Newspaper Page Text
THE BEAUMONT ENTtRPBHC FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16. 1W' BEAUMONT ! MLRPRISI. MlUIie4 Evbry MorUng by JSHX BEAUMONT tNTERPRIII VC'BLISHINQ CO. f nttrprlt Building, Beaumont, T lnlnin; in u iiiiIiiii, r K' l off ili' or Mr. WiiIUiik Deli-Kim, would II ii strike iiml slop I lie Jnli iinM'Nii 1 I . in ill. I In- npp. nsod fur n r.iiinidirn (iimii. I r i ln-.-r- rcKuliitlmiH the Uiii'y ptiwhi." ii"' rutiiraeinr Im'l wan I i pav I Ik- lil. I some "lie 'li"' Hi-t. In ! i ,Is (ow n ilu- lluilders' I'xrlmilK" l.i.K tin 'I'l li IliMli'l HIKl III1'1 i '" ; IiiiI i Ioiim lii'iiincss. Tin' eoiiscrviitlvo lllllollH WIT" hllUWII mil I .alius County. Three hundred mtiTH will In) pined fur llio Demo f-rniM f i It it riiiiniv. iiml in.- ihif ;i churn.- will In- iimilii whereby the fx hiim nf iln- rv.-nt will ln met Inv l -ri ant aniiiiiK Ho .uininliu. n to I"1 limned will lm ihut upon hii-ikfr. H will milk" npchil I'fTiirl In secure tin lust Hp-i.k-r. In llio party In Trim, iiml prolmldy speakers of rxiiti Slate reputation will l.i' present lit Mi" tlnm. - - - , ...... .,,; . I if IIIIIIIIIH W'l- . . . .1. t .I....... . .1 j f.n.l HiUred att PorlomrK in U-aumoai .1 maim. .,. ...- " . ... . , , M ccconu-ClSHa siau Mnuor. . ..... v... . . . im.ii.,.,,. 1.1 1. i..lan. o FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, IW, ,'. ;,'. ' ' " , t J'VUy! A. K. lny. hupcrliiicnilcni I, ;, u, worlc f-.r ii.",'. H '.kI.H.. principal; . f A 00 - 1 ':' ... ......... nnri i,i (' II. Smith, seventh nml 1 I" 1 . ...... ,.. : i i.,.'.,,,..., i tli. ." u-lit Kriides . ..a III TV Mill. Ill ' " I ' On year Throe montha Sunday, per ear BlDRle copy ...... nr.....l Q. w rv nun in ir mi" ""' V" "' " , -..,,.,..,. u,u ilrlw -u ...,..1, j-r. ..:. -n .... evils, n ww tho for-,, or a .. ... ,. .. " ii n i ,.u' l.'w l. oioo i krri l' V Hi ins "in' un.i' i ni".'- i.."". " 11 ,'X,I""'U, "ih piroa Mils full limn l..-f.n- In I'm ITh n" on " II I-TK' Kxrl.a..KO ItWory Tl.; famlty I.hh ',;,ro" lf r,n "w 1,1 an ,..( forrn rol- fully hj from .ho hj;- s o l.rlhi.K- Iiml Is linniissililf Tor I Ii" " " " " Viee-Pre.ldent Sayre Tell, of Benefit. , , v,(, , r ,:v,.n In.llvlilimlH. In f hcIj-.I nn.l tl... c-mlro rlllw-n. of Co-operation and Good i " ' ',.,, ....rrl-ra. n IH' ,'" r'n.ntry nro (xi(Ttlii5 Waro. TLX-Fonow.. Is ,.,. .Ih," Is .,... ..has.., ,f, ho ' t'L, ,1. ..,.! ud.lrc.HH of V!," P,"sl,.nt ' '"Z Uw In Tarn oonl,,.,, .I.r-ro. w.-ro on. ... ' A, J - . . . ... ,..,.s Aii ! t! V-? rrr."".. ' v,v v NOTICE TO PUBLIC. i The Enterprl.e Publlihlng company la not reiponaioie lor any gccii ' tractea oy it. employee., or any tnai cter whatever. EELIEVES IN TRADES UNIONS. (irnllfiiKii: flfih annual nil .hi' worlhv ion lao.ors am. inn- '"k ' , V. - Wo ,o,'l a. Mil ,,, ,,mnr.'.ol w!.h .1," ''"'" n. i.i. tin.' Vi. f... wo 1 1 i.. in. .ml u nf tin. li.ral i ' """ ' ' " ' " ; , . " . in 11,0 cn:;o or (no Plat" v. lionry vhonlil I.p v.-rv fi.t-lli" ii'i'lH l.yihai.!:". mul a. Ivor, soil I h; faot on ' ,,..,,., w,,.. vlolallon of tho t u. I.. (I mi.l ploasan. rola.loiiH . xist llholr lo.n r anil hill lioa-ls anu , i n ,,,.,., ,,. jliry JK holwoon lahor nml II finphiyors n.,,. r ways. In a yoiy sliorl. limo yon , n))(, 11SS,.KS,., In Iho hnlhlli.k' .. a-los Tor Ih- wn.,1,1 foslor n pnhllo sontln it-iit that , j (uys , ar. Ami whllo wo aro i.fforltK; our would wiy to n man allompll,1K to U' 1 , , (,r,.Ill.lIll .1M tl.ankH for oar ooniliilons Is !,sinoss l.oro. "Aro you a nvmhor r ; " " , , caHU , P no. pof.inont to ln,..iro whal has t. it.ill.lors1 If not. why (,)J(.otln lo Iho i.rotv l.toiiKht alM.uL our Rood forl.tno and no. r In this way yon nro only .rn- r ' . ,,,,.,, ,.,... or Iho vital ran wo do lo oon.'nuo It? Is .,oti., yoursolvos. hul also ho " ' . . , law ((( ,,,.. n of fortuitous circum-1 n, unity, from tho Jirosponsitiio nnn ,.,.,.ins In oilios of Kl.lUMI tmwotlhy po.l,.a.onosnys.ors wto ,mmnU, In Iho Slnlo al.out k'-IIIiik J"" "V ny " ,rl ''' , ,m n.l fur.hrr. Ilia. Mi" no. y ran. .iKi.inluK tli.-lr work, n ' ' ' m.n . ,-, tho mal.-rial mon or lahorors, I '"'"',,,, : . ti.,.o Iho ily nml whoii ho has run his ooutso Horn .' , , w '"r ." i5:.i'!1::1""' r'nan zrz:;x,;r .i.e nun lior ii!si c:ass uiwn .....i l .,.,, .j,.,,,,,!.,. holmi ovor- II. over an Your oxohntifjo in this ,,,:,. ,.,,.. IW, ir. nr ox- ay would hrootuo a I.H.IK.. of fair w , ,1:lv(1 , ,,.:,s ami Inmost work ... lair nnoos. , . , roro , ,.,, ,., l!y your l.ohm unllod you can dlsrlp- . . .,., . ,v,i(.h Iho caso lino ami hold ti. tho unworthy .on- ' i t t ion is rondor-d trni'lor or malovlal man. and iiiiih I ",',,. i,r ....oimiko it mil ho Iho r,,.,.n.nnlfB.n. "'"fT'U upon p.n.1 authori.y that ano.l,.,- kk.ii i ." ' ! point Is to lie nilsod. and inai is ...a. I0O. il I I l"ll ' '" I" " You will ohsorvc in all those points Iho honollls that romo from a f-'""d Rnildois' Kxrlianso are, so lo speak, indirect. We do not Join the ltuild oi's" KxchatiKo loday. and tomorrow ii,. tlw. it.illilors' Kxchanno cot I. Kin. ices ovor which wo have no con- ol, or Is I. tho result of some wis have iieoompllsheii? I.ol ns look nni. Mid at .lit ions elsewhere and compare. In lh" Kas. we see lock outs, with their deinoraliiiiK ofTVCs. In tho North we seo n nlnantio siriko with all Us nocompnnyiuu lawless ilo.iiift. hl.Kidshed and iloliioralized I.iihIiiosk relallons. In the West we kco a comlilnallim of anarchy, riot hit; and martial law. due to a oomtiiiii. tlnu of violent Hlrikos first, followeil vindictive lookouts. In l in- homn see ttmlis.url.ed relations, pnrtl- cularly in the liuil.liiit; trades, ami Willi few except ions law-iihlilhiK men, Iki. h as employers and employes. We, as Iho Slalo lluilders' f"x rhatiRf of Texas, represent inn differ ent local Imililers' oxchant;es, repro (nt a Class of people who are antoiiK the Ini'Koid employjis r intolllKent lahor in the Slate, ami whether wo i. ii in- nut u-i. c.'iu mi avi.iu in I we by s Ithe voles east In the election '"!arch 7. were in many of Ih" I iirerinets eounled hoforo Iho polls closed, which I. is to ho contended !s '((.n.nirv to the wording of the l:w. $ I. null kill on which we next we T.:nki .....I,. J 1 1 I) f.r lllll. Ml' .ill. II'" ........ -.. - ponsihlllllcs aecompauylni; this p- , xehanKo I've no douhl wo woimI s:.oii 1 . . . ...... i . 1 1 i i ..,,.!II.MV (if 'Ihlill- r the of the eti.l lie of pro ors In this fa.-t work Wi! ..lit..,, Wlii.ii wo live no I'l our Hi.t Ions and duties fairly and honor wo colli ril. ul e as no oilier class people ena to (lie peace ami pros- peri, y of our . nun. ry. And rinht ncrp I think it porlinent to pari tally ex p'aln "why is (ho lluilders' Kx change?" iiml "what Is !. Irylnc lo do-" Is I. an oruniii.ul ion for Ih.' selthdt itileresls of one class of nun tiCTinst Iho rest? This I answer. Ilv no menus." Hul ii is a union ol .iiri-......iit i.mi.i rnctiirs connected with the hiiildlnL! trades, and mi' mannfaclurors mul dealers of and in litiililiiij; nialeriiil. for the promotion , (he muliial inleresls o. ail. wnen i whole hiiildinc. Interests, conlrac- lors, deal. ts, ninnulacl titers ami ri hor are tpiiel, free from lockouts mi l Strikes, this is coinlucl ive l.i the fren-i we Tare and prosperity of the pub- at larue. Kinhl here ctmies up 1hc (jm -v.! ton union hihor. I Ihiuk I voce .ho: 'pondera.lnt; setilimelll of lite ex- chani;e when I say the excitant'." lav- I union lahor. 1. tlievo is ;i union a certain lino this, has regular rales of wanes and hunt's, ami all in line pay Hie same wanes, this 1 lo ins to make the est imul itm ef in this riii' more unif"rni. And whal h'dps to keep ;i unit'iirtnii y r i prh-i'K is in the in.erest t" ll:e com tractors. Then. a;ain. the hh'a of niulu.'.l aid to each nlh.'f in the union , is not only humane, l-ttl it alsu 's ' iiitiiltuliM. lo n hielier and l.ein-r pkilt" of c'ti.rns!,ii. A's.i tho wi'l- Inunoss of ti c nieiiil.iTs of tho dlfti i l r.nn nrofll. If this could he bronchi ahottl happy hv the Nimv drflnlh rl y lo (halite acl ion. ef this In hind l,..,.. .. t ni'i. "wirtinir list of app.l ranis for tuemhership. This much for the general purposes of the exchange. I want to come to sometiiniR I am KoIuk to take the llh make a surest ion to this ex lo start on dellnite line of and if it moots the approval exchange see if we ctm't net it and push it to successful rrinehision. We all know the utisal hfaelory eondilion of the present law in In liens. How little protection th" runt factor of material man has un der the present law. In fact, It seems to me they were partly framed ti. invito illshonestv In the owners. t am i'oinu' to hubkosI lo this oxolnniTo , tu petition the next Legislature in; i.triko oiit the 'Tace value" clause in the lion law and lot the liens run ' ugliest Hie whole value and not me face value or the contract price Also in t ',iis connection to amend the law Kii the owner will have to pay a'l the cisls for eotnpollinf; him to live up In jim-ccmcnts. and in this way nut a stop to the practice of unfair coni prni'iisiuiA of just ohl'iAiitions so adroitly used hv some people in their .hiiliuns will, contractors and ma terial mon. Hive the poor contractor . ho has inhled a value to this home stead a run for his ruin. As to Iho host way lo accomplish any or either i I tlieso. provided this exchange sees tuonor to adopt the Mtnwost I leave lo v.xir Mine.ior .i' .u While K. H. llarrininn will siiccokk fttllv conclude hhi deal for passinc; over control or the Chiea;;'i & Alton Kailwav to the Pnion Pacific, it is now reported he has heon rorced to i, i,,..itniil ronresshins lo those i' i .. ... .... who have opposed him In the deal. In order to carry nut h's plan for a i Chicago entrance for the rnion rn joillc. Mr. Harrlmau wiM have to re linquish control of the Houston & Texas f'entral to the Ro-k Island sys .leni. which will t;ive that road an out let at t'.ie nuir. Tliat .ir. iun heal en in his Alton fiKht and thr' this coniproniise deal was his only salvation is helioved hy ChieaKo par ities close to the 1 Iarrinian-1 la wiey ',... Moore interests. The coup is said to have- teen almost entirely a Moore deal, hut it is admitted that lOdwin I'awVy and -f. W. Hales participated in it and acted on lieliaii of the Moores in purchas'ni; lar;;o 'hloeks of Alton stock, on which they 'are said lo have cleaned up a ,:;,me prolit. The Hatritnaii plan has 'itll aloits heon to i;ivo Hie I'nion P.i icifie a ilifecl entnitice to Chicago and j8t. Louis, and his plan, when annouii jced late this month, will inulude par ticipation in III" Alton deal hy the .t'lilrnno & Not thweslet'Il and Hock Island. LOUISIANA NOTE8 i A teachers' institute is in promss ihis week at Sh-.-vep irt. with I'rofs. ( . K. r.yrd and V. it. Hale as r'tn.lur lo. s. (Ill port llio not profe Hi w llo- unions to eoiii rihiite to its -ep is a lo one ami I re.-.ri ! nioiil.ors of t lie exciiati':. s no iipproelete and follow. I Cut on th. other hand, n hen the ional lahor imitator. Id. t " h rift of ua'i and inter so!fl'-hne.-. on'v aim in lite is lo cot ah't. without wo:k. ;iml who from co'i .immo, selfishness .I", s pot i :r- h" nun h mi IT" linn of ini-ery he male k tie i-an pet-uade llio I n n : l of tin on he i.s in. II- p to .r!.- v. 'h an, to 'his . tid s'avi , a 1 ..nits' iot, t v': ' '! . ' ' . .,. i.i-l. im' I a' -o. l . : .. t.. tho tn-l:-. u a! !. ;. . . ! TEXAS NOTES. In a rattle roping cout. si at le.i l. ih.l". Itov lllaml. son of 'ol r.iatid. of 'l'alor. won lirM honors ai d a purse .t f".i ovo il. ven route, t-j :ii.i . th' inn and t inn In r n ! Sheriff Spt y. of Nui'o;.doeh( . passed tlnoiinli Shrevepir' . t.i ou.e for i'ariiiorv ido to K''l "P ." C... tho notorious diameter who was at'-, sted there oil 'he eve of his in Ir ian. 'o has a t ml in Mississip pi, hut ho is wan ed in Xaeon. holies lor an at'enipied murder. til- fra: iek 1 inie oT "'' of I 'ei i t on w on I iln.- of IT s"c am '..'iii'v won , .f i . . n i ti' . 1. i'l I ...i'v nlllot. ' rl lean I l .1 .1-, al'i'l ,f the : nio of of I til- Tu. -.lav at the It. i.i. I- M I! , ria. occur, d ih see. -n I tn- 'ttev . ' to: : ' ai . .1 1 !" ri.ts t. ,..!' f;.tsaiie.' of New t1 ll. ,-..v..!:ii..e l-.t...i.,-i was ii r I J s. ...oi l ; II. e oldest orn;oi! a ll I l as . . . i.( .aid .' i.t.-. r s. :. ni i-. t ill's Hotel. New twenty se it'll Sik n to ! I'l' ti i.i. A snmptu .'i- ..' Tt'is SiH'iel) a ion in 'he par f. 1,10011 e-le . 1- He t.-al. t n . .. ti i. V i :: n i a w 'h . id. i i 1 1 r. i I !. 1 1. t ',. ' s. I ! . nine: I' a. 1. I';: fie d i 1 1 i.ij. i uedor its l-t ! ha t'O' i's i.tnanitM' i' -ll.'id It h" t.u the l"r t. ,.f i a" I mat i :, Mil' k.u l I I .- I r - a r o ..i ! ,T1- 1" r -i ! and . '.' it i' Mrh i" si:. p i i..n H ...I '.r.U. i : r'. ' " f d :hai h' ' -n H. n ' ' p. el ' ' " 1 .H ' ' , ,- . .-. n' , . .-. . a 1 t..-. T , ' ' . . .. .. 1 . ' L ! 1 4. EVERY F IIPA We Will Place on Sale Good Merchandise at SneciaS Prices Goods that wo buy under the market prices. Goods that do not move as quickly as we expect. Odd lots, broken lines and in the way goods. This Ad., is simply a forerunner of what we are going to ouei frVd5es enly Sut weare o- gains--"something doing" at Nathan's every day--but we are go ing to throw in for good measure some extra good values on Friday. Conditions of this Sale: You must cut this ad. out aiul bring it to the Store Vtth You to Get these Special Prices. 73 pieces Inches .limn IVfcnles, medium and linhl colors, cost 7 l-"o. a yatd wholestl", ret ills Ine; lure r'rl'day. as much as you want if you hrlliK tliis ad 5 25 pieces Amoskeat; Staple Apron Check (iinnham, S'c value, this Ktilo J 25 pieces printed Khvced Klanneh'tle just the lilies lor sohool dresses, etc., new choice deselnns hut. mostly short letmths; sold ul 12 l-2e and l.rc; 1'Yi.iay 7 rSt4 ::un small Hemnnnts, 2 to S yards of Wenched and Unhle'iched I lomestio, l.initiKs, Percales and (linshams, for mer prices 7c to lac; Kriday a yard 5 8c and 10c colored Finishing Hraid: Friday, a hunch 5 So white Ki'iishitiK llraid Fridav. a hunch Tid' Six for Hrush Velveteen colors; worth Frid'iy a yard 7C 1 1 skin llinditiKS, all colors; worth So and t"c a yard 2 r.e Nainsook S'tocUinet. Dress Shields a nnir 5 c pairs for 10c Pearl Hultotis. all kinds and sizes, worth lac ami lac a dozen ; Friday a dozen 5 Pearl Pultons, worth ac a dozen. Fridnj, 1 i!"'.en for Ponrl Ituiltons worth Tic a dozen; Friday. ! dozen for 5C 2 (iloho Pin Hooks, for A 1 Quality. :! pipers of the host grades of brass pins, for 10 'jnc and 2ac French niake Toothbrush- Friday, each 1) 2'ic Hair and Clothes lirushes, Friday IX" Sixty ;.uc and """' "air Friday choice UJ) laics' lac Hal Pins. 2' s'yles; l.adi.'S :,c Hell llucMes; l.aies' 2ao and .'.nr Pea, led Chains: Ladies 2".c Shirt Waist Sols; Odd l"l of 2ac and .W . nrses; Friday. Spe. i -I rln.ic,. hdt toore's t;ih lainc Shoe Polish Mand'.rh' -" article. Friday M laanl oil" box I il custom. T. Pea'etitli' r, you must luim; this ad. lo net t he: e ;.pfcials today. Going! Going! Gone! l'o:.ilie'.v the !:.. I ehiine.' on the-o mii r ;noods. ll will pay you to buy them and put I hem away for noil year. All -roods thai are used a :! worn in every home in ihis ci.y. m Cliiiice (if any Wotd'Ui's llibhcd ests Friday, at Hair Price. pie Vests for J)4 I.-..- Vests for 7 1 I'C LT,c Vesls for 112 J-5i ;",.!(: esl.-i for 'ZTt" You must I'i'ind this ad to Kol these prices. All Odd !.o's.o!' Fine Sill; and l.ace Mitts and (iiuves, short ami elbow lciiKiits; have been sharply reduced and no'V yen can buy these at half the r"dwod prices. Uedliced prices 2.1c to $l.,m Now 12 1-2 to 50 1S l awn Kinionas and Dressini; Sae (jiies. were all" to $2.!l."i; Friday hull' price to l.-tS l'on't forcet to rut this ad out and brian it to the store '.villi you. .Vic: Summer Corsets, Frhlady 25 $1 an W. 11. Summer Corsels. Friday 50 Infants' Lawn Baby Caps, all Krados. Friday Half Trice Women's White Kid ami White Sjlk titid Fancy Colored Hells, were ."'le to SM reduced to 2.",e, r.uo; Frhhhiy, choice, half the rc-ueed pries, :2 l-2c lo 3! NOTE The Followins Specials are on Sale Friday and Saturday XO'i'K Hhn'k Si'.'.; Holts not included in this -:,lc at half price. You cnli fii year children out for school at about half the usual cost it' you watch and read Nathan's ads. carefully. Hovs' and Misses 2-"c Muck Ribbed l!(;.;e. I'nlll .seamless, fast black, slight ly intier''ert bill KUt'.rrmteed to Kivc pi rfert satisfaction: Friday and Saturday, a pair "8. 15 l.-2 Ml sixer-. H to it. 1-2: Sl.-Vi a llo.-'ii.'ck C;it 2uc Fast P.hiel: Hose for Hoys' and C.irls, all sizes. Friday an. I Sitturdiiy. a pair 12 1 li Hl-ick Cat l"c Fasl Hlaek Ribbed llo-e !nr Ho-s end (!ivh.; all sizes; Friday and Sa urd.iy, 7 Misses', Children's and Infants' Lace Hose At Less Tha'i H.ilf Price. Misses' 2."e Hlaek l.ace I lose, mostly stntill; Misses' line tan Ribbed lhise, all sizes; Frl.hlay and .Saturday, a pair 10 l.l.i a dozen. Infant's While l-ace Hose, sizes I to .: l-"- nsuallv sold at 2."c; a pair I pair for .Misses' ado llerin.idorf dye l.neo Hose Allover l.ace and l.ace to Iho ankle; sold anywhere in Texas for ..Ue; all sizes; Friday and and Saturday, a pair 12 1 Women's ?l..".n Ilhick Silk Hose, solid and colored lops, Friday and Saturday, half price T7(" Only ;l dozen in the lot cotuo ciiiick. Ho.v'h' 2."ic !'iid "", Madras Shirts; neat designs: just the thins for school wear, all sizes. Friday and Saturday, choice 10 Hoys' Tjiie and 7.".c I'ercalo and Madras Shirts; Hoys' T.'.c a.'id ?l."il .Madras lilot'.se Mother's Friend Malic; and Hoys' 7f,c Hril't'on I Houses, Friday and Saturday, special U9 Last Call on Boys' Summer Suits No limit: buy as many as you want. Most of these Suits can lie worn ri;;lit to ( hrtslinas; homespuns, s' Suits, sizes .nil Unlit colors Friday and Saliiiilay Hoys' Suits, sizes $.-.:m: mostly up and Po Y-l. lot to lin d : Frid: iiav mm Saturday, choici worsteds, chevioU 1 to 1 ! ; worth up lo untitled; Choice i.r.o ;! lo II; worth tip dark patterns; uii- i.jr Hoys' Suits, worth up lo $:,.!m. Noal. dark pa'ter is; lined; can he worn the year round: all sizes, ,'! loll, Fri dav and Saturday '!''" Hys" 'us: imero Suits for school wear sizes T to only; v.ollh $2.2.".. K"'ial J.p lK.n'l miss luis oiiiorl unity. Two and thro,. Coys' Sitiis lor what you usually ,,ay lor one. in- .' in.-- an I IT." Ribbed and l.ace fall s. a.ule :; . all colors, black. w lo'e. pink, ami '.'.tie. :. ..air TO I t-air for 'J,7iC i, let llu Oar Kcv Fall Boys' Suits Ready -1.50 up to 6.9s are wo our 'I he In : t have ever pries to be i't,. lowesi in the city loi n.Mids of oipial merit. and nio:l cotiiplel.. Mm shown. We niiaranlee IHI MATilViN STORE WILL Bl CLOSF-D All DAY MONDAY ON ACCOUNT OF 1101 IDAY 9 .;...;... ."i- : : !- l.i i) t) i.i i.i i.t () ci () () () () (.1 () (?) (I () (I () (i 'I 1 ii ti'i.c h. .it. ' fa-" ' so . ..I. r 't" to-t nil ..lo -j I" -.1 I -i ! "'I I -. (;!..-: 1- - i" . i ...... i ' .., ., ..., in (nn in the af'TI'""! .-l.- P .1, -a-'-" " "1 ,. '-j. n i- t .- v ' - ! '-' ! b-;.r t- f. he r- itia'' I '' a' "...p. - ,:i I ,' m,.r. nic 1' .. '..'.., e. . IT,' s .-' I'-- ' "' I n x u..u I . - : 1 I '- ' f -' ... .... . v .- , ' - f i 't . ' : .e 1. ! . .s i : i f In T .;vf ) 'ti f : It' r f.r f- :t . It KP'T' '-' ' ' ' " : , . ,-r.z U " ' ,,. ,....... . . 'I ,V- - ... - . " p--' ' ' . - . t. ii - V -. . .-- t 1 i.r. " T- - - - ' ., . :- 1 1 . t. ft i i V - - I ;. .. , . -.r:i.- m l-. ; I . i i. . . . i- . :..-. ' ;' ii in 1 ; f ' 1 1, '!i . i. i . 1 ?.) -"irg Er e tr'no'.1!. i ll . ... . :. IT. - V- ! . - ' -I . . -i. :c a " -. i a - DIAZ GAVE THE CRY. "c tj Vniir the L bcrty Bell He r-.-...-e ,h. O'd Mtic,-" Yell. - . s. t -. 11 ,n I' 17. 'lateiina 'itpi-r tr" i . 'i r--.'t o- T C 't r. r-r-,1 ;1 I' -in t. I n.-i-j f:r-t ! v. . t',r..,-t- ,,f I... p lrill P!ZJ-n 1 ' -: a- i- !.' m -:.-d mrl ' 'i '" '" I n t e n ' " ' '' s,l p:- :.-'-. i .. t;r--... ft 4 ,- ..f i : . i. - v. . " ;. . ' ' ; ',. ... ,,. .... 1 . ;" ' . ... " ., r v. it r:. '.rs.