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THE BEAUMONT ENTERPRISE SUNDAY. SEPTEMEE R 18.1904. OO00OO0000OOoC00Of0COO0OOO 2 2. FLOWER FAIRS Q El Closed All Day PRETTY FETES THAT OCCUR TWICE A YEAR IN THE COUNTRY DISTRICTS. FITS WOIV1EN FOR ANY DUTY NDAY tor SOCIABILITY I Ml MOM Will Open Tuesday Morning Wiih Our $50,000.00 Purchase Sale From New York Auclions. Everyhody Attends Them and Takee Tea with the Hotst in Hornet Where They May Not Otherwise Visit, Martin Weiss DRY GOODS COMPANY. u000000000000 0f00G00000OoO0 SISTER I READ MY FREE OFFER Wise Words fo Sufferers ''' From the Loiuhm '.Jtuen. At the tr'siul miiiin'Mi. inileeil ilnr I UK iho whole of ilils nioiiih iiml the eurly tliiy ot the i iihuIhk one, llnwvr sIiiiwh, as they nre iinnlliiirly termed np nuiiM rorreeily bim-mUIiih hortli'iil- j'tnriil kIihwk, oi'i'iipy a prominent pla'ij Q ! hi eotintry wnt-U'ly lift1, gl In every illHiilct f every comity 5 iho ri'HltU'iiist liir and m-iir evince the Kivaiosi Interest In tln'e KatliorliiKH jmiil rIvo them their wannest support, i Their names nppeur n tho commit ilu.v irlvp htillilsoinc Kllliscrip- . . '.1... r...tu llw.u I. .11. 1 I 111 '1 1 I uroimiN nml mciuhiwH wherein i hold mnln talUliiK with them until they, the shows they Invito the whole , loo. have llnishfil tea, while oltener flKhboih.i..l to ton cm llicw opi-a- than not Iho host tt.Ues several or tho slons thov lend th.'ir hoautlful stove men Into 0c. cup room If thoy tie i'llowoiiiiK 'plants to decorate tho mar- eilne te-i in favor or soinethlns more I , ...... 1 niiiiu. iminnl In tlin fitrin nf rlinniiviirnn or (iiioob. ani inoir hiuih-ii'-ib hi.: .... . JTM1F.RE nro few people who doubt Wine of Cardui will cure female weakness. I No one doubts it who has trial it. Hut Wine of Ordui not only cures sickness, hut nreventi sSrlrm. It ! llii mi'ilir!m (nr tvirv in t.ilfi' 'Diiiucinil9 of women who do not complain ot any serious sickness, often feel tired and worn out after their duties, not only in carinfj for their home, hut in work in the business world. This is because the female organism cannot stand much strain or exertion, ncsds some support. Wine of Cardui reinforces tired out women's strength and makes them fit for any duty. Wine of Cardui puts a worn out, discouraged woman at her bet. It is an invigorating tonic that is beneficial at any time. You should keep a bottle of Wine of Cardui ia your home. Secure a $1.00 Bottle of Wine of Cardui from your druggist today. OjtaBmaEBBSsmsacssaaa, i (inooB, ani inoir niuin-M'-iB u.i: - From a Woman of Hotre Dame, Ind, :!m ft I will mall, tree of nycharif, this Homo Trout mint with full InstruitiniiM uml tlio history of uir mvnruetoii.iv Imly sulTrrltiK from fi-mul'i trouble Varnc ircyuiiruill:itliiii!.i)U!iut the lid ol uiiv phinkltn. It will coU you nutlilnK to iflvo tlio tri'.n':itu trial, unit it ymi tl' ddo to ciinliiiua It wi:io. ly tost yi.uU.nut, twelve cent week. It wi'lniii.inlc cm vi'.U your work or occmatlon. I have ni lliink to ocll. Ti 11 ot'-nr KulTiTi raot it tint. Iull uk. Itourrsull, younirorolu. tT'f you f' :1 a l arl!:'-ilown sriisiillim.scnseor In.'.r-ruli:' evil, lain in the back or bowels, creoii 1 ii ' in-' u !i tho si Inc. a desire to cry f renm-ntly. ., . u rr..r nt. fW.iro l.n urlliatt. or if .v.m li:!vi! I.i iU '.rrlica (Whitus). Dlsiiliieeiiieiit ..l.,.,.i.,r tlio flllOSl KIIOOllllOIIH of flow ors. fruits and vi'Kotalilos that, tlio Unilisli !oim(IoH eiin prodiioo. Kosos aro tho spooialtios anionj; lloworn shown, alllioiiKh Into In tho season for thom. Sido hy sldo with thoso Ih tho produce or tho vllllasn Rnrdoim, flowers, fruit and vt.rel.ahli's. a ood ly show. lloiKiuets, tahlo doeoraUons i a III v I own n uh Tho hour of dopjirturo Is usually fi ). in., or a 111 Ho liefore. as very few wail for tho ilisi f'ldil icm of prizes, which consist of money. Th. local M. P., if prese'il, is often nsUed to .Hive lhem to the prize winners, or olio of tho county ladies iindertnhes to do this, or, fall inn others. I no host ess presents tin? pri.o. The lenv.v taklnsr is ns at a Harden party Iho PRESIDENT DIAZ DELIVERS MESSAGE REPORTS THE RESULT OF SANI TARY CAMPAIGN AGAINST FEVER GRATIFYING. or ir .vim ii ivo jji ii . . i . iiik-x. .'.-i ""- j erown or Falliiw of Via U'oml.., Scanty or I lnf ul , ii.. ,i... i.. 'i'iiii...ri of Crowths. nilUress MltS. M. hii. Ineet wit Htho cordial approval of tho .host and hostess nhaKo i f :cii,.i.a w in u .mi ui a e nor on ine lawn or in 1110 will) hall. SI.-.MM KRS, DAMK, IN'I)., U. S. A. for Mil. VIII.K TllKATi:ST lll.ll FI M. INKOUMATION. n...-. mvwlf twir enrea thenisi lvi s with it. isin-l it in plain .wrappers. - ' "".'7:";V,V.Vii ijo .:: iiiiiiihtis iwlll ,.xnhi r. ll s lnnlo llilno -I reaimcnv ' r... i . mui ..i-.v v,. 'z ;; -.y, .,,.,! yv,,,,,i( or hwinUit M.nstruauvii in youuu nll(i ,, hers KO ( own iroin niwii ThX of "ho ,lav an.l tako a party of relatives ,;ir, r,..i.i.s. oU,e and frauds with thorn, that tho wit .- oiiroelicalofenialiMirua.iisin.tlioroiiLlily Address presence gives, heioer a snow is iiisplaeLiuLiit, mm muKes women now i - . . . ,,it,(,r in a spacious marqiuH H niul lli.i host accompanies many of Not a few couniry residents timo uio ladies to inoir cairianes, iriui no i, ,11-n in ill in willi i wenrii'S of his lasli. The carriages ineir leiuiii mmi . .i... .i..,.. ,.r iiw.ii. villii'e llnwer shows ,nro somewhat of a d Ificnlty to a host, as ho is expected to put up th. horses in his slalile and find refresh incuts for iho coachman and foot man, and only In laro establishments can this bo done effectively. When MRSfn. SUMMERS, Boxzz Notre Dame, Inch, U.S. A. Beaumont College of Music and Art COLLEGE STREET, opposite High School, MRS. F. A. HYATT, Directress. Piano Vn'co Culture .Kloo.ution and Physical Culture Art violin Harmony. Slsht. Sinking and hani Mandolin and ilnilar Kindergarten of Music Mrs. Hyatt and Miss lVltus Airs. H.irali l-Vlix Hinl;s Hill , Mis. Jennie Hixhy- Mrs. (!ora Kuller , Anton Navnitil Inslriinients W. II. Smith I'rof. Jos. I o Itimiio I'll in K. Darlinslon Melliod Opens September 5th. B. R. Norvell, rrRfdent. Chas. H. Stroeck. Cashier. Geo. C. O'Brien, Vlce.-I'reideut W. B. L.igon, Assistant Cashier. W. C. Tyrrell, 2nd V. P. American National BanK, OF BEAUMONT. Capital StocK, SiOO.OOO.OO. txchange Drawn on all Princ.Kul Cities of the World vv, have trte ordy Separate Steel Safety Deposit Boxe In the City., UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY a rod or or vicar of the parish is Iho ,...1 :.. o nmiiiliiur m ioininc till! lins . ns lie fit I on IS 1110 OWIier n serin beniitiful Krounds of some counly their enrriapes, , to Hie vlllaiio inn, mansion or in a school house near , Knowing ho has no aeoommodal ion to tho rectory of a parish, it is mail" mirer lor tnis purpose. I l!C VMUliCIM rlllll hi Minn I'll I HI I I'll to lie . I I'pward. Julian C. Lawrence. Proprietor Kli iianlly furnislied apart meiits; par lor bi.'d room and private hath; olee Hie p livale telephone: $ weekly for two: with meals $:!). A new. Ilindel, hoinelilie hotel or re fined patrons in the fashionable res ideiital seel ion. Convenient lo Slmp.v I'healres, Churches and Transit Lines. Special slimmer rales to transient quests. $17.00 PER WEEK WITH MEALS TELEPHONE C760 GAMER !eals. Amerii an or I'uropean Plan. ner.7.".e. $s weekly. Cuisine of 'aid iiltelidalire or Luncheon. r.Oc; Hin l,,,!,., I excellence. While service. Van Renssellaer Hotel 7 and 19 East Hth Street, near Fitth Ave. and rreadway. New York City. FUEL OIL, Higgins Oil &Juel Co. Ceauncnt, Texas. ..,M,r.Ma 5hiprr,o VHilJ HElkWIJiU from Ml Krauimnt. tfifJTC IBftfcS Dc,u" S,fftt City and '"' ke- . . . i . ...( :-,. vliinilOTil V mil . i. iii.'"' . . . y.. :., ' ( t tMHil-i! ri tin- '"r ,1 'l,;r. '' , i. rr.l.Miil"- "- ' ' ' O' tDl' tho occasion for tho neighbors to as semblo as at a large garden pany. Tho June Ilowor shows. I hough boun tiful, are naturally not. so well nltoud ed as aro the later ones; it is found next to impossible to Ret away from town in ibe height of the season to be present, at thorn. In good neighbor hoods thoso shows are so numerous that they unavoidably clash with one another bv taking place on Iho sani.1 day Throe villages sometimes com bine to bold n show on nltennto vears, and this prevents dividing tho altotidniic.i besides making a hotter show. When a large at home lea is given by the owner of tho house in whoso grounds the show is hold tho invita tions aro Issued on at home cards, the no! ice of the flower show being inclosed with them on printed lenf Uds. At smaller at home leas the words "Tea at .1 o'clock at Dash House" is written upon the lop ol the leaflets. This is a moro uncero nioniouK way of inviting the neisrhliors but it. is useful when tho gathering is a mixed one and people are asked whom at home cards wouni not sent otherwise and who arc? n:l on the visiting list, of a nosiess. Many of tho visitors drive over from l.,nn. illutniiens ns ihev make a point of attending the llower shows in which Iheir friends aro interested. Thoy are received by host and hostess as at a garden party, either before or after thoy have visited the exhibi tions in marquees or school houses. If received afterward they sit on the lawns and lision to the local band that is usually nigaged to plav un til li:i1 or S o'clock, when the hostess asks them to have 1- 1,,!"ls 1Uu" way' with one' or two or the ladies of hi'hoft. rank present, or trie host walks bv Iho s'do of one or two ot the ladies and tho hostess follows wilh iho others. Pefore accompany ing them i.he tells n good many of the other visitors indeed. many ns she can tea is go;ng on. and in this way l'e move m the n-i room l. ..,....,. m.iii.rnl nllll'll" tile country .mil,, liin! iho parMes bniiu'ht by them. , , , Tin !s tisualtv firvrd on Li'iT bar- i.t tab!-, fie !-ngh 'f '" mini, and the men ,r wn : " -nnt stand behind Horn lo xmr out the h i :;liil o.n o. The eatabb s. fn-art bwdviir-' cUr s. fruit salads, sandwb hi t .tc. are ;i'.-ued i:n the tables; df-s' rt plaiis. spmiiis nnd forkR an- ul-" within nnrn. The taM-n are d -o mi.n1 willi '- and I mil. vrw, and iiitie. nlih'i'iL'b of'-!icr ll ;m ti a "lunll-r r'i"i i anaii-'-l in whii-h nr- s.erv d ice cni. fruit n 1 i" .i i one r 1ali.-s. c 1 .(! flaret cup. ii'1'r "ip nd rliaTopatne fop are usually i- n. Wi n T"" l-Miiii a it l..n t a H c'". l mji ii!i!.-. vi-a'i'ii fi'ini ' "' fizl.t jhhiji'i- v jMacei in !" i '-' r., in ii ail lit;"n t., tlif l.iif. RAILWAY SYSTEM HAS INCREASED National Finances Arc in Excellent Condition, Both Customs Col lections and Taxes Bring Large Returns. have what is termed "a high old lime" nl these (lower show fetes. They arrive about I o'clock. They riiKi on the sleam horses, Ihey shooi in (lie galleries, ihey enjoy tlio swings and other amusements, they have tea nnd ginger bread, etc., in tents, nnd at 7. o'clock dance for a ceuple of hours'. to 1ho strain of the band. II lias boon said, and very t ply, there is no hotter means of promoting kindly feeling, personal knowledge and n good ii i'.orxlaiiding bet wen nil cl'is-oa in canity neigh borhoods than by alieiuiing ami en couraging those laudable underl-iii- iniis. and this Is no doubt Iho reason! of their society great popularity and why WEDDING AT SOUR LAKE. ..Mr. E. J. Smith anH Miss Idalin Hale to h? Married Today. Special to Ibe Knierprise. R'onr Lake, Texas, Sept. 17. Late this evening it was noised aro-i I that there was to be a weddding Sun day betwein tw.i well known young people of Sour Lake, iho cut1"' ling parlies being K. T. Smiih and Miss Idalia Hale. Mr. Smith Is ne r.t Hi" ninsl rospeoli.,1 nnd energetic business men of the city a in, Miss "ale is oiiualy p-ipill'ir. Th.' -ved-ding at this lime is a siirnrNe. Miss Hale was a sludent. at llelto.i last vear and is nreparing to retnr.i again this year. Mrs. Hale has her house 'told goods bnxi'd and now ill Hie 'relght otlice billed toltelton where he is removim: in order lo educate her children. Lvidenlly the n'.'irriage it 1 Til . tiao' Klines as a surprise to Mr"-. Utile as it will no ilnuhl lo .Mr. Hale who has been wav for a wei k. and the family does nut I. now iu'-t t vhere l,e s. :,s tlu v have eviicclid j him home fur tlio past four diys. MoxicrCily, Sept. 17. President Ilia.' mes: ;igo delivered til the coil- oking of congress, which occurred yesterday, was today given lo the press for piibliciilion. Tlio message was of I lie usual length, and dwell, parliculii'ly on Iho friendly relations existing with till foreign countries. Tho airival of the hrst. iliplomalic representative or China was not oil and the president also noted the progress or ' public' Imilt'riv'eiuoiif s" 'in Ibe city ami in all towns in tho feder al district. He reported the rosull of tile faint tary campaign against the yellow fever tire gratifying Thorn lias boon no recti rreiico of litis disease in epi demic form during this year. The reviewed at length Iho advances made hero in odil- nolnhU at ion. I luring the first half or Iho fiscal year LtHiK titles were granted lo min ing properties. There litis ben it gen eral noticeable activity la mineral product inn and Mexico now takes sec ond rank ns a producer of copper. Many concessions for Irrigation have been granted and much hits I n accomplished in the line of port works a. id drainage systems. Tho railway systems or the country have increased greatly during Iho past year. The federal telegraph system has steadily grown. I.riuil kilometers of new lines having been built. The national finances are in excel lent condition. The total revenues r the fisoil year, ciitling Juno :'.". wero over $s.".iiiiii.0ii(i; thl: is a gain of jx.niiu.iiiiit over the previous lisctil year. Loth the customs nil led iona iiml tile stamp lixes continue lo give large returns. , . . In referring lo military matters, the pn i idi tit-Hays great progress has ben made in improving jind modern izing urn,. hi, i nls and tlio artillery has 'b.'a strengthened. He ftates tlr.N the n- war vessi Is roust melon in rniteil States and lialv will ' tin and DOUBLE SUICIOE. Ohio Lovcr Kill Thrsclvs Under Sent ,ition.-l Circumstinre". Znne; ville. Ohio. Sept. 17 N'eT'ic '! ir an 1 Jtirvf fiv, lover . con, tin' lor t-uieid" I'ibiv under c ttie ' n e rf it sh'iw ini.' a pri rnodi'a'ed tc-ri tiev (. 'IP- i' Til- Kirl PC :. ! f. Teleliir Mio '1 I'niil.i :i l. if. an ' 'i- II. e ,.,'il 'e . y,i l':.rt v ' ' I... i I EOHES IRON WORKS! . t'KM;i: r M-iv. Ct:w:. It. a T!.i- ! re -Til I le I ; ..i.l.'i- I m tti ni. ai'rioii'.'h ilu- same i,!.ioe , In, fi.l or. it nd U .v i. Ir M ; ni,t 'itiTi-j tii . I ,lr, v. nn.-i -i t I Tl M,I l:i- I r. i.l Ik .,.,'. i, I! IL i ;., ; i . ) 1 i I i . 1 1 Ii, the illlpnrtanr i tliei. noy of the navy. Itiiiilialioiial M-iio,. has coiitiliued in ii lialerriipie.l and the coiiiitry litis 1 1 ot iiimil prosjif rous. Tin. president pays a tribute In (he M .o;.n penjile, wlm have d.'lii'in irati r! their gmi l :a ti: e and love nf t. : e and '.id' r. ,u ipeniinti is made of tin- mmnta ry r-tntiii. hi'h may onine In-fur' fi t :lt - 'his veiir ir in ul at a Kpf i :, 1 i - ion. TI - no -v- l r i.b-ie wild fai l" i. ti...ti-'r;.iiiit; lie- tn-al progre s i:, ti a I.. lure nd the In--..lex fun nut. .f;i:d-i it U' inn'rili'ilorv ' t: a n TellL' ii,-i.. I if Mild luliiftl Ki000000004C4f00400040 j - . - m wailk t1l Vt rjaa TimnJI W. C. TYRKKLL. Pres. and MKT a. ih. .mi ahihii, U C TAYLOR, Socy. n. R., Trcasurw. W. 0. TYRRELTi. Jr Asst. 8ecy. and Treasurer. Hevwood Oil Co. PRODUCERS and SHIPPERS OF CRUDE OIL OF BEAUMONT AND 80UR LAKE, TEXAS. Complete Equipment and all Facilities for quick deliveries. , OFFICE: Kyle Opera House Uld'g. ! References Any of the Beaumont BanKs. ESTABLISH t 3 18&. R. OTHSMER THE POPULAR JEWELER .CROCKETT STREET, . ..BEAUMON'i TEXAS The Petroleum Iron Works Co. STEEL OIL STORAGE TANKS. All Classes Plate and Sheet Iron Work. Fuel Oil Equipment. Old Tanks Cut and Rebuilt on Short Notice. Main Office and Works Washington, Pa. Southern Branch OfficesGodchaux Build ing, New Orleans, La.; American National Bank Building, Beaumont, Tex. nil in mi l illl ii lill'ltililllUi! V LIGHTING AND POWER ICtC AND COLD STORAGE Rates FuraKhed oa Applicition. All Order Beceiva Prompt Attention Main Office 380 and 382 TeVir St. :in I n !. r in l V r'"m r.ii.l ir d . n it i lee III Mill f t In ' a r fear I a lny t.a' filial f i ii mi at ,, 1- ' 1 iim'i Opfing. in 'ii i;. Ii !! Ih ii I,- ..f III.- I 4,1 -I v ' .;ii ni' i.t Now is the time to build that house. We are prepered to furnish you th Lumber. Space does not per mit us to tell you just how much we can save you on your purchase. :. Come and see us. .: THE KIRBY LUMBER COMPANY .Special Rates to Contractors. i;mi ! ,,f IM 'h II li I l.i 'I i:i r . in 'l.i j I.. t ' r I V llCOFrOBTED.) , own: m sai'.imj ."Uti'KM. .,; , . ' '. . .-.ii.. , . i Well hi.-r ttJiit ! WrraireJ. , . tj h i i , I ilu el ..f 'i f , i ;.i tit y. I if-!u'f - - - l''ne f -T This Space Belongs To The NONA MILLS 0 5 2 o O t- e. V I let r '!? , h. w.. ' r'l '' " wv"-'f !r rH 7 V Sp-i.t. 1- m - m m m ee Vi'b tlj'-;ii jl'o aljij f b MUTU" fLOMTLft t'J.