0; native
cows 150(ftt4: native heifers 250ft
475; bulls, 175;!50; calves 20(&550.
Hogs Receipts 5,500; market 5(fj
15 higher; top 575; the highest since
October 1903. Heavy .ri.ui:ii; p.ici
ers 550&570; pigs and slights 555(y"
575. . .
Sheen Receipt 0.300; marKJi
steady; native lambs 4;intiMi: na
tive wethers 325 (ft 4; native ewes 3(if
o75; western lambs 45tnfj550; west
ern yearlings, ::( 400; western
sheep. 325(fi370; stockers and feed
ers, 250375. ,
Memphis Cotton Oil.
Mnmnliis Sent. 14. Oil. car lots,
per gallon prime crude 23; off crud
nominal; prime summer yellow 2
vellow nominal
choice rooking summer yellow, less
than car lots 34; meal, prime .'ly
New Orleans Sugar.
New Orleans, Sept. 14. Sugar
strong; oon kettle, 3 1-41t3 3-1:
,nw. l.-ellle centrifuiral 4 f 4 1 1-2; cen-
trifm.ul uliito. 4 7-S: vellows 4 .ri I
3-1: molasses nominal oin n kettle. I
20T(;r,: centrifugal lOffili. Syrup,
nominal. 4itui
Reading With a Purpose.
Heading without purpose is saunter-
ing, not exercise. More is ki mini
one book oa which tbe thought et-
. , n . J.M.Itn nn In L n,,u l,.il pt
iikm iui m ur-iiMi"- .--.
than from libraries rUramcd ever by
a wandering eye. A cottace fl'iwr
gives oonpj 10 wrr m i""-
. . .. . . m ...
den none to the butterfly. Lord Ijt
Phonograph Watch.
A now Raria match ooutair.s a tiny
hard rubber pbonotraph . whifh
calls out the hour loud ennueh to "
heard twenty fe-t away. Siitim-rit a c-arr:-4 tip to tb" rurfarr-. a re
ran be added by lavin tho mrt-in r- til r! ith rf 4V, f.l. I t tt .. n.ir.-r
rordefl on tbe plate In the tone? .f a and tbtt tbe atrraco iil.t rri
dear friend as tboge cf a luan wife 2-"'' "jinda. Tt.i k.ad a
or cLndrea.
Vest Arttwe Voicena.
?3vrt SsttTiar is tte rovt
r.ic-ro tn KYtt mrorM. It in f ua'ir.
Is lT.I f'-'-t ia and las -r.
tc e-jiiirtact a'-tiri'r fit 1 . Tt-
af.i. fj t t-rt,!, 1'if.a tr ay.-
tt O iiri. V 'J tri:l ci-'Ltit. at o
IN fflffl MARKET
1 1 l it-i.
Failure of Predicted Frost to Ma
terialize Also Helped to Weaken
the Market. Heavy Selling
a Factor In Prices.
Chicago, Sept. 1 1. Lower prices In
foreign grain market caused liberal
liquidation of wheat here today, M
Hulthiir in declines of nearly 2 cents
Corn wan also weak, December clos
ing 3-81-2 lower; oats down 1-8 and
provisions up from 2 1-2 to 7 1-2.
December wheat opened 1-2 to 1
cent. Tho principal cuuso for the
break was tho Indifference of cables
to tho sensational advance here yes
t unlay. From tho start tho markd
was subjected to heavy reall.ing
A report that a prominent bull ope
rator wag selling treely induced con
Klileifltitn liT'oMI Inkinir. Tho weak
news at Minneapolis tended to briiu
out Increased offerings and before
tho otwl (tf tho Ill's! lulll lifilir tll'ir.:"
had dropped to a point almost 2 centt
IH'lllW 11M. II H !llinillt.'.. IJL'l lIIim-l
to 114 and May to 110 1-S.
Ilnrinir 1 tin l:i ul bull' hniir. the mar
Uet weakened under heavy realizing
sales, tne closing ueing at tne iowos,
with December at 114 and -May a
Minneaolis, Duliith nnd Chicago re
orted W) cars, against 421 last yeai
and 7G!l a year ago.
Weakness revailod in corn earl;,
owing to the failure to material!:',
during tho night, of the predlctet
frosts, rainu over the greater uortioi
of the corn bolt having protected tie
crop from damage. The initial de
oline in wheat also had a depressing
influence on corn. Later In the day
be market suddely turned strong
the hull factor being a Minneapoll
experts estimate -oh tho total yield
According to this authority the gov
irsment figures should be discount?'
by 300,000,000 bushels. The marke
again weakened later :niTer libera
liquidation, the soling being a r
.suit of private advices claiming lit
He damage by frost December opener
1-4 to 5-S lower, sold between 52 3-'
and 544 1-8 and closed at 53(?ll-S.
Receipts 50 cars, 30 contract,
Oats were largely governed b;
other grains. Trading was light. De
comber onened 1-8 lower, sold he
tween 32 7-8 and 33 1-2 and closer
at 33 1-8. it!:!:
Receipts 121 cars.
Small hog receipts and highei
prices imparted a firm undertone U
provisions.. Trading was light.
feature was the selling of Oetobe'
u'-odiicts. .Tanury pork closed 1 1-.
higher at 1272 1.-2; lard and ribs wor,
sach 7 1-2 higher at izu ana 111 i--Receipts
tomorrow: Wheat 8
cars; corn 420: oats 100.
Hogs 22,000 head.
Sea Monsters In Numbers Around the
Cape of Good Hope.
Cape Point, which terminates the
mighty headland known as the Capo o:
Good Hope, consiEtB of a towering pro
montory of sandstone, which riset
from the sea to an altitude of 84(.
feet. At the base of this stands a big
solitary column which is known ar
Vasco da Gama's pillar. The light
house which here illuminates the
meeting place of the Atlantic nnd In
dian oceans is one of the most im
portant and most useful of its kind, it
Is visible from a distance of tbirty.-Bh
mitoa Th cliff neenerv is wild and
sublime, tho rocks are magnificent anil
the far-stretching sea, with tbe nrrcr
Rurf boating on the iron-bound coast
is impressive. In the water directly
heneath th cliff sharns are abundant
A traveler, describing the scene. saF
that on the occasion of his visit sr
numerous were thw evil looking mon
Ktor that the ultht as he descended
the cliff was most unpleasant. A slip
and a fall Into the sea at mis imjiim
wntilrf mean that the unfortunai:
would be torn Instantly from limb U
limb by the rareulng brutes.
strength of Chileans Sustained With-
I out Mot Diet.
I perhap the s-rcatcst wcieht home
, for any distance are the kiads .f ore
nrouPht p from the mins of the An
d(,g l)jr the n)nerB f chile.
i . . . ..... . .
i?arwin Tit.uea a -opper idit. in
r ne leading from the main rant of
' tn0 cvrd.lleras, where tbe work was
riTlPd on stub ririmitlve m-n
i .
that, fhonch the mine liad Imn
( worked in the motintatns for at leaM
I tmo Ofrituriea. the mtT B1 n tllWrf
'in f'-me by arrjing it tip thafts ir,
leatl.'T bae .n ni"n ba'l.is
, Fir Frarx is Had. when vl-lftg .
simCar ti.ine. found that all th
carri-1 tin ml,riE ta,r, !at u
ti'it hi-4 trur.ka fif tr--i, fft .n.'j-
ii;r:it.t. tntt t'i."hins aiKtb"r.
ll I'kM fif tbe f'b'i'-a'j c'ijT. a
cir'Ilfir t', fnTti in. "fjf 'if 'irt!
f f'i''-' f? tf 1 t mi'l !'
br : i i-tr lr l fao' ; f'r i i.'j' T
t,Ti. f ir h:,t t-at it'i li'-c t.
T'tt--"t Tl'-T ft'"-; c-'- 'a.-'
in cat.
Their Weight In Cold.
Suvarnatula. or weishim against
Sold, la a very tobily religious cere
mony. Such a fuuetum as held the
other day at Ml raj. when Lady (lire
Isbnl. the Dowutser Itaul of the limine
of Maiajmula. had la-melt welBhed
agaiiibt sold with the rltea preiarHied
bv tho Hha-stra or IUiiiIiki si-rlplure.
Tho sld placed In the wales skhIiiM
her ludyhhlp was afterward dinrin-
uted mon nruliinlu pilcKla ana too
poor. Allahabad rioiiecr.
Rush" Work Is Hurtful.
Trot. Thomas Oliver, addrewilng the
liiiiiikirlul hVKleno sectlou ot the iinl
tnry coiiBres lu aiasKow, suid the
system of "rushing'' work Introduced
Into Hrltaln from America, not om
caused unwholesomo fatigue and ninny
accidents, hut "predisposed tho indi
vidual to 111 health and created a taste
for stimulants, unhealthy recreation
m, 1 im-n of excitement such an was
offered by theutcm and music halls."
Critic's Appreciation.
Concerning Hamlet, as played by
the lute Wilson Barrett, a little story
told In tho greenrooms where tho
nctor was known. One of tho anolents
was tnlklng of the Hamlets ho had
;een on the stage. "Well." ho said,
"I've seen doaona of 'em, hut of all
ho hactora wot played Hamlet give
no narrett. Ho was always dono ton
minutes afore any of tho others."
(Sunset Route)
Colonist rates to California points....
Tickets on sale September 15 to
October 15.
A. R. Atkinson, D. P. A.
J. K. Tooke, C. P. & T. A.
Beaumont people do not mind
spending a good amount of money to
')e well entertained. You aro guaran
teed a first class entertainment at 0
3mall price at the Olio.
Grain and Hay.
ntinafnnti for cartnail lota delivered
on tracks Beaumout or other pointf
taking same rates, ueaiers caarr
from Btore 610c per 10 pounds more
in bran, 2:io per nuouei on onia "
"torn. 1015c per 100 on nay,
Oats Texas. 3055o; No. 2 mixed,
19c; white, 6153c.
Bran Per 100 pounds 1.3035.
Corn chops, pure $1-30 1.40.
Oats Texas 4345o.
Cn,n 7n7ir
Hay Choice alfallft, $15.00; choice
.Imothy, $17.00; South Texas prairie,
t7.B0S.B0: Johnson grass, 9.B0
Feed products very stiff, with ad
ancing tendency.
Market barely etoady, with a declln
ng tendency.- r
Ulrfu nnf Want.
Dry flint butchers, 16 pounds and
tp, 13e.
Dry flint kipa, tinder 18 pounds, 10
"Zc- .
Dry salt, hides, over 18 pounds. 10c;
mder 18 pounds, 3c.
W. S. hides, l-27.
Sheep pelts, 15 to 40o.
Goat oklns, 10 to 15c.
Horse Iiair 15 to t8c.
Wool, free spring, 12 1-8 to Ha.
Wool, free fall, 10c.
WooL hard burrr. So.
Stutter ana Checa,
nft.. Rlno Star. L'5: dairy
uttflr 18a20: Klyin, 2ia27; Bernice
'ancy Creamery,28: McriIow Gold, JO
'annir faii na ted eceaiiierv, 23a24.
All'son's Pure pasteurized cream
.utter, single pound 35c; 2 pounds
'or fitn
Cbi-ese Full cream dats, 141; tlaislet
14J; prints. 13; full cream LoriKhorns,
Flour and srsadstutfa.
Flour hst i 'i8.Mi sa-k. Fnnc
htch nitnnf r, f.O fnnrv half liatent
tr,.::0: third crade $4.50; 2411) sacks
'0 per baTel higher: Hour in wood, 3
per barrel hipherrar lots 10i: less.
P'arinaeeous Goods fJrits. hominj
.ml nnnm mnnt. in 40-11) Rackfl. tl'T
....I. 7. rl inen.1 in '.Vt-Ui sacks.
il tt.5 per barrel of four sacks: Scotch
.iita 8.ir.:iri.0fl: Friends' oats 2.!i"ia
t.Wc Columbia oats. fi.Kr,: Ilawkeyi
ats, 2.H.'; Hecker's buckwheat, U-H
nakaLres. t4.HU.
ri...'1.i.. A 11 C. nda bulk. boxe.
7- l-lb cartons, tier dor.cn. 100: ciiuvt
snaps, 71: orcHius, stage plana,
'akes and jumble. 11
Canned Qooda.
California Kxtra Standard (2J-H.
:!n. lllaclr cl.errira. 12.2.": bit
,.ki.,r!n. ",: Y. C'lifacbes. 1.7."
L. i'. ieac)i' ? 1 ..".: aprfcott, 1.ii:
Itartlcti iw-ara Sl.",: erai-. Il-.m
r..l ...1 In ,.r flfk.n '.
F.a-t-rn fantfl Good and Vege
table No. 3 app. 1 - pineai
,.!.. 1 K ai.il tiiDcat.nle.
t-x crrU-d iiim at tles. 1.': iiuea,p)e
chunks, l ib tar,, I.Vi. .i r,- , .)-
chunks, li-li' af.- -": .rjrajwrf
i t. ..i- i.i . II 2-i t art..
-'ll, i.aal. r Wi: 2-lb iiiH'k-
irri... v.- 2-!h i-a . r'n-: 2-!b
fii!-reic,t t.,11 ati"-. '-tn: 3-lU fuP
treifU Vt'inal'M-. 2-:il:fl.-"-i.''
V.rnat'K . "!.' ".: S-Ili lii-i.t-a' ii'bt.
.Vlbkraut I . 2- M v- ;t .ifu-d
Judc I at, M' i U Ma'K'acd Vmn
fat tas. I."": l-fM-wift t Mr
m fit 1. 3 -lb Ht.i kiti. '': 2-'
Bi f I : ti.it,. 2 ! A1
r X--'''- J-ibCai.;d c?n.
Drvga ana Ciemlcala.
r.-r:r.. ilal'f- tr f,,.r." b'.".l
rr',-j.t,iri. 2 ?."." 1 f-f 'itf: ''- r
l'Hi-jh f.ay.lcar ' I !ta 2 ti a--j
r-': a"f '- 1-2-' it r "" '
i'Xi l-i. id : -'-''t"il Z .'-h- ,
rr ra.)'n: ', ' r. 2 "ft 't
l.a-r-.- a: a. UT) tT I,. ! t.a
' ' ' ' " ' .
eai'-: uti a
o-. 1 t w ku. a t-
yLkt Is Ue o; tT
Canned Molaaass.
Ccoik'la t'auu: L'allons. 3. Id, ball
(allots, XM, quait S.W: tVro do
litttteiie, eallon.. a.10, half ! ISO
quarts 3. ft: Kaliiunel Srup, H lbs.
2,00, 51b. 2.20. 21b. I.tha.
Dried Fruit and Nuts.
18 os. i-leai.ed currents, Mi In rse,
tier lb. f t: 12 cleamM eurrfuts, 4" In
i-a.e, per Hi. 1: 3 i ni.n Mnyrna sm-
iHitietl ttn, IO-IH boxes, f r imiuii i,
12: U Crown Smyrna lmorieU litf. Id
lb. boxes, per lb. IA; 2 crown Califor
nia tlir. l-lb brick, Id lb boxes, mt
box, 1.15: 3 crown California lltf. Mb
cartons, 10-lb boxes, Kr In. 1.25: 12 on
k,M.il,l i-HUiiia. 4.1 In t'U.
er pVp. . 10 packages aeeded
raisins. 3d In cane, er tiaekatr, HI;
2 crown I I raisins, 201b Ikixcb, ler
Ih)x, 2.1H): 3iTown I I KuUlns, 20-lb
boxes, Mtr box, 2.b; i t-rowu u u.
raiHlns, 5-lb boxes, ju rbox, 70; Amer.
.wi,.nn elti-iiti. lo-lh boxes, ner lb.
10: Amrr. orange petl, 10 lb boxes, Hr
lu, m; Amer, lemon peei, .u in mum,
..... ih 11- N'.-i 1 fnlifornla almonds.
ofllioll, sacks contutnlntr alKitit Ml
pounds, per lb. lb loss quanvuva, pur
in: n.
I'ecans tal2 ii lb.
Roihj Sisal, 7-ld basis 0, Manila
.i,.;, VY V. 14 .1.4.
Salt "itoek, 11.00 per ton: Louisiana
coarse, M: Texas and Knnsns, ier bid,
,. a int- lm.:u. '.': 140-2. $2.K.
iM-.LI.w-.Plnf.. it.'i! (imirtM. Sl.lia i
linn. l: ft ifiillon
L(IIWII v a a -i " f
ke.irs, $2: 10-irallon kej;n, X50; Cross
and Hluckweirs puns, f.i.u.).
I iinnv Mlli'K. writ Mien, niauni.i.i
fija7: fancy mixed, in palls. tilaO
l,n.v In I'l.Pl l'M! ' I, III-.
Smivn-l'earl. 40-11) MOXCS, 4: L'loHS
bulk. 4i; Nickel, ;i.OO; 1 to 3 pound
packages. bvi.
Molasses Ccntrifuual, fair, .'3
prime, 2(1 a28; choice 23a30.
Corn Syrup JOaJl.
Texas and New Orleans R. R. Co.
fast Bound.
No. 6 Local Arrives 7:00 p.m
Mn a lirnl . .Tenves o a m.
No. 10 Sunset Limited Arrives 9 a. m.
Leaves HKIli a. r1.
No. 4. Oriole to Echo Arrives 12:16
p. m. Leaves 12: p. ra.
No. 8 Texas Express Arrives 9 '67 P
n f raven 1 (1 f t S p. m.
No. 1!2. From Sour Lake Arrives at
7:05 p. tn
West Bound,
No. 7 Texas Express to San Antonio
Arrives 7:18 a. m., Loavea 7:zi
a. m.
No. 3 The "Oriole" Arrives 8:67 p
m T.paven 4?07 n. m.
No. 5 Local Arrives 7:23 p. la., Leavt
at 7:33 n. m.
No, 9 "Sunset Limited" Arrives 9:21
n m T.cnvpH n. m.
No. 191. To Sour Lako Leaves 7:06
a. m.
North Boune.
No. 153. To Dallas Leaves U-oO p. m.
No. 156. From Dallas Arrive 8:40 am
ftnuth Bound.
No. 151
No. 152
To Sabine Leaves 9:4r a. n
From Sabine Arrives '6:10 p
No. 1S3
Local to Roculand Leaves
9:30 a. m
Local from Rockland 4rrlvt
C:30 p. m.
Kansas City Southern.
North Bound.
2 fr.r ?t. lyiuis. Kansas City.
Shreveport, Texarkana and Fort
Smith leaves 7:50 a. m.
4 for Kanisns City, Joplin, Fort
Smith, Texarkana and Shreve-
Dort leaves 7:50 p. tn.
South Bound.
1 from St. Louis. Kansns City,
Fcrt Smith, Texarkana and
Shreveport arrives.. ..9:10 p. m
Leaves ?or Port Arthur. .9:15 p. m.
No. 3 from Kansas City, Jopiln, Fort
Smith, Texarkana and Shrev
port arrives 8:40 a. ra
Leaves for Port Arthur. 8:45 am
Port Arthur Service.
To Port Arthur.
No. 3 departs 8:40 a. m.
No. 5 departs 10.30 a. m.
No. 7 departs 4: to p. m. (Sunday only-No.
45 Iical Freight departs 8:00 p
m. (except Sunday -No.
1 departs 9:15 p. m.
From Port Arthur.
No. 2 arrives 7:45 a. m.
No. 6 arrives 12:20 p. m.
No. 8 arrives 9:35 a. m. (Sunday on
No. 46 arrives 10:05 ft. m. (except
No. 4 arrives 7:45 p. m.
Gulf, Colorado A Santa Fa.
Kant-as City Mall and Kxpresa.
No. 218 Iyavs 5:0 p. m
No. 217 Arrives 12:25 p. m.
Saratnra Express.
No. 2!4. Leaves 7:00 a. m
No. 203. Arrive 7:00 p.m
Center Mail and Express.
St. ?"2 CM...,
No. 201 Arrlvf-s. ..
Leave Beaumont..
Arrive Galveston.
Leave r,alvet'H..
Arrive Beaumont..
10:15 a.
. 6:00 t.
12T.0 P.
.37.0 P.
.7.20 P.
Gulf and Interstate Railway.
No. 2 tSuu'ti IkmwIi iV-parts S a. tn.
v tu,nth iMMinill rt'iiart 4 it. n.
' ' tit S;itiir''ay. i p. tn.
Ik. . ....... V- 1 ....... .1 1 m tT-: V fm . - . 'I
O. I ...iiiiii iriiru " " -
p tn.
No. Z ( N'rtth liminilj arrives 1:2
p tn.
Besumo'-t Sour Lal-e and Westeen
V, 1 Vi t iK.-irid ! ;iart J: 2"
a .
V'. fwrt lnirnl) d'partg :T 1
('?"t Iftutid) d1
( Vi'ttidi
IPs t iKtimll
partg I
arrlv a
i N'i. 2
' f 'n.
' No I
: p tn.
1 r'h'-m'me.
Tor Sale at a Ba-a'n.
40 ti1 if yrtt'.g luule.
11 Tm1 ai"t:-
H . n a'l 'tr T'. i'
. i..., n, lr u'e. ace "i
' -
ta. i. -a rr, r, n
1 IVI 111, Le-vi l-, La. C
i;- :j: - r:
T 1 . I
.H-:-viV"t C
CD''V'". Hurt Mt-Iutoili Art SlJiet. x
Each New Subscriber Can
Get an Art Picture With
The First Month's
8uoc-i '.Ion.
iana Brick & Tile Co., un.
Maliers of
The Best BricK in the World
Address: LOEB, TEXAS
Higgins Oil & Fuel Co.
Beaumont, Texas.
Producers and Shippers ol CRUDE PETROLBUil from Sour Lakt
and Beaumont. Storage Tanks Beuumont, Stbine,
Morgan City and Sour Lake.
Unexcelled ladlities for making prompt shipment by rail or
waier. We vJso solicit towing on the Gulf for new tua
'Gilbert" anc' "llitrtrins " Oorrosportdonra solicited.
Heavy Casting, Forgintr and Structural Work, Saw Hill I
Work a Specialty. Well Machinery Built and Repaired.
130 HI 'PHONES 207. S
to SC Laula via Coiorad
Tblt arrangement mppUcn from
w a
and Include 'Stopover privilege, that you may enjoy
3-ourrcai vacation and Rest
before or after visiting
V t i r-fjen-i r
Old! Forrester WhisKey
Sirietly pure atxl i.f n.; Kih-h 1v',r
IUittl.il ft Hie li ii!l'tjr in.l r'"M
'"4 Vjr tl,f; dif-tili' ry.
PoM tiverr the r riri-.f- nr? J ?
tie l y
44 . Van - E'r-
!'H I'llOD'.-
rh-"'.L.--C- 5
k.ao-my a. j
- "1!4 - , - .?
i: .
and to Colorada via fbUttla.
all point In (heSouihwcit
... n.u
T -in
m tin
Ptirrhnae yonr tlrkets to PL Ijonis
.ia the. l.ori5VIU.E. AND. NASH
VILt.i: R. IU and .lake la the two
':r.t Mmms im -arth. the World's
K.i'r and Ann-rlea'i Cr.-aUtit Natural
V.'im1-r Mummo'h Cave. Ketitofky.
. : trip Kt. lyttis tickets permit
'-i'l- tr'p 'o ?.Iamm'ith Tare Junrttoa
aiih'iut a'H.ti'rl mt. FUj rera
nl-fi a'i'iweil at NaLhvi!1e, Teon.
Fur ra-- ard fall in forma! kit,
i t I m 'tr il'ir rs
Louisville a Niihville P. K
r. W VCT.HOW T. P. A, BcmkUra,
K- r.l:-.TXT. D P. A, Kew Of
4 ,w
1 ' '
1 1 ,
in rt
rtii.rs ere w,tt couLtt-d !n .
of ii'h

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