Newspaper Page Text
THE BEAUMONT ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1KM. IHE mm ooooececcjooGCOi "Dollio." Hlin Mirl l ttitt'llli'K r.'XVII, Willi it rulllH mi. I tluvktl, Hi lilt' vkiii; r Hit. H nil.'. ulit- Ih kIiv, l.ill Iht-rt-'a iiilneM.-i In lirr ye Hbe it Hut! She iIIsi.Ihvh a tiny cl.ivp. Anil ll lliinly lillli- i of ii hi j : ' Ami ln w.-urn Ii.t m n-iltt , VtT llUllii lllltl HfVlT ttlll ' in (lis di'W. "Tit riiiiiitri1 l.,..l.ii.. ,.-... ... Are tlu i'tlirto ni lii-r tln-uuiit Hill rlitiu;:)! I know .- int it il nil.i J'liitl flu- utri'li'ji ilifiu tibnut In lu-r limit. Willi lu-r tl liiilit nml Iht t-iirli Kim fxiii liiii-H iho kIi'h I'.ihi iiflii-f: They lilm ilmt hi,.'k ii ml. Anil lIi-'ILlilfnl llilnus JK that, Ill lliilr Brief. It Is Hlnirltliiir, ! tlti':irt'! , lint n li ii tlni'M I mill.' t'liri', Winn the l-.iiix ! Il 'i'klnu In Ii.t feet. IJkr- Hit' Ina nrniiiiil the nvoot l.ill It' rose! ' Moscow's Barbaric Splendor. Nn ono, no far an wo know, linn presentou- to tlio mind of tliu clbslaut render a moro vivid ploturo uf tlio bnrbnrio Kplonilnrs of Mofcow llian Ar thur Symons gives In this pnFsr.go ironi li Ih book alxint European eitlon: "Colors shriek mid flunio; tho Mus covite oyo aoi'S only by emphasis and by contrast; red is coniploloil cither by auotlier red or by bright blue. i'Imtc are no shades, no rcilcenoon, no modulations. Tho restaurants aro piled with the din of vast niechanical organs, with drums nml cymbals; a great bell clashes against a chain on till the trams, to clear the road; Iho music which ono hears is a ferocity of brass. The masons who build the houses build In top-boots, red shirts niid pink trousers; the houses are painted red or green or blue; the churches are like the temples of sav age idols, tortured into every unnatur al shape and colored every glaring color " His Shaving Mug In a Tree. Tlio Webb City correspondent sends this "belated but interesting1 item" regarding a storm which took place near Neck City a few days ago: "J. N. Scott was not at home on tins night of the storm last week, hav ing gone to a neighbor's, some little distance away, and being prevailed upon to stay all night on account of the threatening weather. When he arrived at what should have been Ms home next morning he found that his new two-room house had disap peared, not a trace of It was visible anywhere fn the vicinity. His shaving mug and brush, which were in the house at the time of the storm, have been four;."'. In a tree two miles away. This leads Mr. Scott to believe that if he had been in tho house at the time he would have had a long and perilous trip." Kansas City Juitrnai. Finger Print Identification of Slaves. The identification of criminals by means of finger prints introduced in recent years in European police and penal establishments is paralleled by a similar custom which hns been used in Coren for centuries to identify fe male slaves. In a paper recently rend before tho .Anthropological society of London, by a missionary from Corea, it was stated that in the deeds of sale of slaves the hand of the latter was placed on the sheet of paper on which bo deed was inscribed, and an outline of tho fingers and thumb was traced, while, in addi tion, an impression Wi'S made of each fii.ger. Such impressions, which nat nrallj furnished a complete iilentifiia- tiou, date liave been found on deeds thr.t back 1.200 years. Harper's Wi ckly. Small Collections. The lale Mr. M. A. Lower, the an tiquary, hs responsible for this Lulling ten anecdote. One Sunday morning the curate, a n:an of diminuiUe stat ute, preach' d from the shortest text in tr.o Itible. .ie$u wept," to a con probation of a dozen people, and the effort. try realizt d only eighteenpence: when upon a f: rancor remarked that :t was the smallest church, the small est roiu--rrT,i"n- ,,M' P"13"' st parson, tin- sborfFt tet. and the sinal'it rollertii.n he bad ever known. A Cut;--r. n"iiil minister in Dorset our :t-ii.'! that of i en only a penny to It in his woeMv offertory" b"X. ate! t'l"' a sp'-cial eoll'-ctiou iiiom.ul to el !y Vii.: C33 VctHers Kittens. rvilif':' iris-tiii'-J f n, )' r- V,.,,,: a '.'C "v n"l Ir Jarr. MrArevj ,.f Ka-t r. - '-Mh f r"-t. !'.: !.!.. .1.. ' V''- br''1 f f-'.r V:' tea' Ti, ,. .'!' r f it. l,n h 1" l"T. S!'- I ': ,.; VcAt vv. t.i-l ati-r . .. m. S"T!i ! e !y oc- 1i II !. t ki't' ,1 tit Vf'.riv'i 'i'te T'titM si-!":' ta- ;( :. - I '; U II tl ' " ' ' ,i,. -) 1'ti i 'j if. !'- "" '!"E " It ( ,., ,-.-t -1 " " ' - . -: i J !. T f ! 1 i - A bantam nn wrira just rreo w li k:.. t i Moit tlMiis to u;: tilt vit .lat-. i on tv.e c.T.ii. About a week ff ko i!i U youpv I'.iils api'tMtretl, ami i he bii.tjin i hfcv.ig a lit fly time lth iheiu. Tl' mui;ages tu keep thepj at homa preity thei"i'Khly, utile tliey ar Uin liirbetl, wlieii tt'. y hide en ipiirkly i I I'ffeciuully that their (osier iimtlur lian u treul flntlitis Hum OKaln. Big RaUlecr.aka Killed. Ono nt tliu lai ut-iit rsule.nal m found in (let rein fr aevornl yetrs ei killU'l on t'umliei hind kl.i!it J'lly sr.. by Mi- Nuou'l Nf'll f Mm-oii. tt Buest on tlio Iflinil. anl W. T. Jihn Hion, ' ruhhli r of the Mttl C.i iibif The si:ukt' ii'eniii:r"! 7 led nnl 3 Inchon in le.iutli. A.-l4::"d J'.'i piniiiils. in. -a oired 10 indie i:i cir rtnnfereiice, atiil luul twilv - r ;tt U h uiel n IihMou. It was kll'eti lit the vooiIh nbout lift If way bet .con tli'J hotel mi 1 the ilock lai:0in;-. A'.luuU (Gu.) Coii:tlluilt-:i. New Swbiclllng Corr.e. A Coini. otlciil mail nnr.voreil a-i advert se::.ent Iho olher liny from which lie i:.pii'iet to get rich. Tli: i Ii tho'lialt that was huiiK out: "S.iv ' gas bill-; il. e tro t wonderful lnv n Hon of the twcr.iieth crntury; .t r lil.nud sol.t last year; ngoula vs:::.!; price, 23 eoiiii'. Addr- ss. etc." Tbu Connect lent gudgeon H"iii on Id'i ijear tor, reeelvo.l a nicely decorated hoo and with It this line of liu;n;ci!on: "Hang your gas Mini on II ami then vou will save them." Queer Freak of Memory. Tho Italian niAcllst, Falvntoro Kb rlna. receiitiy delivered an address be fore the society of Psychic Uoscmc'.i at Milan, in which ho minel'dy i'' scribed the case of an author who. :-'lx years ngo. completely lost hH memory for lar.giKige and naiucs, v.hi!" other wise his mind was more ncMve n:ui wiileawake th-'ii evir before. At the o.piralion if tliat period tho memory roturueil. "Grill Rocm" for Railroad. An Innovation In passenger cars has been planned by the peneral pa:'. -.elisor au-ent. or a west, rn road. It is a limch jrrill room" on wheels. The interior wcodwork of the car is to be' of antirpie oak, with heavy crossuianis carrying wrought iron lanterns. Ked tile la to be n-od in tho floor, and a large iirrniacu will afford a comfort able corner in which to while away a tedious car ride. 'Made Freak Journey for W?ger. Hitched to a sulky cultivator, Wil liam Hoyt pulled his wife and tin ir four-year-old son all the way from Mollno, 111., to the world's fair. Mr. lloyt set out upon a wager, and cov ered the distance of 315 miles in just one month, thus winning his hot of Jl.nim, anil, incidentally, obtaining ex perience which, he said, he would rot have missed for any amount. Huston Globe. Angora Goats Good Foragers. Tho ability of angora goats to rough it is shown by the experience of N. D. l'owors of Troy, N. Y Iron) whose herd of forty-one angoras eight escaped to the mountains last fall and were supposed to have been lost. This spring six of them were found in the mountain forests in good condition, having got a living by browsing ou bark and twigs. Violins Artificially Aged. It hns been discovered that the ag ing of a violin can be artificially se cured by exposing tho wood to X-rays. The beautiful tone which has hereto fore resulted from a natural aging of the wood for fifty or sixty years can thus be obtained in a single day. Boys Clothed Statue of Venus. Hoys took pity on the statue of Ve nus in Judge Solleck's yard at Strat ford, Conn., the other night, and in the morning she appeared adorned in a black silk shirt waist, a straw sailor hat, several large roses, and a placard reading, "Ain't It a shame?" Tree Grew From Cans. Twelve years a"kn John Nutt of Rookport, Me., had a willow stick which ho used for a cane. He placed it in the center of a flower bod for the flowers to trail on. It soon tool; nxit. and to-day measures bIx feet sis inches around tho trunk. Little Girl in Luck. Not many little girls in Maine are ko f irtunr-te as Miss Hlinelic Kl'in'nc l.ivormon-. ! fvo yr ar-'dd d:nig!'' r f,t Mr. and Mrs. !.wis I.fv rniore 'f who has 'wo grati'!mfitlierr, lour r at trr.ite'mo; 'e rs and a gre;:t rt jt-prindm.-'H or. Eejinnirg of Immense Industry. itir'l I and i'nf'-n -ar- rtro :y ) as. uttir.- if l'"iii- Iv-riii voi-1 i '',n t.f 11. i nan "f 'be tir .f Hi.n tl.n-s f'-r fiv- ar to ii1 !' I ir.. t.i n:i'M s--l a- ctxi f that ::..;.!'' d fr..n Kt.elat.'l. Jit'.d Man's R'vfnge. Tl, j 't i rti-a -r?ii Jo s.t ' '- - '' '" ' fT j r,., r r , : . t,ti a r .t -o;Vi f" : I - . ,f tt i ii lat .: b-i-t I Or.r-tf L:'J Ms". ! -f-i i- ,-' 1 ' 'f' : .. - - r. ;.. !. , I' ti 1 i i , , , ' v f V . T i'- f V , i '- WITH THH SAGES. 1 rrdrjvor to inske a meril uf faults we aie unwill ug lu rorreit. l a lU'rl'v'fuiicr.iilil. Tho ftiiiaUatl. n of learning are mh Iiis niurh. atiReriui; much, nmdylug much -Cailit-rall. I Hist lliou ovo life? Thou do not squander lime, for thai U lliu atulf llfo U iiindo of Krunklin. Perfert valor Is lo do unwitnessed vl at wo ttould be capable of i!olnu before all tu orld. I .a Itucbefuii twilil. He 1 ho a rock thai U lunien by '" wove. The rock staiuU llrm while i lib ferrl'il waves ttuk ilowu before It. MarciiH AiitonliiH. Such as thy words are. such will ihy affections bo iieenietl ; nml such will ihy ib"'dii as thy afiecilonH, ami 'urh thy life us thy deed.--Socrates. To feel much for others and Utile four mnsiUos; to retrain our Hellish ami to Indulge our benevolent alTee titles, censliiiito li e p -rfeetlou of liu ti'S.p nnture. Aihim limit Ii. Active love Ih attainable only for ,'ii'l who does not place his happiness In his Individual life, and who alsi ,'lvos free play to his feeling of cooi! ivill (owpriJu others. Tolstoy. Cheerfulness is n small virtue. It Is rue, but It slu'd such n brlghtnesi round us In this life Hmt neither lark clouds ror rfln can dlstiel It .4 huppy influence K. V. H. Alexander. A man's charity to those who differ .'rom him upon great nu.l dl'lleull inrstlo'is will lie soon in the ratio of Ms own knowledge of them, tho more knowledge the mere cliarlty. MacLeod. SAYS THE OWL. Mcst men kick more from habit than from necessity. Triplets are throe ih'nes lu life for 'vhich i:u man is prepared. The Ktage-struel; youth should think twice before attempting to act. Solomon knew but little when com pared with what some men think they know. Gossip has about as much use for truth as a blind man has for spec tacles. A woman (hinks she is ehnritahlo when she lets her husband have her own way. There are many peeks of trouble in store for tho man who marries a stren uous woman. After tolling young people to ni'irry inly for love tho minister proceeds lo marry for money. Even tho woman who lays down the law to her husband Is willing to let him lay down the carpets. Sometimes a woman who is a slave to fashion marries a man who Ik averse to the encourarement of slavery. Some men may have had monkey ancestors, but those who are alwavs butting in probably descended from goats. MISSOURI HOMESPUN PHILOSO PHY. The home of idlcner.s is the dovH'E recruiting oflice. Innoeonso loves to bo si en in a now dress and 7 bonnet. Few women like to be either con R'.ii"'d or understood. A nfustl is the orig inal tr.ti-tnis; i:eci;!on. Thr Lord fer;;ivra a'l the world T irglves till but woman Men seldom ever die or ret nim! li'iing the first two hours after din ner. !t is tho first wee!: between 1-'' '( V ;.r.n''"1 tllBt breeis re liiu- i iei h are the r.r "hi furm. i" I nrrrnitv i. :v!inei t' :.: v hen yo : e a pillar of t ' ' ' t;r : I'l lve off the widow's last cov-. A w.tinc nisn likes to bo worried !i"'t tho i-irl t'mt ho lovs lietter ''i sl'e tPies tti co to a si-ow ti:, a ii: z. KiciiiTTli 1 Mi- ' -ia-i. ALL TR LE t:iie )m are ftnii.ting the ilitn:. plp withtrs. Vtf'ip n.ak' a f'il of n an tv2 eoriif I a"iral lo l.;m. Hven :f t't-i f,:.-.n't nn t 'o rr.r 1 'ai'-:-t -ti '.. ir. -K -i 1 .- i ! : . i-'-r It' :- 1 t r ,-, ' I '?'-1 f.-. ' r ':..' ' ir: - '!- ' -i t --j' it ft a t ' , -t ,.. : , 1, ,, 1-. i' r i. I, ' : :..-t. j e T' ' - 7 n: - ':!!".' ' AN OLD BACHELOR SAYS THAT- I'laiouic love U the prologue to Ibe teal lluuu- Hl'lil rkoott a ofien the din's pun islimeut fur touiempt uf court. If a bat belor U liul'Jeel lo hay fever lie khoulJ ault Brans widuwa. When a widow im- c ii ii atl t5 for No. S she uses kinoki lo. powder. Some clrl do (heir slelMhluf In Jsnuuiy ai:J Ihelr alaliiK I" !""' A secret Ih Koiiieililuu a woman rftia a not lu r wumiin in help her keep, rim woman who wenm a rnllt'o liesH lu church lius the rlc'ht bruuil uf rellKlon. A woman will Jump at a coiii-IuhIoii ilr.'.osi as iiulckly as olio will at night if a mouse. There nre no female pugilists yet women fnneently bundle, micli other without gloves. I.oI'h wife probably passed some ill'cr woman and looked back to ioe what she hud on. Some men go to war because they can't got married, and aoiuu because :hoy lau'l got a divorce. Olrls who are always harping on l ht rights of women are apt to get left In the matrimonial ileal. The wire husband not only lots his wife have tho last, word, but Is tlekled i early to death when she roaches It. A lady writer says the coining wom an will have her own bank account. I have been waiting for her several years. , SAYINGS OF MARCUS AURELIUS. Live with the gods. Look henenth the surface. The v.-nyn of the gods are full of I rovh'.eiice. A man should be upright; not be kept upright. Consider tho wise, what, they shun ..nil what they cleave to. If it is not somjily, do it not; if it i;i not true, speak it not. The universe is change; our life is what our thoughts make !t. Forward, as occasion offers. Never look around to see whether any shall nolo It. The longest lived and the shortest lived man, when they come to die, lose one and tho same thing. every act and speeoh and pur I ose be flamed at if this moment thou nilghtest take thy leave of life. As for life, it. Is a battle and a (.ojotirning in a strange land, but, tho fame that comes after It Is oblivion. Always take tho short cut; and that Is the rational- one. Therefore say and do everything according to soundest reason. Do not as one that hath ten thou sand years to live; death is nigh at hf.nd; while thou Uveal, while thou l-.ust time, he Rood. RACE TRACK ECHOES. Where there's a racehorse there's a query. Nothing succeeds like winning bets in sequence. The searchlight of publicity seldom bines on a two-dollar bankroll. 1-oslng wagers aro usually re 1'oarred;; winning ones constitute tho performance proper. A word to the wise may be stifle cienl. but It remains for a tip to lie delivered with telling effect. The cant inns bookmaker figures 'lint it Is more profitable to rub o!T a dozen pt;l;;ts than It Is to wipe out a core. The I ardest t xt reiso ti nt sm: n or tals nT-et is the holding nut of -a pers. This often makes tbe'ti vry tir d, Itlllee-l. f-re iipni a in 'here fm a turf rritic 'lio trr "Sfully t'rkei niel ; If. -.' i vi ry winner on 'i'" ear. I. 'y'r.i rwl: -, lie rt etiy ra!l'n il ' To bin nbo bail h:i!l I.e r:v":. ItI." tnnn x!'! ! " re.;,fir.-i. I teei.Vly jt'. r"ipi'"it t.f liif-u ti n'lon oi f-. tn lit - . fr.'i e.nii- i.ttt-eb- M.inte '.N't m 1-,ik T- ''i-fspb. ! - - j JOTTINGS. . 't1- h sn 't.'-'Ti I n titm 'i,-l l.n ' 'h' 1"-' i'i'J": '-f. ' n r "T Ii i ; ;t l,'l' - ' ? f'' 'I 'I i' ' ' r j i i v. ' n to f.f't a I. I "J"! f-Jr ') t" fi'-l ;. t v p ei,.. : "S re' "ti'- -, - tiirr.'-f ? f ' - 11 l:J'' ! II ana I Ml Beuvimont, I jBjgBEOTHBiWWS Men of Mcny Millions. Assistant Treasurer Hamilton Klsh IJN.liW) u year) dk-cour.nv'S as polite v as possible' vlsiis to the Vaults of tho sulitrear-ury, lint may bo moved by diplomatic LiiportuiiHy. Men dear ly like to siy, "Ves. sir, I hnd $H,--('.eiiii in n.y hands," or "I stood Mir 11 tided by a hundred million:-;, all in 1 1 noil of ny fins'rs." Vault t'leii; L.'lward H. Hale says: "Our men are u.t i'.t all affected by the vast sin's of Mioney they handle, fliild, sil.-er. roles and lioatl.! are no more in tl.e n than so much chair. They are coiiiit in;; i:.illloiis of coin or paper every day, yet when tiiey get. home at nlg'.t r tttl lh"lr wives ask they for 5 cents W e chancs are t.liey haven't ?;ol i ." Method In Her Madncsc. "I understand," snhl the widow to the maid whoso years were at her inure certain than otherwise, "that are a candidate for the oflice of tillage m:ror. What is the salary?-- "Oil," replied the fair cundidnt'.'. "there Is no iiiilary at all; but the mayor has the authorily to anverl iso for proposals, you so", and " "Yes," Interrupted the widow, "I think I see." Women Taxpaycre May Vote. The Kvangelleal ebiirch council of Hungary has given taxpayieg wo:i:i n j II, c light to vote. ' Advantages of the Angels. A rervant at Skllio castle, the resi dence lu Scolhiti'l of Andrew t'nrtie ;;it, one day called Mr. C".rec;le's III .lo daughter Margaret nn aneti. To I'e tiers" who was putting her to bed t!u night she halt! u riously: "If I am nn suisel, why (hm t I hive ni: adding "Terl-.-ip: I will have v I. en I get lo heaven." Aff-r a t! ( -i-hful pause ; lie Iini u !'!: ' .Ver e, tlo r-li -c !s i to i-le'-p?- The I h I 'it nPi unable lo I'e tl.t- fl-!tit'ii-e'i i"f .rn:l"n uif' rnit.g tin i I :: of ni::" 1 i. j '1)1.1,1 !!: y tin." Hiid t! " lit'l'- ni I. I i. !,' .1 1 (m an a -iv I I tail n.y I " ii nml' .- ny v. i:.-; ! 1 : in -I'll li.e a hire."- Ni V'-rk : RrTfi tor Murcol-r Titia'te. !-i t"-'.:"- a' id Ir. -!' ' ' 'h-t'r-t.'f, A'l'detev 'if V' '..: I., have 1,.r,ltn I. r', ,c. I;- 111 l ei-lar Ml-. ii' -.1'- '.'..:; it with lil'si.ti'tiiitit t.f '-::i fi : at 1, Ir' t:i i in v fa'tJ't Cht'f Induitry. I -,.ai i-z - ! ' ' i- ' ' -.'h. it '" t.f t - i".' ' f - - 1 i. r-,i i j'f ' i '- ' i - I. I ;- ' "' I - ' - i ,-, -- -;. ti n ! : 1 - i :- ! - '.- ' f" P .. . . 1 ...- ranarfMattt A PICTURE FREE We are anxious to extend the cir culation of the Enterprise in the territory surrounding Ueaumont without employing solicitors, and for the next sixty days wc will p.ive a handsome Art Picture, worth 25 cents to each new subscriber, and we will fjive one of the pictures to any old subscriber who will get us & new subscriber. Remember that the Enterprise is published seven days in the week for only50 cents per month, whilje other Associated Press Morning Papers cost 5 ou seventy-five cents per month. Re member that you get the Picture Free. It is suitably mounted for framing', or looks well without frame. Try the Enterprise i month and you will be glad of it. j& j& ADDRESS flLOUSlANA --DAY SPECIAL This Train will leave Shreveport Sept. 12th at 4:45 p. m., and arrive St. Louis l!:30 next morning. No change of cars, and Cotton Kelt all the way. Sept. 14th is Louisiana day. This will be the greatest day for us. Everyone should go, so o and help to swell the crowd. For this day a rate of $11.70 has been put on. This will allow you seven days in St. Louis. Shrcveport is the rendezvous as Louisiana Day Spec ial w ill start from here, so asl( tor your ticKet via Shrevcport and the Cotton Belt, and be with Louisi ana's best people. This train will carry through Pullman Cars, Dining Car, and our handsome Chair Cars. Further information will be cheerfully furnished by L. P. SMITH, T. P. A., 218 Milam Street, Shrcveport, La. K. C. Texorkena & s W orld's ,.,UO... ST.LOUIS Through Sleepers Vithout Change Via. J hrelepcrt and Cetlcn Helt Route, aa I S)SHSMSWSlilBSiaiBaiBlHSMMBlSWBMSlaBaBHSMISBSBSBBlSBr ...Dining Car Service... TUim Train Leaves 7:45 A. M. Dally Arriving in St. Lcuis Next Mcrrlcg. Datt'e L)a!ly to Kansas City. Through Huffct Sleepers Texas. S. Ry . Port Smith Ry. - - Fair Route ! ,f, ft T " ' s. I T I- : J' i I ! Tl i ,1c .m b' ri Krr'i I! !' T- C. L.rVVI)EIL P. A MOESIS, City f. Titkft Art. fy-1 t- TJt ' ' " I, e" 1 f . t. , - , j. ' - , . 11,01.1 ..; 1 -! 1' i.Ljjj- 'l, :w. 'J S tr.l. Pa. h. tl-. M;';i-H Ol! 1. .' - '- - . - l I. - Is