Newspaper Page Text
' 15 THE BEAUMONT ENTERPRISE SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 18. 1904. THE MANHATTAN LOUIS MAYER REARRANGING ARMY PORTS PLAN TO OF DO AWAY THEM IN STATE. WITH THIS SOME Proprietor. 1- . J Will bo Closed all Day Monday on account of HOLIDAY. LOCATIONS ARC MALMS GOOD Major General Summer' Command In the Department of Texas Would Dism.intlfl Forts on Hie State Border. P. . S.-.l. 17.-MJT (ieiieral S. S. Sumner. o umliun Hie kouIIiw.sI.iii roinpri'lni,' th,. .IcI.lllllll. lllH ol Texas llll'l Colorado, in Ills annual report. mi SOUlo liKlU'Ul plOIIIIIHIIllallollH I'H.h- liiK l' Ilio abandonment of military posts on that pkiii'I'-'I n ft i In- urt-iil.-st liiiMiitiui'' i tli days of Indian win fare. Soine !' 1 III, wlhllDH In ho LroiiKlH "I' in the mailer of water uml "Hi it n.iivMii'W'-K Hi I" Hi case "r Km I. llim. liH. II.- wants this l"t .iiNox-ed ami if I hat In .Ion.-, no kuk nests I li aliaiiili.iiiii.'iit . which Is loo distant .1 CLASSIFIED COLUMNS Half Cent Per Word. If Paid In Advance, Positively One Cent a Word If Charged. H Al. UHta for leu tftta 25c. Ads ordered to run farther notice will be charged till ordered out. till Attorneys at Law SEYMOUR KISCII ATTORNEY AT LAW. 17 Oilberrt Building, Beaumont. Correspondents In New York. ' St. Louie, Chicago, Etc. W Ivl. Croolc Corporation and lTTfl!?NFi Commercial Law. AlllMiUI. Rooms 1-17. Blanchetto Eetato Bld. Associated R. C. Harris, I. W. Lawhon Beaumont, Texas. WANTtD. WAXTKU - Ijuly or K.iiil nini el I. ilr edii.-tiiioii l'i Ir'iv.l lor a firm of J .''.".hi hi cuplial. Salary, M- P''i year llll'l cvpi'lnies; iail weekly. Address, with Ktn in i. J. A. Alexamler. Iti aiiiiioiii, 'I'exas. It IN l'j. WANTKH. 1 si .mm liainnier man iind in..' blacksmith's In ln r 'it llenu- i i Iron Works. Apply .M"iina IIHilllillK. It-IN ,,; WANTKP-A wn.-di. Apply I: woman In rook nml ":!'Tiy Aveim.. ! IX lip. WANTHH At once a position l.y i.n'r. Salary Mi object. Iiesl n loii'liccs. Address I Itox -"' ear..' Kill.Tprlso. U lSIitp WIIITH HUM. WAST I i.ral house work, 'i.i.mtli. Address ,M ROUGH HOUSE AT UNIVERSITY SERIOUS CLASH BETWEEN FRESHMEN AND SOPHS AT PUROUE. rORMtR WERE JO LIKE SWINE Those Freshmen Who Escaped Having Their Spines Wrenched, Had Choice Between Being Kicked in Head or Stomach. Lafayette, Ind.. Sept- 17 After one of l.he ron,;ln'Kl "scraps" ever held l" iWdiie'uiiivcisily, the sophomores late Tasr ninlil 'laiieeil nliout a kioiip of I1"' r Hlmieii lioinnl hand uml fool, and fastened In a loiiu eiiain. The annual clash lirtween freshmen and sophomore classes resulted In thirty injuries, some of whom are lllolti;ht to he serious. Fred Haas of West. I -a layette, a so phomore, hail his eollar hone broken j-,. the ncriHiimm-.'. A. MeNeat. Iresh man, was kicked in the stomach; .lohn Jacobs, fieshman, kicked in the head; 'rrniiilmll, a sophomore, wrenrhed spine; Karl Chandler, freshman, had ly injured about head and chest; Mc Coy, sophomore, internally injured; Al. I.ncas. ri-esliman, kicked in the iiluniach and chest. A lull list nf I lie Injured is dillicnlt In ohlain, as the Information is with held hv tti-ir friends. The faculty Is very much disliirl.ed liecause of I lie riotous piocecdinfAS. and an elTorl will ho made to eliminate this annual "scrap" from r.rlleiie life. The leaders will he ana'i;ned licfore President Stone on Monday. of I'Olt from Ilio railroad. Fori t'lai'K is sain .o .... '.,,.,, Tcxus u liiinl.led down condition, ten miles ' iron, the railroail anil on a iihu'moho lede and in u most nnfavoralde po sillon. (!. moral Sumner says Hint Tor strut ej?l reasons ll. would seem well In abandon Hi.' Kit.' of l''orl. t'lark nml ui. !i niisi nt like si.e near th'i present nil'! of (lie camp at. Puss. TouchiiiK '''oil KiiiKKold on inn Km (irande nposito Ciiinai'Ko, It is said thai the lwenly miles road connect iiiK il with Hie railroad is practically impassahl.. in wet. weather, so (ielier- :il Sumner recommends I mil r oir ItinHKold he nhamloiieil til. an early hi id that Port Itrown ami roil Mcintosh he correspomlinn!y increas ed. II Hies.) .SUHHCS. ions urn ininii there will he a loss of nosls on tlm Mexican liorder coverliif; all rail com iiiunicalions lietweeii th! United Slates anil Mexico. Other posls thai minlit. he aliandon- eil are Purls Winnale and Duchesne, while I'ort Apache is said lo he re- mote and expensive to maintain in. lull slreiiKHi and should he reduivU In a two troop post. (icii. Till Sumner thoroughly Indorses some strong recommendations made; liv his inspector neneral as to tho n'eedH of the service, lie recommends that no army olllcers lie permitted hereafter lo attend colleges unless the provisions of the war departments orders nr.! complied with. Ceneial Sumner says lie intends lo have maneuvers next autumn on an extensive scale in the division and is preparing submit prohlvms lo the war department. He siiKKests Port Iteno reservation as a desirable field for Hie maneuvers. :i)-l'or Ken- Wanes $1.'. per s. S. U. . . OHMwp WANTKP-AII round Piler and Sawyer for small circular mill, want iNim of kh"I Imhils. l.umlier Co.. Ileweyvllln Tex. ! 10 1 H' WANTICIV All oxperienceil cook; Pauhi; apply :n:: llroadway. D ir.-ifc WANTPD Position as sleiioKiapher; In-si of references furnished. Address I!ox (i. 913 wp ster'i i:'r-m Ji lt Is Hard To Hold GARRETT DENIES RUMOR. Has No Idea of Leaving Court of Civil Appeals Bench. Culveslon, Tex.. Sept- 17.-l'om-i". iit in;.,' on an item which appeared in the Houston Post and Calveston New. neder a lieauniont dale line, to the effect Hull,'.' '. ''iO-letl. chlel jiuili, f die ciiurt of civil appeals. centemplateii resmnint; tit an early dale, Mr. II. M. Knitiht. clerk ol the court, said this morniux: "I was greatly surprised al readint; the Iteaumont article, and immediately called up .luilt-'o Ciirrelt at Hreiihatn over Hie telephone. lie informed me that he hail made no such statement, (in the contrary, lie stilted that he is t:i w so ureal lv improve.! in nean.i in... I necls tn'resutne his duties on the Pencil at tin early date, probaldv when the courl convenes Tor Hie Oclnher term. . , a trace remains of Hie liulii attack of paralysis which .Indue Carrell sulfere.l recenlh. I'p to a tiionOi his recovery was ura.lual. hul ol late 'lis improvement lins I n so rapid as to narrani the belief that he will lie aide to resume his duties in the Tmnieillate liiture. ' I'liis will he ural il inu' .Iud.e Ciiitelt's many frietiil out I he Male." WAN TIC I An experienced tie couutiint. and bookkeeper desires small set of hooks lo handle In addi tion to present duties. Sat -afclory references. Address 10(1, care Kn lerprlse. !l-i:S-1wp WANT HP (lood boy with horse to lake route on Knterprise. Apply to ( H. Haley, Cirriibitor. WANTKP Tho public to know that Tut inn Itros. pay hiKliest prions tor Second hand Roods of nil kinds. 1m medinln service. Seo us buforn yon sell. i;fi2 Orleans St. 8-22-1 mp WANTED. For U. S. Army: Able bodied unmarried men between ages 2t and 35; citizens of United States, of Rood clinrncter and temperate habits, who can xpoak, read and write KiiRllsh. For Information apply to lUcruitliiK Orilcer. Postoillce Jlitild int?. Tleaumont, Tex. 7-3 e.o.d. tf MISCELLANEOUS. NOTICE Mrs. Helen McCarey wiil open her school of Stenography. Mon day. September 5th. 1004. Day and night classes In dictation J5.00 per month.. Positions guaranteed.. Fur ther information call at Room 11 New Blanchette Bldg.. Pearl St., Beau mont, Texas. New Phono 6. 1mo MltS. DANIKI. I.IVKI.Y. teacher r piano, who has been s-tn.lyltiK I" ill" niiilli for several inonHis wiHl the Uohemlan nrlbi. OHokar Mal. k', returns Hie last or thi- n Hi to Penu- mont. and will i-.-...ieii her studio in Ihe Illewelt buildint;. Saturday. Oc tober 1. IIO.M1-: ')OKIN(i--.i:s. S. W. Ma.'.e m: bei;un serv iiK meals lit he.- prlj .-ate home, also roeins for rent. T'l.i Main st. !i-l'i-::tp IIUYERS AND CONTRACTOP.S. For Irou fences, brick, counters, floor raillniis, firo escapes, window puards, elevator enclosures, cabs, grillo and wirp work for all purposes. Write tho Texas Anchor Fence Co. Fort Worth, Texas. Ladles go where tn crowds go, all are Rolng to see those nice gas stove9, and they are having them put In too; it is time and Jabor aave.1 to have gas put In, your houso, we have many streets that we have no gas mains, but will get them all eooa. Calder uvenue, Hebert, Magnolia ave nuo, Liberty aveuuo, Crockett, Pearl, Park, Collego, Forsythe, Orleans, South Park, Austin, Howie, Pine, Bon bam, North and Railroad avenues, hat Is a few streets wa ere ready for you. ltc- NOTICH Mrs. Dr. Secord is now located in the Keith building, Knoma 12 nml 1. where she is prepared to treat nil diseases by the latest am? most complete system now in une. Hot. air and vapor baths given. Con sultation free. New plume :,". Mrs. Dr. Secord, Naturopoth. 9-11-t-wp FOR SALE. FOIt SALIC One (irstclnss 22 horso power Traction KiiRine; mad.' over; till new purls; Riiaranteed lo do first class work. With inspectors ecrti Il eal.'. Call on or address II. Irby, 1 1 1 'I'hreiidn II.! building or call at l l.o Liberty iivenue, where rnginc can he seen. y J5 ,wl- roll SAI.H A linn Piano, bought new about eighl. monins ao; ... ef fect condition. Apply to Mrs. M. 1. Meagher. 12(17 Calder. 11-18 tile. Nice medium sized mare six years old; nice buggy. Rood as new; set of eew single buggy harness, mare per fectly gentle, works well lo buggy, si c P i Jackson, at. Iteaumont Prick Yard." ' a-1tl-::t. I'Olt SAI.H Furniture- of 7 room house, cheap; close in. Kent of house overpaid by roomers. Address It. car,- Enterprise. 9-l7-:!tp CO to Price and Johnson for Wood and coal. King up 'phone Pii, and it will bo delivered to you at once. 9-4 line Tatum Bros, pay highest prices for household goods. See us before you buy. C52 Orleans St. 8-22-lmp Sour Lake "bprtngs Hotel," rebuilt and refurnished. Rates, $2.00 and J2.50 per day. Meals 50 cents. Spec lal weekly and monthly rates. Hotel bus meet trains, faro 2S cents. HEUIFF'S SALE. 5 Slate of Texas, County of Jefferson, On (. y. nr money when u '"ir FREE OFFER. We a"' ruing you profit on 1! (. ic. ti"i s. If yon are iriet. -ti d. com.' titck. Tin y art' filing fi t II. L. Wilson I lard ware Co fref. Chrman's A ' uancing Academy arn St. f tt. Ht U for Rirlt and mm Ott 3 for Adalt. Hews to t lir. mull tmno.ted San piam-iT .toii teior ol a .7"! 'hine'-e cone, i voo- M in!!. Il:l: j l i .li ci.iad Jury I p.'ii i 'in: . 'li in - SIav Women, i. Sept li l.i' ci.iiipanv whieli .vioii at the St l.ei'11 ill.liili'l bv oil .lie clial'l ,a e "Ji'i n. lev. h .Ids I .o.lis Ihe ' ol I.e.- I'Olt SALE jT.r.on.iiii in chase; ill one reputable and -An interest requiring $111,11.111.(11) cash io pur- of the best cstamisn.'.i piotitable incorporated businesses ill the South. It is situat ed in the pleasantest residence city in South Texas, and necessity for re moval to higher altitude only reason for retiring. Address X Y .. care of Knterprise ofllee. ' 1"' H M POIt SALIC 3 oung milch cows, guaranteed mid first calves. $15.00. Dr. 11:11! .1. V. lra'i.h.'tio lluilding: new IV'l or .V7V s -1''1 ' r .1 l. ol it t l.ll.ll-.'' I'll 111 "if II ll I '.l i. a l.-i t-phl:l. FOR RENT. roll HPS'T-Ni. elv furnished , 'l.,.. in Odlego street jl,et.','n Pearl and Main. New phone. Hot and cold bail.. liy virtue of an execution issued out of the Honorable Justice Court of Jefferson County, on the Kith day or September, I9D-I, by Hie clerk thereof, in the case or tho National Supply Co. vs. Apex Oil Co.. No. 217".. and to me, as sheriff, direclel. and delivered, I will proceed to sell, within the hours described bv law for Sheriffs' Sales, on the first Tues day in November. A. I)., 190-1. it be ing Hie 1st day of said month, before Hie court house door of said Jefferson nullify, in Ihe city of Iteaumont. the following described property, to-wi: Twenlv-two foot ('. inches by M feel in idock ::s lloggSwavno tract. Spindle Top. Jefferson county. Tet , together with all imnrovemenls there on. Also the following described tracts of land situated ill the Port Arthur Land Cn.'s subdivision accept ing to plat thereof ilulv recorded n Hie deed records or Jeffer-on county Texas, lowil: Lot No. " in block No. is. range "J." containing 2n arr.M. Tho north I 1 - acres "f lot N- ' block No. 1. range "II. " Le :e,l c.ti as Hie nr. 'petty of the A'"X Oil Co. to sntisfv :i iuilgmcnt nnionnting to 1 pm in favor of 'he National Sup plv Co., and co-1 of eii't. Civeii tiiider my band. thi I'.th .lav .r Septeiiilii-r. 1:"". 1! S LVNP11Y. Sheriff. Ttv RAM HOLMES. nor"i(v. , .a l.i CH.imo'fin Wrcstlr. O S' .t 17 Wit. -l.ilv ii. t. .el' d I ' . "f '' ' 1 H I. ' ling I li;.li'ii"" of h. ie' I. !' t- afi'g ).'' ' , f i to, ii i i t w .. i- l.i I I i ' . Ie a- ' .'- " a- e. h loll KENT i.iiiv i.M-a'eil. ,.-.n Mill, r . ..".in lions. 1 lj; rhan.l'i i:i-bt riwmi lions", on 'lt;tn.tos sttee:. and l.otig. l'.en i in sou'!, iisirl. Al' P A WEEK AT THE WORLD'S FAIR The Cotton !'..'. Ii.t pr.t on the very low ra:e f $11 7'1 for the round trip. Shrevrport (o S'. 1-oui. These tickets will be cold Fei mber :. 12. 13. 2" and "T. Tin - lido:. i'!.i- sum .lavs in St. L'-ui-. and E. A. McDowell M. S T. C Taylor DnfTlo M DCWELL, DUFFIE & TAYwOB Attorney: Alenander ni.lK- at Law neaiimJnt. Tex. Dr. A. C. Stafford. Dentist Is prepared to do all kinds of dental work. Trices reasonable. Examina tion free. Gag Riven In extracting when requested. Rooms J4 and 15, over French Market. Now phone 80S C. T. Helslg. T. V. Smelker, HEISIG & SMELKER. GENERAL INSURANCE AND SURETY BONDS. Phones 51 Beaumont Tel. Saratoga a Batson Transfer AND LIVERY STABLE. PHILIP H. GARRIGAN, Prapr. Heavy hauling and general transfer and livery business. Phone No. 5; Saratoga, Texas. A.Broussard's LIVERY. In Old Beaumont Iron Works Stand, corner Bowie and Orleans. BOTH 'PHONES 63 MONEY LOANED ON DIAMONDS, WATCHES. JEWEL RY. Low Hate Int. UNCLE SAM, Pearl St. How are Your Eyes You owe It to your self to find out at once. See our eye specialist. THE BECK JEWELRY CO. Leading Opticians Hebert & Hebert, BUTCHERS and Dealers in Live Stock. Look out for negro and mule, for hon.. raised meat and pork. Give ns a call 662 Main street. Both Phones 230. HEBERT & HEBERT. 1 mmlM s. W Ik i i fun r Set Complete, ready for use, on Calder, Orleans, Peat 1, Austin, Magnolia, Liberty, North, Hebert, Forsythe Col lege, Park, Pine and Main Ms. For $25.00 iEAUMONT GAS CO. J Htm I. S. GORDON $ CO. r..uJLiiafft FEED SMSafimB3aeBE22EI PHONES No. 32 00O'O000000000000000000OOO 5 THE 2 - o First National Bank op Beaumont Capital Stock 1200,000 c.,rl. P.inH 100.000 Undivided Profits $71,000 V W. S. Davidson, President L. M. Hebert, Second Asst. Cashier. W. P. H. MccFaddin, Vice-President J. Wiess, Director. 5 Frank A.vey, Cashier'. o. N. p''bert. Director. W. C. Davidson, Asst. Cashier. ; eon R. Levy, Director ? c r. nnHpn. Director. lohn C. Wsrd, Director. r a - ?0400OQ40'K)00000000iO0Q0000,0 i V. WIESS & SON . . Fire, River and Marine, Accident and Tornado Insurance. Estab- llshed 18C5. f Phone 9. Btaumont, Texas. I PHiLLSPS ACADEMY Corner Sixth St. and Broadway. Beaumont, Texas. A preparatory schixd for boys and girls. Special al tent ion to students desiring preparation for college. Af filiation wilh University of Tcrcas In five branches; scholarship to first honor yinpll. Small classes. Atten tion to the Individual. Arthur B. Phillips. B. A., Master. Old 'phone 120. 2094 Caider Ae. Lubricating OILS POJSON A noted doctor says that wrong eyeglasses are worse than poison. Correctly litted eye glasses are eye nelf s Your eyes will he examined Free of charge by ARTHUR L. FINN, at the BECK JEWELRY COMPANY LEADING OPTICIANS MEMBERS OF MEDICAL PROFESSION AND 0THER3 . asked to remember that the consensu s of the Best Medical Aiithorltiea (based on investigation and results) unanimously favors the unrtvaleil advantages Cool Colorado Offers "One Way Via the Denver Road" N S. Davis, T.P.A. .R. W. Tipton, C.T.A. A. A. Glisson, G. P. A. Fort Wo' th, Texas. J Park Farm Lilhia Water si : I. ! I" LEO. L,. FREEMAN Vislin Instruction i Aefrrti SIS Pearl St. - tWaajmaiit. Old Forrester WhiiKey Guaranteed. p.oKli AM' i:nnl-t"in l bad ;,t tb. ei.rn. r .1 P. n'i aenue anfl l;ul... Mle. t. I" r Week. 1-'P :it i.. I,. toi .i on Train" in I' 'hair (.nii 1 :i ' I '".'! 1", i.:tre. ri.i'l 'I' li,. "i ill en 1 Tl'. S' I '"li lrr. a. t '. I l.oni 11 :' . W r -p 1 l"lt . 1 . ,t. ; ' im. i:rr ,r li:.l:t . .ir P. a flHT. -:l 1 ,'T !.. r -ii. "T !' Ik I'P our ' r' ' ,fli" Cars nti 1 Hnnd lvm't f iit-ret 11'C tiil.etu t-Ti..--T .1 1 tiv t: rrotll Slir. veliort. Train trrv. . Sl-rre-i i an,l a,rie'; .it St. p Sit"-h T P .. . Tiv Vi'mi St.. Shr v t i. ' -- I an l f it I i.n: nr.NT-ii , i... r, .... I., tf m P V 1 V.i 1...TM. .' K'i fi.t-ii ... ,. j i"i 1 r .I'-in- . M 1 1 1. rPT4Ni?nm , ri-n'Mid r.wnT. i'h p I1"l' .nn FOR SALE CHEAP i pair larjre Marc Mules, i pr. medium sizcflule I'P. w,:hrZ'H French MarKet Grocery Co. MUSIC STUDIO d.1. A. MtKMTHm Track" f vue. Pia. Orra. 4fc at.l A. rrtrtpeilats Hailed AffuUu. V. G. FUREY, v ii r K ! MISS AUSTIN'S SELECT SCHOOL. He s a Bo ld no. 96 P?"-t St'ftl. Optrs Srpte"-rrr i w-, r--' ' '- '' 'r . , -- . : ;: 1" - ' I i ..... . c In - t i 't; iu I'l .' MISS BELL AVT!N, i7i Ptfl Strrrl r- - . . . -1- i: i Old ft-ce 555. Direct from Refinery to Consumer! No Jobber's profit! Write for Prices Today! GULF REFINING COMPANY sc: rrM net. NEW ORLEANS. LA. 'Both Phones 7 On Credit. Cash. One Gallon Water Three Gallons Water Five Gallon Water- Ten Gallons Water . .10-.25- - .35- - .50 -1.00 One Barrel Water- Special TicRet Discounts: 15 One Gallon TicKcts 6 Three Gallon Tickets 5 Five Gallon TicKtts 1 Ten Gallon TicKtts 5 One Barrel Tickets 10 One Barrel Tickets 20 One Barrel Tickets ,0S ,20 30 -.40 -.80 -S1.G0 l.OO I 1.00 I .90 a 3.25 a 6X0 9 .10.10 Call for Tickets.