Newspaper Page Text
-n Tit. THE BEAJMONT ENTERPRISE SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 18. 1904. 1 - BEAUMUM INllRI-ttlSI. i'Wu.lio. Kv. r M uridine hj .j;;: beaumont kNTrnpmii fWluUSHING CO. InWrprls Building, Beaumont, Tea. BlitorftJ at the ro.-tot!lrr. In liemjmoit ft hero I' 1 1 CIiihh M.ll MMttr SUNDAY, SCPTEMDCn Ifl. 1001. Trmt of Huttcrlption. Onu year 14 O'l Throe cinnlhn 1 t" Hiuuluy. r year 1 'Q Hlnicln copy n: Vl I. Ill illl hull! IHTII MIII'M mice iln i'iIiii.iI j .. ii li ll fi tin- Irllrr in lln -I s. i liu Mi-, vliile ( IIkKTII papers ii vv !! Inliii K i'. such in the N'W Vuil. 1 ! i 1 t . 'II mi s, Wi.rlil iiil i ll, IIP I'll . I III" lll h'Stl MiOIIK III i lii 1 1- nil l I 'ins. A hi ii i ili- Miiihilr rmiiiiH ill nr.- ..i iii l ill Ilia I'lilllKli-lplliU Iterfil'l. wl.lili voice lis nnlnloiix nil (If 'I'" ii ,ii in I'h llrsi wo iiiriit;i'a.liH li.'luu .;: Tr ill. hi IliHisi volt'H letter j.uii'ii roii lux in il"' illim-unlon i-1 NOTICE TO PUHLIC. Tha Enterprise Publishing company It not reftponiilbla for any debt- con traded by Its employee, of any char ttrr whatever. noosr.veLT'S lettcr. Till' I'l '! nf lll' Ciillll't'V, IKiMli ; II : Mini Ii. I ; c tal i' :U in-; 1 1 i "!y mi .Mi'. llii i ;i cN 'm l.licr in-cept init :il llllll'lll III' III" I. plllilirl'll party III" ;ii"siiiiii'v i II.. Hi. I In liii'iiiiiiiiluii fur I'llili i Stilte::. A ntinlv nf Hi" i' iiiiimii'ii'" is !n t"H"lilil' iiml iill'ui:t ii i:iilv ('ii'il :i i"i:il lili'ii nf Him way llii' l"l.r I." lii'iiUf i"i'"iv"i hv Hi" iiiiii'. Tli" hiili.-iiiiiii'ili-; i vs i ;iy : "II In iml ii i'.-illi il my firmer Jin . i'li'ii! i.'il Ii 1 1 1 1 Ii ' ' ' wrole ;i:i Inn:', iiml v.'.'-.iii-ioiue ii li-l I r nf acceptance IIS III" nil" Just ;; 1 1 1 i.ill hy Air. I(imi:. Vi'll. There in-" l"ii in' lw"lic in s-i;ii"- eolumn:i nf II. II h km cvir ln:'l ilii'ly Inn;: Hint ('. vv n'ii;ili will ie:i. il. Ami c I'll Hie (Hie; wli i have 111" patience In wiiil" I lirmi",it III" fillip ii I ii'i'sn.ii" iliiiiiiiii'iil for mii'li il will h" liilu'lml will wnii'l.'i'i why they iM nii. Tn Ii":;,'ii Willi .lln'i'" Im I'lriiiii'liniil ;i ilisliml ar; nf ( nil y ami even nl' common political roni'teny. Il In Willi n:;i'"l HkiI we (ilie compelli'il In malic Hum stale iniiil. .Mr. Itnn:;rvi'!l, wilii ;i !'a- ,111111114 conceit, claim:! fur Ills p:i,r'v nil nf Hi" piili'ical v i it in s. II" snyii dial "nun may iliM'i-r from n-, mi tlii'y ('.'iiiiinl iiicini" us i T shil'i inci-s or insini-i'iil y,' mnl h" furiiilr il--lill"s Iiml 'niir ndinns i-pcnl; even Ininli'i' limn mi- woi'il:: fur lln. lailli Iiml is 'II n :.' "!. I. l I : IntU!"!' tlilll sfHUi' nf II I- "if pel :. Tlllll pall of II Will' Il I i -,l i.iii-i. i-lllllv 1 1 1 1 1 !) -M I llll'l i'l' i.:-i:uil i- rniilll li'H I'1 ' " - " I' l l". Tin- r' I I-; iiiiiliil-' iini'i'' mi mi v i:i i :ini' 'I linnniiii inn nf In: Ir. i-i-iil-i Ininii'il l"ili-l"S III"' t I ll I "ll'i'll ' .I lllinll Hi" I'"!' 'f lllW Mli'l nil iihiini.i mm. mnl ii 1'ially H'lwnl ni i-il of lln- if. -1 iiiil of M. own i.iliiiiiil.-tr.iUvi- x .! -t mnl l"U (i iliisi l..-isU of liliiini' on "i" nil" 1,'iTnl iili'l lioast on III'' olll'T. Imllil i mi hi iiiku nl "ii'l mill;" III:. ii.ii"iil In Hi" Willi--'. "Tin i" ii' vrr lii'-'o-i' linn li"'li N linn' il." Whiii- I louse mi nny i.i-i-iisinii ii missive or n linltllc i luii'-iich-r chii' Ik 'I In lnimnnK" of kih-M siii'li."! it -ita I T In oiii-linir Hi" pi-opl" nf III" I'niH'il SIllU'H. It I'''.'hIm IU" :i : in i r li from lie lliroim of a (Iml iinnii.h il ruler Insleail of nn inliln:. :i of ;i pulilie si-rvanl Rlvlni? an lieeounl .is sii wanl hlii. II In n hrenli igi: on-ill which makes mil v loo evi ih ui wh.-il lias lieen koIiik on in I hi' linille.lnp Ki-i-liision of Oysler liay." .iili lllisill I rnhful. Till' pilot I mill 1 1 mis luin ill uui-il IJie Lay tu-lay in i nu ll of Hie IhhIv, wild mi ichiilln Tin- only iiropeity if I he man rifivr-i-il wii.i his hut. hii h Until, il on He-wiiii-r. VVi ii'liie.l hy i Ik iron pii rv. 1:1.- I.ii-ly lin.iiiiliiiii ly Mink lij ilm lioi Ii in of i In- liar. Ir O. Wise of rireenvllle, (lei at 1 lull"l.l. W'iH., w in re n- huil la-i ll sejnninihK for hlx health for nevcril wi . l.s Mr. Wise wh i iro:iiili'-lit Hi In. sine-s :iiii eiirles, whm pn-hl-ih nt of Hie Ini ti. Wise t)i Cniiiiany lie us al.nnl )." year of lu-o mnl . iivi K u wif.i anil i iree ilannlm-rs. LOUISIANA NOTE! V. I'. Mai lory, wh-i was injureil In a iiiiinway nceideiil on lOasI Main st reel, just niilsiil" lln- c-ily limits of l)i iinh.oii, ilieil of Internal injuiles a' III" Inline or his iliiilKht.ur, Mis. t'hnr.ey Williamti, where lie was taken alier I ne aeeiilent. On Hie flan-ell farm, koiiip Ihroe or four milis I'ioiii Calvert, a neftri man ii: -ineil Henry l:ol. while allempliiiK In si l ike an inn uly iIok yeslenlay willi a Kun. aec:iilenlly shot himself. Hi- slrnek at I lie .Iiik. holilillK Hie Ka !,v lli" iiiirn-l. when the k'iii was ih: -eliarKeil ami killed him, he living only ;i few hours after Die accident. 'i'l.., r ilii., r..,.., i.. '' Ti... ir.m.t l.i.-t i-nt i.i-iie.l Inilli'l- JVII-. Iioosevell :i pnsilicn , ' ' i:u nla iiKiiinst Illliers of I lie t'.uil 11114 ley iiie -linn, hy snyiii;', lie In i i;:issinners' Court of Km il li County, "linved nil tn ti it t : t,t Hi,, e. ,m u-i -..:'" ,.n i elia ruin si I In-ill will collecliiiK liuriT II, ilH'1 lie i-ef.-iv In III" leller ill il-; eillii'i-ly lis "lame mill ini pnleiil ." The I'liiiid,-! Times I'nioii says; Tlcsiil.'iil llnnsevell's lelh-r nf aeeeplaiii-n ;; f -1 1 1 : f 1 1 frnni Iii-kIii ni iir, In i 1 1 1 1 wiMi Hie iili-ii linn Hi.. naily is iii.'liu ere. W'liil" very in 1 1 - i lln- repl,-. il i: llre-;::ai-v hi ". We catinol '" ''ii any uuiiu I inn 'ini. . - ni iii'inaK'i!;' ' l"tt"i' nf ari-eit T TEXAS NOTES. Allied ll' lliler: -Oil, 11 3 year olil hoy, fell iii a well at I'otl.shoro, ivccivini', .iijuiii s from which ho ilied. .laiiii s Wilson, n in ku, who i -hit. it, in a train of lliu Southern I'ai-ilif lead on Sept. .'!. ha i he. ii arrest il in t'hacalioula. A liaki iiian nurrowly scapeil lii iliK t-hnl. Die i.nilv or nn iik' iI w hile mini was found i.i Hie pasture of .1. M. Il.inu iieiir liii-i nw'tou. A revo ver was in iir tin- corpse ami ituicide was thus iiidicateil. .Tnhn Luiy, a news ir,'eut on the Iron .li;inin'!ii road, mis In i ti nrresn -I cliiii'Ke'l with allcinpi inn to '"Ii -i' llres, of LokIowii, a passeiiKT on a train, of Mu. It is si a led thai I. ul was ih ti l led in thu act. JUDGE PARKER IN NEW YORK SAOE Of ESOPUS CONFERS WITH THE PARTY LEADERS ON THE CAMPAIGN. LIST Of VISITORS WHO .11 1111! John Sharp William Ditcussed Cam paign Oratory with tha Nominee, and David B. Hill Special Access to Hit Ear. Manuel Oiirsn, 23 years of ,'it;e, was iliowiii-d in one of Hie liayous inler iiiK Lake' Terrel, near (ioih-haux .swamps. I he liudy was recovereii. NiKhl walcliinen VAi, ami Steph ens of Crowley, had a chase ufl'-r two in-Kin biti'Khi-rs. Tljo 'iiCKroM tried to Ki'l into tint blore of Martin llrolliers, and then mai'le an effort. In enter the Kinceiy nf .7. W. Whipple. Wnnd llred a sln.l nl the liurKlars ami Hn-y fled ami mail" I heir escape fi-oui ('null town. ,7 iinrveyliiK parly Is said In I"' west ot licKiddcr com'iiK limn Kir I iy ville, Texas, which is project iiu; a li'inliil rnule Ii .some ciiiini-rl iliK points on the T and I'. railroad, pos- sihly Alexandria. The cili'.ens ot I ii-Kiilder are in IiIkIi hopes of hav- intl aiinllier railroad. dellllMTal ii ' we dislil,, 'Vnu'ie mini her,' use ii in i lils rai-i-all ever Inn illK M more in :illi efe ni than is llr-; sann pay I'm- mad and luidKC supervislnn llinn l lui law allows. Tin' ('umniis sn iiers promptly k.ivp hotul. Koily !l:ii i' mail overseers were also in ilichd fur failure In work Ilm roads mid in put up Kk:ii hoards as prescrlh eil hy law. niu-e. 'I'n ennnii'tnii' iiisimni"; i,r -n Hillcerily would reilli-e mi :i hlli i'l I'llll'pli I,. s.Ytlnp: is or I In- , -II,-r " The Ailania Cmisi ii ui inn savi: "Mr. linnsev i It's ,.ti-r ,,f aci-i-pi. nine is. uiiiii- lackiiii: in candur ,-i ti l siiii-ei itv; ilm i-lii.-r 'i.-ih-nii-iii,- '-,-:i( j 'lie make;-. 'ii.i--"-;,iii;. reinilili-.'tii a.--linn and ih nn ii-ra : ie priuei p.-; a--.. lieiiher ini.- in I l:i--i:..-h nnr pr. Milled in a Inn.- wVi-h wieii.l imli cnl" thai he h.-lii-v,..; I li.-ni Ii im .-If. "If llie il.-nini-iai ii- narlv mail.- ih" claim-, mid lia.l the ,.nii-.v in i d ti'ciir.!. w hit Ii .e inuuii i,, : Hi.- in. .nn- r ,.r ;i t .n k uonld hax." l a .is in In :-i- !iii M r Ini Mil' ri-ii l." ;. ' iv. tn -a tn Ik- .. iii.ii; -li.-.l a'- r w ii :i :-i. il f ineil y an. I llo'ii i h. In l,i . !. i, ,- r hi paiiy's!. ai.-l if 1, Tile InllnwiliK lesii ulina was ailopled nl the regular week ly in. eliiiK of Hie central cniniuillee ii; III" llniislnn Cilizi-ns' Alliiuice held Si-plcuihi-r !: "lii-snlved, Thai every memtier of lliis Alliance l.e reipiesled lo support iiuy luis noss or liiuiviilual with 1-Is pi i smiai pal riinaiie anil iisMisiaiici'. wlin is in iW in' may he lioycolleil hy any niraniatlnn." Any iiifnriiiiil inn nf linycolt in:; 111 1 Ii ni.-.l i ui. nr nf an attempt to linycoir any h i iiiIiit of (Ids oi'Kiniial ini) I should he ropnrtoil tn l. II. Unci', i in i .id. nl , or K. A nn in, secretary, 2011 I Alain street. p..l'1-i.- :. fl '. Il.-V t-t. piiin.r I.I. he I I-..'-. . Ir - a im lli I n i...:-; l-'li:i-. ' I an - ili-.t III.- Now I., r. el Man' I ll.lM- I .1 i. -A I: nr i 'nl lii l:.l i r ; I. i' Ml Tiiiii .loiies. Hie cohn-cd purler on ih.' linn Aiiiitnl ti in train No. :!. was I. it mnl killed just a minute after lln- tin a had iulled into t.iie lininll I. put at Tcxarl-ana. The hiillei. a ..' l aliln r si?,.', euli'ied Just In haul ih I-it i ar an. I lanue.l diiiMmia ly l':i u.kIi ami came out at the i kiil t. uiple. cai siie; instant ileal h. Tin heiiy Icll 'il TeMis just twenty f.-el i-M-r tin- Siale line Inun Arkaa-as. n mu- saw Hie shonlintl. .lusliie l:.iir viewed Hie . remains shmily ; ln-r. an. I i-ui liniiK mihsIIiIi will le ' ne in fittei ntit ll'e KUilly pnly. Ilmvaiil Itrowii, need 1 y.-ars. mm ' .! : aiel Mis .1. r. Ilrow n nftlatm s v ii!--. a i id. in y she! himself with a in Thursday eenin just north of lie civ an.l iiu. I limn tin- : i in: hi nl Hie sanitarium The hoy .. at luinliir; 'I'liiiisilav :il;. i i.n n a Ml. ii i ..iiipiiiiiiui ntul wli. ti .i i'-t I- I'll . (lie -tv Hie Imrse I In Wet" : .lll : l-i .line Inullletleil mi. I tall . i.n and Hie una I he lllnwll I my HE DIDN'T KNOW CROKER A Purchase of sin Antique Delayed .i Cieck in Lonii n, While lakniK life easy in this comi liy, liosK Crultcr is seekini; lo ac ipiire some of I hose cullivaled tasl.-s I'm wired his arduous hut highly piotilaliln pursuii. of pnlilies on the oilier side ailowed him no leisure. He lias heconie a devotee of the fasliiona hle i raze fur antitiues, hut displays chaiaclcrlslic shrewdness in makiiiK pill-chases. The dealer wllo under takes to "play Ii i in for a sucker" K''ls left. He is especially fond of e aillillill:; Hie cnlltclils nl' secumi hall. I li.railiue sliupr. lie walks in in a casual I'ashinn, lniils aroumi, and IT there is anylliiiiK he fancies he asks Ihf price, hut (Aeneially (leilll!s with out completiiiK the purchase. If he considers it Kod value for his iimney. he usually .sends nu aenl laler on to strike a hiiiKain. He hail ii suinewhal. slraiiKe expeil ence a day or two ajin. In a sewnml hand simp he saw a table he liki il. 1' was marked at $ln). He offered a check In payment, hut llie saleinan tnld latwnchrcks were aetepled only rrom iLj" known to the pi'opiiel:ir lie pritrffi l Irs card, hut was aston on isheil In discover that the salesman had no KnowledK'.' of "Itichaid Croker, N'miliiK'', llerks." lie insisted on see- in.K 'he head of the rnlicern who im- ineiliiilely iecn);llized him as 111" r.irinet-Tanimany chief. Willi prnfiisr lunlit-.hs llie check was excepled iind Hie t ihle packed un I'm- delivery. He- fnre Croker left the tdio. a cahinel. relic of Lord Nelson, cmiKht his ve. hut the price demanded -JallO d nut suit him. Much of the old and valuah stuff which he had nci-iiiuulati'tl at WanliiKe h is heen reiiinved to his place in Ire land, and il is understood I tint lie is looking around now tn replace it hy a i lirles ipiite as valuable and as curious. Hut the antiitie dealers I ave discovered that he wants full value fnr his niiiiiey and knows how t i drive a kooiI harcalii. In I, ill In- tn 1. 1 .vl., til. at l a I . liali.l slipp. . II.: the rati and ;i i ..lit. Ill of i.lrh ' : t.itl'a.'ll. iltl.l lie ! ni r alter I" in:: -1: -t Ii. ! .1 ii a ..i.-l i-i.l..t. I. ira I.: I .1 ill I'm 1 . t !. . in V l. t. .t ii i . ti and W II I 11 I'M. "t .-ti "II ii mill ! -I- i a' I . t- .r ..(.in t..- r-. n i, : i.m tii ti. i Yom Kippur. The pay nf Alniiemenl of the .lew i Ii Cliiiieh Is wil limit parallel, com- laii d with holy days of other ilenoml liitinl.s. several of w Ilii i rnrrespoiiil v illi the iiie.-i conveyed, that Is rom i: mii. i. ii mid iiliolut ion. I"!ii' i -i-il :T;i i ily nf Hie litis, rv.ltu n i . i-eiiii-n-il in an unbroken last. Itni-.i iii-num to i vi niiiK." which is in i ntiip.itiii'd hy "i-nnfess'iins of sin i : ninii-Mnii and riiminisMon," ami I i.a'lv pray i- f ir f..i civ i IK-.-.S, equiv.l- lit In llbsolllllnn ( li t h...l..y i-at rii--: out to the Ictt.T t -any weird i-iistnin. sin li as vuir.-hii-;. r wiarini; H e ideiii ii-.-il shrouds, v 1 "i !i. 1iiii 'In p.-is ,-m.iy. ill 'n . -e il,. it r. .n.i n . :.i-.i. m.riv remain ::. th-tr m fi:i--i.' '1111111 iii liuic In ft.::" ;.r..iti- 1 iirn. Mly lor fnl- II. I alter, pn slil mini can iliilale, Thiirsilay coiifi rreil with luon 1 hit it a seme of prominent parly had els, who ciilliil on him al his apart- nu nis ill Hotel Aslor. Imporlaiil mat li es i'i hit Iiik to Ilm campaiKii. w iilch may i ornanie Hie meilimls now In operation, Hm leliers of acceptance of the caiulidaie., fur pre.-ltlent ami vice presideiii, ami tint discussion of a hlhlo for New York ollices, were In cludf il in Hm matters under coiiHiiler utioii. I'mh-'i- proienl iiiranKi-ment-! Willi the hotel maiiaKcment, nil ku'-s's who callcil lo sen .Indue Parker were usliered in IhroiiKli 11 private entrance, ami 110 pel's. his wli lion: Hi" prup.'i' credent lals, heariiiK Hie endnrs:-iiii nt or I'tirker's privnle secretary,, were permitled on Hm lil'tli Hour, whore the cainliilale's aliartmenls were situated. List of Visitors. AmoiiK those who are l;"own to have called on .IiulK'' I'ai'ker are Ila- vid I!. Hill. II y (1. lmvl.s. Senator (Inriiiaii. Colonel 1 .11 moil I . te'oi'Ke '"o.' ler I'eahody. W .K. Sliecluin. Daniel MeConitville, cliaii niiil) ol' Hm speak ers' bureau: ive .lolit: Sharp Willlums or Mississippi, AukusI lieliiionl, 1'eriy. Ileliuulit iliul Stale Seiuilni' Mi'i arren nl Itrooklyn. Senalnr Horiuan remained willi .IiulKe I'm-ki'i- Hiree hours, mi'' this is taken as an judical inn that the sena lnr lias heenme active mi Hm cam paiKti, ill lea it in an advisory ca pacity. John Sharp 'William i 'It cussed campaiKii uralnrv wiili .Indue Parker. lie has been assi'ined fin' mm lies UI Louisville and Delroil, and it wan de cided that he will he heard 'n N'w York. This is at the carimsl reiiies: of .Iiul.K" Packer. Lettcr Billed for 26th. II was aiiounced loniKht that .Titilir. -Parker's leller of acceptance will he published September Senator Davis' letter wi'l come a week later. Phnok Hn-ds with Shovclry. Shorllv lifter (he vm-Iil Sapphire came In anchor Thursday, .Indue l iirker wenl aslinre,"d b" .l.ihn li. McDniiald ami .Indue Park er's secrelarv, Arthur McCauslnnil. As Hie parly went to l;;e wa'l iik car-i-iiiii'. -1 In ini keeper al Hie pier, dressed in overalls ami witli sleeves rolled tin, wenl In .Indue Parker and Kl-eeled llilll lv saving ".Indue, let me shake your hand." "Certainly," the judK" replied, and he shook ham' The dock workmen rave Ili-ei cheers 11s llie jiuliie slai'led away, mid .Indue Piirkei' responded by niisinu his liai. Tli" Ciirriaui' was driven av-av In Ih" llnlel A si nr. the new lin tel :il llruadwav find Fm-ly-fiii:i-l!i street. C-imp.iign Too Ta'ne. Col. Milner nf llie Henderson Times is not sal'slied willi Hie manner 'n vhich the demorralio nalimial cam-' t l.aif'.a is heinu I'onditcled. Ii has too restful a manner lo suit Cnl. Milner! and 1'" i'n ps his mind as follows: 1 tiuii were a IhiliK of the i,i-il. Now Ull I lie 11 lie In IS II l'nite.. ill slit'c t"i(tliis i-lliiltliK noiiie llllel'l, hut thut in ull. Tin re tre widniis re.t K iin (ivi'H. Soiitu i-ay it In piosperity. tithi-rs 1 liilui tLat l.oih faii.lid.iies id Hie 1 wo luadiiiK pun U'h are imiei-d 1.11 the niolu-y ijuehlioh, lill'l thai Hie dif Ii ii-iicc on oilur l.'.Hiii M Is ii'ii ureal 1 noiiiih t.t evoke hi rife and coiiiin tuill. S'lll ol !i-1 11 iy 1 hul Huj 1 . t ilium In 1ti iniiilidutes meet, due In so active ia bin whvh thut life :m it l-ir.'IIUOU one; (hi. other m cull- si-ivuthti 1 liiit Uxliii-hH has ln-ceme li.ihitual. The ?fiw Yor World li ciareB thtif mhlli- ihn natlnn needs a Jiulll'lul l't slii-iif. yet Hie di mucii'l!c unny Ju.t now wiuiu; a hir.-tiunus. ncilvo caiidl'liile. In a plli ni coiilesl. -1.1 Ii us both eauiliihiies 111-e wai.ln'.;. I. .-re are democruls who cla'1.1, and with tp e.'idid reii-inii, 1 ,ai the r uuh i.uis lii. ve every ii'lvaniiiKe. They i. 111 end that Hoosevt It's persnn-.ili'y s. ililll.'iu Hie time he has been ..'.'lent, permeated the whole body politic, and thut action on his part can he expected when oe:-islon do inniids It. They say this Is the lime inr hi in lo ohKirvo sll. nci , and iiu opportunity for Parker to speak. If eld Cii..sii'.vay M.n-is were Innied loose .iie'd do soine powerful lalklnu, end would aroin:.- liemocrallc enlhusi- i.-iii. It may he Hint llryan's Iwo bold, iiilllliini nnif euihusiasite caiiip:!l;cii.-i i.i sliirtlefl Hie ellele tllunlly ol' till Ki.stcm ik-mocraM Hint lliey are .le 'it:iiI:i(iI lo run tills ontt'on fold, nleak silence." FOR THH LATEST Try R.KI You 'NiiiIiiiii'h" at -lilM Crockett Street. Call. ii huii'I here, they run phase you all. at "Croh'ny IIoiihh llloi'K Sio " will Iiml SARATOGA BUDGET. uuncy company's New Well Is a Prize Takor. Special lo ICnlerprl e: Saialoua, Sept. IT. Tin- well Jim hmiiKiil ill by the Cuffey t'n, yesler lay Is lluwiuu a Hiead'er sin am of oil today than when first hroit;;hl 111. Il is prnilueiliu nio;-e oil Uiiiii was 'list ihoiiuht and is llllinu a hole nf Tibarrel capacity every K! miniiics. Those whn innlerstniid oil wells ray Mils well will prove lo be an exe"l li nl prnducer. It Is In Hie deep -I r.'i la. near l.'lhil feet or nhnut !i:i! I deejier than llie Simla Ke No. 1, which ennm in a self pmducer and cntlilllieil so for more than two weeks. Dr. Cllliniaii a p i.iiii:ii-nt v.ell cm "I'cior 11'' I'n Iron was here today, the ii"sl o' the Tevas Co. Mr. .1. M. Millard, niaiiiiie.- I'm- Hi" "). L. Wilson llnnlware Co., here, 'ins rei Hilled to liennnionl as llie ' -tipany liiive ( lo.-:eil .ln.'r house hero. Mr. Olio Frr!( has closed 'l'i I'm ilfaiis ol' llie Hernnrd-I layni.. I'linii 'nre Co. and relnrned lo Ilenumnnl "iday. .Indue 1). V. Slnulelon was profe--innaily oiiuiiU"il In lieiiumont liii:: week-. Public r.elion! is nt'oure'tsiii.; nicely. There have been a few nieces if t.anterl'iel 111 and Slid uold piece.: nssed nn the merchants ih'l'e latelv Messrs. Tool and MeClnlv have l.omilil the feed store nf the .To::." ' 1-1 in Cn. Mr. Spear has moved his procei y iture from Votr.w to lhf place and Is local oil in the house formerl" occu i!"d hv A. Colin. Mr. Ed (ilasscnvk, a cotil ruclor o? Pi.'lson war, here Krlday interview iiu: .il men. "There is a spirit nf indifference in pual'ca! canipaiun heretofore' 1111 known. The ureal mass of busi ness men and fanners are inninu i'.lonu ni thiiuuh a nreside-,1 ial el- r- Curtd to Stay Cured. Mrs. S. T. Roberts, Clinton. Ln.. sent a poatftl earn miurHi rur a tnul nottlo or nrnur's I'al Di.-llo Wine to lli-uku b'ortuula Connnuiy. DruUit Hi.ii'U, ( :uiciiiro, lit., una ntvuivcu It i.tomi'tly by return niail wilhotil e.n-nse to ht-r. Mrs. ltolM't-tH writes that the trial bottle of this won derful Palmetto Medicine proveiliiulte sumcient tociimplelely cure h'-r, She says: "Onfe triiil bottle of Drake's l'almetto Winu lias cured mu after months of intense- utifferini;. My trouble was Inttiuimmtion of llloddcr and serious con dition of Urinury origan. ttntko'M Puluietto Witio (rave uio nuh'k ami entire relief iml I have bad 110 trouble dluce usinrf thu out: trial bottle." Drake's Talmtto Wlno cures every such case to stay cured. Il ts ft true, unfalltn nec! He for Liver, Kidney, madder and Prostate Troubles caused by Inflammation. Coarestion orCalarrh. When there IsCotLitliatlon. Drake's Palmetto Wine produces a senile and natural action of the bowels and cures I'onstir-aMon im mediately, to slay rurcd. One small dose a dav does all this splendid work and any reader of this patter may iro?o It by writing to Drake I-'orintilivt.'onii; ar. Drake Hullditiu'. Cliti-ajo, Ul., for a trial Inn lie of Drake's i'aliueiui Wine. It is free, and cures A Vttur or postal curd U your only tziienso. SovoIiIik In Ijidies1 and .Men"" W'our of every lilml; Anxious to plciino, at "Nailian's." they always try. ' ho inosi (MifiliiK custoii.ers wants to satlsry. Hosiery, Hry flooi.-.. CIoiIiIiik, Shoes mid Notion", ton. A ltd n full line of Kurnlslilims. they have for you. None with "Nathan's" in Heatunont. cm compete. Sec their IIIk Modi. In every way, Complete?. Our Store Will Be Closed All Day MONDAY Account of Holiday Watch for our big ad in Tuesday's Paper. I I 1 No Place Like For Valaes o- Our Store 10m bo Chwil Jill 2(iU S)loh( 011 jicciniu of i5R Siosenthal ID outs or 3ry Goods Co. J-cuumont; li. f.-TI'l .I'l.' A - a I. I 1 s. I f.i -. ..) I.. -. . Hi .' .. I 1 .r .r. i" I ! I ' 1' 1'- .1 -. .U. 1 I.I h 'h. t ti V. tl- e r. I'.'iitll .' ,tlS .l..'i.- iiuay yt.'.li 1. !.-i r me the d.iy -i" .-f .lii.l.i'-m i.'l l li tit i.f 1 :!. ! 'I:.;.. - in.iMj .r t V. ei.e .a! - w .Th .-f S.i!-'.;i'!i- ' : h l..i-..m 1: .im-. .-''i .iiih.-- t -. -i.. I im r 1-y B 1 When Whc, eer is Good for You t -i 1 -n . . 't 1 1. .1 I 1. 1. the patient is weak, the doctor says "Drink Beer." the nerves need food, beer is the usual prescription. So in insomnia; so in nervousness. The doctor knows that malt and hops are nerve foods and tonics. And he knows that most people drink too little fluid to rid the system of waste. He knows that pure beer is good for yoiL That is why he says "SchliiZ,." He knows that Schlitz beer is brewed in absolute cleanliness. It is even cooled in filtered air. And every bottle is sterilized. Half the cost of our brewing 13 spent to insure absolute - Vru i-I !-. f i - -. f -e r.f I ' . -'- I 1. . ..'!, t-'.vr a 1 : I t 1 1 .ui punty. Ask for the brewery bottling. 4'