Newspaper Page Text
THE BEAUMONT ENTERPRISE THUW60AV. SEPTEMBER 29. 1904. ', COTTCN DROPPED SEVERAL POINTS GOOD WEATHER IN THF. BELT WAS A FACTOR IN THE DECLINE. TO ACCUMULATION OF SIOCKS i Bull Support Wan Somewhat In Evl- dene In the Winter Months, galea Estimated at 350.000 Bales. New York. 8tpt. 2S. Tlio cotton timrkft oii,iii'l wi'iik ut u ilt'dliio of S to 12 points on lower ciihlei, Kd wt-iithiT in t'he south ami ft-ars thai In hpllo or the hig export moveim-nt, tho heavy receipts would lead to a rapid nccumulatlon of storks i't American polntH. Tho opening prices proved about the lowest of the session, from at tho leellno there wns a good deiiian I from room shorts for profits; offe--Iiiks seemed less aggressive nnd In some quarters It was oversold. As I lie session progressed hull support became evident In the winter months. This gradually forced the market up until In the middle of tlio session prices showed n net gain of from " to ft points. At this level, buying orders won' partially withdrawn and prices sag ged bnck to nlKuit the opening figures of last night on the more active months. The market was finally hnrelv steadv at a net loss of fi points on Septemher.2 on Oct. and Nov. nnd net unchanged on the later positions. Paid woro estimated at nbout nnn.nnn inie.. Receipts nt the ports today il.ftifi against 445,529 last week, and 50.O00 last year. , , For the week' 400,rtno bates, n snl nst 280,141 last week ri'd 202,- 3IR Inst year, p.ui.iu'o rocnlnlj nt New Orleans 1 l.isn bales against 12.041 last year nnd at Houston 11,258 against i-.-5o8 last year. New Orleans Cotton. New Orleans, Sept. 2S. Spot cot .n niilet with buyers nnd seller apart. The country offered freely nnd in tlio first half day prices were a shade sales 5.100 bales. Including 3 col ton of the easier: ,1400 to arrive and 550 f. o. 1. Quotations unchanged. Futures opened ftendy at, n de cline "f 1ff''5 points. Liverpool and New York were both weak, but. de spatches from New York and other points shoyed a good demand, sulTl cieiia to send prices up. Soon nflor tho opening, (lie market showed considerable strength and la ter in tlio day prices were 5 to 7 points higher than yesterday's close nnd held ihe improvement iti the end of the session. In tho trading October opened 1 points lower nnd sold mi to 1025 and finally receded to 1021. The market closed steady with not gains of 5 to 7 points. Liverpool. Liverpool, Sept. 28. Cotton spot in limited demand; prices 2 points low er; American mid fair, CV,?.; good mid OKI; mid (104; low mid 57C: good or dinary 551; ordinary 530. Tli sales of the day were 5,000 bales, of which 300 were for specula tion nnd export and Included 4,400 American. Receipts 11.000 bales, In cluding 5,500 American. Futures opened quiet and closed steady; American mid g o c Sept. 580; Sept. Oct. 508; Oct. Nov. 501; Nov. Dee. 550; Dee. Jan. 558; Jan. Feb. 557; Feb' March 55"; March A mil 55S, April May 558; May Juno 558. New York Futures. New York, Sept. 28. Cotton fu tures closed barely steady Sept. 10P.4; Vt. 10:!5; Nov. 1037; Dee. 1044; Jan. 10 15; Feb. 101!: March 1053; April 1054; May 1050. New York Spots. New York, Sept. 28. Cotton spo's closed quiet: 10 points lower; mil uplands 10SO; mid gulf 1150; sales 1550. New Orleans Future. 1 ' New Orleans. Sept. 28. Cotton futures stendy; Sept. 1020 asked: Oct. 1021CT22; Nov. 1028(529: Dee. 1031 32: Jan. TM1 ffr 12; Feb. 1051fiuO; March 10C0iCl. New Orleans Spots. New Orleans, Sept. 28. Cotton quiet ; Kales 5100; ordinary 7 7-R pood ordinary 9 3-10: low mid 9 13 10. mid 10 3S: good mid 10 9-16; mTl fair 10 13-10. Receipts 15,490; Rtork 50,739. FINANCIAL. ....., STOCKS STIFFEN. Market Made Irreoular by a Disposi tion to Take Profit on the Rise. New York. Sept. i'S Price "f MorH rn ni i:p 11 all around ' lll-avy p ffil lakitie. however, lr wade itw.f flt and arri1 the war VM bark tt a'H laM tiietif level. Thn new points "f 'nnrth wr 1 ntif-lwd forward t' 1t,m nr rA lb-- i-'ki-4 fairly Murine in rtnaindr "f tb" f p.H nKnhjle the fnovnm-nt to t- rrf i f,,(,f-1 tin rn ui'-w tstiine prK- at rk. Tb" r'il' . :r-ni'ar Trw.r.trvK' 1 Q j..f t1 'b- f'n'ir' f r h frarl -t in r'T: iTIU-' l"TI ,j t a number of minor indiist rials eil lies without extinction. Tho rliNiiiiK was rather Irregular. I'.ail.oad bonds were firm. Total sales par value f 4.270,mmi. I'. 8. bonds iinihaiiKiil on cull. New York Exchange. New YorV. 8ept. :. Close prime luwri'untiln naimr 4 1-2 a & ik t cent : bn-ii.utf t-xcuttiiuo fusiui- Willi ttiluui liiisilieaa lu banker al 4Si.5 a 4Nd.hU for deuiuml and al 4S3.&5 u IfXiiii fur sixly duys; posted rales, 4M 12 itiid 4hti 12 u 4S7; coiiiiiiciilal uiiih, 4(2 a 4 a m & . Uur silver. &s. tiovto niiiiiil bonds steady; railroad Lends II I'm. New York Money. New York, Sept. 28. Money on call fltm;! 34 a per cent, closing bid 1 3-4; offered al 2. Time loans slightly easier; sixty days, 3 per cent; o days, 3 1-4; six mouths 3 1-2 a 4. London Exchange. London, Sept. 28. CoiisoIh for mon ey 88 G-lti; do account 88 3 8; bur silver, quiet; 2ti 1310; money 1 12 a 2 1-2; short bills, 2 1-4 a G-lti; three mouths 2 6-lti a 3-8. Paris Exchange. ratls. Sept. 28. Three per cent rentes i)7 for account. LIVE 8T0CK. Kansas City. Kansas City, Sept. 28. Catilo re ceipts 15,000 Including 1200 southerns; steady. Export and dressed beef 500 nnd 600; fair to good 375 a 500; west ern fed steers 375 a 550; stockers and feeders, 225 a 400; southern steers 223 a 350; southern cows 150 a 200; na the cows 150 a 375; native heifers 250 a 450; bulls 173 a 32a; calves 250 n 550. Hogs, receipts 55,500; market 5 to 15 c lower; top 507 1-2; bulk of sales 575 a 5!)5; heavy 585 a 97 1-2; packers 575 a 5!I0; pigs and lights 570 a 583. Sheep, receipts 9,000; steady to sirong; native lambs 373 a 380; native ewes 300 a 340; western lambs 400 a 525; western yearlings 30o a 390: western sheep 300 a 305; stockers aud feeders 200 a 400. MARINE Port Eads. Port Eads, Sept. 28. Arrived steam ers I.assell, Newport News; Crown of Granada, Glasgow; Katie, Ceiba; C'ondc, Ilarcclona. Sailed, steamers Oregon, Ceiba: St. Croix, Copenhagen; Camus, New York. Port of Galveston. Galveston, Sept. 28. Arrived, steam ers Corinthia, (Br) Miller, Tenrifft; Galveston (Nor) nryde, Mexican pts. A banian, (Br) Gardner, Liverpool; 1C1 Siglo, Hoyd, New York; Alamo, Avery, New York. Cleared, steamers Concho, Ha stow, New York; Mincola, (13r) Dickens, Liverpool. Oil Statement. Oil City, Sept. 28. Credit, balances li-0; certificates no bid; shipments. 03, 0!i0; average. 05,112; rutins, 97,641; average 73021; shipments Lima, 80, 078; average 71.150; runs Lime, 83, 3i0; average, 58,900. New Orleans Sugar. New Orleans, Sept. 28. Sugar open kettle 3 1-4 a 3-4; open kettle, cen trifugal 4 a 4 1-2; centrifugal whites 4 15-16; yellow 4 3-4 a 7-8; seconds 2 5-8 a 4; molasses, open kettle, 20 a 25; centrifugal 10 a 15; syrup, nominal. Memphis Cotton Oil. Memphis, Sept. 28. Oil, carlots, per gallon, prime cuiue zs; on crime, nom inal; prime summer yellow, nominal; choice, cooking summer yellow less than carlots, 34. Meal prime $21. A Spider's Appetite. The spider has a tremendous appe tite, and his gormandizing defies all human competition. A scientist, who carefully noted a spider's consumption of food In twenty-four hours, conclud ed that if the spider were built pro portionately to the human scale he would cat at daybreak, approximately, a small alligator, by 7 a. m. a lamb, by 9 a. m. a calf, and by one o'clock a sheep, and would finish up with a lark pie In which there were 120 birds. Savages First to Uss Mortar. Mortar was made by the people of Tahiti when our ancestors were shiv ering In holes In the rocks. They dived into the sea. brought up great lumps of coral, burned them In pits, using wood as fuel, and mixed the lime they got In this fashion with sharp sand and water. With this mix ture the Ingenious avage plastered the walls and floor of his house, and a better mortar could not b obtained. A Contented Husband. No, my wife's not educated, and hen she tri-s to talk upon the tojdcs of the day, you're apt topHi Mmk k. She li-nt up In muMc. and Hie ncvr went to dances, r when old fnotirh to trsrrr, she had a Joz-n rbsnct. No, he IsBt T-ry bandfom. but then she taka the rske bMi It con.- to Disking Unmlt Ilk' twrtb'T -d to make. Cincinnati Kcqtilr-r. Saoe Fises Wedding Date. No Koreaa couple would think of merrriT'f wl'bout cn-ttHin- the tur bo flfs tbe t an r r 1' thm be do iTT(!r lr Oiitie; tb tri3e'a at" t tl.f .rt1-er"ni atxi aff d'-tTiitiirg tlb sr ro- the 1tltir 'i th-lr t.'i-4 at-'-, be e ,T tt ir.- i r. ,sll .le tJKB tfc OT f'Trt t tb' 'ar. HELPED WHEAT COLDNESS OF FOREIGN MARKETS TO ADVANCE HAD DEPRESSING EFFECT AT FIRST. MY Rf ACHING OUT AfltR 11,15 sisssBsai Early Corn Market Had an Easier Tone but Sentiment Changed La ter, the Market Becoming , Strong. Chicago, Sept. 28. Shortage of wheat In France, as snown by officliil figures had a buoyant tflect on spec ulative prices here today. Deceiuhe' closed 1-2 higher and May 1-8 up. Corn U 1 1-4 higher; oats 1-4 higher nnd provisions 7 1-2 to 15 c lower. Indifference of ro.eign markets to tlio advance here yesterday had a do pleasing Influence on wheat at the start. Ilecember opened nt 111 3-8 to 3-4 and May at 112 5 8 to 7-8. Immedi ntely after the opening May touched 112 3-8 a 1-2, then made n quick rally to 113 1-2 with December at 112 14. Decembo.- reached 113 3-8 nnd closed a! 112 1-2 and May touched 114 1-4 and closed nt 113 5-8. Minneapolis, Dululli and Chicago re uorted 1,002 cars against 678 Inst week nnd 856 a year ago. Tho earlier corn market had an F98 tone, but sentiment changed la ter, the ma ket becoming strong. De cember opened at GO 1-4 to 50 3-8 and closed nt 51 5-8. Receipts 146 cars, 17 of contract grade. Corn was the main factor in me onis market. December opened a shade lower at 30 1-4 a 3-8 to 30 a 1-2 and closed at 30 3-4. Receipts 166 cars. Provisions were weak in sympathy with lower pigs. There was consider able liquidation of October holdings. Janunry poi'k closed 13 c lower at 1315; lard down 10 c at 757 1-2 and ribs 7 1-2 to 10 cents lower at 682 1-2. Estimated receipts tomorrow, wheat '79; corn 138; oats, laa; hogs 18,000. ARCH ENEMY OF MILTON. Spite of One Man Embittered Whole Life of Great Poet, "Milton's life was embittered by the contemptible spite of one Salmas lus," writes Mario Corelli in the Strand Magazine. "Salmasius was the author of the 'Defensio Kcgi,' or 'Defense of Kings,' a poor piece of work long ago forgotten, and ho was ho procurer of foul liliel against the author of 'Paradise Lost.' What small claim lie has to the world's memory arises merely from his vie lousness, for not only did he make use of the lowest tool to aid him in conspiring against Milton's reputation, but lie spread tho grossest lies broad cast, even accusing the poet of hav ing a hideous personal appearance 'a puny piece of man; a homunculus; a dwarf deprived of the human figure; a contemptible pedagogue.' When the despicable slanderer learned the fact that Milton, so far from answering to this description, was of a pleasing and attractive appearance, he Inimediatly changed his tactics and began to at tack hi.s moral character which, as even Milton's bitterest political ene mies knew, was austerely above the very shadow of suspicion. It wns said that the poet's overzealousnnss in answering the calumnies of Salmasius cost him his eyesight." BOTH WON AND LOST. Ruse cf French HuBband That Was Effective, but Costly. Mme. Bouvet. tho wife of a Paris shopkeeper, who recently left him, received the following letter: "If you will not come and see me alive, you will, perhaps, come and see my corpse, for by the time you receive this letter I shall have committed suicide." She hastened to her husband's house, and on breaklpg open the door saw a body still swinging to and fro. "Oh, my poor Edward:" the sobbed. "I have killed him. and I am a wretch ed woman." At that moment her hus band rushed out of the kitchen ex claiming, "No, you have not killed me, but you will if you do not come back at once." The lody was found to be a skillfully made dummy, which had been arranged by the artful husband. He was, nevertheless, arrested on the charge of hoaxing a public official, as Mme. IViivet was accompanied by a bolice magistrate. Swinging on the Gate, t cti i'lctwr palntfd. I csn m:i th ryinr Iiht Wlwr th hwr tnnr rattln tt,tmih thi xumni't fluv- I rati ti ImrjrrT srajiss thrcirh th btll',-l rwn With (- nt mr to windward, list' tilna for th f1tnnw htrn: Whil t,-orpl'Mt M rief-rftlty, th f u- tr r of fat. I mak w1r.n r-hiMIh jmimtj I as I awing apon tb sat. 'rrf i tr a atrnrs ti mar? fc- ,ir-tt'.Tia M 1 1. ;.at M-m'rf-T a-"T a. A wali'I'T till It ti itra tt at lt a"-r..a" t.:v at'-h 1 tin-, VH -ni 'i ".1-C"rt H,tif,t l.lta a t.-tiT fa iryg tfni. I-i. a r-i al r-.-i t rf inn-rl fnrr,rm M '1 1? di.wmii A tb try- fl.ut k, 1 lb S'i, l.l.. V"--afpk- . if-!iui,k. H-lt. an. 1 .-vfirM.r JS"'"rrTCTr-:';-r"' ' rr.l -V:--... M K .. , .rf ..r 1 .a.j,itHiai a4 j",:r-lli . t": 2-lb lil'k- ..-'. f l,ir fcmr i 0f lt- Cr 2 id fit ay h'-. uf-' 2-Ib t-IH I .otr tw- th. h,. ia:f .. tn -,T,t; J-,h full i.ut r- r Vm '" 1 r't r. 'l. ,f tt Wanted to See the Work. Dr. Perkwtth. whose hobby Is the Atlantic City beach patrol, and who Is In personal charge of that Urge cori's of lift savers, was vlaltod Id Ms hospital tent on tho beach by so old Cincinnati friend and bis aeran year idd daughter. With great enthiniasin the doctor explained bis various mUt- I ods of reviving persons draggod from the water. Tho little airi uuienou with wondering eye. When tho doc tor stopped bo fairly gasped: "Oh. papa, I wish somebody would set drown-dedS" New York Times. Would Seek North Polo. Tho French anvnnt, M. lienard, la convinced that Nanscn took il'.o only ro'ilo by which the north lo can poa slbly bo reached, llo favors an ex pedition with two ships connected by wireless telegraphy. Tho tlmo Is ostl mated at three years, and It Is hoped that the prince of Monaco, bo Is greatly Intcrertod. will contrlbuto the necessary 1300.000. Railway Building In Japan. According to a Japanese trado Jour nal, little progress was mada In rail way extensions In that country during 1908, a only 111 miles of new track were opened by both government and private companies. Ar, Omen. Cen. V. S. Dodge sst In tho lobby of the Grand hotel cf New York. As a rulo," he said, "I don't bo- Hevo In omens. Onco nt a wedding, though, I heard a rentenco that I con eMercd omlnoiiR Indeed a sentence pregnant with prophetic meaning. "This sentence, just beforo the core moiiy began, was directed in a s'ern voice by the olllclntlng clergyman to the mother of the bride. It was: "'Step a little farther back, madam.' " Royalties Use Typewriter. Princess Charles of Denmark in aa expert typist, while Princess Chris tian is also a quick manipulator ol the "keys." Her machine is fitted with German characters as well as English, and she types most of I'rlnco Christian's German correspumloneo for him. Another royal typiot Is tho prtneess of Wales, who is extremely quick and types a number of her own letters in quite a professional stylo. Doctors Must Register. Tho British medical profession will Introduce a bill in parliament next year making it a crlmo for even a qualified medical practitioner, registered, to attend a pntiont. uu- THE LOCAL MARKET Grain and Hay. Quotations for banoad lots delivered on tracks Beaumost or other points taking same rates. Dealers charge from store B10c per 10 pounds more on bran, 23c per bushel on oata ana corn 1015c per 100 on bay. Oats Texas. B05Bc; No. I mixed, 49c; white, 6153c. Hran Per 100 lbs. $1.05(81.10. Corn hops Pure $l.25gl.o0. Oats Texas 4345c. Corn 70c. Hay Choice alfalfa, $15.00; choice timothy, $17.00; Boutn Texas prairie, $7.6008.50: Johnson grass. $.60 10.00. Feed products very stiff, wltn ad vancing tendency. Market barely steady, with a declln ing tendency. Hides and WooL Dry flint butchers, 15 pounds and up, 13c. Dry flint kips, nnder 16 pounds, 10 l-2c Dry salt, hides, over 18 pounds. 18c; under 18 pounds, 9c. W. 3. hides, 6 l-27. Sheep pelts, 15 to 40o. Goat skins, 10 to 15c. Horse jalr 15 to the. Wool, free spring, 12 1-1 to Me. Wool, free fall. 10c. Wool, hard burry. Sa. Butter ano Cheese Butter Hlue Star, L'S: dairy KnttAii IKn'O: KliHn. 20a27: Uerniee Fancy Creamery, 28: Meadow Gold, 30; i ancv renovaiea creamerv, .u.t. Alison's Pure pasteurised cream butter, single pound 3uc; 2 pounds for t5c ChecsB Full cream fiats, 141: daisies 141; prints, 15; full cream Lionghorns, 15 flour and Sreadsturfa. Flour T5aisl ' sacks. Fancv hiRh pitent $.',.fi0; fancy half patent l.j.30: third crade $150; 211b sack 1(1 iwr barrel higher: (lour in wood, 30 oer barrel hiirhen-ar lots 10; less. Farinaxous Coods Crits. hiaminy anl cream meal, In 40-lb sacks, l r sa'k. . nearl meal in ;i-lt) sacks, II b6 ikt barrel of four kackh: Sitilch oxls t2.Hfta3.fl": Friends' oats $2.t6a 3 tsv Columbia oats. t26: Hawkeye oats. 2.K6; Hii-kcr'a buckwheat, li-lb pakacs, $4.N). Crax kers A 0 C soda bulk. Imxea, 1-lb cartons. ier dow-n.l"0: snaps, "j: t-ranis, . slsfe planks, C cakts and jumbles. II Canned Qoeda, California Hxtra JStaridsrd tin) lllak ii-rri-, 12 2.".; (2Mb m h it -h-rrie, t2.2.: V. C iit bf, T ie-h-s t1.: S.ri- .tv B an. wl tars tl.W: praiies, ti.::.: tl.i: 1..: staridard. 10 )f Anrf-n l-. t.air-wn t ar,d O'kkJ and Vf-re-tale -No. 3 ai'pl'-a, -": r-d irwsi- tfKi . bin' s i.t . !.': : ..J .. ... al-V '.- .V!S 1-H i.l v- it fi 1 v v. I' 1. It'.- ! J IS k'sut 1 9 t.jj ti . a rti,9 . I'M ?'- flits IlldiMi corn. l.iM S-IL Al, 1.351.35: S-lb Cupid bulled torn, W, . . Drug ana cnemieaio. O.ilnlnn. Sl.tloo iter ounce botll morphine, 2-3;a2i'0 ir ounee: otH-ale 4.2.''ir o: borax 4-UVi er pound in ion-lb a kages: copiieras itm iu bar rels: caior oil, 1.20 r ifallon la psllon paekatres: eiom aalta, - V per 100 Ins, lo barrels: alcohol, 2."0u3.IM) per gallon: sulphur, 3.2-" per iuu u,in L.rrU! alum 3lo tier lb. in bar'-els: calcium t4rblda. 4.00 per 100 lbs: salu tJUfr, 7o b lr farm. Canned Molasses. Georgia Caue: gallons, 3.10, half trallou, 3.S0, quarts 3.7.1: IV ro do llutteiio, (rallons. 3.10, half gal. 1A0 quarts 3.7A: Kairomc I Hvrup, 10 lbs. Dried Fruits and Nuts. lfl oi. cleai.ed currents, 3d In case, i wr lb. 84: 12 os cleaned currents, 4H lo vase, per lb. 71:3 Crown Smyrna Im ported llgs, lo-iu mixes, Hr poiiiiu, 12) .0 Crown Smyrna iniHirted llgs, 10 lb, boxes, iierlb, l.V, 2 crown Califor nia llgs, 1-lb bricks, 10 lb boxes, per box, 1.1ft: 3 crown California tigs, 1-lb cartons, 10-lb boxes, Kr lb, l.'ir: 12 ox pacKagcs seeded raisins, i' In case, per pkir, 9: 10 ox packages seeded raisins. 3(1 In case, per pnekaire, 8i; 2 crown L. L. raisins, 20 lb boxes, per box, 2.00: 3 crown I f Halsins, 20-lb boxes, er box, s.i,-; s crown u. im raisins, 5-lb boxes, ier box, 70; Amer ('nrsleun citron. 10-lb boxes, Hr lb, 10: Amer. orange jmel, 10 lb boxes, per lb, 14; Amor, lemon peel, ;u iu oo.nbb, tier lb. 14: No. 1 California almonds, soft shell, sacks containing about 80 pounds, per lb. 10 less quaniiuea, per .lb; u. ecaniSalS iei lb. MIscaliahtoiM. Rope Sisal, 7-10 basis 9i, Manila .niton. XXiX. 14 3-4. Salt Ho'k, H.oo per ton; Louisiana coarse, 8: Texas and Kansas, per Mil, 00-58. 12.00: 100-3s, 12.75: 140-2, S2.K1 Tickles l'lnts, 115: quarts, II. 0ft i irniion. 13.2ft: 1-eallon. 4;.5-gallon kegs, $2; 10-gallon kegs, $3.60; Cross and IJlaeKweir8 puns, ea.isj. Candv otloa. wrappou, sianuaru 0Ja7; fancy mixed, in pans, utau, fininv n ibib. i in in- rMi i ihi. Starch Teaii, 40-lb boxcs, 4: ploss bulk, 4; Nickel, $3.00; 1 to 3 pound pack aires, 6a5J. hi01Ue vuiwniull , prime, 20a28; choice 23a30. RAILROAD TIME TABLE. Texas and New Orleans R. R. Co. Test Bouna. No. C Local Arrives 0:50 p. in. No. $ Local ..Leaves 8 a- m. No. 10 Sunset Limited Arrives 8 a, m. Leaves 9:05 a. r No. 4. Oriole lo Echo Arrives 12:16 p. m. Leaves 12: P. m. No. 8 Texas Express Arrives $--7 p. m.. Leaves 10:05 p. m. West Bound. No. 7 Texas Express to San Antonio Arrives 7:18 a. m.. Leaves 7:2$ a. m. No. 3 The "Oriole" Arrives 3:57 p, m.. Leav8 4:07 p. m. No. 6 Local Arrives 7:23 p. ia., Leave nt 7:33 p. m. No. 9 "Sunset Limited" Arrives 0:25 p. m., Leaves 9:33 p. m. North Boune. No. 155. To Dallas Leaves 9:45 p. m. No. 150. From Dallas Arrivo 8:45 a. m. South Bound. No. 151 To Sabine Leaves 9:4r a. m No. 152. From Sablno Arrives 5:10 pm No. 113. Local to KocKiand Leaves 9:30 a. m No. 151. Local from Kockland Arrives :30 p. m. Kansas City Southern. North Bound. No. 2 for St. Louis, Kansas City, Shreveport, Texarkana and Fort Smith leaves 7:50 a. m. No. 4 for Kansas City, Joplln, Fort Smith, Texarkana and Shreve port leaves 7:50 p. m. South Bound. No. 1 from St. Louis, Kansas Fcrt Smith, Texarkana City, and Shreveport arrives.. ..9:10 p. m. Leaves 'or Port Arthur. .9:15 p. m. No. 3 from Kansas City, Joplln, Fort Smith, Texarkana and Shreve port arrives 8:40 a. m. Leaves for Port Arthur. 8:45 am. Port Arthur Servlca. To Port Arthur. N.i. No. Deimrts X:4: a. in. Departs 10:30 a. ni No. 7 departs 4:1s p. tn. (Sunday on ly- 43 Local Freight departs 3:00 p. No. m. (except Sunday). No. 1 departs 9:16 p. m. , From Port Arthur. No. 2 arrives 7:45 a. m. No. 6 arrives 12 '20 p. m. No. 8 arrives 9:35 a. tn. (Sunday on ly.) No. No. No. No. 46 arrives 10:06 a. m. (except Sunday.) 4 arrives 7:45 p. m. Center Express. 2'"2 leaves .. .10:53 a. m. 201. Arrives 6:00 p. m. Gulf, Colorado 4L Santa Fa. Kanhas City Mail and Express. No. 211 Lsves 6:H0 p. m. No. 217 Arrives 12:25 p. m. Saratoga Express. No. 2a4. Lves 7:f0a. m. No. 203. Arrives 7:00 p.m. Golf and Interstate Railway. No. 2 tSoink lenindi tVpsrts $ a No. 4 S-;iih bounl d' part 4 p. m m. t-tf-i4 Satur'Tny, t, p. tn v- o. 1 tNonh bund irrives 7: 20 p m No. 2 ( N'jr'b bound) arrlres 1:20 p to. BeawoM frowr Lake Nt 1 4 W-.- bound I and Western d part 7:'l a. a N'. ( bound) departs 4: ? ( Ha- tx-mnd) arrtva. 4 na t l-onnl) arrtreg 1") r , m. No. t m. 1 Nt 12:r.j Seasonable AT LlDEkICIVS New Spare Ribs, Fulton Market Beef, Freih Sauer Kraut, New Dill PicKlej, Imported Swiss, Brick and Limburger Cheese. FRFE::An Imported China Cup and Saucer with each Pound of Tea. S. LEDERER t I j 1 , fi 1 pi mm Copyright, Burr Mcintosh Art StuJiet. ..1 Each New Subscriber Can Get an Art Picture With The First Month's Subec-li-Won. Diana Brick Makers 'BRICK The Best Brick in the World Address: LOEB, TEXAS TRI ROUND TRIPS MAT EE PCRCHASED to St. Ltaif U Colorado ASK YOUR AGENT FOR. THEM 5 3V ONE WAY VIA CTHE DENVER ROADy T.'X. OOUBll DAILY SOLID TRAINS Tblt arrangement applies from all points In the Southwest and Includes Stop-over' privilege, that you may enjoy your real Vacation and licst before or after visiting WORLD'S FAIR . A. CLISSSri. fI.W08M,mi FUEL OIL, Higgins Oil & Fuel Co. Beaumont, Texas. Procurer and .MilnDcrsof CkUIJlI PHTMOLCUil from Sour and Beaumont. 5 tor a Re Tanks Beaumont, Sabina, Morgan City and Sour Lake. Uneiccllod laj-ilition for waking Tirotnpt hliipmcnt by rail or waver. We nolicit tnwinjf on tho Coif Ut new tugs 'Gilbert" anr1 "Hiiririn " fVrr KiKtnclpnr ajri;r.iUd. HECHES IRON WORjlQS IINCORPO RATED.) CX)KNKK OF IIIIWIi: AM) HAMINK 8TUEETS. Meary Caatinr;. Fjrr;lae ad Stracta-ral Wafk. anm Work a Specialty Well Maihiarry Bailt and Vepaircd. Pfl0cs 207. seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaettai Specialties T & Tile Co., of Common - AHGLE and to Cslorada via St, teals. PALACESlWm &CAHCAR5 la "COOL COLORADO" the..,. Ctrt Pass. Aon Laka -'. I 'a- fv 1 '' 2 i'f'1-w jt P it, r"s-1 v.-k r V,f.t ia. ' '.; i .' fja.u A K"i f "f tb- ''.ay 'tf- r't& it;