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Cannad Ualaaaaav SLIGHT DECLINE FAVORABLE WEATHER AND LIGHT TRADING WERE THE CAUSES OP THE SHRINKAGE. Wm ENTIRELY PKOffSSIOAL Krcelpls at Porti 30,334 Dales, Against 21,560 for Same Day Last Week and 20,532 for Lut Year. New York, Sept. 1". Tlio cotton H.urkt t opened quli't lint nl riuly nt a decline of :HH points on generally fiivoriihlo weather. No one Hcc;ned i!nMiHt'd to sell aBRrcsHlvc'.y for ovor Sunday, mid tlio market, while con tinuing quiet. ruled senerally Htoaily iliirliiK tlo first hour, with prices recovering to about lust iiIkIiI'h final IlKiirvM. Trailing wbh almost entirely local anil professlonnl In character. Receipts at iMrts, 30,3:14 hales, iiKiilnst 21.r.ii last week ami 2U.r.32 hist year. For the week. niMilnst ISO.imn last week ami l'J!i,210 Inst year. Today's receipts at New Orleans 2.!H:i, BKalnst 944 last week, and nt Houston 12,001, nunlnut 4,833 last year. New Ynrk Statement. New York, Sept. 17. Colon quiet; middling 10.90c; gross receipts 5,500 hales; stock 2.-,345. Total toady net receipts 3U.418; exports, Oreat nrltaln 2.4117, continent 2,4iiti; stocks 214,tM. Consolidated net receipts 30,418: ex-por-H, Great Britain 2.497, continent 2,4. Total since September 1, net receipts 200,44!); exports. Great nrlt aln 418.8SG, France 9,717, continent 1,398, Japan 1,100, Mexico 1.2U0. New Orleans Spats. New OiTeans, Sept. 17 Spot cotton t steady, with a good demand, bales 2,250 bales, including 1,200 to arrive. Quotations advanced 1-1 Cc. FuTurcs opened steady, with prices 4 to C points down. The weather map Kh(wcd ideal cotton wenther in ah portions of the belt, and the visible Kiipply slaieincnt was cxixeiuuiy stylo and character. Tho sumo, un iiinuiiMieiy, cant lo said alMiut re ceipts out (if Texas and lmisiaim. toiler on, Kiit'bH. will K't a bet ier I)m if ctHMls. Tradiuu is brisk in IhiiIi clean and rouuh mid a bettur it-i-nug prevails all around. LIVE STOCK. Kansas City.' Kiiiihjis City, Sept. 17. Cnltlo ro eclpu I. ono liicludiug 3oi) himi herns sti'iimly; nallvo steers llli;5; wmiti e.u ulcers 3.'i(K 375; do ciiws 1501 290; mi 1 1 vo cows and heifers, I30(if l.o; calves. 25o( ri.'iil. IIokh receipts 3.00; hlciuly I I stroiiK. Hoik &iiSfr!i75; pigi and IIkIiIu 5i:oiti5SO. Shecps, receipt 4 500; Htendv: mut tons, 3250400; lambs 4254(5511. MARINE ' Port Eads. Tort Kuds, Sept. 17. Arrived Steamers Maine. London: C'herukla. JIumhurR; Wayfarer, Liverpool. Sailed Si earners Eis, l'ort Llin- on; Florida, Tort Arthur; Excelsior, llnvnnn; Alpha. Florida ports. FOUR CENT DROP CATCHES WHEAT AUSTRALIAN EXPORTS AND CON TINUED FINE WEATHER WERE CAUSES. CORN AND OATS fOLLOWED AFlf R Th Bulk of Trading in Provisions Was In tho Way of Changing From October to January Other Trade Notes. JAP BULLETS Russian Don't do Great Harm Say ourgeona. At Inst there hna been found a de fect in Japan's military methods. Svcryihlnpr else she has done has been a lesson to Western nations. sny n London dispatch to the New ork Journal. This defect Is noth ing les than the employment of a non-stopping bullet. Dr. Sehlovltch, Rtinrcou and senior officer of the Tenth Field Reserve Hospital of the Russian army, reports concerning tho condition of 150 men who were ounded in one of the many sUIrni ihea around Liao Yang that their condition was excellent and that many had walked from fonrtecn to weniv miles and afterwants mnue railroad journey of 140 miles. Tho minor nnlnf was that the sol diers thought themselves only slight- y wounded, though in many casus hey had been pierced through and lirnmrli with IlllllctS. A Iirivato Of rim Third Siberian regiment had one r iiin l.iillota riirht. through tlio is: ish. Against these features were ; - " r. M.d Ktfltin. nrdaigned had crop news ami k " fnirlv com- ki 4 ilcmanil and iney were numciuui , , , . , to sustain prces. Tho undertone tortable, but admitted that he had was Arm throughout the session, but some dilTlculty in breathing. A cor- teward the noon hour the market prral just as seriously corn- showed considerable Hlrengm, ciosmg menceu ihh jouui.-y - at about, tlio iiignesi iikhus mum n m '" -- day Tho market closed strong unu reit so wen mai no gm "- . ' . , I .l 41, ninlnltin IvVOlllV TTlilOS. good low at a net gain Galveston Cotton. (ialveston, Sept. 17. Co'ion steady; iniddling 10 1-2c; sales 1,337; re el ipls 11,230; slocks 75,709. Liverpool. Liverpool, Sept. 17 Cotton, spot ill limited demand; prices 2 points lowor; American middling fair 7.08d, middling G.02d, middling t..80d, mhl.llinir fi.52d. good ordinary 1: 'Ul.l r.,ll,,:irv ft 0(',(1. The sales of the day were 4,000 4 000 hales, of which 200 were for speculation and export, and included ? 000 American. Receipts 12,000 KiiTes, including 11.300 American. Futures opened steady and closed quiet; American middling g. o. c, Sept ember 0.11(1, September-October 5 72d, October-November 5.02(1, November-December 5.59d. Decembcr .Ti.niiary 5.57(1. January-February and Fcbrnarv-March 5.55(1. March-April ami April-May 5.50d, May-June 5.50d. New Orleans Futures. Now Orleans, Sept. 17. Cotton fu tures steady; September 10.38ffi;40c, October 10.27(f('29c, November-Deccm-her in.30(fi.31c. Lvcember lU.34(fi35c. January 10.4rifi41c, February 10.40 47c, Marcli W.5o(if50c. Nw Orleans Cotton. New Orleans. Sept. 17. Cotton steady; sales 225 bales. Ordinary 7 1'ifi IOc, good ordinary 9 l-4c. low ,i.i.m.,,r m.Rr middling 10 7-IOc. middling lonse, niKinung mm 7-8c. Receipts 2,903; stoess si.- good 1 701. New York Sots and Futures. New York, Sept. 17. Cotton fu tures closed quiet; Sept. 1048; Oct. Nov. 1034; Dec. n.;x; J Feb. 104J; March 1013; April Mnv mr.i! Knot oulet; mid tiv ' 1090; mid gulf HI: sales none. 1034; into; 1051; lans, THE RICE MARKET. S. If k Broaux. writing under New Orleans date of September 16. Receipts of rough rice :.183 sacks. Millers receipts 3.129 sacks. Sales of rough rir: Honduras, new 3.290 sacks. Dom. Japan. 207 Racks. Quotations. Hm. n.w 11.7551-60. Japan $1.50 $2.30. Actual Mies: Ilcmduras. new $1.40 $-60. $2.3". Dnm. Japan. z..."- I" . . ..- Tonr ..f markot-H-mduras active, htead of the i sra Japn, fair demand C1- Rice. Hon Jn .3 i4 1-2 2 1-47 1 7 ? .2 2 3 4 1 T-fcfi 2 1 l r,il T-S 1 1 201 5 SVs niKned today.. ' ' 11. 1 - $l!t.5''fl2'i" iwip' i'!jr IiMii'V-d '""I 1r "1,!,e fT Rivr rif". A ft s ib I " T.'Jt .Hit till Cj :-T m t.-f r in Tb Hf-ad Straichis . 5s ratlines. Nj. 2 A'-inal SaVs r r.ran . . Polish field to the railroad In a droshky. but n,l llio rrnialninir twenty miles The doctor iiltrinuies 1111s iiimi-moi-ping quality (ff the Japanese bullets i i,n enmiiiipss of their caliber. Their smallness and snoed Is such (hat they nenotrate the bono without hreaking it merely drilling a small hole. The sie of the wound the bullets make in the skin Is of the diameter of a pea. They pass easily through I he spaces bet ween tho rib', and so easily did thev pass through the bodies of the Russinn soldiers that !n 1r.0 cases only five bullets had to be extracted. By their use the surgeon is rendered unnecessary. The wounds heal so rapidly If re ceived in favorable spots that, good nursing Is all that is required to cure the patient. In only one case or wounds of the abovo character was nny simi of inflammation shown, and after a week, or ten day n the mosf, in the hospital all the wounded were able to return to the front. THE NEW FOOTBALL RULES. Material Changes Made in the Game as It Will Be Played This Year. As the base ball season wanes and dies away, football creeps upon the horizon. By preserving tne iouowing list of changes made in last years rules you will be in possession of the point to be observed In 1904: 1. Instead of seven men in the lino of scrimmage between the 25 yard lines there must he but six men in every part of the field. " When there are only six men in the line of scrimmage the additional man In the back field must be station ed outside of cither extremity of tho "T Goals from field, no matter how made, shall count four instead of five TThe quarter back or the first man receiving the ball from the cen ter may run with it in any pan of the field instead of only between the 2a yard lines, providing he go five ard outside of center, have distinctive signals. 5. The nmpiro and referee thill 6 When the umpire (.icnals for a penalty the play may continue until ,Phc ball is "-ad, . T' shall inflict the penalty The lde nf-r.nd.-d against may take tbher the rnmltr or the ground Paln-d brtho play. - Han 7 When one tide kicks t of bound mice in s-ircc-sshm on a .ouch-hack or . MM the ! " zo to the npixf-ite ide on the ln- riiiMfrn Rent. 17. Continuation of excellent wenther knocked the last props from ""der the wheat market oday, precipitating prices four cents below yesterday a close. The maruei closed practically at tho lowest point of tho day. Corn Is ofT 7-8; onta down 1-4 and provisions down 5?T7 1-2. December wheat opened weak 1-8 to 7-8 lower and May off 3-87-8. The Influences thnt caused this weak ness wero numerous lower cnbles, a big Increase In shipments from Aus tralia and continued fine wenther. Lower prices in tlio northwestern markets ndded onward and upward Impetus to the decline here. Horn the start there was a lot of long wheat for sale an commission nouses had numerous stop loss orders to ex ecute. A little demand from shorts was inadequate to stem the down ward prices, the market becoming weaker as the session continued. During the first hour, the desire to sell became inteuso and prices nroKe sharply, December reaching 1.03 and Mnv 1.11. Decemlier closed at i.uaig 1-8 and May at 1.1101-8. Minneapolis, Duluth ami i. nicngo reported 703 cars, against, iui week and 550 a year ago. Good maturing weather, lower ca bles, continued heavy movement or the old crop and the break in wheat (ells the. story of weak corn market. Private messages from the country ur,rn (loddedlv bearish. December opened 1-8 to 3-8 lower, sold between 32 1-2 and 3-4 and closed at 32 5-8. Receipts 172. The hulk of trading In provisions was in the way of changing from Oc tober to January. Prices wero a trillo lower In sympathy with tlio weakness in grains. January pork and lard closed 7 1-2 lower at 12.07 1-2 and ribs wero oft! 5 cents at C.00 G.G2 1-2. Estimated receipts Monday: Wheat rill ears; corn C35; oats 170; hogs 23,000. ) D'STlLittlS M 5BORO. v. svurv ro (oniw OTP Oftorgla t'auo: t alien, 3.10, hall iralliinii, 3. .'. quart 3.75: lero da lUtiKi-U. eallnn. 3.10. half eal. 1A0 quarts XW: Kaiunut.1 Sjiup, ! lbs 2,00. Jib, t2i). Silt. Link' Dried Fruit and Nuts. IA ... .! .nirmnld. 3(1 lit CIIIO. u.. II. Hi? l- ,'I..Hiii'il 'iirrcut. 4s In tat, imtIU. "t; .1 1'itiwu Hinyrn Ini. mrtHt tlJ, lil-IU (Mixes, per ihiuiiii, 121: ti Crown Smyrna liniHirwd lif. 10 lb. boxen, wr H. IV. 2 crown I alitor- nia Ubs, 1-lb bricks, 10 lb boxes, Nr box, 1.15: 3 crown I'ullfornla nc. i-iu cartons, 10-io boxes, mr lb, l.: l J oa piU'KaKes MH'deil ral.lllit, i ill case, Hr pkjr. '! 10 (is piukutfes seedml i-ulsliis. :W In i'ue, per pnekaeo, K; 2 crown U U calsliis. 20 lb Ihixcs. nt Inix, 2.00: 3 crown U U Kuislns, 2u-lb L,v.,. .. Iuv. "W: !t I'i'own L Lk raisin's, 6-llt boxes, xr Imix, "0j Amr. . , ,.; it. i ..... ...... it. 'IIMiilit.ll Ill-till. 111111 IlllXI'l.. IK'I I (1. lit- A ,.,. oi'hik'k imxI. 10 lii boxes. lNr .. .. . i ' i in n. i........ 10, H, A (tier, lemon pwi, . m ihiai- II, li V.-i I I 'nlifiirnla ulllliliulll soft shell, sacks coiituliilng alaiut 0 (Kjunds, peril). ID less quaQv:i;c. or lb; 17. lcans-al2 txr lb. Mlscsiiahsoua. riopo Sisal, 7-10 basis 01, Manila cotton, XXX, 14 3-4. wnii liiu-k. o.oo iwr ton: Louis nna coarse, 8S:Toxas and Kansas, er bbl, (W-5K, 92.110: 100-3s, $2.75: 140-2, $2.85 l'lckles-I'lnts. .': quarts, $1,05 1; gallon, $3.25; 1-giillon, $4; 5-gullon kegn, $2; lo-t;uiloii Kiv'Si; tross and lllackweH's pints, $3,115. Cnndv Stick, wrapiied, standard (Ija7; fancy mixed, in palls. 0a!; fancy In casos. lint1 roe. iinu. Stnrcn I'carl. 40-lb woxes, 4: ploss bulk, 41; Nickel, $3.00; 1 to 3 pound packattes. Ba.r. Molasses I eniritucni, lair, io, prime, 2tla2S; choice 23a30. Corn Syrup 30a3l. LOW RATES OVER THE SOUTH ERN PACIFIC (iinft(t Route) Colonist rates to California points.... t-I.UU Tickets on sale September 15 to October 15. A. R. Atkinson, D. P. A. J. K. Tooko, C. I . &. T. A. New York. Sept. 17. Wheat receipt 22,000; spot weak. No. 2 red 1.15 S-4 f. o. b. afloat; options lower. FINANCIAL. Stock Market Declined. New York, Sept. 17. Prices of stocks underwent a sharp reaction again today under tho combined in fluence of an unfavorable hank state ment and apprehension ot crop dam age. Tho holiday in the London mar ket also was an influence, on opera tions, for London accounts have boon important for a number of days. The grain markets were reactionary but the highly speculative conditions in those markets make Wall street somewhat suspicious of them ns n reliable index of real conditions. St. Paul was the leader of the decline. but the other grangers and Pacifies were not far behind. Tho break In Reading was of large influence as early attempts made to advance the price on the score of a favorable earning report. Total sales of bonds par value was $1,905,000. THE LOCAL MARKET Grain and Hay. Quotations for cartoaa lots delivered on tracks Beaumont or otner points taking same rates. Dealers charge frnm atnr K (fill On TlfiP 10 noiluds mOfC on bran, 23c per buslier on oata and corn. I0l5c per iuo on nay, Oats Texas. 605&c; No. S mixed, 40c; white, 5153c. Bran Per 100 pounds $1.3035. Corn chops, pure $1.301.40. Oats Texas 4345c. rvirn 7(174e. Hav Choice alfalfa. $15.00: choice tlnmthv S17.00: South Texas prairie $7.508.50; Johnson grass. $9.50 10.00. Feed products very atlfr, wltn ad vancing teudwicy. Market barely steady, with a declin lug tendency. RAILROAD TIME TABLE. Texas and New Orleans R. R. Co. fast Bound, No. 6 Local Arrives 7:00 p.m. No. tiocal ..Ieavea o a m. No. 10 Sunset Limited Arrives 8 a, m Leaves 9:05 a. r No. 4. Oriole to Echo Arrlvea 12; 16 p. za. '.eaves iz:'o p. ra. No. 8 Texas Express Arrives ( p Leaves 10:05 p. m. 192. From Sour LiCke Arrlvea at 7:15 p. m. Hides and WooL Dry flint butchers, 16 pounds and op, 13c. Dry flint kips, under 18 pounds, 10 l-zc. , Dry salt, hides, over 18 pounds. 10c; under is pounna, jo. W. S. hides, l-27e. Sheep pelta, 15 to 40o. Goat aklns. 10 to 15c Horse hair 15 to 18c. Wool, free spring, 12 1-2 to 1$& Wool, free fall, 10c. WooL hard burry. 81. Paris Exchange. Paris, Sept. 17. Three percent ren tes !ISf 35c for account. Exchange on London 25f 21 1-2c. Holiday in London. London, Sept. 17. Today Is a holi day on the stock exchange. New York Exchange. New York, Sept. 17. f'losc mercantile paper 4 Ti 5 pr sterling rxchance easy with business in bankers bills at 4Hf,.r,."i for demand, and prim" cent ; act nal 4S(;.;K(- 4Sl.r,5 for slxtv days. Posted rale'. 4s:.T(1-2; and 4i7 I STI"; mmmc--ciiil bills' 43 l-2 liar silver. 7-8; Mexican dollars, 4"i 1-2: govern ment IkiikIs Meady; railroad lcmdi steaody. New York Money. New York. Sept. 17. Close, m'rtK V rn call nominal; no ln. Tlni'; loans firm: sixty day. 2 3-4 x r e nt: ninety days 3: fcix in'id'hs 3 1 2! 4- Memphis Oil. Memphis Sept. 17. Oil. car hfls.per calln: I'rieo crude 2-. -fT rude (luminal; irim summer yri 2-'i 1 2c. r.rf summer v How Ti'.rn it., ! : flioir-c iiki;ie surenxr yein . than ar Vn. 34c. M'-l. prirrn. J2I v212:.. Butter ana Cheesfl. Ruttet Hlue Star, 25: dairy 1H.T'0: Kl'in. 2lia27; Hei-niee Fancy C'reamnrv,2: Meadow Cold, 30; Pnnev rnnnvntcd crcamerv. -.Ja24. Allison's Pure nasteorlsed cream butter, isingla pound 3oc; 2 pounds fnr S5p ChecFC Full cream flats, 14!; daisies 141: prints, is; mil cream ijrginru, 15 I New Orleans Orleans. Sep' Police Have Clue. r.irmincham. Ala, Pep'- IT A ;i n ,v,c NVws from Annis-on. svs (hat the iKiliee are wo, l it, upon Mrrr: 'j-n V".l 2 14' ... ..' .,,.1. i, i k't'l". -titr.f.ica1 '"4 he n,'.r.lerT Mi ."'- M','.? .Hind emi..y mi..--. ions iind'T a tn-nt,. ,,i, H '. ,w-tte-:y s-i.!b-d ' a ' jii.. Kot-rts (i. ir''ered rnl 'but t.A tno'ivf fh'-r etin.J','1 r.-..--.,-r .n I.. ,.;-f i.J t,' - ; fi'i-l i f i 17 - Sum " I 41 Z 3-4: 1 2: !' , , 7 k-i'!e 2 Flour and Sreaasturfs. Flour UnsHt, sacks, rancv hich nltent. $5.00; fniicy half patent sr. .in- tiiir.i urndn S4.50: 211b sacks lter barrel higher: Hour in wood, 30 per barrel his-lK-ivar 101 s joe less. Farinaceous tioods Orits. hominy and nwintn nilnl. in 40-lh Biieks. IK-r sai-k, 75 ik-uiI meal in 35-lh sacks, SI (i.ri twr barrel lit four sacks: Scotch ni. II.,, 'I fill' I'rienils' IliltS ? no-(Vilumtiiii'fia's. 2.5: Hawkeye oats, 2.K5: Decker's buckwheat. It-lb na?k acres. II. K0. Crakcrs-A H C soda bulk, boxes, 7- 1-lb cartoni. oer dozen. 100: cinjrpr snaps, "j: cnains, t.ta;e ,laDk, 01 cakes and )uiiilies. II Canned Good. California Kxtra. Standard tinsj-llla'k cherries, 2.2-i: cherries, 2.2-": Y. C. jaches, I Kaehe, H.K',: apricots, Hartlitt (sr t15: praiK-s, ktmniaid. M H-r d,zrn less. l'u cmiiiHl (.rifids and table No. 3 apples, -': .liced iun ai- ples. 11:1-:. and C. (jiDesi-pU-s. H.mi. expi w-d iinepics, II. 75: pinraple chui.ks, 1-lb tsris, 1.V. pineapple hunk. H-ib r- 1W: Sinraore -x-r-au-d iocMipies, ll.V: 2-io js ara, 7".:2-lb fi at r KO: 2-lb black-t-i-i"v K'- 2'"' f eb"! ""': 2-lb f..:i.. ..,!. i t..,i. i--. 75a-: 3-Ib full j mifbt fi-natoes. I.'fl: 2-lblil'ht-weicht VmiaViH-ti. ")"-": 3-H lit'lit-m-eitrbt. ' J-ib smut l.;": 2-i'ilit l'i i'tl I Jnnt-v. 1 ''- 2-;b standard .Varrow I fat i "'. 1.'": 2-'o lift t-weiirM Msr ! ".-fit ..ess. ': 3-lb pun,t.l:in. 15: 2-!b ' . . . ' 1 -I" . -1 11. A 1 in f li.' .e ,-i. -ii. -ir-, 1.2- .1 l.:3-ioCnc;d Lulied coro. (2Mb whit 1.75: tl.Wt: 11.50; Vepe- m., No. West Bound. Mr, 7 Texas Ex Dress to San Antonio Arrives 7:18 a. m.. leaves r.a a. m. No. 3 The "Oriole" Arrlvea 8:67 p m., Leaves 4:07 p. m. No. 6 Local Arrives 7:23 p. ia., Lea v at 7:33 p. m. No. 9 "Sunset Limited" Arrlvea 9:21 n m Leaven 9:33 D. m. Nn 191. To Sour Lake Leaves 7:00 a. m. I cs V.TjJw- 4 V 'if V ' , il f Vwfew The Whole Fam"y fe Y jffflt rn iiii (i rrmi.liii'ilhrr dux (a ludv N3Ti' A'sSavilV niiiU Hi Lmlf ii r.r nl Inriut ' V 'w'i lu ai-r.1. !, .lll.illllcs, JW I . aJy i.i .h-n siiiticuuiLauacd liy buy ll( II V?, VsVlMl H S and TONIC PELLETS I 1 1 T fill, ti IS.. IUr, ,e.lrt Ik. ! k. .ill Ik. M'"' I J 5J I l Teai M i i "i i iiu i. ii ( t . ui- i.. i f tfjrml 1 Jii n... . ti r iii r inn I una I"" 'V .V"f ,1 rTffcXru li I.H. I....I li .. ,1. .:. I iwM'(( M I ' ,lir.. ...I r .l . I , lir. llb., Vk. 1.1 I Vimws'i Llvri l',,l. lvll.1. fj RAMONVi KtruWNIH CALENDAR I I I .,,-,..ltt.. ,'hrt, ,11-. 4 1.1 HS i. yV'fk No. 155. No. 158. No. 151 No. 152 m. No. 113 No. No. No. North Bounc: To Dallas Leaves IMuvi p. m. From Dallas Arrive 8:40 am. South Bound. To Sabine Leaves !:4f a. m From Babine Arrives '6:10 p, Local to KocKland Leaves 9:30 a. m Local from Rockland Arrive 6:30 p. m. Kansas City Southern. North Bound. 2 for St. Iouls, Kansas City, Shreveport, Texarkaua and Fort Smith leaves 7:50 a. m. 4 for Kansas City, Joplln, Fort Smith, Tcxarkana and Shreve port leaves 7:50 p. m. South Bound. No. 1 from St. Louis, Kansas City, Fort Smith, Texarkana and Shreveport arrives.. . .9:10 p. m. Leaves tor Port Arthur.. 9: 15 p. m. No. 3 from Kansas City, Joplln. Fort Smith, Texarkana and Shreve- nort arrives 8:40 a. m. Leaves for Tort Arthur. 8:45 am. No. No. No. No. No. Port Arthur Service. To Port Arthur. 3 departs 8:40 a, m. 5 departs 10.30 a. m. 7 departs 4:lo p. m. (Sunday on-ly.- 45 Local Freight departa 8:00 p. m. (except Sunday 1 departa 9:15 p. m- From Port Arthur. No. 2 arrives 7:45 a. m. V-. ft arrives 12:20 D. m. No! 8 arrives 9:35 a- m. (Sunday on- No. 46 arrives 10:05 a, m. (except Sunday.) No. 4 arrives 7:45 p. m. Gulf, Colorado A 6snU Fe. Kansas City Mall and Express, No. 218 leaves 6:00 p. No. 217 Arrives 12:25 p. Cralnn F.v press. m ni Imici 7:00 a.m. Na 203- Arrlvea 7:00 p.m. Center Man .na xpr--s. No. 202 leaves 10:15 No. 201 Arrives :00 o. Leave Reaumont ....A A- Arrive Cialveston "60 P. Leave Galvestrn -S P. Arrive Ueaumont Ml. Chemicals. lofniiisl: V"t 1 .p-1, t'"'e 2r' f.-TUJi (l-'llil- . taL O l C'tr B'ate 1 Cry. S i ' 17 ffl fi'S"-1". t'O Is ' fc,. .fe-l of f 1 weSTher ?L- Jklta l U Oil- fM-k ana r in-prvf icz, ti Vj ' " i- (U-fif 1 '. -:. i. : " 1 Drvos ana Q ''.i,'i-, -'i1'"' -r cuini- be'tl .r,, ,.,,!,.... 2 i - " tmt-: ' 'B ; I. ar S-l's- (r io'iik) "(rati 2 id iiar '.' -r ra. '"fi in - -.sum 2 V r .: iet,.,!. 2 7"3 1 1 "' ( i'is io 1 4t ;. ;i -r 4 ' " (r 1 'Si i ts i r H. i'-:i, i.w kit:" I rels; I e 1 " ' r i'"i ('a t- I l ' ' I-- - 1. m. m. Gulf and Interstate Railway. No. 2 (So'Hk liound) deiarta S a v.." ( Soul h loind deiart 4 p. rxrept Saturday. C p. in. No. I tNorib bound) arrivs 7: No"; ( Nor'b bound) arrives 1:20 Beaumont our La-e "d Western S i (Wet bound! depart ,t.-.. mm r- n w . . .1. ) 1 , if? V lit 1;iVA f" l..,u&h,MII,ll4tmlH' ffnili.'WtJ','-to"i" V s Copyright, Burr Mcintosh Art Studies, . j.j Each New Subscriber Can Get an Art Picture With The First Month's 8ubc-li '.ion. Diana I rick & Tile Co., Ltd. Matters of Common 'BR ICR The Best BricK in the World Address: LOEB, TEXAS TBI-AHGLE ROUND TRIPS MAT XiV Vtmriiaerti y ..... a WMiiUAJCV to Ik leal via Colored ana to Colored via It LmU. ASK YOUR AGENT FOR.THEM ONE WAY VIA DENVER ROAD! f2 N OOUBll DAILY SOLID TRAINS JT iS diCAflCAPS. Tbla arrangement appllet from alt point In tbe Southwett a a I f f afs a . ... mnv tntiuvcn -iupovcr- privilege, t.tut you may enjoy vciurv tsr ancr risiunjf file. WORLD'S FAIR A. A. CL!SSC:i, CiixPiss. Aa ri.;W3TK.TfW. a. m. No. (n. No. 2 P m. No 4 P m. t Irtund) departii 1:10 P ( na't'Vmtnll arrive 1 2 : 1 i (Hat lmcd) arrive. IK Sat at BBln- if your, 4 tuulcs. J.a- : saJt-j For it, J,. 4 H r"4 sron. V.' 1! re-j a'l r T'rt- J',,f ,0 i t, Tfj'-n S'" roi ran I t l HI. p n'r,Tl 1 a v' t Trwit.t.r. ,. La- I 24 IMC V This Space Belongs to S. LEDERER flis Slorc Will lie Closed Honday GOOD! MINOS TO HAT M:XT DAY. - - .- -. r. - . . . . i