Newspaper Page Text
o r TT- ' : ....,...,....-. ' ' THE BEAUMONT ENTERPRISE THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 21, 1MH jt Forgetting th Salt. It I vtry t uny matter to forirM to mtlt the rows, an very htii thai linn liuil the care of ilairy rows knows Many a farmr-r rralUca the ! ' tliu aulmula for unit and Intend to Hlvo them alt l rKular Interval Freiiuenily lie does in it awake to the furl that the row are not Kulnfl cuoiiKh valt till ho imtlros a flat frfcb tnnto lu the milk, anil ho at once run liffta thin Willi the ntmonro of unit This flutni-BH la niiimihi'! to bo the, only detriment to the non KiillliiR ol tlin rows. Hut tents iiihiIo at different times Rhow that the voltmio of th milk la decreased by thin withholding of tho mineral that every animal craves. At the MIhrIrhIiI Kxpcrt nimt Btntlnn tho experiment was tried of keeping rows without Hal, for a niimher of weeks. Throo cowa were deprived of Halt for four weeks Tho llrst two weeks tho milk was not weighed, as It wail llki'ly thut tho cowk woulil not at Ilr8t notlro tho Iokb of the null hy deerenslng their milk. J luring tho two last weeks of the period, however, tho milk wnH wcIkIipiI anil was found to bo 451 pounilH for tho period. Tho Halt won plven to tlii'in iikhIii nnd tho milk wi'IkIhm! for tho ensuing two weeks, when It was found to amount to DC I pounilH. This waa a gnln of 110 pnundH of milk duo to tho milting. IkiiibU-Hs the bout way to give the kult Is to place largo lumps of rock aalt whero tho animals can lick thorn at leisure. There will then bo no dan der of tho animals entlng too much at nny ono tlmo or of poultry gottlng ut It and fiitliiK enough to kill them. Tho love of all animals for salt is ahown by tho hnhlt they Imvo of fre quenting plnccs whore salt Is to be found. In tho early history of tho country, when hunting was n busi ness as much as any other, tho hunt ers used to He In wait In tho places whero salt streams flowed from tho mountains nnd left crystal deposits on tho rocks, for tho hunters know that such places wero frenuonted by, anlmalB from far and near for tho jiiirposo of licking tho salty rocks. Tho processes of digestion require salts to assist them. Thoy can bo carried on without salt, but always at a disadvantage. Tricks In Selling Creamers. Agents of creamers of various klnc'.s moko n Rood living by going through tho country nnd selling tho creamers at high prices. Now somo of tho crenmers are probably all right 8H far as they go, but moBt of thorn are. not worth the high prices that aro pid for them. The agents also l(o as far as possible In building up a ciiso for the things they aro selling. Iti-pnrts from Canada Buy that throe agents of theso crenmers have been arrested and sentenced to jail terms An account or having made fraudu lent statements in the salo of the creamers.. Tho statements were, of -Kiurse, mndo to lnsuro sales. Tho farmers In witnessing at tho trial tes tified that tho ngpnts declared thnt the creamers would keep anything cool without tho uso of ice. Nutter would bo hard even In tho hottest day of summer. Tho creamers were said to be packed with asbestos, which the agents represented as per fectly impervious to heat. Tho agents also declared that commission men would pny n higher price for butter from such creamers than that made In the ordinary way. The farm ers hud signed what they supposed to bo trial orders, but which later turned out to be negotiable notes. The cost of each of these wonderful creamers was In excess of $r0. Isn't It a littlo remarkable that some farm ers aro so suspicious of each other that they will not meet each other in any form of co-operation nnd yet will place such conJldeneo in smooth tongued strangers that they will pay out tholr money on almost any kind of representation? Butter Production This Year. Hutter production this season Is running along about the same as Inst year, certainly not ahead. The West Is making a littlo more butter, due to the good conditions of the pas tures, but the Esstern states are nnklnc a little less. The surplus In the West does not more ttiHii offset the deficiency In the Kast. As butter moves readily fr.vm one great center t another there is no reason why prices this year should drop below those of last year. Ttie mtidit ions during the presrnt month ill toll Knatly on the production ol bit ft or. If the month remains normal as t rainfall the production mi'.l be an preat last year. T'p to tli present time the season ha !' n a r rmal une. In some partr: of lXIiioi and Wisconsin H h l"n nv Ml l g--.-es cooler than oidinsrily. n1 this ha btin in favor of tl.e lrrse.t n duel Urn of milk and cn-'n'-aiHv of luitti r. rricn fliow a rr-ieirMy to lie steady, and are now liVCy ti remain sr, gradually risine durir g ti e rut tlx oiV. rfvrim,nt at Wlvmtiii -f tl.n klinwi-d flat coT:"tai!l'y 'hn-kE't milkers ln-rn-d 'iy ' t-t."y tl. mount of u,i:k yie' t-l. l.m ilt t; e!:fi-refir- was n-t r'et r-i-mli to f come an ol J""t worth at''i'-n. PM uri7afl'-n "f V!T.Tni:k ta gTf stH iijrai-''l d-ir!'5 rf -nt yrar a tb s r-n' In tw j.'rr 1 m'.' -eet for a I'd c r 'Wan It yoni' olLeric' CHAMPION TELLS TWO YARNS, And at Fish Stories Thty Art Mighty Hard to Beat. After supper I Jollied the esiirns out on tho gallery of the hotel, and there, friends, cit liens, and fellow countrymen. I met up with the great- Kraiiddaddy, the genuine, original of all the fun yarners In the world. He sua a kmall old man with a white beard and a serious demeanor, and he spoke la ft low, even, flute-toned voice that upver quavered. I cannot give all tho tale ho told out there, but I ran give a couple of samples Blild he; 'Tp at my place a short spell ago the boys and wio rut down a big tree. After It fell we set down a mite to rest on the trunk, and I hear son. thing making a noise Inside. "Hoys, sex , 'ain't this tree hoi ler?1 "'No,' ics they, 'It's sound and solid. "Then I hear tho fuss Inside again. I grabbed an ax, and, sex I, as I went to ehoppin': "'There's something Insldo this here, and I'm agolu' to know what It Is.' "Ily Ned J Thero was a holler place Inside, and In there was a nine pound catfish what I'd been hearln' llappln'!" "Ilow'd that fish get In thoro?" asked a listener. "I Inven t got any Idea how ho did 'lea 'n tho tree growed around him, which I reckon it bad, somo tlmo or other." For n second sample tho old man furnished tho following: "There was a terrible big fish," said ho, "what used to como up tho Osage before tho war, nnd wo got to hearln' so much about It that a patted of us fellers set In to catch him. Wo got Sno frt of Inch nnd a half ropo, had tho blacksmith weld us a big hook, and we put on a whnlo dog for bait. Wo sot our line, nnd soon, sura enough, tho llsh swnllered tho dog, hook and nil, and tho hook hung. We couldn't nigh pull him out, though thero was ten of us, so we hitched on two yoke of oxen, snd after a hard struggle wo managed to drag that fish out on tho bank. He was nlno foot between tho eyes, and his eyes sot closer together thnn they ought to set in a fish of that size." Kansas fclty Stur. Lost Treasure. "Whnfa the matter?" demanded the mm Ktmmlnir to look at two HttlO boys who wero diligently searching tho sldiwalk. Tiost It," mumbled one of tho boys, iv It lion t, looklag up. Ah." Ha d tho man. wltn interest. nnd dronned on his knees. He rooted about a whllo and looked up. "What was It you lost?" lie nsueu. "Um-m-m-m-m," replied one of tho youths. Hv this tlmo half a dozen me n, two mnrn hov'fl. nnd n dog had Joined In tho search, and tho crowd was begin ning to thicken. Also tho excitement prow anil tho throng caused a street railway motormnn to have nervous frenzies nnd to take It out of his gong, At hist the first seeker for tno lost grabbed tho boy who seemed most Interested and set him on nis reet. limn vnn " ho commanded, leu nr what's lost. Po you hear?" ha shook the boy until he wept tears oi anger, and wiped them from tils eyes with n dirty paw. i i n rent." ho wnfieu. i .em mo s!o!ie. you stiff, will yuhf It's my cent, not your'n." Then tho crowa quiouy muue-u. Dallas News. The Woman Across the Sea. O. Iit lljis were led and her skin wnl . - ... ..... tl.A unT Ami her Imlr a glistening, siible crown. '1'lils wimmn arrnsH tl"' sea; Ami she loved u man. "e. aha lve3 a man, As onlv a true Jtestis.-i run. Lilt the fr- n of fate wa on hrr J.n, ...... . III. Nl'fl. I ma wuiui. - O. tho dnya were Ions ttnt l called he KWt'l'l. . This woman nrrnss tt-e km. An I sIih toved the iliit ' '" vrry For his skin wa fair und Ills ercs An.l liH l.'oislied In his careless, soldiery And Ti'ld her tales, n snldlers may, .... i llui Mt'a. 1 Ills w I Hit. 1 II No r-rlest rnme there to bl. ss hr love. This Miinian ner.isB " , Kh.. ihoiitflil titni mm as tin- slam ahove. ....c.kiM tho iM'a : Hut lie w.til ii way and she walled 1 " . . . . 1. 1.. . .1.11.1 ii i.illi. r ..mi. And w.nkeil au.'. tolled and tlioutlil lu WIOIVU. This woman across thr sea. (. ih inn stie Invert fori.-, t h-r name. This wotllon arrosn mr n ...a li. -r laee. imn'i ii shame. I lll Willi'"" ... . a .-,,r he mail Willi one el l.l fared hltld . . ...... u. .h. ... r.r. tli s. : 1..' to nrr won i-- iwii ni.i So h l.iiitihii at tti one lin Ml l hln.l. Thl- en:.n irr IV ! -Kul'- rt V In Hi. T' ll I'l-intch. Log Plratea at Work. OfHer III Minnesota nnd Wicon-ln ar.? trltiK to rapt ure a ranir of log thlevei who are Very u-ei ssf.illy op trntlng on the tipper tak Inu the very t-t l'c trotn raft, even wlx Ii Kiian!'l b) eb etr e . .tri tilitl.t nnd armed men. A :ato: w i'.t.t.(l taUI':c loc from a vnl-ta'.'.o raft ll- d np sero- the Tlver from I a Cror i-n are the tlo . t t tln v rr i.-,l in c'ltiec a r-l -f loc'.. rfira hn a In lmo th with whlfh the loi.- sr. '-a-n . it I.ft'r ! ?ay. 1 1 lit r i,. w ..w-t1 m-d b I"?' ) j ,ire-f M,"'"'' '! M ' ,H'i f. jr - M :a 1 Wwli ln. hee Hv S'n trig So te. JT" Fni"ti 'f 1 '. '-' " 'r f '.? ''' 'w '" CLASSIFIED COLUMNS Half Cent Per Word, If Paid i n Ad van ce, Ne Ad. taken for leu lata farther notice will be WANTE.O. WANTKII I'oslllon by Intelligent while man. Willing lo work ut any iliing I, -ultimate, lluve Al t'ductalon. Adili'iss box 2mt Iteuiimoul, Texas. J 22 lll. W'ANTKI) At onee, n position by an .Xierienced stenographer; salary no objert; best references. Address llox 25, euro Enterprise. 0 22 Idb. W'ANTKI) One lust class Illack Kiuilli. None other need apply. JIKAI'MUNT IKON WORKS. ! 2U tfc W1IITIC (iiRI. W'ANTKI) Kor gen eral house work. Wages $!." per mouth. Addiess Mrs. S. 13. Robinson, I.oeb, Texns. O lC-lwp WANTKII Position as stenogrnplitr: best of references furnished. Address ltox O. Enterprise. 9 13 wp WANTED Good boy with horse to lalio route on Enterprise. Apply to 0. U. Huloy, Circuhitor. i ' WANTED Tho public to know that Tntum Ilros. puy highest prices for Second hand Roods of nil kinds. Im mediate servieo. Seo us before you sell. C52 Orleans St. 8-22-1 nip WANTED. For U. F. Army: Able bodied unmarried men between ages 21 and 3G; citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For Information apply to Recruiting Offlcer, rostofflco Build ing, neaumont. Tex, 7-3 e.o.d. tf FOR SALE. FOR SALE Three lots on Mugno-ii,.- tiritf loot, front. Will sell cheap for' cush only. W. C. It., care Enter prise. "J zz 1W- 1,-riif sai.k AT A BAROAIN One rotary rig, ono upright ilosU, ono copy ing press anil until, ono smgiu mixw and harness. Address C. A. Mulliol lins, lieaiimonl, or call at room 114. N. Ulaiichetto building. y-ii-oip vnn 55AT.E One flrstclass 22 borso power Traction Engine; mado over; all new parts; guaranteed to (lo first With instieclor's certifi cate. Call op or nddress U. Irby, 111 Thivadiieedlo building or can ut i-uu Liberty avenue, where engine can be " r o 1 ... Been - J JO vnn SALE A fine Tiano. bought new nbout eight months ago; In per fect condition. Apply to airs. iu. x. .Meagher, 12(17 Caldor. 9-18 (itc. vnn An interest renuirins $7,500.00 to $10,000.00 cash to pur chase; in one ol mo oesc eniuuimuuii -.ntiinbln and nrotitatile incorporaieu i.ui.w.uanc! In the South. It Is Situat ed in the plensnntest residence city in South Texas, and necessny lor r niovnl to higher altitude only reason for retiring. Address X Y Z, care of Enterprise office. a ju i ip vni. sat.r n -onnir milch cows, guaranteed and first calves. $45.00. Dr. Baird, V. Blanchetto liuiiuiiig; new 'idione 120 or 575, 8 2fl-t-f-c FOR RENT. FOR RENT Nicely furnished .-.,...r.u rioo in. "25 College street between Pearl and .Main. Now phone. Hot and cold butu. map KOR RENT Five room cottage in desirable locality, near College car line. Rents for $-0 per month; four room furnished, two bedrooms, inn ing room and kitchen furniture nt a bargain. Call at SOU IVarl street. 1122 .".tp. FOR RENT Handsomely fiirnislidi rooms for rent. SH2 Elizabeth, two blocks from V. O. New phono 210. Sl-1- nip. 4 FURNISHED ROOMS Elegantly furnished rooms, with or without meala. Helslg apartmenU. t-S-tfc MISCELLANEOUS. T1 rilMMAN IIINCY ill buy ol, nbaudimiil oil II; 'n Spindio Top or surrounding country, or jull u,. friii ;lllle on p. r (Tillage. Call or phone ::.'7 or l.V.. or address IV O. llox I07.V '' --' "'P- Willi JVAXTS TO IXVKST J"."0 on ;l l tl ?-t Millri' ill business lllill will .;iv L'e'i per ceiii iluiili inl atmuallv T Xo fake. Sltrticlit luisine. Invesli i:ate . Addrev, X. ( are Enterprise 121-".lp IIUVKKS AND CONTRACTORS I'ur iron Mu-rs. lru W. counters, fhwr tailine. fro iM-aiw-s. window suard. . '. . .tii !..t.tiri uli crille and ire mull, fur all piirixiieg. Write ihe T. ni hor I . ii. Co. l'utt on h. 1 WISS AL'STIVS Hot 0 Bu Id "g. ' OprfS trptf . r- 'a-r, o,;.! crv,..i TT- .i . i K -'...-!. t, 'i-.' 1't-i Positively One Cent a Word If Charged. X V SSc. Ads ordered te ma till charged till ordered out. NOTICE Mrs. Helen MeCarey will open her school of Stenography, Mon day, September 6th, 1904. Day and night clasaea In dictation $5.00 per month.. Positions guaranteed.. Fur ther information call at Room 11 New Blanchetto Bldg., Pearl St., Beau mont, Texas. New Phone 6. 1mo GO to I'rlco and Johnson for Wood and eonl. Ring up 'plume 1". and It will bo delivered to joii at once. 9-4 line Tatum Bros, pay highest prices for household goods. Sco us before you buy. (!52 Orleans St. 8-22-lwp Bour Lake "hpringa Hotel." rebuilt and refurnished. Rates, $2.00 and $2.C0 per day. Meals 60 cents. Spec, lal weekly and monthly rates. Hotel bus meets trains, fare 2f cents. A WEEK AT THE WORLD'S FAIR Tho Cotton Belt has put on tho i,,, mm ut ii to for the round trip. Slireveport to St. Louis. These tickets will bo sold scptemuer a, t, (J. 12, 13, 20 unil 27. llieso iieuum ..ii..... o.i.i,,.. finva in SI. Louis, and will bo honored on our "St. Louis Train" In its Chair Cars and Hand some Day Coaches. Don't forget tho dates, and that tickets should bo by tho Cotton Belt from Slireveport. Tho St. Louis Train leaves nureve port at 4:45 p. m., nnd arrives at St. Louis 11:30 next mornig. Write L. P. Smith. T. P. A.. 218 Milam St., Slireveport, Ln. 8-31 27t LOW RATES OVER THE SOUTH ERN PACIFIC Colonist rates to California points Tickets on salo September 15 to October 15. A. K. Atkinson, D. P. A. J. K. TooKc, U. f. te. i. a- It Is Hard To Hold On to your money Vhen you see our FREE OFFER. We are giving you our profit on Refrigerators. If you are Interested, come quick. They are going fast., E. L. Wilson Hardware Co Old Forrester WhisKey Guaranteed. . .. Sir iel 1 y HpuTeTa nd ot'the finest Ilavor. Bottled nt tho distillery nnd guaran- teed by the distillery. Sold overr the counter or by the bot- tle by . . P. G. FUREY, 416 Main Street. , . . . New Phono 203. .... . FOR. SALE CHEAP i pair large Alare Mules, i pr. medium sizeHules Apply at once to French MarKet Grocery Co. Frof. meeiman s j-yfr Dancing Academy tji if jT-j) Opr.. St. 0t. Ut X?.VfitW , lortiriiiM VIII V ? Oct 3 for Adalti. ' , ; MUSIC STUDIO fH.W?l. A. KIRKr ATiICK Trachrr of Vcice. riaaa, Orjaa, 4b ?1 flia Are. Ifrfciat ?1ilt trpUiitit, f tLECT SCCOU "o Pv.H St-frt. - trr l1- i ' V T " - r."--'; 1 ppli A Attorneys at Law I SEYMOUJV IlISCH ATTORNEY AT LAW. 17 Ollberrt Building, Beaumont Correspondents In New York. 8t Louis. Chicago, Etc. W. 3VE. Crook: Corporation and lTTf)PFV Commercial Law. AIIUK.UI. Rooms 1-17, Blanchette Ettats Bids. Associated R. C. Harris. I. W. Lawhon Beaumont, Texas. E. A. McDowell T. C. Taylor M. 8. Dufflo M'DOWELL, DUFFIE & TAYLOR Attorney: at Law Alozander Bldg. Desun.3ot. Tei Dr. A. C. Stafford, Dentist Is prepared to do all kinds of dental work. Prices reasonable. Examina tion free. Gas given la extracting when requested. Rooms 14 aud 1C, over French Market. New phone 80S. C. T. Helslg. T. V. Smelker. HEISIQ A SMELKER. GENERAL INSURANCE AND 8URETY BONDS. Fbones 61 Beaumont Tex. Saratoga 3 Batson Transfer AND LIVERY STABLE. PHILIP H. GARRIGAN, Propr. Heavy hauling and general transfer and livery business. Phone No. 6; Saratoga, Texas. A.Broussard's LIVERY. In Old Beaumont Iron Works Stand, corner Bowie and Orleans. BOTH 'PHONES 63 MONEY LOANED ON DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWEL RY. Low Kate Int. UNCLE SAM, Pearl St. How are Your Eyes You owe It to your self to And out at once. See our eye specialist. THE BECK JEWELRY CO. Leading Opticlana. Hebert & Hebert, BUTCHERS and Dealer in Live Stock. Look ont for negro and mule, for hon. raised mat and pork. Give us a call 552 Main street. Both Phones 220. HEBERT & HEBERT. i V. WIESS & SON . . Fire, River and Marine, Accldact and Tornado Insurance. Estab- lished 1865. ? Phone 9. Beaumont, Texas. i . PHILLIPS ACADEMY Corner Sixth St, and Broadway. Beaumont, Texas. A preparatory Echool for boys and girls. Special attention to students desiring; preparation for college. Af filiation with University of Te::as in five) branches; scholarship to first honor upil. Small classes. Atten tion to the individual. Arthur B. Phillips, B. A., Master. Old 'phone 129. 2094 Calder Ave iniwwuUiWiiK's'imy Lubricating OILS Direct from Refinery to Consumer! No Jobber's profit! Write for Prices Today! GULF REFINING COMPANY ;S07 BIV?E?I tLDC. NEW ORLEANS, LA. j ft iip 1 , ' Set Complete, ready for use, on Calder, Orleans, Pearl Austin, Magnolia, Liberty, North, Hebert, Forsy the Col lege, ParK, Pine and Main Sts. For $25.00 BEAUMONT GAS CO. j ) : J. S. GORDON CO. GRAIN PHONES No. 32 Beaumont College of Music and Art COLLEGE STREET, opposite High School. . MRS. F. A. HYATT, Directress. 1 ' 1 Piano ....... ... TMrs. Ilyntt and Miss Pettua Voice Culture Mre. Sarah Felix I'.anUs Hill Elocution and Physical Culture Mrs. Jennie Bixby Art Mrs. Cura Fuller Violin" Anton Nnvratil Harmony, Sight Singing and Band 1 nstrunionts W. H. Smith Mandolin and Guitar Vroi. Jos. Lo liuono Kindergarten o Music Unia X. Uarlingtou Method Opens September 5th. - . . ... JT B. R. Norvell, Prnsfdent. Geo. C. O'Brien, Vice-President. Chaa. H. Stroeck. Cashier. W. B. Ligon, Assistant Cashier, W. C. Tyrrell, 2nd V. P. American National 3anKf OF BEAUMONT. Capital StocK, SIOO.OOO.OO. Exchange Drawn on all Principal Cities of the World. We have the only Separate Steel Safety Deposit Boxes In the Clty..v UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY O000000040004040 This Space Belongs To The iSiOISIA Mill US iiiHim iiHiMniiiimiiiiinii tiii'iiimi ifi i i hmritrrimrrmMjnM'i Park Farm 'Both V bones One Gallon Water Three Gallons Water Five Gallons Water -Ten Gallons Water -One Barrel Water Special Ticket Discounts: 15 One Gallon TicKeti 6 Three Gallon Tickets i Fire Gklloa TicKets 3 Ten Gallon TicKets 5 One Barrel TicKets 10 One Barrel Tickets 20 One Barrel Tickets FEED 00400000C00000 Lilhia Wafer On Credit. Cash. .10 .OS .25- .35- .50 1.C0 20 - ,30 .40 .80 -51.00 - 1.00 - 1.00 - .90 -3.2$ - COO -10.00 257 Call for Tickets. ' T I . 'I It''. - ft d X a' M'l'l'-. : t '-. . MISS ELLt. AUSTIN, I f r ?;t r