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THE BEAUMONT ENTERPRI SR VOL. VIM. BEAUMONT, TEXAS, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1904 NO. 160. IRON MOUNTAIN RAILS SPREAD-31 HURT HEAVY RAINS IN MISSOURI WASHED OUT THE GRADE, AND CHAIR CAR, COACH AND SLEEPER WERE DERAILED PASSENGERS CRAWLED OUT OF WINDOWS AFTER THE COACHES WERE OVERTURNED Physicians Who Accompanied the Relief Train State That Probably None of the Inured Will Die. Weight of Train Caused Rails to Spread. List of the Persons Injured. St. Louis. Sept. 27. Spreading rails to-lay cause,) a wreck on the St. Iniila Iron Mountain ami Southern railroad mar Vulcan. Mo., 125 miles from hero, In which "1 portions wore Injur ?tl. six seriously. The train, a south bound passenger known an tho Hot Springs Special, left here about 4 hours previously. S-i ioiiHly injured: Tat Martin, Pocahontas, Ark. W. W. St rot hers. Ties A re. Ark. Hr. S. S. Tinker, While. Ark. R. S. Nays, Fayette, Mo. Mrs. J. W. Michaels, Little nock, Ark. H. II. Hill, Little. Rock, Ark. It was stated at the general offices j of the Iron Mountain route tonight J that the wreck was caused by the re cent heavy rains. The train is a fast special and was running well up to the schedule time when the accident occurred. The baggage and chair ears, a day coach and a sleeper, left the rails and overturned. At tho plae where the wreck occur red, the track Is on a level with tho Fin-rounding country so that, the de railed ears did not fall down nn em bankment an to (his in attributed the fact that none were killed. A special train brought the injured to St. Louis and there were taken to hospitals or homes, as they desired. Physicians who accompanied the re lief train, stated tonight that in their opinion, none of the injured would die. BOXERS ARE ACTIVE. October 17th Fixed as the Dato for Extermination of Foreigners. Shanghai, Sept. 27. Reports re ceived from tho northwest part of the p.ovince of Shantung say that the Shotuan Boxers are openly distribut ing prospect uses, couched in the same langunge as those circulated before the uprising of Hiiifl. These prospec tuses orde,- precisely similar observ ances and fix October 17 next as the date for the extermination of all for eigners. Lady Curzon Relapses. Walnier Castle, Kent, Sept. 27., 7:30 p. m. l.ady Curzon 'h improvement, was not maintained today. She Is much exhusted this evening. QUARTETTE OF SUICIDES. New Orleans Has Four of Them' Within Twenty-four Hours. New Orleans, hept. 27. Fou.- su rides have occurred hero in the last 24 hours. Maud Mars quarreled with her lover and jumped into the river. Louis Heller, a cotrper, stabbed him ei If In the breast. Gone PhillaKpcrc, a negro porter, was reading repo ts of suicides aiid f.wn'lowed two ounces of carbolic acid. Alahami River Low. Mobile. Sent. 27. Ttr- Alabama tiver has lieeome ro low that It has lioen declared unnavigable mid river M'-anier will le laid p till a rise. The banks are lined with cotton and Ibe lorn water w'H cause thousand' of dollar loss. Old river men ay the condition is unprecedented. PLUGGED BY PEONS. Jesus Camillo. Wo Refused to Pay More Wajes Buried Today. Hi Paso. Texas. S"p'. 27 In an a- j lark ! ich was made nnn h'm tida ! I.v his rr!p'iy,- .mine io hi r-ftiai to in'T-aw wrre. Jetu f'am:llo. a j mine trmvT, at Sa 'ru M-oi. - : b" end k'lleo. Tho fan ho d'i j t?e th'K'ne it'H 41! of the other ho mad,, nn tee attack- I ine riar'r tnn:;e,j to e-watie. I Se"to Hoar Dfing. . V. 'wo ct, r. Ma.. fit. ;7 At 7. t,,t . f;; t,,ti i-,r , tt. th. eiintrr fit j... , tt n, f.ii-Jit H i i"ni4 " t tm,- 1-4 UKtu. , J Ij I i a'ni'd f He PHELPS STIRS UP ' NEST BLUNDERING JUSTICE WHO DID NOT KNOW THE LAW HAS IT REVEALED TO HIM. WIRES II WIIH INTERROGATION Washington Is Getting in Behind tho Small Judge Who Claimed Thtt hit. Court Did Not Recognizb International Law. Boston, Sept. 27. A telegram from Washington bearing on the finding of third secretary Guniey of the Uiitish embassy by Judge Phelps at Lee, Mass., yesterday was received at the executive department at the staie ihouso oday. The despatch was' re ceived by Lieut. Gov. Guild, wlio in tho absence of Governor Dates nt once conferred with Assistant. Attor ney General Nash. In Touch With Phelps. When the conference was conclud ed tho lieutenant governor at onc sent despatches to Acting Secretary of State Adee, who signed (lie tele gram lrom the state department and sent it to Judge Phelps at Lee. Tho telegram from the stlto department follows: ''Washington, Sept.. 20. Hon. John L. Bates. Governor of Massachusetts Boston : "British embassy Informs me that Mr. Guniey, third secretary of tnat emhas.-y, chaiged with driving an automobile at excessive speed wai to day arrested by the deputy shen.Y and taken after entering protest un der threats of force, to the court nt Lee, when in spite of li's protests, he was sentenced by H. (;. S. rneips, special justice of the Ioe police court, to pay a fine of $25 and on his de claring that he could not admit tlm right of tho court to scnence him another finp of ?25 for contempt, of court and to go to prison if ho did not pay. Th Law on the Subject. "Section 4fltin revised statutes of the rioted State- declares that any writ or process issued or prosecuted by any person in any state court or judge or Justice whereby the persoi or any public minister of a foreign slate is arrer-ted or Imprisoned shaK bp deemed void. "Section 40fi4 declares that any per son obtaining or prosecuting sucr writ or nroeess and every office con cerned In executine It. sha'l bp deem ed a violator of the law of nation1 and subject to imprisonment an-' fine. "I h?ve o rennet that yon tab" such action as mnv be prooer in ihi -case. (Signed.) "At.VKY A APKF. Aet:mr Sccrctnrr o' State." Promises Immediate Action. Tho lieutenant covemnr' nwsa?' tn tho acting (w-cretarv of na fol low : "Se llnu'o Ronton. Sen. "Hon. Alvev A. Adoe. Vahine1nn "Vottr to'eemm 'n reea'd to tt thirr) tmv.tjrr o the emhaptr In' received. Itivoicat..n al-csidr r'rj ed. tmmo.rte ac-ion wl tal efi f Signed. Yi-o-rtft nrtt.n. "t.iet.t Clm-i'Tyirvr ctinr Governor" Ts Telegram. The u-lerrsni to Jidrc rie'r id n R TTi' Tj,. i4'vA t& iri-Xs- M-. "The tii'lm-tt r-f-rrni hfi' )"- rv-ir-H r'.m ' .' rir-narrw-M .. ' tvi, f,f ,'. C.r'tarr K'f- I .-y-,,. .,. ..-pr r-'r)-i v-" ti - ,1, - ,, rrr , ,- '.f.: ... ,,.,, f,.. . , .- - - t ,. . hi BISHOPS, ARCHBISHOPS AND A THOUSAND PRIESTS MEET IN NEW YORK. IS THIRD GENERAL MAMS! Pope at Special Mark of Favor Grant ed Three Indulgences to Those Taking Part in the Services Message to Plus X. New York. Sept. 27. No event in the history of the Roman Cat hollo church In the United States ha:i ever brought together so many prelates, priests and members of the hierarchy as tho third general lOuoluir.' -si con gress, which was opened today wl'.li a solemn iKintiflcal ma at St. Pat rick's cathedral. The congress will continue three days. During the continuation of (foe sol emn Te Den in nt St. Patrick's, simi lar services will he held daily in a'l churches within this Jurisdiction. Pope Pius X as n special mark of his favor, has granted three speclnl indulgences to those attending thesu services. Thejiope by a special let ter, has commended the spirit of the congress and the message will he de livered to tho delegates, consisting ot more than one thousand priests, a dozen nrchhishops, fully a score of bl.-hops and monslgnors and eccles iastics of high orders, by Mgr. Fal conio, apostolic delegate to the Uni ted States. Manager Faleonio will represent the pontiff at the congress and Bishop Camillus B. Maes of Covington, Ky., who has been fore most in furthering the Ruchnristic league movement, will preside at tho congress. After a procession of the visiting nriests and prelates, mass was cele brated by Archbi-hop Farley. The sermon, which was the keynote of the congress, was delivered hv Mgr. .To'. F. Mooney, vicar general of New York-. At the suggestion of Archbishop Farley, the archbishops, bishop, mon ilgnors and clergy unltef in semTln i mes age of thanks to P'us X, and the following bearing the signature -f "e archbishop of Now York, was cabled to Rome: "The third Euchari-tlc congress of the United States assembled 'n the cathedral of New York, thanks tiie h.olv father. Pone Plus X mo t cor dially for the natcnal love and bless ing contnlned in b' offic'al brie' nn.I salutes him with fll'al love nnd loy alty." Japs Noar Yentai Mines. Mukden, Sept. 2(1. via Pekin, Sept. 27. The Russian cavalry west of the railroad report an important Japanese movement, with n threatened attack. No change eastward is reported. Four Idvlsions of Jaapnese are at Hentslapntze. three divisions arc supposed to he near the V'i nlai mine. and two othcrg west of them. (Sen. Mistchenko reports that he penetrat ed to the Yental mines and found on ly small detachments of Japanese there. particular cte a- rave breach of in ternational law. Ak you to t"!" graph me at once if Mr. Curney ih arrested and fine, in hplte of protest.-.? Other channels of riilress are ,i,i.-n in "ase of the violation of Massachu-elts laws by the diplomatic represent a tivs of other nations. Therefore if fine was imposed and collected, the commonwealth will apoloclz". Ti,-' Hne mest Ik? retniited and I in-ed not sugge-t to one mi respected as you :he perxctnal amend that vm will ot "onri. desire to make to M. flume for 'he efor ot n.ethixl adon'i-d bv vonr court In this tinnxual raie. Klndlv for-ard me affidavit f It- evidence of any liTach if Ma-'-lni. wtts lat-. fSigned.) turtis nnt.n. "IJiit. fw'nernor. "Actitie f! " Lieut. Cor. CuiM ai, tht ti fnr- tbo rarttoti would .e taVr-n titit ),o ha,1 ber frrmi Jndee fh!w. The Blunderer is Mum. ri"-fifd. Van., P'yrt IT l'f-ii. Phclp todr a ar-e o dieii Hp the Oumer rue 'If fn ti' ' 've ma'''- tVe. I tii'l tl1!v pu .l'ir " h ! 1;t r.iilr r.i I WM'-A in rirV. Putt Law i M-9. T. a Tr 'n. P C P' ti. 17 - Ti i m,m v irfi'-r1 '' ' 'In r r" 5 4 -. -tt. 1,A,t'f,l t.4 t't,t. ?'.- "nn"t M''"m !. "- m-i'M M - f;ii-r li p 't trt ' -t . , ni... rT' 'T-' u' "f il.e 'aiit t t, r . i- -.!'. ' d'-'r.rlff-TI' h:- '' ' '" t1 i'1r. WAR BULLETIN. Indications point to tho Iniml- ncnoe of a forward movement of tho Japanese Hrmlin ugalnst tho Russians at Tie Pass. Hlnmlntln. anil Mukden. Gen. Kuropnlklll Is fortifying Fakoinan northeast of Mukden, that he may be pre- pared for tho contingency of tho vai'iiuilon of Slntnlntln. Re- porta of a naval engagement with the southeastern extremity of Sakhalin are not verified, to tho contrary. It Is believed tho Vladivostok siiiadron remains In tho harbor. There Is no news from Port Arthur. o WROTE LETTERS TO PRESIDENT MAN WITH FONDNESS FOR WRIT ING LETTERS WINDS UP IN FORT DODGE JAIL. WANTED 10 MARRY HELEN GOULD Experts Who Examined Hlti For I sanity Claim That the Offender Is in Hie Right Mind. Had J. J. Hill on His List. Dos Moines, Sept. 27. Charged with writing and sending obsceno letters to President Hoosovelt, Miss Roosevelt and Helen Gould, a man giving his name as Edward Dalhciler, has been arrested by the United States authorities and lodged in jail at Fort Dodge. The letter alleged to have been written by Dalheiler to tho president threatens his life unless certain reforms ure made. Tho one to Miss Gould proposes marriage. The letter to Miss Roosevelt is not made public. It is alleged that tho prisoner also wrote to J. J. Hill, ash ing him to intercede at Washington and have the gold standard changed to' diamonds, as a medium of ex change. Dalheiler was arrested at Emmetts- burg, Iowa, where he was brought before the commissioners of insani ty and pronounced to be in his right mind. It is claimed that Dalheiler wrote the letters In South Dakota, and he will probably be taken to Sioux Falls for trial. BANQUETED HIS GRACE. Archbishop of Canterbury Meets 400 Notablrg at Astor House. New York, Sept. 27. His Grace, the archbishop of Canterbury, was the guest of honor at a dinner this eve ning, given by the church club of New York, in the banquet hall of the hotel Astor. At the guests' table, was the official head of the church of England and the Episcopal denomination, sat Geo. MacCulloch Miller, president of the church club wdio occupied a chair at the archbishop's right. At the left sat Uishop Potter, head of the church in New York. Others at the table were Mayor Goo. I). MeClollan, Right Kev. (Jeo. Worthington bishop of Nebraska, Preidenl Nicolas Murray Hutler of Columbia university. More than 40(1 guests including the leading prelates and churchmen of the Episcopal faith in New York and vicinity were present. American Suicides in Berlin. Ib. lin, Sept. 27. A dispatch from Siiashiirg announces that I). II. (ioos, pic.s'dtnt of the Amerira-i Institute there, has tdiot and killed himself. KID M'COY WINS. Slugged Sullivan to Finish in Twenty Rounds, at Lor Angeles. Ixs Angile, Sept. -7. Kid McCoj was given the decision over Jacl. "Twin" Sullivan of lio-ion at tho end of the twenty rounds nt the pavilion tonlfht. The fight was fierce one from the dart, lxih men taking ad vaniaco of everv mle tiia' was hort of actual fouling. Mc"v piinislnd Sullivan Kcverely, having ! in norl and mouth tdefriiite; 'n evert: rrind .ftcr the fifh. Vesuvius Bcoms Calmer. Napb-.. K' (d. J". 1 h erupt im 'f M'nitit Vni ha treat lr Hindi Mie1. The "me ejected f r.m lb 'p T di n fi'fw rie Im rorid a b ith' i." Il'i fe. Trie anth'.rn ' hare r 'nt"A he rc'ricl i'pfin plaeed ntrtn tb ...t!ic. vrTnrcp rrRf-rsT ; : Wai-birr-'in. P. C. S-t. r7 W-i--'-rfi T: Fb- and ,'. 1-T V. -''ii-urtr f-.Tx fair in -t-itu- '-oi virti'in. Tti'ira'lit fS'f 5-i'i-t W-l- ti-'!a: e"c,'ef )f t-r-i'iti Tli'tr-'ti-r ttiMr-r. e,tr l-i h- tr -i'r rr-h ,.,), eu li.--Ti 7T- Ktl.T. w d f.'-'!li -,i1 in t,'ir-) --. rr tew- T . ,.-r. 1 e.v.uT : f-ii 1,-ikfc H'wfc ili') if 'lie m . 1 MARSHAL OYAMA SPREADS THE PRESIDENT'S UNKNOWN PROXY FORGED CAMPAIGN DOCUMENTS APPEAR IN COLORADO MIN ERS' ORGAN. ADDRESSED 10 MICHAEL DONNELLY In Spurious Statement Mr. Rooseveit Is Made to denounce Unionism and Class It With Lynching He De nies the Imputation. Butte, Montana, Sept. 27 When Si nut or Kabbnnks mid his party ar rived here they found the republican leaders much exercised over tho puh llcatlou in the miner's magazine, pub lished at Lviiver by the Wesle.n Fed cralon of miners which purported to hi. a denunciation of labor unions by President. Roosevelt and a denial of its authenticity by the president. The l'resii! ill's coin ml lei o, was sent lo Former Senator Lee Alantlo In re sponse to a telegram of Inquiry from him, and was as follows: Whlto House, Washington. Your telegram received. The letter you refer to pur porting to he adilressedby me to Mi chael Donnelly and printed in IhoMin ers' Magazine of September 22, is of course, an absurd and Impudent for gery. I have written no such letter, nor any letter even resembling It to Mr. nor anyone else. I have written Donnelly requesting to l;now If he Has receiveu any such let tor and requesting him, if so, to at once lay it before the district attor ney of Chlengo to Hud out whether it is possiu.e to discover and punish the forgers. (Signed) ' 1'HEOnORE ROOSEVELT." Story of the Letter. The letter in which the president Is represented to have made his attack n union labor was addressed to Mi chael Donnelly, of Chlcugo, president ol the butchers nnd meat, cutters' un ion. The document Is g!veu In full with Presdent Roosevell's name at tached, but without date, and It Is stated that it was written in response to an appeal by Donnelly try him to interfere fo. the settlement of the late butchers' strike. Following aro some extracts from it: "I stand ready to di as my illustrious predecessor, Gro ver Cleveland did, and assert the power of this nut kin against nil locul nullillers. Last summer 1 felt im plied to write a letter calling upon my countrymen to put down lynrh ng. lint labor union terrorism and cr'mo i e ns great a national menace as lynch law. "Let me tell you (hat tho first, duty of the (Ulcers of the law, whether I hey be sheriff, constable, municipal officer, miners, governors, or tho pres ident himself, Is to maintain public or der and put down the mob wth an irim hand." Aller addvlslng Donnelly to put a slop to the strike the president Is ri present oil as saying: "In any case lie assured I will keep my hands off unless your folly brings you Into col ision with (he laws of (he Unled States, when my hand will go on In a way you w..l not IHo. So far as I am concerned, you have barked up the wrong tree. I am not to be either vliredled or frightened Into meddling with what is none of my Iiiihiicsh." Hill Acquitted of Lynching. Iluulsville, Ala., Sept. 2". The Jury in the case of Hen Hill, alleged lynch er, rctiirnccfi a verdict this afternoon T not gnl'tv. Fatal Cats off Labrador. St. JirfniK. V. p.. Sent. 2". The stenicr Vinrlnla from I Jibrador. rc hi1k !: tin' co.-iKt sil bv a b aw gale lanl n-eek and that II v- w lx rtio.'-Mv PihIi laden, m-ere ,ilvr. a bore, the CTcatcr tfirthm of them Ix-lng totallv -f lei. Hcvcn failor Ix-ioncing to two crafm were dron- ed COTTON MILLS ADVANCE WAGES. North Carolina Manufacturers of Yarn ir Willinn to Pay More. Charlotte. N. c. Sent. 27. Pur n nt n a reretit eatl br leadlne enttnn mi I mil acting Ind'ix-nden'ly of n ureanixatkin al,ni fftT p!nners r ,r -m-tii inr a a T7 ip!n llii erirair'-d 'n h- nn"faelire rf una tit" ii-re friav ant arr--! uim ttl iii' -'ale .f firiees. Tt f''tim ifi i' l.-ne n ere r ff i' h n aivl-o-r rtim m:le; J i-.rriii,- t.lnr-.,'rit'n v r.. V !. , .,f M-wr-- C.'-n III" .f ,i.f ' I e I Will", and Tt - e-itiim:, 'V in in h ; rrirlt fm'"'i'm ' the P!T-t rtr Pe C-oV f f. r7 The khI SU-i.' tifca f-e-M'ef p 1$A jr"i fti tfi pirn (rliiir. I.f f 1n- it t ftfif-ifi r the ;-" 'A yi'-T'f fljere 1 -!!. WILY JAPANESE GENERAL CAREFULLY MO VfS HIS BATTALIONS FOR AN ENVELOPING EVENT AT MU.tDEN. IF KUR0PA1KIN TRIES TO HIS FLANKS WILL BE ATTACKED QUICKLY The Fate of Mukden Will Japanese Defeat or Another Foot-Race Absence of News From Port Arthur Indicates a Tightening of Blockade Lines. KILLED HIMSELF FOR A WOMAN THT FOLLY OF CARLO VON BAU- DIT2 WHO LOVED TOO MADLY. STORY OF GRtfN EYED MONSTER Suicide Was a Wealthy Venuezetan on a Visit to New York, and was Apparently in the Trammel of His First Affair. Now York, Sept. 27. RocntfO a young woman with whom ho wan In fatuated hail rnfiiHod to rocognl.o hlni when t.hey inol In n fnHhlounhlo cafo laxt night, Carlo rrfldoricpi-." Von Hiuulitz. a woaldhy young Vene zuelan, sliot himself In his apart ments at the hotel rOndlcott. From a friend of the xuicldn, It has been learned that Von Duiidll. Inn trouble with tho womuti several days ago, when he met her In company with another man. Alter Htormj ficene the woman promised. It !a Raid, not to offend ngaln. Ijut evening, while Von Hauilltz and two frlemU were at dinner In the cafe, the wo mun and nnothef man entered nnd took units at a table near them. The woman, according to Von liamilt. friends, did not appear to notice her admirer. Von llaiidit. became excit ed. After rcprnnchlng tho worn nr. and caiiHlni? such a scone that the waueis IlKIUMI illH llieiim "1 ume nim ,. i i i.;.. i I . ,..... I.t... out or tho restanrant. Von Iluudit at I"' """" -last consented to leave the place. to refor t" t" scouting parties of Ja sbouting as lie did so: "I will kill panose whoso presonco was recorded, myself. She l:t false. I have nothing i in the Associated Press dlspatchea of more io live tor. tho hotel, pistol shot was heard an I . I he young man's body was found I y- OfPlII Huer HO P "Ui:il e ink tihiiii ii I Inn on the floor, lie died Instantly, A "im'c nddres-ed to "who-n !t mavi81" o September 2i is all the more concern , safil: No one to lilnnie; i i did It nivsolf." A second letter asked that some of his personal properly be given to the woman, who hai' spurned him. LAWYERS MEETING. Interesting Papers Read Befo e the Association at At. Louis, St. Iiuls. Sept. 27. The Amercan bar APSH'latim met lxliv. At the conclusion of reports, a recess was laKcn. wnen me association asa n a- embled llenjamin Abbott, f Geor- . . ... . i RIB, KKke on to wnal extent will i nation n otect its citizens In foreign count rles?" The association 'hen listened to re- pt.ftn of KfX'C al committee. The annual ad.lresH f Hon. Amo. j L , JQ0 t Rort A .M. Thayer. in nit Judice nf St. Imls.l , vik reid by Jitdse Kraaklin Ker j. Imdon. Sept. 2..-A telegram tn a hbo of this ;tv. jlHsl news agency fnim St. Peters- Judge Thayer a prevent, but ow- burg av; A dispatch has been re Ing to a beavv eild aj unable to'r--ived by the official news agency dov-r t,e addi.rem hlrnw If. The . there from Harbin, saying that the. Kiiejeet ii( the ad. Ire, n "the l'U Japanese lost 1..Tt men killed during h.'am Purclia: . liifliK nre mid de 'the night attack on Port Arthur, of ec,iment iine American rub-." i Scptcmtier 1 A lenrlhy diwuwlim Md.ie1 i:ie The Russian war ship. It Is added, piwntation f the reKrrt of the ,jHtance la rcpuUl.ig th n ttee n Jnrlt-rnii-nee ami law r - form, j he reimri ( i'i-ii'i inn the (ireeptlon rf ttiat pert ton -"nee n ii x be tatatin frf pr-ttiy whh a r ferred o the eomniit'-.- m nni f'rmitr tt '. Tlie rtKict f the iHiilDl'i on pwlit ial admlni'-trsiiiin anl med al .T'i4nri- a reee r-4 and laid a the 1mU-. The f, !,r f the cimmiiii trn In t"rnt iitial la a rd. hieh the f,i ii i- -oliit i, ' R-'ved Tfit 'he Am-rn , Tn t, ) t sa a Hi, advance was atop kvla'l.m e',jieir ti 'he f-W"'! "d by otir tri"p. Th" etii-my has i..enrte ,y i .. na-i'inI arli"r'i'm ' advanced north ff Iiavaav, t- t f-rtief t Va, iiit 'in. .'antiiry 2 n the Vfi l,ank of the IJao ririr. :'" jbut aa IncreawM fre-re has beea - f!ewfted. Tt -pi a ei(i f tl-i r-o jetted ia the sx irtihorhood if Sia-t-tMrn le t titt'i-d the !( ti n Jaran-ae ravatry bare a rip-r- ary f P'ate "f I'-iiu-d Sta'es. OUT HIS NET HOLD THE CITY Soon be Decided by Either a St. Petersburg, Sept. 27. The lat est developments In the situation at the front Is the definite establish ment of the fact that Fiold Marshal Oyama has now begun to move up his left. Gen. Kuropatkln'a report today shows that tho Japanese have reached Davan, on the west bank of the Llao river. A considerable con centration of Japanese Is observed at Slunchan on the Hun river. 35 miles southwest of Mukden, and Japanese cavalry is massing In the valley of the Public river. The latter Is a trib utary of the Hun river, which crosses tho Hue of railway midway between. Tie I'uhr and Mukden, and mny fur nish a neutral line of advance from the west. Oyama's wings are extend ed to tho north, east and west of Mukden. Thus far the Russians have found little or no strength or press ure from the Japanese center. Oya ma's west is said to be moving with great deliberation, probably gathering Htrength for a rapid advance of both wings when an attempt Is made to cIoho the net. Although the imagl-. nnry lino connecting the extreme Ja panese advance east and west of Mukden still paBHes ten miles below that city, it Is evident that the fate of Mukden cannot long bo delayed. If Gen. Kuropalkln intends to try to hold the city, fighting on his flank, will begin almost immediately. ST. PETERSBURG RETICENT. Entire Absence of News From Port Arthur Indicate Close Blockade. St. Petersburg, Sopt. 28, 2:05 a. m. The war commission adjourned last evening curly without Issuing further news from the front. A Mukden telegram to the Berlin Lokal Anzelger, reporting that the Japanese had crossed the Hun river r.n mil,,.. ,.!.., .!, U I. A September 26 The movement of the - '"Panose force on the Llao river which was reported in i a dispatch from Gen. Sukharoff to the general significant since Slunshan Is (he start ing point of roads leading to' Tie Pass, Mukden and Sinmintin. , The an nouncement that the Russians are fortifying Kakoman,. 25 miles north east of Mukden, shows that General Kuropalkln Is preparing to check I the flanking movement on Tie Pass jfrom the west In case Sinmintin la evacuated. No News From Port Arthur. The entire absence of news from Port Arthur, It la feared. Indicates a closer blockade there. Hitherto, dis pateliea from Gen. Stcn-sscl have been coming aemi-weekly. 1 1 i i . . i . . ii. . . i i iiune i!iiuiii .nimK; ii) rw ""'"' . ""i nce onay oy me em- leror. The prince will assume charge of i he ministry of the interior on Sep tember 23. jtpin( Japanese Resume the Offensive. St. Petersburg. Sept. 27. Tbe fe cral staff ha received tbe following dispatch from (tea. fiakharoff, date4 yetTday : "Tbe -nemy's ranruard. conilntinc i if one battalion and two sqnadroos of r-svalry. has aumed the ofTtilTe aft'Tiroliably for a reconnojuance la tbe .diftrif1 tMiwef-n the Maodaria ros4 land the h'irht ,4 the riilage cf ted ia tbe al)ry of tbe Liao river.' I