Newspaper Page Text
THE BEAUMONT INTERHHltt WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21. 1904. s ' t"t Sending Room Only All Hoy Long af (he Big Store Our $59,000.00 Purchase Sale From New YorK Auction Sales A Grand Success came Any Day This Week i.. 'I ii TURNING OF THE I KJ T. TOWN OF RAVINA MADE WAR ON ITS NON UNION OPERATORS. ROAD CUT DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS Moved It) Station and Buildings Out of the Plate, and Did Not Leave Even a Shingle to Mark the Spot. .1 ...;... .. - oook)Cooooowow oooooooooo;oo THE ? o o o o 8 o o o v o o South Mf.M. Hl. r. I. T.. S il. Tile Missouri, KlIllhilH k Itllil- in. hi .ii 1 1 ut ii y demolished mill re mitted Mm hI ut ion building "I lUtinu, ii town nf nun people, seven miles Miiilli ir lii'lo, today, ninl Issued (inliTs i' icnuiiiaiiug pi-rmiiucnily nil liiisiiu'HS '' relations wiili tin- place. 'I'll i m order was llii- oulgrowlh of op nisitlnii l r I lie (own In i lie employ ment il mm union telegraph operators' ulm have lici'li slul lolled thorn since i in- t-i-i .-iil Iclegraiihcrs' strike began. J-Vr I'll,,, i,ifinlu nl' lln rimil cnlll tilllln of I li ill III almoin of I lull' operators, nhiiliiiiK even rcliislng tn receive l Ii -in ns hoarders. Not u shingle, was 111 on t he- depot site. First National Bank of Beaumont i Capital Stock $200,000 Surplus Fund 100.000 Undivided Profits $71,000 W. S. Davidson, President L. M. Hchcrt, Second Msst. Caohler. W. P. H. MccFaddin, Vice-President . Wiess, Director. . Frank Alvcv. Caohicr. -no. N. Gilbert, Director. W. C. Davidson, Asst. Cashier. con R. Levy, Director. V E. C. Ogden, Director. 'ohn C. Ward, Director. 5 0C0000000000r00000'00OK)0000 Negro Deck Hands Strike. Memphis. Sept. 20. Cairo uiiil Ar- kaiis-is river Iiouih mo lied up here, Ilu- licgr(, rnuslaboills having I'cluscd lo work fur tin! wages offered, $75 per inonlli. All river tiiiuie hits lii-n de layed more or less for the. past iwo weeks, liimlH leaving iwrlvi- lo eight een hours late, because ot Inaliiliiy to got nifii. POISON A noted doctor says that wron vycfjlaMcs are wrrse thdii o'.son. lorrettly lilted eye glasses are rye heirs Vour y.:s will be examined Free of charge by A HI III) It L. FINN, at the IJLCK JI-WliLRY COMPANY LEADING OPTICIANS Jj.'an?i;e .'s Scientists. "No la-'lern nation Is more I'trotu; v p. presented 'lian urn the Japanese I i 'In; I'to'lish annals of science," i : Hi" I oinloii lionet. "They pos i . .!-. ."M tmd'iiibteilly .strung faculty m- original ii' nan Ii, anil flii'.v coin I c fill -: faculty Willi n sharp sight i dness l"i In llin possibility of 111!' practical nppliral ion nl' (In1 f r"i ' 'f n . ran li. Tin- .hi i;i in 's i'Im mi U unit's tni' powi'i' of i r I; -1 ii :i I i t y of I'.ii' 1 : 1 1 r I i ; . 1 1 r'Tinisl ami tin (ml inn of I In' 'iri'inan. 1 lir:v ari' la u r.'il ili.'it ili",ni.':lii'il .1 :i in n rl'i-ni-i ': v im aic fi'llov. : of the hn ,li : Ii Clirmii'lil soi irly, who wore Hi i ln to I )n -1 r fillov. ; liip on !(' in ii t of idi out I Unit lorn to oi ij'.inal .si'li'iii'r.'' HiiBt Beer in Enjiand. Tin1 vincyai'ihi wrap b-cliia from :ica::liori' lo inonnlain peal, in a . I : i i : i - I r.irrliiK in-rrrn of green. Vines Iniim from tree In tree, making a leafy J roof overlieail ami ureen, sun I'ieri eil wall i to Hie Ion); alleys, w here In rmnei'ahle e!'i;;sle hnni'lies glow. The grapes are sllll Hinall anil iniina lure. lint evipilsile ill hum ami inlnr. In Oetohi r, Hi" season of vlnluK", tVs niii-l he I ti- heanlilnl pliire on car:!i. Here one nmler'lanil.s why leal in- 1 , j.,. itninan soliiiers In llrilalii, when tliey first saw the Kentish hop tines, llio!:r.'it they li.'nl foiiml the nearesl lliinr. I" the i:rape the savage nnrtli laml proilneeil. In llielr efforts lo aialie wine I'roin hops Ihcy pi'mlmi'il ( In- llrsl heir innile In KiikIuikI. Matnl Howe in l.ippinrott'n. How Lout Docs a Tree Live. Have yon ; ny e!ea wlial is the aver 111" leimtll of a tree's lile? Illlorill.'l In. n I'.at liereil hy the (iernian fori-sli;,' eoiiiini.-sion assigns lo the pine tree 7nn years as a niaxiiMini leiigih el lil", .Mars to the silver lir, L'T.. in the l,:reh, "!.". In '.lie fell heeel II. i as pea. '.1l!l to I he hlieh. I 7" In I lu ll h, I 1 T In tl.e eUer, ainl I .'In In l',i' i I in . T!i" lie ut of the nali higlns Ii. nil nl al out Hie line of "mi year;. (I! the In Hy It Is ; iiil H i re is a s,m ei-nen lo a: "il li'i nlni' a- ar ii i in i isl i I ' llil: V. lire near .V eh- Chinese Mc Tin re an ::-:' e Inr I1!" : an,e lai.i'.n.l in-: i I hi iini I : ;:" leant .li.iS I cn t..m i"i ( I, iii. Hcmedy for Muscul.r Fatigue. In Inrniie nehi Dr. Clei-ient of llvi .,.,,, ), Ai'Mileniy of Meilh ine elaims have iltsrovered n won li'ifi'.l rei'i- L'T.i in ""' lor nniseiiiar laiiriie. m- m i,, i Mill's It Willi hlearhonnte of soda to ave Ilu' sioinaen immm ui.iin.-.-. Malta's Chief Industry. l..n-.-inalil!K I'ives einplnynielil til nhont twollftlis of the population of Malta. Silli is 111" chief niateri tl ns"i!. tint of late yearn eotton has heen lnin li In (lenini'il The art Is handed down from family to family. hial in i iii . i a i . . nil 'III Tin- aril Till, t . !: Meet Ilu pi i. I I low in m I . i 1' 7". Kn l' -a. ... . .;: I.i a la: I-.. I' h. !,: 'hi' II ! I .ii . ! ilu. . i penpl" in r. I, I. i Pri j the "Ha -..riiai k.' Ii. I lv.' I I , . ... : 'I I a! : tt !.. . .- hi : '.a i! i' i Cattle Bring High Prices. At ii sale of shorthorn rattle In lhi rapilal of the Argentine 1! pnlilii- si n siitlonal prii'i s were reeettlly paid for S.otti.h rhoithorns; C'-M'.l" was ilv en for New ton Stone, a Mornj shir.' tied Lull. SARATOGA ITEMS. Would-Be Assassin Shot at Mr. Terry and Wounded Mr. Beneke. Special lo Enterprise. SaratoK.-i, Tex., Sept. I'll. Shortly after :i o'clock last night an attempt was made lo murder .Mr. M. Terry. Mr. Terry In a lireiiinii in I ho employ ol the Santa l''e Oil company, and was on duty and in the holler room when some lino on tlio outside, in (he dark, lireil upon Iii lit. A shotgun loaded with hiielishot was used. The assail ant evidently some distiiiice. from his intended victim, as Hie shots scat leied and missed .Mr. Terry, but wounded another man, Mr. V. ('. A. lleueKe. who. lou-ellier wilh Iwo other linen, were sillliiK on the nailery of the ohice a few feet I loin Hie boiler room. One buckshot, entered .Mr. lfenekn's loll side, struck n lower till, which prevented it from entering; his stom ach. Two shots went through the liai brim of Mr. U. J.. Kennedy, one on each side of Ills head, and one shot passed through the pants leg, below Hie knee, of Mr. W. I'. Fonville. Mr. Ili'tieke is resting: easy, and will no id inlit recover in a short time. An effort was made alter Hie stmiil Iiik lo locale the perpetrator of the deed, which resulted in the arresi of Mr. lind Tool, who was -it. the home of his I'm her. The exiiinini ig trial has boon going on all the evening, and was not near Ilu' end at a late hour. Mr. Itcneke was soul lo the Santa Ke hospital al Temple this eveiii.ig. THURSDAY NIGHT MAGNOLIA PARK SI 1 1 Grand Ball, Fine Orchestra and the GRLCK TIRE lltMUD HIGH WIRE WALKING Bulls In Hospital. Tw- InillH enciiped from tho nrom nt Valmdollil, Spnln, ml maile Iheli wny Inio a tospltiil, lu-re Ihcy upset xevernl IiimIh en which patlenta wen lying, ami wired three pcrnms. Purchase Historic Gun. Thn MiilekiiiK town council ban purclmsol for 100 tlio hlNtorlc kud Lord NelHon, which played hik-Ii ii coiiKpleuous part duriiig the "lego. Encouragement for Industry. A bIbh over a desk In ono of Ixin don's hiiKliiesH houses rcndH: A rhoii hard day's work will put fuathera in uuy old lied!" An Old Russian Proverb. Tho gates of Russia aro wldo to there who enter, :ut narrow to those who would so out. Artesian Fe No. 5 HOW IO MAKfc FKItNU'j. Be Interested In Them, but Never Show Curiosity. If yen would lmve friends, be lnter- i" tell III (helll. Tin i. a difference h- twc ii tnler--t an. I em e-ity. Never lw curious. In'-ict a-l- iiotlilng. but K gild ..f eili.f- Jns mid M'try f.-r iith.r' i t'-i ''IT'1"., fin ioitt m'. yi o 1 i r i I in..: . I h in Is wiiit. u upon t !i. .- f -. C i r i' C-t K - ."J. II tr the .ir"-e nf ill-ll.Ml- I -r ii'iitM'ei.l viand, r. - fn- lid- like one t.. I e It.'-r I hi ) ih t." t tme I i t hi 1 et . rc to. in f t" .- "'.o it t 'i' In Mi I '.' in '. 11,.- .. t cf ' ! - a'" "I' ii--i e ii- to l h 1 1 ' v . i 11 Me r '.- '"ir 1 .llii T!" K'l ll'el' t rti.'.r-f!T;. f i nil 1 : ' mi- "t TV. hi . n i ." : I : ." -1i lo. t . . i ! ( : I ' l!.'. .1 t'l 1 - . T. i' ' r .,.,1 I..- I -. ; . Flow in Sa-ta Cased Off. Correspondeacc of The ICnlerprise. Saratoga, Ton.. Sept. -'u. Driller Todd has cased off the artesian flow which ho struck in the Santa l'"e No. ". ami is going deeper. The drill is just passing through I hilly five fool nf oil naml. bin it will be sent deeper in an effort to mi ike Hie pay strata which lies near t ,:? feci in the K'ouwl. The tlut'foy company are moviiiK I heir rig I nun the gusher just brought in. and will heniii another well at olice The fa moils Ms well of I lit- llio I'.ravn (ill company is Mowing a mix ture of oil, sand and water, with a small per ol oil. It is thought t his well will filially be lost. I'll,- Cnffey gusher is still Mowing nicely, wiih a tendency In heconie stronger in pressure and output. It is now Ihming I' .mm barrels per day. nl a icrt line grade of oil. the lightest oil thai has b. u found i.i this lield. an I similar m ihe lighter grades of Hat SO oil. Ihe In I U- biihv nf Mr. and Mrs Miikeut'l died at the family lioine hi re lai ut;-lit at o'clock. A tin., bal't l"y has arrived at the lioiiie nl Mr and Mi lin k Chance. Mr. ami Mi l.ehotil had a baby gn! in ..m v.- at ili.-if home Sunday night. In Cullman, i prominent i-m' .1 I .n mid Mr. .lolly, of the Mary i;;:. a Oil i . of liaison, were I.i,- wnh a p.. It el oil tin II. ' ..I te: ..o r ihe ti. Id W..I 1 hi'. I., i tee. :e. her,, 111 I I N. I', "lu.iim i i.ii .iliy la Itiiie .. "!;. ih I wmii.l I. Pintle nM-taM"II.- i , in if., i-ti'ii. tulere. I'm- i i i.f four and ; i- if. it ii p. h i- II I'longhl llele llolll n i ' i i i; and Olive Lives Long in Water. The olivu will live longer under water tha" mv other tree, fit. pc . Why "Old Hickory." Muny explanations have been Rlvi'ii r. to the (sobriquet "Old Hickory," as ipplied to Andrew Jackson. Thorp ,s in older explanation than that unc- ,;ested by James I'arttm In his life of Jackson that tho title was evolved from progressive adjectives, starting; with "toush," as applied to his endur ance ns a walker. In the early day of le.'.t'essee's statehood Jackson, then ii major general of volunteers, raised a body of troops to put down a formidable rioliiK of tho Creek Indi ans. During; Ihe campaign there wa, much suffering fronV lack of food, nn.i It is related that Jarkr-on received his popular sobriquet of "Old Hickory' from his :-.-.:1:sistlr;? on hickory mils, with the purpose of inspltl-p his in n with renewed fortitude by lib exrin. pie, tho title also being a VHm o-i" for the "t ugh" peculiarities of he temper" mout. According to Ancestor's Bequest. A Japanese, newspaper says: "When lyeyasu captured the Osaka castle, from Hideyori and I.ndy Yodo hn found there Hull Ingots of gold bavins a value of $."in0,niii in the currency of the present Jay. This gold he be queathed to his second son Yoshinan. the lirst of the ilwnri feudal chiefs, with the injunction that It should he kept, for urs In uny national eni'-rg ncy. The present bond of the Owarl Jamlly. Marquis (lire), considering ! Hint Ihe time Is come to employ the money, recently repaired to the tonih nf Yoshlnao. and solemnly Inritiiated I to the spW- i4 Tin- dead that the j Cold wis about to he employed for mi "Vnal iHirposes In accordaine with 1 ti will of Hie fninPv's H'-ist r'nus -n j irstor. lyey.-LS". T'li '-ft 'i- i!e- Minr- ! ipiis liniulod over the mouey 10 ti ; treasury." 1 World's Fair Rates llegllllllllg Sepli'lub nine miimI the end l air, low i.itc !.'. and ciiritiil of ill.- Wi.ibli. M-nrsii a ttel.i t , fiiitn I.i y. Sliletepoll lo St l.niii.. wilt he nil Kale Saturday. Sunday. M-Melay 1 ii' : -.lay. Yeilne.ny and Tfi'ir-dav of each week. T!i. rale i.s . iieine1y b n ut a mile '. h w ny. 7 I Tickets g.n in i c n . i ; only. .in-, aid .ih'iiit a liirit. oii h- POURED O'M DOWIE. Tt C Tt " t i V t T-e L'-'ii tHful K'rk n lt btyle ct t' e Prcnhct Wardrobe. ! ' . ,' t'. .ih i..! i, s i ;. i i..i. ' a'i-''I'""ii ' . H . i.' 1 ' -. I ',--.': , I" . - Tl- '' ' ;' i -. ..,. . t . i - -t f t no r i .... . ,-, , t. ii .1 O-rr-l , I ... . . , . .' . , i,. in t- :- I' V.. t.e In Ask The TicKcf Agent .- i . r 'i - !. C Kt tt tO WIikot Ym AUVElfllSE As a rule you advertise to reach the people; not some of the people or some particular class of the people, but all of the people; not only some of the time, but all the time. TO 00 THIS it is necessary to use a medium for your ADVERTISING that reaches all of the people all of the time; not only in the city but in all the sur rounding country. The following letter out of hundreds in this office we quote to show that we fully cover the field: : : : Leesvillc, La., Sept. 12, 1904 The Beaumont Enterprise, Beaumont, Texas. Gentlemen: You will please discontinue our two ad upon receipt of this letter. We are highly pleased with the results and ask that you send us a bill so that wc may remit. Yours Truly, Vernon Iron Works, .- -' ' Wm. Jackson. Wishes to The Enterprise Distinctly Assert it Has No run LIST But it has more subscribers in South East Texas and Louisiana than any paper in the state of Texas can boast of. If you are an advertiser and wish to reach the people of this section phone the advertising man and if he does not con vince you, don't advertise. Both Phones 93 0) G. P. "d T. A. 1: 8t Lou , Ms, E. W. laBnu-?