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A PICTURE FREE Wo tre anxious to extend the cir culation of tho Enterprise in the territory surrounding Zleaumont without employing solicitors, and for the next sixty days we will itive . a handsome Art Picture, worth 25 cents to each new subscriber, and we will give one of the pictures to any old subscriber who will get us a new subscriber. Remember that the Enterprise is published seven days in the weeK for only 50 cents per month, while other Associated Press Morning Papers cost 3 ou seventy-five cents per month. Re member that you get the Picture Free. It is suitably mounted for framing, or looks well without frame. Try the Enterprise a month and you will be glad of it. & ADDRESS ....ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING COMPANY.... Beaumont, - - " Texas. I DEMOCRATIC TICKET. Kur President : ALTON . I'AUKKU. For Vhtt President : IIENUV U. PUIS. Kciio uii'l IHsli U I. For CiMiBrt : ft!. 1. .imoocKS. For tiownuir: 8. W. T. I.ANHAM. Fur lJoiUfimni-Ciiv.'iiinr: CiHO. U. NKAU For J Kor j Kor For 't For For I , For For 1 For I For j For i World's Fair Rates He;liniin;T September 13, and contin uiim' until tlie end of ihe World's Fair, low rale excursion tickets from Hhrevcporl to St. Louis will bo on talo Saturday, Sunday, Monday. Tues day, Wednesday and Thursday oE ,'ai'h week. Tho rato is extremely low about a a mile each way, 7 day's limit. Tickets ;;ood in eliair cars and coach es only. THE BEST YET l'urchaso your tickets to St. Louis via the I.OU1SVILLK. AND. NASI1 VILLH It. U., and lake In tho two host shows on earth, tho World's Kiiir and America's Greatest Natural Wonder Mammolli Cave. Kentucky. Koiind trip St. Louis tickets permit side trip to Mammoth Cave Junction without additional cost. Stop overs also allowed at Nashville, Term. For rales and full miornmuoa call on or address Louisville a Nashville K. R P. W. MORROW. T. I'. A., Houston, Texas. .1. K. Kll.'GISLY. D. P. A., New Or leons La. Ask The Tickel Agent or write to E. W. LaBeaumi; U. H. nd T. A. St. Louis, Mo. i;nterpil:-e want ads always b.ine n Mills. Gen. Tracy's Queer Hand. Rome time d'irInK the yenr bcfirn Gen. Tracy was appointed secreary oi the navy and went to Washington o live, tho Trncys had in their Hrook ,.v:i home an Irish servant girl who l-p.s something of a character. Tall.' rewboned and muscular, cross-eyed nd frackled, she was not much to .ook at, but her dignity was not to be. fritted with. Unable- to read or write, lMHcnuity in evading the admis sion was a source of much a-.niisomont Ic hoi employers. One dsy when tho members tho family were all away i,i tho country she received a telegram f-oiii tho general, and, taking it iround to tho grocery store, slio said to tho proprietor, whom sho know well: Tom, there's just one word in this telegram I can't make out. Tho gen ' ral does writo such a queer hand." New York Times. For For For For For For For For For For For For For Coiupi roller: JOHN W. HTKI'IIICNS. 8ihu Treasurer: JOHN W. ItOlilllN'S. Com. (len'l Land Odlce: J. J. TKUUKLL. Attorney ticnorul: It. V. DAVIDSON. Supl. I'ublle I lint ruction: K. 11. CUl'SINS. ItallroHd Commix-loner: ALLISON MAYFIKL1). Ahhih Iiiic Jus. Siiiireint1 Ct. T. J. IIKOWN. JlldK- Criminal Aoneuls: M. M. UltOOKS. Ass.H late .lux. Cl. Civil Appcal i K. A. I'LHASANTS. HcreHonl alive: WALT Kit A. MYIMCK. District Jtidio: L. II. UKll I TOW Kit. Jr. County . fount v Judue: I). I'. YV1IUAT. Count. v Attorney: f. W. IIOWTII. District Clerk: U. UOYKIN, Sr. County Clerk: HAL U. LAND. Sheriff: HAS LANDHY. ' Tax Collector: It. D. KICNT. Tax Ai-sessor: S. W. l'lUKIN. Count v Treasurer: JACK COWAltD. County Surveyor: (5 US' FALKIONllliUti. Co. Sunt. I'ubl'c Instruction: M. L. MOODY. Justice of the Peace: II. K. SIIOWHItS SAM HOLM US. Commissioner: MALLY 15AST1IAM. Constable: O. 1'.. 1IOLD15H. INDIANS READY TO WOnC:r. Old Forrester WhisKey Guaranteed. Strletly'liuro and (if tho llnesl llavor. Iiottled at tho illst illery and giutraji- lecd by tho distillery. Sold overr tho counter f ,)ytnoi10 lie by . ... . ... P. G. FUREY, 446 Main Slreoi. .. New Phono 205 MEMBERS OF MEDICAL PROFESSION AND OTHERS shed to remember t.bat the consensu s ot tie, Ifst Medic;,! Xsed on luvestigiaiou and results) favors tho uiMvalcl advantage Cool Colorado Offers r-ort for individual,, or -scln need of H-y-al trirt. This Lmd of High Elevation k Via Little Knovn Degree. ,lohn Morley has been given the de j:ree of LL. D. by Kdlnhiirgh liniver i ity, but tho nitt.ior of the "Life of Gladstone" will not use the distinc tion, nor will hhi friends "doctor" him. He already possessed tho degree, air way, and besidos His einer urouui was a Dr. Morley. Most public men are chary abuut making use of compli mentary' konors. Hut Sir Archibald Geikio tellt about a Scotchman who was not Kt modest. The latter tacked the Initials "L. K. IV on to the name ee emblazoned on his visiting cards. -Whet does It mean?" his friends asked him. "Weed, I saw It was the ri.t thing to have tho letters," he ar.swered, "and as I didna ken what a' Ihe f.iwks' letters nieinit. 1 thought I would put Juxt U F. 1'. It nieaus I.nt.nly from l'j'iMcj . " Simple Tricks Made Them Think the White Men Godr. Kvcn as late as the year 1805 there were Indians on the North American eoatinei't who hail never seen or lizard a gun, had never seen tobacco smoke and were capable of worshiping the white men who controlled these won dcrs. The Ktv. A. G. Morlce tells ol some of the adventures u. SImm - Fraser, who has stninpp;l his name on Canada. Father Morico writes as f"l lows: "On 'andlng at l ake Stuart Fraser's men, to ln;iuess tlio intive with a prop(-r Idea of their wonderf"! resources. II red a volley with their guns, whereupon the wholr) crowd i.t Indians fell prnslrato to the ground To allay Uieir fears and make friends tobacco was offered theni, which on being tasted was found too bitt"r and inrown away. Then, to show ils use, the crew lighten nines, and at thu Eight of smoke Issuing from del: mouths tho people began to whlspet thut they must come irom the lai;.. of ghosts, sinco they were still lu!i of tho lire wherewith they had hen cre mated. IMeces of soap were given m tho women, who, taking them to b rakes of fat, set upon crunching them, causing foam and bubbles in the mouth, which puzzled both the actors and bystanders. All these phenomena, however, were soon explained away, leaving no suspicion In tho native mind, but a most profound admiration for the foreigners and their wares." THE DENVER ROAD 1 .- On'y Line r,ff.-ri Sol.d Throne Trains fn..n the "-' la !.v Thr.mrh ' 1 'i )'.'. ,1 r - !! Mi-i-i'li'fiitly A.xdliltl Cafe -.-. " I..,., I ), ' :n J ii- , , ,... -i 2- Ti' 1 '"" to tcW4 t a : U- hi, lnej ti rit toii, . ii '' tt. Jspsrt. s Scientist. "No i,--r. iat!'.. is ni-re - f'-i'iR Iv .ncF.'.-t v I il.nn are the Japanese lii Mie F;-li-.h :!:::als of science." ms t'.!" I un::i Lancet. "They pos re::; pn n:i'ii;blcdly strong faculty 1'er original researc h, and they con;-l.-e this faculty with a rharp-slgM-rilness s to the possibility of the practical appli'alion of the frui: cf renr(h. The Japanese cheml.: .mil' 'ne jM.wer of originality of tie Unulish chemist and Ihe praMical In teitioii of the "rinsn. There arc ! vera! di.'tingul'hed Japam-s-? rh-ni i ! ho are lelloF of the Km-lish (--r t.i al MK i IV. ho 'Ci' lc' tol ! tin ir fi-!l shiji on B'-'-ontit "f thtli ioi.tribitlMfi to orif-iniil " iencf." THE FALL OK METP.0RITE3. in Gcientlsts Assert Hundreds Drcp the Course of a Year. The total of U4 meteorites ns known up to UHl.t, of wliich thero we:e 1S2 irons and only 71 stones in the western hemisphere, and 2fi!l stoi-.-s an.; only 7! irons in Hie I'listern li' inl rjiherc. The records show only t!;" fall of of these nieteorites, dating back to the fifteenth century. I'rof. Herwerlh of Vienna, d-sile t!:is smalt ntiTiilK-r of known KpeeimenH. calcu lates that D'itt meteorites must fall to .he earth each year, not counliti!; shooting stars that disappear In Hie Stinospliere, and thai S5 of then- at hast p him Id come under olisi rvi.t hm. I'rof. H rwerth finds that nu t'orin iavc been chiefly recorded la civilfzeil centuries, but that In ninny inslai.ces they are more numerous in thi. ' ' t tied districts, and that they I.;.- an (v.spetial allinilj tor moiiiiUliHius art-ii When YciM One Way Via the Denver Road N . Da a. T.P A. . R. W. Trte. C. T.A . A. G 'f-on, G. P. A. How Long Dec a Tree Live. 11 ic ;.m: :.i.y n vlrji i- lit avr-r-i. - : ; -.-Hi of a tr-.-'.- l'tt? li.fwt ia t..'! I.; t;e i; r., :.u f-:i tr . . .u:i ji.n -ki"t t '. .;i.e in ;.) x'j- a- a n.;nin'u. i-t,i:Mi t ! 4i:" vkr? to '! i .inr I r. "T". t; Remedy for MuseuKr Fatigue. In formic acid Pr. ClemeTit of th 1-Ycnth Academy of Mdieine riin. In have dlf-overed a wonderful r-"-My for mufctilsr failv'te. II" cti Mne It with HeartHntP of wis t, tare Ihe stomach from dlftr'-ss. 1 z '.!. re i ... r: -c :n i l.ii ' I,. IT- I T'.' i.'ai f '! ' 1-1 'c j. 1 ..jt -J..- C- '.I 2 lefe.'i-. J. it i c-. -r t,n in i j . r .i. ' !- t h I" a: t ::. C ' ti - Ma'ta't Cbf lr.-;utry. I acniai in f t n. 1-e n."t.t to Stit two fi ft ha of L jM''i'''-"- i Malta. Silk Is tni ciii"i ni-'-'i ' tot it la"- )eam co't.n lian t- n ' ' ' jtn d. mai l. Th r Is biu l' d -o froa family to fin.V.y. Catt e Bring Hgti Pr iti At a f'e f flx.rtlmr-n r' In t,"a1 of Are'Itit.- It' p i! ' ' jra'i'ira! f -r r-t,''T ffci ! 1 - m f.r N"t'.n f-t-t', a V-"i;-hr-- &1VEITIIE As a rule you advertise to reach the people; not some of the people or some particular class of the people, but all of the people; not only some of the time, but all the time. TO DO TfflS it is necessary to use a medium for your ADVERTISING that reaches all of the people all of the time; not only in the city but in all the sur rounding country. The following letter out of hundreds in this office we quote to show that we fully cover the field: : : : Lcesville. Sept. 12. 1904 The Beaumont Enterprise, Beaumont, Texas. Gentlemen: You will please discontinue our two ad upon receipt of tnis letter. We are highly pleased with the results and ask that you send us a bill so that we may remit. Yours Truly, Vernon Iron Works, Wm. Jeckson. The Enterprise Wishes to Distinctly Assert it Has No LIST But it has more subscribers in South East Texas and Louisiana than any paper in the state of Texas can boast of. If you are an advertiser and wish to reach the people of this section phone the advertising man and if he does not con vince you, don't advertise. Both Phones 93 -