Newspaper Page Text
THE BEAUMONT ENTCHPWIBe FWIDAV, SEPTEMBER 11. 190 I ,f. Her Eyea, lllt-ll.iy Mill !! ' Imtii, lli I llI.V ll-'ll III"' ll'H"'" on idiii i( Hi'imiMr Hi" ni. I hen iul k tin- u i-" I 'luintrr A li t ( Hum Mull-. AM r.. I it 'H miii.-Wno I'ur In I'liiK Hi" I luiky Imln. 'hw .liirtit m, i-v ii hiik In, At1 ii'il ;n' iM.lllft i Ihiih, (in hIii n i In- )! ' !-!. Why, liny liid Biiy lm. MTiips. Tin' ii ilnwuwnnl, il.u imiir.l, ilnwiiw.ini I In I. IK nl 111 IV II Id w. Ai il iIiimhu iril. ili.wnwiinl. ilnwnwanl '.nun ilii hjH i k "I xiiiii-IiImi-, !'. Ynil li.ninil In rliiHiKu iiiiiiik lit T'i iiii MM "iir III Id I In- ill ll'-uvin Ami nl MMii-li ni- fnmi llii- fhlin. Ami Num. fuvni, i-(I : "I'lii- il.n tliil'n hi k urn Mill'!" W liii Ii linin g hnt IiIiihI vinir iiiirn- i, hum' nlii mily riiw I In Ir It -. Illll . Vlll. I kll'iH III. IT mil l, hnni'iiiii-i llii lr Mini liliii- m1". Am.) .ilw h, i mill- Hi.-N. Ii"v.n liny. Why, lliin 'n lliinti In Hum In N. Vnik Hun. The Composite y llrnhaiH Aor'h. CnrfrliblM, lioi.tijr Ths Author. I'uh. Co .Ii ! ii I'litlciKoii was in liivc. No 'ill- IIKIIIlI tlllllK ill till' I HMI' III' It K'HMl I'Mlll- lute yiini'K Mlmv nf llvi- ami twi'iity. Hut xliiiiiKi'ly I'lioiijli In- liad iii-vrr yet. FiTii III" laily of Ills lii'iirt. Olio cvimiIiik lie wiih rarclcsHly turn JlIK till) ll'IIVI'H of Ills xlHtcr'M IllllltO Krapli hIIhiiii. waiiiiliiK 'i'li f'"'l! tin! Kl"ii'e f noniniiHHi-nr. Ilo Htnpiii'il nml khvo Ills iinillvlili'il atti'ii t Ion to ft ihk" fnim which ft pitlr of t'yi-H loold'd t;tral'lit Into Ills own. Tlio picture whs litilslieil In a stylo ii 11 f:t tn i 1 1 :t r to Mm. A wil't, iln-iiiny huzo Kiirniiindi'il tin fi'titnrcH, 111.1M11K tliom doubly alluring; but wlmt t traclod ljim most wan tlio cli'ar cyoH. Tliry vorc not. quite liko any others lio hd Hi'cn before. It was love at first nitwit, or, to bo nioro oxnet, before first hIkM. Niiltirnlly ho wai.ti'd to li-arn all about tlio unknown Rlrl without iinhim Iiik suspicion. Ills slsU'r, lo whom Ills nFioleilly cari'li'im Innulrlcs with nddresHud, with a woinnu's Intullloii In Biudi nuittors, and wllh an p(iinlly foinlnlno dclllu In tiinhillzliig a limn mispi'clod of hcliiR In love, was mosl provokiiiKly obtuso to bis cluinsy sub-tiM-fiisPK und HtrutcRi-ms. And wlii'ii at last, In shi-or desperation, lio open ly nsked tlio lady'a name, sbe dis played an Innocent surprise, and, after baiting blni to her heart's content, left him with no belter satisfaction than a vaRiio proniiso of an introduction ut some future time. This was poor consolution to John, but it wns tlio best bo could Ret. And so, consumed with lovo and curiosity, ho passed Ills days In suspense. One thing, however, lit; secured, Hint wns at the same time a joy and a vexa tion to him, namely the picture Itself. It was Rlvon the plneo of honor nmonn his most cherished posses sions, and She became at onco the gonl and the center of his thoii;lils. And now began a season of mlsury for John Patterson. Ho had confided his secret to bis most Intimate associate, Harry Fol Innsbee. Harry prided himself on be ing a second Sherlock Holmes, and many were the plans that lie laid with bis friend to discover Her Identity; but nil came to naught. At the cm! of three months the unknown still re mained obstinately unknown. They had not even been abl" to find out whether or not She was a resident of the city. The strain b"gnn to tell on John. He lost bis appetite and grew hollow eyed, and when In Nan's presence ho threw out bints of declining health. Whether or not these tactics weri Instrumental in bringing mailers to a cri. ls he could not tell: but one after noon Jurt as Harry Kolhinsben was leaving his bunk, he met John In a slate of excitement. His sister bad at last relented. She was to give a whist party that evening, at which. In Ms Inrxnrcsslblo lov. she assured htm that be would of the photograph. meet th" origital (9! f 1ie 1evF of f i 1 .mn lal'-r. .ii 1 - U-'' 1 1 I li-h a tii't '! ciie ikV.A wiid'T t-1 fa-. -Y' .,q run lrr.r:T V- at C-m- x'ra r' 't' -r:r. arJ ',mn 'ir Ma . ' ,.T-1 m t- anl r.- m fi'l "f J'"" !'-'-- Af 4 1,111 tier cnin, but 8h didn't have llOliC. "Mis lilack. my brother!" "Nor Mis Jilack; though the cunr of the eyebrow ii was llkn Hern. " '.Miss lirowrl' "Nor Miss Itrown: 8' ini tiling In Mr features seeiiii'd fuiulllur, but then tier huir couldii t bo red. "And ho It went. In vcry olio of llioi.e girls I Haw something In remind me gf the foco above my mantel. Hut not ope of them lnokeil exnclly like It, Not line hud her eyeii. I was expect ing that She would he the next. HOI She wasn't there. At the end of Iho list I brought up wllh a menial Jolt, nml dropped Into a beside a girl with glasses, who begun in chatter about cards. In a few minutes tint giuiio begun. You know I iiliniiilnutn whlBt. Mow Inti lllgent pmplo can waste hours on the spots and pleturcH on liriy lwn giuniy iuareH 01 pasie- board, Is u mystery to me. The gaum Is well enough for sick persons, child ren mid Idiols, hut I ilou'l. see now anybody, whoin nature has endowed wllh brains mil waste hint time over It. "Well. I played like n dummy. My eyes were st inlying the faces or my partners, and my thoughts weni tryiug " 'That is not so,' I said, 'and you know It!'" to solvo tlio riddle of that photo graph. I led from a sneak, trumped my partner's ace, played second baud high anil third hand low, and In short, I broke every rule of the gamo. "At hist the Intermission gave mo a respite. I took my sister aside, while tho others were busy with tbo refreshments. "'See here, Nan,' I said, 'this non sense has gone far enough. The chnso you'vo led mo for tho past threo months convinces mo of that. I pity 1h( man who marries you If you trout him as you've treated mo. You pledged your word that a certain young lady would bo hero to-night. Now, unless you can glvo me somu good reason for tho way you'vo deceived me, I shall (ult tlio house at once, and I sha'n't be In a hurry to come back.' "I saw that what I said about de ception bad nettled her a lilt, as I In tended it should; for if you enn get n woman to lose her temper, tlio truth is coming out. " 'John,' sho said, looking me straitfit. In tho eyes, 'what, were tho exact words of my promise to you?' " "You told me that tho original of that picture would bo hero tonight. And she Isn't here!' "'John,' she Bald again, and her eyes snapped a little, 'the original of that picture Is In the room this min ute.' "Now, I've studied that photograph so carefully for the last twelve wi-vks that every feat urn Is printed on my memory, and I'm sorry to say I lost my own temper, und contradicted her flatly. '"That Is not so,' I said, 'nml yon know it!" "This was, of course, extremely lm IKilite, even ' considering tho philn speech our customs allow among mem ber!; i.f the wim family. I'nt Instead of being very angry, as I expected she would, and while I was feeling sorry for my rudeness. Nan began tn laugh. " 'John.' she said, i presume you've l.Hiked at that picture once or twice since I let you take It. Hhla't ou ever notice anything peculiar about the finish? I told you I'd introduce oil to its original tiMilclit. and I've kept my word. Tlml Is a ohotoeniph of Hie Idlers' Whist Club; it b a OIM l'OSITK!' "Well, you might have knocked me down Willi a feather. I In a il.i .e (he r t of the cvetilnc, an. I as non m I could cet away, I came tiere. "New, what In the name of common seli-e inn I tn ib?" "Will." s:'M llnrrr. "I Just 1n t. K nut t It fiT Jl'll V.iin !' "1 nil. and emigrate to ( ':" iiriTilry." 'lt."-hV f xelstnu 'l Jo' ' "Or." c iititim d 1 iv. t r. " u night pi k iiut 'be ciil win i.r.c tienn-t In tie picture, nt..1 v.,. ,f i,.:i ant c. t !: r tn l.n'1 ' 'nvi-r in I 1 t ttia ) ii ' " 1io;i" 1 J.'l ' I :i c ! Public f in r- V-',-.- h '! I'. ' 1 v i. 1 llV f . l-.T. i.. m .: .'.ri If. i - I . ' f . it r t4 i V ll l- U,.- !.' !! t ...i. in a T" 't .1 .ll.' tl tt-W1l l..tta;. v f Ice. Far Avuay. Kor Hit- li -hii - i, n Milli"- nf llllWII WdVH, J ,,r Hie in Ida il" I I'd" and W MIlN II.IM- 'l II.)' 'I- Fur in.- iininli.ii .1 I. ii. ..In and Ilia the IMll I. - ll.ll:lll. il -(III. (.11 1,1 T I ll lit Illll ' I'lVlll l"l lliy! ier inv l.i i.i I hill .i.iiii wutiy Kiuwn -it Ii ui'd my ..tret Ul.ll lliu Uolli'4 Of in. I. .en ti.iy . dull ii... r; wi'iil'l wander uwiiy tn llm n-lini or Wli.i'. Hi"' lw lliulil mo V.IM uml tha wlinl lliMIIIlN I le. lllllttll.H UI'IIUII ll" III KIUIIV lllilllllll Mliiil '. Tli'ie'i n Itil'Hi In my Nun) fi.r llm fair III'H lif Intiiilii- iiini ; I f.iln ! III llll' in. i. ilul i nl'.w ni Imiv i.l.H ill III)' f illiw iV" . in. nil.. I ll III nUUIC lilllil luein, Hn liniu liiiMilu ii m il lull lii Hi''. Ker I knew Hint Ihu wild ltd rune aro l.ll.U If If? lii He' I.iiii h nml lll.inW1 ll' lined nt nre: Am I I Hin.w Hint til" rli't is art- l..vln nf jieai-i', nmi I UiiW Inu. Tlin.iii-li tin- vii Hi n ..ut, i.i. i.iteg mil fit. in Hie ilin-l. In 1 1 I urn lm . II li. T. I in i nil y III KiiKti. ll tniinti)' i.lfu United States Newspapers, Tho United Slates has a total Of 2i,K7'J newspapers, as follows; Dull lea. 2,157; weeklies, 1K.K27; monthlies, 2,7111; semi-weekly, -171; trl-weekly, I!t; bi-weekly, tin; semi-monthly, 275: trl monthly, 2; bi-monthly, liS; ijunr- lerly, 175; sembpiarterly, 2; total, 2n,.S7.'i. Tho first six States, In the number of their UPwepapers, rank mi follows: New York, ,!i:ii; IUniois, I.72H; rennsylvanlii, l..'l!i;l; (hl, 1 21K; Iown, 1,082; Mississippi, l.oir(. Alaska has two dailies anil tho Hill Ippino Islands four. Some Matrimonial Customs. Among fiomo aemi-savngo races. whore the wlfo Is tlio huslnfml's prop erty, and as such has been paid f r, what she gets from her parents or Is able to earn for herself she may keep as her own. At Hnmbonk, for Instance, what she enn earn by washing gold from the sands belongs to her. Loan- go hiiabapds and wives conjointly own thHr property. Also more aro other Ins'rr.res where the bWonglngs of bus 1lf,...i ri-,1 wife nre entirely seimrntK Attorneys-at-Law SEYMOUR KISCH ATTORNEY AT LAW. 17 Gilberrt Building, Beaumont. Correspondents In New York. St. Louis, Chicago, Etc. W. JsL. Crook: Corporation and ATTflDNFY Commercial Law. AMUKntl. Rooms 1-17. Blanchette Estate Bldo. Associated R. C. Harris, I. W. Lawhon Beaumont, Texas. G. A McDowell T. C. Taylor M. S. Duffle M DOWELL, DUFFIE & TAYuOR Attorney: at Law Alexander Dldg. Beauni-nt, Tex. Dr. A. C. Stafford, Dentist Is prepared to do .all kinds of dental work. Trices reasonable. Examina tion free. Gas given In extracting when requested. Rooms 14 and 15, over French Market New phona 805. C. T. Helslg. T. V. Smelker. HEISIG & SMELKER. GENERAL INSURANCE AND SURETY BONDS. riiones Dl Beaumont. Te. Saratoga S Batson Transfer AND LIVERY STABLE. PHILIP H. GARRIGAN, Propr. Heavy hauling and general transfer and livery business. I'hono NO. b. araloga, Tcxa. A.Broussard's LIVERY. In Old Beaumont Iron Work Stance corner Bowie and Orleans. BOTH 'PHONES 63 MONEY LOANED ON DIAMONDS, WATCHES. JIWIL RT. Low Rat Int. VNCLE SM, Pearl St. How are Your Eyes You owe It tn i tir t tr find out kt once. ?-: o ir rye r"v-1a'i4. Till: TTXK jr.wrLTiT CO. Uk.i 0tihu Hebert 5: Hebert, BUTCIinKS n4 Dealer In Ue Stack. to k rt Icrfrreasl ninJ-, 'or t 1 ro it 1 j cr fi " IT! I'll B.-t- Vh'-itt t:. hEScRT A HESIRT . V. WIi:3S & SON . Ti'". V.:'t and Wr f A-'d'"; r. n t.ho Hforao'tt. Et-tab- ' 1 I CLASSIFIED COLUMNS Half Cent Per Word, If Paid in Advance, No Ad. Ukta for Its Uta further netlct will b 9 WANTtO. IIKI.I' WANTKI) .MAI.H-Cliriiliir nml satitili. illslrlliiiloiH wauled every where. No eanvuhliiu'. (iood iiay. Co- oienilivo Adv. Co., N. V. I M WANTKI All round I'Ter nml Sawyer for small riieiilar mill, want 11 m 11 of h'ood habltH. llailn r Lumber Co., Ileweyvlllu Tex. J 10 3 li V.'ANTIOD Two ov three inlllineiy iiiiireuli( vs. lit LiuIIoh l!.l:tar. !l -lollt W ANTIC I Violin ami teleKiaill iiiills. Lessons very reasonable. Call or add i ess, liu:i Uiurel Ave. u-io-.,ii WANTKI An oxierleiiLtil roolc apply y.'!4 Uroailway. tl 10 tic WANTKI) Position as Monographer; best of n fereneeH furnished. Address Iiox (i. Kiiterprlso. 9-13-wp WANTKI) An exiiorlonood no rotinlaiit and bookkeeper desires small set. of books to handle in addi tion to present duties. SnOafetory references. Address 100, care Kii terprlso. n-in-lwp WANTKD Young eouplo desire room nml bcard wllh private family: house eonlainliiR modern convenien ces nnd well located. Answer P. O. box, 423. 9-10-7 tp W A N T K II C ood boy with horse to tako route on Knlerpriso. Apply to C. H. Haley, Circulalor. WANTKD A position ns cashier by nn experienced young lady, ( an h.-mille tvnewrlter. Address DS7 Franklin St., Beaumont, Texas. 8-wdh WANTKD By Sabino Tram Co., Deweyvillo, Texas, 25 to 30 men to truck, slack, nnd load lumber on the yard and at planer. Cftnd wafios and permanent employment. Married nun preferred. No letters answercn; apply In pen-on to W. C. Gray, Dowey ville, Tcaxs. 9-4-tf WANTKD Tho niibiic to know that T.itum liros. nay hUhest prices lori Second band goods of all kinds. Im mediate service. Soe us before you sell. (J52 Orleans St. 8-22-lmp WANTKD. For U.'s. Army: Able bodied unmarried men between ages 21 and 35: citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write Knylish. For information apply to Kecruitinir Officer, Postoilice iiunu inu. Beaumont. Tex. 7-3 e.o.d. tf FOR SALE. Nice medium sized marc six years old; nice biiKKy. good as new; set at now single buggy harness, mare per fectly gentle, works well to buggy. Pee I'. D. Jackson, at Beaumont. MricK Yard. y-io-otp FOR SALIC Furniture of 7 room house, cheap; close in; rent of house overpaid by roomers. Address It. l. lire Kitlerprtse. J -i "'I' FOR SALIC An interest requiring J7.riini.iMl to $ii.MiMl.i0 cash to pur- hitse; in one ol (lie liesi. esiaiuisti.-u eputnhle ami prolilablo Incorporated businesses in the South. It is situat ed in the pleasantest residence city in South Texas, and necessity for re moval to higher altitude only reason lor retiring. Address X .. care ot Knlerpriso olliee. ! l-" H !' FOR SALK - Blocks, with shop ottl worih $:!"': will sell for $ln: call :;7.1 Washington street. i li ".tp. FOR SALK 3 oung milch cows, etinrantoi'd and first calves. $13.00. Dr, Balrd. V. Bianehetie Building; new 'lilione T.'O or r.T.'i " 2l.-t f-e FOR RENT. " Ki Vl! it KXT Kigbl-l'i" 'Ul boos' eeiilrally Iim;iii.1, on Cliandos strei-;. Iietweeii Milli r and Long. Fmn tliiee-room lioii er: in smith part. Ap ply IU'7 ChandiM street. 1 r. ;t j I!Rl AND IH'OM-Can be 1ml at the corner of I'enn avenue and HufiTd Mr. it. I". per eik. '. l"i P ion i:i:t- 1 1 np. for 1 i flit M i.ani. t.' r F. a -Fum'shed houscMi p'iil ri 'ti .3tp Kli iti:T - 1 VO r""m ..;-.- I.' I'T- in 1- i'-'l ! f :' ! M-i'n J-'r.-. r l:u'-.i . ini 1 I ' I ! Ft'lt I.FVT -T'.roe rieilv f inii-n-! ''!!!"' I'T 1-'.' h'-'i-' I.-i-tc. i:.rtliiti2 .'! til- n- ... f;.rt y. 1 u At r. ht v Z " f'r t. 1 1 ii-: i;i:t . f I r. , k If ::i 1' H-. j.'hi tv f " Z I " - Ni ; M r p. fr..ithH r'oii . i'b i"i1 MtS3 AUSTIN S Hut i Bu ". J . '.. f . .... I--rf KISS EttV Positively One Cent a Word If Charged. V V J5c. Adi ardtrtd to ran till charged till ordered otat. STRAYED. STIIAYKD--Mhlit Korrel inaro about 11 bands hlsh, wlillu tloeliiiiKS, tdioil all Hiiiuml, while Kirlpo in forehead, no iiiiiiUh; ln reward for reiiini t' CIiiih. Ilriiiin, I'ino hi reel. Ileainnoiil. MISCELLANEOUS. IIO.MK CO()KIN(i-.!."s. S. W. Ma.e lay. l emtu wrv liK meuls nl her prl i ale Iii.iite, also I'jiniti lor rem. i"i .Main si. 'J.ii:!ip NOTICE Mrs. Helen McCarey will open her school of Stenography, Mon day, September 6th, 1U04. Day anU niuht clacsea In dictation $5.00 per month.. Positiona guaranteed.. Fur ther Information call at Room 11 New Blanchetto Bldg., Pearl St., Beau mont, Texas. New Phone 6. 1mo BUYERS AND CONTRACTORS. For Iron fences, brick, counters, lloor railings, fire escnpos, window guards, elevator enclosures, cabs, griiio anu wire work for all purposes. Write tbo Texas Ancnor tence uo. run wuiw, Texas. tf0 . 1 Ladies go where tie crowds go, all aro going to Bee those nice gas moves, and they are having them put in too; It is tlmo and labor saved to have gas put in, your house, wo have many streets that we have no gas mains but will get them all soon. Calder avenue, Hebert, Magnolia ave nue, Liberty avenue, Crockett, Pearl, Park, College, Forsythe, Orleans, South Park, Austin. Bowie, Pine, Bon ham North and lUllroad avenues, tnat'is a few streets w aro ready for you, tte- $3.00 PKR WKEK Room nnd board at tho Metropolitan, 221 Travis slrleet, next to Beaumont Steam Laundry. u lw 1 " " NOTICK Mrs. Dr. Secord is novir located in the Keith building, Rooms 12 and 13, where she is prepared lo treat all diseases by tho latest am? most complete system now in use. Hot air and vapor baths given. Con sultation free. New phone 3.i.i. Mrs. Dr. Secord, Naturopoth. 9-11-t-wp Home killed beef, veal, mutton, pork and poultry; Treadaway build ing. GO to Price and Johnson for Wood and coal. Ring up "phono 103, and it will bo delivered to you ut onco. 0-4 lmc Tatum Bros, pay highest puces for household goods. See us before you buy. 052 Orleans St. 8-22-lmp Sour Lake "bprtngs Hotel " rebiiUI and refurnished. Rates, $2.00 and $2.50 per day. Meals 50 cents. Spec, ial weekly and monthly rates. Hotej bus meet trains, faro 2f cents. A WEEK AT THE WORLD'S FAIR The Cotton Belt has put on the very low rate of $11.70 for tho round trip, Shroveport to SL Ixmi. Those tickets will bo sold September .., 4, C, 1" 13 20 and 27. Theso tickets iiilow' seven days in St. Loui. and will bo honored on our "St. I.ouis Train" in its Chair Cars nnd Hand some Day Coaches. Don't forget tho dates nnd that tickets should lie by Iho Cotton Belt, from Sbrcveport. Tho St, Louis Train leaves Shrevo port. at. 4:15 P- m-. arrives at St. Louis 11:30 next mornig. Write L. I'. Smith. T. P. A.. 21S Milam St., Shroveport, La. Dr. Eugene I. BowsKy, SURGEON CHIRP0DIST Room 2, Neches Flats Practice exclusively confined to the treatment of Corns, Bunions, in Crowing Toe Noils, Warts and all di seases of the feet-trested scienti fically without Pain. No calls made except by special ap pointment. Consultation Free. Over 25 jrrs Experience. New 'Phone 777. Pi!!LLiPS ACADEMY Ccrner Sixth St. and Broadvuay. Ueauniont, Texas. A preparatory ,bml fir brr and e!-ls. tfiof ial ait.. nti n nudents le rine preiiarilm fur ooHre. Af fi'iitinn with Ciilv. rsi r of Itaa in fnrt lirar.r! : rhi.lar.h!p to fl'it tionor jinpil. PrO claanea. Attea t'n t.j tbc'itl. Arthur B. Phibipa. B. A, WwtM. O'.i 't'Siese 129- ? ClJer At MUSIC STUDIO r. WM. . KIKItr iTSICK Teacfcrr f Voir. Piaao, Ora, 46a Tlagbolia Ave. Frofoeitst 7t-lc om Applicatiok. SELECT SCHOOL. P- S'rt M l"-t '-- t-'J m ia II : -"il A'-STI', . IW'Jt l"B i i ; r i : 4 ... - . : 5 j. . vi r. inline j f II M W t VV 4 N i Sf'.ii.-.x'l Set Complete, ready for use, on Calder, Orleans, Pearl Austin, Magnolia, Liberty, North, Hebert, Forsythe4 Col lege. ParK, Pine and Main Sts. For $25.00 BEAUMONT GAS CO, J. S. GORDON CO. PHONES No. 32 O0Q'O'O0G0OC-OOO O This Space Belongs To The Beaumont College of Music and Art COLLEGE STREET, opposite High School. MRS. F. A. HYATT, Directress. p;an0 r..,. rnltnrn Elocution ami Physical Culture Art Violin ihirinonv. Siclit SiiiKing and Laud Mandolin and iluitar Kindergarten of Music Opens September 5tli. B. R. Norvell, Prsf.dent. Chat. H. Stroock, Cashier. W. C. Tyrrell, 2nd V. P American National Banh, OF BEAUMONT. Capital Stock, $IOO.OOO.OO. Exchange Drawn on all Principal Cities of the World. Wo have tho only Separate 8teel Safety Deposit Boxes In the City... UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Park Farm 'Both Phones 1 One Gallon Water Three Gallon Water Five Gallons Water Ten Gallon Water -One Barrel Water Special TicKet Discounts: 15 One Gallon TicKeti 6 Three Gallon Ticllett 5 Five G.llcn Ticket 5 Ten Gallon TicKet 5 One Barrel TicKet 10 One Barrel TicKet 20 One Barrel TicKet .' Lf'l i4 LLJJ LJ c. a 14M if J 0O0000O0Q0'KOa airs, liyai.t nnd .Miss rctnis Mrs. Felix Haul's Kill .Mrs. Jennie Hixby airs, uora ruiier Anion N.ivritil Instruments W. II. Smith Prof. Jos. I n F.uono L-wa i. Uarliniiton Method Geo. C. O'Brien, Vice-President. W. B. Llgon, Assistant Castilerk Lithia Water On Credit. Cash. - .10-.25- - .35- -,20 ..,30 - .50 1.00 .40 .80 -$L00 1.00 - 1.00 - .90 -3.25 -00 -10.00 257 O i! Callfcr Tickets. 1 .1 d EfSLB'T CM ro 115. ' O 00 0 0 o n af t y-x-"'-: w"