Newspaper Page Text
THE BEAUMONT ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 19M. HOLDS ITS ONLY A SLIGHT LOSS OP PRICES TOR THE DAY PREVI. OUS. , " WEATHER AN IMPORTANT FACTOR Liverpool Kept Up Owing to Firm' nest of Demand There and De lay In Shipments From Thla Side. N w York. Sep!. l.V Tlio col Ion imiiKil illHplaytil n n-iui loiiury (in ill iicy owing lo nioili'i'tiii' liiilil'.illoii ns ti ri'sull nf llKiippoliitiiK'iil nt tin' r.on niipi nniiu o of frost In Iho ninth- WKliril Ih-H. II HK't wlUi iiOO'l Klip- port on nioilt-ralo ili'olini'H, liowovir, nml 1'inli'il loilny with only n sllslit IK'I lllKH. Tim opening wns Rioady with firm prlr-ou allowing some lrr'Kiilarlty, In Inj; 3 points lower to 4 poinlu IiIkIict, following Iho culiles wllloli woro bet tor than expected.- Tho early weaih-f-r reports uliowed no nin of Iho pre ilictcil Hosts in Okhihomii and Ar Uiinsits, Imt. It wan reHirted Unit heavy storms had ncciim-il In por tions or Iho eastern bolt. iutohiiiIiik for Iho interruptions In tho who ner vier, south. : Tho absence of any definite nows fiom tills section furnlsliol some frround for apprehension and arrested M-iliiiK while reports from Liverpool i.liow tho firmness tboro wns 10 the kooiI trade ummuul and further delays In shipments from this side also had some influence on prices. In Iho local markets, there was a ten dency to work a little higher on This Item and prices soon after the open ing were about 5 to 7 points net higher. There wns liquidation, how ever, and when the estimates for to morrow's receipts nt. Houston came in (showing a pretty full movement, the mrket eased olT, followed by Liver pool. , . After declining to a not. loss or i 10 in ir. iinints in the middle (IIIWIIL I- " I . of tho afternoon, it wns rumen u"'" a renewal of local bull support by i .,... di.nllv lilnm v nt n net no- mill wn.l - cliue or fi a S points. Pales estimated 2r.n,nnn bains. Wires to the son'h were working badly all day and cut off business i" it, considerable extont. Ueceipts at the ports today were 2010 bales against 2,852 last week rind 13,(101 last. year. . - - For the week, 175,0(10, against 131, last year. Today's receipts at New Orleans v.ere 2,583 bales against 1.232 last ar and at Houston 7,X;i4 against ,7 it; last year. New Orleans Futures. New Orleans, Sept. 1C Cotton fu tures quiet. Oct. 1021 a 23; Nov. 10 ? a 21; Hoc. 102fi a 27; Jan. 1031 a 32; Feb. 1037 a .".It; March 1044 a 45. New Orleans Spots. New Ordlrans, Sept. 15. Cotton steady sales 3.350. Ordinary 7 7-8; Rood ordinary 3-1C; low mid 10 3-8; .ood mid 10 f-1: miA fair 10 l3-1fi. Receipts 20200; stock 31.802. New York Statement. New York, Sept. 15. Cotton quiet mid 1000; gross receipts 0,131 bales; Rales 110; slock 40.5011. Total today net receipts 29.703: ex ports Oreat llrilain 8.978. France 200. continent 7.758; Mexico 100; slock, "15 93- consolidated net receipts jl... 4li " exnnrts, firent llrilain. .14.777: France 751; continent 18 385: Japan 1 mo- Mexico 1.000. since Sep tember 1: Nel receipts 304.9(19; ex ports Oreat nritaln 109.043; France 9.717; exports continent 4C.S00; Jap an 1.100; Mexico 1,000. Galveston. (Mlvcsfnn. Pent. I.V-Tolton firm; mid 10 i lfi: "ak'R 998; receipts 9.0..4. stock (iri,"S7. Liverpool. Liverpool Rr-nt. 15.-0.tton KP"t in lirf.t demand; prices unchanged tr 0 points higher. American, mid 71fi: mid 7 d: mid W, lw mid f.00; rrnod ordinary 148. The aW ,ho ,nr 'orp , Imlo.; f nirh wire for - .i .rt ami nclilded finn hum i" American. Roc.ipt 4.000 bales. no Amirk-in.- Future np.n.u qui. i r.n-1 rlnml ca.y. Am.rirsn mid e o c: Pept. ;.... p,t. ort S7: Oct. Nov. r.s: V. 1r. .V.4: Dec Jan - Jan ',U ' Feb Vanb r.Cft: March Aprd ": April May T.M: MarJ'iie 41. New Orleans. Sew Or!an. f' I-"-?!" .Ay. win. ''a,", inf ,'",:nC 1 .'.".'l f UTIVO. i",a'i'rt'" 1"1 I-'- F.itn- wuH '1r ' ,, n ,.f 1 a C I"' "" ,in n,'" vric w. r, V. ! P"J V.,r i'-i wt.TVf f1:n M-I ir. ,,1 17 -K.n- ' , v. u ,..1.. .i in V..,r. TI'C 1---T V.-W- TT1- r., ' f""' ,miM. . r'- n"",! U,.rT r. r. fr-r- ffi"T rir,. .v. " .... .1 . it 1,1-r c " 11 bullish fdtuie. but Ihia jnn-4ivU uot iu l a day for l lie hull, to itr i In market mipiiort. In ih iradiiis. (lciiiti.r opi'iicl C (Miinu Uoii at K'-'K, fco!J up iu 10;'! and fluallv down to l;i. TIim market clooed quiet, hi t IS II Miiut lower. Bureau Report. Washington. I. C. Bi jit. 13. The c,iioii rexirt of iho reiimm bureau uliow a total of 39(1.414 commercial l.itN-h- pienKi J at l li Kinm-rica uln ned frtim tho KrowUi of 't prior u Seiiember 1. attahiKt a loial of 17. in7 romnierrlal bah-n In ih rra IH'iiilliiK Hrtot Iuki year. Th n-x'ri kI.owh 7.'ti" ulnnerleii operand this mason pr'or to Seplemher 1. while tho number operated lu tlio corrcn pindlni! daio In 19'3 won M"d. The reimrt points out Unit In mm pnrliiR Iho MaiUilcii with two Team ago, a balance miiKt ho mailt for ihe illrerent condition, the total commer cial hales which would iinni r hut 174.2S1 If tlio nroud bale were count ed nit half hales comprise HT.x.791; square bales, 31.187 round bales and 431 Sea Inland crop hales. FINANCIAL. t STOCK MARKET SPOTTY. Started In Well but Became Irregu lar at the Finish. New York. Sept. 15. There was a mixed condition tif affairs on the siock exchange todny. The market started upward with a comprehensive sweep I hal suggested a continual Ion -r vnutnritnv'n movement, but it he- enmo sKitty and irregular ngnln In the later trading. I no prom iukimk una an frliwrnl HA to KUEUCRt the purposo of support In the mnklng up or picked stocks hero and there In the list. The character of some re purls circulated to explain tho advan ces were not calculated to Inspire credence ami added to the suspicion of a fictitious nature for some of the moves. The continued advance of Pennsylvania and tho United &inie ...... ...oa Hm most Influential Siuei uii:nn wn .' - . factor in shaping sentiment on the general mnrket nnil was liuny e. i ive in suiiporting the level of prices in (lie face of profit taking in some of the stocks which have made previous striking advances, m,;. n.o.i-nf fincml ensv. lionus were firm. Total sales par value, $1,555,000. ITniOed States bonds unchanged on call. New York Exchange. New York, Sept. 15.-Tho close was for prime mercantile paper 4 1-2 ster ling; exchange easy, with actual business in bankers' bils at 4SG.70fiu5 for demand and 484.3033 for sixty days. Posted rates, 48585 1-2 ami 4S71-2i?i48S. - " " Commercial bills 481 l-Sfi)4S4 1-4. liar silver 5G3-4c; Mexican dollars 451-10. , ., (iovernment bonds steady, mil road bonds firm. New York Money. -.-(V York, Sept. 15. Mor.e" :n call steady at. 1f1 1-2; closing bid 1, offered 1 1-2. Time loans steady, CO and 90 days, 3 per cent, six montns 3 l-23 3-4. London Exchange. London, Sept. 15 Consols, lor money 88 7-10; for account SS 1-2. liar silver firm at 20 -10; money 11-2 m 3-1; short bills 2 G-Klfi)2 3-8; three minlbs 2 3-SW21-2. Paris Exchange. Paris, Sept. 15. Three per cent rentes. 99 francs 10 centimse for ac count, Exchange on London 25 francs 23 centimes for cheks. LIVE STOCK, W , Kansas City. Kansas City, Sept 15. Cattle r ceipls 12,000 including 1,400 South ems. nest strong to 10 cents hig.ier; ,.ih,.ra -..nU- to 10 cents lower. Choice exxrt and dressed beef steers 5.2". a fi.15; fair to good L'..;: a n.un, west ern fill steers x.x.i a; sncKt-.r and feeders 2.25 a 4.00; soulherr sti-ers 2.50 a 4.75; bulls 1.7j a, calves a 5.50. Hons, receipts. 5.500 ; steady; heavy 5.C0 a 5.C5; packers S.fiO a 5.75; pigs and lights. 5.50 and 5. SO. Sheep, receipts 2.500; steady; na five lambs 4.25 a 5.00; native wethers 3 25 a 4.00; native ewes 3.00 a 3.75; western lambs 4.25 a 5.00; western vearlings. SCO a 4.00; western sheep ".'5 a 3.70:' stockers and feedders 2 73 a 4.00. MARINE Port of Galveston. ralveKton. Sept. 15. Arrivec : Civilian IRr.). Wiliiare UrtMMl: HI Mar. Jacobs Jr, New Y'rk: r.i-Klva tN'ir ). Jen -en. llava na. tin Vlib-: nia!rn. tte, Hirney I'l ilu'lelphia. Cl'-ar"1: Man:o. Pet trin. rvso Ps.n'ineo: Cali'ar ' Piin t. r.ifwf h-. Liverpool, via l-eiisn'-ola: ra?"l 0r.i. I""-r nun. Pr"mti: An-lrr.a rte lrrinaci M'.r . S,-viis. V-r'b'-t'r: Kl P i ' !!:rc'n. N w Y rk: n'd-ia fN'or.'. J iit'n. Ha van B;i'-d: P'-m"- Ki'iiva (Nor. JTi"D .Hainrit: T")ora 1- jm . rf fnf? ' . '''ti-. Va.- P pe L ne B;(tei. ii ti;: -r-.-- ...r- . - I"" i' L'w 7I: '' L n i 74 7-; r.'. MARKETS ALSO HELPED BY LIGHT CROPS IN FOREIGN ACREAGE. PRECIPITOUS Wl IN CORN Caute of Active Selling Wat Me Gen eral Belief Thai for the Second Time That Crop Had Es caped Frost. ChliiKo. Sept. 15. Snow In the Ciuiuiliau northwest and a ri'xrtcd ibcreiiHO lu tho total Kus-lnu eroy wero conspicuous amoiiK I lie rausci today that turned tho wheat marlici upward. At the close, December sluwed a nli of 1 ZMI) 1 K'c; com waa down 7-Sc; oats oft l-4Jia-bc and provisions Kleudy. At tho out.iel Hentlnielit in tie' wheat pit wns weuk, largely on sym pathy with a sharp break In corn, the iion-apperanco ol predicted nen frosts being tho depressing Influence HlTeeiing corn. Winn trading negan H lot of Ions whent was thrown upon tho market, causing un opening hw In December of 1-Sc to l-2e, and May unchanged. After December had sold off to $1.13 3-8. and May to $1,13 3-8. the market rallied on covering by shorts, ii nil before hie end of the first half hour nil Iho opening loss had been ro gained. Later there was udvices from Winnipeg claiming poor threshing re turns. A soml-olllclal report from Uur.sla Indicated a crop of spring wheat twenty per cent lighter than tho ono or last year. Winter, weather in the extreme northwest, was a de cisive additional bull Influence, mid December advanced to $1,101-8 and May to $1.17 3-S. The close wn firm. December a t$1.1 3-S and Jlay at $1.1G7-SJH 17. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported 459 cars, against 719 last week, and (150 a year ago. A precipitous decline in corn co curred at the opening, as a result of heavy realizing sales. The cause of the active selling was tho general belief that for tho second time the crop had escaped ferious damage by frost, the reports from the country indicating that lit tie harm had been done durin 'benight. December opened 1-SfJ1-1c to l-4f?3-Sc lower, held within th opening range and closed at 52 1-Sfrf 52 1-4c. Receipts, 390 cars, of whlehf 2S were contract. The demand for oats wan small and values were a shade lower. Peoom l;or opened 1-Se to 1-4c lower, sold be tween 32 l-2c and 33c, and closed at i2 3-8ft7-Sc. Receipts, 101 cars. Selling by pit traders on the hreik 'irealt in corn caused an easier feel ing in provisions. Trading wns sma'l. January pork eloped 5 (ft' 7 1-2e higher at $12.77 1-2 (5? 12.50; lard and ribs nch a shade lower nt $7,171-2 anl O.05ffi:(i.(;7 1-2, respectively. Estimated receipts tomorrow Wheat 39 ears, corn 533 cars, cots 131 cars, hogs 15,000 head. THE RICE MARKET S. Locke Breaux under a New Or leans date of Sept. 14, says: Reeeipas of rough rice 10,090 sacks. Millers receipts, 0,292 sacks. Sales of rough rice: Honduras, new 11,183 sacks; Dom Japan ....sacks. Quotations, Hon. now $L50(&$2.50. Jap. $1.50(&$2.10. Actual sales: Honduras, new $1.25 $2.50; Dom. Japan Tone of market Honduras active; lapan, fair demand. Clean Rice. Hon. Jap Head 3 ft 4 1-2 2 1-4 ft 2 7-8 Straight 2 fi2 3-4 1 7-X?i 2 1-8 Screenings. 1 5-851 7-8 1 1-2?. f 5-8 So... 2 15-8 Til 3-4 1 5-8 (ft I 3-4 ctual Sales 1 l-2frj4 3-8 2 1-8Q2 1-2 Sales reported today 8000 1497 :;ran $12.007$13.oo Polish $19.50ft $20.00 Market active. Buyers are all out today looking iroiind, and to see them figuring on 'ots, is a reminder of the good old limes, all except prices. Quite a pro portion of rices coining to hand con tinues to be soft and vcr ripe. Weather conditions niaintaing favora- lile, this cause of complaint asiainst low prices will soon be removed. Young Paraeea Leave Sect The Parsee, or Zoroastrian, com munity of Dombay, who number umkr i5,0oo in all, are threatened with disin tegration by western and Christian In Iwnce. Their wealthy young men visit and reside In London, Paris and ther European cities, where they fre quently take to themselves European Ives. Three cases have Jut oe--urred of Parseeg thus marrying white iromen. one marrying a Jewess and ne a French woman. There are grat 'ij.iTifinni amorie the Parser g In In lia a to whether the ton Par-i wives should be received as inr); t'. LoDdon Globe. The Dog in Parliament. OTi!y one dog has cv-r had the a i !a-i'r to nter 1Le Er-Elii-h jli merit during ti e pr"c-J.Ec. !red years a to tb jrds w rr- inrrirn Co fint-t-rtiatiii l.y a inti'n ir-.t. Iord North as a'i'ir'-; inr ti.. h-.u"-n4 the !'e pr'tmptiy IT"" -l-t 'srlr f'irinji.!r at lim. ly.rl N'.r?!.. iijktd-ral:y tM. ni"a t'at tr.'TMT tn - ir:f'-rruv:Mr b )' H 1 HKf'i-l Tli-f i;r it: Ii,t v.? in irn'-n '- ar-1 fi! it.-fc i 'O'h a ni! t' t.t l - r -.r il'-t -vui' i ti- a --Lt'i. i Ab' Annoying to the Judge. An EiiglUU uiaijUtritlo remarked oi iho bench s "I bavo known aoim Judges, when they have formed a the 1117 In caa too early4U b very much annoyed when the evidence b not fitted with It." Philanthropic!. It ehould be a compenhattng thoughl to a man who die and leaves lnur anco money that bo la benclUIn hl own aex. for tome other man will como along ana get it. Aicumun Globe. Result of Foot Wager. EngHtih newapapera tell of a laborer named Samuel VolllnBlon who at tempted for a wager to klsa hla too. In doing ao he broko bin thigh and had to bo conveyed to a hospital. Dath From Sllaht Accident. While carrying a keg of beer In tended for a picnic In Reading, Pa.. Klmer Kcrchoff stumbled over a wire. The keg slipped bo suddenly that tho Jar dislocated lila neck. Behind In Sanitation. A doctor writca In tho London Lan .ut that na regards sanitation and ventilation tho English churches ro tain the custom of the middle ages. England's Rural Post. Rural postmen In England hereafter will handle parcels not exceeding elev en pounds lu weight. Peculiarity of Arctic Circle. There Is neither thunder nor light ning within the Arctic circle. LOW RATES OVER THE SOUTH ERN PACIFIC (Sunset Route) Colonist rates to California points $27.50 Tickets on salo Soptcmbcr 15 to October 15. A. R. Atkinson, D. P. A. J. K. Tooko, C. P. & T. A. THE LOCAL MARKET Grain and Hay. Quotations for carload lots delivered on tracks Beaumoit or other points taking same rates. Dealers charge from etore 510c per 10 pounds more on bran, 23a per bushel on oata ana corn. 10(5)15c nor 100 on hay. Oats Texas, o0r5c; No. 3 mixed, 49c; white, Bl53c. Bran Per 100 pounds $1.3035. Corn chops, pure $1.301.40. Oats Texas 4345c. Corn 7074c. Hay Choice alfalfa. $15.00; choice timothy, J17.00; South Texas prairie, li.50wa.b): JODQBon grasn. .ouiu 10.00. Feed products very stiff, wltn ad vancing tendency. Market barely steady, with a declin ing tendency. Hides and Wool. Dry flint butchera, 16 pounda and un. 13c. Dry flint kips, under 18 pounda, 10 1-ac Dry ealt. hides, over 18 pound. 10c under 18 pounds, 3c W. S. hides, 6 l-27. Sheep pelts, 15 to 40o. Goat 8kiuH, 10 to 15a HorBe Ualr 15 to 18c. Wool, free spring. 12 1-8 to lie Wool, free fall, 10c. Wool, hard burry, 3a. gutter ana Cheeta. Rnftfti Rliin Star. 'J5: dairy butter 18a20: Kljrln, 2tia27: fiei-nier Fancy Creamery, 28: Meadow Gold, 30: Fancy renovateu creamery. i.a-t. Allison's Pure pa.stearl7.od cream hutter, single pound 35c; 2 pounds for 65c. Cbncfce Full cream flats, 141; daisies 141; prints, 15; full cream Lionjihorns, 15 Flour and areaditutfs. rionr RbRi.;I'48.1ii sacks. Fanev hlsh pitent $."..(I0; fancy half patent $5.30: third Rrado $4.50; 211b facks lover barrel b't'lier: Hour in wood, 30 ner harret hiuherear lots rie, usi Farinaceous Cfiods Ori:s. hominy and cream meal, in 4C-11 sacks, per sack, 7.1- pearl meal in "V-lb sacks, $1 ft.1 per barrel tif four sacks: Seoteh o-Us f2.!l5a:LOO; Friends' oat 2.0".a 3.00-Columbia oats. 2.8.r: Ifawkeje oats, 2.85; Heelcor's buckwheat, H-ib packages, $4.80. Crackers A B C soda bulk. boxe. 7 1-lb cartons, uer dozen. 100: irinf-t snaps, "l: cr?ams, 8. stape .lauks, Hi cakes and iumbU-s. 11 Canned Oooda. California F.xtra Standard (21-1 b tins Clai-k cherries, $2.2.'.; bit cherries, $2.2-'.; Y. C. peaches, L7S: U C. eaehes H.W: apri.t.ts, tl.': Barilett pfars ILH.1: prains, $1. '): standard, 10 i r dor.en less. Kas';rn Canned Goids and Vepe table No. 3 apples, K..: Ii--l pinr -jles, SI: hi. and C oinesppli-. ll.'iO: ex prated pineapples, 1.7.".: iiineai.ple chunks 1-lb car,, 1.3.1. iinspple chunks, H-lb can. !.: SinpaiHrr ex-rra:ed .in'-ftT.te. $1 V,: 2-it, j r . vt.m h".. tf.ll, .. h'.. nurf: 2-1 H ' fu;?-ri'2l.t't.ri :.1i,-a: 3-lb full wek'ht U,niaU-i. l.'fi: 2-1 hi trht--eiflil , 1l i:i. i..v.. 3-lbkr.ut 1.2-1: 2-blVit 1.. aifd JuDCTa. 1 .W: 2-lbManoai-d Vm,- 1 . ..... .... VimSMPPS. -a-.. .-.. 1 ii; hi -n-i'i. ft,. 1 r i-ih lW'l t- iel.t Ma' ro-f.t r-. I: 3-lb iiuiit-kin. '' 2-i lii I li'c'-e L: z-'it i.".' '"Ti, 1. 2-lal. 3-1: Cupid b j ! to ivr t. ! WV I I' IN; Drvpa a Cham'ca'a. j m' Quirir.'e, r.44'i ir titf l.'."! 4.2." f or: lir ir i.'iei n Of-:t .fa.k -- ''r-;i-' 2 ' n 'mr- i r-': ' ;. 121 tt r '"f 'nf.-j r 'Inn f.v ay : -v''Ti n . 2 "r l'i !'. id I'S-T"-': i-.t..l 2 "'!-'; jc-r r i K,r r. v ' ' '' hnrr-: ' fi t l'. '' !-" -.) iu tn -fti '-. 4 " iT V' it: alt- -eitir. r 'u. ix -r a. Canned Molasses, fieorula Cane: gallon. 3.10. half gallon. quart 3.7.1: IVro tie Uuttei bs pullon. J.IU, ball (limi t Xi:: Kaiiuinel Syrup, 10 1b. i.OO. 51b. 2.-0. 2lli. LIM. Dried Frulta and Nuta. Id ox. cleared current, 3d In case, I n r lit. 8(: Vi oi t-leautHl curreut, 4 in cui ikt lb. H; 3 1'rowu htnynia lm iiurted tltf. Id-lb boNtu, ier iiounil, 12; tl Crown Smyrna imported lit,'. 1 ll. Inixe. iH'rlb. 1.1: 2cinn Cullfor itta lit;. I-'" bi'b-k, Id lb Im, imt iu.v i :t i'i'iiuii t 'uiif.ii niit iIl. 1-lb carum. id-lb Ihii, imr Iti, !.-': 1-ot pucKages sociletl rnlNlii. 4.i In cute, r iKg, 0; 10 ox packau'es smuled iii 11 mm. :itl in case, iter nuckiiL'o. M: 2 crown I L. raisin, 20 lb Ikixc. er box, 2.00:3erowu uu Itaislu, L'O-u boxes, Mir box, 2. 1.1: 2 crown I I raisins, 6-lh boxes, er box, 70; Aiuer. Corslean citron, 10-lb boxes, pur lb, 1(1: Amer. orange pool, 10 Hi boxes, pet lb, 14; Amer. lemon peel. 10 lb boxes, ner lh. 14: No. I (.'alifornia ulinond, soft shell, suck conliiining about W pounds, per lb. lu less quantities, pel in: n. IVans-Sar: ie! lb. Mlscaliahsoua. nonoSlsal. 7-ld basis 01, Manila V V V. 14 3.4. Salt Koek, H.O'i er ton; uouisiana ..iit 'I'ixiw mid ICmiHiis. Iter bid. 00.5s. 2.ll0: lik-3s. 2.75: 140-2, J2.H.'. l'iekles-rinls. H.1: ouurts, 4 : n.r :t"..- 1: ft eiillon b.i.m Ill-irilllllll ail.TJ): Cl'OHK and ulucKweii s puns, .t.o;. t'nnilv .stick, wraiiuoa. sianiiiiru (i?u7: funcy mixed, in pulls, til all: funu In iMiseo. 1 lii IS- roil II a. I j. utmv.n I'iMii'l. 40-lh Muxes. 4: irloss bulk, ii: Nickel, $X0O; 1 to 3 pound pock aires, oa.'). Molasses Ccntrifuiral, fair, 2J; prime, 2(ia2S; cboleo23tt30. Corn Syrup 30u31. RAILROAD TIME TABLE. Texas and New Orleans R. R. Co, Tast Bound. No. 6 Local Arrives 7:00 p.m. No. Local ..Leaves o a m No. 10 Sunset Limited Arrives 9 a. m V.envnti fl-0I a. rv No. 4. Oriole to Echo Arrives 12: IB p. m. Leaves 12: ?6 p. m. No. 8 Texas KxpreHs Arrive 9 "67 P No'. 102. From Sour Lake Arrives at 7: 15 p. m. West Bound. No. 7 Texas Express to Stn Antonlt Arrives 7:18 a. m.. Leaves 7:24 a. m. No. 3 The "Oriole" Arrives 8:67 p m.. Leaves 4:07 p. m. No. 5 Local Arrives 7: 2S p. ia., Lea vf at 7:33 d. m. No. 9 "Sunset Limited" Arrives 9:21 p. m.. Leaves 9:33 p. nt. No. 191. To Sour Lake Leaves 7:01 a. m. North Bouiie. No. 15'5. To Dallas Leaves 9'u0 p. nt No. 156. From Dallas Arrive 8:40 am South Bound. No. 151 To Sabine Leaves 'J: if a. m No. 152 From Sabine Arrives '6:10 p. m. 1S3. No. No. Local to Koculand Leaves 9:30 a. m Local from Rockland Arri 6:30 p. m. Kansas City Southern. North Bound. No. 2 for St. Louis, Kansas City, Shreveport, Texarkuna and Fort Smith leaven 7:50 a. m. No. 4 for Kansas City, Joplin, Fort Smith, Toxarkana and Shreve port leaves 7:50 p. in. South Bound. No. 1 from St. Louis, Kansas City, Fc.rt Smith, Texarkana and Shreveport arrives.. ..9:10 p. m. Ivcavcs 'or Port Arthur. .9: 15 p. m. No. 3 from KanHas City, Jopiin, Fort Smith, Texarkana and Shreve port arrives 8:40 a. m. iLeaves for Port Arthur. 8:45 am. Port Arthur Servlc. To Port Arthur. No. 3 departs 8:40 a.m. No. 5 departs 10.30 a. m. N'o. 7 departs 4:15 p. tn. (Sunday only-No. 45 Ica1 Freight departs 8:00 p m. (except Sunday' No. 1 departs 9:15 p. nt. From Port Arthur. 2 arrives 7:45 a. m. C arrives 12:20 p. m. 8 arrives 9:35 a. m. (Sunday on ly) 46 arrives 10:05 a. m. (except No. No. No. No. Sunday.) No. 4 arrives 7:45 p. m. Culf, Colorado & Santa Fe. Kansas City Mall and Kxprwa. No. 218 leaves 6:00 p. m No. 217 Arrives 12:25 p. m. Saratoga La press. No. 204. Leave 7:00 a. m No. 201. Arrive 7:00 p. m center Mail and Express. No. 205 l-eaves 10:15 a. is No. 201 Arrive C: P. M leave Iteanmort 9 A. M Arrive r.alveftm 12 .50 P. M Lesvn r.slveff n 2 30 P. M Arrive IJ'.anmont ...7.20 P. M Cu'f anrf Intentate Railway. No. 2 (S.iit. Imntidi :p.irt a. m v.. i . mi h iMiutifl i fl'-t.iirt 4 ti. in ; . allir,!av c p. m. 1 cN-mli iK.uiidl arr'v .: 2" J. m. " ' ( Nor'h lnnitidi arrives 1 :r i v in "' 1 ,vt 1 " ' :n . C 1,1.. M.trr. iei l Ij' JtUll lt li'iiel) J'An I 10 p ( Ha-t Veiiidj srriv. 12.1' flat to-:r:'!t a"riv 7 ic 1. L T'n-T "if. for ' si a Ba-B'm. 11 r''!1 2 Vv. 9fe-n-K V.'nl M ; 'l 'IT fi1. Ju-' to j,..-,iT Tl' tiii', st, 4 ar'iti M' M. HAV'1,1 V. ikJi HI, lf v. It, La- a 1 C .1 i it ' 4 ' . r t Vr a W;' -'lit hVr; i few -A, Ct'fyrithnurr Mcintosh Art Slmliti. Each New Subscriber Can Get an Art Picture With Tho First Month's 8ubsc-li '.Ion. Diana Brick MaKcrs of 'BRICK The Best Brick in the World Address; LOO, TEXAS FUEL OIL, Higgins Oil & Fuel Co. Beaumont, Texas. Producers ard Shippers olCKUhE PirmOLEUil from Sour Laka and. HeauniQflt. iWorage Tanks tieaumont, Sabine, Morjran City and Sour Lake. Unexcelled tar.ilities for making prompt sliipinent by rail or waicr. Wo v.iao solicit towing on tlio Gulf for new tugs 'Gilbert" ant1 "Hiimins." ''orrosponflenca Holicitod. NEOilES IRON-WORKS (INCORPORATED.) CGHNEll OF UOlV'li: AND riABiNE HTltEETtf. Heavy CaMtinjc, Forginij and Structural Work, Saw fllll Work a Specialty. Well Mochi tury Uuilt and Repaired. BO Hi 'H1J.S tm. TSI ROUND TRIPS MAT tt PnnCHArn lo St Uls via Clorade ASK YOUR AGENT FORTtlEM 'TUr rrillirn wsm. . OOUBltBAllY SOLID TRAINS Thlu mmngtmcnt wptha root mnainciuact io.-o.-rr privilege. Hat you mmy enay jrvummi taxation mna went Dciore or aficr vUitlng WORLD'S PAIR Old Forrester Whiskey Guaranteed. StkUj pur .nil -f ih.. M.l fla..!V,M-,: lL U- "' two IWtiUil at th l. i ' '-rjr inl rran-. 5L"l"rr " ' rlh": P. G. FUREY. 4 - Van Fr t A'')'u.y m. : H1I it ' t ;! . . s fc . t . - J 1 i r 1 4 V y-'t r V '. '.'A': I & Tile Co., Ltd. Common - AKGLE aad to Clorade vL lb Uala. ACAI CARS. all polntn In the Southwest In "COOL COLORADO" the.... IS. CriiT Ian THE BEST YET ' JU', runlinw; your tirkpls to FL LrojU "a il.". LOI ISVILLR. AND. NASH- l -t th'ims earth, the Wiirld a liiir anil Amiri's's Cr-atifit Natural . Woti'l'-r Mamnwnh Ca-?. KiittKkr. l: - ".1 t'ip Pt. lsmn tirkpta itmlt tr lo Mair m'rik Care Jnnr-tii i-l'iiit ..!; i'Hiil nmX. Stop nrcra ;-i4 st Xs'l,vi!l", TfUfU Tit r-- foTI )tir-matk. ' "1 n it l'!r- j Loaisrille a Nashville R. R i Tn, I K T:T.,r:LT. I P. A, Hew Or- lifM- ' T1'"