Newspaper Page Text
31 o 3h CHAMHION TELLS TWO YARNS, And Flth Storiei They Ar Mighty Hard to Beat. Afr KiipinT I Jnliiftl tho cRuni out on thu Kiillcry of tho hotel. and tliiTi', filtiuls, cltiztna. ami fellow countrymen. 1 nu t up with tho greitt- li.illlrt Win '""I' KUIIU'ii hy K"m WOIK Kruil.l.lUil(ly. tllO KiMIUIIlC, OI1KIIIUI m .,,.. ii... li i.i. 'Hie heeiin.l k.iiuo iia'ml tin. llsh vurnem in tho world. Ho SOUTHERN LEAGUE. Memphis Won Both. Memphis, rie.t. IS. lly wililllllB to lay "a douiile lu ii.ler. Memi:iU hIhiw wiiIiIii mo iMiliil of Ni'W t.r'.iii.iH f"r ii... s!..inli. in l.eimiui iiuiiiaiit. Tli" itlle.l Ul III.' ell.l of I Ho flKlllll lllllillH nil tieniilil of (lurUliehii. AUrlnllUlci; j I.iinii. Seii'vs: I'h'Hl Kiillie; ,y. miiliis .1 o i ' x ' - .l..umoiiiery. I o I ' - llnllei ieH- Sim l.ilale mill I liiiilmrl ; I kile mill Maunem. Tim.. I :.". Set mill name: M. i,i.lii.s ti 0 ii ll 1 il :. .1 K 1.". I Mi.iiiiinii iy. II :i il ii " I I II " Hun. l ies Mi imyiv mill Uuillmrt; liiirdni r mill I'lm li. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Chicago 2, Cincinnati 117 Innings. Chieuii. St H IS, III one of tin' H.eulesl jjlillH's of I lt- season, ( iilt-ilKu tlel'euleil (.'IlliillliUti 111 seVellleell i.l iiint;. Aller one inn la ilm Heveii le. mil. llrinns la It fal'ely. Sialic hIu Uleil t'nsey hit ly ii plteheil hall, ii.ul '.Mefariliy lined out his third hit. m ore: Cliieai;i) . I mi nun nun non onn 012 II 1 Cineiniiai I uui I oimi nno noo oo 1 10 1 Ilaiierles lltiKKS and Kilns; Walk er and Strell, St, Inirs rain. Rain nt St. Louis. I.ouis. Sept. IS. St. Louis-Pitts-nunio posiiiined on account of . AMERICAN LEAGUE. Chicago 1. Detroit 0. Chicago, Sept. 1 S. A mi ......... n saeritiee, a sinsle and l-owe s error Moreil (ireen in tho first liinliiB. After iliat both I'aitorsim and Killain were ulven perfect support. Score: CI ica"o ... 1 ll J ll II o ll o x 1 ! i IMro'il 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 7 1 llatteries Patterson and Sulivan; Killian and Drill. Rain at St. Louis. St. I.iiiiU Sept. 1 S. Tne St. Louis Cleveland giinio was postponed on . count of rain. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. Milwaukee :!, St. Paul 0; Milwaukee ii, St. Paul 0- CdIiiiuIius ::, Louisville :!. ' Kansas City 0. .Minneapolis I"', rum Cil.V 1'. Minneapois 2. Toledo I, Indianapolis Ii; Toledo 1, Indianapolis t Chinese Name for Psrt Arthur. Tho Chinese name for Port Artl.ur was I.uslmnUow: the town hud, twen ty years ao, only a lew thousand in habitants, and was used as a place iv the deportation of criminals. c.hi. Have Licihtninq Conductors. Ships of war aro usually fitted with li-Mninn conductors. This precaution is" rendered necessary by the oxplos ives stored away in their mava.ines, Janan'3 Population Increases. The population of Japan Increase-; from :i::,l1 0,703 in 1S72 to.l'.ot.'JU'J in ISUli, and is increasing laiiuuj. Pigeon's Long Flight. One of a number of homing pigeons pent mi from Nantes. Franco, boarded a ship 1,000 miles at sea. Living Cheap in Japan. For $400 n year a man can, in Jn pan pay for a house, food v.vA two servants. Parsley Tea. Many rf -'' "Id herb "tea.i" that our i;randmoiiM rs used o ny.'ke are liviliil. I.eir.s KoothSns to the i :--i--t i vr nixaiis. A cup of one of these teas, .'.taken hi fore rot irui-r. will often pro mote S'.mid E' Amelia i.he most I' '. those liiailo from rw'-ct marjoram, catnip, cnniomil". ace. I.r.xse-i. and parsley. I'a.--!-y tea is taid to be particularly beneficial to tin; l.idne . ' The iiarslcy slio i!u - l.e stewed n It "to. so as to hrlns out the eo.K ncp. T:y it. wuh u Miinll old man with a winto heard nnd u si'rlou dennnnor, nnd he HpoliO In a low, ev.ll. flute-toned volco that never (piiivered. I cannot nlvo all tho talea he told out there, hut r cun tlvo couplo of Buniples. Said lie: "I'p lit my plnco n short spell bro tlio liny nnd mo cut down n bin tree. After It fell wo set down a tnlto to rest on tho trunk, and I hear eomo thins making a nolso lnshlo. "'Hoys,' gee I, 'alu't this trco hol ler?' "'No,' sea they, 'It's sound and solid. "Then I henr tho fuss lnshlo npaln. I prahbed on ax, and, sez I, as I went to choppln': "'There's Bomothlnf! lnsldo this here, and I'm a-goln' to know what it is.' "Hy Nod! Thcro was a holler place Inside, and In there was a nine pound citflsh what I'd been hcnrln' llappln'!" "Ilow'd thnt fish got In there?" asked n listener. "Haven't got any Idea how he did 'Irs 'n the tree growod around him. which I reckon It had, some time or other. For a second sample the old man furnished tho following "There was n terrible his fish." sa,(1 he, "what used to come up the Osage before tho war, and we got to hcnrln' so much about it that a pasnel ot ti fellers set in .to catch him. We got ?nn loot nf inch and a half rope, had the blacksmith weld us a big hook, and we put on a whole dog for halt. We set our line, and soon, sure encash, the fish swallered the dos, hook and all, and tho hook hung. Wo couldn't niirli pull him out. tnougn there was ten of us, so we hitched on two yoke of oxen, nnd after a hard Ftrugglo wo managed to drag that fish 'out on the hank. He was nine foot between the eyes, and his eyes sot closer together than they ought to set in a fish of that size." Kansas City Star. THE BEAUMONT ENTERPRISE HE'D LULL THEM TO SLEEP. Vltlonary Had Great 8chm for Uit On Pullman Care. One of the oddest Idea developed recently was dl-icuvcrcd uy a man who had udvertlsed for opportunities for Investnunt. iu of the answer merely aked for an Inter lew. t ii - that the Idea was too valuable to he roinniunlente.l by mall. It waa a Urnlghtfoiwaid business ronimiinlcH- lion and an appointment wa mnitc. which wa kept hy a man who tnU'ht have heeii a luwyer or a broker, so far ii utward appearance wcro con cerned. Only wheu ho Ingan to talk did It become apparent that ho he- longed to tho army of visionaries. llo found, ho o'iplnlnod. that only a small percentage of those who trav eled In sleeping cars were nblo to obtain rest, owing to the roar nnd rat- tlo of tho train. Ills Invention was designed to overcome tills ditllcnlly. It was hla plan to have small tubes Installed along the sides of the car below and above the windows. A slight opening at each end of th berths would enable one to pit ; In an carplcco similar to those used .1 pho nographs, nnd thus exchange for the rnttlo of the trucks soft music to lull them to sleep. One phonograph, ho explained, would mpply the entire car, nnd n Flight extra charge might ho mndo for the use d the tubes. For the cost of the patent he was willing to let anyone come In for a hair interest, nnd lie was much sur prised when this generous olVer was declined. MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 19, 1904. "LARNIN' " OF LESSER VALUE, ll Iht iriihmm'i Story Showed It Brains that Count. "When I w In fork lat.M nlil flimineey Olcott. "1 got acquainted wiili on of ,0H" really good utory u lli rs who liavo helped ninko Ireland famous. Soma Incldeut came up In iho local courts which brought out i he following: Ah. It lii t always th larnin- inai iii'iiits In a man. if the Drains aro in lilin they'll work without trulnin. ihough ninyuo a llttlo touchin up doesn't hurt. " 'Now. thero wns mo mild fri ml Tom Sullivnn. who mod piles Iv money on horse dealltr In Cork's own towtv :n' was Maglsthrato a' all, though no couldn't tell his own numo If no saw It In writ In". Well. I mind tho nay Sergl. Darey brought Toto Oarvey up btforo Tom for beln drunk and dis orderly In the public streets" as they say. Now Darcy was a tut ot a nog l.mln scholar, and. thinklu' to llus irato Tom. ho put tho caso this way: Pete (iarvoy In hoc slgnum stagger em your Worshlppum." 'Tom looked bothered for a mlnlt and scratched his poll. Then, with ( no of thlm sudden Jerks of his, ho pointed to (Inrvey and thundered out : In hoc llnum immssinium pee: Bt tiUVV IO MAKE FRItNUS. Interested In Them, but Navtr Show Curiosity. If you would have frleudi, bo Inter cftod In them. There Is a difference between Inter est and curiosity. Never ho curious. Interest ask nothing, but Is glad of other' Joy mid sorry for others' mlsforlunos. Curiosity seeks to find more limn Is written upon tho surface, eeks It fur tho purpose of distribu tion, for Innocent slander. Onu's friend llko onu to bo Inter ested.' They detest ono whq Is curl ous. ' To bo Interested In those ono meets needs but to wish them well. To see tho host of those about us will canso us to wish them well. To our well-wishers we pour out our Joys nnd sorrows. They aro Interest ed. They understand. Tho Interested friend always under stands. Tho curious acquaintance never sees through motives. The curi ous ono Is blludod by his own Inter pretation ot causes and his prejudiced view of result. Don't, thereforo, seek to know what Is hidden. If your friends conceals something from you ho hns a reason for doing it. Provo your Interest and your lack of vulgar curiosity by trust ViS' i LIGHTING AND POWER ICiC AND COLD STORAGE Rates FornUhBd on AppUcMloa. AU Ord.ri FeceWi Prompt AtUntloa Main Office 380 and 382 TeVls St. - -vw W: km m. Dua r. TVnniffl.T. Pre, nnd MKT A. M. M I'Alium, W and I doclnro he had to explain , lug him In spite of tho concealment. urn. ;o thlm reporter fellows who write hooks every day that fiarvoy was lined !. boli, or a shlllln' If o like, for belli' (runlt nnd disorderly. Oh. It's the brains, not tho larnln', that counts.'" New York Times. Thoso who nro truly Interested and never curious nro surrounded by friends. Detroit Tribune Lost Treasure. "What's tho matter?" demanded tho n an, stopping to look at two little hoy who were diligently searchlug the sidewalk. 'Lost it," mumbled one of the boys, without looking up. "Ah." said tho man, with interest, and dropped on his knees. Ho rooted about a while and looked up. "What was it you lost?" he asked. "l'm-m-ru-m-m," replied one of tho youths. By this time half a dozen men, two more bovs, and a dog had joined in the search, and the crowd was begin ning to thicken. Also the excitement tow and the throng caused a street railway motorman to have nervous frenzies and to take it out of his gong. At last the first seeker for the lost crabbed the boy who socmen m-. .... .... frmr intoresicd and poi mm Horo. you, no coinniiiimi.u, t-,x i-rtii ion ' tell ho .... ,.....t-c lnet "r " 3 . .. . .. . . shook the boy until lie wepi i a, -anger, and wiped them from his eyes with a dirty paw. "1 lost a cent," ho wailed. "I.ommo p!one. you stiff, will yuh? It's my cent, not your'n." . Then tho crowd quietly melted. Dallas News. The Woman Across the Sea. iru aim nei I ho (ea: lur up livinvn. Ar.rWn:rnils,-,i-;-b,o crown, I 1,1.: . .11 ... ... " hc lov(,,j A only a tru M' i" ' ' . i .1 a- Last of a Noted Gallows. The wooden gallows In tho Jail yard hns been torn down to make room for a modern steel structure. By way of a grim Joke tho sheriff's ofllcc spread tho report that Deputy Sheriff Love ifnn,!eil to take the frame of tho ven erable instrument of death to his l.omo and build a chicken house out of it, on the theory that no negro, no matter how ardent a lover of chick en meat, would daro to rob such a hen roost. As a matter of fact, the old gallows is to be split into kindling wood for USO in lllU 1111 llUl l- in i"-- "" This morning a negro man who has seen years of service as an attache of tlio sheriff's ofllce, was engaged in pil ing up tho weather beaten lumber un der the steps of the portico, on the north side of the court house. The steps, intact, lay stretched on tho ground. "Many a man has taken his last walk up tl)!ip stairs," said a bystand er. "Indeed, they have," said bic col ored man. "I have seen twelve of them go that way llawes ami ujais and Scroggins and Hen Khimige ami others. Makes me feel kind o' -reepy to handle this stuff, but I guess win hum all right." liirmingham rsews. Convicts Who Play Ball. At this season of tho year every body thinks of baseball. Sven tho prisoners in the Massachusetts slate prison nt Charlestown, Mass.. have m.r.rl a championship contest, which is now being played out be tween eighteen teams drawn from tho various departments of tho prison, (James will be played regularly by the convicts until the contest ends in October. The "lifers" have a team of their own, and so have the choir and band. The colored prisoners boast of what they call an "all-star aggregation." Tailors, carpenters, shoemakers, cooks, weavers, harness maiM-is ami other workers in the several dei'irt mer.ts of tho prison have each their own special team. There are several men In tho prison who were well-known baseball players boioro they went behind the bars. .hey coach tho others, with the re rrll'that tho convicts play a ball game much above tho average. Between the Horns of a Dilemma. lie was walking to and fro on tho station platform, and his anxiety was so marked that a friend Inquired: "What's the matter, Tilths? Von look ns If you had something serious on vnnr mind." I have, ho replied. i m women, badly worried. I've Just found a dol lar in my trousers pocket." "You're tho first man l eer saw that worried over rinding money ho didn't know ho had." "Hnt you don't understand. I enn't make up my mind whether 1 forgot tho dollar or whether my wife slipped it in iiiv pocket to try me. You seo she has been accusing me of keeping n-inirs from her. Now, if I were to blow this bill iu without saying any n,i r m her about it. and it should nun out that she had played a trick me mv finish would ba worth writ .. 1 If T ing up. un tne oiuer ii.uiu, n . in" her and confess that I found it, she'll simply take the ilnllar. 1 luiveu i been so worried in a month. It. Emerson's Srge Advice. Finish every day and ho done with You have done what, yon couiu, . t .........llli..U .. Rome blunders "'in nun,... ...".a doubt creep in; forget them na soon as you can. To morrow is a new ciaj , you shall begin it well nnd serenely nnd with too iiign a spun w -" bored with your old nonsense. Kmor- son. When His Head Swelled. Ac illustrative of tho exhilarating of fnou of liquor, Alderman Hammond tells the story of a switchman ....... . a drink and felt that ho ill! iww.- , ou"ht to bo section boss. He took nn r.ibnr nnd said. "L ought to be a divi Hon superintendent." Ho took two or three more and felt tnat no ougni. io I.- general manager of the railroad. Tmn, ho took two or three more and thought he should be president of the lll;ill. " tiz.i ran. i it.- v. as on nor plan, O, flits wmui.. tlio tin pra ; ,1 I, is Ac: Lowest of the Quadrupeds. ra'.ia produces also tlio.-e lov- .. . 1 !. .l....l-l.-:ln.l f ri ul me qu i' i water mole anil ihe echidna, or Au (ralian porci;; Ine niit-cat r. Th" ailing with the fc'imrnrnns. may t.e d"-t-erih' d as the croundlines of the mammalian fsmi'y. for in r.-si -t i f Ftniftrre tiny are ul i. inn - than. say. n - or a bt. ,y wrrr h'liK '" 11 Till- 'w.'tnan nrr-iss I) A... I li" l"' -' ' ' For' ins -1" wan t or "i Ami i-iiisl'."-! I" iv, A".1 t.-M h-r t '1' TIUS We. lirl-'S ra'.IcJ her vriy foet. -;i ; bis ryrp HIT lis r.irrlrss. S'.'uliTy ni s .l.lirrs mny. ll- iP'1 11-.- Ni. n.-r Tills : v. "li'-t n a- ' l:, ,, hr wtil 'V ,.! .'f .!,.-'. ? Alnl "l l !. Tl.. wman a'T-i-s I.. 1,1. -s li. r hive. 1 1 if an J M-iTs above. s ili- s'-i; ,.i.l -II- w.ol'-d 1 r.r. , i ,'.i .. ' .J r- :. (.ll. .1 aa.l t::. ii;;lil H' Un- Bra: Ihr Ti, n 1 1 T'-l- wrl:' K.-.:-i ( . I ) i 1. their lower rr:n Thi t'.e hr;: in. 1 of 'I" ir I ' ' ' riiiri'y if fern not only in in n any t tlier traits a-rt'iniy. An Apr-r-r'te lime, "We ill 'A" al. . Ye i,-.-.!i.-it. ly lf"' ! oir iai ti- 'Don't "U tl. . i -, ;,:.t i i!'-r. rinip i riat . r t' r m r : one. in's h 'trT.n t' .. 1 tti" Tn-t.i--' r at on S ii'ir t:i "" ifjH.i'.i ire ,r- it a 11 won! 1 b m r to s il v it in. i i' 'at' iv siH ,.:.?" Nw Oli-l't l'lk l v. HI. .-..I b'-r name, 1.. r f tianir. : ,, I l f.,!l-f.irr 1.111 1 . I I.;: I"!-. IS 11.; l'...t 1.' it l.iT.l I. It Ir Mr. Hillyer's Burglar Alarm. Mr. Hillyer was n heavy sleeper. 11,. was a man. also, with a chronic .. i..,r.)sir. It was these two J..1. Ul i!.i.,i's that led him to have Ihe win .i ..f Klooninir room f niiii'ii'-d with n burglar alarm ot the latest am i.msI ntuiroved description. A few morning ! afti r the device had . . .. i., In- calm: down to I. - I r a!. fast with a grin on his lace. l had a funny dream last night . ...i.i -I .Ir. ameil that a btirgbr liv rt-i... - ---,..l mv window and the alarm went K.. .li.'n I ncm to In i Ii il it. He .111. .MO. ... ri mas d the Inin ail drixwns, ?ou!' i v wiiti h and p-x ki llionk im l sii"l i, ill the wav he came in. I'.y the way. i.,;.!. -d. "I forgot t ) brin flown my i watch nnd poc ketti'Hik. I ll tt'i a:i ! pet II. :n. Hint iips'airs and nt""" ! la a Iv die. r. ni io -a B. C. TAYLOR, Socy. D. W. C. TYRRBLL, Jr., Asst. R. NORVKL'T'. Treaaurw. Secy, and Treasurer. Si ey wood Oil Co. PRODUCERS and SHIPPERS OF CRUDE OH. OF BEAUMONT AND 80UR LAKE, TEXAS. Complete Equipment and all Facilities for quick devtrlfc iv OFFICE: Kyle Opera liouao Bld'g. References Any of the Beaumont BanKs. J A Birdless World. A naturalist says that If tho world were to become birdless, man couiu not inhabit it after nine years' timo. In spite of all the sprays and poisons that could he manufactured for tho destruction of insects, sucll peais would simply eat up orchards uuu crops. Exchange. Th Germ Scare In France. if 1., w iiorn recommended by tho lw.n tn nut loruteH oi ju.'o that laundry urticlos he convoyed in , t irU ami that all clothes he r.,.,1 .llKlnfeeled hcloro mey u wa-died. The wasliorwouien are iu rubber gloves for their own protection. SVIOTHNER THE POPULAR JEWELER .CROCKETT STREET, '"J ..BEAUMONT, TEXA8 fill f I. In a few minutes the fast express ...I.... Tin. M-ilnl.ninn was app oacuniK. aised aloft his red lamp nnil nrouyni he train came to a stanuuu. "What is the trouble?" Inquired the conductor. The switchman slowly puiieu out ins watch and said, "You aro two minutes late. Don't let this happen again." Little One Knew Her Rights. One of tho Tribune's Fresh Air children of tho last weeiv mm iin r.n excltinK experience while at Uins la niton. N. Y. She was playinK In a held near where she was stajitif;. l!.mh was tethered ill the same Held and as tho child had never seen one in her life, it was naturally an onjei i of preat interest, to nor. i u- i.u.o- ,1-as l.inesome and Kept up a ooininn.ii bleatliiK. F.xnsperated nt. last by its Irce-sant wails, the little Kill, stamp ,u her foot, said: "mi can ten your ma a and your pa-a and your whole famlily I've Rot Just as pood ripht here 'K von The woman what lil'oiii.'lit ni( raid I could play here, and I'm Roin' tliere!" The Tricyclist of Elnlity-Twio. Dr Harris, who is 82 years old, ha;' undertaken to ride a trieydo from London to Edinburgh and buck, re fraining from mual, tobacco and spir Ituous liiiuors duriiif? tho journey. Undertakers Thank Offering. The bishop of Loudon has reeeived a subscription of $2.", from a.i under luirei- v.iio descrihed the pift as a ..rr...-inj. "because trade has Ilia. in ' been so brisk of Into." Many Alcoholic Beverages. Powerful alcoholic lieverapes can Ir. distilled from bananas, tho milk o: cocoanut. rice am. lieas. Rich Find on Englioh Coast. 3n. rlmons of pure topaz liavo been romi.l in Cornwall amotiK tho rocks on tho seashor. FnnliEh the Superior Language There arc four times as many words In the FtiKllsh lampiaw as thcro nro In the French. R. M. i . ESTABLISH f 3 188. WORLDS FAIR ROUTE ST. LOUIS fHROUGH SLEEPERS . Santa Fe and Complete jervice Splendid Trains at .. rMr.ln Ualta. 8t0D-0ver Eureia Spring W. A. TULEY, Gen era Passenger Aflt.( Fort Worth, Tex. Central lo slay; so woman w .U . .1.11.1 ... ,.,'lw.iii il was eiiteriaiiuim i": ''" York Tiibune. I'o. I I'i-l'jtcli. n va 1 Log P. rate Verk. r.rr. . in .Minm -'.'a and Wi-ci.n ar' tryiee to !'' ll, j. v - ho '' ' t i::tii K n 1?" " " ;.. V- IV t- ' i v l. r c iHt '1 by ' l f ! t . :.. A 1 1. c of lm I V !-', .-t., 11, J 1,1 r M - i ; I h ' .. . tr m ri-i '. ' ',. 1':r ;.r 1,'iirh: ii.. .1 lit ith an ' i:l m lii fnce. Th'- v.atdi and I"" !,,!. - . cm". !t ;nd r- U dr. am. Youth's Coni'Ht.l"ti. I t iucitrmenn cf Dutch Dettent. ip..v ! at !'!.:.' tM. f iu;i n -ihti I . Tr T.a':'- Of . l!- ;;-. i,c i' ' (.-'1 1 T-r S" tl I '-- " I 1o t"t . Palm Trte Wme. ;-. . ,1 of . ; I' ll I '- " n, IP iil in j. , ir-1-- I 1 K ..:.'.- f :i V . . fr- t 1 ' r' t; in - " i ' t . r fr- :., ti . ; n ! t . m!t t.' Ii"-' 1. ! 11.. I l i " . I.. i '!..:: ! I.. II ,a,-r.i-i. t ri, ti-l.. r i. .1. . tl t ll .': :. 1:.;it. Mrs. Tom Thumb Still Alive. Mrs. Tom Thumb, made famous hy r.anii'm, ii still alive nt the ape of i,:.. Hie had a p-sular turn in a Mid p. t thi atiT at I'oney Inland and Is .1.1,, i,..nw nidi iviniuK in tie' i.i, I, li. Hi coikIi pmii""I to Tom Thumb in I ' Klnu Kdwar.l. then I'riiee of Wi.h . . Slie Is -ry n li-jiou-.-.ti.l a in. !..!; r o! 1h' Actors' fhun-h 4l!:i,t:-.. and of the WomMi's Aid mk! ,iv s'V- i, :;1 o a lianpiit'T of tin jAmir.'nn If v..iili..ti. 'I lie ' v. 'T l i I K Tom Thumb was -jtiintnl in Crati- fhuph. N w York, in Ms',1. and lh- photopiaph 1 ' Th- 1 j, : rv i -o 1 '. i. .ro.i. . - fhr-ii'-h'-d m l.mi'lP-M oi piu.-i. or -t Mt.i'T fihl' . 1 1 -AMI 'V M. It Is Hard To Hold i -tiii n t i K - Tl r: . al::: I. I ll il 1 1 - - 1 il, 1 . ' I t id a 1 ? ti ii f Pcultrer B 1. -j " t, y l;.-' K. t,'. d !-1 ip t ii! I- f- l-.'-v ! 1. r. 1 i.rvtli 1 1 ' L.u' tf Egyt1 V.ti ve. T) . : t :t - " ' " ' '' I !' ' " ' ' ; . . r- " ' IV ' ' ' etow to Travel. l a- ) ilt l . ti ap i st JV.-k.ij uri'wr .:' tj - t.Hiiu i t f f'T t:.d al Mr V...' t I ." w I i . t ;.-t tt. i On to your money when you see our FREE OFFER. We aro giving you our profit on ltefri;eratora. If you ir.unsud. como Qiiitk. Tli'.y are zn'.na fast. C. L. Wilson Hardware Co 5 it if Illinois WORLDS FAIR EXCURSION RATES BEAUMONT TO ST. LOUIS $36 40 for TicKets Good Until Dec. 15th. virt is for TiclietJ Good for 60 Days. fiHl for TicKets Good for 15 Days. THROUGH SUM LEAVES BEAUHMT 10:03 P. L DAILY ARRIVES ST. LOUIS 7:08 A. HI. a la Carta to all Summer y-orii Apply f TicKet A.nt for tall lnforn,.tlo. r d4r.i. N. D. FINCH, T. P. A.. Houston, Texas. '!:-:-'fl'. it .tf- 's You can't afford to miss the great i ri Old Forrester WhisKey Guaranteed. 4i -till' ry nn w The greatest how ever held, an eduction within itself, equal to a journey round the world. . , WKv nnt rfo now this w is . month i -i i' t ? I : - r I c , -) J t. -: i : i l. i.,.- ', ,1 fct v !! -.-: r t.r J;:-t-i'T. f ' ' "- ' L;.., ,..rr ""' rJ'TJLj ... r'" r it 'ni'.!"' "i.'-m j vj. r -- i , . . r ,. ':-1 j ,t. . .... ; ,r' - . ' C:." ' ' G t. nccomodattont are eawly had at reasonable pricc. If you are fai douM about the cost cf a visit you can purchase a compMe round trip including railroad ticket, hotel accomodations with meals, admissions to the Fair and all necessary expense for r rurr.bcr of days at a certain fixed price, with nrranermcr.ts aH made in advance. Wnte ebout this at ence-to-day. ; The Cotton Bett Kojte operates Through Dally Trains to St. LouU .V.,-r. 6Wfg r.. tint rn. mn-. W'rit ,llu-ri WmM Tut Uiitt " map td grouoiK trmJB attiedulCT, etc T,. Ve. UBCAUME, CF.T.A. Si. m't. M. or '! v C urum htH wwe TV" Apt ,1 ll fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr M !fr I fr fr fr fr fr fr i i