Newspaper Page Text
THE BEAUMONT ENTERPRISE FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER Attorneys at Law , 1904. H : K3 1 1 1 WITH THE 8ACE8. " ' Wo endeavor to make merit of faults we aro unwilling lu correct ly Kocoifoucauld. Tho foundatlona of loarnlnf are awing niurh, atifiuriuK inurh, studying intirn. Calhtrall. Host thou love life? Then 1o ant squander tlmo. for that U the atu.T llfo W niado of. Kraoklln. rvrfwt valor Ih to do nnwltncaaeil what should Ito capable of riving hi forn all tht world. La Hocuofuu cauld. no like a roek that It beaten by the nave. The mrk stands Arm whlln iho serried wave alnk down bafore It. Marcus Autonlus. flurh on thy words ar. aurh will lliy affections be esteemed; and aurh will thy (IimxIb as thy affections, and such thy llfo aa Ihy iluiida. Sooratea. To foci murh for other and little four ourstdves; to ronlraln our aelflsh nnd to Indulge our benevolent affec tions, constitute tho purfitcllon of hu man nature Adum Smith. Artivn Tvove Is atlnlnnblo oi.Iy for J. Jin who doos not place hlH happiness In Ills Individual llfo. and who bIho gives free play to his feeling of guoil will towards others. Tolstoy. Cheerfulness Ih a small virtue. It Ih truo, but It hIkmIh such a brightness around uh In thin llfo that neither dark clouds nor rain can dispel its hapy Influence. E. V. II. Alexander. A man's charity to thoso who differ from hi ta upon groat and difficult qiu'Htlons will bo soon In tho rnt'.o of bis own knowledRO of thoin, tho more IwowlodKO the more chwlty. Koriuat. MacLeod. 8AY8 THE OWL. Most men kirk moro from habit than from necessity. Triplets are three things iu llfo for which no mail la prepared. Tho stage-struck youth should thiol twice before attempting to act. Solomon know but little when cou pnred with what some men think tuoj know. Gossip has about as much use for truth oa a blind man has for spec tocles. A woman thinks shn Is chnrltnblo when sho lets her hiiKbund have her own way. Thorn are many pocks of trouMe In store for the man who marries a stren uous woman. After tolling young people to marry only for lovo tho minister proceeds to marry for money. Fvon tho woman who lays down tho law to her husband is willing to let him lay down the carpets. Sometimes a woman who Is a slavo to fashion marries a man who Is averse to the encouragement of slavery. Some men may have had monkey ancestors, but thoso who nro a'wavs butting In probably descended from goats. weetheert'i little Trick to Teat Her Managerial Ability. "Women's aa are Inscrutable, and they do a grat many ihtiiK that seeia to be utterly without point to men, but It baa two my eiperlence that lime showa they had a pretty poor" reaion for the queer Irlcka tbey I luyed us." ald K. A. Cobbi of Mon treal, Canada. "Kor Instance," lie continued, Mmy wife haa an angelic deposition. Hh ha alwaya had that dinponition, it waa one of the many things that attrarted me to her. After we be came engared, however, on several occaMona she did Ihlnga which aeemed to me lo bo utterly Inexcusable. I've got nomethlna: of a temper. ani i would get pretty hot. but every lime the lit t lo trouble panned off-she hav ing gained her point, however. This sort of thing happened several llmea. I ill wo were finally married. "After tho ceremony she never pave any symptoms of Inconsistency, but was always as sweet ami amlublo a she could be. One day I askuil lier why sho had dono these things dur ing our engagement and If sho had dono them merely to me.ko me angiy. ' 'Certainly I did, my 4".r,' was her surprising reply. 'I aft nrudout woman and merely wanted tu make miro could manage you when joii ore mod.' " CLASSIFIED COLUMNS Half Cent Per Word, If Paid n Advance, Positively One Cent a Word If Charged. V Ke Ad. lakaa for leu ! SSc. Ada ordered te rna till tanker etlte will be charged till ordered out. 9 .jag.; WASTLD. "WANTKI To sell ou Installment, plan a $)."" six room, diiulile gullery liiiiiho for fl.outi. lr. Italrd, New Tli'ino I ju i.r &75. ! 2:1 King t-aopold'a $73,000 Rug. "King Leopold of llelglum owns ono ma tint mm n roiufortublo forllllio In if " said J. F. Caldwell, who rep resents n n Kastern carpet mainline- tory. "I have seen llio rug, nnd it is . .. i. ...I a beauty. King i.eopom pmu U0, or $75,0(1(1, f(. It. I saw the rug lion it was on exhibition In lenna. li u-ns niaile In the Orient, and Is hand tufted. Its ago is its prlnclpo, valuo. and It has been under tho feet or rnvntiv for nrohtliIy a century. Tho ir.Z Is very largo, measuring probably CO by 75 feet. "Few rnifs II ko that come to Ameri ca, though tho millionaires frounontly nay as much as ir.,ont, or iii.wmi lor somo. Few enruets ars Imported, ns they enn bo made much better !y ma chinery than by hand, nnd America ixeels In nil macliino mailo goons Largo numbers of hand made rugs, hnu-over. nro IniDorted every year from TnrUev lVrsla. Arabia and all parts of tho Orient. We have no labor cap able, of com noting with their rugs. t.oulavillo Courier-Journal. WANTKI) Position as stenographer; lest tit references furnished. Address llox O. lCnterpriso. 9-13 wp WAMTun Tho nubile to know thut Tiitnm Itros. nav hlKhest prices for Second bund Roods of nil kinds. Im- medinto servico. Seo ua uelore you sell. 0512 Orleans St. 8-22-lmp MISSOURI HOMESPUN PHILOSOPHY. Tho home of Idleness Is tho devil's ing olllco. Innocenso loves to bo seen In a new dress and J7 bonnet. Few women llko to be either cen aurod or understood. A matrimonial refusal Is the orig inal anti trust decision. The I,ord forgives all tho world forgives all but woman. Men seldom over die or get mad during tho first two hours lifter din ner. It is the first week between tho lilow handles that breeda the resolu tion to leave the gooi o'd farm. Kalih In humanity Is Inclined to wkI.Mp when you ace a pillar i.f tin church drive off the widow's laM cow. A vming man like to he worried a?ii the girl that be loves better llisn she rtort to g t" a FlioW on a jiiim-Richmond Miiirlan. A Tale of the Erie Canal. At AiiiHterihnu, fr Kumla Ixnind, Wn rill mill' iiwnv. An' left (he cliil-k at i" o'clock The llfleenlh ihiy of M:iy. Our bunt It was the Mary Jane, The ercw wiis-Jlin an' me; I hain't seen Jlin ner bent araln Thoy butli are gunc, you seo. We took a risk, the (tale was brisk, mine two foot I" the hold : Hut what's the iink lo klek. nbusa A Nlaiieh friend of tin- obi? 8.1VN J Im to me, days 1 to , 'm: 'It's tonell nil' li". you eA lie says to ine, I wiys to lift: "Tho weather s automat- wu We're loaded down from keel t erown- A draft of tire lirleK: We lisiili'd away. Iirteenth of May, To do the Jul up ipilck. Hut two mile out of the home iort The off mule took the heaves; Km gull tin- Job. u played nut spurt 111) sleeps, till) Wilier grieves. We drug alnn with lilt an" song Hereni'lv ns you pieasii; We hit a rock with belly shock, An' settled there at ease. 'Twns years an' years an' years ago, From' Amsterdam outbound. The Marv Jane sunned Aolt an' slow In mud her bottom found. Jlin stolc the mule, the ro! dam fool, An' skateii nui or sinrii. f swum ashore In tempest roar, pressed In the Knrb of nlKht. I could (ell more, but hain't the heart. On a elo'es lino I Rot Some tiollser lens to hide the pens That drug me from the spot. Horace Seymour Keller. wAMTRn. For U. S. Army: Able bodied unmarried men between ages 9i dii.i sr.- citizens of United States, of good cbnracter and temperate habits, who can speak, read uuu wine l-lnglish For Information apply to Recruiting Officer. Postolllco Uulld Ing, rieaumont. Tex. 7-3 e.o.d. tf FOIt SALE Tlirco lots on jMagno- ii., llt'tv feet front. Will Hell cti.-np for ettKh only. W. C. It., care Killer- prist-. 23 tw. Krin SALK Ono ilrstclass 22 horse nmtrr Trm i inn linnine: mado over; all new parts; guaranteed to do tlrst class work. Willi inspector's eertiii- U-tUv.- l;aJl ou or. HiKU'CSS u. irny, an Tlireuduoedlo building or call at urn Liberty avenue, wliero engino can ue seen. J 15 ALL TRUE. Wbile ynti arc counllug the thorn Ihc rM wi'h-ra. Wiini msVi- a f'vl of a tuan and it c.ifiic latural Ut c'm. n-ea if rem ba'tiT an ai rrinl. l.atett fan a FTind'tc to w!:? KtT ktid kas a l:rtrc. 1 ut be Iroob'e Is rlnuf litter mme lo l K)4e uL .t m . wy fitk Airte-Car Rcutra. r . ww .m t-,t new a'i'o-car rm:t 1-avebii J -. t.-.;.f,1 In c r'c'i1" -b t f Tie tieirr ' ' b 1-o bi ' w oi T-r ,rr r at ti wtk rM tl ttii tf t I tf 1" & e-i 'rk IX-? Buildings of Ancient Greece. At the recent unveiling of a mural tablet to tho memory of the Into Mr. i,' iviu-.iiin F H. S.. in Hie crvnt of St. I'aul's Cathedral, London, Sir K Almn-Tadeniii remarked that Mr. l'cn- roso's accurate measurements revealed how far the Greeks had gone beyond the uso of the straight line Into com prehension of tho hidden curve. Ho showed, for instance, that the lines of the base of tho Parthenon were curved lu order to appear straight, nnd thnt columns on the same plane ir..M ninili different In size In order to orente a more perfect nnd harmoni ous impression of untfnrnuty. It was Mi iVnrnHC who directed the strength ening of the Parthenon after the earth quake of 1S1M. Value of a Candid Friend. There Is nothing like a candid friend." said an old army olllcer the other day. 'When I was young. I I..OI..I such a one In Major Plunk. Th bottom dropped out of things for mo one tun. . and I vowed in my tiopera Hon to commit raticide. The mujoi asked me vi hat was up. 'I am going to blow my brains out.' I said. Tan )m hit the ace of Fpades at ten yards?" asked the major. "' No." I said. "it. tier practice, my boy." said tt.e n.i.jor. 'Itctter practice, tf you're rrt , hittine the brain. Why didn't yon r.--id. lo firo at a ital pot.' WLshlt.pton Post. Colorcdo'a Gold Output. Colorado's cold tatistic. for the fift si months of the cum nt tear, Mow a I.1 tonnacc i t "17.7. n. i h a tiTnati.m ot p' :::'". st.oi;,: 1 ore 1-e tie) docr as" In the pr.x'uc ttii f.-r the -n.'i!ne ba'f tear COt do a t.ia1 rmtfitt -f t-Ai for l i;i be ah-t $?'Oo..O W'ANTKU Position by competeui lusik keeper; best City reference. Ad dr. sH AL T. II., P..O. Jlox x. t'liy a s:i. "I p. WA.NTI'.IJ rosinon ny an experi enced shoe, clothing or grocery clerk. Address ,L, care Knlerprlsc olllco. i !:t r'.tilh W'ANTKII At once, n position by an experienced Kicuogniphcr; snlary no object ; best references. Address iiox euro Enterprise. H i' 2 tdh. WANTKD One lust class lllacU smith. None other need apply. IIKAI'AIONT lltON WOUKS. !i L'U tfo WIIITIC (HltL WANTUD For gen oral house work. Wuges fl.'i per month. Address Mrs. S. 10. Hobinson, Loeb, Texas. 910-lwp W'ANTKI) Oood boy with horse to take route on Enterprise. Apply to U. li. Haley, Circulator. FOR SALE. Foil SALK A fine Tiano, bought in .w nlimit idirht niolillis ago; in per fect condition. Apply to Mrs. M. T. Meagher, 1207 Calder. y-i tc. i.'nn An interest requiring 47 5(1(1.00 to $10,(100.00 cash lo pur chase; in ono of the best established ...nni. .l.b. nnd nrolitable incorporated businesses in the South. It is situat ed in the pleasantest residence cay iu South Texas, and necessity for re-..,..,-,.t i. hlL-hor altitude only reason for retiring. Address X V care of lCnterpriso office. j i ip fiu. SAI.E-J ounK milch cows. guaranteed and first calves. J45.00. Dr. llaird, V. llluiicliotte iltiuuing; ih' phone T-'O or "7.'. 8 2fi t-f c FOR RENT. FOIl HUNT -Furnished rooms, fi!i2 Magnolia Ave., cor. Noilli st. .l-2:t-lwp FOH HUNT Two nicely furnished mailed rooms, dresser, beds, cook love, etc., front gallery. ?n."u per ....nib oilier ame uniunusnea rooms from f2. o $.i.r0 per room; one six-room cottage, $W. lr. Hair I. V. Itlatichette Iddg., or new plume lu or ri7fi. FOH HKNT Nicely furnished rooms. Close in. 2'-'.' College street between Pearl and Main. New phone. Hot and cold bath. lt5lI' FOH HKNT Five room cottage 1,1 Anlv if once tO b sirable bH-ality. mar Colleg.. car Apply at OI1CL iu line. Henis for $:u per iiKintii: tour Miiii furnished, two bedrooms. lin- ing room and kitclun furniture at a bargain. Call at h"" Pearl sired. '.22 ::tp. FOH HKNT ll.iiidoinely furnislu .1 rooms for rent. .r.M2 Kli.abelh. two blocks from P. O. New phone 210. H Hi- nip. FPRN1S11ED ROOMS Elegantly furnished rootna With OT without r rL...n.ii'i . . m rna. -.i - I IIC nirala. Hellg apart menta. LOST. l.liSI'-Un Call stf-.t. Im.- .I.ili Xnai-Mi- t"- a el Sia k MISCELLANEOUS. LAFOIIMAN & IIINCY will buy old uhandoned oil wells ou Spindle Top or surrounding country, or pull pipe from samo on p.'r coinage. Call or phono :ir.7 or LVi, or address P. O. llox 107.1. ' '!. lilt. W'AL C. IIAIHU. I'nyHiclitn und Surgeon, chronic, and prlviuo diseases. Whatever may be your ailment, you enn get valuable advice mid treatment. All uiiforiunates have kind advlcr; olllco V. Illanchelte Itld'g.. new 'phone I2U, laboratory 'phone S7.1. H 2X NOTICE Mrs. Helen McCarey will open her school of Stenography, Mon day, September 5th, 1904. Day and night classes in dictation 5.00 per month.. Positions guaranteed.. Fur ther information call at Room 11 New Blanchette Bldg., Pearl St., Beau mont, Texas. New Phone 6. 1mo rn I, Trlfn nml .Tohnson for Wood ... w . " . . ---- - nn.l run I Illni? nn 'nliono 10a, and it will bo delivered to you nt once. V-i line Tatum nros. pay highest pi ices for household goods. Seo us before you buy. CD2 Orleans St. 8-22-lmp Sour Lako "bprtngs Hotel," rebn!Jt and refurnished. Kates, $2.00 and 2.50 per day. Menls CO cents. Spec, lal weekly and monthly rates. Hotel bus meets trains, fare 2f cents. icon u'avto TO IVVKST S2500.On n . biiHiness that. Will itaiuni rt:i . j iu i. " pay 200 per cent dividend uimually? No fulw. Straight business, lavesti gato , Address X, care Enterprise. . TiTTVFT?s AND CONTRACTORS. For iron fences, brick, counters, floor rnllinml Orn eKcanos. w Lndow guards. elevator enclosures, cubs, grille ami wire work for all purposes. Write tbe Texas Ancnor D ence to. tvuii, Texas. 110 Subscribe for tho Enterpriso. A WEEK AT THE WORLD'S FAIR The Cotton Pell has put on the very low rate of $1170 for. the round st. Louis. These tickets will be sold September 3, 4, 0 12 13, 20 and ,2 1. mese uckois .illow seven days in St. Louis, and will be honored on our "St. Louis Train" in its Chair Cars ami lianu- somo Day Coaches. Don t ungei mo dales, and I hat. tickets should be by i he Cotton Holt from Slireveport. The St. Louis Train leaves Slireve port at 4: 4,r. p. in., nnd arrives at St. Louis 11:3(1 next niornig. Write L. P. Smilh, T. P. A., 218 Milam St., Shrcvcport, La. 8-31 27t Old Forrester WhisKey Guaranteed. Strictly pure and of the finest, flavor. Hottled at the distillery and guaran- teed by the distillery. Sold overr tho counter or by the hot- tie by P. G. FUREY, 416 Main Street . .. New Phono 205 FOR SALE CHEAP i pair large Alare AUiles, i pr. medium sizenuies French MarKet Crocery Co. . - 4 William Weber General Contractor and Builder . . . BEAUMONT. TEXAS. Dancing Academy " Opra Sat. Oct. Ut lr rirlt and me a l.l.s CM W.I..I, Ualitan, 0t jforAdlt. ii nui- I. '!' M! l-i ;i''a I" ! t" I lu. i I em. r.n-i- r ill I - ii ni t-. r. i P I'l-m ":''' I'H'. :iii. r. -' i'. M rd ' -' : " ' j POUND. 1 roi'NM lit. rand !:'" I"' .bit in ii. r ;.n ut. : in ;inn- ! x ,' ,,',L. , M77 i. .'r.i-t "' 1 a , SEYMOUR KI5C1I ; ATTOfHEY AT LAW. 17 Cilberrt Building, Beaumont Correspondents In New York. 6L Louis, Chieaflo, Etc "W. ISA. Crool: Corporation and ITTflDWV Commercial Law. AIIUKiUl. Rooms 1-17, Blanchette Estata lld Associated R. C. Harria, I. W. Lawhon Beaumont, Texas. B. A. McDowell T. C. Taylor M. S. Dufflo M DOWELL, OUFFIE A TAYLOR Attorney! at Law Alexander Bldg. Boaun;:nt, Tea Dr. A. C. Stafford. Dentist Is proparod to do all kinds of dental work. Trices reasonable. Rxnmlna tlon freo. Gas given In extracting when requested. Rooms 14 and 15, over French Market New phone 805 C. T. Helslg. T. V. Smelker. HEISIQ A SMELKER. GENERAL INSURANCE AND SURETY BONDS. Phones 61 Beaumont. Tex. Saratoga & Batson Transfer AND LIVERY STABLE. PHILIP H. GARRIGAN, Propr. Heavy hauling and general transfer and livery business. Phone No. 6; Saratoga, Texas. A.Broussard's LIVERY. In "Old Beaumont Iron Works Stand, comer Bowie and Orleans. BOTH 'PHONES 63 MONEY LOANED ON DIAMONDS. WATCHES, JEWEL RY. Low Kate Int. UNCLE SAM, Pearl St. How are Your Eyes You owe it to your self to find out at onco. See our eye specialist. THE BECK JEWELRY CO. Leading Opticians Hebert & Hebert, BUTCHERS find Deafer? in Live Stock. Look out for nugro aud mule, for hon.. raised meat and pork. Give us a call S62 Main street. Doth Phones 220. KESERT &. HEBERT. 1 V. WIES8 & SON I ci,.a Ptvoi an.1 lV7nHn0 AirMil-nt I . s J.-..C, -" , ! and Tornndo Insurance. Estab lished 18CS. 7 Phone 9. Beaumont, Texae. PHILLIPS ACADEMY Corner Sixth St. and Broadway. Beaumont, Texas. A preparatory school for boys and girls. Special ait"ntin to studonts desiring preparation for college. Af filiation with University of To::as in rive branches; cliolarship to first honor pupil. Small clashes. Atten tion to the Individual. Arthur B. Phillips. B. A., Master. Old 'phoue 129. 2094 Calder Ave Lubricating OILS Set Complete, ready for use. on Calder, Orleans, Peatl, Austin, Magnolia, Liberty, North, Hebert, Forsy the4 Col lege. ParK, Pine and Main Sts. For $25.00 BEAUMONT GAS CO. j j J.S. GORDON CO. a raBBBEBEBBBBEESiiBEtBSMB OSIASN mm PHONES No. 32 Beaumont College of Music and Art COLLEGE STREET, opposite High Sshool. .fi MRS. F. A. HYATT, Directress. "" Piano , Mr. IJyalt and Miss I't'tlus Voice Culture Mrs. Sarah Felix Hanks Hill Elocution and Physical Culture..; Mrs. Jcimio Bixuy Art M''s- (-;,"'sl Fullor Violin Anion Navrnlil Harmony, Sislit Sinsing aud band liistrumciits.. W. H. Smith Mandolin and Ouitar l''"f- J'. I o liuono Kindergarten of Music Vuia K. Darlington Method Opens September 5th. B. R. Norvell, Prasfdent. Chaa. H. Stroeck, Cashier. Geo. C. O'Brien, Vice-President. W. B. Ligon, Asslslant Cashier, W. C, Tyrrell, 2nd V. P. American National Banff, OF BEAUMONT. Capital StocK, SlOO.OOO.OO. Exchange Drawn on all Principal Cities of the World. W have the only Separate Steel Safety Deposit Boxes In the City.. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY 00000G0C0400(X 0 0O0O'KO0O0CO0O This Space Belongs To The RIQIM EvSILL!iS Cj04000000CCOOfONDOK)000OKK00 iiiiihwiwh niiiimii ii'ii i i iirfflnrrrwrijriTrwi'ii Park Farm Lifhia Wafer MUSIC STUDIO Ml. WN. A. KiKMTICK Teatkrr of Voir. PUaa. Oraa. 4ba naeaolia Arc. ! rrpeta Mailr4 Appluali ; hATHAN (ELLS IT FCR LESS, MIS AUSTIN'S SELECT SCHCCL. Opene 6eptrrber irts. .., t.:.. : i' " '- " '' "' ,.., , ,-, I-, ! -1 n r1 : "''. 1 " ' n fill I 1 CTI M 1 K I ! :-! -i ! i 1 . J. Direct from Refinery to Consumer! No Jobber's profit! Write fur Prices Today! GULF REFINING COMPANY :?f? nii r.rc. NEW ORLEANS. LA. 'Both Phones On Credit. Cash. One Gallon Water Three Cations Water Fi?e Calloni Water Ten Calloni Water One Barrel Water 10- .25. - .35- .50 --LC0 08 ..20 .30 .40 E0 Special TicKet Discounts: i 15 One Gallon Tic.ltli 6 Three Gallon Ticket! -b Five Gallon Tickets ITen Gallon Tic&eti 5 One Barrel Tkfcitt 10 One Barrel Tif heti .. 20 One EarrH TkKt - -$:.oo - 1.03 - 1.C0 - .90 -3.25 6.(0 -10.CC Call for Tickets. c0