Newspaper Page Text
o r 2 T I r. trf ftUiH j DELAG OA WON THE FLEEWOOD TOOK THE HANDICAP PURSE FROM FLORAL KINO AT HAWTHORNE. wim oft ittiua: tooi King Pepper Was the Hot Material and Caught th Mercury Hand icap at Brighton Beach. ClilrnK'i. Sil. ' filiation wlill 117 imiIimI up nml ni & in I In I ln I'H llii". won Hi' r'lrw liiiiiclitiii hy I wo iMiK'liii from r'liiral KIliK Hi Hawthorne UHlny. KIk H'ii wn thlnl n shorl iH'i'k IhIiIihI Kloiiil KiliK. Tlitf wiiiilnr Hoar, cool: truck rhI. Klrsi. .1 fuiloiiiis: (iriri- Kllloit won: ltiihliforil ll- lli- wroinl; SwciIIhIi Unl tlilrtl. Timo !::! S-.V Kironil. mil' mill': ltrl' '"! Inn MiitiKT hi'ioiiil: TroniiciiHii third. Tinu' I Ml. '1'hii-il. nillo mill ynnln: Ivlvuy won: Tori Royal Nocond; IVIipi- I.iku ihinl. Timo 1:1". II-5. Knurl li, nix fiulonus: Klo.'lwnor 'handicap: hcliiKiia wnii; Klornl KIiik Hi'coiiil; .Wit thlnl. Time ir.. Kifi li. "in' mile: Wooilliiwn Hi'lli vwon: Cliiirllc Mlllir second; Syprlon- thlnl. Timo 1::i 2 ".. Hlith. mile niul n Hlxlivnlli: Allant- iro won; TinnRanon second; Swoot ' Tom. third. Time 1:r.o. r. 1-2 nullum: I.a 1.oinl won; Howling HiIiIko si'conil; Alcor, third. Tlmi! 1:08 1-5. Day at Brighton. New York, Sept. IS. KiliK IV-PP'T won Hi.! Mercury handicap, the feut me of (lie rnnl nt HrlKhlon Uracil. First, furloiiKH: I.oclilnvnr won; Ilie S weconil; Salt and l'cpper third. n 1-1.1 .". J illlli i . i u ... Serond, milo mid a Klxlenlli UmlKe won; New York second pie llilrd. Time 1:47 I -5. Third, fi furloiiKs: lnhlann VnniieHH Hcoiid: Sals third. Lord ; Time l:i:i 25. Koiirlh, Hie Mercury handicap, 0 furloiiKH: King I'epi'er won; Mineola Kecond; l.ady Amelia third. Time 1 i:!. Kll'lh. mile and n quarter: SpriiiR won; Arrlcander Becoml; Carlnmcle third. Time 2:.i. Six, !i 1-2 fiirlniiKs: .lim lleatle won; III. ncher Kocond; Zala third. nine 1 (17 S-fi. Results at St. Louis. St. T.onls, Sept. 15 Dameron, .lako fireenbeiK, J. V. O'Nell and ZInda were the winning favorites of a lair card at Delmar Tark track today. Track hIow. KiiHt, fnrloiiRs: Dusky won; Ita llnm Hccnnd; Always KaKhl'nl thlnl. Timo 1:18. Second, 5 1-2 fnrlonns: Dameron won; OascoKni! Recond; Opinion third Time 1:10 1-2. Third, 0 fnrlonss: .Take (Ireenhei'K won; Keronlii second; D'Arcy third. Timo 1:24 1-4. . Fourth. ( fiirlotiKs: .1- W. O'Nell won; Scotch Dunce second; Mafulda third. Time 1:1(1 1-2. Firth, 5 fnrlonss: Zinda won; Ilorak second :' l.ady Mercury third. Time l:nt 1-4. Sixth, mil.! and an eighth: Judne Cnnlrill won; liirdwood second; !ol dde I.lBht third. Time 1 : ;'.! 11. Seventh, mile and half a furious: Tour Quo Pas won; Miss Manners second; .Iot loss ihlnl. Time 1:2:'. 14. SOUTHERN LEAGUE. Double Header at Birmingham. ' ltirinlimham, Sept. 15. -ltirmiiv;-liam's lonK siriiiK or victories was broken luday ly Slirevepmi. who won Ihe first came and I hen lied the see ,imd. Hi (Hi rami's iiliounilid in hilling lilld sleepy wink I" the Held. First ame, score: Hirinlimliam. 2:'. 1 u ' ' "' 0 i 2 - S 11 Shrevepoil.. . 2 " 2 0 I (in 1 ! " ; Hnlterle.--Dunham and Matthews; Aliels "'id Ciatlies. Second game, score: l'.iriiilnh;iiii n I ( 1 ' i 0 l(! 7 1 vi. r.. v.. i.,., i :: ii(i(i! (i ii o a C i! 1 Batteries 11. Clark. O. Clark iind 'Matthews; Abels, Swann and 1lus. Nsshville 4. New Orleans . Nashvile. S' pi 15 -New Orleans lialled out a tictorv in the laid r pan .I the imiik'. Scire: New Orleans., n 2 " " " I -A 1 N'n tnille ii ii ii ii ii ii 1 ii- I 17 J l!a"i" i.' - I'n li h .ml Sulli.ati: ' I .ii l,i us aii'l K"i II Mlsnti 8. Little Rock ?. A'lania. S.p!. 15.- i!;ino!:.'ii il Imi-d. BU'I 'be I'KiiU " !" vr i" Imnl ! lift r liie n'cuiid inn niii A Maim ( 7 1 ?. 1. 1 'mix- l tl : l.ii-i.' . k . . . en .'n i. ; in . I . -1 -ri'- 1 71 v iHid V n'ei- and ' riai I. ; Hamilton Ml Aiebi-in NATIONAL LEACLE. Rali at St. Lou . C' S p' 1 - S'"- 1' - IV t.ers. Clncno 2. Cici"t' 1. f'hieni'i. S- j. 1 "!'.' ' til ' r. u if i 1-ie iiui . ::i -I - I"f I'ii' U- A ' . a i l.n. i.i) 'irc..f. :!.! " ' i i'. tti.- i.:-v- Hi !( ir- n ..' a -i.i.i :fi K'"r ' .:-. r i .,. i.i.-n l.'i:i'l i ii 'b" uti i.-- Tfl S IT' fi-i. jr.. .. m. ( i ii k i r 1 Cim iiihiiil.. 1 o u oi uo immiuo - I . I IUU. m -IliiiiK-. and Klum; lUnu mi 1'i-iu. Boston 2, New York 3. New Yoik. rtepi. 15.-Tlm Wi"- did not niie iiiiUI I lie nctnili inn "4 rtii, New nrl. w'"- Hn": l.i,i.m H 0 0 0 ii I I i 7 1 New Voik.. I ii ii I I -: lldUerii m McNii liiil ami Ni l dhiiii' U'llle mid Howl Tliiiill. Solit at Brooklyn . ItriHil.lyn, Sept. IV-llLKillyii I"' Hit. tlrst mini" n'l won tin khoii.i. Tho Hciinul. hy Ht,'ri im id. wan a""''! Ill I he Meveiilll IlillinU. Kirl uuiiie. Mure- I hlliiili lphiii . . :: SniiiHi-r; 7 1 ll.iMd.lyn iii'i' I " I 2 Hinterl- Kinlii'ft mil lumln: Mlii hell ii-iiI lle-ij. ii. Heiiillil Kiillie, ..cure: l-hiliidi Iphlii.. ii ii ii 4 n 1 7 ! 7 lliiMiklyn " ' ' :' ' 1:1 " Hinierli H- fuiwell uml Itnili: Si in Inn, I ) Iuiiii iinl i AMERICAN LEAGUE. RaH at St. Louli. St. I.OIlis, Sept. I-V SI. Illllrt- Chiciii-'ii, ram. Quakers Took BntH. 1'hlladiliihia. Sept. 15. The lioi-ic leant won Hie uati"'H from Wn-lilni'.-Inn liv IiiiiicIiImk lilts. First (nine, score: WashliiKinii... (1(11(10 002 11 I" -I'lilladelphla... 'i2 1 :: 1 I n x s II I Battel les- lluuhes mid Clark; I'lnuk ami I'owers. Seciiul name, scor'-: Washln;lon.... 2 I it ( (I (in (i :! I I l-hilaileplhia.... mi I iMKiOux 1 ! I llallel les .laeiilisoll mid Kit I redyo, Ilender, Waddell mid Selneck. Neither Scored. Cleveland. Sept. 15. Clcvehiml and Detroit were In have played t i Raines today, hnl Detroit did not ar rive In Cleveland until I p. in. N'eitli.'r team win aide to score In tho six Innings that were nlayeil. Boston Took One and Tied One. Boston, Sept. 15 Boston won tl tirst Kiime with New York today tied the second. First name, score: Boston o n ii o 2 o 4 o x : Xe.v York.. 10 10 (I (I 0 0 (12 Illl I I 2 llalleries Taneliill and CriKe (IrlRlHi and Orlh and Meduire. Second name, score: liosiou 1 o o o o o n n (il s New Yo-lf.. 0 0 (I II 0 1 0 0 01 (! Butteries Winter alid Farrei;: I'owell and Meduire, AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. Milwaukee Knsas City 0. 'I'nli'ilo fi. Columbus Ii. Louisville ::. Indianapolis 10; Isville i. Indianapolis I. lou- game WITH HOUSTON. Second Team of Y. M. C. A. arrang ing Contest for Oct. 1. The second team of the Y. M. ('. A fool hull squad will probably play a name of football with the Houston hiKli school the iiflernoon ot Oel. I. The contest will he held at the Driv ing I'ark in this city. Assistant Sec retary Temple Wheeler ot Hie Asso ciation is Iryins to arraiiKe the same and it is probable he will succeed. This will be n contest worth seeinir. It is anticipated, as the second team is composed of a sturdy lot of young sters and the Houston buys are a ;ely bunch. Artist Feared Waning Powers. On one occasion the late (5. F. Watts, feeling that be was jjettlnK old and fearlnK that his powers micht be doi lining, asked tho selection ami haiiHinn committees of the Koyal academy to "Judj-.e his work severely, as he did not wish to illssrai" the academy nor himself. He had seen so much deplorable work of eye and hand that he did not wish to be added to the lumber." Germans on Prize Ship. Most of the crew of Hie Ilrllbh stc.mshlp Cheltenham, which Ins been adjudged a lawful prize at tl.e Vladivostok prize court, wire Her mans When the Russians seized the vessel Hie C.eriimns manifested their r.eliKht by cheers. Only New Mistakes Condoned. The following Is a rule In an Atehi Fon wholesale house: "Employes are un'niini' to one mistake, hut we sock It to 'em for making 'be snine :nistai:e wire."- Atchison (J lobe Watermelon Syrup, in 'rk county. Virginia, (hey are;: watermelon syrup, which is vail! in h rich and soli in tu-ie. and as i- I as It soiiinK The somh S T..! : t! e arlii t w ateiiui lons away. She tan ! no means eat a'l 'he h'1' r an.! l.e-t. Is.i viiab! . there Is great wa-te ef wuti t i n Ion-. Watenni lmi nip v. an Ion Miiiar: there in a i w li. .in-tiy in the bud. If 'be ' of ai i mi! " Krn' a b-'I'I'V a i; i" :aif.t"l m.'l'le srup have t. !."! i.i Hi le'.r. I-. Besides, it i- l . . r i ieiy year, in ti e eiti. -;. u t l.i i.i t t inline ma, V sir :; . Wi-h ihe l'HKi.-iot!. I7r'i' 'U-i.t. i:.c. i j Time to Quit. , .f tl r in. ii ii.iig " i. "t' i f tt. ; iat!i."i r.a:tb"'.li Ma n, ! ' ;i iini'i in e!i.T--i the ";"f:r: i. a i,i''.ii"il t.M.n ' '" ' ' ' ;('..! S; i T ti. ; ti iti t'C 1 ' (:: I d1 li ti. i. 1" ! . I,;... 1" r-ii e tr- !" i ' I ?!il.l! 1 I!' ei. 'al ! I ' ' ' ' 1 f . at. W! it. -: 1 ' ' ' ' ' .I'll I'.C f! ' ' n .,.,,1.1 ii- d 1 : : : . ) ... i .... -. f i .... . - - t-. r .i -S t. -1 : i.-: -' " THE BEAUMONT The Woman with Baby. Mill ihe litrit of huiiiiiii porker trow.lej m m.lli ' II la . in.l..,i-u i1 juitlle, niaklns en hihI v au lu.r: M ! !! In ant 'y , iiii. a lir iikinK Uilii Miut Wl'li t-- k nt li.iliiiiiMi.ii- kikI 'I'-'P III I'l.l.iT luiltil. Y I ll.i-r. 'n in ll.inx vm'i Idll' l ii.oi I. oil In iii.iKi- u flir-- Win ii i wihii.iii 'ili -i luliy kihw ii-y ml in ik" 1 1. .in Im In r. i-ic ml In kluffy iiui -III- "II i-r'il 't riiiii iron. LimriiliiN hanl. iii-d Inm-'iH i.o inliir.l with in in lil rnnl muni Ihul i In-v it ni- lim i.olw.iy H'ine.iiiy In h, iiti-n' n-ii-.i hint 1 1 lui-i- tiir) .1 i-rn think nf kltlnM in. V mi" ii m'.ii ; Ttnll. if ciri- llii-y'd iiiimil thi-lr li. itr.ltHK. t' V.I III"' Willi. "il I I- - ..r w.'itiini wlili ii. Hwy " i. ! m.'ke rxiii for lei. Tlinc Ii 'imlhlnir wi-il. Mailiiiiiiiillke. In i.. Iiim mull im Hint. An I II iieihi-" Hie low-in i nth hi f- 'l Oki' l nk UK nrf til"; Knr II Im-.iim I. Iin tun k to h..) 'mi il. whi n I. ii I'ii: ni. .11 i r . i mi- i'n-l.v i luna in him k el "IT ecu li..- h.i-l i f i . ii Hi s i 1 1 i HI". Bn, ill. r wlinl bin r.tiil i. ! will viiiiioh1 ih-li-r To a wmiiiM Willi a hiihy In- i" l'V- i lire (or her. (incc I ilii'iunc t I iii.t In ln-am. J'ihI II.' lln- I'l'illv , ... Willi" I" "MTV l" illi'.l li.""! M- 1'i't- r Mild: 'You'll' hid": (In- pl'i.-is in.- nil I ik.-u ami Ihe h.ii. iiui nil In IIM'. , (tol.l.ti kIioi-Ih ill" Jiihi h.i cmwdiil that I Ii . I in i-iill a iriii i- " Thi-ii ii bill", ilii-il mil v i n i i i 1 1 Iiikbi'iI a Into vl-w. n,l jsi '. r fiihl: "Wi n' full up. hill W" P Ibid n plnce rm' ymi " - H. Y. liillllnii In I.isUc'h Weekly BETTY'S SURRENDER Cbilvers lis.ked dii.KUstedly at the cunvas over which Hetty had already smeared more than a dollar's worth of paint. "1 would HUKSCKt," he said quietly, "that if you want to put any moro paint on that cow, you had best use clay modeling tools." There you o naln." sho stormed. "How do you expect me ever to he come a gnat artist if you nag that way?" "I don't expect yon to become greut," he reminded her gently. "I don't want you to become great. I want you some day to realize that It Is better to be a good wife than a poor hohemlan artist." "In which sense do you use thut 'poor'?" she asked him. "In every souse of tho term. You are poor In purse, for ail you can spare goes for paint for those baa re liefs yon call pictures. You are poor in heart, for you have no time for any thing else save your art. You are to be pitied, because you elect to live in a rattlety-bang place over a stable just because art students are supposed to undergo certain hardships and " "Poor, I suppose," she liuisrW off for blm, "because I am so dense as not to he able to perceive the im mense advantage of being permitted to sacrifice a career to a niau by the name of Winthrop Cbilvers." "Not necessarily that," he correct ed, "but to be pitied because you are sacrificing the best years of your life to a foolish fad. If there was any chance that you might do great things, I would bo the Inst to say you nay." "Now, you wish to soy mo nay that i may say you yes?" she taunt- I ed. "Not that," he said sadly. "But you will never become great. You paint by tits and starts. Time was when you were an Impressionist and bad but four or five tubes of paint in your stoc k. Now you want tho heavy ef fects. Next week you may turn out pictures like the surface of an enam eled photograph." "I sell them," she retorted defiantly. "I have made my own living ever since 1 started." "Yes," he admitted; "but even had yen not, you would have starved rather than give up this foolish Idea." "(libers have starved before me In the same cause," she said proudly. Who am t that I should not be will ii"j to sacrifice myself to art?" 'You are a dear little woman who h.v mi business worrying about art." he answered her. he stepped before liiin. licr eyes bhuing. "I never want to see you v - r I v t : hi "I den't frect you to become great." a. t' i !: ! ' Ci-a-e If V.l.-I .tb t i '.it tre f.-l.t try 'n bat 4 i m V- uL' dm A . 1 1 Mil H r 1 I - t.r 1 ' t-r at 1r wo-1. , w i. !!': ; 1 i I 'o ti h ' I 'n ! . Hl'.-'M I t . ' 1 V-T thai I I ri t i . n i.t II - 1I n-i IM'K . -. i . ii a ( 1 1 r 1 i. j iMnl'ii r r' :-. -1 fa la! , ; i . , , f . - : ! ai e V' j i ; ( '( . 'i S' -. 1lll leer. . . : t - I-.. I , , 'i ri I" til , .. ' - t. i- . i j'' t i I . ' i 1 . -. -.; - " t ( -. . - A ' I ! I! -Ii I1 KNTERPRISE. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER eiiten farm anyon luiUd lir i ik-ifi luleil froiu lim tar. "Coin' lu Trebiou', Uaut eT h shouted. She nodJe.I. "Jiimii nbo4rJ." elvlr.i her lfc Ha-' tu hold while h ei n r tiunk. (Hie of tlicm artUU." lie comment iil. mi he threw trunk Mini lb Id easel lulu lim wai.i.11 box mid i liuibul up lichble lit-r. "We had one ilowu here last year." . ".Mlsa TuttluT" Hnlied Hetty. nainlliK it frlmd. Hh win over ter ItagoM." lie ld. nrativly. TliU i n '' M feller, tint tti bl prlcea." I 've beeii I'Mld 1 1 Jin lor one of my canvnsi"!" hIio tnll iinudly. "Sho!" lie cumulated. wIhIIiik In bin seat and regarding ln r with Inter--it. "If er know nil Hint about art you'll laiiKh y r.-t lf lck at my gul liry. I Mipiaiito. I don t see they cr so darmil funny, but this art 1st feller inter laff lilsst If Kick over Viii." Chromoi.?" siiitgesied Hetty, smll it. K- fho could Imai'ltie the sort of pictures on a farmhouse wall. "No." Mild Ti-estou; "tluy'ro real ones. Some city chap tin' missus lister be nurse to. si uds 'im. lie says he has to buy 'mi 'cause no ono else will. He hates to dctiroy 'em, end Turned faint. he don't want to keep 'em. He sends 'em to us." ".Some beginner," said Betty, with a tip-tilted nose, "whose friends wish to help her along. Now, I've been self-supporting for three years." Uetty asked to see the pictures be fore she unpacked. She was feeling particularly self -satisfied. Hut at sight of them she turned faint, and after a crying spell, which lasted several hours, she sent a tele gram. It read: "l'leaso come. Am stopping at Tivston's." That was all, but Cbilvers, reading between tho lines, knew that Hetty had given up art1 after having seen her entire output on Trenton's wall, and he blessed the late that had uncon sciously guided her there. WEAKENS SENSE OF SMELL. Civilization as It Progresses Makes the Nose Less Sensitive. Someone recently remarked that we were losing the sense of smell, in ths Hoer war it was noticed that we had not the keen eyesight of the hunter and the savage. The primitive physical qualities must needs go with civilization, but as regards the sense of smell, smoking, no doubt, is partly answerable for this. The frequent odor of tobacco kills the other scents and the sense of smell needs cultiva tion. The ancient Romans paid homage to it nt their feasts; the odorous foun tains, the wreaths of roses that crowned the guests, the showers of fragrant petals that were wafted down all theo made for the sense of smell. The smell needs as much pan dering to as the palate. A keen nose Is almost as great an enjoyment as a clear eye. The odor of the red rose, when inhaled from Its calyx and pressed against the face, Is snid to be a cure for headache. Verbena is good for the nerves, the aromatic sients of the pine forest are invigorating, th" smell of the damp earth after a shower is delicious, the dying bt raw berry leaves In the Imr dor on an autumn day have a sweet no's that those who love it can. never forget. Not in Dsmand. one of the city's best-known pirir.o teacher met the other ly yunger col'eamn' and Inquired bow he a progress inc. "Oh. I'm doine well." answered the wmtiR man. "I have mime 1- -- f"r which I rectiie II end other ii-n,is at I'm dolna unitf well." lint haw'ii't ymi lesxi.m f r whirl: "ii rwclve iii.iie t'l.m !".'' av' eil 1 , fii.ti.'. who stiOoua to ft h'm ',icceei. i i ti "Oh. c. tr,.!-..!." wa thP tit.) if ,' ottus t"'' ti'i- "1 have .! ' .or at . ii.uih a V I'u' M-tiii in a:it to take theiu.' N Verk Sun. AIrCit DetiriHe. r V!n " ,; '-'' 'v in Vi-!'iv ! . tar'l.: .- t n'.Vv A ''-ill ;..: "ll.c ; a- e !. a ;;' r' " ' ' ' i -.i c I " ' '-h - -.- ' i ty . t t . - ' a t- 1 ;ird ii ' T '" -'"' . . '-' ?e 1 ' ' ' " ! Ml ii" ,l " - - ' . t. -; v f " mr r-ft'1'!' n r " - . .,', V ! 1' fc" ''"I"!.-. la $ 16, 1981. 110 bIRONCHOLD Of ROME. Sleepy Brttuh Town Cute lirpe tint 0ulibit ii Eipirc. ra.rl'uti ii It. :i lime, and ( lhi ilii -t Kitit; Ar' nir ;l:i! li. Ti:e f iii i.iii i ,iv I .bi hd.-. in.. . lil.' tjuirimii nf tl.o t,e..i.. Aii.iotail l t-ii.n, (In i ;; ol . titli Wlibs and Ihe seal ul u:i ate! liUlmiTit'. is im it !i . .y !:n!e it .i ! :i:B' b. i t it n t!:ti liul'lxli !.il Ctl i i I'.iiil iml a. id .V but i eiinii.'ii auay lieill Imlii in liive, lim i'Ik I'.iiy and pud'os i f iu Ui.hiiion. ileru me t i bo ktr;i Ihe ruuix of a I'.otiun MMipl'lll.i ati r. a gieut oval bank ( eailli e:i!le I Arthur's I;. mini Tibbt tnil an eiioimoi; iiii.u.i'! ik-- l .iii tied bv the It .mans, T!..- i ul,-. . mid reii ni ttit) ctui-k It Mii.n ii'tflmeiit and t' wiv. fiimllb s left luaey . niaies of l.,i !r in ciiiaiini loltlbstntlio. ill.'li'.i n;s i.f InillM hold m i.sll. . in-, dies and fibulae, r.-niulna of iIli.X and liNlllS, 1.1 :i h. i-'! li-S and I oni.iini i ts. curvl.i.'.s, ring.), .'e:', end Hie like. In be gat .1 Upon III Ilie eiei'S of Ihe Inenl it: ' lim. Til" . hole plniv. Willi lt. ciHiibluiithui if hill ,Mii whtiilitg river, with low-lying hotiH' n -tling in abundant trees, forms a picture which many painter has so'.iybl to portray on cunvas. First Besr in EiijUnd. Tho vlneyaiiU t rap l.-ebla froni i-eie.hori' to iiioiinl.'.lii pe:t 1:1 :. v!:l). llierlng airit'ii of rroen. Vines hang from trie to tree, making a leafy roof overhead n'td gin n. sun pb iveil walls to the long alley:-, where In numerable ek'.si.l;' hunches, grow. The grapes are still smull i.nd li:inia ti:re, but exiiiilhite in lorin and color. In October, the season of vlnl'i;;, tJaia iti u.-iL be the most beaut Iiui pl tce oil eiiitli. Here one rsi.inds why the itonian soldiers iu ilrituin, when they lir.-t saw the Konlihli hop vines, thought ih"' had found the nea.e:,t thing to ihe grane the unvag" north land proMieed. In their efiorts In make wine from bona ihey i-.-o.luc.:.! the first beer m.ide In Knglaial. Maud Howe in I.IppitK oit's. I. W. HARPI2R is tho nemo of ox safest and most satisfactory for all uses. Sold by J. T. Oossett. R9f SPSt.NCi DISl'CCO GREAT THE EYES OF THE WORLD ARE UPON HER. THE Home-Sceher wants to Know about her matchless" Climate and her Cheap Lands. THE luvz'Acr Want; to Know about not cniy her cheap land and low taxes, tut as wcl!, hr wralihof Mint and Forest, tnd this is la let joa know that the IKTEENATIOSAL Q GREAT KORTIILPN, Tevai' Crvslr't itailrnd T; ivrn?! more than a thovs and miles of the Crraia of Texa Eevcurrt. litf r.t and devcicptd. and that s en may learn mcri absut the Grrat 1. 2 G. K. Ccatti y by .ending a 2-rrr.t tJr.p frr a cory c f Ihe Illcslrater end General hamtar. r 23 cents fcr a jrar's file cf u-n. cr ly Tiriti-s 1 DlSTII.Lt5 ( OWEN5BOBO. Kf, I V,. J. FPICE. G. P. 3 T. A- . 2 L N. R. 2. J Ptlrkllr.. 1as THE ENTERPRISE j JOB PRINTINGjOFFICE f, e Fully prepared to do any and all Kinds of Job WorK. l.owst rates and the best work fJuarAntecd. Both Phones 93 Phone us and we'll ,., anii-on-i 1,11 Hill illllB 6V04000OO000U000K)00O00OOOOO Now is the time to build that house. We are prepered g to furnish you the Lumber. Space does not per- $ mit us to tell you just how much we can g save you on your purchase. X :. Come and see us. .: I THE KIRBY LUMBER COMPANY o 6 .Special Rates to Contractors. V 2 0004000000000004000040000000 I Ul an LIGHTING ANjP POWER ICfC AND COLD STORAGE R ites Furiikshsiil on All 3: i!?r ; Raceivo Prompt Attention Main Office 380 and 382 TeVis St. The Petroleisin Iron Works Go. STKLiL OIL 5T0RAGK TANKS. All Classes Plate and Sheet Iron Work. Fuel Oil Equipment. Old Tanks Cut and Rebuilt on SSiort Notice. Mata OHicz ani Works-AVashlngtoa, Pa. SJg Southern Branch Ohiccs Godchacx Build ing, New Orleans, La.; American National Bank Building, Beaamont, Tex. . . . MEMBERS OF MEDICAL PROFESSION an6 others : ... i j al:oil to rrmonilirr l.hat tlir-riinsonsu : (hasiM on Invoatisation and results) I advantages Cool Colorado Offers a a renrt for imlivHnnU or llioo tn n-ol of Diysiral ViilmiMine be ran i- of (ii r-iik. SiHli niaiy llalnt s or other ('.ur,..: ti,js bavin" pir nftn iicc to llioyo ro.-Iius in thf 1-owt-r Altitmlt-s or Malarial dis tricts. This Land of High Elevation Inviroraiins A'mosiliPro .'ii Vacn f if, pi c(.r.,li(, r.ramliMtr In ..n-iiiii o. 0i.tli:niii.-s f..r Out l vn r I. f,. nn.l affor.Iin; all the rimforuj 4 Civilijitiiin at Muiiiin.i.i V nve -, is but ime day's jminiry 1ra Tex ! as vis THE DENVER ROAD" t'.'Mi I. Ih Only l.ln ofr-rirc Soli 4 Tl.toT,-:, Train, from the PoutbupuL TI - lvTu.t- avs y.n, A ri.l.- p.r n -n-.l-irip and ,liar iN, iBia, -" .'t". U'U .viu ,y T.,t... iff, ,:h .,-,ilt .- i.-ej-', el.d V.isT..;fTr:.r A ..,t (. -J i -.1.. ,tni,.s u.n w 'I TTn-' ' fvn s-to!i, "THE COLORADO CHAUTAUQUA" ;.-' ; -. 1--.:i 3 i'.y 4'b. ' Ai-U T.-t.-t A-". or .: t,: f. lef...m3,,n r,.lv-t tll8 "T": Air'.- Ti' .'" f (' ! "J'li a lrii: One Way Via L S. Dv , T.PA. R. W. Ti'lon. C. Fol o: IS NOW OPEN and do the rest. E,. F. McCOMAS, Manager. I Ii 11 11 1111 1 "T ""MmS JIIHI s of tho rtr-st Mpdiral Anthorltio unanimniisly favors tho unrivaled the Denver Road' l T.S.. K. K. G-s'.n, CPA, ih. Toas. ol o 4c 0 W Lat is ' i t ' v