Newspaper Page Text
- THE BEAUMONT ENTERPRI VOL. Vll. BEAUMONT, TEXAS, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1904. t .If NO. 11 SE HOT AFT THE CARTRIDGELESS SOLDIER ALABAMA MILI1ARY COURT LOOKING INTO THE MATTER OF THE LYNCHING OF NEGRO HORACE MAPLES RUMORED PRESENCE OF SECRET SERVICE MEN 1IIR0WS THE GRAND SCARE INTO LYNCHERS Unwinding Thread of the Story of a Negro's Crime, a Mob, a Burned ail, a Lynching and a Frail Sol diery With Empty Guns and With Knees That Vibrated. HmitKvMIe, Ala.. Sept. 19. The mili tary ('(iiirl of inquiry appointed by Acting Governor Cunningham lo In csiigalo the conduct of llio mililary on guard nt the Juil when Horace .Ma ples was lyiu'hl, lias arrived mill bo run t') take evidence. Col. T. S. Kra i.rr, of I'liiou Springs. Ala.. Capttiln V. i. Vwlcn or Unloniown ami Cap tain R. I). Smith of Ilirmlnghnm compose t ho court. t'apla:n Kohert L. Hay of company "I'"," Lieutenant Tlionias I. Hay ami Second Sergeant Jos. lirock were tin? Hist witnesses examined when Hip investigation began today. According to l he testimony if Captain Hay ho was t' receive his orders from Sheriff Kodgers. Captain Hay testilicd thai Pis pickets were posted on Hie stair way and that the sheriff had ran-.-".ned the soldiers not to allow anv (.ne lo come up tho stairway and not to shoot until ho ordered. After tho moh had broken in the back door, ami darted tho fire, the men bogged either to he allowed to shoot or to remove the prisoner. I.ietil. Hay Testified Hint ho wont to the assistance of a sentry and was rut. olT bv tho rush of the moh and could not i?et hack to the jail. Grrnd Jury Reports. Hiuitsville, Sept. 39. The special grand jury made Its report tonight ii commending the Impeachment of Sheriff August Itodgers, Mayor Thorn as V. Smith and Chief of Police. Da vid Overton, and recommended that Hie police force of Hie city of liiinls villo bo reorganized. Tile grand jury finds that Sheriff Rodger.-) was guilty of neglect of duty or incompetency in Hint 'he did not prevent tnc lynch ing, failed to lake proper precautions lor the defense of the prisoner; al lowed a mob to remain several hours in the vicinity of the jail and took no sieps lo disperse the same, permitted the lives of prisoners under lihis care lo lie jeopardized by fire and smoke, wilfully failed or refused to fire up on the moh or order the same to lie done when the mob was heseiging the Jail, assaulting the garrison by throw-ii-g rocks and other missies and fail ing to order or ctnnmund the mob to disperse. Twenty-five Indictments. The jury flails that Mayor Smith was guilty' of neglect of duty because In iillnwed an unlawful assemblage of people to throng the streets of the c-Wy for hours and failed to use proper moans to disperse them, failed to adopt any measures in preserve the peace of the city, notwithstanding overt ads were being committed; failed or refused to send police pro jection with the lire department. ' The jury relurnedd seven additional Te'dietmclits, making L'lJ in all. and was discharged by Judge Speako, who commeniledd them for the faithful discharge of their duties. He said I heir ac I inn would go far to remov ing the shame brought upon the com munity by tho mob. Secret Service Men on Deck. nirmingham. Sept. 19. A special to Hie News from Hunlsvillc, Ala., says: An apparently well founded report is in circulation there to the effect that six secret service men In the employ of tlie federal uovornmoiil have boon direct ed to make extrusive investiga tion of the lynching of Horace Ma pus and the attack on the jail in which federal prisoners are routined and report that same to the federal grand jury which meet next month. Thin r-Mrt lias inspired more genu ine terror than anything that has been lone l.y the gra;id jury of the state court. Rum-r la Denied Washington. Sept. If f'hief Wil tv of the ferret wtvice itatid to tin re are no -rH ervire men inti-siicatine tl" recent hmhine af t.iir at lliiuntMille as rnnMtred thf' Militia W II Remain. I!'' tn Helium. S-t't. 1. A''i-i.e 'lov. Ii M. I'utiti nc'iirn who M ' Smii lav i ).iin' nt Kn-' v. mur Im r . J'mt !'tiM t' Mi'ti'L-.-ii!' TV t'ular i t i'u- l rfiii i Im'n tr,,,t .nt,1 V ;ii ' M 'iiii.'. i; a m h. t-;i 'h'Tf ti' tb'm !.- I ' ! T e T"T,t t' not i n .ii: - '' f '- , , , ,. -,.,.- , I, I ''' f-rr I,. . , , .I . . I i, r('i ' ;t t ) ;,: U ' I II ,-H'l, " c't" -I i-ii't-i- 'i ii'il.'"- u..;iiw. t! fc! tij'j'"- 'V4- 1 ria of la !- -' "The troops wore sent to Hunts v'llo at the rcipicst of Judge Speako Mid they will remain there as long as he wants them." DRUNKEN MATRICIDES. West Virginia Whsiky Resoonsible or the Shooting of a Woman, rirlstol. V. Va.. Sept. 1!). Mrs. Minerva Greer ,a widow, .'( years of ago, lias been shot lo death by one of her som nt her home near Foil Blackmail, Scott county, Vlrglnln. Of her two sons, Robert and drover. It is not known which fired the shot which ended tho woman's life, ns each de clares the other guilty of the murder. II Is said tho hoys wore drinking In a room adjoining that ocuplod by their molior, and firing their pisols, wien she entered and asked theni to stop. One turned a pistol on U mother and sent a hall Into her heart, caus ing deuth instantly. An inve-dlgnlion Is being held. Shot H!a brother. Chariot to, N. C, Sept. 1!). Edward Spenglo, aged 1!!, shot and instantly killed his brother Hugh, aged Hi. in Hurke. The lads quarreled over th question of going to church. SHOT IN FAMILY FEUD. Victim D!ed after Having 26 Inches of Intestines Removed. Natchez, Miss., Sept. 1 9. J. 7.. Stampley. the farmer who was shot l: his cousins Tluiil and Hugh Stamp ley, in a family feud Saturday at Ham burg. Kriinklin county, and brought lo Natchez hospital, died (his morning. Two of the bullets fired at him per forated the Intestines twenty times, necessitating tho removal of twenty- six inches of his Intestines. Thad ami Hush Stampley claim (heir cousin opened the old fend and that !. 55. Siampley fired llihree times at Hugh and the latter returned tho fire In self defense. The dead man wns 23 years of age and single. Hugh is in bin twentieth year. True Dream of Suicide. Richmond. Va., Sept .19. John Tn gram Alvis, son of n prominent furni ture dealer of Manchester ."''ot and killed himself today in hi homo, ltnroding over 111 health Is Ktinposcrt to have driven Alvis to end his life. He was 19 years old. A curious fact connected with the tragedy is that last night his aunt had bad a dream or premoniion, which was fulfilled in almost every detail. TWO CHILDREN DROWNEO. Swollen Stream In Arkansas Washes Them from a Wagon. Utile Rock. Sept. 19. A special to the dazolte from Atkins. Ark., says: Two little daughters of .1. H. Vest, of this place, were drowned yesterday afternoon six miles north of At kins It. Isbal creek, which was swollen by I oavy ra'ns. Mr. Vest drove his wag on in which he was riding with the two 'lltlo girls Into the creek, not re alizing the danger caused by the swollen condition of the stream. The ftagou and team were washed down the stream for some distance. The children were washed from the wafTi.i Plili drowned. Mr. Vest esciiioil and the mnlea re taken from tho water after thev bad bii-n washed over the water gap tx low. Religious Riot. Paris. Sept. lit The enu1sin of a female relicioii order at Ilmbaix to day can 'd violent demonstration", dnntiz which mimlwT or ieriri were In lured. The 'wiliro finally re stored order. SOLE SURVIVOR S STORY. The irk "Luci" Sunk -fT Po-t Ar thur Rut l"to a Mie. N'.-KSe-iH. ff-tn. 1". V m Th" ,. .nrv:iir "t tt-.e i.ri'i-'i l tl ' l. nh'ib n n: '-If V'tn Anl"ir troni 'rl'..iPff "lit"'-. frr'- l.i r-. H" rel"-d iha' th" 1."'ia r v fr""i Stn---i " N rni.iij ,ii )" r:-if t'm'r1 1 i f: t'ir 'i ii' t S V - 'li r'nT'tif a'"i'-T 1" F'"- ' nf ;tir ! 'i.I'--'t f" "t ;.f ti'j T I' t .ff '!- ti-t hi I- t in - v '""I i.r,.; i-Mit i;..i:," t '"nn a:--:t i' f, t '.'i.-'-'t ! K"' :i t r" 1 " " ' "t f'jn ''" :ii'.uii. in' I"" A"' THREE PULLMANS LEFT THE TRACK ACCIDENT AT JUNCTION CITY, KANSAS, IN WHICH MANY WERE INJURED. CAUSED 8Y RAILS SPREADING One Car Went Over a Fifteen-foot Embankment and Rolled Over Three Timet Many in the Car. Junction City, Knn., Sept 19. Th I'll 1 1 man section of the east-bound Atlantic Express on the Union I'nciUc was wrecked six miles west of hoi Mhorlly after 1 o'clock this afternoon by ralU spreading. The train was traveling about tort y miles an Tumi Three Pullman cars lH'i she track an one at the rear end of the train rolled down a fifteen-foot pinbcnkment, turning over three times. 'Phe'c wore thirty-two persons In this car, Six of them were seriously injured, and tho rest received slight but pain ful injuries. The seriously Injur! d are? h'roil S Coburn. Woonsnckol. Rhode Island: overcome by ns and legs hrnlspit. A. Johnson, Providence, Rhode Island: cut about neck and head: nmv prove fatal. (leorgo Englo, colored porter; badly crushed about chest. Mrs. H V. M. Rice, Providence, nim.u Tulmiil' hln bruised, serious. Tho In lured were Drought, to this it nmt will bo cnted for hero. The last two cars of the train wore ocupled by the SI. Johns command' ary No. 1,' and Knights Templar No i imii f,r Providence. Rhode Island Tim members were returning from the San Francisco conclave. TAMMANY AT ROSEMOUNT. .!... I Im a Dfll.1! I New YcrK I lyers uivb ouuao Typical Demonstration. I Rnsemount. Sent. 19. Judge Parker 'was the object of a typical Tammany .ismnngirciinn today when a train load of delegates stopped at Esopus do- t oni-niiu tn Hie convention at. par .F. ........V- ---v. ... , atoga. nnd Judge Parker held an in formal reception. section reached Esopus a little later and the occupants of 'his train repeated the program set uy their predecessors. The Westchester county delegation occupying a spocinl train, came fifteen minutes later. The delegates nun Hi.-.ii- train cldo irnkeil and formed a nrocesslon nn marched to Rosemount where Judge Parker receive them on llin verandn of his house. .Iitdgd Parker decided not to go to New York tomorrow. If he visits Hint eilv this week he will not leave before Thursay as most of his ad visers will be in Saratoga. Flying Cloud Dead. Scituate, Mass.. Sept. 19. Flyln Cloud. Thomas W. Lamson's famous show horse, is dead. The end came suddenly, and the veterinary physi- cian-t are unnblo to state the cause, The stallion, for '.vlitoh Mr. Lamson paid 12."lll before tho t'orse was trained, had a record of never being beaten at a horse : how. IN BLACK AND WHITE. Illinois Crap Game E-ds In Gun Ac. tion Between the Colors. Ooirx ill nni I'.i A necro em ployed bv X. II. ThistlewiKid of this r'tv at O'Hriens T.anditig. lour nines I .,!... horn hau rrinie lITP alld Te- -orted that In a quarrel over a crap game, a general snooting ocrunen l ween wliiles and negroes. I-ate retiortR from ()Hricn-s Uind ing. Mo., are thai everything is qui- ri Tlirt ri(.frrrwH Imvo all fled and those lii the surrounding country re fitting out as fast as iKissible. The man shot was Foreman Robert Casev. and be is not seriouslv hurt. No further trouble Is exiM-rten. New York Republicans. New York. Sept. 1 T. The Rcpub liran !tate b adqnart rs a' 'h- Fifth Avenue bote Itook rm an lr of tni ni-u tinliiT. Coventor f''' ;l ','n'r man of the state nmmittw. unired tudav. 'onf r nc-s w-n- beiu. ati'i n.'iliv mUf-r were reee-ved. WOMAN FOUNO DEAD. Mytteriouf Case of Aore1 House Vurder i rtentudfy. ty'il'iill" Kv.. S .. IS - Vr Fan jrr punrr tmTitT vr v' to"Tn1 t-rt in hT iinm t,i i 1w I jin an1 lrti-i .ir' to-lnv H it j ,1, t)f b" i.-ir ti p c,'- tTI , ft" i tAi t-i1 l.v win 'm- Vi !i...1. t-mif.t w rr-lr trt ' ,0 Y i.'ei.'j'y T- vnii,t wi'int:' .itTvu-t rm r'im -r ti ' !, niftrfvii ili'm-d t''- f a j fi ! r'li' en iti'i.-'-. n T'MT ! il 1-., A imi r'.tll l T " 'i)-' '1 11., l.,1,. Cl,,. 1 Kf l-'" te t'ltjul. N' rr'" bi- WAR BULLETIN. Except for lnisrtnnt recon. nolsaueea by tienenils nentien kampf nud Sanisanoff. there ap pear to ha been but little In terruption of the quiet that bus ensued Mil e I he hard fighting around Mao Yung more than a fortnight ago. The Indication of mortality anion it tho Russian of ficer shown by the report from St. Petersburg that about on seventh of the officers of the guard stationed hi the capital are to ho drafted for aervice with regiments at the scene of the war. Thee Japanese are re ported to ho aildvanclng slowly upon tho posit Inns held by the Russians in a line extending uliout 27 miles. There huve been no developments at Port Arthur beyond a reported futile aortlo by tho gurrlsoii against n height which recently fell into the hands of tho Japanese. CAVALRY QUELL ITALIAN RIOTS TWENTY WOUNDED IN A LESSON TAUGHT A M01 IN ITALY. CROWDS Of STRIKERS PROTEST Streets In Vicinity of Meeting Were Ocupled by Soldiers, Including Artillery Corps Officers Wounded in Clash. Rome, Sept. 19., in a. m. The strike situation Is improving. Premier (Ho ld 1 1 left today for Raconnigl, Pled- eiown notary of registering the birllt of the crown prince. At. Palermo, tho strikers and poller were in collision during the day, and the former displayed a rod flag. Disturbances also occurred at (icnoa today, in which anarchists vlo lenlly participated. They burned a r.iimbcr of street cars and destroyed oilier property. The workmen it became known. shortly after noon, had tried to aban don lite strike and the etly resumed ils normal aspect. The board of workmen has pub 'shed a manifesTb saying it lias plan ned a parade of nil I he Roman prote 'ariiit for its victorious demonstra tion. Protect Against Troops. A meeting of strikers was held to night, to protest agalnt the Inter ventoin of troops. Fully 10,0(10 per achists taking prominent parts nl the proceedings. The chief speaker was Kerr!, the socialist deputy, who de livered a violent address. The streets In the vicinity of the meeting were ocupled by soldiers, including detachments of artillery. An at tempt was made bv the demonstrator to invade the center of tho town, bur the crowds wore dispersed by cavalry charges In which about twenty clvii inns were wounded. Conflicts In which a number of offi cers received lnturies nt the hands of the mob occurred !n Turin and Hologna. The railway service Is Interrupted. The strike has extended to Paler mo and leghorn. Old Soldir Was Knifed. Newport, News. Va., Sept. 1!t. Fol lowing a difficulty over the captainV refusal to Issue a Pass giving him leave to absent himself from th ground-. Frederick .1. Kingley. f vear old. an inmate or the Nations' Soldiers' Home, at Hamilton, fatallv stabbed Captain Augustus C. Paul, aged Ifi yearn. he commander of his company. In the latter otTlce tonight In Han1 of Rc-civer. Chicago. Sept. 19. The Western Supply company. 1S West Randolpl-wini-l, one of the largest farm Imple ment jobbing firms In the mldd." ift. mas nlared In the hands 'if receiver todsv by Jililce Kohlsaal in the .Cnpcd St at- crnirt. Second rire at Halifax. Halifat. X. S-. Sept. 19. The d''K fire which stsrt' d after midnight, and under mm'riil at 5 n'r'orfc. 1rk tn tjicain rly today and"il j-veis l ar-h'rJ"! am' ntntr Inn ni nes. The nr'hou en linrtifd w-r-Iiip - lmili''.r tid lb- !' I -iw plari-d at I ,'iin Ht. WEATHER FORECAST. tv I 'm.-'it' ii. r.. a-r'. l tymKians- Ffir T'ie"r i'h .riir.r 1)H filT finitl "T Wim.niiir in Inn-Kir: ftr im ffiftit. m-'h fr'-h M,ti I 1''. f"s T-' Fair Tnf:-r trfi-r j i-'-t'it rtr M'-'lr--'l: r ti f"-ih i.'" "ti : fair tn 'i"t F-. m ili- i .: Turn- f'r iM''r r- Ii.ii---- tir-i trXtr n "Ii' Pat '.melle t'. Hli'llt il-'T DRAiTINO TO INNOCENT TRADE RUSSIA MAKES THAT CONCES SION IN CONTRABAND OF WAR. CIRCUMSTANCES Will GOVERN Russia Will Not Undertake to Inter fere With Cases of Arabia and Calchas Now In the Courts. St. Petersburg. Sept. 19. The Rus sian answer to I he American note In regard to contraband of war, as spe cifically recognized In the onsen of the llrltlsb Calcium and the Portland and Asiatic line steamer Arabia, both apturod by the Vladivostok squadron lias been delivered. It follows gen- rally the lines of the reply to Great Itrltain. On Hie broad question In volved Russia recognized Mio princi ple of the Immunity of Innocent, trade with Japanese ports but she holds to her right to slop contraband des tined for tho use of the Japanese militury or naval forces. The United Slates Is notified as was Great llrlt ain, September Hi. that instructions embodying the decision of the com mission, presided over by President De Martens, professor of internation al law at the Cniverslly of St. Peters burg have been Issued In tho form of instructions to the naval commanders and prl.e court to govern them in the future, the Instruction recognizes the dual uses and therefore only the conditionally contraband character ot articles of food stuffs, rice, etc., enu merated in section 10, article ti, of the Kusslan regulations with the excep tion of horses and other beasts of burden. But the more fact that a consignment Is intended for private liersims or firms was also pointed out to Great Rrllaln. Russia will not ac- opt as necessarily furnishing exomp- ion from seizure should circumstance ... I, iioiii nvift'ii f niM'lllll VllCllllin.UIHTe! Mr, like the shipment, or full cargoes of food create a fair presump- ion that it Is Intended for the use m the Japanese government for supply. ing her armv or navv The ptreuni. dices' ofr"ic chJren,,?0" ... .......... ' . ......ui. uAoiu, Kovern ii. Will Not Interfere. Russia will not underiaKo at tnis dage to Inlerefere with the cases of he steamshlpH Arabia am! Calchas i , . ,, . , , , f which the courts already have taken jurisdiction and In which the Madivostok court found the facts, hut on ap.eal the admiralty court will apply it interpretation of sec- non i. which praciieaiiy amounts to an assurance that flour! etc., seized will then be released, It Is Improbable, however, tint all', , th Associated Press dispatch the article,, confiscated by the lower fnm MuU,,,.n, September Hi. court will he released Kurooatkin Reviews Troops. As far as the Associated Press can Qpn Kuropalkin sayM he reviewed learn, the cotnmlsslo:i decision as t ... r,u .ii..iui.. whtMi mllill..l In I ho Inaln.nlL.n .1... I go beyond the articles enumerated - ... ..... ...i. , ,,,,, ,,r.-n iiijl . in section in. from which It Is In- -i... i , . ....i mm ..uh , rimrimu maienai. maciimery and Ikiikts for ships and ' con n are enumeraie.l along articles which remain In the category of absolute contraband. Jans Driven Back. Indon. Sent. IS. The followinc t. Petersburg dispatch lo a n.-wsl"" Inmps In contact w in me jh, ..-, agency today says the reeon noisn rices were toward the Japanese front nd right flanks. ,he Japanese being driven back. General Mitchenko Reported Killed. lo!idini, Sept. 2U.- The Morning Post's Shanghai f-orri'xirih'ni tcle- grapliK thai there Is an nnctinflrmed rumor that General Mlsrheriko eom niander of Ihe Itussain etern Cm sack briga'le. hss ln-n killed Other f k- in disitfies frim the fir ear.) rexrt that the Japanese on Sunday last repulsed an aitai k to the faxward of Vment-ufii-lian. nm'n'Sst of Vi-ntai. Infliriing a havv l n he Hii i- it n - Aceordinc to the ItaHv TelearaphV Tl.-n Ttdn eirr-Kitii nt. f -neral Kurfiatkln l in nt ot fttpttitt . tint hln order eatmol le fil'P-d. Cung Wearinq Out. Tbe Itailv Tleri.T 1'iie ki eorretj-oiident -.-irri i.b refr'. , hth li- lainm emunii". from .m e. f n lllll l"ort A"!!"' 'lis' til" naval culm on 1,aH 1.111 Hort ar- -'fn ont frotl lie"'tiiitt hlflitllit. and ("tiwrtiHftlr t1. lT(t fr a''t' two a tid a 11' mi- e --tri1 h. Int ftiined. Tlie "rr-ii"1-r't '. M't tli- w "f itir tiol of th" rutin attii,ir tri ant'fy. At t Jteae Peerv. I''-. '." Tii- Viflittir .. j. : - -i 'Ifit t.e v '" tlifc' ,1i-'itti U ' til'-f r "tt ni rrt-- iti'r f s , t - tn" nt w "wt. A ti 'h l. .'" fr"i " . .iidr.Jl a t" '-- J.n- mi- ' au-f 1,. tm i! trit 1 it 4:'ay. FILL THE DEAD OFFICERS OF RUSSIAN CAST LOTS FOR 7 THE SLAIN AT UNLIKELY THAT FIGHT WILL OCCUR AT MUKDEN THE MAIN RUSSIAN ARMY BEING AT TIE PASS Both Parties in the Contest tle Doing Other Than Outpost Skirmishing. Strength of Japancss Veiled by Detachments in Vanguard. St. Petersburg. Sept. 20, 2:15 a. m. There Is n Btory iilhmt that a mid den call ban been Issued to offleorn of the guard regiments stationed at St. Petersburg to report for servlco at tho front. According to reporm tho order directs that eight out of u total of Sli ollleers of euch regiment should be chosen by lot, and drafted to serve with regiments now In tho Tar east. It Is stilted that the order has aroused great discontent, Whole regiments are anxious to go to the theatre of war, but the officers In tensely dislike the prospect of the or gunl.tttlons being split up. It. Is Im possible at thin time to obtain an authoritative confirmation or denial of the report. Not Likely at Mukden. St. Petersburg, Sept. 19, ti:50 p. m. While still Insisting that Gen. Kit ropatkin haH sufficient troops at Muk den to contest the Japnnese advance, the war office admits that it Is not. likely that a decisive battlo will be fought, there. Everything goes to show that the main Russian position is now at Tie Pass, Hanked by hills out on the left an by the river on the rlghL Official reports to the war office are to the effect that the Japanese did not make any further move townrd I. . , , ,,, r, , i , 1,. Mukden until Seplomb. ' reconnolsances in force .lUcl s ed that ,,,K,y wt're B"" at Y.1" al, ' ..u.a.pu .e. f h h . or n in 1 seovcred east of the latter point. T" olsa,.oe. ."TO"" iwero br 1 an v carried out by Gen- . ... .wni,u,,,,-H Icossnck brigades, with a mixed de- taehmcnt. of infantry and artillery, under flennenkuinpt's personal corn- . '"' They tpturI "age nottn i of Bentslapul.e, which was used as ........ vi. . iru nir inter. , , a few . M,WI or wounded, afur K,.rnrnK valuable Information . rc the Japanese strength and p,,H,tllin.b A couple of days ago, Gen. vniu,.h.,nir..u' .ii.ini-lim.'iil or I'ossacks I 7', iriile : , . , ,.,.,.,. cost of a few score wounded as repoit- ' ' .. . . "V" ... . . . Z, i.i,.r..,,..n corns, -' . T... ... ....... .n.,iul.... f.,.n..ri . oi wiotii in.; ..' i AUu, ro:u:hi , Lino Yang in )ni , uke .)ar, ,lie ,ttMi0 ,i,ere Th,. a,)Marlin,.,. of the newly srrlvtMl i in., ii. "ij y IMiropean ins,,, i V' , , V,,:" nerkampf an, Samsanoff are conduct or being evidence of ho wmPe , ,,', r.r.on0,Sanses. whlcH itussian "' i"mV. rki,hvo resulted In rather heavy fightm Iv due to the decision of (Wn. Kurtv M-iniiin imniiiy nr.n ........ ... patkln to get tin's.- fresh and untest- " ... .. . . ',' K'lVP " rH1 " " 1 ,:r,'n "n"" "' . "h " . ''" " PIn"--i"7 " irf'nim'raif-. t I Gen. Kuronalkln has firdwred tho Issue of hesvy winter clothing in hc middle of llctolHT. The Russian lrKiiK have slresdy exchanged th"ir summer khskl for I heir ordinary cloth uniforms. Russians Reoutted. l.ndon. Sejit. 13 -A dispatch from Toklo lo a new acenry trays: Itnusian lone made a sortie frm Port Arthur on Septomlicr IS and attack. d the Itcrchan fort Th Japanese positions are com whiih was rw-enMy ai'ird by tblpb-lely screened behind a line of out Jniihik'Kc. The fikhtlnc lasted mm' I kii n and It Is almost Impest-ible to houm and the Rmsmihiis veiiinaiiy ,-re n tmlM-d with h.-ay loss. Japs Ar Active. tsmdofi K lit. lit A dlspntch lo a i .... Irorn llail.ia today, nays the Jaftatiee are di-'l vltis etmsid-1 -jet aide -ivlty la HOT'S Kiirrt Animiint ann tn i.eigeia nmnwira kllfB.ifh I n ported 4n-n Japan eiw trioi and a rt'imiil 'f t'osaclt at r wt eiianR. a'ii hui.t. wiim eaa of llanhimnj. FipM.on trpettd. Mnldefi. eit. 1 All is eiW to day htit frtiMrr I aatir-Iied la the neichivtrViod of t- B. I mlleti wi-t of Mnkden. Stwtnar f Veaael .vope4. Vt'lpit. S". 1 The rirrerond- ia f ttil rft ju.Muttt-d a iatii fr'ifa ft- ima i'"lv it 'h- ef- fet " a fc."ii rii' f 1 Iwefj " "D In fx- yi M-ia ain me nn- i " kll'l, a' " n jvw--w Wit i a tn'fum iv-l u(ijrttM-4 to MEN'S SHOES HOME REGIMENTS TO HE POSITIONS OF IIAO YANG. Sparring for Wind With Lit ho a llrlt ish Rl earner. There la no confirmation of tho report. CONTRABAND OF WAR. Russia Does Not See How 8ht Can Comply With Demands. London, Sept. 19. Russia's reply to the Urltlsh protest on tho subject of Russia's Interpretation of contraband of war Includes a decision to respect the Hi It Ish demand In the case, of the llrlt Ish steamer Commander sunk off I zu and afterward adjudged a lawful prl.e. i I It is understood Russia upholds the principle that Admiral Jensen was Justified In sinking they8teamer. The government Is still hopeful of a set tlement by means of nn indemnity, but In view of the decision of the prl.e court, It is said Russia does not see how she can comply with the llrlt Ish demand as she thereby would recognize her officers to be at fault. Russian Answer Received. Washington, D. C, Sept. The state department has received from Ambassador McCormlck a cablegram summarizing the answer of Comic Lamsdorff, the Russian minister of foreign affairs, to its protest against the seizure by Russian warships of food supplies of American origin cor rled on neutral ships. Count Lams dorff says that instructions have been sent to the prize courts and naval commanders supplementing and ex plaining the regulations representing contraband of war. CREW OF LENA. May Not Go Beyond Baunde of 8an Francisco. Washington, D. C, Sept. 10. Ad miral Goodrich commanding the Pa cific station, has telegraphed the navy department thut he hag for warded by mall a full report of the agreement he" entered Into with Cap tain llerllusky of the Russian vessel Lena, for the parole of the officers and crew of that ship. This provides for their freedom of the city of San " "l R" "v""u,e !l,y d"rln? thCO!,' Francisco but may not go beyond the iinuance or me present, war ana uu- milled to return to Russia except on the conclusion of an agreement on I hut jioint between the governments of Kussln and Japan which would re- illeve Hie United States or anr re- aponslblllty, Rather Heavy Fighting. SI. Petersburg, Sept. !!. A dis patch wag received from Gen. Kuro- ' lW . Hr,nlinni, jhnl rl.ineriilB Him' with many casualties. From Gen. Kuropatkl.i's telegrams, which were dispatched at 6 o'clock Willi ii were iiihiiuiitiii-ii ni o u t iji:r , OV(.nn. ai)mar, that G.meral Rennenkampf had recovered from his wounds and had resumed ,.m,n.l of hl iroot.s . ,....,, .... ... The recmnoisance disclosed a fur ther Increased Japanese force at Venial. The Russians have occupied several villages near the Japanese lliii-s General Kuropatkln yesterday re ceived the :ird and 7th divisions of the first army corps. Thousands of Unburied Bodies. Berlin. Kept. 19. A dispatch to the likal Anr.eigr I mm Mukden says ""lain any iniormaium iran ut-umu itbis veil, i tie Kimxians cannot leu j which of th.- four roii:" ihe Ispanesei advanee III follow. Three Ja;tanee eomit nlm ate patrollng the Hub river In unk. It ir rt-porled that 1 Jao Yang Is re-etm'ed by only on w u uy z.'mi nen. ma air ia iw wiaity of Mat Van Is polaoned hf l.iit-iM AmwIim ol i lhuands of latiuMed Studies. FlfU Marnhl Ottni radnnarte a l hon ilftanoe north of LJao Vase. Second Manchuriatt Army. FL retThnt. fl'pt. 1 Aetlne , spoil ihe advW-e of tils snilttary ad- to l't-m a aetvtnd Vaitebnrtaa array. It will he formed of the roriie bkh are l"fis out th far eat an. di"-lleui I i -a Uneriif S prohahly HI l ri'-a tt-e roaimaiid of ihe seetssd ariry. txn r.5irrrTni -a ui irrmw rain t tfr n irni win jr-iurm J . w. w t tie ifle of e-tmiBiatt'ler 1st etiiet.