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SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER IS. 1904. mimci, if ifpih i' m;km Stunning Fall Suits New tflfcl:; ill lllil lining Tailor- I Sails. New Ithuise, Siiliiirliiin, Tourist iiii'l "Kimlisli !.: Kits." The Mi iiV wear miM uri-s, I weeds, clii Ms, broadcloth., coverts. He nil are here anil in llii' limit ex clusive HlVcls. ri . 111 $lll I'l turn. Fall NccKwear You'll liml Ihti' rlic iihisi il'ilniy well lis the elaborate .IT ( M III Point (latr.e, Venice I .! mill lliij:hl Spun;;hil 'Mll:u;i, ilainly iVlocKn, etc., limn Ifl.Htl In $l."i.()0. It My. V--- ) i 1 'Ik &ftff. I Now Trimmings 'l l r minis ale 1 -: 1 1 1 1 (fill. Ilic ill' : . il ami i r 1 1 : i i T. Span riled ;i;it Kinht ; '"h I Novell if:;, Clever Styles for Fall Wear i Special Exhibition Mohlday in t Our Ready-to-wear Department The most complete Showing we have ever made. !:very prevailing style is represented in all llc new fashionable materials and colors. A show ing of styles and values that will certainly meet your approval. Visit this department Monday. Autumn's Fashionable Waists The all iifw models Hiiryiiwi previous seasons; the new sleeves, shoulders, liml girdle HTccls. Materials of softest lexliiros, ilotlfil In n; ami there Willi ilaslifH of liainl work. Prices $2, nil to $i:..n(l. New Coats and Cravenettes Sonic exceptionally pretty styles lliiil. combine, practical, service able qualities. The new Tour ists Coil In all the correct tenths are here, every one ut I li- o I eh in slylo, work manship and value. Prices from $10.11(1 to $00.00. New Millinery The smart things to go with the new Tailored Suits. All the new wanted styles are here, the close fittting totuo and turban, the popular shapes in sail ors, livery one bearing an exquisite indi viduality that appeals to l he good dresser. More than a hundred styles in ready-to-wear hcadwearat prices much less than the exclusive dealer gets. New WalKingSkirts 2110 anil more correct New Walking Skirts ready for yoiJr limped ion Mon day. Kverythlng you could possibly want in a Walking ,' Skirt is here, .lust the weight arid 'material for im mediate wear, Prices from J.OO to $15.00. Fur Novelties New Ideas for fall wear; tilings dif ferent from the ordinary. New French effects. Flit Scarfs, Fourin Hands. .Military Scarfs and the larger a. id more expensive ones; also dainty sets for children in all the leading furs, such as O'possuni, Fox, Coney, Hare, Itanium, Wolf, Skunk, Mink, Hear, Squirrel, Heaver. Krinine. An gora . I.amli, etc. price from $2.00 r JUDGE BUSY WITH MOTION DOCKETS NO PROCEEDINGS IN CRIMINAL CASES IN DISTRICT COURTS YESTEROAY. CHAMBERS CASE FOR TOMORROW Pope Winds Up Builnest of May Term and It Ready for Sep tember Setalon, Which Starts Monday. ' " j m in. , i i i ii nr: iiii r . u iiii m mem a v w mr xmr mm tm m -ar i m- m mr a : iiiplv lailoreil Sun. ' T I I .... - . . . I . wiroswyniiBviB if nrawBHii mi wwrn miwi limn omm a uauuuuuii iiiiiiiihim bi j - 1 I NEW FIRM NEW GOODS NEW IDEAS 1W? HISS TRUIT Has Without dotiht this most beautiful Millinery Parlors in the City or South I exas. Calls From The Ladies' Prior To Our Opening Will receive prompt attention and all orders will be promptly attended to Due announcement ff Oir Fall Opi-nir;; ill!e found in lhic col umn next Sundfl. OUR STORU Will be closed all day Mon day on ac count of HOLIDAY SOLINSKY BROS. On the corner l!"H!l JuiIko Wntta tllsiienm-il with pr- cccUlngH In Ills criminal dm ket yes terday ami devoted tho day to tnu moiion docket in hoth criminal nml civil cases. A niimher of niipllc.i- ii..iw for now trials 111 criminal cim s wore given n hearing hut ' t'1"'" case the motions were overruled. U was exneeted Ihero would DO a mai Ing on tho application for a now trial for .leff Keott. receuny vlctcd of mnn-laugliter and sentenc ed to a term of nn n years n .... peiiitontlary but tho case H1 not come u- . . .i. Tho following orders were ciiieien. U,ii-rv llros. . al. VS. -IIH-nilK"" i.-.ij i.mviii- poiiiiinnv: moiion Sarnv Oil and Transportation ..,,,. i,i imvo r(ce!vcr. It. I giiiu'erv, turn over co'ta'n if COIU- Mont- fuiids 'n his iins'sessioti Into' the rcglstrary or the court: !iaMii. , ., W P H. McFadin el tti. vs. i. .v. Siicnis; motion to uui'sn nnm-' " overruled .1" whi'H (leienua... ex cepts and gives notice or nnpci. SllltO Of Texas VS. live ...... r o iinu- nil ovcrrnieii, lion '."r Mi.,,..c which defendant excepts and glv. s notice of n'menl. t State of Texas vs. I'.-no-i i-..".. motion for a new trial; same order ns ahove. ., Martha Snellen vs. .ii-" motion f(-r a new trim; same . i nl'ove. , .,, Simmons Hardware company ct . .i... i. ...... I, ,.f noniiinont. vs. First iinpnsi- in""";" , Tex.: moiion to sot aswie l'f'' snstnined nnd judgment as o-- ;t i!int. Is f-ct aside. .i .ni v .t. M. C.nlTev Po- troloum con.panv: several motions io sn;,prc"s dep(itions sustained by the court. Juf'oc Pone s ioun. . nuiirii:iv annrovod aJUnod tho to,-,,, of tho hiiivei.;ii.i. court, whleb close.i u The September term of b's court be gins tomorrow, when the celebrated c.nn of Mrs. No-a J. i;naeu.eis - against the Klrl Lumber jwiinnny Is (.n call. Tins i "' " anes fin- the death of Mrs. cnam- l.ors' huslianil, wn on thrown from Rn engine anu ivn.u Rome 'imo n?n. . , , .Tudgo Pope yestoritay emeieu number of orders !n ca'sos on nis moticn diHiot. The hearing on the Hi.nlicatinn for a writ of l.abeas cor mis for -Tulius Nokomeyor was called lull wn- passe.l until Tuesday by con sent. An Injunction was isMieu. r siiaintne W. P. Strum et al from nn- nroaching or Interfering witn n. Pleliens, tereiver or tlio hmnuie i p Oil eomnanv. In the possession and operation of a well at liaison. Tie Ininnc.tion was lssucu coniin "i iwind o' S1.000 and was mane re turnable in tho District court of llardiu county. Motio" overruled. In the case cf L. U Prown again t nrnu-ii et nl. the motion lo modify an iniunction recently Issue.) was overruled, ns was a motion ror now trial. The following oth r orders wco entered: .Mil tie Massey vs. Hen Andrew? ni- ...riliiti of C. I.. Mttle to set aside judgment by default previously n'ored In the case Fiislalnc'l. M. A. Fleming v. P.n P. Illcbsnw el al: juilcrment for the nlalnlin for Itropertv Biieil for, being lot I and 5 of blick 3 of the N'eches river nark addition to the city of P.eau mont. Jur"'s for th- W""k. Tho following comnose the jury v nir for Mio week beuinning M mday next In the Sixtieth dis'rlct court: (!. V. Tucker. A. Io Launo. .lack Andrew". Poo West. .1. V.. HTinssar 1. M. (5ringcr. W. II nilliixnd. .?. N. Vary. Ccorao faswoll. O. W. .Iimker, l Hulcer. lHn Stiell. .1. T. Ifl-es. .V.. penny. II. II. tte'ts. V It. Dos. V.. f. M'lesH. W. r. H'aekbitrn. Jo-s Ionian. T. Shenherd. .. C. !e Yoiinc. W. I.. French. Jim Moss. .T. .1. Ptirrell. .1. T. Collier and Wm. Dixon. Tin- following will mmntvo ib Inrv in Iho Fifty-eighth di:;tri.-tj ! .1. I.. lK-Uha dt. 1.. R. Prrn'on. J. n . Ii-ucb'ti. .1. Sander. IT Tt F'in ,i j r. It !: tuiti.itt. X X. Crarr C. P. I'henniilt. .1. Dank--. P'l lm Alm. lii. .1 T. lletThunt, .1 S llnr 1 A-m. II II fjilr- T I Charltmi. K. V plurltmm rnvi'v .1 tt Adam- .1w J ti tin1 fh lr, C. V. Itowrll n1 ThoiT're r.nliW-r. Fro" Ka'-tai C'ty to Rfrt R er. i ;t:'bt T. S i T.i'- Ka'il i 'v ' ?.!! a ;i f in'.'T'm 1 i"m ' i.M a- . i-it-ra:-,1 i -Ta' . t. ba;1'! ..: r.; 1 t-.:5'c - f- Ti. K,i --a ' t I H I-- . n '! ti- I T'l- ' It I - -:,r. ?. - T). - 'V. it '. i, i ; - ii r ' I , i . ' 'i ; -i. ' Eaple Leve Bl'nrr. tlptt'TTiorc. Popt IT.- Nn-1v 1l "f h- th'ni'iJin'I of Te'c ht iitit-1 Hnlim- dnUPe vk. to Mtl h' flf'h nni:' f.nvxii urn ' e--are . r'.-. I-f t.. ir b'.ne to tv V' r i'bl t ). fw , I'l'l.'am in Tn !;m jtxri. - f-1 , V : I Tb Tt"i i-.ti'o'x '!i-iv. tt,- D-in ' .te'V P-tjTi. r.1)'i. Mi'tr, -.iwr i ii t' nip -.,r ),. ' nn'i b;:,r. I' -1-'"" F .f .. t 1, t.- H-f! '"T in ' r. t v--tr H 'n'i'3 tl i, r. ' r.' - . . ri". I.?- f a ?' P F l"".-t'T! - rr Pari T(WD)AY Matinee 3 p. m. Evening 8:15 M Prince Carl, the Master Spirit of Amidexterity. Greatest Living Juggler, out - rivaling his sKiHrd brothers of his native land of East India. The Great Oom Paul, Magician; Hermann's only living rival in Mystic Mysteries-beyond the mind of conception. The Wondeful KOMETA The Male Prima Donna; the only Female Imperson ator, whom it is impossible to detect. And other rerformers. The Edison CI ME TO GRA PH Moving Pictures: The Great Train Robbery. Forcpaugh and Sells' Bros. Circus. The Spanish Bull Fight and Other Attractions. Performances will be given Sunday Afternoon and Evcniny; and Tuesday, Tl.urclay and Saturdy Eve nings. A REFINED AND HIGH CLASS ENTERAINMENT FOR ALL. Grand Wire Waiting And Other Wire Performances at 3:15 P. tf. And after tbe Performance at night, at which time the entire Park and surrounding country will be illuminated with the Finest 'Display of Greets Fire ever attempted. Come out to Magnolia Park th's Afternoon and Evening, and enjoy yourselves, retting atsured that everything will be conducted with the utmott refinement. Sunday, Sept. 18 If you have never ben tit Magrolia, come ot and yos w ill be plr?.?d. Con niercial Bldg., 812 Pearl St. t, r ...