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THE BEAUMONT ENTERPRI SE VOL. VIM. BIAUMONT, TEXAS. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1904. NO. 141. RUSSIA WHISTLES TO KEEP GENERAL STAFF REFUSES TO BELIEVE THAT JAPANESE HAVE RESTED UP ENOUGH SO QUICKLY. THAI RUSSIAN FLANKS ARE THREAILNLD IS DISCREDITED AT ST. PETERSBURG Military Critics Claim that Marshal Oyama's Purpose Having Faded the Honor Belongs to Kuropatkin. Czar's Complimentary Letter is Read to the Army at Mukden. Associated ITt'HHH Uulk'tln. Statements I hat tho Japanese army Is concentrating upon tho flanks of thu Hussian furcoH in the vicinity of Muk (It'll arc mot with expressions of In credulity at thu UiishIuii war oflloc. It la tho opinion ut St. Petersburg that u much longer time miiHt elapse before Oyuma can put his army, which was sorely tried In tho battle of Lino Yang, In condition to undertake a for ward movement. Russia's recession from her early position on the question of contraband is regarded as tho occasion or the probable retirement of Vice Admiral Avellan from his post at tho head of tho Russian admiralty department. St. Petersburg Surprised. St. Petersburg, Sept. 17.-2:25 a. m. Tho war office has heard tho re port of an apparent Japanese concen tration against tho Hank of General Kuropatkin's army, roparatory to an advance toward Mukden. While it is not in a position to absolutely confirm or deny the report, It would surprise tho war office should Field Marshal Oyama have been able in such a short time to organize his forces for a seri ous advance northward. Japanese Moving. St. Petersburg, Sept. 16. General Kuropatkin reports that recpnnois uncos have established the fact that the Japanese are massing near Yen tia and Uotitsiaput.e. Bodies of Japanese are also moving in the Liao river valley. Drawing Comparisons. St. Petersburg, Sept. 1 (!.;): 20 p. m. The Itussiau military critics, analyz ing General Kuropatkin's extended report of the batle of Liao Yang, seem to unite in considering that, Field Marshal Oyama's purpose hav ing failed, the honors belong rather to Kuropatkin than to the Japanese commander-in-chief. The Novoe Vreniya draws a parallel between Lino Vang and 'Borodino, where General Kusloff's abandonment of Moscow to Napoleon was followed by the disastrous retreat of the French. Japs at It Again. Mukden, Sept 1C Early this morn ing twenty-six wounded men belong ing to Major General Mistcheuko's Cossack division were brought into Mukden. Particulars of the skirmish are not available. II Is not clear whether it was a simple outpost affair, or tho be ginning of the real Japanese advance on Mukden. A $30,000,000 Battle. Paris, Sept. 17. Exact figures of the Russian losses in killed, wounded and missing in the operations before Liao Yang, from Ancnst 13 to 2fi. have been received by the general staff, ac cording to the Journal des St. Peters burg eorcsioink'nt. These amount to officers and 21.8' soldiers and 2 generals. In addition. 133 guns were lo:,t. The material losses, including fortifications, amount to $.:o,imi(i.ijiio. Repel Outpost Attacks. M Petersburg. Sent. IV A din- tmh from Mukden nays the Russian iwtrol up to the reM-nt time have v nil.-l all J a panes- onanist attack unit that communication with SSim iriintin have n' bun liit-rnin-d. ;.-tiral Sin.sonoff ha Ix-cn pro mote d to the rank of general of diw- Holl. Kind Word Fiom Czr. Isip'l'iii. S-t. l'i -A d'-vm'ch .wi !: f.-oin Mnkd'f. diT'-o S K.. . ibat in a r'-i.-ra1 rd-T i iil l. ;-n. K'trooaMn '!' .: ! eneri i-'i'.M'ii'-i-- f-'.m vn'ir T"-jr O n' J'' i r,. .!'! -,.- U'-r, - '.i;e Yum ' it " -n-mr 1 ,.r.K t I r ' "'" ' "T"1 m i ..... ..ill - f i I- ' ;',-.' for their heroic work and continue 1 Kclf-sacrillcct!. God guard you. "NICHOLAS." Commenting on his mnicsty'ti mc.v M'.gc, Gen. Kitnipatkiu said It con tain. n further expression of lufty benevolence on the part (if the em peror and adds: "I nut quite sure thai In the work t li ut lies before the Maneburian army, every soldier will put forth his best efforts to achieve victory over the enemy and become worthy of Iho confidence of the emperor." Kuropatkin ordered I Ins emperor' message to be rend to all the troops with solemn ceremony. Japanese Advance. Mukden, Sept. ir. (Delayed.) It is reported here that the .lnnaniv-e are advancing cri Mukden from the ensl. A strong force of Russians are ready to meet them. Wu Tin? Fanq's Mission. St. Petersburg, Sept. 1(1. 0 p. ni.--M. Lcssar, the Russian minister at T'eliin. hiiK not ronfl'-ned the report 'hnl Wn Ting Fang, junior vice-president or tho foreign office will visit the neutral power. of Russia and Japan on a mission regarding Manchuria. Ambassador McCormicks' Note. St. Petersburg. Sept. 1fi, (1:25 p. m. Foreign Minister 1 "nsdiulT lias re ceived from Ambassador MeCormick a supplementary note furl he- 'ltnnli fying tho views or the TTnlled States on tbe suliiecl (ir contraband of war and the principles Involved in the conn-cation of tl)io .portions of the cartroos or the stealers Arabia and Calehas bound for Japanese ports. Plenty to Eat at Port Arthur. HI. Peersbiirg, Sept. 1G A tele gram from Harbin savs tho following report has been received from Port Arthur: "Our garrisc'ti is in good spirits and there is no prospect of provi sions failing. "Port Arthur Is prepared to make a long, obstinate defense. "The Japanese are strongly forti fying their positions near the Kin r'hou isthmus and sire cut renchiiig be fore Port Arthur." THE PRINCELING T VICTOR EMANUEL'S BABY NAMED IN ORDER TO AVOID FRICTION. Dll NOT WISH TO CLASH WITH POPE King Celebated Event by Granting Amnesty to All Deserters Queen of Roumania Drops Into Verse Over the Affair. I Itrmie. Sent. 1C The majority of the people approve the action of King Victor Lmmaniiel in not choosing the Itltle of Prince of Rome for the heir I to tbe throne, bom last night, hs It 1 , . . i..wi .t.r. M.vtjl fiitnilv in a (arty struggle and would have em bittered the rnnlllct Utwen eburch and state t a time when the pop" (cms to be l.-aniug towards nvidera- t if in It t llicved thai the ijtle rhoen. ti f Prine,. of ridmoiit. will l nimc fiX'-d f'r all time for the Italian cromn iirinc-. as ix th" till" of Prine if H'l- for Kna'and. To 1-Irat'- binh of the h'ir. th- kire ba trTit-d amncfy to a 1 1 ii.ur'f. a id also lion-Tn-d hy ni'ti'hs 'If 1-"Hi of iriipri-'i.nieiit ! rirr,' Kire Viet it f:n,aTnil l-- r-eivi-1 ilhi- rn fiiiLT'i-la'iiis tbrri;i 'i it ib- t :f .t-'-ini. t"l I'-' i nut-' ,'..; ;.!' friiTi Kn.jir'ir N 'ti'- ' I.nm rT : .liim. i t -. -J'-n (y-lMt. Ki r K-iird and Lni-ror Tb- !" i! li " ' 'I '-'n 1 'tl f O! "' ' tt' T'- ' : t. b?. -ff liV ' a- . :. . .,'.. t - (.-i.ll T'-!. UP COURAGE LENA IS TAKEN TO MARE ISLAND CRUISER BOSTON SCOUTING FOR OTHERS OFF THE GOLDEN GATE. AflUIAII OMIIE INCIDENT Crew Will Be Held In Patrol, but Will Probably Be Given Liberty of City Russia Expresses Satisfaction, San Francisco, Sept. 1C Tho Rus sian military cruiser Lena is now at tlie government naval station ut Marc Island, having departed from San Francisco bay this afternoon under tho escort of tho cruiser Marblehead. Tlie Lcmi is now under the local juris diction of lL'nr Admiral McCnlla. of the navy yard, tho responsibility of her safekeeping having been trans ferred from Rear Admiral Goodrich. The entire crew of the Lena Is aboard the Russian vessel, and will doubtless bo detained at Marc Island pending official decision us to their disposition. The work of dismantling the Lena will bo commenced nt an early date. and workmen have been engaged to place her In a seaworthy condition. "Boston" Does Scouting Duty. San Francisco, Sept. 10. Tho United States crusior Boston returned today .from her short cruiso outside this harbor. She is not reported as having sighted any vessels. Speaking of her trip, Admiral Good Ich said: "There bad been so many conlicting rumors that I felt it was advisable for the Boston to cruise up and down the const. She kept us closely informed of her movements by wireless telegraphk." Lena's Crew to Be Held. St. Petersburg, Sept. 1C 6 p. in It is anticipated here that tlie decision to disarm the Russian transport Lena at San Francisco will result in interning her crew until tho end of the war. Captain Berlinsky has further report ed that tho repairs to the Lena wilt require several months. A Brilliant Black. San Francisco, Sept. 1C The Rus sian transport Lena, which reached this port in a weather-stained condi tion, is being painted a brilliant black. Last night tho wardroom officers of the Lena were given a dinner on board the New York by the wardroom officers of the latter, tho flagship baud giving a concert. Terms of Parole. Washington, D. C, Sept. It!. Min ister Takabira called upon Acting Sec retary or State Adec today, to make inquiry as to the terms of parole to bo granted to the Russian crew of tho Lena, in conformity with the presi dent's direction. He was informed that the details wiuld be arranged at San Francisco by Admiral Goodrich and Admiral MeCalla, hut generally was proposed to allow the men tbe limits of the city of San Francisco. Berlinsky is Willing. Washington. I). C. Sept. H',. An nouncement that Captain llerlinsky, commanding the Russian trmisport Ltuia at San Francisco, acipiiese.-d in all the details of the pwss of dis armament prescribed by this govern ment, and would proced to take ad vantage of the permission, has reached the department in a telegram from Rear Admiral Goodrich, commander- in-chief of the Pacific station. Captain Pillsbury, acting chief of the bureau of navigation, today trans mitted copies of the Inst met tons sent Itear Admiral Goodrich to the s"cre taries of ihe departments of the treas ury and of comni'Tce and labor. KIAD CHOU MATTER. Press Warns Enqland sainit Com pact of Russia "d Germany. Imdon. Sept. lfi.--T.-c SHt-tati.r xlay fiinains an art lei" ilicti'-M'ig the nprinti-d aeri-cnu-fit lntw-n Hn'sia and Germany con" ruin? Kiao Cbon, paying f h '" rV r,"v son to l.i Hi ve the t-'"ry i.- l.;'M-d r n faet. Th" SiK-r-tator ani- ;rt liri'a'n acain-t cutiipla'iti'v. in ie" iM-ihititv of Franc- !- .-tr !ran into the m -r -ati'linc i" . ir h in-'- tin- -:i ' '-M ri " few .nil.lins 'he in" '- i"'l Vhl'il .... jn - .':.l. i a,r fi if- JroltlMd Janan lv"' Arn';r I I . fi'- a e' 1-1' i-I:' I ' f Vi'- 'r:;.n in -'r o j e-r. ii Ir ". '! f S . --tT,'T,!ie i'h inri'' If. ' 1'1'i'ltl ' if K h'-h. r K" 'f T'Hr V " '' - ' I 'i f!T. ft-e r; K in -l.e '' 'f ''i" if-'.f 'l'- Iff ' !T H " l.-e .fhi'X'f-t 'ifif -Vr K ( h-.'i ' if r- "i '' hfi'l - t Mi-r ' . i a-' fA i" -i I,'- . THEORY OF FINISH. lumdon, Sept. 17. Tho Pally Telegraph' Hi. IVU'rahurn corn NiHiiiilent dii'laresthat a HukhIiiii statesman, whoso name. If re- vealed. would wing his utterances ulili liuhiu nit ranli Ity over me globe, anscricd Friday that It wan Ills ImpreHnliion thut tho war might end Mooncr tliau people Imagine, not through mediation, but through mutual recognition of tho ruinous nature of the con II let. which muy lend to negotia tions, which would result in ItiiMHo-JapnucKO alliance, and thnt nlltiiillL-h I lie ItllKKlllllH WOUld ill the ciul crush Japan, yet Japan could biild ut long cnoiign io place an Intolerable utid useless strain upon Russia. Russia, I here fore, was confronted with tho nl tentative of either Japanese ruin, purchased by ruinous sacri fices, or a treaty of cordial friend ship. SAVING ITS FACE STATE ROUNDING UP MEN WHO LYNCHED NEGRO HORACE MAPLES. IM IN Jill; OIK IN FLIGHT Judge Speake Called Down Defense's Attorney for Objecting to Pres ence of Militia in ths Court Room. Huntsvlllo, Ala., Sept. 1C The sec ond arrest in connection with tin lynching of the negro, Horace Maples, was made today. Thomas W. Riggins, proprietor of the StoagaU hotel, was placed in jail, charged by Indictment with murder, lien Hill was the lirst and only other person indicted who has been arrested so far. Several others are believed to have taken flight. The night passed quietly at the mili tary camp about tho jail. Tents were pitched today, and the militia is pre pared to may.--indefinitely. Their presence has put a stop to all talk of trouble. The grand jury resumed its work to day. Guarded by squads of militia, Thom as N. Riggins and Ren Hill were marched Into the circuit court room late today and given a preliminary hearing. The scene was such as has not been wilnesssed hero since the "reconstruction period," lis such a thing as soldiers in a civil court room has not. been seen since tbe days im mediately after the civil war. Mr. Riggins' trial will take place September 2(1, and Mr. Hill's Septem ber 21. A sneclal jurv has boeti or dered for each occasion. Alorney Lawrence Cooper. ior Mr. Rlim-ins. ereated somewhat of a sensa tion when, in addressing tbe court, he questioned the constitutionality oi me act allowing soldiers in a civil court room. He mutio an impassioned speech against the presence of the militia. Solicitor Pettus replied to Mr. Cooper with tlie statement that the military were not aliens. Out natives of Alabama, and sent, here by their governor to maintain the laws. Judge Speake characterized Mr. Cooper's specb as incendiary, and re minded ihe attorney that what lie said was liable to arouse the passions of the people. Judge Speake assumed responsibility for the presence of tlu military. The grand jury returned nine other true billss tonight against alleged members of tho mob. This maKes nineteen Indictments. Bail N-edrd for Calehas. Ijm'on. Sept. 10. The owners ft the Itritish td earner Cnlchan have re ceivcil a cable despatch from tin cr.ptair. of Ihe Khip ! Vladiv tocl saying that the written di-cis'on if tin- nilr." court n' le r ': wi!l no' Ih Iihii c'iI do a ll nil il S'-pleinlii r 22 The crown ml vocal", it Is nddel. will pro' a Idy in al acai'ist tlie re base of 11, e vessel He fiai until 't '21 in which to ntcr a pnttet. Veanwh'b 'he Cali'ias will nt ri ! aseij nub -s bail Ik given Tit b i v.-tluf. Comotams of 6rvce. Ihtivr. "!. Sepf. !",.- Interstate T 'ifTlftl'Tre fifuii-d bit li't! lf I irh r'e( t'ortitiii"iifn-r Ppmiy in fi vi icat i'in f Ihe '-nfi "(' shii r r-tard i;C nfid fptftr wr ice on th rai!riHH fTi'-i'l Miiiicht io jn-'ify the dviifd r"- ., . if.i- it. at 'he f rt.-p-rt""t: r. -it ifH'i!w-M a jK-i-iiiiir ii 1: WEATHER FORECAST. Wai- 'fi!-"fi l. Slit. 1'- ' 7' - Par'v rt-mdv ' nr.iav ni'l r'lf'lav. i-b 1t .! ! fti ' S"if!j: l-:-h' ' 4 lT, ifi'l. 1.1 .mi,a f air S"-"ta: ' c,,.li,- I -f:i t. f'e.h vnr: RIO GRANDE JAPANESE ARE . GETTING BUSY ADVICES INDICATE THAT THEV ARE MOVING AGAINST RUS SIAN FLANKS. HAVE KOI F1MSHLD BLtRING OtAD Chinese Evidently Friendly to Jap;n Might in Event of Evacuation of Mukden Become Actively Hostile to Russia. Mukden .Sept. li. (Delayed.) Ac cording to inioiinalloii troiii Chinese tiVucb, the Jatmucuu uru leaving u garnt iin at Liao Vuuy; uud tueir main loictu are nioving out on the Rui i;iau UuiiKt-. Thu whole C'lilueue io uiaiiuii ut Liao Van is wurkmu on iiivj j;.iiuiiebu Ueleli is Here. li.c Chinese also report that the Jupu:n. e are runiiihi; regular trains between 1'ori liaiy and New Ciiwang, Hie sty-k according to laeir Ktuleiiiuitia uuviiiji coiuu .10.11 tiuu t'i uucisco. Mukden merchants .who huve deal lugs with New Ciiwang say that if the Japanese occupy Jtukdcii, tliey intend to connect tlie raifroud Willi miimiuliii leniiiuiis o Rue Sbatigiiiti ivwan 1 len Tsiu raiuoad aooui uU luiles west ol Mukden. At niubt. the nussian sentrliv) hero can discern the glow t( tho Japanese camp iires iu the direction oi Liao Yang. Until three (lays ago, tho Japanesj had not finished burying their dead around Liao Yuni;. Tlie Chinese are becoming more unfriendly as the Japanese udvanco Tin. Japanese arc Imposing uieir system of administration ut every town. sol, nil the revenues, tiegui sin- .., I. v, ihn tlinlu.r dues in iho ;,'1US j.,... .c-. , Chinese sehootls At Mukden, the chief of finance re mains outwardly friendly, but he n longer co-operates with the Kuswians and the Chinese refuse assistance to IJhe Russian transimrts to furnish hem with supplies. Nevertheless alt hough undoubtedly In sympulliy with the Japanese, the Chinese an not confident of the ultimate Japan ese victory on land and they tliua to avoid an open riinturo. Tin. ulmndonnicht of Mukden, how ever, might make them throw off the mask and exchange uieir iiniriciiuiy neck to avoid an open rupture. SHELL FOR THE ENEMY SPEAKER CANNON, ON THE STUMP, DISCHARGES ON. AT TERRE HAUTE. SAYS MILITARISM IS A BOGEY Defended Roosevelt from the Charfle of Caesarism, and Claimed That Preparedness Was a Lesson Taught by Spanish War. Terre Haute. Ind., Sept. 10. "And so this pri sidi nl of ours Is a Caesar, a lariL-i rous man, who wants to kill you. Loth where you are and her.j you aii.t " KMil SiM-aki r h n lion in Ills here tonight of tin rccorl i f rrevidetit Koost-velt, In con.H-ction ith tnilitarbm, tbe ast d.fitiKi'l i,. tbe IncnaM- in Ihe navy. The MH-aKer arnvf-4 lien; at lKk. in nmipany m it h 'otiKn-HK- p.nti ll'-nmtinay. an-l I'mlcni an- i' '-i d a larp; iidi -iie- at the oil i m Mi' 'arii-fn be pf 'rfioii ifed a v-rit ., fKJ fltll. Ihe previd-fit ll'l. i . ef iprtie IKl'hlfiK WOT.- ttl ,) ( t V 'ir i-fii Mnin n-dn-- tlw re v tioiii ih.i imi t.( mm. nnd in . fit -h lei fl 1l,' THItldnr iirnv vni rfi- M.'-lii r ! - h 1fi f. -i-W- ifi ih- feni'T. ''"I ,f ,.,.i, -r !-.' !fif-rrii. in th' n 'ifi:i f i i ti- coii-f de I, . be a r ll.JII 'he "Mltluh ft I i-'i ff.'Hi---m d fh'-ir t.-.ti--rT. ll.liri"! f Fsopw. . V'.-.. ff i. ' t . 1 ; K-oi" - 1 i, :.-.) Ii ' fifc'i'itifc' 't'-ti" ,, . 1 , t'-f ' f. f 12-INCH IS ON A DESTRUCTIVE TEAR THE RIVER IS WASHING SHACKS OF THE MEXICAN BRUWNSVIUl IS CUT Otf FROM THE WORLD Willi RUMOR Of HOOD INVADING THE TOWN Fort Ringgold Reports Serious Condition With the Pump House Under Water and Thoroughfares Sub merged.-'Much Crop Loss on Both Sides of Steam. Laredo, Tex.. Sept ltl. Onco again fm Ihe find lime In ninny days the rain has reused to fall mid for 1-' hours Ihe hides have been as clear as on a Hummers day. The waters ol the Klo (iraiide river, however, are si ill on the rampage and no marked decrease from fie h'gii ntngo Is looked for for several days or at lease mil II the Moods from the headquar ters of the rlvcr have apent the' force, when the decline Is expected to be rapid until the river again reaches Us normal condition. Iteporls from Kagle Pass slate that the rains have ceased In that vicinity and the river, which had reached 21 feel, was slowly receding. While much damage has been done by Ihe washing away of Innumerable shacks of the poorer classes, no loss of life, so far as known, has resulted. Bureau Observer's Predicament, At til's place Iho river reached 27 feet, but no severe damage has been done. Several huts along the banks of the river were flooded and their occupants compelled to seek shelter on higher ground, but thero 1ms been no loss of Ufo. .The Joint American- Mexican boundurv commission at a --- - . .. . , HU. Where ttlC Stage oi ine I ivei lino :r.Mi:.tcr,:i,? , " t ainu in ihih " r" - It Is the daily duty of the representa Isslon to nlace him self In this buoy, propel himself to (bo middle of the stream and take measurements. Today he met with a thrilling experience. He had made h's way to the center or the aiream when the buoy with Its occupant, element o Romano, were precipitated into tho waters nnd floated down st i earn. Finally the young man, who r fiiKlened In the cage, and who had presence of mine enough to ob serve Ihe Instructions providing ior such an eventuality, after floating (lrn'ti ul renin for about two miles, caught a rope, which was thrown Io him from the shore ami succeeded In landing. Conditionr Are Srrlou". The continuous are serious along the stream below this city. Tlie only mums of telegraphic communication with 'the lower country Is over mo military line. The first station. Car rlzo. was asked as to conditions at that place and stated that the rlvcr bad reached 27 feet but that as Ihe town Is situated on high ground there has been no damage there beyond the carrying away of several hundred bushels of com, which had been shocked near Ihe rlvor. Kio Grande city, at which place Is located the t'nlled Slates military reservation known as Fort Kinggold. was then called up The operator Mated that Ihe tlood situation there bad assumed a serious phac and bat the river was rising fast, the waters already having Invaded the pump house of tin fori, lie jain many Kninll huts a lone l'ie edce or town had been washed away, but wltbout loss of Pfe. lie stated that Hi" mili tary reservation was cut off from the'n. the water between the IKift and i... ..II..I...1. .i.f.iii im-fi mid one half I ..... .!... .. II.. I that In the town ... 1 ' xt..-! .i.i ,.r ,or amargo. "ii " " (), r rv,.r (. puttu d fiat ibe waters -tre Knls.iin Uirouch the str-ls of lib - town, but could give no '"''r(ni"- ii"fi are munr fmull townn Iohk ib- M--x- if an s ite in -" n'" ' ' f1 ItrowflKVille Willie no worl i ' nfVe,l f '-!' lllHM' Kirit. it ' .ntiimfl fin-id'-f !.' damage b r'-iiln1. 1e ieitiiiv of lmi:'i 'f-f fiib-a b- fo-"Uit7' nun !tion neur thai l' V- K--ir He- -IiIm-.,f. 4 th' Iti'i 'Iraiele nnd !. Sn l-n nver. He ltr .f h ' b "" Hi mftrf- in ' tno'ifiia li ti-r V-fi'-n v BrOWH'i11 lflld. t s l'- ti'r f'ni rt. eifTtinimil -i-ifi ixr-ifwl f!.'. :riA Citr to W'."tVf ' tt."-rr...'-l ff-d ,--..,..e-i tt-l-t.t I"1" ' T.- .wr.- ' V" :-' , .11 .m T...--"v ' r.r..fii ' f.w. the .if""" Ih'tl AWAY INNUMERABLE MUD BUILDING PEON. and shortly afterward roinintinlcatlim was cut mill nothing further has bwcu beard from there beyond news re ceived by courier -and reported ill yesterday's dispatches. II Is reason able to assume In Ihe light of word received Tuesday and Ihe news Hcnti lest night but conditions havo ns-' sinned a Fcrlona aspect In that Io-. culliy. oinmnnlcntlon with llrownsvlllo will probably be Interrupted for aev einl days. REED AflFCATO'S ASHES STIRRED GEORGIA IS WILLING TO INVESTI GATE THEIR CREMATION BY LAWLESS MEN. STAIEWILLNOT STWMOB LAW Governor Says If County Will Return Indictments, That the Attorney General Will Take a Hand In the Same. - Atlanta, Gu., Sept. 16. Governor Terrell was Been tonight by a repre sentative of tho Associated Press, and gave out a statement to the effect that the civil authorities may yet tuke a hand In tho Statesboro affair. "If the Bullock county Jury will re turn Indictments against any member or members of the mob which burned Itced and Cato at the stake, I will re quest Attorney General Hart to attend the session of court ami aid In the pro secution of the men who trampled on the laws of Georgia," said Governor Terrell. "It is not within the province of tho attorney general to take the Initia tive, lint if Bullock county will do Its nart the noonlo may rest assured that everything wll bo done to bring the offenders to Justice. The state legislation prevents the governor from acting directly against the sheriff or any one who might have been connected with the crime. The county officers can only be re moved by the grand Jury for inal leasane in office. POSSE FIGHTS FLORIDA MOB SEVERAL RIOTERS WOUNDED AND ONE WILL BE BURIED , TODAY. TROUBLE GREW 001 OF fUD The Altmans, One of the Factions, Are a Bad Crowd and OrTicrre Are Reluctant to Get Mixed Vt Wit- Them. Jf I-son villi-. Ha.. Kjd 1 Tli la'-t ev hiptn'-tiU In tho T.vnran feud wsk an attk law! nleht oi. a nss) which was guarding th boon of Ihitienn. fbe klllinr fif oi tin- mob and lb" winindinjt i4 ml ti-r. It wan r-piru-l that i. I.ntj- KberifT Thr ft io rbarge of the !- wan ki'bft. but the laiT nnr'!i indicate thai h- aa only moiitKh-d The iki-, in the atl-ni4 i j.refit t,hrlkhi-d a f-rlitie h ami-, tll-n' trtim-. mhm fh tird bf tfi'di ar-tmnMhina; afir 'tie raitnmii inf-li. Thrift ut i- tn-ad "el (f the indrw ni1 a ife . -I,, .. .,' " t ark f.i- tii ? "'-r ,! !,- J.e': fi-rl if. T v V1 I 1