Newspaper Page Text
s THE BEAUMONT ENTERPRISE MONDAY. SEPTEMPEH I'J. U04. 0 Tulara. tlld Tuhir. nvd mi. I fair. M.ilinry k' II in 'ir rura, 'In mv i ii.f i a Mi-iin I'll ni.iiMiiii i. l.m.l. M .li.mii.; Hu ll. ml. III' . i. 1m. In .l;i.- .oel Mil. I ' -i .l i. - tl li.ti.llil.iliii. ....klli( tloWQ. Wild Till in-. II' "i hi I M. 1 I.. II. hi ll.'ll.o l.illil .'f II,.' WYlil! n.ikx Willi lini'ili.i ilii.k nml liivv I iv ill" pli i-.ini flu i i"w: Mi'tiloWI. ..! Ullll .'I..I.-I .l'.'l. 1..IC ..u 1 1 .-.. i 1 1 il. Ir ...'I. ill in urn. I, V Hi.- v.l.l. ii l uii. nli. I lie lilnn. Mull, iiiiu. mini. I rl"i, I ". 1 1 1 1 . i i nil tin- i Hum .1 .in Humid III.' ruM-NMn'l k'ii.I.iin IIhTC, Knill t:v.-n In -il ii in. I.ii.ikim; low' Wli.-r. lln- sli.i.l. .1 w.iT. i'k il.nv; I'Yl tl'i'lH IlllriU-ll.'.l Ullll.' Illltll nil 1 . -1 1 i i a . Iun.'I.iiih iiistMiii'i-H fill: lil'.li:l a if KM('Iii. llll pllltj; Ktttt'l, lii II. I'lr I 'illy l" i"ii. .ii;'liii el.'. i nit iiiii"ii In- In-i-n "I I i ii liiii h. liuitri h riN- li'iiliii'i! (.i tivii'- Im.-Ii II... Iil'i'lil. Iii'tt i'.ill:ii;i- place, nr. .in r-- .. hmly l..y I. ill titttiiM I lit- lirewn i.l.l iiMini l"iil wall. Vliii.. lln- kinitlv I'l'iii'.-f I'. Hi vmi i l Hint .M nr. W ill II l.i- I .till.' .'Hill .-.-ill. . I III. II- In I In- I. in ! lii-.Minil i-uiii.iin-. M. 1. 1.! lii.n:-- t"-d.iy ii" fn'r! WIiiiim lit' .. :i.i- lin- lil'.M.itlnt; I here, ir. r I In- i-lM-r's niil.-l il.;.'. I i'i-r tin- tr i l.i.l tiiniiiil.ilii hI.Ii". iir iiii,.- i.'i'uvi-s and nr. It ii. I' li'leht, ulii- I; h nml linm-I- v. Il' i.i.l I..- llh II'.' dwell' r ll. I" In lli:il lni.l I" -iiihI I .tJtl:tt Mill y III Siiiihi'I ,M;iK:i:ni. ,AFTER HiS OWN HEART A lnini'iy, discoiiiuged nml potinl-lc:-'S A::! I'U.'lin ill' :M !:t I en n bench im lln: nhiinoda nt (iiiillnliic. In one ill' the Smith American stales. It was Ittillgbl. Tim li::inl played nml t lus people promt naded. lie bad made .! Ji n;; journey over lln- n:.i!t:t:ilii.i, :ilirr nn-Ming with i ll Mini nl 1 ;ul l.u li. end mi tlic morrow would iisk tin' American consul to ship hiiii homo iis ii "distressed." Mo h:ul nut lasted fin nl I'm' twenty-four hours, nml his I .! t;i n.u: Hint night intuit la- In tlic open :ii:'. Clothed in i-M'iiiiv; dress nml with :i liiMi'i :) dollars in his poel-et, Tim Mosln'r would h:ii' lnuLi'il what he was, Put ragged ami penniless, In: shrank I'l'imi oleenation, i-vi'ii though In- clung to his f?i'i;t to rest his aching bones. Tln ii it happened. A young lady promenading "ii 'hi' arm "f lii'i' father ilnipp.'il In r handkerchief to start a flirtation with a :i:ilil:iry liii-iT. Tho hi'tiilhorchiof fill etir.-ilUaiit fi'inn Miis'ii'i' ami tin- uliicci', ami h"th spiaiiK fiiiwnril. ) mil 1 1 n-il thrir hrails tuK'.'t 1 1 i- ami mlli'il "ii the asphalt. 'Ymi Itmfrr! Vim tramp! You pniin!" sliiiiitiil thu tillifLT as ho roachi'il his feet. "It was no turn's fault u pure it'? I'idrnt,' rrpliiil Tiim. who hail ln-cn siii'fi'ssful in sii".:rin!; thu chnf. "Away with ymi, si'in-i, cr I'll cut ymi iluwn!" shririii'il lie- iilllci-r as ho ilivw his swiiiil ami lliiurishi'tl it ahiiiit with prcal lii'i-ccm ss. "Slcaily. man. lion't gi't in a ti'in pcr iivi'r mitiiinp:." Tln ii talvo (hat I" Turn I "iik it. That is. Instead of taking a Mow willi tin' Hut of the swiinl lii! tiKik tin' swnril itself from the liamls of the humiliated and en raged olMeer ami sli-pped hack lo de fend himself from a men rus-h-iin; up with exclamations on their lips. "Moli him! KN.ot him! lie's a fiir oimier! He's a revolutionist!" In two miaiilis a crowd of peo j:le surrounded the 'jair a.ul iicrcely ilemiini'eil an explanation. The olhcir lied, lie sai.l that Tom had appeaii ii to him for charity, and, lieinu refuseil, .'-uddeiily attacked him uuil put possession of his sword. The crowd wnnleil no turther ex cuse. Neatly every man had a knife, lint no om: seemiil to have a pistol. They pie-heil l'orw;;rd to lay hands on the American, callinp for the police at Hie raisic time, hut wlieu Tom's lii-rroweil sword lngan tu pluy they dared not close in. Tom liepiiu retreat. Ho did not hnow where it would end. hut he i-lowly fell hack, down the wide nve litii'. The iiliee ariived anil demand Mi hi.i sum inler, and pri st nlly the fep Ik i ih J- "fob tiirr! Soct him!" T"V"'llfll I- If l, I'TM ' ti ft.,T., j. at,. . :,.f fl.. f J ' To t' "'"a' .;- of 1 ' i1" " : T t ; 1- r. it " - !i l.! L-J ', I'" :" " ' e t...n j.; ' - .---! - 1 ---r I "-' - i'l i - v ft,i '! ' ' frit i 1 ':-: i - " Jl'c r r 'Tj" v ' ' I t - ' - r :'. - " ' V. !'-' "-' ,. . .r I ' : - ' '- ' I : a - f. i : : " : z - I If tu chsi'i. Die crowd, ami tlmn ami i t nly ri'i-lieil into Hie kIu'IIit uf tm mvluny, iliovo ih ice or four uifii from hi puih uuil loin led up tlio tin ad t.liilruy. A( it lietnl he im I ft pill of Jrt wluiiii lie kiiew nt luu'e to lie rum tlio l'i:ili'i Slatt'n. A lie bliKiil KUplntt for Im ul It t.u huiil: "llohl tlio lii.iir for ilirec iiiiiiiiloa nml I'll he limk Willi hoimlliiiiK to r In Mil wlih." Tile jolice mill the niull crowilt'd lul l the Vefl!iulj. "line ru-ili nml lin inir." Tln re w.ik a rnh, lull ii :ihhi i lii. fore Un head uf Hie slalr vii li'licheil. Totil Miislu r had lenriieil Hwoid pliiy, mill the Kiiiu look iiriiiinil lim isoiitli t-ulisfled ilieiu thai lie was "mil for luitiliie-'H." Ax the hIimi.I .viowllim' nml i'iir-.liiK nml lie iimi'Iii;; the i;lrl re turned from .T room wiili a re volver In her hand, tun! said lo Tom: "Il 'ti dail's pet nun, end I know how to use il. Now. tin n, hi the I'tnlle nu n walk up. lci p your ! ice to litis moli, nml if anyone cnun s up ihe l.ael;-stair:-. l!n . 'II liiul me on cmird. You lire nn American' nr. n't yon'.'" "Yes-Tom Mosher of l;ll Klver." ".r.d I am hi re willi my fatle r, Col. Male of Mt.i!t:.'ia. He cwi.s iv.isl of l!'e I iicle Sain copper mine. Wlu't la 'he Irouhle ..,ul ?" Tom hrlilly eyjilalned, nml he lind tT ) PC 1 " sf. i' T "Know anytlvnt) about copper min ing?" just finished when tho crowd Rave way for Ihe mayor to ascend alone. "Senor Americano, I demand your peaceful sum iiili r in the name of the law. You hne assaulted an officer of Hi', iirniy and defied tin- police, but I promise you a fair trial." "The officer who says I assaulted liiin is a liar!" replied Tom, "and I shall surrender only when to advised hy the American consul." 'Then the younp lady will please retire while we kill or capture you." "The younp lady will remain rlpht here!" answered Miss Kale, "and If there is a rush, look out for lead." Hut Ihe senorita will not protect n revolutionist a criminal a man who has forfeited nis life?" "We will hold tin- stairs npainst you nil. This man is an American. He is in It her a criminal nor a revolut ion- "Thank you, Jliss Dale," replied Tom, without looking her way. It's very bravo of you to stand by me in this way, hut if they ruvli us and threo or four people are killed, won't it make mailers a prcal ileal worse?" "If you surrendered now they'd take you out and i-lioot you, nml it will lie no worse if you lipid for your life. If that old dad of mine was ouiy here?" "Well, what's wanted?" asked a voice nt her elbow .and she turned to find M at tier father hail joined her. "i )li, dud. this is an American, and they want to kill him!" "I see. Well, here's the consul ripht behind me. Oivo me thnt pun mid you fall back. Trend of you, my pirl proud of you but let mo do a llttlo talklr.p." Col. Dale talked, tho consul talked and tlie mayor talked, and as a re sult the mob withdrew. As a second result Ihe consul became responsible foi Tom Mosher's appearance in court next day. If., told a r';i'n story ami the mili tary officer thought bi si not lo deny it. His fine was a nominal one. and the mayor was tun' of the first to shake liamls wi'li him nfler he was iv:.i-d. "Well, you:::: rn'in. you had a close call of 'li." ;:iid lb" eoloin 1 as lie sl.iiipt' l Tom on ih" back. It w.-in jour daughter, sir. who h' I"". I nn on'. ' "jii.-t like Tilly -ilnnys with the ii'i,'. r .pic le i at' pro.-M el-?" Coiiifj le :i.i III! I. riiv of I nc!e :n. K'-o pt-r iii niiii' " Ti i a ' ii ' c.-.:: I.e . a l!.'! '... -. I : t'.i'i:ei '' . 'T nr.. a Tt'.: u v. V..!l'l In" nnitliivs nlniiit cop i- 1 and :i-- It n ' o n .-Hi .1. 1 f..r- f..l l. I vl T'.-i -, MV r. ti.n ;-.' ii r... 11 Tht Do Url Cut a F gure. It T ..-I 1.' ' 1- cn.:,M.' : . , - I " ' ' .t , v . t i : ' ' ' ' ft '-" " - p. . . : . - i v. r ' ' ! .-' ..;..' ' - r i: '; - ' ' A' r 'T- NTr' SELLS IT TZ. LEV ml X J 8 4) ( poultry Te.v'ftieluro Sittinrj Hem. A closu ol mrvcr of poultry thai l.oim iliffer BreHtly ui lo tbo tern perntiiri' of their lioilli'i nl lnoo.IlliK time. .Some hens have n l.lh. tem pi' in t tire, uiiil micli ure koihI iiroiliic r of chlcl.; us tho lieut In very liecet.Kitry for the work of devcloplm tlio clilcks. A lien wltli u high tein- penitiire will leavo lier iickI for II cull slilenibln time cacli day, ami ft 111 tlio rct ullu of licr hroodiiii? he of tl;o bi'Ht. Tin ro me other Ik-iih tiint liavo a low leinpcrature uml iro very poor pro ducers uf chicks, whether they Stick j to tho licit nil tho lime or not. Wo rave nut iinulo a Mudy of tuts mat ter ami do not know how much truth there Is In tho opinions of tho mo cnllod closu ol server. Testing u limn her uf I'fiiri hy means of a rcllnhlo thermomt ti r uliouhl hlied uomu light uu tho problem. More Yard Room. Whoro fowls ro Kept yarded they do not often have llio amount of yard ro ir.i that should ho piven them. On our farms restrictions of this kind arc m l necessary, as land Is worth ton t ia.ill a price to ninUo It necessary to lesson I ho amount tho fowls should have. Tho small amount allotted to I ho poultry Is often duo to Ihe cost of fciiolniT. Hut tho larger the yard (ho less tho cost of fenclnp. If no top rail is used, four foot will lie found hlph cnouKli for n wire fence, if the yard Is of i;nod .size. Tho smaller tho yard tho higher will tho fence hnve to lie, an tlio smaller tho yard the more strenuously will tho fowls try to get oi.l of it. Turkey House. In tho accompanying cuts arc shown two views of a turkey house. Illustrat ed by tho United States Dopari mont ir h$'im-;" Yd W-M i SWV Tl IiKKY linrSK (FlifiNT VIHW). I of Agriculture. In tho front, near the top, is seen a ventilator, which should always lie open except in exception ally cold weather. Tho roosts aro placed near the front of tlio hnuso and are on tho level. Tho back view .shows tho slide door, which should bo left ' . "'4. ..;'i ' w vvv; - 'V,i' i'-'J! 'ITKKKV llOfSI': (TIAfK VIKW). open during the day, that the turkeys may i.o and come at pleasure. Farm ers" Review. Geese. Tho last census reported ri.liOO.OOn pe so In tho country, ami uhout forty times as many chickens. This shows the relative importance of tho goose raising industry to that of Ihe chicken raising Industry. It Is, doubtless, true that it. would pay our farmers to raise more geeso tin:n they do. (iooso raising has no; largely passed into the Lands of Fpi cinlists, as has the indus try of raising ducks. The p'niso ro quires a great deal of room to do well, and for that reason tho farmer Pas the advantage ovi r the specialist. M nt of the gifsc in the country aro raised on farms, but gem rally in :-m::!l II oris. They use a l'ttge amount of j :irc ur.d this is one thing in li t !r favor, as t'u h!.- of i vr.i r and ;::fi.!f:i c::n b" tair.t d ir:'.. . " l " it at !!''; eo't. The pr : " I'-ins very In:". ': ii ,-,r. !-:-. but mods water to v im iv to do the best. l".e fa't tliat the COovo does not lay a !.::g" !:urr.!.i r ..f t KK'. ami tlml it p cu r. s n good dt a, ,f ro'in. bav f t -; ir- d lo n n b r !h" tr .o" i ".p-i!ar v:'!i AtiM'i'ican farrri' r . In t;i;i ol t'-.i-'. ln-Aivr. Die i !:..-i; s -1.iiA' I... r- tt" in. re n- in l."- n.-r.'rv I' :m dU'l . The e. f 'iu: i l.e ti-. i e.nili lie -to adi Ki.lut-1 1 u-'y on sni' f tri'. aiiy ot1.. r d ;.r.. -;ie t..r-l 1jre ar- in a c rd i.-.m.v ft:rri T:."Vy r ! 's t'it are ioj m t f ,r r-r t. i -of ! . l v : ; t . Ir rr.-i f'o' n : at f r fi'-: I f-.r -TI be tho nuioiiiil of f.Hul tho farmer must ;,iM', or l lie rtllliiber of I'llBH fuilllit will Im It's per e.Mit'. iii't'so do nut r-'iuiro much aitenilon, ami that kI.imiM maUo them popuUr with tbo Aitii rlcan fanner, who Im wore area l la. n availublo labor. After the goa liim ar. n week uM Ihey show a do clil.'.l ib-lermlnatlon lo take rare uf tlieniselve. If a kooiI riiiiKu Ih clveu. I'erliap Hit rharucterliitlfl ha been taken tun much advantago of by muno cf our Tinner, and accouutt fur tho Lick of Huccofc with koohij lit aomo limlauceii. The Reofio of Iho country comprise 0 good many inonprelH, tho parent of which were Imported o luriu ago that their breed name liavo beeii lost. Tlio mont profitable breeda ar thoso ti nt have been introduced In comimr iiilvoly recent year, inch a the Ton Inline, Kiiihdi'iik (liliieat. African and i:e.. it lii ii. Canada or Wild (Iooso aro being raised to koiiio extent. Tho f; riiii-r that noes into gooso raliiliitf will llml It will puy him better to Kinw iho distinct breeds thnu to raluo eise of no known breeding. , "Quail on toast" Is a common dwl-b-ncy thnt I In repute with epicures. Soino of them wore shucked when they learned that Hipialm were belnp 1 palined off on them for quail. They w ill perhaps bo mure shocked when ', wo toll them that now tho "palmers" I have gone a step furl her ami are palm-1 lug off very young chickens for squabs. I Kecently In vl.-dtlng n poiillry yard we wero told that n dealer had been round and paid good prices, for chlcka ' Just begiiinlng to lose their down. Ho ! said he was buying them to sell to tho I market men for squabs, who would sell j them to tho rostaurantors and hotel I men, who would servo them to tho customers ns quail along with tnust Now can some one Mini sniuefhlnp to palm off In the place of tho unfeutll erod chick? Tho color of the chick nt tlmo of birlh does not Indleato tho color of tho maliiro fowl (hat is to grow out. tr It. This leads tho amateur to con clude Hint certain chicks from eggs Hint ho purchased as from pure breeds must have boon wrong. Tho amateur will have to wait till tho chicks have mainred before ho can bo certain of Hie variety they are. A chick entirely black Is not common, and tho chicks of black breeds aro generally canary colored on the limler part. Tho colors come out right when tho feathers Tho poultry raiser needs to concern himself moro about the conditions that nil-round his Hook than about tbo breed, though tlio breed Is Important. Dad conditions will spoil tho results from tho best of broods. Tho man thnt raises poultry largely for market will, generally, settle down to one variety; but tho man that wants to learn all ho can about fowls will keep numerous breeds. Chickens like money; they can always ho disposed uf at a fair ex change. The prices for fowls aro quite constant. Model Dairies. There are as yet few model dairies In tho country, hut wo believe that more of them will come into existence us the boards of health In tho cities press Hit! investigations that they aro milking Into the conditions of tho farms in the country thnt supply mill:. Tho Chicago inspectors havo been going out, us wo havo reported in past Issuoh of this paper, find they hao found a good many dirty dairies end a few clean ones. Reports say t::at in other largo cities tlio Hoards of Health arc taking tlio same steps, l.'ero and there they have found dairies that were models in every par ticular. The barns were high anil dry. Tho light was abundant in tho stables. Cement was used wherever possible and wator was supplied to ev ry nook. The stables woro washed out after each milking ami the cows were kept in the cleanest possible condition. Some of the own- j t rs of these dairies even insist that the cows bo curried before each milk-i-'g. hut most people will regard that as perhaps umr'ecssary. Absolute; j e:'.n!incsK does not require that un- j p s:i tho cows are shedding their hair. The appointments of a model dairy j require that the ventilation of the barns shall be of the bert, and that j l!i" windows be large enough and so pli ted that light can reacli to every , part of the building. The ft -oil troiit'hs should lie washed out daily. T! iack in this regard Is one of tin: causes of bad odors ill the milk. On :::i' farms they are never washed m' ;"id at eiry milking the scent Ir' m them crosses the stream of milk i -. -i t i falling into the pail. It Inter r :' l ars as a tli-agreeablo taint in il,.- i..;:k or butt. r. i l The Cheese Situation. I Af,cor liT.:' to n ports from various of tb" it 'll. try. the condition ( f tli pfttt'in? thus far this maimer , i.-i 1 ' ti f-i. Ii a- to favor the rnak : .-: '', r!i e. Tie ! t q'tility was !.!,. .r" in the early part of t , v ;. oi. t!.e i.-ial.ty of tin- milk .'ir ;i' . r. :r a- 11 b'-eame t r iiid In" pastures fV.rtf-r. I , '.' tl.fct was stored was larc - i f t; i :'i I' - '!' lite!. Mo-I "f ;1 I.- .1 i, ! ia tb" ui.C i.': of ti,". :. . r i !' ; ;" 1 VTii'y to i:.sirk". ...r, ft t- and for it for for . "i : " t-'1' Is ai- t- ''.iir I'll ft':. ... ' i o !.'"-' is !' i.g , i: . l to - : 1 fcl i'ii J, V-t a f:n.T las -aVr.-4 it ,. --i- ',t .f I tii.'vii'-. I y f-1- 'f "im. Ti.'m f-'-1 . - f. . I' T ' Ii f-1 in ST' i. lii - li.i v.HHi of r ti 1 !" ' ' t.r" '1 r x T-a!i- t . . -1 - : r- .:'H' MM ISeixumont, IV.CRE LAWN iIS l-v.cL). Dealer Ncteo Mrrkcd Revival of In terest in the Game. "Wo havo sold rn .er eent. more, tennis raetjiiolu i o far 'l I! Is season than for ten years i.-'...l," s lid li e head of the r-i.orlitig good.H de;i.rl mt i:t in a ldg depiii Iment el ore yeiltrday. "Tlie game is r.urel.v on tlie jni.;). Teiinii was jinn lieally dead for Hevi ral years, bill it's too good a game lo go under. (Iiilf r.ave it blaek eye, but riiif la now on the toboggan, exeept i'tiiong tlie c:;i"i'lH tiie people who play on tho teams representing Hie various eoimlry (dubs. The Individual phsyi rs no longer cut. any figure, ami (lie sale of golf el'lbfi Is praelleally nil. "Ihit it's dllTirent with tennis r.'.ciji.ets. The old follow!, who used lo play years ago are again taking n;i tlie f-'ane, but, between yon and me, Ihey lion I like the IM'- r::e;tiet:. 'rl:ey buy 'em, try 'em and H en turn up willi rn chl"iel linl':-: all out of mile, and ask lo have It resirung. I'liu reslringing of a rie'lti"!. H'O'::;'-, Is a good bit of a 1 ilterv; it may 1 urn t.iit all right, but more idle n it wor'l. Mi. i. the old timers nro willliig ! (ale elianees. Tli'dr iriiieiii'l olijer llo'l to the new I i-i-.eis tti b" that II 17 ean'l g"! a g.-iod clinch on Ihe h-nele, wbieli is Ihicker U eld pattern. I'hil oi'-tploa Itenird. Bett Inn by the Sei. A tiny shncl. u Ii i-li Ins In 1 11 f rect cil en one of I'l" I. one. Island beach":: wl.-re bnaualnw s Me I'ocll. M lidded sign : v. 1 : 1 1 - lo the bi'i" .:; which r. r-'l-'. o '; I TT INN." 0 Tl" 11 Nt tioor indalibors a'" I u v'..::: Hi ir bi-iii.'. for soiti" 1 Il"i in wliich I1. 1 y '"''I Iceit tin- word "rule I m" :::.d 'bus t up an opn. - it ion ,a art;, tie I'M.' btiii:"i'o'.v at l!ra I b y : -i 'i bn- mt door a V i;i ; .-;.! w. . ! l.ii'h l ' Ti t f-'p.'in v N'" ' ' . i Y.i!.- 1 Ii" P o l iiir'i pi n f.,i a e-.-'T; - in it Hi" -' ' o'.lv ! I....J i . it w::- I ei'l 01 IW-'. :'. ' i. 1': . I famed l.ia 1-ercl a "T!i I. '..'"' " " V'."otto'a Conservative f.u't.m. H ;,. . , y e'l-:fi . f M. r- ' t .., , . t T 1 ' i t.j v i .i t 1 : ,.. No .if. -. ; - . ; , f 1 . I . j r 1:1 n : ' ; - f .l- i::n i'el 'il' ia 1. d , J ,., .. I... .' ! 1 . .... 1 f l.i : '4 r-t - : it ' '-f I " ! jfl ' 1 ' 11 ,. , :r . t. H , .. .. . u , 'I 1 U -: . 1 n ' il A PICTURE FREE Wq, arc anxious to extend the cir culation of the Enterprise in the territory surrounding lieuumont without cmpIoin solicitors, and for the next sixty days we will jjive a handsome Art Picture, worth 25 cents to each new subscriber, and we will give one of the pictures to any old subscriber who will jj'et us tu new subscriber. Remember that the Enterprise is published seven days in the week for only50 cents per month, while other Associated Press Morning Papers cost you seventy-five cents per month. Re member that you get the Picture Free. It is suitably mounted for framing, or looks well without frame. Try the Enterprise a month and you will be glad of it. & 4? ADDRESS ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING COMPANY HAD AN "ADOPTED" BABY. Elephant Foraged for Calf to Replace One That Died. A remarkably- intelligent elephant, working a few years ago on a new bridge In Ceylon, had 11 young mio lo whom she was devoted.' it tiled, and Klie becnniv' Inconsolable. I'"orniorly Ihe gentled, of rrealiires, she grew irritable, and even danger 011:;. One morning she broke the chain whie'ii confined her and escaped Into file forest. One night, iilioul tin days after her escape, the ollleer who had been in charge of her Weill out to lie in wait 6.1' bears at a pond in a jungle at sonic dh'.tiiiicc. As he and Ills native altendant were ret iiriilng, early in the morning, the native silently nudged him, an! they raw in the dim, gi.iy lit.! I. an elephant with her cair making tin ir way tow ard Hie camp. They 1 : 1 sprang lit lilit.l Irees, ami ul:-ii Hie i! !i.i.iU had pa:sed Hie IK. tile ili.-itci that the older one was their old Irielid, tile i lift ill:: ! a I .Ii mother. When lin y rendu d the can p they round that the li 'i oil bad i' lunied. and bad gone from on" I" r on In 1111 other, loiiehli.e "i.di with h'T Inoik. as If o.hiblling In r mlo H i child, which she had 1 vi-'eally b v'--' d her row il or idtih'ii in In r al m ii' ". Hit good f -1 1 pi I .'i; d II ir.l doedllv rcliirei d tit once, nml In r r bleisetl the good f iilia which had cnubbd In r lo ji''1'' " baby eb- I pliant.- Miinday fla-, ".due. K, C. Tcxarkona & World's Fair Route ...oO... ST.LOUI3 Through Sleepers Via. JhreVepcrt and ...Dining Car Service This Train Leaves 7:45 A. M. Dai!y Arrivioj; in St. Lot is Next Mcrcicg. Dout'? Daily Service lo Kactas City. Through Huffet Sleepers C. LSWIVDtLL, Texas. USE OF THE SHOE HORN. Implement by No Means Devoted Solely to tho Pulling on of Shoea. "Ha would lie but u narrow mlndud ir:nn," hald' tbo alonmaii, who II oiiglit. that, the shoo born wns du oted solely to Ihe pulling on of hIiocs. "Why, I have had per.soim eoiiio in hire who picked out ii hIiik! lioni with a blade that would niuko it a con venient Implement willi which lo eat ice cream. They lived In a boarding hoin i). mayb", where they hadn't any spoons of I heir own, or not enough to (. iiieuiid. and where tliey might on li iin. oecasli.ii liavo friendly and fa miliar guests and where they might bring In lee cream. "Licking lipooiiH e-.oiu;h. a nleu rilvcr 1 ho:i liorn of the right nhupe isn't the tiling In Ih'j world ivilli which to eat ice cream, by any means; mid I i.uppose that more than one has been put to Mich use. "And I have beard of Kiicli a i; m a shoe horn bt Mig used lo Kt ir up linlg... made In r. ch.ilii g dls! . A-ol. enviiig ii" hullo, what could ymi have t;Mie!i hiirit.l r Hiati a nice Ih'n-bli tied sihtr shoe :orn lor culti'ig up cal.e. ni 1:11 Informal eineilainmeat a;iiorTg;? "Oh. 110. Ti e liit- liot a" I ft l. : 11I, il!n::rlly. no iloiibl. lo be nia-H In pulling en sho'ii. lint It ia really juit le 11. any uses " 0 . , t 1 China and Jei' 111 al. the fHio- S. Ry. Fort Smith Ry. Without Change Cclton licit Route. R A. MCSKI5, City Tms. S Titkl Agl. 1 f . r h V I V II i t tr