Newspaper Page Text
THE BEAUMONT ENTERPRISE. MONDAY. 6EPTEMBER 19. 1904. NEGRO m SHOT CORPSE WAS HUNG GEORGIA MOB DOES USUAL THING AND PROCESSES JOHN WARE. CAUSE WAS ATItlllPI Al M U R U I R i ' Many Left the Local Chuiclt ti Join In tna Chase of the Victim, Who Wat Prisoner in the Hand of the Sheriff. Allnntn, (in.. Sept. IS. A upeclul lo till- "CllUKlil III lull I'l'lUll 1( II VKl I III. (.li'iii'Kiu, Kiiys: Jinli;i' I. lull li''lil emui in Kranliliu cuiiiiiy ln.lny, iiihI u a i kiiIi the riilill.'il liinly ill' Jiiliir Wnri'. a ileum. (WillJ'H fl'lllll till' lillll) llf 11 tree In-- t n lure Mini "nrnsvllle. ' "iY.ire was ilniic to 'li'inli by ii iiiii'i for f.ilally kIiiniIIiik ('. Y. Daniel, a son of (li-nernl lianii'l of I 1 1 1 1 1 I s v i 1 1 . (nihiy. Yniuiv; Hanii'l nml l lie nenro luiil sunn' wonts over a trivial mutter. i is sa ill llii' ileum heennie urcnlly i-n. i;,H'i'il ami, Kwi'tiriiiK no white man fniilil rim iivcr iiiin. ilrew a pistol nml Miiot Ifiuiiel, Hi" liiillit InlliclliiH n woiintl dial will irovi final. ,' Tlii ni'ws of ilio siifMii liiut quickly :ii.n'al, anil a crowd Iii'kiiii v,:U heriiifj, many leaving church' lo Join u chase for tin" fii'jjrn. The ileum was cap turi'il early in the nl'lcninim, ami while Uiimr liiinii'il lo Carni'svilli" by tli" Hliiriff was overtaken hy tlio moli. Tt:e iH'Ri'o was lln'ii talicn froin I Ins rlicriff ami ili'pnlii's. senteil on n horse, n iioosi" liiii'il to Ins neck ami t h other eii'l tied- to n, limb. Tin liorsi" was I hen struck n sharp blow ami rlH'-lied away, leaving the neuro swiim ii,V lo a limb. THE DAY AT ESOPUS. Sheehan Was One of the Few Import ant Callers. Esopuu, Sept. 18. Win. F. Sheehan chairman of the national executive cninniiltee and Representative. Harri son of New York, vice chairman of the bureau of organization for upper New York slate wore the only important callers at Hosenioimt today. Interest renters in a conference; which Mr. Sheehan intends to have at Ibe earliest possible moment Willi other leaders lo determine: upon the most available candidate for the gov ernorship. Justice Wm. flayjior of ltrooklyn ami Justice Herrick have both been mentioned prominently in this conned ion, .Indue Parker has made no changes in his personal plan coneernins participation in the cam liaiKii. It is announed that he has not arraiiKed to spend any definite number of days each week in New York as has been reported, but that, the jmlKo will Ko New York only when it. will be more convenient to meet his political managers there than I.- would be for them to come to Ifosemonnl. No tim however, has been set for such trips. The an nouncement, was also made that, the Judge will not go on the speech mak ing lour, but that he will make all of It iM speeches from the veranda lit ltosemount. Judge Parker and members of his family itrove to Kingslon today where they attended church service. Telegraphers to Meet. Atlanta, da.. Sept. IS Members of the Old Time Telegraphers and Histor ical association, and members of Ihe Society of United States Military Tel- et-raoli Corns will meet in Joint ctm- v. nl ion in diis city for a three days session beginning next Tuesday. Thor oul'Ii iirenaralioiis for die entertain n.ent of the visitors have been mado by the local committee. 'The officers of the Old Timers are C. C. Adams, nivsideiil. New York: W II. Adkins. Hist vice president, Atlan ta: 3. M. Stephens, second vice presi 'ilcnl Atlanta: John P.ranil, secretary and treasure-. New Yirt-k. Theoflieers of Ihe ITnitcil Slates .nil itiiiv Teleuranh Corns are: Colonel W. It. Wilson, president. Philadelphia W. I.. Ives, vice president. New and J. K. 1'etdt. secretary and urer Chicago. Yorl In as Acquitted of Charge. t harlotte, N. C. Sept. IS The jury 1 1 die case of Dr. .Iiiulius M. linker. r barged with the murder of Dr. H. T. !.;.ss. al Tarboro. all it being out since vesterdav evening, n iiden-d a verdict ..r n..niiilnl i.mIjv. The homicide o"- iiit..i March 1. I'"1-. Id it h iih-ii were proniinent physi rian. To Winter in Creek Waters. Athn. S'!t. At a luiicheen in l. .j ih. filTirer of the ltrilish fl.H-f. A.lniiial I it. ill, commander in f i.i. f f.r t hi. M. ilpterran. a.i siminn. an fi.n;tic.l 1h" wIhi c "f 1h M flf 11'" Vessels. WinlM ili tH f! ..n!y riitie 'iirdie.l. and .m-ii'I v li.ile uf tin- in'' r in OnH ' the Colfrs t St. Louis. iii-. I"' I1" fi' y "f Afiift i ;!! 1- l- n flay f"i ..I ii -I'- i-.'f ftsr-e.-n hi Ki i. s. i. I "I . - ' , ' If "si, a v o fa? 1 o .f ' li- . Ti'f coil Hii-t t b'.l i.; !'nt ' nie-'ul i.'!v t,'SICINS LSE DYNAMITE. R va'ry Bte'" Two C'eve'and Band! t. hfi. O . e 1 !' r:' - ..f Y: .1 ymr old. Wiiu probably luUlly III ji'inl. lYnuim luu k imu auy mill I'm had a I'U blown off. Itiwitiy liii wnii ihii l.umU of ihe dinirici U kuid in In- i iu ciMi.ii fur lunch ill li .linn of i be ijiimUmcu in Miil'iU I lu ll oilier. ODD FELLOWS MEET. Sovereign Grand Lodoe Convene To day in San Francisco. S.i ii Kruilcisco, tfepl. is The miv- I ! 4 I liiaild oilK at llldi pi llib lit Or der iif Odd FellowH uiii) auxiliary or- ioiiii will convent tomorrow, from all quartern of iln. I'nlieil Siiiten r. 'in tii niuiivcH uf tin' fr.uerr.Xv urn riiuiuiu into ihe ciiy. which Ik hi gala nil Ire. Must of ihe decoiailoiiN ami "".mil. milium iiKed diirlim die r m triennial conclave of the Kuiu'iu Tem plar me again employed, villi die ex it pi Ion that ihe eiulileiUM have been changed, die Maliexe eroKK having given place to the three iiul.s. All the ollicers of the grand lodge are present tweent liepuiy lira. id Sir W'rlghi. who in III ai his home in Al ii mown, Pennsylvania. Tile crack company of t-'ie order.! Washington No. I, Is doing some hard iliiilliu. in the hope to agaia carry off lli'Kl honors. I-or the next meeting or the sover eign griunl lodge. New York and New Orleans have already made bids. ROaST horse pout ARTHUR BILL OF FARE (Continued from Pago 1.) pushing on northeast from Mukden are nut. borne out by official telegrams that have been received here. The scenes at Tie Pass are animat ed. Dispatches fioni VladivosloK anil Sakhalien make no mention of devel opments there. The citizens of Vlad ivostok scout the Idea of a slegn and many returning' from the country villas. The disarming of the Lena nt San Francisco is accepted hero as having been necessary. Ihe Hush editorially points out dial, the i'nited Slates declraralion of neulralily provides for vessels of a belligerent power using American polls for needful repairs but admits that Hnssia could scarcely expect to he allowed to keep a vessel eight months in a neutral port without dia- inning. Japs Shelling Mukden. London, Sept. !). it is asserted in a dispatch from Tokio to the Express ml the Japanese are vigorously shelling tb( Russian posilions at Muk den, preparatory to a general advance, and are endeavoring by a wide turning movement, to cut off deneral Kuropal.- kin's ret rent. The Japanese armies, the dispatch aldn, are disposed in the same relative positions as in the (ig..i ing before Mao Yang. Dispatch Too Meaner. , liar Harbor, Me., Sept. IS The Hus siiin embassy has creeived the follow ing conimiinicadon from the general staff at St. Petersburg: "The oilicial report of Marshal Oya ma regarding the occupation of Mao Yang, after a severe fight, is not exam, as oyama could mil name any quan tity of prisoners or guns captured by his iron is. and without this his dis patch would appear too meager for the Juancsc public, which was awaiting news of immense Import, having been piepared lo hear of tremendous losses siislained al the battle by the Japan ese army." TROPHIES OF WAR. ;t of Stores Captured by the Japan Lie ese at Liao Yang. Tokio. Sept. 1S. Noon. Marquis Oyama, commander-in-chief of die Japanese forces In Ihe field, telegraphs Hi is morning dial General Oku had re port ed having captured diirteen pris oners at the batde of Liao Yang. He nlsn irnvc a detailed list of the Russian stores which General Oku raptured, as follows: Thirty horses, 2.2SS rilles. 127 ammunition wagons, r.S!il! rounds of artillery ammunition, i;."i!,!t:!n stna I arm ran ridges, great quantities of timber. Hour, rice. iorng. engineering implements, clothing and accoiilre ireats. General Oyama also reports that the armies under Generals Kuroki and Nod.n made no prisoners in die fight iiiir at Liao Yang. General Kuurnki fi.piured forty horses. Sou rilles, ::iin r iinils of artillery and tmn.nuo rounds of rille amniiiiiiiiou. telegraph appar atus and various miscellaneous - im plements. General Nod.u raptured v.hi rilles. 1 . 1 ; f rounds of arliliery an. I .'.T.Smi rounds of rifle ammunition, three heliographs, telephone tools and large quantities of foodstuffs and tim ber. Central Ol.u raptured suilirieni Hmlicr to ronslruct railroad depots. Vessels Too Much Scattered. SI. I'etersburi;. S' pi. IS. The N'ovoe Vr niya. romiin-ntiiiK "n the Iaiih rase. r jf if iz' s die auihorities for dis "ipating the i-nerti" s ol the vol'itilii r l ot and sratu ring vessels himlessiy not Ml"' face "'f Hie tlolie. mid sayx: The VolllTltK r t1'- I Wiilllil be f ff.ftivti tre it roneiii'r.i'e'l fearer .laiui i. v iiere it would Inn a flianre of pir'ie ir.c iii nnitra'iafid and lakinK it to l iisyian jmrts." Jaos Were Reinforced. St. Vn-rvt.iirE. S p'. IV '. n. Pa:;- haroff lia p P"'"-' " "0 '' 1 a!T mi d r 'la'" "f P' -!MtiiIh r 17: "Tl,f Man" hurn niy P"' h"'". ma f Tierii:'''! 'fi S- ;" nil." r li i." oor,-T'1-ra 1 ard 17. r'"'i ii.f d .f 11, -ii.-. til ..f . Th.. '' f. ,-r-, -,f ri"'.'' f.ft-f. 11 ' Jjle.-r lull" a' f i-r' fr'if!". ff I', an!" I ;:i'r Tt'r It j. arv-'i -i f' TH .T : ' -;- ti ' '1 !' J..f.!i"l- 'I 'i r' lft '1. 'IT1;V RTVl fcir.ffrcf. V ! ii-i f-'- Lave VuVden. - Tt. f, SOLIERS QUELL ITALIAN RIOTS STRIKE SITUATION IN ITALY IS SERIOUS AND RESERVES ARE CALLED OUT. RAILWAY TARCKS M M It Rioters Stopped the Trains by Lying Down on the Track! In Front of the Enginei. Fighting at Genoa, Pnrla, Sept. IS The JouiuiI'h cor respondent re polls t Ii it t he had (rar clod to Nice In order to Ilio the fol lowing iineensored dispatch. "The hi like situation throughout Italy la most serious. At Koine Ihe council of ministers ha;, called out classes of reserves to relnforco the auxiliaries. "Premier Gloleiil has postponed n Journey to Kaecogni, which he had Intended to make for the purpose of extending his personal congrui illa tions on the birth of di. crown prince- At Porto Novo, crowds of people slopped the railroad trains, many ly ing down before die engines. The troops were powerless. One persoa wan killed and several badly hurt i:i a collision wilh soldiers at Genoa, where six sailors prevented the de parture of trains. Hallway tracks were also torn up near Klvarolo. No trains left Milan Sunday night. DRILLING AT COLMESNEIL, One Company Gets New Rig in Order to Go Deeper. Special to 'Hie lOnlerprise. Colmesneil, Sept. IS. There are five w Us being put down in tins county. The Oklahoma-Texas Oil company's well, situated on the schillings larm. Ikree miles northwest, of here, is ex pected to come in as n gusher soon. They had gone 1.:)oo fort with their old rig, but coulda't go fast enough, so purchased a rotary rig and are get ting everything in readiness to go i lew ii deeper. OLIO TONIGHT. Entertaining Program Arranged by , Episcopal Ladies. "The Olio." the enlcrlainiiicnl to be given tonight, Uf Magnolia park by die ladies of the Episcopal church, it, is expected, will prove one of die most ml cresting all factions of the season. A program of musical and literary numbers will be presented by some of the lieal artists in the South. The lrdies have adverliseil the Olio ex it nsively, and a big crowd is antici pated. Fire ?.t Halifax. Halifax, N. S., Sept. 19. Another waler front fire, which soon assumed serious proportions, broke out early rros morning. The (lames reached a Tot of explosives, and die score of vio lent explosions wfnich followed drove the firemen off the wharf. At 1 o'clock this morning a general alarm was sounded. With the arrival of troops from the gr.rrison and sailors from die fleet, the lire was confined to the two' wharves, and was under control at 2 o'clock. The loss is estimated at $ii''UHH). Belated Weddings. The love of independence and the freedom and pleasure of to-day ma!;.' girls less and less anxious to marry before they are past five and twenty. Perhaps it Us better that there should he that disinclination, for our modern life may fit a woman hotter to marry late than early. Lady Jrune In Lon don Opiuion. . A New York Salad Abroad. This Bummer there seems rather a set against ices at die smart dinners. We arc now such slaves to health and diet cures. At a well luiown house there was a curious dish of fruit mixed with watercress, a c.oss between a compote and a salad. Tno result was very satisfactory. London Onlooker. Tribute to a Dutch Smoker. To pay duo reverence to the mem ory of nn ardent smoker tu'med Or. dcrsmann. who had died In Kotlcrdam. all 111 old cronies came to the funrnil emoklng long clay pipes. Omh rsman-t left a sum of money to pay the rx iri.fces "if a early smoking concert to keep his memory green. Our Days. Pftil liii.kf ftir mi I ' Iflllll .umI Ihv, f Tliitt t-'.Uf liv li.iiir 1 A-mI ,l;i - Jil-t vielt "i n llttl" mT. ' ' ! Ii ltl.t l :il . nil ;il"ti. T lo-. .iiit- liiit if Pt,..u,.l till II... m. iK lit f.f lf F!- l.iti n' Ht i.ur t-ln-nlil. ri. unit the I lit 'in, iif. V.'lth -- mi'l irf tittli. mft UK fire t f .-I- t Ji-l "lie iI'K-f n . ..'.14 n f: f.i-r f-t 'rti. t.f'.fi. n1 i "..'f n 1: tl. ),t, ii . ilny, , I l-li. . .... nil tin- V. .'! I !.! Ii Ih ,f y,, .. ,, f lt'miv- Jm 1!.!. .it. r, Un4 1 -'" l. ' i tr'i If f.v t- ;...m.r. .1,1;. I- r t t..,... i, . f t),f- I,., or LOW PATES OVEB THE SOUTH ERN PACIFIC (Suntet Route) CoVitii t ra" ti Ca.if rrna T,".... I.'7.:.0 Ti'l ' '"I f'-nlifT 1 A. It. Ad.; '(ii Kile S j.' fill" r li '' n. Tj. P. A. J K T'l'ii" r p A- T A. f I , fit) '" Fixed Price for Wives. The miciriii (ieriuaiiii, Husamns, Pur ruudlHii. Silt othi'i nuiitiiin of, placed flxi'tl price on ihrlr wIvch, hi U proven by their old ineddlng gon!K. Many of the old Hii.ssia weddlim tonga refer to tlm iiurtlmsu of wives. In o:uo yarla of ltiisum die liusbnud pays S curtain Mini of money to li e bride's brother, sfter whlrh tlio agree, mrnt is made, and (hoy sing: "Tim brother bss sold Ms sUter for a crown." Tibetan Earth Dwellers. Earth dwellers sro common In Ti bet. Strangely clau men ami women, who slnco childhood have rarely looked upon the sun, are found living In roomy clay a.Brtmcuu in a mode as stringent tu my iiuuiastlc order. They are suppll with food and oth er necessaries by their children, who alone leavo tho riiverns; and much of their llmo la occipled in extending their curious residences. Black Absorbs Heat. A French authority had two (her momotors one of ordinary glass, the other painted black placed In tho sun. In the while glass the mercury rose to 1-U. I'uder tho black paint it went up to 157 in the same position. Tho inference Is that people who wear black coats are warmer in the sunshine than those who dress In white. Advantages of the Angela. A servant at Sklbo rustle, tho resi dence in Srollaiid of Andrew Carne gie, one day called Mr. Carnegie's lit.-' .lo daughter Margaret an angel. To li e nurse who was putting her to hud thai night she said seriously: "if I am an angel, why don't I have" adding "l'erlmps I will have when I get to heaven." After a thoughtful pause she Inquired: "Nurse, do angels go to sleep?" Tin) ittcndant wes unable to give tho re quired information concerning the habits of angels. "1 hope they do," said the little girl, 'so that when I am an angel I can put my heat! under my wing and go to ,ieop like a bird." New York Times. THE LOCAL MARKET Grain and Hay. Quotations for canoad lots delivered on tracks Beaumout or other points taking same rates. Dealers charge from store B10c per 10 pounds more in bran, 23c per bushel on oatB and corn, 1015c per 100 on hay. Oats Texas. S0E&c; No. 2 mixed, 49c; white, 615::c. riran Per 100 pounds $1.3035. Corn chops, pure $1.30 1.40. Oats Texas 43'3,45c. Corn 7074c. Hty Choice alfalfa, 115.00: choice timothy. $17.00; South Texas pralrls, J7.50M8X0; Johnson grass. t'JM(W 10.00. Feed nroducis very stiff, 'witn ad vancing tendency. Market barely steady, with a declin ing tendency. Hides and Wool, Dry flint butchers, 16 pounds and up. 13c. Dry flint kips, under 18 pounds, 10 l-2c. Dry salt, hides, over 18 pounds, 18o; mder 18 pounds, 3c. W. S. bides, 6 l-27. Sheep pelts, 15 to 40e. Ooat sklnR, 10 to 16c. Horse lialr 15 to t8e. Wool, free spring, 12 1-J to Ho. Wool, free fall, 10c. Wool, bard burnt, f.o. Butter ana Chee Tiutt,ct HIur Star, ilr,: dairy butter l Ha'20: Klgin, 2iia27; Rem ire Kaney Creamery, 'IX: Meadow fiold, 30: Fancy renovated erei'mei'v, Slta"!!. AP'son's Pure pastenrlr.ed cream butter, single pound Sue; 2 pounds for trc. Cheese Full cream flats, 14J: daisirs 14J: prints. 15; full cream L-onnhorns, 15 Flour and Breadstuff Flour Basis ? -IS. 1 1 sae'i. rum v high pitent. $.".t;0; fancy half palest $5.30: third grado $1.50; 2111) fcM 0 ier barrel higher: Hour m wood, .ill per barrel hitrlierear lots lne less. Farinaceous Hoods Crits. hominy and cream meal, in 4o-ll sacks, per s:ick, 7.V )eail meal in .'1.1-11) sacks, l '.l.'i per barri'l of four sacks: Scotch cits 2.!i.'ia:t.(Ml: Frit-nils' oats t2.'.l.",a 3 (K)' Coliiirlbia oats. 2.H5: liawkeve fiats, 2.K'i; decker's buckwheat, li-l! pa :katrcs, $lo. Crackers A 15 C soda bulk. Ih.xph, " 1-lb cartons, iier itozc n. 100: t'ingiT Snaps, 7J: rreatns, S. stage ,laok, ! cakes and jumbles. II Canned Ooods, California I'.xtia Standard (24-1 b while 11.7.1: tins) lllaek cherries, f2.2": "berries, t-!.i": Y. f',. praclies, I C. ieacli'H I . -": aprieott, Martlett jx-ars I.'".",: trraK-s, standard. 1 per down l"-s. F.a'rrn 'Hnn"'d Cikh! and 1.Mi: II.. Hi: Vti'. tallies No. 3 apples, K: sliced in ap ples, tl : L. ar.d mneapplcs. It. mi: ex jrrau-d pineapples, L"": c"'H't"" chunks, l ib rai.s, l.Vi. pirn :n.'' f leinks, l-'h cans. l.fiO: Siiijrmxiir er-fraud pi.i!iti'les. U.V 2-io i .n. 7.1:2-lli s"-a-b-r i s. i: 2-lb tdael--hi rrie. -"i: 2 1' i a t 's. r.f ': f iii'-wf-iebt tf itiiHt'tf-s. 7.1a"i: -i-.ti fii.J f-;?bt torn I."": 2-:tiliel t-" ;!'l V,ii.),t'. "": -'.-lit lie I.1-i-Il' I t. .Vn kra .t I,:'.: 2--lii-dl I'ois if'fi Junf ik jis. I !: - lb ta-ma'-d . m-t-"- Ifat it. !.": 2- b 1 a-l.t-"' v ' Vf -n w !t: J-lb ."it t '.'ti. '": 2-'b I Hi f : :'- ''rri. L2-: 2-!u Al '"rn, l.i'l i': i-ib uij.d lulittj tofri m. Dv'cs ana Ctiemiet's. I Qi'r rn! - t r ii ir." l.'.'"l iti'.i j.t,' rjf-. 2 1 t"-r n i-v-f-: ' "' H r I i. i-i- f,r fi ia' -, ir i, , to )'-; i ( .v u a ; f :. i .r , "f i-r i " ri i.ur- j '. l.J't t-r t k i r; -- 1 i ..f-i,,, j. . z 'i-' """-r : tt'.-'.' . . 2 T 'M ' i ir. ?..'S i-t -'"i ' 'fi 1 i .'I f.1' f J-..-i-i-. if) 1 I'M Canned Molasses, deoi'iMa I'uue: irallons, 3.10, hall eallitnii. :l.iVi. nuart XV'. I'ero tie Hiitierie. gallon, a. 10. half iral. l-V) quart 3. 7.1: Ivaii oiiicl Syrup, 10 lbs. 2,00, 1 lb. ; in. i.tHl. Dried Fruits and Nuts. In ds. rlcui ed run-outs, .HI In rae, per lb. fi: I- cleaned cin ri r.u, 4 In cHe. i'i' Hi. 7i: .l t'i'iiwu Smvi'iia Ini ported lli.'4, Id-lb buxe, iht pound, 121 ii C'loM ii Suivrna iniiiorteil tigx, 10 lb. boxen, per lb, 1.1; 2 crown t'ulifor iiia UgH. 1-lb brn kH, lo n io'os, m-i-box, 1.11: Uertiwn I'ulibu-uiii llgs, 1-lb cui umit, lO-lb Iiiisck, i icr lb, 1.2.1: 12 o pili'Kaees Mt ded riiihllis, Li ill t'llse, jiei' pkp. Hi 10 us puckuu'es smuletl ru'sins, I'.il In rase, per package, 8J; 2 1'iiivu L L. rulslns. 20 lb lio.xrit, per box. 2.0d: 3 crown L. U ICaUius, 20-11) boxes, per bt)X, 2. 1.1; 2 crown W Ij. raisina, Vlb boxes, per liox, 70; Amer. C'orsicaii citron, ln-lli boxes, per lb, 111: Amer. orange peel, 10 lb boxes, ier lb, 14; Amer. lemon peel, 10 lb boxes, per lb. 11: Nil. 1 California almonds, soft tibcl!. sucks roiilaiiilinr about Ml pounds, per lb. lb less quantities, per lb: 17. I'ecans-Sal'i pei lb. Mlscellaheoua. Hope Sisal, 7-10 basis 01, Manila cotton, XXX. 14 :i-4. Salt Koek, 11.00 per ton: Txiuislanti course, Si: Texas iiuil Kansas, per bbl, tiO-ls, $2.00: 00-:is, 2.7"i: 140-2, $2.n.1 I'ickU-K Finis, !i.1; ouarts, l.i.1 i; gallon, :i.2.1; I-jrallon, l: .1 gallon kegs, 2: lO-giillon kegs, M.fiO; Cross and ltlackwed'.-, pints, ;!.ll"i. Catidv Stick, wrapped, standard (iu7; fancy mixeil, in pails, tijao; funev in eases, Hals- roc 1lal2. Ktaren I'earl, 10-11) moxcs, 4: gloss bulk, 4J-; Nickel, tii.tMl; 1 to A iounil packiiires, fiielL Molasses t Vntrifiignl, fair, 211; prime, 2lla2S: ebolce2:iao0. CornSyut) 'Mv'M. RAILROAD TIME TABLE. Texas and New Orleans R. R. Co. Last Pound. No. 0 Loenl Arrives 7:00 p.m. No. 8 Local ..I,eavc& S a m. No. 10 Sunset Limited Arrives 9 a. m Leaves 9:05 a. r No. 4. Oriole to Feho Arrives 12:16 p. m. Leaves 12:W p. m. No. 8 Texas Kx press Arrived 9 '67 p. m., Leaves 10:05 p, m. No. 1!)2. From Sour iake Arrives at 7:15 p. in. V.'est Bound. 7 Texas Express to San Antonio No. Arrives :18 a. in., Leaves 7:2i a. m. Mo. 3 The "Oriole" Arrives 3:07 p. m., Leaves 4:07 p. m. No. 5 Ifocal Arrives 7:28 p. m., Leave at 1:33 n. m. No. 9 "Sunaet Limited" Arrives 9:21 p. m., Leaves 9:33 p. m. 191. To Sour Lake Leaves 7:0V a. m. No. North Bouiio. No. 155. No. 15ii. No. lVl No. 162 m. To Dallas Leaves it'lrn p. m. From Dallas Arrive 8:40 am. South Bound. To Sabine Leaves 9:4r a. n. From Ha bine Arrives b:lU p. No. No. 1S3. Local to KocKland Leaves 9:30 a. m Local from Rockland Arrive 6:30 p. m. Kansas City Southern, North Bound. 2 for St. Louis, Kansas City, No. Shreveport, Texarkana and Fort Smith leaves 7:50 a. m. 4 for Kanbas City, Joplin, Fort Smith, Toxarkana and Shreve port leaves 7:50 p. m. No. South Bound. No. 1 from St. Louis, Kansas City, Fcrt Smith, Texarkana and Shreveport arrives.. ..9:) p. ni. Icaves 'or Port Arthur. .9: 15 p. m. No. 3 Irom Kansas City, Joplin, Fort Smith, Texarkana am! Shreve port arrives 8:40 a. m. leaves for Port Arthur. 8:45 am. Port Arthur Service. To Port Arthur. No. 3 flcprt3 8:40 a, m. No. 5 departs 10.30 a. in. No. 7 depart a 4:lo p. m. (Sunday (inly- No. 45 I,ocal Frelpht departs 1:00 p. m. fexcept Sunday -No. 1 departs 9:15 p. m. From Pert Arthur, No. 2 arrive!" 7:45 a. m. No. fi arrives 12:20 p. in. No. K arrives 9:35 a. m. (Sunday on ly) No. 4ti arrives 10:05 a. m. (eicept Sun-lay.) No. 4 arrives 7:45 p. m. Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe. Kansas Cly Mall and Kipress. No. 2IS I, ivm B:"0 p. m. No. 217 Arrives 12:25 p. m. Saratoga Lxpresa, No. 2" 4. -vf No. 2'i3. Arrives C'fiter Mail and 7;n0 a. pi. . ... 7:00 p. m Kpnss. Sn. InI lives No. 201 Arrives .. 10: 1 a, ... C: ti. A. P. l-avf? Iieaumont Arrive "on , lave r.slveFti.n........ Arrive I'eannt'int .3 30 p. .7 20 P. Gulf and Interstate Railway. j No. 2 (Son Hi lioufi'll fp-ptiK ! a No. t ini h (.'. ti'l iii part 4 i .fp' S:ti tir-la v. ; p. tn j N i. 1 t.V'ir'h li'i ift'll urtlv'S 7: i p TN ' No. .I ( N'.r'h !'i'iiid arrives 1:2t t tn , BesuTC-t tiur La-e and Wir.'' i Nm 1 I W t !' -iii'lt pan 4 p:trf, 1.11 Ji ( K: t (I7a t !'lf d I W tell i. t r. i : r ri fi. N'i I. tn. iv I fi'-r-t'iti". For Sa'e t'l Ir n 1 f t V 71 r ial : . v: " :i ? . :, r IX at a Bsr-gairt. I' Z Wll'M. t.. -i-" to c It.f T- 'i'-n tti r"i This Space Belongs to S. LEDERER His Store Will lie Closed Today OOODTIUNdSTO l:ATM:XT DAY. , . MI 1 t v w i. j-mi: J If!- s rij" Vt &oum a Copyriflit, liurr Mcintosh Art Studies. Each New Subscriber Can Get an Art Picture With The First Month's Subec-i '.Ion. Diana Brick & Tile Co., NaKers of Common BRICK The Best BricR in the World Address: LOiLli. TEXAS TRI ROUND TRIPS MAX I, E PCRCHASEO te $L Leal U Colorado Si ASK YOUR AGENT FOR THEM ONE WAY VIA, r:V THF nFMiFD DrtAtV . . .w wilful llWMl 1 OOUBll DAILY SOLID TRAINS Tbg arrangement appllet from IS mna include 'top,v,r' privilege, that you may enjoy jruurwviti t nmuon anj west oeuire or after Milling WORLQ'S FAIR 1 1. ICuIit, FUEL OIL, His Sins Oil & Fuel Co. Beaumont, Texas. IVexJuLera and .shippers of CtVU.l2 flnd llcs-mont. 5tornyi Tank IVeaumont, Sabine, rrzn City J Smr Lak. UnetOf'iU". fa'ii t ' s i-r u.iiW'.i c pmrnjit sl.ipmcnt by rail or travr. We '.:sn "' A t'-rz n tin: flc!f fur new lout 'ii illf-rt" D 'H L'i'i'-a " ' -"'rrti tn.rnf i'liftvl. Ineghes iron works! Z J1CCRPORATtD- J fxKKi:ori:n:AMi saijim; ktiiket.. 2 Heis-y Cttint. f wftintr ! Structural Work. 5aw Hill Werk af.rli,!r- Well M atV try Bailt iJ VrpalretJ. l')IM 'MIONCS (!?. Jt k'fi.'V vwr JT :l i ,u , "l A Jmuttj alia lHmMii2 o - AKGLE end lo Colorado via fuLtraU. PAUCSICPS ACAftCAKS all poind In the SoHthnvst In "COOL COLORADO" the... UX'i PUT WOl.fcU.l from Sour Lak v h 1 71 S b r c S (IS 3 y Iff f -!' J -itr. ", .... ti t. a -' f 'u. Ii II . ( r.iiifij ,t L'J-- f f..a-. a-- J !.. Ii-. :,p.1 .' fi. t).- . :-. 4 "ii Mi-r i'fi it. a'l r t arr a. HL t.. i- i:iimc - In yr r " i ' I'.'.f C V 1 en I- !"