Newspaper Page Text
THE BlUMONT (NTERHNiti SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 1. 1904. MILLINERY Wf are justly proud of the showing we are now nulling in IlaH. All the new TurHan and Sailor 5hapes,promlnentamong uhirh is the Boat or Torpedo Shape which con timie to be one ofjhe favcritfj.Novelhape and beautiful combinations of color to be found htre at much lower price ' than exclusive dealers aK you. .'. itnrtsa POSSE UGH IS fLORKM MOB ((' floiil I'iiko 1 ) wound. i IhiI mil serl.iu.--lv. 1 1 - I - 1 Itl.. bur. (iiM In repulse I lie limn, v i I ;i ; nl tin- mull wile Wounded I .mi-. Klias Hon line, a ) in i ti ii I lienier, '.i, kil'cd. Tin' mull I In II r.Hr.,1 In 1 1 Iimiiii' oT tli' Atliiiiili 'i-.llurs wln-re il Ik said, Ilii'y lire new. I t ) . 1 1 I Id re: i.- l all nl leinpis i.i :.rr.t i In- A'tninn Sheriff Rrfusfd to Art. Sunn- day vn I In- (ovcrmir's nf-fiii- was iinki'il for assistance In el feel I In- arri'hl of lln- Altaians. Wm. In ucan on Wednesday, report'-l Hiai II..- Allmnlis win- sl'll i-iin;-,lri;ali'il willi iln-ir friends ami llial they wen ll.ii aii-aiiii; further irnnhli'. Hi- sahl l:il Shcrill' 1 1 1 1 I I I h (II . i if linker conn l relit.-, il In arl. This lellt i i ilnr. i ll hv lln- ('onsi.liitaied iiecs cumi'iiiiy, nf a in' ml or. mill a niaih- In lln I mi i:i. SiierilT In ai'l. heeutlHe I I CI i iTuii in m-i I ml i if Hit-' NEGRO JOHN DAVIS CLEARED By JURY VERDICT OF NOT CUILTV RE TURNED AFTER THIRTV MIN UTES DELIBERATION. ARCUMCNfS MADE AFIER SITPH Entire Day and Part of Night Occu pied by Court In Completing Third Third Trial of the Celebrated Cae. r wan natal which Imuran is fnrllHT ili-maiiil was novcriior's illi i lor llorndoii Ii;i:i rclnsed .In- suvs I In- Killing nl .I.icI.iiiii. I nr-iiii ami a n.uro mi the liniti last Suinlav niulil, niu-iirif il III ll r stale nf (icoriva ami that lln- All in. him live In lliai slan . II In slated, h- v.rvir. 1 1 1 :t l l:r al'i'iniiliil last n,)'!ii l'i iinv.,i ill. in, l,u; was driven Ii 1 1 1 tin- iilacc. 'I'll,- iln'iii'l nl' Chariton cininly. C ori-'iii. where il is said l In- Killing Al In: 1 5 o'clock lust nllit, ufii-r il- lilii uilliiK Inn lurity minutes, lliu Jury in lln- Sixtieth District coin I re i in m il a verdict of not isuilty In tint fast- of ilii slate iikiiIiikI J'i'in DiivIh, coli.roil, churned with murder III the second ili'm'cc. Davis was nicusc, I o killing another ihkio, IM (iilii-r, his laihi'i-In law ,u link- ovi-r four year ano. TIiu trial conclude! liu-l nlKlil whs his UiImI nrruiiuuncnt on Ihe sunn- rliiirii. One Ir'nl rcsnltc 1 ill lln- wi'.-. hut Cromwell filli'i., ui,ii .....I .. H...K uns .,i, speaker of III.- House of Ki-i. , , ,,. ,.,.... f ..ri,.,!,,,,! m,pus after In tin- latter I tin? ili-elslon of I lie lower court was reversed nnl Hie ease i- -ii wi ii ) I for a new (rial. Tin' I rln I (rial lieuan Thursday iimri- init ami closet willi the lu-rg n il lal of Unvis last ii I m I) t . Inn-Ill the four years' jiroeeeiliiiK-i tilt- case lias been before hotli Judges III tills district. I lav's was ilefemleil hv O'llrlen, John & O'llrlen. In view of tile convict Ion secured hv the slate In n former trial the llnilliiKs of Hie Jury !n tlio third I rial were K'Htif-t i'ltijar or a stir prise, iih it was anticipated a venllel of (tiilliy with n Hliort '-entence would he found. The Day's Proceedings. The trial or Davis was renamed yes terday morning nl !l o'clock ami most if the forenoon was orcuiied !iv Hie inli'oducHou of tesliiuony by the stale. Shorlly before noon the sln'i rested its case and the iulrndticMim of li"-llmonv f:r 'lie defense henan A feature of the forenoon's pr'eed ini;-i was Hie Inlrodiicliou of evi dence I v deposit Ions. dm. heini; Hi I In- nnl"-!iioi'iom slatemenl of llr Mm A. Wttl.m ft l !"he hm- iuolki- iimiH-ri y iijuioliiiM ol i u i-i.i v -ii!lii Mi-ii- of Hie D J. Mil luril imleiil. ilu lildiMK l'i'" '"' fK nf Hut Ait-rill , hill li"l In me li'.v of ii aniiioni. la lliu rtiiiiy 'ir' yrHtermly mil for " I'"" iKnrv inrti-1. iinn for $'" ' i tin r for iu In san ly Hie rV'i NnHoiml bank fcPit Joint II UrtMM'kH. Th City Curt. I'iKlit ronvlclioiM ami t ilinii'i- huls kiih the renvl ' ""v vi-hli-rlav inoniliiK. Four iK-isnH-.i charyeil l illsinrliiiiR Ihe M are in II. d Town were iiie se.l US r.a eacn l-'riik lliii-l.iline. cliareeil I'll i Kliilll nli.l l.atterv. Mini ' iwnlfl. i liarise.l wild iliKiiirhltiK the m nee. were in-null teil. Tile o'lier chkcH Miiti-ii III I he lnip'1-.lm: tiirhlniz I h m-usi, I,' till.' vHismncy, cu re-for oiciiiii'd, iias uiad. no in i v i , mi in I'd- affair. (i.lV.'I'Uor -I'llllillKM Is M-lle I nils :i M-nlaiiv. s. who iimler Hi.- law Is 'iiciiiic governor, lias declared lilm :.. If ready In act when so lequested 1 h I he K'cr. l:iry of slate. I Tin- feud lielwe.ii (he AM mans and linueaus is of loliK Hlaudinit. 'i'lie ,1'iincaus are lurpeiiliue operators. I The Alimiis are menhants and luive iniiiiv slroim Hupporlers in iiauer county. M'Mtia Tak Had. Valdoslo. Klu.. Sept. HI. Ilaxler, I'la., Is liolice.l loniuhl hy I wo coin 1'iinles of Florida niiliiia. rillowln i'ie killiiiK of four men result Iuk from Hie feud helween the Allinaiis ami l.iiiK-atis. Shortly her.ire dark Slier ilf llormlon ami l"is posse hroiifOil In ki-vcii pils. -n alli'Keil l lie Impli- c I in the killing or Jackson Dun can an. I two others. NATHAN SELLS IT fOR LE13. Prof. Chessman's f1 Dancing YA Academy I llneM Snt. Pet. 1st for Rlrls and men. Ort .1 for Adolts. frsSii lie That's Always "Coin' Never Amounts to much. We always do It And a s We Advertise To" PLAY SEASON OPENS. Pretty Peggy Presented o Fair Siied Crowd at the Kyie. A fair H!xe crowd wlnn-shcil "rn-i-t.v ri'KK.v." Iho llrsl lliealrlcal pro duel Ion of Hie m-ason. at the- Kyle llieulcr Inst nlKlit. Aiulrew Hohson liliiye.l t lio purl of "l-avld (iarrlck." iiii.l Jane CiM-hniii of "IVuKy woiiiiik ton." The play Is a four ml iliania iKiir.iyln Iho love story of I'iW. an lilsh actress, ami (iarrlck. the (.'real;llsh actor, it opens with r-KK lis a circus Kirl In Ircliin.l, lontluues Hii-oiikIi her nii-ciiiiK with (iarrlck, whose lalluence made her a ureal ar tist In Drury hane. her discovery of Cairlck's unfaithfulness to her ami her rejection of him. The diaina Closes Willi Hie cplloKUc Horn AS Von Uke It." In which I'ckk.v plays the leadlnu role to (iarrlck, seated In . .. ... I. 1. .....I a mix. nut is unauiu iu nnmii u dies in his arms. i - 7777. nn mm nmmii WUtKBIITI YdDILD MVEKTESE J Lat Chanco This WoeK To Buy A JR4 50 Pair of Pants For: $2.45 1 2 ( o o I I f) o o ( J 3 8 olinsKy Bros On Corner THE First National Bank of Beaumont lead n.-uro and 'lie oilier the slat menl of a neuro n.v.v se'-vln-r a sen tence In tin- penilenliarv. Cifmsel lor Imlli sides ai'uued the point rc V.nriliiiK Ihe admission of these tlep osiiioiiH tin Hie c.r-rt he'd that they were proni-r and adeiissahle. Testimonv for Defense. The hit roducl Ion of lesli-noiiy by use of witnesses for the e.Kensc if euideil nearfv H'e enl ire nhorlly In-fore supper lime the hp v.uiueuts li' -riin. These were not con eiin'i il nl r ; :tl and a ref"ss until 7 ! were resumed. l'"or the de'ens.! Mr. I (!.-o. ('. O'llrlen and John snok" I nl lemjHi. liolh s'nie's alt. 'rney llltflitewer 11 ml hl:s assisi.-inl, Mr. M'' Hiiwi'll, 11 i'ltm.-.I lor lln- -la'e. In Hk-Ii- lest ii-K-nv i"-'l niK'iuenls counsel for the defense soimht lo show that Havhi had k'Mled (illdei in self ili-rense. The slii'e soiuvh! envlclioii by Iryim; lo show thai iho killini.; was llial snecilied iu Ihe I'lii-'uer I'.mvicl :'n. "urde- in Hie sec ond deu'-ei-. 'I'll', can- went to the jn-v nl !i:'u -('loci; mid 11 Tier thin v 'minutes or delilier:-' 'in verdlt of 11,1 i' 11 i 1 1 v was ri-liiineil mid Davis v.'aa released. Nn C-ut Today. There will be no session of the Jiixlieili Districl (oiii't today So far a:: lie- criminal docket i:i concern-.l, alll uh reveral impoiliint eases are i.-i, i-all As p-evi-mjlv announced, however. Ihe md'hiii doekel iu both civil ami criminal ca es will be call t is (Apeil-'d a hearing on Ihe applb al ion lor a new trial for Jeff Scot!, recently cmviet-'il of mali i lane.hl'T. will be granted. liclween limes Ml Ih xlie'h Di. iri.-l court vi'st-'idav .Inilm- Watts pi'.-iiiied a lnariin: on a suit for .11 ..n-i an i 1111 apidi. ali.i for a w rit of ha'.eas en nils. The proceedings w,-i-,- iii'-iii'i'i il lerdav fn- noon. I'll.- ca .- was a sin- for aleolu'e di liii.iinii. il bv ' C I' Sianl.'V a.-aoisl ' iiine Stanlev. I'laiu HIT alleui-.l ibs.iiion as tlte crounds ,11 which Iu- miiiuIiI separaiion. The l-.-ibea-' cii'inis writ was reqiieste.l j :i;-:iill l .1 1:.. pllille Sl lllle'- jillil '. I. linker, whom plaintiff all'-ued look p.- m s-.ii. 11 f hi chibl bv .".- wiii.- time iu-n. The writ was i;rai I .''- t. 11. Ian'- heitiL- enl. red ! produce the 1 -1 1 i I 1 . A li. -i ini: on Ihe dl.orce - nil a-- set GUFFEY COMPANY'S USUAL LUCK Driller Paul Brings In a Oushcr for Them at Saratoga. Special to Enterprise. Karatoua. Tex.. Sept. Hi. Driller Paul broiiKht In a Kooil well lor tne; r.urfey company today. the well in an old on.', and was only WW feel deep. hut. lias been put down deeper, i Ihe result, belli? 11 well that Is How-' iiiu 7r.n barrels of oil per day. It unshed to the Up of Ihe derrick ho lor., bcliif? turned Inlo a seltliliK lanU. The well came In while it was heliiK washed, and befont any b'llliiiK bud been iloue. The ciliens niv jubilant over iho ctiiuiiig In of this (,'oud well. NOTES AND PERSONALS. Miss Isltor .1. A. Cassidy from Louisvllli is a business Ky. Miss J. A. Cassidy, of Louisville,' .. . 1,.., 1 1, ,.-,.n. KCUIliehy, it'iit.,.-iiinih o-' ..... kmiwn (I icsi: making linn r ftladam ('. C neuter, is now at the Crosby huiuc. , j ... KIRBY RECEIVERS' REPORT. Statement uf Financial Status of the Two Companies. Houston, Texas. September Hi. The ri'Kiilar m ini lily report if Ihe receivers of the Kirby Lumber com pany ami tin' Houston Oil company for the month gf, August were lileil with the Ketleral court late yesterday afternoon. The lumber company report shows total receipts of $:!7!I.77(U!I; disburse ments $:i:!i.:!7!i.ii!. leaving a .balance on hand of $ I l,:!tl().05. The oil company receipts for tne mouth are uiv.-n as S7.n:i2.!H : ilis- bursemenls $77," IS.Sti. In the special lax fund in the hands of Ihe receivers I here is shown to be a balance of $!,- t;X!l 12. There was applied 1 roll! I lie Kirby Lumber company on April slumpage contracts 1 then, was disbursed on Maryland Trust company limber certllientcs the sum of $l,L,(i7.ii5, with a balanco of $I,!ISII.IIS. The report shows the payment 01 a large amount 111 the way ol inlerest and principal on receivers' ccilifieales. To Kounl.e Itios.. of New York, Iho sum nf .".".'i.lL'u; .Morton Trust com pany of New York, $I7..V;ii; St. I-ouis I'iiion Trust company, $l7,.Mi'i. The report slates (hat there is a balance ivailable fur current expenses ol , : l!.iC Brlcht's Dlsiate, Diabites Anrt Ki.lnr CowrrMinn nrr-iil In rtar nn iuril 10 l rnn-.l Willi a lol- nr tn " Urakr n l-mm'-oii vin j-m-iih ... u,n i Konniil Oiimuay. Chkmio, it ou iU trial Iwiile (nc Ill C.Tpit.ll Stoik Surplus Fund .... I'm I v dcil Piol.ts . V.'. Diviilson. rir:ii'rnt I.. W. P. H. WiiF.nMii. Vitt Fi c:.idciit t ... : .M.c. Cis'iici. V.'. C. D v.'.ioii, A&'t C.iitiicr. r. C. f.- .i'-'i. Oire.Xot. IJO0.0OO 100.000 J7I.00C M. Urbcrt. Srtond !.-.t. C.islncr. J. Wirss. Director. no. N. G.lbrrt. Duritcr. ton R. Levy, D'rctor let-n C. Ward. Dire.tor. In Judqr the K.l!- -.l.n .I'-ii:.. Il 111. el' ! in 1 1'- . .1 - l..,i:- n r I -i. " " I I,-. I. Pie's Court. iin-.i liisttiel r. i' t 1 ; in 1 .1 I. I court I..- m . -rrub-l t'i" inisti-i-. in bali'.- .ie ,,f tie- Tiiii.-- A . .. v t. l.avi Mn- ,. . r t 'leiii c ri am 1 I 1 i!s'l. i 1 1'ti.d j til" lit 'b' ; ; .1 in I n- e.e-e j '.n a-viit' V.iii' i' ; -n: I .--.-m 11 rr.t-i a J tel-iin's ,.i.t.le. ..r What I Have Done for Othrrs I Can Do For You. I 1 I 1- i' ,1 I ;l. nr 1 ii !' . IIi:itlFKS SAI.K. Stale of Texas. County (1f JetTerson. Hv irtiie ,f an 'i-m issie-.l nit .f the II. inn abb- .1" I'.e Cotiri 1 I'-itiiiiv, on the l"'h .lav ..f S. pi. tiilH r. 1 !!. bv 'h'' clerk 1 hereof, iti iti.- -as- of 'In Nn'iotii'l 1 Siinitv ('. v- At "ii r... N'o irlt-V and t" ni'-. as i-ln ri ft. ili'.-ete 1. n l i.-!t. p-.. I w ill n-'" .-.-l 1.1 s. l'. wi'lmi "1" Ii"' ' d'-sc-'l it bv l.iv il.-K. nn 'h ll-s- Til'-s 1.1. A l. 1'"'1. f I"- lav "f 'Vlfl'. Im foro I...... dfir a'-l .' -1' r "n . ( ! nf !,-Ti',i,l . ill" ,1. v. r Im 1 lr.'- . 1 : hm ',10. if. !-.. . 1 llce . i-iC. ff. r-"ti c " "i't T- . He- r j rr -... f.-r f d.'V ,!.. 1 he Oil" . I-OIIV. '.11 f.l".. 11,1; T- f f.-. 1 in ) -L'I' T--t 1 .i,r Tt I ...... r 1. 1 As a rule you advertise to reach the people; not some of the people or some particular class of the people, but all of the people; not only some of the time, but all the tims. TO i(D tiiiids it is necessary to use a medium for your ADVERTISING that reaches all of the people all of the time; not only in the city but in all the sur rounding country. The following letter out of hundreds in this office we quote to show that we fully cover the field: : : : keesville, La., Sept. 12, 1904 The Beaumont Enterprise, Beaumont, Texas. Gentlemen: You will please discontinue our two ad upon receipt of this letter. We are highly pleased with the results and asK that you send us a bill so thet we may remit. Yours Truly, Vernon Iron WorRs, Wm. Jackson. Wishes to The Enterprise Distinctly Assert it Has No rum LDST But it has more subscribers in South East Texas and Louisiana than any paper in the state of Texas can boast of. If you are an advertiser and wish to reach the people of this section phone the advertising man and if he does not con vince you, don't advertise. Both Phones 93 C 6) C V!TH 11 1 Rt'.K JEtt l(.rAT. ann rr'- 'a-ftait s 1 IN'. c -liil-lli1 I