OCR Interpretation

The Beaumont enterprise. [volume] (Beaumont, Tex.) 1904-current, September 19, 1904, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86071101/1904-09-19/ed-1/seq-6/

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1 1
Attorneys it Law
1 i
fn1ir ' trr'nl rilli"li'il nf the fir.
tur it-mi, ihr malm 1. 1 uli uni
I IllF,
I mIh Hi.- -r.ivir i.f "'Hilf l-ii.l. f
i.. i . .111. i tliv L. .1.1. J iui..iiy i.f lli
vim .
A ll .Ni i f M l
A i I ..ll 1. 1 l.i.
M .11 .
Me u. i ( 1 1 - I- tin
'I In- lull till. H ;nl-
In :u'f-n fivrrlti-ail.
I. ill Iml In i un I
!,. . Ili.- i.f tl.t- ilin',
l ..ll-.ii i.f H l-l-H.
Yl.- nliiiu "f .iii ll.nl r.nlii-" iii
With i.iiiiiil In it .nun. i uiihiliiti; iiN a
. I.il.l
Tlif n.., urn th--y ii.it Imiii lulu lh
r .mi
'I II.. i Min n tin- miii li.it nlitit. i, ih. ii
lii.il ll.lri Mllli-il?
Tin' I 'Miiih link, lil ;li iii..iiiil' il .n lil
Il.i ln'ifd mi In r.ii'iiri' fi'i'iii llu- h.hI;
Ami ll nil I liny. Iniiiil.ln In tl."
Ul .It--.
I inn ,i ii 1 1 to tin- KuiNi .f ;...i:
Ami llki- tlil-i iimI;iii;:I.I wlntf .1 In alt n
H. . I r f-.r lllu-riv. tin- l.i
Tin nli u nil li..- in. i u i.
. h mi
III! ll'Hf
Ami i -iii.-ii-i.it' tin- nli;ir nf III- lilll.
Tin- fiinlli ..ll ir i-f
J In i-ili'ii-'-l nl-1- -
ll.-- Mil f ir up
-.1 iin liiiiK n-li ii ri'1
I'ln i
Vlnl- liilill'- i.ff'l'i ! : 1 1 1 V K:ii-I III'
Ami nit lil an. I ilny ki . i u.ilih lu fur
In.' t-hilm.
Ami m.. nl tv Hi" irl-Ht !y liinir tin
I -inn 'I
.iii i-li --lin-iii f'tr llu- vi'Hn r iii.imi;
Tin- I I. ir- Inn Ill II. i- I i..s i.f I III' il u,
An-! Ii.ii-- .mil l-iilt .in- Kin -i -1 1 1 1; In Un
: l.i
Thru' 1 1- m lilt-mi. Ihi- nfi'-Tl-irv imli.
Ami I--' iii..li Hi- iillm- Mil nl i-l-av,
A I-1. n il I- -I I. '"I llu- ! III. IM Mill -
Tin- liiiin.il.-ill.iu nl :i -h Ini; ilny
I .l..iti-'Mf I'm f-ir AllKU-t.
"11 'n from CoiisIii Kl't'il," suiil I Mini
Willi I'llllVll'llllll.
"Vi-- i's," k;i lil Atnalii-I, nlowly.
"I lii'lirve It's a jii'iiiiisal," fciiiil
Ami AiiiiiIh I snlil iihIIiIiiu.
"1 liin w ln-'il prnposi- In yon!" I.ucy
c.'iiiiliiiiii il. "lie li'll in lnvii willi ymi
si ralt-'lil il way. Ami lir'H ncviT Im-wi
iinlly in liivii willi anyliiiily ImI'hii,"
rlii- llllllCll.
"I can't think what, to ilo!" sIkIiciI
Aii.iiIm I, Ki-nlly.
"Aren't nil K''illK to accept llllll?"
i;aspril li"lli tlm nirls at once.
"It "a a liltlu nwkwiiiil," Aiiialn-1 hi.--Kan.
"lint he'K ever no much nicer limn
anylioily else!" I,ncy inleniipleil her.
"Ami yon have encoiiniKcil him,
Aniahel," saiil Mora.
"lint there are tln oilier I wo," said
Ainnhel, niicerlainly.
"What oilier two?" nsKeil I.ncy.
"The two I'm eiiivwil in nlieaily."
'l-',ii).-aneil alreinly!" Kiispi-il I.ncy.
"To two men!" rlmki'il Horn.
"Yes, two oC I hem," wiiil A mallei,
"Ymi see," she explaineil, "il was
like this. I was sln.vini; with Hie Law
Mills for some ilances anil Charlie Law
son proposed lo me ilinim; tin- 'lilile
Dannlie' wall, ami, soineliow, I
eoiililii't say no. Then I went to slay
villi I In- (Utilises ami a Ciipliiin lliir
tisoii proposeil lo me one ilny when
we wen! on a paper chase. We were
simply mill s Irom home, ami II would
have heeii so awkward to have said
'no' then. Ami now oh, dear! what
shall I do, Kills?"
"Of course, you are really cnancd
lo the man who asked you lirsl," said
"You're never poiiif; to accept
Cousin Kred us well!" n-'il'd Horn.
"lie's much the nicest," Aniahel as-Mir.-d
"Seriously. Aniahel, you are eimnu'eil
to the wallzini; mini," I.ucy expuslu
laled. "Charlie l.awson," said Aniahel, Willi
H resinneil slc.h.
"Anil yon mint write to Ihe oilier
man sayini; you have made a mistake,"
1 ncy continued, nullioi ilallM ly.
"I'll write lo Captain llairlson at
ouco." said Aniahel, oliliuinc.ly. "I
never did really like him."
'Of course!" Imiii uirls assenti d. In-iliffel-'iilly.
"And this?" Amahel danced at Ihe
note in her lap.
"Oil. i.f course, you linist CNphiin In
1 1
-' V
' it I
V" f? . ' ii
ia" 'v'. . -V '
- I 'jU. i 'V;-'' - i'4
i 1 4Vry fi ".
X V kllf t 'l :'
."'!Kfl , l'f
.-'' r&ks .T y.
, J-tv.M4,-ki CA ' .'
It E" - -1 J
j Religion of tN Wood.
rfrve if. ,-r-i- ' ' '".-I".:'-. .' . " v ' ,N ' n 'I i . "i i:; ;
y ' - I : ! . - f - ' .
- I . I .: .'. t- -. . , , ..... . ;-.-
i- i - - . . I
.-- i i v ' i ' -:- - Tr, ?, ,. , . -. t - ; t - . n r
: .'j. it i ' ' :.'. -r . 1 I ' ' : r I I' '"-
l--r ::'":;;" 1 , .. . t- - " -
n . t i j ) ' i -
t . t ' Ytn .' , , , ; V AL ?T.'. 3
t , ,.. ,....u.- ; .. ., . ...r- -
Wi- . '. 1- i ! t- i ; r ; . , , r. . C ; ft I'
J.1 'i ti." : i I-'" T -v., ' i'k-ii- lii 1 ' . i v i "
1 1. . .. ) - .:'- I - .s ....... , !.: , "'. '.
f.X. ' ? ' - - ' - I ' ' l' ' j . ' . . ' . . " . -
" '-' " ' ' " ' W55 EUL
wny, ami ho ran rem It, aod go
holne ipiii lly liflefw fcril."
to Aiiiiil.il wrnio two Irttcm txA
ioHti i mie nf tin in. Tbu i t:i r r.i
ttttliily hi. n up In Aam'it. i l.jirl
' win n llu- In. nl dmr hi 1 r.ir. It an
niLiiiit iii.iiin-r j'i: i lifter i' un ii u,
It Kits ii ry marly ilin'i, liet tlini
le a plelisiiiK lllcker of tin l.bM 1
door iin iieii iin-l a lull i-ui.-: i. an
, i-aine ln-n fully lulo the rn:'l. Ali U-
In I Hull In r eyes, hi h her l-l u'li mid
ii mil il h r lilile wl.ll-i h.it: I inel
Hie in-le. Tin- ,at;J w:ih i-.iiTi r'y
M'il-ll mid Us. I II.
"IHirliiiK!" will-Mi''. a Miy jilml
r'Uiiu mini: iiii-I ihu ll'thr paper I -1 1
llllhei deil to Ihe I'oor. '
OuUlile, nl no (. i at distance nunv, 1
Hunt mill I.ucy waited with In ails full
of sympathy lor poor Con un Cu d. I
I I " h) tnp-'ithy li' i atiui n lilile uneasy
ns time went on, nnd no Ih iu v. In ail
lnolieti Ili ad was l - lll-l l-i th- i en thu
lull i and seel; tin- front ili i.r.
I'll .enlly they Vi lit tin d a lfl
iiuinr uii'ilu.
"Whv. wl.iil Is Mils Utile wl.lle
tlllliK on ll.e lloor." Mild Coii' lii I n -I's
voice In a curiously iniillleil l- u-'.
"(Hi. li s Milne." said Amaln l's lolce.
"I wi'ule il for you; it's a conl'-'."-lon
ph ase n nd II."
"Conies: ion. you dear hnhy! What
an hl a! Slick il in the lire. I d .n l
wimi lo kinuv nil your Utile sins', yen
precious silly!"
"()h, hut 1 have heen really wry
"Yc-ce, all the Important ones."
had," said Aieahel, In an ashamed
voice, "liver so hail; you've no idea;
and you iii:;;!it to know, really."
"(live me the terrlhlo list, tlien,"
said CoiisIii l-'rcil, severely. Dora and
I.ucy Kran -! i-acli other's hands.
I'oor Cousin I'ri"!!
"Are lliey all here?" he continued.
"Ye es, that is, nil llu- Important
ones," Amah' I an."Wrt d. Then the
sleepy lire Ulckcred it;6n Suddrnly, in
joy of having somelhini; to hunt.
"What a ilnri.'"K yon are!" Cousin
Fred In k: ii, hut the rest of the re
mark, il' tin re was any, was ton smoth
ered In reach any further fhnii Amn
li I s- lilile pink enrs.
Thai evening; Aniahel wrote to Char
lie Law son.-- The Kyslauder.
Levy and Cohen Try to M.Viu L'p, But
Strike Discordant N-de.
Levy and Colien catni- mil of the
synai'ie'iie on New Year's i!ij. i
was Hie i!ay of atonement, e! f-.uviiv-liif,'.
of niakini; up.
Lew approached Cohen and intend
ed a Ki-eal Hat hand.
"Cohen," said he. "ve liaf not skpok
en lor dveiuly years. Cotue! Ve
male1 I'redls."
Cohen silently shook.
"Now, Cohen," continued the rerun
ciliant. "ve uo ol'er t j H'liu;!. In im's
mil haf a drinl-."
Arm in arm they crossed the street,
la Inks were ordered and set before
1 turn.
Cohen, convinced at lie I of the sin
cerity of the other's advances, upol.e
for He lirsl li
"l.i v." he said, "1 am d id of it
1 raise my i-lass lo yen. l.i w. Yi-h
n;e o:im .l!m;s! "
"Mil nil my heart." replied Levy,
nnd lai. i d hi i'.la in turn. ' ('"l u.
1 1 1 d. :ll frelldt." Still lie.
sh'io-l :it ull isll Iiu !"
Ti e "!'.. il:;- Millie !'."
! .ns I I. -' ami he sel hi-
u i' Ii a l.
"f.v A'..::!.;.:,,!" 1- ev.';,',.:,"
-..w ..;i'n- shtartim it all
wuric They Sr-eak Lat.n.
I"-'-:'...' "ill ad 1 "-' t i ..
,v " h al'v. in a' ' ' ' - 1
!"M:.- Hit'..- ,,:.r, f tl
1 l:.i.i..".- i." i-l' '' " '""- '"
r i
;.i. S. : v
itiiirni i
i ll'.lt.U
.i-e- 1,
, A K-e
T '. ft 'I '
r . 1 1 un
" ' 'i '
. J .'!
1 r f
Half Cent Per
Word, If Paid
in Advance,
No Ad. UKoa for lot tboa 2ic. Adt ordered tn run
further notito will bo chnreod till -ordered out.
G) Nujyte (Si
WANTKH A woman ti fiolt uaj
u ;i Ii. Apply J:': Uiiuiy Avenue.
'J IS .l.i.
WAN l i:i) At uuin il po Ition l y
a-: i vperii-iieeil li lioiaph' T. .Sal.::y
I.. I ol.jecl, ll sl fell l Ut i A. Addi'i : s
l!o -'i. care Klilerprise. Ji-ls .llp
win n-: cum. wan ; ri:u i'or "i
er;: hoi:e V.oli;. Wir.Ji $l'i el
Month. Aililn ss Mrs. S. I'.. Cnliin-on.
I.i.i Ii, 'I'imiH. !i-iMwi
WAXTKI All (Vielielicei cook;
apply !i: liroadwny. '.i l.'iife
!WANTi:ii-losllliiii as sleiioi aplu r;
illl'Nt of I'el'erellci s f'irillslieil. Adiln-ss
Ko C. Ilnlerprlse. .i l.'i wp
WAN'IT.'H An fxpei ienciil U"
coiintanl nnd hooklieeper ileslri"
sniall ti l of liookii to hand!'' in ail li-
lioii to presenl duties. Sal afc'to'.v
li 1'i'ienees. Address Kill, at'e Kil
lerprise. !l-i:!lwp
WANTi:i Cooil hoy with liorsi
lo lake route on linn r;ir:i;o. Appl."
lo C. li. Haley, Circulutor.
WANTKD Thn puhiio lo know that
Tat uni liros. pay hl;;hent pricus for,
Sei otul hand lmiiu!s of all kinds. In)
inedi.'le service. Seo Ud before you
sell. t;.ri2 Orleans St. S "2-lrap
WANTKD. For U. S. Army: Ahl
hedied nninarrieil n;eti between a;;es
1 and 35; citizens of United Slates
of i-'ood cliaracter and temperali
halills. who can np.iak, read iind write
i:n:;lish. For inl'orinatiim npp'y t'
Itccruil Intr Ollleer, I'o.stollici; itni'.il
liiis. l!enuinnnt. Tex. 7 !! e.o.d. li
I'OR i'lAl.li One lirstrlnss -- hors.
power Traction Iinine; made over;
all new parts;.; i.;iiaraiiieed to ilo lirsl
clasn work. ' Willi inspector's certili
cale. t all on or address li. Irhy, 111
Threailiieedle buildin,; or call at 117a
l.ilieriy iivenue, where inline can he
seen. 'J lwc.
FOR SAI.IO A line I'inno, bonght
new alioiil i-IkIiL inonihs auo; in per
fect condition. Apply to Mrs. M. T.
Mealn-r, lliT Ciihler. !)1S lite. .
IT lit SAI.Ii l-'uriiilure of 7 roon,
house, elieap; close in. Kent of house
overpaid by roomers. Address II. li.
care Klilerprise. il l T ill I1
I-'Olt KAI.li An interest rciiuiriiit:
$7.r0o.nn lo Jlu. nun. no casli lo pur
(base; in one of Hie besl eslaldi.Mied
reiuilalile and protilahlo incorporateil
businesses in I lie Soul li. It. is sil Hat
ed in i lie pleasiinlest residenco city
in Sunt h Texas, and necessity lor re
moval to higher altitude only reason
I'or rel irini;'. Address X Y ., care of
linlerprise ofl'uv. ! l-" 1 1 tp
l'Ok SAI.K 2 tiling milch cows,
iiiiaraiileed and lirsl. calves. $13.00. Dr.
liaird, V. Illanehetio iiiiildinx: new
'phono 1 L'H or .ri7.y S 2fi -I f (
I'd it Ki:. i' Nicely l'urnislii d
rnollls. Close ill. ""." Collel-.e si reel
I'lUM-eii I 'earl and Main. New phone
Uni and cold bat'j. ItilP
l-MIt Itl'NT- -I'ii'Iit-rooin boa--,
eeiiirallv located, cm Cfcain'iM sir.'.-.
1-eiweeii Miiler and l.on.t;. Fim.
tin room houses in soi:l!i part. A'i
plv 1 IL'7 Cliatido.; .street. 1" U
i:ni;n AM i;onM--C.in hr httd
:it ihe iiuinr of IVnn nvotMic tr.id
I'.iil.nd ttn-il. $"'' per wi-i'l;. '.I l.V.vp
in;; i:i:r
l l I IMI. f'-f ll'jle
M i am. t!i :ir l'i ;
''11111 hi d
! '.:.. !. .
'.' 1!, "tp
rill! lii:T- Hutidsi'iiK'ly furnishe.i
i , .ullls l-u- r- tit :-:e' lei, -ll" 111. t ..i
ildmiK f i in I'. (' New I -In :i -1".
I 1 r.;- mp.
i Fl'KN'HKP aOnM3 ElfRAntlj
I furnhi'd ro'itim. with C wit linn'
; tin :! Ilid.dg i;t.irttiipr.ti I-.Mfr
lit-r s ''Oc t
(i.iv. t-i ptt 'Li. r
r-('it ci.l'tt'S e
II fllt'l. P."i t 0
Helen VCa-ry v.i.
:f E.LnograDy. Moi
Ml'. '-01. D.i
OlLtJ..!1 Tj.CD r
z nu'r.ii'ter c. Fj:
f-cr infcir,it:in i 1" t P.-in
B'.nuh;ttr Blilj . Fffl'l S: .
rrc'it. Tris. Nc-v P-0 1" 6.
' 1
1 r:
Positively One
Cent i Word If
Charged. V
LtirtlMt K h litre tr crowds Ko, ell
tiro KolQ.r, to Kto il.ns nlco gas rituvci,
und tli.y m a liuvmi", t .p in put In t:
It is ilmo end iior mivi-U to lime
Ki8 iut In, jour hi.it: o, o fcave
Uiuny btie.-m that we liavo no K'-'
niuliiit, but will yei Hum nil o.a.
Caliler i.veimv. Id Ik n. .Vii;:iinlia avo
tine. L;in-iiy ttvemiu. Ctoi-Ktlt, Vnnrl,
i'arlt, Coliejco, i'orsyilie. Urlonita,
.South Tar!., .-uislln, Howie, rino. Hen
hum, Nul l it and Jt.tili(.:iii nvemim,
iuuL is a V w streets wi tro reudy fot
you. He.
NOTH'i: -Mi". Dr. HkohI I.; no
loiiiteil in In-- Kei'li huildiier. lioollH
2 un. I I", v.in ii! . lie is prepared lo
lre,-ii. nil ilisni e-i l.y lie- laWst aie?
inesl co:n.'i Ii- i-y H'lii now i-i use.
Hot nir end npor liaths v.iven. Con
nlialioii lie''. N-'W plume ;;"i.i. .Mrs.
Dr. S cord, Nal in opoi h. '.i-ll-t wp
CO in Price ami Johnson for Wo'al
ml coal. Kin up 'pl'oiie liia, and
l will he delivered to you at once.
il l line.
Tattnn nron. pay lils'uest pi icos for
household R'-.iiila. See IH neloro you
'iiiy. i;;.J Orleans SI. 8-22-1 nip
Sour f.ako "bprtngs Hotel," roh'l'H
itil nfurnished. liatrs, $2.00 ami
?2.i.O per da. Meals IM vents. Spec
al wtekiy and loonilily rates. Hotul
rpis tner.ts trains, faro 2 oontH.
Acquitted of Subordination.
Mount Sioi'iiir,'. Ky., Sept. , lit.
heriif lid Calhihnn and .Indue li. K.
i-'rencli were Imlay acipiliteil of the
.-linta.'o of s n 1 ;:-i 1 i i) :i i ion of perjury.
'I'll,, jury was niv.-n ihe case last nijihl
and ai'ter srveial lioiirs of delibera
; ion w ax, enable to at;rce ami iiskcd
to ho ilisciiui'.-,i d. .indue Youni; re
fused to disiui-.s tin- jury. A verdict
of aeiiiillii resitlie.l Ibis evonin:.;.
The dei'eJidanis were indicted on Hie
I'liare of subordinai ion of perjury.
rjlale of Texas, County of .Jefferson.
lly virtue of an execution issued
out of tli o Honorable .lu.ilice Court,
of .Ie!''ei'soii Coiiill Y, on I lie 1 itLli (lav
of Si pleniber, l!)iH, by Ihe elerlc
Ibereoi', in the en e of Hie Nalioiml
Supply Co. vs. AMe- Oil Co.. No.
217a, and to me, us sheriff, direelel,
and delivered, ! will proceed to sell,
within Ihe hours described by lav:
for Sheriffs' Sah s. on the first Tiles
lay in November. A. 1)., 1:iul. il bo
:ti:; the 1 ft. day of raid month, before
be cnirl 'ions:? dour of said .leffer-on
eottnly, in 'he r'ty nf Ih'aumont, Ihe
I'ldloivin.r i!ccri;ird properly, towi- :
Tv.'cni v-l wo foot C inclies by '0
'eel in blnr!; :;S llo-,".c Swayne tract,
ipiiidle Tip, .li'ff'i"o!i connly. Tec.,
o!;eiii(i' wvti ail improvements there
in. Al'o the following described
tracts i f land sil tinted in the I'orl
t-t 1 , 1 1 1- . -in. I ('. ': subdivision acei-y'd-'li;-
tl pic.l tliereilf ilulv r(cord"(l '11
he ireil vei-ords nf .b-ffer-nn coimly
Ti xas. i . if I. of No. in block No.
tae-'.e ".'." conli'inini: L'u tiere.-t.
I'he tiin'tb I 1 ; ci'eu or lot No. 1.
lo- 1.- No. In. r -i've "II." T.evleil i.n
w th- t-rotieiii- of the Apex HI C.i.
'o itulsl'v a i'uis'iiirnt nniounl itr.T to
t I I. "ii in r:. ,-f i in- Naiionnl Sup
i'y Co.. an i Ce-f of rmif.
(Jiv.-n nude-- my hand, this 1"ih
lav of :,'.r. V.ol.
i ' W t.A NP-IfY, Sheriff.
Pv SAM ilDI.'i:. IL riilv.
tl P.-H h:is pill nil 1 lio
T!i f'f
vorv l.vv :
-;. vhr
icl ri! v;:i
r:. 1."
i.f 1 1 TO fur th
ei-l 'O S!. I.IUil.
,1,1 Rriiteiiihr-r I.
L'7. Tin' i- lir-Ki-is
;i St. I.iiiii-. and
mi mi!" "SI. I.iftiis
i r ('.us :iud llati '
liell't f ' if;- t tlio
ii-l.i-ts l-lliiitld he hy
fi-iitii S,tre'i,iriT't .
'rain h 'in Slm-vo-..
and arrtM's at' St.
Siuitli T. I. A .
St , Sh'.-M t. 'i't. I.'.
s ::i ?7f
i pair lr:r.":o Alare "lufcs,
i pr. nivdium sicHulcs
I pply at '..mv-c to
French :IarKet Grocery Co.
p.rf. C
lilll f '". t'-' '-
naiii...... --.
.c;.d?r-.y r
rtin s.-.t. r.i. -s; . ViJ v
f T ; ;t it i' t-n. ' . .
Ml : c studio
IF. V, . t. I'l T ATFHh
. ( . v. , . M ,-irf. r-sr.r, Crm.
i ! A:
: .- i tin Afr:'
r- r
t :
c d f
17 Cilberrt Cuilding, Oesumont
Correspondent! in New York,
St. Louis. Chicago, Etc.
"W. IVI. Crook
Corporation and ITTft'-VTV
Comniercid! Law. Al lUifiMl.
Rooirii 1-17, Dlanctietto EtUrte Bld
Associated R. C. Harris, I. W. Lawhon
Beaumont, Texas.
II. A. McDowell T. C. Taylor
M- S. DuiTlo
Attorney- at Law
Alexander Wiljr. Beatirt:nt. To.
Dr. A. C. Stafford. Dentist
la rrt'pared to do all klnda nf dPiitsl
work. I'rlcpfl roaRnnahlo. Kxnniina
tinn froe. Gas Klven In extracting
wnen rrqtiCBtetl. Kouins 11 and 15,
ovpr French M.irkrt. Noa ijhene HOE.
C. T. Helslg. T. V. Smelkor,
Phones 51 Beaunioi;t. Tex.
Saratoga Q Battion Transfer
Heavy hauling and general transfer
ami livery business. Phone No. 6;
S'aratosa, TcxaJ.
In Old Deaumont Iron Worke Stand,
corner Bowie and Orleans.
RY. Low Kate Int.
Pearl St.
,-it. j
How are Your Eyes
You owe it to your sedf to find out
at once. See our eye specialist.
Leading Or.Uuuins
Hebert & Hebert.
BUTCH T:.V3 and
lcaJcr? in Live Stock.
Look out for negro and mnl, for hon.
raisud meat and pork. Give un a call
652 Main Htr;et. Both l'hon is 220.
, Fire, River and Marine, Accident
I nnd Tornado Insurance. Estab-
liRhcd 1865.
Phone 9- Beaumont, Toxae. I
Corner Sixth St. and Broadway.
Beaumont, Texas.
A props ra lory school for boys and
Rirls. Special aUrntitin to students
desiring prpparat'.on for college. Af
filiation with University of Texas in
fivo branches; -chohr.--bip to first
honor pupil. Small clashes. Atteu
tion to tlio individual.
Arthur B. Philiips, B. A., Master.
Old 'phono 129. 204 Cal ler Ara
Direct from
Ilefinery to
No Jobber's
p profit!
?j Write for Prices
ki Tndavl h
1 jO-
hi "' " " s
: ( t r :
, P' - f' - "'
M tot"
5! 1
J - Vi'!
Set Complete, ready for use,
on Calder, Orleans, Peai 1,
Austin, Magnolia, Liberty,
North, Ilebert, Forsy the Col
lege, ParK, Pine and Main Sts.
For $25.00
Beaumont College of Music and Art
COLLEGE STREET, opposite High School.
MRS. F. A. HYATT, Directress.
Viiit-o Culture
Elnciitiun and 1'l.yiiicnl Culture
Ilarni'iny, Si?;lit Sinsins and Band
Mandolin and Otiitar
Kiudurgarten of. Muyic
Opens September 5th.
B. R. Norvell, Prnsdent.
Chat. H. Stroeck, Cashier.
American National BanH.
Capital Stock. $iOO.OOO.OO.
Exchange Drawn on all Principal Ciiies of the World.
W have th only Separate Steel Safety Deposit Boxes In th C!ty..
This Space
Belongs To The
g rata z aim
One Gallon Water
Three Gallons Water
Five Gallons Water -
Ten Gallons Water -Oae
Barrel Walrr
Special TicKet Discounts:
15 One Gallon Ti-Ai ls -
6 Three Gall jr. Ticlfets-
b Five Galios TicKpt
3 Ten Gallon Ticlieti
5 One Barrel TitEets
10 One Karrel TirKft
20 Oae Barrel T.i2?t
Call fir
- V'Y1":
Hyatt and Miss lVltns
. LS. trail l'-lix l!,tnl;s Hill
.... Airs. Jciinii? Ilixliy
.Mrs. Coin Fuller
Anlim Navralil
W. II. Sinith
.. Trof. ,los. . litioni)
.M !':
I nslniiiii-iiis
l'nia K. UarliMgtoii Method
Geo. C. O'Brien, Vice-President.
V. 3. Ligort, AsKlstant Cashier,
W. C. Tyrrell, 2nd V. P. -igj
anm wqxi
On Credit.
- .30
35 .
;o -
- 1-03
- .93
- 3.25
(. Cv

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