Newspaper Page Text
o 1 THE BEAUMONT ENTERPRISE. TUE8PAV. SEPTEMBER 20, 1904. i K i 4 i. r -f- i I -. I 1 t COMMITTEE HOLDS FIRST MEETNO (., IV ' WORK 0 DRAFTING NEW CHAR TER FOR DEAUMONT TAKEN UP YESTERDAY. w mms APPOINTED Memberi Dlscust Plan ( ProedUr3 and Adjourn to Meet Again One Week from Today. Tim r-ltl" H'H rominiiii itpiHiti-tI i ink. up "' i'i silm'.l ti'inw luiri. r lor tin rily f lir'iuitioni I"'1'' "s llrsl li.iclliiK yesterday iiioi ninn. elected illlr.-rs, nppoinird preliminary win- 11,111. (ft. lliWIIhKU.I ill -llIirt.T lIH'H- I 'on In ii K.-ii.-nil way mid iidjurnc.l to im-cl k week fri.iii todiiy in M::tu o'llork ill I III' council rhiinihrr of III'' my Hoiinrll, where II I yesterday. A fliiilrnmii iiii'l '' ol' iU' ,,,,m" mini' were mioKcn iih follows: Chairman -.Mayor T. II. Uiinhiiiii. Secretary 1. voo,..iciid. only iwo -iittnii t i-.s were pivlil l nl yesterday's session. H. In noceiitairy ,;,! those K' l hlisy W'"'l mill report on their work licxL Tims iny, in order Unit Hie full cjiii in i 1 1 fi iiiiithcii hike "i I Ills wni'K iihewl "I' II. r,n romnilltee wart instructed to make mii examination of the hooks ami accounts f Hi'1 ''"y ' '" ccitnln Juki what I If nniiiicial condl rion is, what. ! revenues ur what. tl. fxpi'iiilinircH nn, what the Indcht rilnesH Ih, elc., I" enable the rhartor rTiiitiMhif'i ui know what tin lty run Ktanil in the proposed rooruni.atlon Of 111 S llllsilll'HS HJ'btulll. The Other Committe. Tho m'conil rommitlco was Instruct nl lo take "P Hit? l'i''lioii of elective ii ml iijipiilntlvi! oflicers. The cstiib llthniciit of tlx? pommilti'c was tin- re Mill of din! neutral discussion ycstcr- ili.y ii'KiiriHiiK lint Idea held hy si ol tin) nii'inhers of the charter com mittee thai tho only elective ollleo I" till- elly should hi- that of mayor. The idea of the uppoiH ivc system is that the mayor shall he elected, shall ap point all of his assistants, tllie various (leads or depart meiils, iind then lift held respcmsihle for tho eiitiru city govern merit. Tin- proposition Is to centralize res ponsibility hy pliu'iiiK it all on one reail, thereby iinikiiiK It easy to as certain Just what Is Hie mutter when ai.ytiiiiiK Is the matter. It was not ilrlermliied yesterday that this fen turn I'houhl he ronlained In the charter hut 1h ipiestion of emhiidyiiiK it was .i.....,,uu.wl mill tin. commit I ee itDIHillt- nl Is Instriirleil to learn all they ran renal'dini? the (wo systems ami ic port hack to the full (ominltlcr. Members of committees. Tho members of the Hint committee on liivosllfculint? Hie elly's lliianelal t olnTltioti, aro Messrs. John N. (iilbert a nil C. T. HeisiK- The members of tin; fiiroiid commit Ice, Instructed to in vestigate the elective versus the ap pointive systems of city government, me Messrs. C. A. Teanle and I.eon Sonlield, I he former the city attorney nnd the latter the excity altorrney 'i'liese two committees will make a lliorouuli examination of the subjects ITSsiuncil to them and will report in lull at Hie next mcrlinc f the charter t'ommltteo. At Hie meeting of the charter com mittee yesterday the following ineiu- TVr.'i were present: 1. II. l.:niKiiaiiil lleisii;. t A. TraKle, Leon Son- V. ('. Whitney and I). Wooille ad. memhers were nbsir.t. They John N. (Jilbert and (JeorKr l ' II T. eh! Two were O'llrien. At the meetini' one week l.enre it Is expected all the nie'nihers will he present and at that time fie rharter ipiestion will he taken up morn x'X'ti iisively. Yesterday there was roiiKideraldo discussion of tno lines! ion hul ihe talk was mostly con tllli d to an exchange or lileas. on how work III hand should b" none about. till It III! wan-' fetritajd. .that each member of commit Ire. between now and the .1 .,,....1 i.i.. ,1-1 - ui!l 'm i. !T.:tl Ill xl leal of llioie.'ht to Ihe question of iiiw lo tale up Hie cliarii r mailer a i.i i x press the result ol his ruinations n Ihe !:iv other nu mbers olle Week Ircitll In At Ihat time a d finiie. coiim en tlve :md syslematii' plan of pro:-i eduic ill be nuooieii. Points i charter. One of the most important re nlt n;'tieii.i'i d tnuii the work of ihe ronimlttee to invectii.':ite the i it y run did. m will I"' Ihe nu. si imi of t;iaiiim The r''l"l! H f'how explli tbP revi-nnes from the present rale of t.'ixaliou and what call I" aiv.nop ili nl ni'f iih lliei't Tin a i!l ei'ttie Ihr ::JU.n. "Vb;:l d we tr" l. c llli'h r 'he II will II roM rhai'. i :i'.. h ' li Vj ! i' in i -- laie an li.rrra In Hie r.t'. "f taxa . '1. If T'ie n lum much of a-i lm r..r. t i-..'i:il.i'tMc i- at l" I .' r.iii-tlon w l'l ril e I h innni.t"'! f. (, f,.r II. mi-lit .in. I i;,-k It. an iMier f' ai'ir.' i f " '., Li t..i. .fll.r Tl H-1 :. lit T.I n !)-! r. 1 t'V Hi'' "miiie 4 put. lie fialHt'-'- T1'. e..-- l-ianlinc f r.i?u b i" ' b.-w t.i t r net il !. lilt n ..f .i! a i. I l. tit. t. tcfn t" l' o 'b t :-MVit -nc tbr pill- n 'Mv r i f . :ttn !i!' 1.a t-t n rmii'.-d ' ' I llixr-.m I Ii cit.f . - xtel i.r-.' f.t-. tti' i " lb t '.. ' nrnm .int itufwiT-i it -e .-f ! IT"l. A M Tf.Tl'e TP' ! ''! t.f w t.i t j i.ft.' r. 1 t. . tho . Ii if i t-n 1.-1 .n'n.i''-- iti''u -c-. .ti .I h: i rj ' f tl... v - lti.1t ! I TT'Ct ..- tt.ti. h t t.' I t..ti " t.t . "li -l t ... it t !.- 1.. f' 1l. rnKititf -. 'ri Tff -"- -'p. Mr .r- 'V ' :i r 11 r--.f-i .-' ,1.'. I .... t 'rf .V i ti 't r.ifir. r - 1 t I-: t r-.. "..l ' - .'i ' 1,,. '-i.- .4 '" ,., .. t tr.'fi If if ( tn" i'l TP. i'i. I ion of ih i M liill'-I "'I- IlliTi-asiMK I '-1-' .ii nihTdiii "f '''iii il will l. l.e !id. locllu r Willi the H'-- i'oii of liaviim one or two ulilirineii liom iiuh ward and nun nr nioie or l.oli.i nl liiruu ami the proimsil lull to liil,' I he Miilliclluieii i-lwllvr by In dividual ward, inieail of hy I In illy 1 1 lii r.illy. The question of rHtttbllfli j"u a pi i n. all' hi liounl of lu alili pro 'ion Mill also he ronslil'-ri d. Th' si me only ihe major polnn ihat will I loblilily collie up. MARRIED LAST NIGHT. Mr. Newman and Mn. Bixby Wedded at Bixler Apartment!. At !;:iu n'clork last nUlit, In ihe tipuriiiu'iils of .Mr. mid Mr. Mn L. I'lxli r In the Kni'MpiI.e Iniildinss. th" l!i v. V. A. liodbcy Sioke ihe words willed milled in imirriime .Mr. Oli.vr I'. Newman ami .Mrs. Jennie )'.. lilxhy. Iiilh of l his illv. Mrs. Ilixby Iiiih re :ddei In II' -million! nboiil three years and Is well known as a reader and iiu in rsonalor as Wi ll lis for le-r rliurin iiik atlrlhutes as a woman. .Mr. New man rmiie to ll'iiumoiil rioiu New .Mexico last April and Mis hen ion liecleil wilh Ihe ri'liortorlal stuff of the I -ii ii mi in I Kiilerpilse since thai lime. His former home was In lies .Moines, Iowa. Tile announcement of the wi'ddinn lust 1 1 1 "4 1 1 1 came u.i a siirorls.' lo Mr. and Airs. N'-w man's lilends In ibis ciiy. The couple will oeciipv jiparl i: nils at tin' I'iiierprise hiiililinl; with Mr. mid Mrs. Itlxler until they have In come si llied in their new life and I'.siuhlishi'd a home of their own. AmollK the presents received hy tin. couple was a s.'l of silver oyster forks d'Tornleii in enamel and pre sented by Hie Knlerprise torce who hunched their hlts lor the occasion ami pil''d UP a score of $n. The hoys who were under the mellowiiiK inllil eiice of Mr. Newman's clKars at t'ie time the 'round robin was circulated say that If tho Kcullcman is as kooi! as his tobacco, that the lady has landed a prize. Temperance Lecture. Mrs. A. ('. y.ehner, or Dallas, Texas, will be in lleauiiiont Thursday. Friday auu .Sunday, Sept. !:: and 2i. and will lecture Thursday and Friday even ir.Ks in the First Methodist church, corner of Maine and Fannin streets. Sunday's program will he nnnoiinced later. .Mrs. .ehner, Ihe equal of liov. Hob ''aylor from Ihe statidpoint of effect iveness, comes to llenuiiioiit under the nusplces of the ('. T. I'. A line program conslstiiiK or music, Itnm's Horn rarlouns, illustrative or temperance, and other special fea tures, that will Interest all, has 1 n a rruiwd. 'I'ne V. '('. T. tT. cordially invites all to rome and hear one of the strong est leiupeiaiice speakers of Ihe day. Itead this statement: "It is lo her niaslerlv efforts as much as anyfh:n else that we at tribute the wonderful success wilh which we were met at Ihe polls. IKr - Ii hi i it ii I appeals. Iter slronu array of facts and IlKures: her complete nris lery of her subjerls, (her remarkable self possession and her matchless ora tory moved and swayeil our people :is they were never moved In 'ore." .1. It. STANTON, Dlst ('Ik. Houston Co. (1. H. Itll Y AN. Co. Treas. Houston Co. JOHN SI'KNCR. Co. Attv. Houston Co. I'OUTKIt NKW'M AN, Co'. .Illike llillislnn Co. W. K. IIICOW'N, l-Milor Knteriulse, AV. II. SOWKI.I.. I'aslor llaptist church. KLLIrt SMITH. l asliir M K. Chinch, J. V. MAPI HON. Attorney at law. THE OLIO. Reading, Recitations and Singing at Magnolia Park Last Night. The following n the program of the Magnolia Park event of Moudav. 1. Violin and Piano. Selected. Prof. Navratll. Mrs. Myall nnd Miss (Ireen wood I la rrt v. A Sri of Turuuois T. II. Aldi ieh Miss G i ei ti win iii Hardy. Tenor Solo Mr. Talnr. Selected (a I Itillu' liown His Report (I.I The l'r. in bnian's Macllellt. let Mow er's l-'uiieral. Idl A Skeli Ii in lilael Miss M. OreeiiwiMiil Hardy. Violin mo! Piano-- Prof. Nawaiil and Mrs. Ihntl. Hatar tin rosliunel --Miss M. !lre. n,H., Snpiano Solo Seleeie.l. Mis Mori l Pixl. r. Niiural Laimhier- Miss M llleell- wiki.i Hardv. Dr. G. W. Ray Lraves. Alter two weeks of sneec' it an I s.nMictmv ork in ibis , in in n,',. il' -I t IK I iell tivell l!l tile a'l.l .irii'l'l .f the Y. M. C A.. P n AV Kay i'....l .ml the urn r. l.i.t ti i : 1 1 1 l.v pieaeliiru; in the fit-t M.tb.i.i -t loin li. mi left llil tie -i n ii 1.T K"t Wnih I! " b in .i. i'ii. i j li.i: fti. mis Ii ihe riir. an. I In I..!..-'-, lat.- .i'ii:.t I. -! ai-rntt'p'i-l,.-.I in : ,i . i Ton.gtit at Majto'ia Park. i v ill ' -in ii on. : l . ti . .. i'i.i , ill. .i' I 1 1 v -.1 . i'l ' h . 1 i . r n !- . -.. T- . ' ,..:.! 1 I . I'M. I ; 1 1 ! . v. I n ' .. i..'i i' ."-in tin'.-. I ' i;. . . i f f' i a i . i x ..tie ..f '.. i. j, ' i-r.-j.t :,ti fifil. .. rtl ' .-v. ;inl V "in n- 'i i 'h -I'-e o.. , . . r.HMI'1 '-1 II- '' ' t. -I . ..,T,.... Ill ' u r. !,... ,.i , '. . r ., , n " 1 ,.T ' , 1 I . !-. V I ! I' I t ' ' 1 ' ... t . ' . . I''' " 'at . . ... 1 - .. -.. t-; . . . .. I . ; . . . ., - I. I . , 1 1. . t .,.. :, .' -. -.' ! .. .- , : .'-.-- -1 .- - I HE WANTS $500 FOR BIFF IN EVE PLAINT 0 A MAN WISHING TO CONVERT BRUISING INTO BOODLE. COLRT PASSES DOLLAR Bill Judge Watti Yesterday Set a Long List of Cacei Ranging from Craps to Manslaughter Civil Set tings and City Court. Damage.; for a crack 'it Hie eye aiy wauled by John llaiii or 1'on Arih'ir from II. K. I'raier if ihe siinin plar". Yesterday ufteinoon in lite roiinlv (mill I In i li tiled civil suit I'rater for t.'.un for Injury Inlllctru by I'raier, and for hiislneS.s Inron venielici' mid pain caused by tin would he Is allegnl to have been Ihe caile of. Iluln sets lot I It In hi pelilloil Dial Hie defeiidatil Willfully aiiil maliciously on July 4 last ifSatiH ed and heal hlni, duimmim; him lo such an extent thai he was deprive I of the use of his eye for llnee veel; Cain I nil her alleues that he !in uot entirely t-euaineil lite use of lie eM yet, and thai he fears il will al ways be weaker Hum I lie oilier. Hi sitiles that lie has been lam".-i;ci if' the sum of S.'iiili, mid prays Hie court for .indumenl for thai muoiinl. Hni'i nllcKes thai he had lo pnv out large sums In doctor's bills, and was pre vented from looking; after his ordi nary business on account of the In Jury. The Idea or a civil suit for an injury sustained n this mainne: struck the olllclals al he court Iiout-a- heiliK cxtremelv nnliue. Sixti(t'- Court. .TiuIkc Walls, sIiHiik in the SixtP'i ! district rotirt, resumed work on He criminal docket yesterday. A limn bor n!! cai es were ea'leil and dispose'' of one way or the other. I.silc In He iifternooii art in Lennox, colored charged with biirslary, was nrraiKn1''' and iileaded niiilty. He was son teneeil to Iwo years In the peniteii tiary. When the Sixtieth district conr' opened vesterdav the case of Wil' Campbell, alias "Oollar Hill." chnrsM with murder ,was called but di--missed til ihe rcunesl of the slab''. attorney, who informed the court Hi.t he had not evidence rnotinli to secure a conviction. A second fliiirfi' against. Campbell, that of acceplins a bribe, was ronlinucil for the term. Coloy Iletx, charged with assault te murder, was arraiuned and the ill" triel allornev said he had reduced lie charge lo plain nssai'll and ballerv A jury va- empaneled and Hie de fendant nleaded uulllv and was fiiu ' The ease of Harward Hunt eharired with assault Willi Intent t" murder, wav disinlssei' al the reipifs' of Pislrlet Allotnev Hip,hl ower. The rase of I. . Miitlhews. eharired wil embezzleineiil. was also dismispeil Ociober 7 wa lived as the date fnr trvltm- the raso against (leoi'ge Site! bv, cbnriieil wilh accept in a bribe Kv ncreenienl the ra.'P of Hernut'i Otto wa set 'or Ociober I. Cases Si-t. .IiliU'e :i 1 1 yesterdii" set the h win..' criininal cases for the follo.v ! ii it dales: (lel.ibef M -Toni Lewis, chj rg" I wlllt tiiurde!': special venire of lltirtv six men indered. October 11! -Kvn lltlltnin. murder spe'al venire of ixtv men. CA-lober I l--Sam Smith, alias "Key hole." chaiued -,vUh i-obbery bv ii:-ir of deadly weapon: special venire "f if xl y men. October IT Tall v 'Mellow, mtirde''; special venire of sixty men. October in 'a ii Hernandez, mur der: special venire of sixlv men. October HI Henry Ashl'ord, rob bery by inc (lf deadly weapons: special venire of ihivlv-six I'len. October "fi - Willis Sounder-1, rob berv bv use of deadly weapon': special venire of thirty-six men. October Slesler I'rrg. iMtir- der: special venire of ninety men n ileteil. Civil Sfttinrs. .linUe Wa'is litis set Ihe follow iv cas.v for the dates speeilied: September Sallii Miirt'rsn V-. Wc-icvti I'nioi, Telegraph ronipaiiy. Sepi. ruber L''! iiaywood Itlce C.inal and Milling company s. It. L. An drew s. September l' ('haihv. 1- Flour vs Meauin..iit Wit a r and Terniinal com pany. S. temlN-r F. H Votaw vs. Walt.-. V,,c,.tt ,t al October ::- Louis ("ruse . Tea K Ni Oilcan l.'ail'-oa.l ro'iipany. l.:.. I. er : CI. u.i Chaison s. P II M. Fad. I'll Oit..r "- T. S. Koberls v-. S'u. i lt..w October 1 .1 A Itevnol. vs. Hill.-- r.oiel I " ;r M. I.e.. r ! l.'Vl W Maddux IViirik II V..rici,l Mei, l .! P CMin rt al. t C .- ,r I I lirclt V I'.. a.nnotii Wiarf ni' I if tk'tts rt at v Tetminal " i 1 1. i .- 1 Mf I - S.-t:-i ' S'.ir a- I C CiO-ti. r r . n: O.I r ' ' I Han-' t : K-i'''.' ...t-t i p. I V fl- -!-"' -I .... j- ... . Ce r Trial. s, ... ft' Hliil until utter ins. ii. The luiui ilucliou of Ic-ilimiiity will b' -; In llll-i llioi iiiim. allil t is expected Iwo iluyx will he con uiiii-d In ihe trial. Tho HHe tif I lie case 1 1 N'ol'll J. CIlillllberH ci ii I ukuIiisI i In Kit by 1. . until r com I'uny. 'I'll" oriKilial llliil or the ruse, In wti irli iliitn.uch lor $ ;n,"'i was asle-d liit- the deal It or M ' s. Chamber.-,' hits l and, restilieil In n vcnilci for lll.iluu. A new lilal whs uniiii d and has now l.rgiin. Aiioi ney for plaintiff me Howih & Adams, nnd for ilefen lain O'llrieit. John i P.rh n. Chain hrin whs killed H IHlle nvrr a vai ago hv fallltisr or being ihrown rorm an eiittne while he was a Iuish for he Klrby Luiiiber company. Marriage Licenses. Marriage llnnsc were Issued from the rounty clerk's ofllcf yeslor lay ns follow-i: WIMain Pniileln mil Mr-. Mamie Ijicy. Walter Pay no and llrown, Jen-v Williams mid Cleii'ny I in vis. mid Oliver P. Newman and Mrs. .Jennie K. Ilixby. Citv Court. A big grist or business was trr.ns rrleij ,v ihe niavor III Hi" Hiy rntlit yesterday. The alleged gam' "l -nrrrsleil early Siimlav mornlllK 'V. ;e Illicit J I'l. .-,ii each. Following were Hie others cases and ili'dr dls'iosli ion : . . . . I .! - Waller Johns, asleep III a piumi: place, Jll.:.n Ituseiia Mandez, iliuuk, $11. .in. W. J. McCourk, drunk. $11.. Hi. Mill Jones, drunk. ll."'". John Norman and .Mary C.ieeli, af fray, $lL'..-ii each. Krnesi Sanchez, affray, dismissed. Peler l.arago, affray. SHI.Tiil. A. II. Terry, drunk, $1 1 .-.. John Jones, drunk, $11.. In. Hubert Cooper, ilrutlk, $11. SO. Ti'iesn C.on'ale-, drunk, $11. ail. tieorge Lake, vagrancy, $l2.r0. MAKING OF FIN LACES. One Case Where American Cenlua Is Still at Fault. "Kino laces." said W. W. Chace. 'constitute ono of tho most readily uilabli; classes of incrchandiso which s Imported to this country, and It is i source of wonder that American renins has not devised some way In .vhlch to meet this demand with a do mestic article which w!!I servo the iaine purpose, and can ho sold at iomethlr.;; like the same, price. "Hut it has not," ho continued. "We havo had many machines Invented, but the nearest wo can come Is to manufacture a type of lace which la naturally cheap and does not In any sense approach Its hand-made foreign rival. Of course, American women could be taught In time to knit such lino fabrics as tlielr sisters do In Ire land, England, France, Germany and Spain; but wo In this country are too busy making money to waste time in that way. "I have traveled all over Europe, and tho most Interesting method ol making lace over there that i came across was at Pluuen, Ccnnany. It Is woven on a kind of bolting cloth ma.lo of fine silk, and lifter the pattern Is completed a certain noM, parts of which aro kept secret, Is applied and tho boiling cloth eaten aw-iy, leaving only the' lace. Tuey also have a way of altering the strength of tlie nci(l in order to give the lace a rich, old color." Louisville Herald. Fixed Pries for Wives. The ancient Germans, Russians, Bnr guuillans, and other nations of Euro-, placed a fixed price on their wives, aa Is proven by their old modding songs. Many of tho oid Russia wedding songa efer to tho purchase of wives. In onie pnrls of Russia the husband pays a certain sum of money to the bride's brother, after which the agree ment Is made, anil they sing: "The brother has sold his sister for a crown." Tibetan Earth Dwellers. Earth dwellers are common in Ti bet. Strangely clad men and women, who since childhood have rarely looked upon the sun, arc found living In roomy clay a.urtnienls in a mode ss stringent as ay monastic order. Thoy are stippTl with food and oth er nocessarles by their children, who ilone leave the caverns; and much of Ihelr time is occupied In extending their curloua residences. Black Absorbs Heat A French authority had two ther monieters one ol ordinary glass, the other painted black placed In the sun. In tho white glass the mercury rose to 141. t'nder tha black paint it went up to 157 In the same position. The Inference Is that .eople who wear black coats aro watmer in the sunshine than those who dress In white. Artiit Feared Waning Prv,:r?. On our oci-Hsii n the lale (5. K. Wat's, fccliii: thai he ,1 rettiait o'd 3:1. 1 tmritij: ihat his ruiLtit tie .b-. linii. c. H"l;e.l the vie. Hen mul liancinc rii'iunitt.f of l!;e llojal .1. Icniy t.i J'l.le his o-k fcerely he did tint wi-.ll to distrain the c a.h rt'y tier l !n self He bad ce. n m tun. h del '.ii-aMo work of ie at'il l and " at he .p. not nlh to be a ided M H e t. nil" t " Or -.-rsns V.-l "f ''. -u hti :p ' I. 1; :. '. ' " f I 1!a.! i ."-t.-k pi: ?ii.- WV.rr. " I. 1 . , tl f t ' v I. t CI Priie l ew ' f Ei-p. I! . I ih 'tnhait. - lawful ft .-. ri:rt . R-il! t a - i:il::i : h t..i at t! I to r.rr i.l tl ;.d Hi. if stake Ccndo-ied. a ri :: '( i i ': ' T" 1 " . r.r , '-laV., 1 -tit u. tr! :c 'i f i.r.r r,. -'aif .n , '. ' r ' , i- TRUCK FARMERS WILL ORGANIZE JEFFERSON COUNTY TILLERS Of THE SOIL WILL r.ET TOGETH ER TO BRING MARKET . ICH MONEY BEING MADE NOW Frequently. However, rarrers Lo.;t Crops Seeauso They Cannot Dis pose of Their Venetables at Cood Pries. A movement Is on I sit for Lie or-1 .;illll.lltion here, of a "JclTcr,oll Colllll.V Truck Growers' Assocliu lull," ! h ci'iiiposo.1 of tlie truck farmers m' lids roiiimiinlty, w ho wish lo roiuhliie lor ; lite purpose of securing a market lor Heir products. At presi lit, it I" : H;,u, 1 , many farmers lose crops ol truck products because there Is ni. Market for small tjiiuntilii.-s ihey l.avi n l i nougii to ship in car load i ts. The proposition I., orguiib.c v.'iil , r. aieriali.e, it is expected, in a few ; days when a meeting ol unci, laute i -. inci'i'sicO will be railed for this city Origin of Government. The proposed (issociu! ion is t re sult of Hie work of Mr. L. C. Hill, in-.i..u.-,.;it him. iii for tlie .Siinin l'"e, and w c if t'arker. commerebtl ag'-ni fur the same line, in tte eioping the r-uek garden interests along I iieir ti ail north of here, combined Willi the discovery by Hie nierce here Ihat Cltamber of Coiil- tlio frvnners have difficulty in finding n market uir men roods. Every lew days a truck rariticr r'rom t!i!s section drops inio the Cham ber of Commerce to tell his woes In this resnect and Secret ay TV. Wood he ad has fpieried theni regcrding an organization, with the result ihat. '.lu-y wain it. Mr. Hill v. T.I be in Peau rTionf in a few days and it is the in tention to call a meeting of farmers while he is in the city. He will tell them what has been d nortii ofliere and the probahilhics arc they will get together. Some statistics. There are a number of sinking examples in nnd near B nur.ior.t Ihat siiow what can lie done in truck farm ing in this community. Two sections pro pariicularily product ive, the terri tory around the Collier's Ferry roi.u rnil the country between hern and E-pindle Top. The farm lands south of here, along the Gulf ft Intcr.-tnto, r.rr also cspfcially productive. .Mr. James Pat.tinson. a man well known in this city, has 'had a remarkable ex perience with his truck farm. Al though he has but l"ii acres under cultivation he has made a good living exCMiKively from his farm for several years. From one iweltth of an Here of onions this yiar he has made ?ii0. From one-iiali' an acre of tomatoes he 'las cleared 3:!0n. A feature of his tomato crop, and one which shows ilio disadvantage the farmers work under now. U that he didn't soil nearly ail (us crop. Alter he luid made $:;u0 on the half acre be a 'lowed a lirae num ber of the vegetables to remain on the giound. which was almost red wiiih them, because he had no market lo caT.y for them at reii:-..mable pries mifl' iliiln't have enough to siiiri .';vsy. Mr. rv.tHns.iii says I lint in yars 'past he could find no market for his pro duct. Money in strawberries. Another example of what can be t'l.ue in truck farn.iiiy: is shown in K e results obtained by .-r. .loarkn-ui. a farmer living ne:i' llea".inonl . For) eltrht years Mr. .Toai nanii has cleareili ?;(iu an acre on si r-nvberries. A farmer along ihe C.uif Inter-1 stete lias had wonilerlul sitcccss will'.: cabbage. East year he bad fifteen j acres in cabbage. If sold his cro,) in the ground for . "."'. Me pliinied ; it and cultivated it but wlen it was, ready lo harvest anoihcr man mm" nlong and paid him i!' ii' ice natr.od i lor t"ie heads as they stood. One of the objects ol the nssor-'n- j Hon. in additiefli to i ., i n ii lo rrc-ne markets for proiiurls will be to in-, dure farmers in this section lo di-, Mi'sily llicir crois. Al nnseii!.. it is briieveil. Hie fanners slick .i c'oso to a few things. With the rice lmr I l et i;i i In condii I n it is and with tip enornioiis int-iva--:' in rice ncr. ac it is argii' d Ilia! ni'-ii w.tlt iym 'iiims : m their part of feck g: onlv giv hands w ill do well n ym- tin th'ir sroutiil cHch yen to nien products. TVn will not e the soil a rest 1 -t- will help keep down red tic. All members of Curly Pine "im N'o l!:t of the Woodmen of the WorM. iiid their wives. alo the husbands of ;i'l Hie f il lle I. idles of Maut'.oi i t lirove N'.i. I "7 who are tioi Wondnieii. are n.iiliallv inv.te.l l.y Mat-holta ' rov. Xo. 177 I" be me-. it :t n b itt'i:el '.i i,. iven a V . W. ba'l r Tie lav eelt'lt S III ''' !'".' at o !! THE BEST YET Pnri liae your lirVnn lo f-l. Inii v'a Ihe. l.OITSVIl.l.i:. AX1V X?il Vll.I.n It. II.. and take in Ihe two 'm'M f-lio on f.'ii'h. Hie Wot b! ' Kair and America' ;ra'M X.i'c:il Wi-n'er Mimm.H'i Cur. Ktit-iVy Icit'1 tr!p St. li"i; ti'I.T. j.r-t,it tr'p to Mattif iu .i-'.'-i 1 .ti tTb'"it M' 3l-c a""1 ! I. ir ra i"fal rott .it Nj-m; 111 '- r T- tl Tl rt 1 f j' e' l- c r.Tn 1 '1 "Tt Louisville a Nashville IL R r. w vortKow T. r. a, niwn T-ta-. K. Till f. TXT. D P. A.. THE ENTERPRISE JOB. PR1NTWG OFFICE 1 J Fully prepared to do any and all Kinds of Job WorK. Lowest rates and thelbest worK guaranteed. Both Phones 93 Phone us and we'll 1 1 iiewmin) i Tifniirrnmm-r 7ibooooooouowooooowooowowo 2 g Now is the time to buiH that house. We are prepered g to furnish you ths Lumber. Space does not per- g mit us to tell you just how much we can C save you on your purchase. $ X :. Come and see us. .: THE KIR3Y LUMBER COMPANY Special Rates to Contractors. l . j. . iiuh ii i ii f-f-MiMMwiiiiiMiiiiwiiM ; T!T"T""T""M h SUNSET IQI Sept. 15 to Oct. 15 Inclusive Stopover of " days alb, wed al Vunia :i:t:l Maricopa, Arizona; also all inlerniediaie points in Calilniuia on i be Hoiii hern raeilie, oxcapt l.os Aii'jeles and il.'iu I'rancisi-o. by ilcpo: it jug ticket Willi tickot agent, at slop-over point. Oil Burning Locomotives All tho way. NO SMOKE. NO CINDERS Excursion Sllcping Cars. Clean ami Well Ventilated. A. R. ATKINSON, D. P. A. J. K. TOOKE, C. T. A. The Petrolsam Iron Works Co. STliUL OIL dTORAGe TANKS. All Classes Plate aad Sheet Iroa Worfc."12Ftfei;;Oil Equtpnient.. Old Tanks Cut Short Main OMcc and Works--Wa-SQington, Pa. Southern Branch Offices Godchaux Baild Ins, New Orleans, La.; American National Bank Building, Beaumont, Tex. . . . MEMBERS OF MEDICAL AND OTHERS asked to remember that (based on invrhtigc.tion ad alilagc the Ccnsens! and result;,) Cool Colorado Offers as a r'-'irt fop in-lii i-ina' ; or ilioif 1 ran o of liu r wink. S.n. t!-..iy ll tl it ; rei.-n-nir to tboe re- lini in I tricta. This Lnd of Iiu ir'irr.' ;r-- .VmoM i-ri !' M'f-tif '.t.-ii::i .-.I I .-i it -b I r fi; ii-i I 1 'it i' ion at ilitci. u.ii l,;. :i-e ih a THE DENVER ROAD" T.'.i'-h : ;.r. Or't T.:"- ' l'U I"ti"r" "i 1.. I -.-., . I -..- i i-, - t mi 1 Mart .ii. . II- -i :.'. - f if ' ft r. : iti J i'v h i.l -..i.r 11- ft... Ii. i . 'it ' T-i Al. : Ti 1 II A - 1 i "Th 1 Ore Way Via the Denver Roa i' Da . T.PJk. R. W. Ti'i'i IS NOW OPEN unci do the rest. E. F. McCOMAS, Manager. Low Colonist Rates TO CALIFORNIA RATE and Rebuilt on Notice. PROFESSION i of the Ttet Medical AnthorlHfl uti.nuT'ioi'My f.ivorg th unrivaled in n. d of T'hv-teal fplinlllin hn-:li.-r Cans.-x; I hit Vnvintj par li Altitii'ln or Malaiial itif i.r t'ie High Elevation ti' Fwnii r.rnnonr, firr(,ttlti( I f- ttn l; all tht i' but out- l.ij' j'niriH-j' from Te- 1 T! r. r TrT.r f-m tbn Rotjttwt. 'l n. an ) lioura tlrnav . itmifi( It ra ':i kli tlKl W rltf " l 1 b I- COLORADO CHAUTAUQUA," a I'm T"i.t- tl $27.50 Nf Or H. S. i i i t n .-I . te - rn . - .i ! . i-i ii i" ail -I Ti.. - tflT -n t i-l ti" r ' Al' f tt. Tera. 1el !"