Newspaper Page Text
ODELL AND PLATT l.f,IH w w - - - j TANf.LfD POLIT.CAL CONDITION IN NFW YORK STAT CON VF.NT' DN. Cinimitlro on Platform Turnt In tVxi.mtnl Shoitett O" H'CO'd .snil no Loii(,ec Than the Ten Commandment. a i i ii m1 i-nai.. in1..- ,' in' i a. N V.. S I-'. 1 1 - Tin" n laml.-.l'ial iiniiKi"" , ,,a,' ,. I M oll"l ' I'V il,.' siai" imiH'i'ii n"i iT.ny. hi .1 p nin "iii -i '"- i;v. tM'll llti'l S n .- Phi". I,,.. I. . filler ali'l his f'1' , I lir. I l l III .III' II" '"'' "i''K I, ..... , ti.iiii "I" " f""" '"' "'' II, ,.,, ..I in.' . ..nv. l.'ioll. 'I'll" ' -,. Ill I.. II was i nil"! I" "I'l'T K"n ' I, , i. I'uiiii' i- Siaif S-iiior I- M.ii.i l-'a i . ttiin rliosi n ii iiiiMinny i-i:iii man. 'I hi' iii'i" aranc" i'f ri'iiii'T l.leiile.l mil tluv-iimr . Woodruff evoked :i I, m i ,.f . ,i. . r tiii'l Hmiu'or Phi, v, lollowol '"" iii"Tiirl-. n--niun mii owitioii Hint histcd iniiiiiii'.'-'. , . . ;.,v. inor od-ll wan not In ntt'ifl :i 1 1 - , openiiiK hi i sp"h. lfiiiMMiry clubman I' 'an ii aiibl: "Not lii iii:- n'i'T.ilic nmiiili":' l..r In.- n'.i'l"ii V. I "Ii"" l':,v'' ,;" . i,a;ii.n ill ill: I'll' iHK '' I i :;.nr." A iIi'Ii jiiIi In. in Kinm county li.nli.c'il on h.lmlf "'' 'hi- ...'U.'ili"H I mi Miiit iMiin1;'. a resolution i-alllnn :,ii individual 'nil call " '' n :i I i. II V'.r I'.iivcino". Tin' i it.liil ion expresses. Hii' belief il tWHllli develop I In- I Ml" K.'llU ,....( ,, I ,,, i iiiiv. iiilnii ami wini''l sail ii lii" nomination of Mr. Wo-id ili'. 'I'M" ir oliiii'.n wa.; rcfc'ii'il lo (.iniiiiiii'.' on , oln' 'o'iii. Tlii' con. n: ion ""Ii a recess niilil ll'l ,l-l, llllllll' row. Wlii'n !ov. Oiiell wan info' m. imI ,,f ariion oi i ili iin:;.i comnv lor n Hi t r i'i.' 1 1 III!' ARTILLERY DUEL BREAKS RECORD HEAVY CUN FIRe AT LIAO YANO SAID TO BE THE FIERCEST EVER KNOWN. MINIS f ILI E D Hill! DEAD Hand to Hand Encounter Wherein Cunt Were Uted at Clubt and Foemen Wert Found Dead In Each Othert Armt, MAGNOLIA PARK TONIGHT an ill. ballot, ita II Ut UtdUv I.. I ll III II III III I! I' Mo'lll. II Mi. uliull iiu ii lualoiliv i I 11,; i. I. dl. a .u Will ! U.iHllm-l." I.I.M'H' i K'l.lTUor. I 'Tin- I-..-.HI..II nl ImiinT J'iv. Timoiliy I- Mliun a a mininiai.- . ........ I.. ir ui.s I . .- mi. si lull r -i ! mii luilUK' i.f ll' lav' .liliral Ml II ...ii.ii. .Mr. Wimiliufl liiinH 'i'l nul.i: -n liuii l. n a-Mii- 'l ('""i ,"' s. l il.ui Hi. i.- moitl'l '. "l u "' J k. n'ii.11. ii i.-.-l ""i 'i H" Mi IMH ilnlaixl 'r Mik , Kill.. Tliu 'ulu liil l. Iii""lil'i l'r" .1.1.- Hi iM-ur on lin ir linlni'ijil! 'I'' " . K'" 'y d"""'1 '" I"'1" ''" hi a.l ul i In- n"""""" ' '"" iiu.... Wf u-.l.' f'r i. i.ihii lu.livMuiil lHo' """ nun waM Hi'-v Ihvuii.I iiiv iioiiiiiih lion l.ii I In luili"ii "f "'" ,v .Ii I. uaii'.n. wonl.l i-mi ni' ir " i. lor HiUKiin. Tli" lii'livlil.ial l.ulli.i. Ii-.wv.r. lll nit h.'tl HV" i. n... I lii Kir. ttlnu Hi" '"'I ..ii f'lL'lii.-r ilian hit ini.l i""f llui.ltiiiari.TH In th KI.I'I f Src Mm in-.- I..-.-H l-roiiflii on ' ,,' l' 'l,mi, .aii. K.. Army ll.-for.- I.luo ViiiiB ,n. lam.' ,' I- I'ii'l'M- ti v (lllv Mr roiirs.-. I HI hii.M.ri hi" ' "i ,., ,ii,i I liiiviiiu I.. . H a .1. 1'-wi.i" uli. r nlii" ilii.v' r .l"H'riiif IIkI.iI.ik tiiul 11'lal" In Hi" loiiv.-mlon I i(r , H).,.1( ,,r l. fl J-! . .1 11.1 Isi-." I . 1 ..r 1 ' .. . , .... 1 1.. I lJIU-M- Iir.liy II.IIKT III" I'.llllllUii... I BBBBBBBaBMIBaB Mr W.Kiiliuir rilll".l wiiif li'"-i' L ...I. of .1." ...nv.'l.iloii. H.ivin Unl , ''' siil.-i.l.ii'ion .f .l"l"K'i'"B i.mIii- w"1 Iliirii.K Hilx H"!". nr"1 ,rl.K.. to wiiIIh i.f l.iao u"K " i;l,. in ..r.l. r 1.1 kmi.'.I. tti. i.i W'"'"l l,,.iy ,, ,.,ri,., nt iiu pan of ill" li. r" nnmliiT l"Sii-.iii! kUiii.I wuh ...Iil llliiitliiu III'II'L'IIIIU'I. ... . ..11 1 llllllll'. 1 111 .1 lllllllli-ntT li'i'iiii'n 1 1 I kl I'llM nt Hi'"" j Potltlvtlr tht Crett and Only KOMETA, The Female Impersonator and Prima Donna. A complete Vaudeville performance of the highest class. : : The CINEMATOGRAPH And an Orchestra That Cannot be Excelled in the State : : .-..I Willi lllll'l" Hll.S.I.'.li"ll'. IH ,,,,V "N- ,,1,11, Ilinl mill lilillloli.i w.-i" niii.l.. ..lily I"T" 1 Hit" witi l.'I'S. A plniforin win nilii.."il liy ''"" (oniinliii" mi r""li,l".n unlit v.- It -- III" hllolfsl lI'MIHM"!.' ". Im l.iii'1 i v.r wrln.'ii. . . . .1... II I ..ul. Miil.-.i.' ... wax .l"..i"l .'V '""," . .'K.l'' '", "'V. " .. . "7""" -.. , '' linn all nay 01 n"pi''iii'-i liKhtiiiK iiihI ll." m.ifcl I. Ki"iiii.) In-; itiisHlnn aiilli.-ry was lorntcil In ox laniiy .liarK.-s ti' iiioiIitii llm.s. .-."ilinKly well bnlll. i-iiiplarcmumii Tli" IIkI.iI.ik Im'Kuii on AiikuxI 2i!.l wliliili alToriUMl tlH'iii oniiipl""" P""t'J'-wli.-n Hi" .liipiiiu-Hi) urmy iiiovIiik lion. f ' iioiiliwanl i-olllil"il wlili ill" Hnsslmi, shortly nftor noon of S"ii"iiili.T .. 1. .. 1 .... il... I.lllu ,.1 An. I .j u..f... Ilmt till. ItllMHlllIlM lIMtl lOI.'.'H "III l.-IU'lll'll ..II " ! " - - .. Ii mi.,,.. 'ri... .Ini.iini-s.' Iioinlmril.'il I hi. unn to burn t bo oily, (.rent piiLH I ' . '. .. . . 1 ..I ... ... I 1. .,l U'orp Kl't TIM- r-s ion fro... ..." Klnw , ' ' 1'' " l Th" n.-xt ! , ro m, many Imii.linKS w,ro .."- ilivl'lnal I.1HI0. on 'ii" minima. 1...1 1 "... ,. ,... 1 ,...,.,., ,i, ..i,,!,. f Soiil.-nibnr .1 K-viror wa l '".I bv b" .".." " . . " - , " - . , t' wilh. milt.-., on r"M.lnllon i.'i.l "l was . mh .. , . ul , ... , .....I 'urlv in llliaill.l"".r...v '1.' ' - - Mi,. 1 oiivinlloii Willi a r.eoniiiK-1111 1 linii thai It I." lulopi'-il. Tli" ml Ion of lb" .'oinin'li"" nraiil' il us wis" li.ililii-x on Hi" pm'' of lb" lllKKi'lis ni'ii a! 'I ri'inovi'il any ponsil.ililv of a claim bv Hi" Wooilriilf lilt".-' Kl:i Hiai any Kii'-? ini.l oils hail b""ii Itiinosiil o'l 'b" convent Ion. Ill L' ItllSHiallH. I'lle UussiailH ret renieil Creoles Nominate Ransdcll. New Ill-leans. Sept. II. Keliirns f 1 0,11 Hie lil'lli Louisiana conKicssion- (list i-lcl prima y tibow lb" ovcr- ,-. In liniiii: aoniination of (.omjrcss- 1,1:111 II. llatlKileli. a! Kill inn lie sniil lie hail Ho ol. jel l ion fo1 Cliimi nnl .lerusalein at Hi" OH"- - I THE LAST CALL PRICES and VALUES TALK TSRE OUR WINDOWS SUITS Th.t Sold for 10.00, 12.50, 13.00, 15.00 and 16.00 Reduced to $7.55 Only a Few of Each Lot. PANTS Thai Sold for 4.50, 4.00, 3.r0 and 3.00, REDUCED TO $2.45 Light and Heavy Weights Money Refunded if Not Satisfied. SOLINSKY BROS. 0H THE CORNER. What 1 Have Done for Others I Can Do For You. i' i n ' Imi'lor: -a n ti n . ai in. m I. I- .n,. I mull l Anliiir I., l-'inii: I am liniiii pl.:e..'il I n i'. i.-.l lor 1 1 1 . ves ili" iinpiexeiiii'iii .ili! lulu n. I Tin! I liiill i .ii i "'T. ill way i set ie. s llosw I ...i. .in.! Clliii'l :l i.HI Ai-.'lll Pi, iiu . .lii-ei 1 nlly a lii l ell M.'ll. IV I!. WITH HIE Bit K JEWELRI lOMPAJiT. IradinK Optician. THE oo 0oc o ceo 3 O o ...iii. ti... miillertr lii I heir rear Kiuir'l ciiKiiKinK Hi" Jaimnes" iiilva.ic.. ami siicciciIIiik In relar.liiiK It i'"'" "-' main force of Hiisslans leuch.-il Iheir ;i ions in sboslioiiHii.ipao hills aPont club! miles sonlh of Mao iiiik. At ilawn, Aiikiisi ;:n. in" .laiian.-.t.- beKiin an artill.-ry allacli up on nun position, lb" Ki'coml army iiihikiiik up 2Hi Kims l' b"iir upon tli" missinii lorlllicalions. Ill" loiirin japan.- army was formcii upon in" exue.i.e ,.i.niivLiir n nosilion oil tl small clmin of hill rrunniiiK at rinht angles to the llnssiau position. The fourth army employed nearly one hiinilreil .hum more iiKalnst. the enemy at Slioiishanpiao. This Hnssian position was the suoiiKest III" cnt'iuy nan up lo that time. II consistcil ot Hire" hills averaKii.K IMI I'"1-'!' '"Kii. mi tilieil with very slrotm entrenchments conni'cle.l with sKillnll.V ocnceaie. Iiiinili inoofs capable 1 lioiuiiiK un the men eliK'lK.'d in worUinK th" Kims. The nriillory duel at Ibis place was probably the bluest ll,ls ('vt'r taUeii place. Il lasted all 'lay Aiinitst ::n wilhoiit any apwarent result. 'I lu) next niorniiiK the arlillery duel was ((.ntiniied with increasing sirenKlh the Hiissi'ins relnrninK; shot, for shot The Japanese kiiiis were hidden tta der corn eiht feet liifih and were liardlv visible to tb" enemy who searched the corn fields wit 11 snrap- m l. The lire caused Heavy Japanese lsses bill tailed to silence the Kims, vi I i ,, in , the lire of the Japanese ...1 !.. .1... Il'olll'll. Killls was eonceniraieii in me i. meiits at a bin on me left of the Itnssiaa posit ion. 1 ' il" hour shell and shrapnel were rained in Ibis trench and Hie smoUe ot th" I t iixtr ulllMinlll'l Mill I ilu dust. )t exploditiK shells hid the position I mm siKbt. The arlillery ceaseu ai no.... and th.; Japanese lnian.ry cbaiKed from an adjoiniiiK hill in tlie lace of a heavy me iroin me ...'" itself and a terrible cross tire troni Itnssian artillery posted on another hill to the rear. Stro:iK wire enlanKlemenls, mil ,v pits and explodiiiK niines lailed In stop I be advance and in spile ot enormous casualties, lliey trench at th" point ol the i.ayone . drivitiK Hie ltnssians back the leiiKtb - the hill. As soon as (be Japanese were in possession of this trench ll,e Russians inr.ied the tire of seres of Kims iiKainst ihem in an effort t dislodKe them. This heavy lire was mainniiied until nightfall, but ilt.l not drive the Japanese oat- Itotb sides Kept up an ait ill"' II iin-oiiKh the niKlit i Aim" and at :'. o clo. U in Hie nioriium - September 1 Hie Japanese aiu . Itnssian cealer posni.ui. " - i .... I .i ii iIe- II lull ileteliiieu "y .- - ,,i,s and ditclies. .iai.'i... eimineers cui lb" enlaliKHmnts alt. ,..ITil,,,. sla.mhter. on" .Maclinient loshm 77 out of "ien. Th" men of NaKova. lb" ll'.wer of lb" second were assiuneil !' "am- Tbev l""l lb" li't irencn "" di. In Hie s "I ir-"'" "bey the eneinv in a lian.l i" '"'" went " "' Hi" i"! " '"' ireailin "ii Hieir own .lea.i. " neb at the crest of me inn i 1 li:ll.ll it an r aiioiii.-i in"'" ,,,. ltnssians I'.i.ik .tru.n "' .pint of Hie bayonet and with il,i..-. mm , , . Th..ui.n,N Tkill.-.l In . ami the'-H were "'' il,.. mum-led b.-'li" "I -'apa'"'- -sI:m In niaav ca-M-s. m" and ,1.1.11'bi- re I"1""1 ..... i. ... ,.. .. ,. !. ..ilier aim". i 'i ' i" . " - N.i more .1. sp. I I'" . I'-He f, m,;,1.- Tb.- !.si'i...i apparen'ty ' ni.sai al.l.' and n "n 'I l-'n i, i. l.v .mi,- Iran arriist tcn'y. ,1. f. tl..' .f H'ls II""' "f '"- lo . a "a-ini: a'i r t-.n-'" mornlnir of the fourth, lb" Japan- occupied the town. MILES COMING? Ar- Snurlal Train on Sar-ta Fe Will rive in Beaumont This Morning. A special train of threo sleepers and iliner will arrive in lleaumont over the Santa Ke al C o'clock this niorniiiK and K cast over the South ern I'acllic at !l. when the cars will be transferred to lb" Texas anil New Oilcans train No. 10. The special is i.f ir n. (). Hunl ami i in iKii i ..,.,....i,.,i on Hi,. Santa I'" time sheet i as cimtainiiiK a jmrty of "liomeseek ers." Whilo It could not lie dcflniely learn ed up to a bile hour this niorniiif; who composed Ike parly, it is be lieved to be that of which (ieneral Nelson A. Miles is a member. It was reporled in Heauniont yesterday that (ieneral Miles and a parly of capital ists from '.be Middle West, were com iiiK South to inspect the Texas and Louisiana rbe belt, and the belief is that il is they wtio are coming on th .-.pedal mentioned. Shippers Grievances. Denver. Colo., Sept. 11. Interstate Commerc" Commerce Commissioner Charles A. Prouty heard today arsu nienls In reward to the western liva slock shippers Kiievances iiKainsl. Hie railroads on account of alleged dis crimination in rales and poor service. No lire ::i. tb.. was Sll 1 1 1 v. hill. a in 111' I tii-l.l ml in I si it I'mln at tb.' PARKER IN NEW YORK. Arrangements Made cor Recep ito" of Any Kind Whatever. Ksopus, Sept. 14. Jti'lK" Parker sta.'ted lor New York toiiiKbt on Jno. 11. Mcllonal'ls yacht. Sapphire. .Indue has eiiKHKed apartments for himself and secretary at a hotel, but will re main on Hie yacht ttnt'l after hrcai; fast tomorrow. AI his anarlment ai the hotel .Indue Parker expecU to meet a number of poliical triends tomorrow and Kri'lay. No plans have been made for him t' visi! denioc-atic heail'inarlers nor have nr ranKemenl.i been made tor a recep tion of an:- character whatever. Consul McWade Lost His Job. Oyster Hay. Sept. 1 I. Koberl M. McWade Pniled States consul K'-ner-al at Canton. China, was todav re moved from otlice by President Ko--'-veil. CliaiK' s made aKainst iiim re rellHv were investiKllted 1.V Asslsts.n' Secret arv Pierce, who went to lb.' Orient to make an invest ir.a' i.m ' several of Hi" Pnited '"' '"'" l n,.s in China and Japan. Secretary Pierce in bis .. port f. me pre: i.b iii l.. .,. I. Ilie cbsI'L-es mai:" 1.1 iriif.i.1 .. lauainsl McWade. Tb" ""b'r f"r Wade's dismissal went forward ib!s i.'H I III Mitt. Found Ten Indictments. Il'llltsville. .Ma.. S'l". ll.-Tb" special Kritnl .iuiy inv.'Miuatii.K lb" 'Ivn. bini; "f Ibu-ace Ma.b". '1'" nir" ;!, killed John Wsiblrop. Ii.k r.',H.rl ,-d ten ilidici in. tits auanisl alb i:-'! 'members ..( lb" mob. Arr.-t ill follow. I'lsai n I. .iipI Itn j I Sll k'CI i i. .III. ' an ''' . I'd' I First National Bank of Beaumont p Cactil 8ock ?MJX C r 1. tbe -Ii ;,H th" Vsi' ir.-l in - " I Catvtil 8'ock ' ) l"' f'Kj Pre W. D;v P-r .o"t V V. P. M. W:i r j-ir n. Vi'.r P'r; ' . I .. .. .. C -. W C. D-Vt,:-'-. - Cit'ir. t. C. OtiCrr. D"f!w. U 100 00C ti ri.O30 U. M. H'tfrt. Second lt drt . W Director. no. N. C ;brrt. D rt :t-r ,m H. Lrvy. D rfilor. l-j.-n C. Mint. D'rfctor. Cat1-iff. ,i.i 1 is'-. 'i ; ' -. pi- '.. .1 ... tl . i:.i-s-..,.. ,. l r i. . t .1 I .in. . s' . on . i ' r : ibe ,.- ... I.', r an 1 !-'.! I I v" ..'.I ,..! a l. i . -a! l-.-i'i: ,i ti ,. i , , .(.., ; "ti t.n') 1.. i. 1. : 1, i . n I h r.i. t1-.. :i .r "1- 1.4t 414- ,1 .r -1-' Tl.- .4- ;!-t.-tt ib-l..i- ,. y f .1 . .1 t. II Meeting cf Eaqles. Pali ire.".-. S. .t. II. A' a we.-iina ,,l the i;i.iiil Prat'-rnal Oi l-i "f T Katie today. Hr.ind W ,rtby Pn -id. nt .i -r, lull Sallih.-in 4f . inisn -rni.' N. w York Ci v rea.l h'" "n'ial r- h.M. Mr S'll'iMiTi r. i. f i t'tc r.rk of tb.. o ar and : b-l I""- n 1' tlsit rt.- .Ti.T n-'w n 'i" or.'itia-- : s nh a i"'al ti.. m'sxr .I,,,. ..t I' He r. t--""l i";'' s. ,.4 be cratid .t it . r. a ... IT" " an-1 'i i' .b- tli ..! '-. f '1'- '- '' ,: ii. !'il,T M' . V t.-n-. ..t -I-'" ' 111 1" T" -.'."!' II" ' ' - 1,. 1.. I , I r " tr-.m i .... . . When Yom As a rule you advertise to reach the people; not some of the people or some particular class of the people, but all of the people; not only some of the time, but all the tim9. TO P0 THUDS it is necessary to use a medium for your ADVERTISING that reaches all of the people all of the time; not only in the city but in all the sur rounding country. The following letter out of hundreds in this office we quote to show that we fully cover the field: : : : Leesvilie, La., Sept. 12, 1904 The Beaumont Enterprise, Beaumont, Texas. Gentlemen: You will please discontinue our two ads upon receipt of this letter. We are highly pleased with the results and ask that you send us a bill so tha.t we may remit. Yours Truly, Vernon Iron Works, Wm. Jackson. The Enterprise Wishes to Distinctly Assert it Has No F!EE But it has more subscribers in South East Texas and Louisiana than any paper in the state of Texas can boast of. If you are an advertiser and wish to reach the people of this section phone the advertising man and if he does not con vince you, don't advertise. Both Phones 93 a - oaK-ao-: i. . i