Newspaper Page Text
o iUTB For the next 10 days must make room for Our Line of RocKers Is complete ill Onlis, Miihogany nml leather goods. 1 "" different Rtylcn to select from. Wo can plouwi you nml tsHVi you money. 1 'rices !i::c to 823 9 HEALTH OF CITY CLAIMED BLACK EYE IN OTHER QUARTERS IS NOT DESERVED BY BEAUMONT. MOVE TO CORRECT IMPRESSION Committee on Sanitation Will En deavor to Clear This Community from tho Charge of Being Unhealthful. Au effort to relievo I lea 1 1 mc m t from 1)H! stigma, of uiiiicullh which it bears Jiwiiy I'roin home will bo matin in I lie near future fly Hie ('luimber of Com merce. At tint next meeting fit lh. liourd of tTtlTcXors of the Chamber, which will prohvbly ho next week, a "conimllloo on Hanilal.iem" will he provided. Tho duly of this commit teo will ho to adopt and put into exe cution mime system of work I hut will correct, tho impression that has gone ill in mil lluil llciuimout is au 1111 houluiifiil eouinmuity. II Is est limited thai, at (he present lime this reputa tion, is hurling Hcutiiiiout more lliau niiv other thing in or uhout tln city. Beaumont Healthful Place. As a inalter of fiu't, licnumout Is Ijclicved by those who live here and have given any nt I out Ion to tho sub ject to bo nun of the most healthful cities In the country. This, it is nil milled, has not always been Hue. but ii is declared to bo true now. When the oil boom struck Heiiuinont. Hum Hands of people rushed into the city. 'J he population suddenly jumped from 3 Mi0 to 1'.,imiu. and the inuiroipul colidilions of the city were nut pie pared for the enormous increase. The ralo of taxation $l.:t.'i-iiu!lii'ii.eil was Immediately pur to the limit, mid the rcvcntlCH I tins derived devoted to placing I ho municipal improvement s us neatly as" possible in a par with tho population. Naturally, the city could not enpe at mice with Ms new mid crowded condition. Sanitary conditions became very bail, and sick in ss clinic, as i was hound to come. Conditions Changed. Three things coinbiiiiMl to male Hcaumotil an unhcah hful place ai the time of and immediately afur the Ihiiiiu. They were as follows: Kirst-On account of hud ;-radc mid lack of pavement, water stood ti In mi t in pools, eoiieiaiuig ino.ip:i:-., nml disease germ. Second There was practically no hcwi rage system, although the popu lalion had doulileil and ll.e dotnmid for sewers doiildt I in con.-, tp:. nee Third Strctin is uiue here. w,tt j i regularly, ate irregularly and dr:"'k to excess, (herein I, ringing on illlieKs that -would have overt. ikeu I hem any vliciv, hut having ' spread tin poll that tb.' i lly was unln althtul Tlie iindesitiiliic con, lit a.ns at. iii liom (he collection uf at r i i po-d on tho tri-ts utii (liii'iiuhi'it in city v' li' ia'y been altii"i n IIMly lorieeled b the est il Id "-lltui "It Cf L'lllill :i III.' Ihmu- of ua.itti. tit .It. I (! csiaL!i.-h:init of a l" s,. et .1 ; i , , system Mt, liov. (he at, t.4 ( lilts hh;i,' iioo I ,' li :-, , by t cV v,,ill that i biiiTi tic san : r ,t ram in lleaum 1 1 in a-" i-f tin: .-li-. off into i li.l (tie sewels i- n "i nil-Is Ibroi'i:! othi.ia di tf.ic .. t eetid t 'en eat '! Hie d a . i I-,-, .s fT.nnitv !'ti tl.' ! lacttibj af- r Srco-d Ti e f.-iuvA ( ,., r : ... fn a. ' s- ' ll.-Tne f'olll r, .r. f'.f ',i i;, . K IT V A. hi i f and ;m t al l In: r I. a vii' i it a 'Ti.', I v the trni. ii :. ; ' T v - v, I , niL-' " 1 a! tti : I ,-i:ee i I fi;:r. D'ty. 1 . 1' I I, ',. ,i li :! i I .' I Hs H i.i.v. It' Il- I'. I, . I., r' i '. r ft in t ; ii ti . . I i.n. : f.-ip x e l'i e m t' X- 1 T ,.t.t "f f-,,rn f : -' I r '"' 1 '1" ! It t- I- '" ' 'I ' Ltrv I uai iLt j . . 1 v 1 I mm monf.y.savim; sale continues We Will offer the Creatcft our new 1 goous wnicn we mom has a black eye sanitarily away In, in ho Is Dial lb" li'ope who (a here (In i-.iic. the liooiii. and im mediately alierwaiil were ill ihronnh nut., ..I ,, t : i i : t of ih" cllv. and lie- cause they did not lake proper care ot themselves. It llilS lollK beell known Hint I In- ordinary river water that comes out ot the local hydrants cminiH be drank wifely. People who . ,e KOIAl lll'ttltll driitlf ll'illlillH hit) HprliiK water or boiled or steril ized water. In the rush of !i"l the struiiKors in the cilv drank Hie river water. This Tiis eiiouKh lo make !iein ill, lint Ill's wasn't all. They were unable to obtain propeY food or proper In is. and as a conseipienci, slept and an irrenularly. Added lo this w:', Hie (Tervous, ineuliil and physii'til si rain most of them wen- under. The com bination made Hieni sick and I hey went, away and cursed lleauiimul for 77, unhealtliful comniitnily, when, in many cases, no one was to blame lor tlieh' Illness but themselves; In au dition to the improvements that have alreatlv been made, one biK improve inelit is In liroccss of establishment. That, is the new water works. lien Hie new plant is In operation about ty days lionet: it is mil ictpale.l I Iim health of Hie coniiuunil y will iio even bettor tliun u is now. The Committee. The eominileo on sanitation, it Is evpectf-rT; as one of Its I'nsl. moves, will el up a circular settinj; forth Hie I'ai'ls contained above. The cir cular will ho distributed in ureal numbers id the wholesalers and busi ness men of the city, lo everyone who writes letters nud sends thfm away I'tolii lleaumonl, Willi the request that they bo stuck into each envelope mailed. Tios, It is expected, would not only advertise laaut I. bin would show n. tfivin many people Hint health conditions here tiro not so bad as painted. Another matter that the commillii will probably take up will lie II: iiteslioii of a permanent, board of health for I lie city. It Is probaldi the committee will u before Hie city council nml ask fur the establishment ol Hitch a hoily. WITH THE CHURCHES. Lutheran Church. Services at hall n Washington st between Uailroai! and Itachford iives. in o'clock. I'M wii nl I'ischer, pastor Iii.'m Itibb ave. At the Y. M. C. A. . W. Hay will speak at tin . A. at I p. in. to in - ii on lie "The Way Made Plain.' lr C Y. M. (' subject and to Way to an, boy Hi,. ,oy nl :!:)." oil Ko.el a MiilH'tide." All s Invited li attend. "Til met; North Tod BaotiFt Mission. Sunday schooi :'. p. III. I're.n liini I p. in. by I i:' pastor. l'ra'T meet in-' Tuesday nj'ternoi'ii a' :' o'e'oel. l adies" Aid soc'eiy ine.ts each .i!;'i oate rrnlay in p. in. Ilverybodv i. 'ted to attend. Christum Church A nnoenccments. Mr. John I. AtidK w - of hallas wi' -p, al at Hie Tal einaele lini.iv ie ' ( 'oil-ecvea!' d S, IM:v ' The Plbl choid wil preeede llli all, tl.e .!iiii.,ts il ti,'.'t as usual ai li ill. A' r,:li lh, S ':itor iM hn tl.i ir re; l.otd - ilav m rv ic nhirtl will be fob'Wel ,v ;i s,it,,,' In the Ki'lr Oil I'lo sdlijecl 'Si.M I" !lm1- p !ili,o-t;Mll ll,"'.tlJ of tl',' I.. .11 .r of tl'.' Tic-li sell V t i II in 11 Mil I'e : wl. it h M i I I., s- A ,, w .Vied f"l ; at I On Tue i:-'iat,,l inu' Tain in n le. , I,:: of ILtiver ;!!.! .! . l! . illle i'it .1 f I I t si.;er -'f n 01, II. s i li i ',: i r.i i w i iv.n-i'.'i- l-::"W;, tii Mr :. v t,'"ii it." !r,li il! H'li', i n ' bN id-i 'Id. Mr t ',;tr tit.,,1-: I t I ' I . II .1 K I II i i -r li.-t. n n , i a U , tlx. 1 I I -t -' t.t . 1 .1. !f "! I : I ' 't! I Zt c' f ik e t'.z t ci i' t 1 ill ffl - THE BEAUMONT ENTERPRISE. SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER Reduction in prices eVer made on Furniture or are uuuy receiving. Hall Trees For Everybody at prices in reach of all. Prices $5.65 to $60.00. Always Underselling. TRIAL OF SYSTEM L E.LEVATOR METHOD OF HAND LING RICE GOES INTO OPERA TION THIS WEEK. . STAND TO LOSE TWENTY THOUSAND Ncdcriand Company Receives Big Buildinn from Contractor and Will Start Experiment in a Few Days. .Within u week I he new elevator of the .Neilerltind Rico .MilliiiR company, the iowcriiiK structure which will hu eillii r a hi( money maker or u tola! loud of ?LMi,ntii) cash, will be in oiur-i-tion. Contractor W. C. Wiiilney ji'sterday compk.'ted the construction of the elevator, alter twenly-hix days O:' reshini; work. lie iuu; seCMtred :atllemeiit in full on his contra.'!, ii u as soon as the remainder of the machinery Is Installed the wheels will tie tint in motion and Hie c. n ninenl. that will be. ether a big failure or a Dili (iod-sctid to the rice industry will :e under way. II. Is not known exactly what the establishment of the elevator cost the Ncderand company, but it is helie. t'il hat the suiii will be about $'Jo.iliiu '.vhe;i the equipment is nil in. Rice .aimers and millers are watching Hie periu:"tit with interest, and, while n.nny are skeptical, tire hopim; uuiinsl hope lor Hie success of the , (inure. With the rice market in ts nresent condition, the successful .point urn of the elevator system of alidiiliK Hi'' cereal, it is expected till practically he the salvation of ie industry. The Nederlanj Elevator. 11 is a case of hnckini? capilai r.uinsi judgment ; of he!n wiliini; to :se a Idi; chunk of money In an epe iii, nt : of taking a bet at loau odds, he vent tiiti has retpiireil nerve, and ie ailniiratiou of Hie lice men of this (!;, m has n,,no out to the men wao ie ready to drop jl'ii.ihiii id test a .-.-I. tue: in i hat ml make tlieiu many Hint much if it is a succe.-s. Nt'deriand people a:e coiniileiii ;.e iiHpess of Ibeii' venture, but ha .( : : i 1 1 1 i t : ii on which lo bus. ("inHilcni-c but tlicry. il'.'ol system in-dead of tin lo.lse sy.... ,,f liaildllill; rice is I new. There is no pli ceiiel.l tiUh to base operations. No ! slice, sr or liiiiiii. I. .is ciiiie be Tills wH be :'ne Initial and i in ial I . -1 . If it succeeds, t he 'I land people h.r.e I tied Hit il ls with mid. It it laib. lliey !,,-t at least a I ! this i-ea-ou's s. :u,i prul' a pt! : ' 'fd . ot llevt. Cituli of Systrn. f - N, .a t la in 1 liii e .Millili - new Ii valor is hi ! I. 'II, I. 1n-e ;,, ! 1 1 If Id; 1 I -il lei t !e.;i If. foi'y 1.' Cl"!l :,,l :l ' mill t Wliil i,ti. : s -ii ;ii- M" tin air. It is ;iu net ei.'llt.t ' iron ad' btt !., m: -In !. t mil II 'tl with id ri.-e of t a r I i Ii tit v i :"' ,1 ;i ; .--1 i I'f is built on li( I'liek I I..III I I M' 1 t.,nnt;w i-oit 1 it lit -I'M I.I Hies. 1 w 1 a iipact- tl' and , i, il. ,n:n- I ' .' Hie a'"' It V 111, li tie 1- eiitis, t in le I Inside v 1:::! I eeliitiiii ate b.lis. ti i' , niiii r 1 . 1 li w ' h a e : :." 1 t .I- le 1 ,.t 1 1. T -:, 1 ' '1 1 ii-nr t. V.iad n.'.'l' 'HI 1: I .i-1' s . f ! ,. 1 I ii t I ih- I i. ? II Wf'lt. w ' OUR BED ROOM SUITS Jin-user itinl HiitnlH lire all new nml ii in ilmc In Hi) If. Our tit li'ri Inn It liirK iiml will 'in iiiuihI ymir attention. I'licc: linvHir to SIJIX Suit (111;., nil) S13.33 pii-ff Snlm to.. S275 In low the Kround llir. From hero l w!li he raised to thi tiecoinl lloor. V hero it will he dumped iulo a chute which lioscendM to I he "I'adt r. clcillicw and dryer. When Hie cereal enters t lie top of the combination machine It will he sub jected to a draft f nlr just stroiiK eroiiKh to blow out the chaff, dirt and weevils, and not stroni? enounn to blow tht grains away. These will lull onto a shlftinp incllnrd plmie con imtiini; oprnlnss for the rice to droii throuKh. 'iiiis l tho screen, ami wii: Bindo tho Tlce intrt twenty-four ciasses. As the ccrenl ccines out from under tho screen It lulls by force of pravity onto th second elevator, which tarries It to tho roof. Ilere it is directed into a te.rscopo chut'.? operated m a swivel. One man must b on dnty here, to turn the chut" whatever bla tho rice s con signed to. The Drying Question. Tin? IiIr objection to the elevator system has hppn tho ferr that rice handled In Filch big bull; would ho ci .nio nioist. ami musty, mid would ferment. It Is believed by the Nodort land people that no matter what con dition Uio cereal is in when placed in tho elevator, one passage through the u'ryer will dry It. If not dry then, however, it in heioved the falllns of i he rico down the bis bin, a cup full at, a time, will complete tue (trying process. If tho cereal Is not dry then, the bin in which it hub been placed can be tapped from its funnel- shaped bottom, conected with another telescope chute and run through tii" dryer a second time. This process can lie kept tin indofirelely, rapidly, and with but little Increased expense. It is expected the elevator system will cut down the cost of haudliuj; rite about 111 cents per sack. The hi.CKost savins In any one place will be in I lie cost of Harks, H cents cadi. 'I here will also be saving, however, in labor, in the tying and untying, load iug mid unloadini; of sacks and tin grading 'he cereal. it Is also ex peeled much will be saved b kc'pin; the rice drv. thereby cut tins out llti loss from must and dampness. Advertising. There are various ways to advorlise. Of course The Knterprise considers ils colilinns tho best method, but when we see an Individual or a firm a secialty in the way of ndvcrtl.-ing w are not slew to recognie or to givi him or them credit for the same Hence the Kiilerprise ma.i in his rounds yesterday found here and there 'n prominent places many arbor ;enches, arangeil cotivenieitly foi p: sst ngers on the traction line to : I heniselvcs a:ni rest composedly vviiile awaiting Hie arrival of the next car. The uuestiim tue orally arcs.' i; his mind of asking who was furnishim: '1'i'se very cot'itorial.le seats, and he I-, an to invest igate, acd (iiiici-ly l'oitaii out that they ail here ihe I ri:t:.l of i!: N'echi a I'urniiure comi'a'iy. The l-'.a ti rjirise is. if ui'.ylhing. iiitpiistive. mil1 he proce "ded to interview (he Sanders ' ims.. w Ti are running the Necho I'tirnittire company, and they sia'e d ie him thai they co.isider.'d il a first ciass ndvei i istn proposii ion. and fur Hur ih''.v "-"e',i that if an- oilier points not covered In tlinr seats d' sire I have Mills f n n ii .bed. ( ; ie. v ill g'adly I'OMipl' wii't t:?e re('iesi I'm ar tli" same t'-v. t'tt y tl -si re ie " , To'iTTeTr frauds thai vvh'le tliev TJTI 'tTnu Tn tin -so seii's. . the;-,) re rrT" (hit- fie N-',hes Kii'Uii-. 1 emtiany fnnii-bi ,1 Ml, n;. a. id vioul.' ... ); ji-ed to se'I it i!;vt'''ii" iu ':. hi use iiitnisliit!'-; !:::i . t'llur lor c.isb or en lit. NUMEROUS FINES. Mayo" Langham Elev With Cases Recorder's Co irt Yeitcrdiv. Kiev i n !-- uf ai ',-- re I" f'He !., i ; V IH ! - i iplm a1"' r l.ani:h v. Itny tleir IV.n W hi a' i " a-v v I , t I - a - V il- l--'t' f .:: i tn tl 1 t '' "I t 18. 1904. Uousenoia uooas in ueaumonr. uwr : . Q Q 10) fF fMOM! f Never Undersold. AVERILL MADE CHAIRMAN. Republicans Organize County Cam paign Committee. A meeting of the local repnhllaiis was held In the olflccs of Mr. II. )'. Hetty, republican candidate for coun ty judge, in tho Alexander bulldltiK yosl onlay afternoon! The object of Hie meeting was to detcrmlnu on a plan for the county campaign. Mr. W. C. Averlll was elected chairman or a county campaign committee, with authority to create tin? remaind er of he committee by tho appoint ment of such person.-; as he desiiv. He will make the appointments in the next few days. About a dozen republicans attended the session. BIRTHDAY PARTY. Master Jack Robinson Entertains Young Friends at Lawn Fete. Master Jack Hobinson, the i year old son of Mr. and Mrs. V M. Hob inson of IIS Travis street entertained his boy and girl friends at a lawn hirthdu.v party at his parents' home yesterday afternoon. Oamos were played in the yard and refreshments were served before the lltllo folks leturned to lhelr homes. The follow ing were present: Carol, Si'hephor.l. Katie Traylor, I.ottit Cot, Hay Coald, I.) nolle Plmnley, Allen I'lumley, .lack KuHor, Koxhall Parker, Glenn Hobinson. , 4 ,t ; WHAT OLIO IS. Entertainment to Be Given by Laches of Episcopal Church. "The Olio," .Monday night. Sep!"m her "ii, nl Magnolia T'tuU, is an ciiler taiuir.eiil under the direction of the i: dies of the Kpiscopa! church. 'Miss M. Greenwood Ilardy. gradu .'e of the Mnrtyn School of Oratory. Va.slnngtoii, I). C, and pupil of famous 'ov York leacbers, appears upon tin? -ogrtim as read"V and iniper-onalof, lid the public is assured of a treat in lore for li.eiii. for Miss 1 lardy is truly 1:1 artist. The lu'ogram if; interspersed with vera! niiisieal niinibers. rendered by onie of tile liest talent of I lie city. The park pavilion is pleasant, and is riniforin:,!;,' seated, and a delightful (iuiiTT's promised to all who' will ( me. Admission cents. I. W. HARPER is the acme of ex safest and most satisfactory for all uses. Sold by J. T. Gossett. NATHAN SELLS IT FOR LESS. ITIcos Ed. HOUSTON. Announcesa Grand Opening of Fall flillinery, Costumes, Suits, Wraps and Waists Tuesday Sept. 20th and VVcdues day Sept. 21st, in the I-Icgant and Spacious New Second Floor You are Cordially Invited to attend. Houston, ica .'I inwrmmrievMiW, t mmw amw iihiiiijijiiiuiil'ui,hw vwi You HaVe a V Uo fpend Put it in your Pocket go direct to the Keith Shoe Store and put it in a pair of Hannan's Shoes the investment will iOO per cent in terest in Style, Comfort and Wear If You Only HzxVe 4.00 A pair of Walk OVers Patent Kid, Button or Lace, won't jjo bad, especially the Po-ta-toe the swellest jet. 3JECIAL PRICES; Wo have Office- Tables, I'nrlor Tables. Library Tables. Dining Tables. Center Tables. liSp to $GO KIAM. TEXAS. Texas. t . 'Cv- ..All