Newspaper Page Text
Special Exhibition Ready-to-Wear Department TO-DAY $10,000 WORTH Ladies' Suits, Jackets, SKirts, Furs, Etc. Ready for Your Inspection To-day at TEXAS "FRATS" TO HAVE BANQUET CALL ISSUED FOR DINNER AND MEETING OF STATE PAN HELLENIC SOCIETY. I 00004000000OK00000000000000 THE First National Bank of Beaumont Capital 8tock S200.000 Surplus Fund 100,000 Undivided Profits $71,000 W 3. D.iviflr.on, President L. M. Hebert, Second Asst. Cashier. W. P. H. MccF.iddin, Vice-President A Wiess, Director. r.-,n. AlUr. Cannier, 'no. N. Gilbert, Director. W. C. Davidson, Asst. Cashier. eon R. Levy, Director. 4 E. C. Ogden, Director. C. Ward, Director. 000000000040000000000Q00000 8 o J o o o .I POISON A noted doctor says that wrong eyeglasses are worse than poison. Correctly fitted eye glasses are eye helps Your eyes will be examined Free of charge by A 1(1 II UK L. FINN, at the IJ1XK JI.WI.LRY COMPANY LEADING OPTICIAN! TWELVE CAVE THEMSELVES DP WCKE IMPLICATED IN THE KILL OP DEPUTY SHERIr,r AT BAXTER, TLORIOA. iSUICOMEOf DUNCAN All MAN ILl'D M -n Were Taken In J;vl Under Gpard of Militia Shr-riff and Deoutirr. Have the Situation Wll in Hard. sii,n. II is evident Hint tin; ro.volu llonisls an' plniiniio; In make nil rally allucl, upon I in; caiiil'il, ur m statu- 1111' OV'TllliU'lll Mini nil ill 1 .-..! jii . ACCIDENT TO AUTOMOBILE. Tried to Break the World's Record and Broke a Fence Instead. Louisville. Is)'.. Scpl. TIM' Ilt lempl nl' Louis P. Do.Tlieifor, a weal Illy resilient nl' Louisville, I" bleak 1 lil. u-miM's "I liotir 'iiiloinnhllo record of Mi 1 7 iiiili-s, was Irus.Taiod by sui accident, which wrecked tin- machine ami resulted 111 Ibi' injury of bis as sistant. I'Vatil; Kalse, :iu expert unto- mohillisl lllindcd by lb, ilusl, Kalse steered v iii.. ill mi.' nl I In' turns nl lb'" Hark an, I Wont llll'iillV.b 1 Wll I'etlivs ill .'!:.rill I'docI; 1 bis iiiiiniiii'-l. Lalse will re cover unless c nil 1 11 ica inns kiiouiu arise. Nn hnni's are broken. l ih" limi' of the ni'clil.'lit Mr. I Ion heifer bail none miles ill h'H boars ami lil'ty minutes. LITTLE SPECULATION. I!alcr. Kin.. Sept. 17 - Twelve "f tli.' iiii'ii nlle;;''d I" I : - I"'''" i'iiP'i- : I in ib' l.illiiiK ..r l'' V Kherili I n;. ... . . Prices of Stocks Maintained Owing Turin hero 'Il.ursdny niulil. came In Cheannesg of Money. 11, u n I, ula" ami snrr.'i iv.l to Sln-r- ( , (in , Srl) S-A fl,,nl th(, ill llirniluii. 'I'll''" liiivc been taken , , ... .,,..,, to .lacksoiiv ill,, in a r.pi'cinl train un- American mai lt.'! !n which bilsim was aelivc. Mock exchange operators iii. r ...,i,nl i,r lb" inliilia. Those sur- , last week wi'ii' .'tiwwd with lb"' s't ivml, , hit- in addition to tin- cic.kl j"cineiii an,l showed liltli disposition . . I :o speculate, allliiiimli prices wi ll' ...,, air.Mi',1 v.'sl.Tday were. h.e-. rU H,n ,,1(., mvill(. , .Vttnnii an, I Hillary Alumni, w hi a r" 1 jnlll., cheapness of money. 1 1, . ,! wiin .ll.. intil'i'i '' lack on 1 nioni; n t'orcinn slocks, I hi- feat- liitiiiTn ;t ii I llio nt-cru .Inn Itili'V online of Ihe week was tin' llriinns in ll... 1 1. hi, S'.iiii'.n- ni" ii ; .!- I Si mill A met ica. dm1 to lb" deailt nl i ! v im ..linl W. V liiiiic.iii in I ill,. Africin revolutionary l.'ailer ami fi.,,,1 ,, it,,. Mo iollice I e Moinlav i tb,. 1I1 incssion in .lapam-.e securities , : iu .,11,1 I ew Ihirvi- ami lv v,min:, 10 ibe tears ol' a pinl.iimat ion i; , liat' i',1 wilii iH'iim m"M , ,,1 1 be war in the Kar Kasl .lapauese .. ; .1 moll with Ail III ,'l ! seem II i.'S. bowevcr. Were ill a heller '..,;,ui. leorniim: Aat'ti liowliti-: ciuulii imi lit ibe close of the weeU. e 1 1 iihir. Cin .Inliiis .-1 1 1 1 1 t'.iab'Vj.x lairer Inisiness was liansacteil in 1111 I natl in:ll 101 a ion; nine ii.its! "II (lie li. liet llilll lliotli v ttill lelii llll :i I m 1 in 1 11 11 ' . both in New York i.hl I. .11. lei The stuns ol a ici.nei "t tl.ele III ibe I llileil Slates ami III" I.I 0taM0 leporls that ale beinu pub li I,, , liv V 1111 nean an, I I '.ma, ban 1 .1 : 1 1 "a 1 s . 1 .pei i. illy b tlie (ii.iinl Ti mil,, -li.le.l in this impiovi hipiiI. .I.i, ! I.ii 1 1. 1' ! '' 1 ,,: 1 ' i 1 Wi'- ':ii :!!. a,,.i I l'i I"' iV ' . j ,.',,; -mi .b e !t 111. in had ,, , ;i .,l"ll ' . ''in ' V e- '. I .ill , , .., . j., I,. i.iei-., " Hi'il.11 v ; I 1 I I . 11111,1 in lb" lli'b' . ' . ' , 1 ik a " ' 1 1 1 ' 1 " ,1' ,'!.. 1 .1 i. 1 i .1 1:1 1 ! V. M.l.e'eli.l Pl'l.. FALL RIVER STRIKt. Matters No Nr.irer Srttirment Than at lt Outi. ii-. I'.iM li mi. M.i.--'. .i I" l'1 The ,. 1 ,;! I.111 ,. lei mine.! . "ill. -I be 1 v . u 1. 1p1i.1l an. I lab"f 1 " ii L'.'ii ,. I1.;, ill 1 1. 1,1 e. 1. s ; 1 a ,,,., I , ii' . , ., 11, ., 1 . 1 a . ti i. t,i' 1. ' 1 ., 1 .,t -I' I'. I 'b 11. 1 I... 1 ;. . a'e lit in ib' id ii u 1 -.n 11, -- IV 'V . . 1,1 i t,. ,11 m a. t ! ." t.,it. ; , .. . ., I, ' I I ... .l.t,l- .1 ' " .. .11 Im ci ;i'. ' .1 t ,, - ... 11, - . ' ! i.ll'. Pet Cad-. .,,,'.., 1 1. .. '.. i. I . . .... I rii m: " tvM , I N . X 1 1 " -' ; I'. , 1 . ' ' ... Si' - . . . 1 .- . Viin COLLEGE HAN A MEMBER Secret Societies Represented In Texas Will Meet at Fort Worth September 30 Call Issued. Tin' "KmiIh" of Ti'xii'i nn' to Ins v. nniitber Miami bamiui I. It bus been sevi'iHl yenr.H hIiiic Hm liioiherliooil of iille;i' men elbowed I'licll oilier lit Ibe feslal liiHinl. 'Illiri' lilive lieell lo'iil fpnailH hy Hie 'idlci;i' men of many eMIes reini'inhi-rcil as hcIiiHI luiiiiK mid IrrlileKieiil wild wll. wis ibim ami 1 luipieliee. Now ll Is pro posed to assemble the I'tin leenicn oi' the slalc. A cull bus lii'i'ii Issued rall'ni! Hie duns to assemble on Ibe Inst iiIkM ol 1 his month nl Kurt Worili. 'I'lie fullowiiiK fxpri'sslvi' clrciilnr li-IU 1 In- wlioli' Kiory. tersely I well: To I he CnUi'Ko Frulernlly Men of Texas: 'I'hiH itssm'lalion was oinan- i.ed In In:iV, and forKi it 1 1 'II Don't Forget HIGH (IASS REFINED VAllEVIllE Magnolia ParK Tuesday Thursday Saturday Nights THIS WEEK For particulars see small bills and later announcements. THOUGHT HE HAD last held vnii can 1101 have annual hiimpiet In Dallas ill the STRANGE STORY O A KANSAS PREACHER WHO IMAGINED HIMSELF WEALTHY. BEC1ME GENEROUS IN ADVANCE English Fortune of Twenty Million D liars Turned Out to Exist Only !n thn M'n, of the De luded Man. I hi nnd reunion fall of 1N!:i. It was then oxnecleil lhn these iuonl.1 be held every year. The hist hiiliipii't W'ti.-. hnwcver. so Hull lie was one of nine iielrs to an enjoyable Unit it has taken ns eleven eslnle valued nl $I.Xii,ihmUmhi, dieil nl years n recover fi'om ilitit "Keasl 'ilIs mlll(, ( xinia last nihl. Mr. reason mil low wn" s Salinn, Kan. Sepl. IS. The Itcv. T. 1 II. .lames, who for a Ioiik time asserted .. . , .. ., ,..!... ...I..... ,al (,'HVe e.'lCII l HIT till' Hl'ti vine,, nr. j b it 'he I'eslnl board of the "Orion till" Hint nlh! nKain enter tln arena of life. where Ibe Itncolll ll . .lames all fact eil Keneral ulleiilion hy iisscrliiiK Hint he was heir to vast suites in KiiKland. his sham of which would amount to $i;ii,iiiiii.imiii. Pii.- .. , 1 ...oi, in, Haibai iiin 'inrcn 10 c....,. wlu .-i,,,,,, ,mr yetirs ami, 11111I lie iai . 1 1.. ...K.l llllllll 1 lift III'-! itriiiiii'if'ii l'i .iii'-t-i Htl ' llledinlely lieKitn lo make heipiesls to Wf 1 1.... r. ,..,nl,l not foresee Hint 'be f Ireco Tttrktsh war nnd pmt'K- several coIIckcs mid oilier raibic insil- nK house strike- wo"ld follow, liiinms. Tho-o are now ended, mid the IkhIr .Mr. .lames endowed l'i" Weslevan of Tex " (1 ''"Us aro it" -ore called university nl Ibis place with $ l.imn.lMW), to asen.ble. "' wih lo he The reunion mid lianenct will h" , In; ald K bebl ill Korl Worth from Mepieuniei . nn j a t'liii nl ') o'clock i). m. 1111HI ml iourned bv ro'iiimm consent or 111 iihiliiv to furllier proceed, early on October 1. Hie same year. You ive exnncted lo attend nnd brill.- with von all Hm c.ilb'u'e fru ertiiiv men or your vicinilv. whether ii- beionir to -our "Knit." or not. I. Fvrv a member of IT The bv lawfl of Hie association ai" follows: rollei:" frnlernllv man m Hie nsaicialion, wlietn- pe knows II o" "'' 2. Tbn annual dues n'" Hie nriee of a 'ilate nf Hie bamntel, wii'cb is nli'-tivs limbed lo Ti.nn. Come nnd live atrnln the 1 hal""ii d.ivs; llm-e 'it Iroiibles? Tbev can mil come lo Hits naniiiiei . no .ion -cointi"iilofs ;i 11 il cer.liliTS bllfiiss voa'.' Tl-ev are "bnrbaiiaiis," and lit" no' invited Von can not iil'l'ord ti? miss Ibis. Y.nt will see nl Ibis reunion that fl low wiiose name you "hive been Irv : r,,i' vein'., to recollecl." or Ibe bro.ber you "dbln't know was even 1 In Texas." If von decide In accept this invita tion till out I'u mail. I'pon ranuemeiits a 11, 1 von will be further informed the details. 1'ialertiallv. Clarence Otislev, President, .lobn I Terrell, Secretary. Please nolil'v your local paper Cotnmitt in ai'ianicemein s mid in- vilaliin: Clarence Ouslev (Pl'l Pel la Thelat. Heorue T. West I Kappa Alpha 1. A I . Matlock (Delta Kanni Kiialonl lobn I Terrell (Kntma denial, lo'n M Scot' (Pbl tiahl over as so. ill a "lOnu' and and ret urn Ills first drnl'i was l,, Cliililllln ii'lili Hie ni'ovisio tlnit the ctdlcRp should raise $a. This w:i.-. tloiie, imi the !lev. Mr. James did not iiinke Kood. lie fin id thai lie was so in' lo make Ibe Halina Wesleya.i imi ersily the Krenlesl edticalional insli in I ic world. This ('rented ureal excitement here, and fur si lew weeks real eslate boomed anil lols near Hie o Ickoi sold at fabulous prices. Al'i' r .vailing several months Mr. .1 "lies ce'ieltiui d lo no lo KiiKlnnd and t illect Ins fiirliine, out of which In, said Hie oilier heirs were nltcinpt iin-; !o defni-'il hiTn. AI Ihal lime he was n minislir oi Hie Mclhodisl con I'erencc an' 'astor ol I be church at tTal icy. at n salary of $.'riii a year. T ir'oiiKh Hli' iniliieiice of friends of the colleue which Mr. .lames had so nititl iiceiil Iv ( nbiweil. and a local baiiklliK house, both of which believed in him nnd his millions, he was fur "sheil the money to go lo KiiKlaml .".rier sailitiir lie was lost sinlit of for scM'fiil liiouliis, a. id as mystery lieKim lo surround I lie case, bis friends be lieved l:e had met with foul play. He seilileniv apeare,! in Mci'hersoii. of ll...... 1... un!,) lleil u'liile on liiu w: inclosed cnr.l ami.. i.'lu,.,M,i 1,., ,11(.t Kniscipal dcr reeeip lof Ibe postal, ar- KVnmn w, was .) i,onrd Ibe sliip, am' will have been mane 1 . . , , reiiiemberi'd unli' he arrived in London. He remeni liereii liavitiL; nii'i in l.ondon Ills br.iih er. w''o iin'orined him llial his uticb' from whom he was lo have inberilei' TTie furl line, liail died two nrmlhs pre vioiisly, and it was Ihen disc'ivereil that he had married 11 widow wiih sev eial children in AuslrnUil. and that he had made a new wil beniienlbitej' ri leilli iiis lo his second wife's iliiblren storv of the minister was re Iheliil. S " Calilev (Pbl lielln I "' I si rii'iue. and be I ebeved. or seemel i" 1 1 Ven , 1 001 llvantia .-.iKiiiii 1. " 1 He eve. 11 so 1 ill 11 11-11 1 v. uro 1 .-mih in '"'' h'he II. Paibloe". Illeta Tbela iiiwlev 1 ( 'bl Psll. VV. Slum." V'pba riisilun 1. ',111, I Pel " 'I'll"' I I'il. v, p 1 p,i 11.. 11 a Tbeial. I'-.i-nri Cbil. pii. ii-b 11 n A. H:ill!-'T C. I! lleck Pen M Tef It P. Webb Vi'l CATHOLir CONCESS. ?t Morrlia en .. 1.! I .111. 1 1 ,1 II It . I 'II V. Si ol e ..: M 1 1, i, it b.'P "I at. IS Tie ('atlioiic i,o will assemble in ,,i, li l if. ( -toller 4 ,. Sei alino. w ho Is a' Spoh'tio. Italy, ami , l.e made a cardinal. , ,,1, 1 Ibe I. 'tis el , .1 a . . ic' Iv of in.'lales. am! mi niaPi fs "t intei'i s' I, i M. v.. .. i'i b- .h- 1 11 1 1 .11 ...n 111 e 111.1 1. nit of Ibis p'ace se it .lwli"o Osborn lo l-'tiulaiiil lo Invest iaate. .Iudi;e Osborn found 110 foumlat ion for the rtorv. but Mill il bis death lately. 1 ,10 Ifev. Mr .lames believed Ihal lie had bei " swindled oet "f millions wil'' which h b.i.t intended In build schools and co' li i;es. Aliienu Ibe in-t it lit inns which l'i t;,.v. Mr. .tn'i'es etid'iweil was 11. ibatf la sietal of Kaieas Cilv. Ka't-as. IP cflei. d In c'e ill- In" pi lal 1 '.""" :ill, upon the stien:;lh of Ibe bi ipiesl be bits wn,' l,,ii'' l. Mr .lames- wa ' ai.inl .'.ii i's old. ami w is hel.l il lib l,i"l,evl I til V...1! f w I, icb be eso ,111 by the preacher.. V -t Methll'lv.t I o'lfeli m e wa 1 tor y.-ars a nn tuber. 'I 1 th .. .1 Mo an I ill I" Hi. del. --.I'es. . a - v iM p' ",l ll'' ' : II 1 1 II"' - 1 'f ' be 1 loireb I.. .1 Sl'al'kli' C. ll. !. 1 'A ,. I ... "lie f p'lb'ic ' f Ae I t .'t I ' S' I ."Ills , t : 1. 1 ' I ti ne an a'"l Pi - I. I,' I I. I'T I ! p it , ;, ... tl. ,,t, -I ! l' '' " i -i.,'i Mr Shu!,!''" , ' .' ' be TCI TTi'e r ! EIGHT HOUR HAY. Printer Will Tal Rcf'enHum Vot-t-o Octcrmine if it Shall ?-e An. -ibed. Iinliali.'p.'ii-.. S"t. In In :ir, et 1 ii Mie r. sobii s a.j.i'.'eil .1' am Hi. rec 11' 'II. tin. ma' lei'.i hi' i,r;:i'r ll., 1, L'ill lie nn Till" ' . -t...r ,a'l tle-l.:. n c Ml Ijlll'S in," e'll '.II .1 ! T P"'-rai'iiie::l t'n -I th 41 '!! witliin a a red n tldi'Ilt n'" - bir'i il! ib li"- TI..' ' " V "' ' ' ,. p j If to Hi, i i'ii r"-rfi i pro i.l. ,1 -. nw n-'is. !-- " '' ":' '- ' ' "r J ,. s j,, l j., 1 .1 .1 ift.-'M 1. 1 a ' '' - '' c , T,e,f..l l,r ...... r.-. e ' V '1 b- ........ i '! I.'' ' , , . 1 , ,-. 1 ....... . .. ,i,:. i:i. t" ' T " - '' -' '" ;' ! T" " I.- r.""- I "H ' , 'I V-"" ., ,..,.. ' . e '-.'.- i' : - t... ,.' .... -.a- ... .... ' 1: ' ' ' ' ' ' ; G-"- Scur Lake. ' ' "' ' Ti , ( . - .. 1 ' I--" ' ' . - 1 . '. . . w '. .t' ' T! :.'- . Whelm Yoiui As a rule you advertise to reach the people; not some of the people or some particular class of the people, but all of the people; not only some of the time, but all the tims. TO 10 THAIS it is necessary to use a medium for your ADVERTISING that reaches all of the people all of the time; not only in the city but in all the sur rounding country. The following letter out of hundreds in this office we quote to show that we fully cover the field: : : : Lcesville, La., Sept. 12, 1904 The Beaumont Enterprise, fteaumont, Texas. Gentlemen: You will please discontinue our two ad upon receipt of tHis letter. We are highly pleased with the results and ask that you send us a bill so thA.t we may remit. Yours Truly, Vernon Iron Works, Wm. Jackson. The Enterprise Wishes to Distinctly Assert it Has No FiEE LUST But it has more subscribers in South East Texas and Louisiana than any paper in the state of Texas can boast of. If you are an advertiser and wish to reach the people of this section phone the advertising man and if he does not con vince you, don't advertise. Eoth Phones 93 atsmith Ssffsrtri ( . .. .... r. - N. - - im'.wn ' ...-... 'I - 1-- , m .-d aibliua 1 A- ,.z 1 ii- . ---ww - V . .