Newspaper Page Text
1 . THE BEAUMONT ENTEWPWUi, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1904. S . i ...... ... . . .-. - - r Bar Fw,Vr8Sl7ST : SELF KTHSE IS HIS OlfENSE WOODRUfF WIFHDREW IN FAVOR IMS AW IS CLUB FOR LABOR with ull Ueaumoni s i nriuy 7 wives. With the advent of the fall season we are before you arfain with the same money-saving opportunities. Bargain Friday is not a "dumping ground" for unseason able shop-worn Merchandise, but the natural outgrowth of a well reflated, thrifty business, serving to equalize our end of the week rush in making it possible to handle the crowd with our regular help on Saturdays. & Specials in Staple Dep'f. 7 1 ?r zcndu Percales, r.oo.l 1 1 1 it ml iH'-ny duk imticriis: ml-iitiiil I ;- slIllHil drosses; n yard 7 t-Jf Apron (iinuliniiifi, nil ci.ors;n RIKIll VIllllO ii yard ! S llie Wide Percales, a splendid -! la n al llnures mill st ili s. sill Unlit col urn; ;i splendid lliiiiK fur Men's shirts mii Hoys' waists, a yard 1 'Zi- I'ri'liy h'ancy 'r.'loiis fur Curlnins, Corn-lies. Clothes Hiiks, etc; worl h 1 t. r iii senile stores, here a ynd 1 7 I 2c OnliiiK Flannels, not llio nar row I hill liiml I hat some people offer as a special, lint r.oo.l wiillh anil qunl Hv; linlil colors only, a yard ." 7 1 Popper.d Wenched RhetluK; 111" J width for r slunk- beds, worth IXc to l!Uc, a yard 12 12 Cnldi a.'hi'd ('union Flannel, would lie a ;.',ooil leader at l-'l Home uteres jli l 7c; here, a yard 54 I'd pieces Ti Inch sanitary cloth, worl" 7.ric, sp.Tiai, a piiTe rr !lc Percales, pretty dark colors; for si hool dresses an. I fall wrappers, a yard Tt S i :ic Online, extra kooiI ipiallty, sells for I Oc In some stores; Special 7 1 2 l.'nil yards Khirtiin; Madi'iis. a 1 Tic value lint only a small lot left, to close mil at a ar, 7 J ! Yard wide soil llnl:;li lll. a.di I) eslic Fniin.-r's Choice liraml, a van! Baby Dresses ,"i do,-i i: l:ilanls' Oiilini; Uresser,, ;ot in a i.liipmi nt of ilmnia 1 y mislake; lliey ale neatly made of linht colored (luliiiK and specially rood, al i!."i SMankcf Bargains Nolle tee carlv to buy a nice, lir.lil tteulll Ciilloli Itl'lllkel, Just imllt o I.e. i l)i,' rilill ell these niol lli Hfc i I a lull '.i 1. -t- doiilde In. Is and a this :i'' ::: lie:-. ;i I''"' US? l.ii'.hi v i::lil colored Col loll lllaii'.i't. :.i:i::le I...I : i.e. ui III 7: sp.val. a p.iir IiS Nee iiieul!l n While Cotton I il :ltl - I.. Ill: . !.,. t"- fan- 7:: Counterpane il ' i i. ill II - ; come 1 1 iir.. : ii i i , .. I, ... ft .". .,li.- s"r Single Bed Shceis ' 1 I ' 'Il ! Ml' 'I t "I il. .,. I t ! I ' I i:ie Ladies' Pelticoats v.- I ..i rs..-.. I t . ... , . .. , . ,. : ,...!, .!:.: ., ... . r .1 EXTRA SPECIAL Ull pleci-n new I'all W'nlslillKH nml SniiiiiKK. In solids, dark moiiiids, with nnall llnnres. lilit j:roiiinls. hid ii 1 1 liwiires; wot Hi l uinl 2Hr; special, a yard 12 1 2 (iood (iiality CIlild'H I lose Mippnr MT H per pair 8 .1 ilnzeii Ladles' OnllllK (iowns, Ileal ly niad; full and kciiitdhs In '''. imod 75 'eiil Heller, special, caoli r0 Kxlra Kxl fie seller In I'earl lliittons. all sizes, I dozen on card special .'! dozen for J0 Ladles' Llnht. weight Vests with sleeve, the K hetwen season weight, special 2 for S.'C4 Ladies' Siinimer Vests, lo close- all our remilar 20c. sellers, special, each 10 lliH Tallin full of Val and Torchon Lace; worlli up to 7c n yard; special a yard '0 dozen I'uro Lilian Handkerchiefs; regular value 7 l-2( special, ', for 10''' IMck any licit in the store al l-.j off the plain Ukui'o price. pi.-ces Nice, Wide Kinliroidery ; the White House R 1 :ic seller, special a yard O 1 2 20 pieces Kxlra Wide Haiiihiiri; Km- hriddery, 2nc and 2'ic quality; special a yard 1 (Id' t Hosiery Specials Ladles' lilacl; Lace Hose, our regular :!.ric value, pretty patlerns and good hlack. a pair 1 ) 2d doen Miss.'s' lilack Lace Hose, sies 11 to S 1-2; sold all season at fiiie, siieccial a pair. fJJs in dozen Misses' lllnck Lace Hose; sizes to S 1-2; our reivular 20 cent seller; special 2 pair for 2r Child's Itilihed wilh while foot, sizes f. to 7 12 oiilv; a 2'' value special, :! pairs for TtO4 Child's Itiidied Hose. spliced heel, knee and toe; fond value at 2"c; the si 'e:: ."i to 7 only 2 for TZTt? School Shoe Bar gains Iti:; t.ilde full of Chilildl e.i's School Shoes, mostly Little Chilli liraml. a tew of ! Inian's make; nuiflly all si'es In I Iii- lot rancini; finiu S In 2; Inn uiaiix pii-i-i to Dm; every pair a ha i r.iin Boys' School Suits 2 !-. uiiliiiiii. lie worn i" ll c'imi.i e until I 'Ii ' isl in.-i ; lliey ;ne tie-ll !.!, I,. S in . w i rili trete ft.." to 7.'.". l.. i ill i (i nn s iii I .. i :i It M.f I'UICi:. Umbrellas . i i . . r 1 M f ' i me. 'T , . f. , .. , . . ;,,! ii. I., 'el t Il . ::: ... e . I. : e: I .. .. I , , . i.. ' ..! I . . I , . ,i. I. -e ' l. ! . h C ; ... .. : '.. ' "i v. . I, f ' . . , I. . ;.- ... .,. . t I . ! ' .1 ir DAVIS ON TRIAL THE THIRD TIME CASE AGAINST NECR0 CHARGED WITH MURDER IN SECOND DEGREE. IN NEW YORK WAS NOMINATED IN REPUBLICAN STATE CONVENTION FOR GOVERNOR. Counsel for Accuied Will Seek to Show H Killed to Keep from Being Killed Other Newt of the Courts, Indorsed Chicago Convention and Its Declarations Particularly Those In Favor of Maintenance of Gold Standard. In JihIro WnttH' rourl yesterday the third trial of John Davis, colored, chirked with murder In the second di;ree, wuh pot toii under way. It will he concluded imlay. Ycstcr'.y wuh devoted to the Introduction of tiKtlmony hy the stale. This will continue this forenoon. It Is expect ed the ddefens,. will hirltl lillftllli! nil ' t .s witnesses ahoiil ikmiII and will or pnpy Init nhoni one hour. The nrn- inl.lllu nf linlll ulilou will lllen In. tiui.le anil the rase will prolmhly ko to the urv line iiiih Hiiernoon. The Oavls Cas". Davis Is churKcil with killiiiR 1-Til filhler on AiimiHt 4, 1!)oo. The rnso has lieen trnnsferrcd from one DIh- t riff c.'inrt to the other several t linen, once n mlstrll resulted and once on an peal the case was remanded for n new trlull The trial started yester- lav Is the th'rd on the same count. O'Hrlen, John & O'Brien nre counsel for the .(defense and Mr. CeorKe C O'Hrlen Is conduct ins the case for his client. Slate's Attorney HIrIi- tower nnd Ills nsslstanr, Mr. R A. Mc.lhiwell, are proseciitimr Hie ense. The State yesterday endenvored to show hy Its testimony that Davis killed fiilder ns rharsteil in the In- ctnient. Counsel for Davis wll' seels to show hv their testimony mi l arirunieiit Hint the killlnir vas in seir defense. Hv witnesses tlinv will trv nrove that r.ilder had threatened navls' life and had persued him with the avowed Intention of killiiiR him. Big Suit Filed. In the District court yesterday City Attorney Teazle filed nnotlier hatch of city tax suits, anions inem one for nearly $2,000 atjalnst. .1. u. and Mollie Lnmrhum of Oranse. The it v attorney alleges that detemianis .. .1... .. f l),,lll ire indeliled to ine cuv m neiiinu..... in the sum of 1.7r,ti.!m lor ium-s dly propertv owned hy them in ine rears 1!)02 and 1!o:i. Suii on note for $2,000 was Mod In the TV viol court yesterday i.y '.-rli dinan. a imhiistrator ot tue esian- Pdiloss. dfainst .lake Davis. In the District court. JudKO Watts Hudson & I.""1', attorneys tor Scott win was recently soiiioiice.i ... ,if,oen 'n the penitentiary on , corvicf.on of manslaiiKiiier. yw -e lav Med motion for a new trial. The liearina on fx' motion win no pun. tomorrow morniiiK. In .Indue Pope's court yoMei.,.. ....,.. .. n lienr- nn opportunity was .. " inK on the nnplicntion to modify In junction in tlie naneas eedilins in tlie case oi ... nealnst Nannie Tlrown er n i .... papers in the onse. sunpie,. , ... Ml,' with the clerk of the court, could not he round. i ue.v ..... dlher lost or stolen, a nio...... .... pennission to fde a new set of pauors was made and cranted aai.l the hear ing will he Riven later. Injunction Asked. T. S. Short ot al of Center yester day made application in JndRo Pope's court for an injunction re. mm... K. Miller from ereciini; a ";' aide in dose proximity u puiu..... property. A temporary in. .... was issnedd. conditioned on a bond "f $1 000 returnal.lo to the District court 'of Shell.v county. The case was hrouuht to Jefferson county on ai count of the absence of the court of Sholhv county. In the' count v court yesterday Miss oe Jones of ill's city was hrouR it tief.iro .ludjo Wheat and adjudged in sane The court consentoii in.n " l. sent to a private hospital at San Antonio. . In Justice Pope's court yestoil.O Julius llokeni.yer. a carpenter of Houston was arraiRiied on the charso ot assault wiih int.-nt to murder, iho coniplainani heitiR his wile. Ada Pokeinevcr Defendant waived a preliminary h.ariiiR and as adimt ' . ... i i il... sum of t.-' Mrs. ii i. . ... th:it she rosioc!- BRYAN TALKS IN L HUNDREDS UNABLE TO GAIN ENTRANCE TO THE HALL IN DENVER. Stamps Roosevelt as Dangerous, and Supports Parker Because He Loves Peace Better Than He Loves 16 to 1. .1: Saratoga, N. Y Sept. 15. The Re publican Hitto convention adjourned at 2::so p. in., toduy after clociliiK unanimously the ticket for stato of ficers, forecasted last night hy tho Associated Press, as follows: Coventor, Frank V. HIrrIiih, Cat taraiiKUH. ' LI.Mit. Governor, M. Linn, nrucc, New York. Secretary of State, John F. O'llrlen, Clinton. Comptroller, Otto Kelscy, Living ston. Attorney General, Julius H. Mayer, New York. Slate Engineer and Surveyor, Hen ry A. VanAlstyne, Columbia. Chief Judge of tho court ofappeals, Kdgur M. Cullen, Democrat of Kings. Associate Judge of the court of ap peals, Vm. K. Werner, Republican, of Monroe. The unanimous action of the con vention In nominating Lieutenant Governor Higglns was made possible hy the withdrawal of former Lieu tenant Governor Timothy L. Wood ruff as the convention was preparing for the roll call. There was no contest what ever over any other place on the ticket. The platform a topted Is as follows: The Republicans of the Umpire State, the home of President Roose velt, In convention assembled, fifty years utter the birth ot tne parry, congratulates the country on the splendid results of ihe recenc elec tions in Oregon, Vermont and Maine and the inspiration they have gi.'oa to the cause of Roosevelt and Fairbanks. 'We endorse the platform ot tlie Republican national convention in Chicago last June in all Its declara tions, particularly those In favor of the maintenance of the gold stanuai.i and protection to the American work men and the industries uy wmra they thrive. We appeal tor support to me com mon sense ot those wno o.o nor re lieve in changMig for the sake of making a charge and who are willing to 'let well enough alone.' to those who believe in the kind of protection the Republicans have always sioou for and not in the kind with which the Democratic party, witn us iree trade allies is trying to delude indus trial workers. National as well as stale policies are Involved in the outcome of our slate election and we commend to ev ery citizen tne tan nun iimmiNu of his patriotic duty. Roosevelt Pleased. Oyster Ray. Sept. 16. President Roosevelt was informed today of the nomination by the Republican state convention of Frank W. Higgins for Governor of New York. The Presi dent his followed the proceedings of the convention with deep interest and he refused to take part in any wav, for or against any candidate, ho expressed himscf tonight, as pleased that Mr. Higgins had been named for rvvonuii. Mr Higgins as chairman or the committee ot the state senate while Mr. Roosevelt was governor, and thier relations arc very close. WESTERN BANKERS. Visitors Had Trir Throuph Subway and Jaunt at Coney Island. New York, Sept. 15. The western hankers had the floor today at the session nf the American llanuers association. The principal speakers lieforo the convention were A. J. Frame, president of the Waukesha v.Mlnii.ii Hank of Waukesha, who read .... -Punic Panaceas." and W i- Heliinson. nrcsident of the First National Dank of Winuel.l, Kansas. A feature of the day was tho "call of north. muHi, east and i west," which liroitRht form nve-nimme hankers on Hie onootiraRiiiK Denver. Sept. 13. Win. J. Bryan opened the Democratic campaign In Colorado with a goocli at Coliseum hall tonight. Hundreds were unable to calu entrance to the hall. Air. Hryun dwelt at length on what he termed the policy of militarism or the Republican party, which was not Influenced alone hy Imperialism, for he ninlnlnlned that the strengthening of tho nrmy was as much for the purpose or aiding capitnl In enforcing its demands against lnbor a anything else. He churacteil.ed President Roosevelt aR a dangerous man, be cause of his love of power and war like demonstrations, nnd unsulted to he at the head of a nation that want e dlo he great In moral force nnd not physical force. "Yon ask me .a believer In free sil ver, how I can bring myseir to hup- pott a man who tavors tfie gom standard. I say that I love pence and the gospel of pence infinitely more than I love either gold or sil ver. Mr. Bryan assured his hearers that if Mr. l'arker was elected president, peace would reign in the United wtntea iinrinir the next four years. Mr. Bryan spoke of tho labor troubles nnd consequent occurrences in Colorado, and said that the eve or the country was on Colorado, nnd tho people were nnx'ous to learn the result of the vote for governor. MAGNOLIA PARK Saturday Niqhl FoUivtljr tht Grtet and Only KOMETA, The Female Impersonator and Prima Donna. A complete Vaudeville performance of the highest class. : The CINEMATOGRAPH And an Orchestra That Cannot be Excelled in the State : : Drake's Palmetto Win. A trial bottle Is sent prepaid, free of charge, to every reader of tbis iiuper wbo hits cbronlo Stomuuh Trouble, Flatulency, Constipation. Catarrh of the Mucous Membranes, Conu'estlon ... T il.l.. A. InHumMoiInn nl IllnHHv 111 Ul UIUIir)9,UI 1UIHIIIIIUHWUUW1 .. KJllv uuae u uuy ICIIC.ub IIII..iuu.uia..j.. vu.ia solutely. builds up the nervous system and pro- . - 1 n,1 .j.,l,n. h!. L.rnlu UJULa U JUIXC1. I'UIVi (.11. DU'.tj. Seventy-nve cents at Druir Stores for a large pome, usual UOIllir size, uu& evriy rcuuur ui this paper who needs medicine will be supplied U in 111 ULfll.U Ul uiunia x uiuk-ulw .. uv. iree oi eiiurKr, i.y wiihuk "i iu w x.n rwi- .. V . t...M.i:nn r.l.l....n Til mum VsUHiiHiuy. iruuu ouiiuiuk, viuwku, u. Cotton Bureau Report. 7ue crop by" slut es and territories: Alabama (!,4"ti commercial bates; total corresponding period last year 1 :I41; Arkansas Vti, last year 17: Flor ida lilGti. last year 582; (Jeorgia tilt, iu:i last year 8,28:!: Indian Territory 1.(155, last year "4: U)tillhna 55,05(1. V lust vear 448? Mi6isippl 2,70:!, last,, year 84; North Carolina 134, last . year 35; Oklahoma 4:1. last year none; South Carolina 4.215, lust year 254 Tennessee 2. last year 1; Texas 2S5. Oil commercial hales, last year C,- 701. , T. No figures are given for Kansas, Kentucky, Missouri or Virginia. Tho' statistics were collected through a canvass of the individual ginners of the cotton states by C(i7 local special agents The report will be followed by live others showing the quantity of cotton ginned Irom tne growui u 11)04, to October 18, to November 11. to December i:i, to January 1 and to the end of the season. The final report will give the quan tity of cotton ginned during the entire season and will include also the quan tity of linters obtained by tho cotton seed oil mills from reginnKig cotton seed of this year's growth. Frost Damages Iowa Corn. Des Moines, la., Sept. 15. Northern Iowa corn fields are badly damaged by a heavy frost, which extended throughout tlie extreme northern part of the state. Several localities report m temperature of thirty degrees. I ooooocooooooec :ooooo oooooco He That's Always "Coin To Never Amounts to much. We always do It And a s We Advertiic Last Chance This WceK To Buy A $4 50 Pair of Pants $2.45 SolinsKy Bros. On the Corner 2 5 I M M ill '. . ,....,: I:.IUK l.V ii. Mil ntr ami :'" " " ' , 7 I ".. ....... , ,.,,... :.- ' I""""1 VV:"!";.. ""a.... .'! t ' '..mmi.i.M. a. larce on nomina. in , i..i- ,,.!,. yesterday and assault. 1 her. r.rt B?rrb Outraqe. I Tt.c tii-t Im,iU i.iltraue" enn .it .1 . n rinUimas eve lv". s'.ilnt V. i.u-.t . 'Uh.-1 t- r.-aiovo Nsp.'"''"'' '' " ,r ""' u1-f,.r.-M of the i(. l'sts. Xm'.e..n ;. l.nt ni.r e i a'"1 ,vtan.1.-r i i' t'o fc'M'''' ,li''1' sfi.-. Va'ue of LaJ9hcr 1' t. 1 lh r ,(.. . r an ' 1 a'. it "f ',;-:, ' i.r.i ii... 'f P"'' a" ' ' tt-. t i'l " ' ri' f C r t.i r. 1., 1T I tr r'T'Wi.- "f ' r s,. f- .i. m .1 It 'fit 't r 1 : in V Vr a ' ; .nM:t. ' . -i ,.f !! . . t . , - - ... . ' ' V ..' . tt l.T D'C . '.r. 4 tions f.r tomorrows election nonnn-; a ted (he folliwin: President. K. V. Swinnev. i.resident of the First Na- i liotial Hank f Kan-an C'tv; vice, uresidenl. . U Hamilton, vice presi ,1. in or the HaniiHon & Cunninnhnri Hank. Hoopslon. Illinois. Menil,"- of the ex.utiv comn-i'tt: fJ. K 'hitn. ieo irid. nt National City Tlank. New VrV: Clark William. 1 repreen'inc thp trust enmpanv f? tim. New York City: .1hn Perrv. nnrican Na'i'ri?l Park. Indianiexv lis- c:i.r Hirh. York. Pennsylvr n a nn.l .'- 1- TvnnUc. j.r-'i.l.nt rf the' Firs' NaM-mPl Patik. Pt Anci i .f.n ."ii,r'1a. Tli.. iiip ) 1 :'(' Tn ,Tin'e 11.P f . ,M.. ifi lor t"-ni'"" "1 'he ex il . i .,. r..-r.' U K T. Tntirt'T. rV"r fri-n Na'i-!l r.ak. C1v-''i1 : T. j l"...u r, ra-f -r Kir" Na'i"n?l. V..r-Va"-' r. l' a: 1. Tt. Pri. v. -r V'Til.ti' s'l far.-'-' N.v i.mal Pb'-V. L' r'. Vii'ifTi. vi ("..s rc r.,i n-f.t 1 lf V- , - - . . (r-.i-J. "-f..;, r- t- i ii, " a. re N'l'i'ti :' iv.. i. ( '..i S' , - : r w-P ' ;- V .n -m -' T' -;fi-d fl rli' ' l ot.' t tid. J What I Have Done for Others I Can Do For You. Sept. 14. '04 Arthur Finn: IVar IVn-tor: I am much plea si .1 with Ireatiin nt I rKeived for tny eyes nfid ..iisiiler the Improvement re markaldo. I .hall alav rhiTfully ! otniiK o,i j-our rvices as first Un. Truly ymir. Roxwctl M-rtt. liO l ami F.miurai ion Ac tit h. I'. II. ( i im p4sy. K Eifert tr StUliit. WITH THE BECK JEHEL11 C01PABT. lt4ii Oftitiaat. Q 1 First National Bank of Beaumont Capital Stock Surptua Fattf - -. L'"d'.ed P'Ct . W. S. Davdaon. PrMiSer.t L V. P. M. ViPadd'n. Vice Pret dent Frak 'vey. Ci er. W. C. Dv'Hcn. t. Cs"er. E. C. OgSei. Director. idc rne 71J0 M. H'btrt. Second Caa-er. . et. O-TClar. ts. S. G bet. D"-ecior. ro P.. Levy. D"-ertor. si C. Ward. D-recor.