Newspaper Page Text
THE BEAUMONT ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1904. NATIONAL POLITICAL ARENA BEVERIDfiC AT INDIANAPOLIS?, THE ELOQUENT SENATOR TAKES A FEW FAUtS OUT OF OEMOCRACV. Ih IiI mI iIiIm place, mill uil'Iri Kst il l Idi 1 1, ..iili-iii.i mill visitor hero. HIn hm iiil nam wax run n HiIh mJ in from llllll.', UlllT lllht II IK III H IIIII IUIK HUTU i nx i-nrly an a ih-Iim-k i.o wan r Ivi.m mil from Urn promiiK'in nun i li i-lty. iiiiiiKiiiiff i mien mmc'i .... , . . , . . M'llMIOr UIIIMUI, I". IIIIII"'IK1I O .ihk rim- uiul (all wild ami wlilnwl ,.,,.,., wll member or the re. ' . . i -i. ti. m roiiinilMi i'. rii iiiitor Fair- fur iim li uUlittlmi ran rcndy U(U ,M.,Ww., iho aii.ijuu of k tin) iviU ol iriihiH l(i .iililiniii l.-Kifln- ,..,....,., ..I .,1,1 , iniKuiioii. Ilu re fcrml in tlii rlmrtii) of i-orriiitloii mint" by Jii.Iku I'm Ki r against iliu Iti-iiiilillrini nuriv. Inn iih iihiiiiI. ru trained from iiu'iiilnnliiK JwIku I'ur- llllllun ..... , b ..,.......,.I,,, n lilllllu III mm iwin...i 'ii Says the Way to Keep the Cold 6Und aril Out of D.imjer la to Keep In the Hands of Thoue . Who Put It There. lion - Ilu- SIutiiuiii law, Ilu- Itibiitr law tin- I iiiiii iiiiiii of emu mi Hi' iiml l-A-l.i r law i lnt only lri;ll.iiinii i-vt-r m- lllll'll oil I III' Mllllll'l uill ilu It if r.ilurriit. Ami toM-iill' ti iiiik I'lifiirci'iniiil of iIium law ami till lllWM." iHhi'iUhili lit Ii iikHi Iim limine ul Illation, Kiiniii, lli.n iiiluc. hMiih Thi? way to l.i'1 1' tii' K'il'1 sia.ularil i nl of liuiiL-i r Is III Kii'll It III till' lunula I m ilmsf who inn It out of ilniKr. DEMOCRATIC CAMPAIGN. Indianapolis. Si'.l. ;S.- Tin' Ufst It, I, n, he an nin iliiK m llii- i-niiipnlttii liuli.iiiniio s w.ih iH-ii In i iiiniiii mil li:ill l.mlithr. An illumin IT; .,ill I SI III l l .Sl'llllllir llcvi riilne uiul ConitroHsmnu Over Mint to till' linll. which wiih will lillnl. roiiKri'MMiiiiii ovrimi-i'i'l presided. !i 'i, I In ii brief iiddrcsn Introduce! Si'iiuinr lli'vi't lili:i'. who m"K" lis bil lows: WIi.iI Ik this rillilliillttll iilmill'.' FAIRBANKS AT HELENA. Vice Presidential Candidate Defends the Administration, llilrilii. Mnnt.. Kept. -'S. In hli nrliirliril himic.Ii hero toiilitht Sena- 'lllf KllllllllllliH lIlHI IISHI'll III HIIIIIU li'llKlll Hi" I'lllirKiH of OOlTliplltm Th.v:re:deDr.Hp::rr'; y- New York S. ,,.. SH.-AI, tnnmr.,.! " -uHhk ami n...kin iimro apcr.fl.' r , . hl:i remark,, ai (in iit Falls. Ilu re- PI I II III! Ill I", '.I1 I " l . . .. . . . rrnlii"il run-fully from mention of lll'll Ol 'Hi' I "SI lllll ' Ml mi ll I III t'.n- II .... 1 I ii.Ii.i. PiirkirH' ll.'ilili'. Hit I. WBH III! I llllllllll- ,.l lillll' III 'I'llpUl I 'I I 'I'M wan mi " . ... , , . I.,. . . ,.i, U.11U iat.,1 .r.t. ' n.1,1 ... Hi- naMonal -i..l.,....rlfrH ' AlliiTt J. '"".. . i xmimIv, ,i.m,,,,..,. --1 g ZVL I at li ili ri uimI I' luranis rni'lvn to- I""1 1 " ' , , i U!l ill imti ssnry. .Mr. iitupnn i xihcim in u MAGNOLIA PARK Thursday Night FINE MUSIC and DANCING 's.,, ... iissnry. , ,.HM s. ' r ",rrT ,'". ' "" ' '; v. lint liiisini'ss iiiiiii lull w i.slii's thai mi . li i'ii.iii v.'i-ii' in rrsHary I Ills year. 'I'll . Jl, ll, Mill:. Hill (HI H llllll-ll'H llll' t.lll-- i !,; Iiil ill I'oini' ami iiIuoihI. 'I 'i1' llll l lll'll III.' lllHISil lllll'H Illiil'St IIIIIII l. ovir ('li vilaiiil. ran nay f"r it i ll'iil II 'sliuw iiIhiih of ri'liirniiiK sail li." Vil llii.i i.ilili'!il rinnal.'si'''lil ili'iiianils riiiiliol of Ilu- hovi iiiiii' iH. il-rl-iriii; Hint It i-iuil'l not now nmlo I i ii Ii that Hie Ki'imliliraii imii.v lias If it wiiii lil . ami would mil "' mi, In iiiu. li Dial tin' l' iul Iran iarly l a:; . lim If II r.iillil. . Tlie lirsl. rriiiill i.l I'a 'Iiit's i ln'l oh v.onlil lir n Ini'ifl a;;ll.uiiiii wlilioul n Milt, sinri' Mr. lai'lirr li.inn.ll' 1 I J : i iih Iiml ii It.'piili'frnii S.'iiali' w.iul.l I ri'vi'iil li' Sni li 1r4 lali1.11 i;p. Il l lii::;iiii ss iiin'i'i'l iiinl y : ami mi i i rl iiiily h'.'!ln IiusIiii'sh ilisnslr '. Kvcli II llii' opp isil lull ('(Hi! nil r,l lloiisi'. K.iiali' ami I'ri'siili'iil lln-y ll'rnii'i'lvi'K riiiilil not ti ll what Liini nl' l.iiilT law tin y wiiul.l pass, l-'nr sunn' nl I In -lit. lilic Mr. Ilivnii, ai'.' mi' t .-mli n; iioiiii', I i'!i i- Mr. (ion-inn. hit 'I'fi nK of an riiuim-i-r iiylnu to run liis i-iiKim- liailiwanl i, ml liiitt.-iril :il tin- name tinii'; what v .mill lit 1 1 1 ( -1 1 to Mia! enc'iii' Is v.hal woiilil linimi'ii lo Hie country, will" llii' nppiriil ion ill power. Aa to Tariff Revision. Men talk la iff revi::liMi a:; tlioi.,-;li l' were a simpli- lliiim an easy I ask. No nrolili'in Is more llilrieate. What I division of III. I). tin. tarilT? II Is not an arlilirial : Irm lill'o to lie taken lip.'iil lind pill i.i'-i l In r like- Hie I ie( l o: nl' a j-ik C,er. It Is llii! ilevf (ipinenl of a lli 'iiiy nl Kl:ile!iiiiniisliip. II is a i-niwlli and mil ii rrenlion. 'I'lrise who iin-p.ireil I n mil of Mils naliiin planted n M'al t i'il seeds of Die AniT'i'ii'i itnln I i r.-tl linli peinli lire wliieli nun (all pint re t on. II' In e ami llnve a Inaie li tin il. I'liiniii';. I!i''." who plinleil 1 1 n ' iree uiul have Kiinnleil lis ;;ni'.vl!i f li-mhl do P, in I tliose who reuisteil ilu p'iilll UK in I he firs! place and who for i' l'U'i i!k I years have t.out:lit lo lay t In-IIM- I'l i1 ;-l l-i' 's. Kvrii tin- i lianiiii; nf a ii'nslr .selic'l no- i:; III wo k fur Ihe pre in diced or i".ni-i'iinl . I'ur it. lu-r scle'dules are i laled In il : and to al llic e Is -id juilid Iho vast huslneis of m'ealesl or l.nsiiieri nut ions. Itepiild'ciin r.- i:,ii. n of any : ( h' du'e i:ie ns Hie liieiii'Mnl ren: ideriit ion of every otliei :..h'iliile A", lo the t list ipieslion Selliilni I . vi rid-c :ia!-': "'i'lie ort, -in: ;ii I ions nl' imlnsir.v ill, ml, lnill'if he pel'ie'llled llor f.'l i n il 'l'li"V jliiiiild h ive sltupli- 'ilc.. ev rvlin'ilv el All men, all a- presi nl iinloresei n orriirs I hen- will Ii ' Hit lei ulli' wesleiii lil'illli hes lllld I if i iiiupaili Will illl'erti'il from this t-'ly. TOM WATSON SICK. Active Principle of Potuliam Is Laid up at Birmingham, llirinlnylii Sept. x. Thomas Ii. Watson, populist riimliiliite for pres- iileiit, iirrivi'.l lie i. today ami Is con I, lied lo his n.iiiii in Ilu- llillina.i li'i li I. lie did mil riKlslrr and al llrsl the liolel people rlliimeil thill lie was nut in the house. Th-'.v lliially ml- in He, I that lie had arrived liul said he Iiml left oril. -rs I hai no i ii'lmllleil and l hill no cards up. Mr. Watson is udverl i.-e.l lo speak lien- loMiorr.iw night, hul it is iloiilil- I'll if he will he aide lo II I tile en:;iii;" incut heciiiisi- of his physical hrculi-ilowu. Wr know Ilia! in -.ulvii xiierieliri In every rominipilly llieri! am evil doers hul t.lioy Hie rompiirn! ivcly few. Tim otic who will he! ray pull-llii- I rust Is the exception. lusln j nates hlniHi'lf into private employ- (i it, liilo Iho pulilic cniplnynienl. 'riieoiloro ItnnSevell knew that ami he ilelerinlned that so far its lay in his power tin hotraycr of Ihe Keneral iiitei'i'st kIioiiIiI ho whipped out of place, uiid power. DEMOCRATIC DATES. ROOSEVELT'S BUSY DAY Dourke Cochran Slated For a Speech at Philadelphia. New York, Sept. !!. Tim anaiiKC- iilli'.-H he'iui'iits urn rapidly hciiii; romplcled hi; sent f,,r M. nsKlgninent of Deinorriil ii; siieakrrs. W. Hoiirko Corkran of New York lind .laines II. Ileuil oT Teiuirssi'i. arc to speak at. the Ariule my of Music, in riiiladelpliia, Octohor 8. Mr. (,'ockran Is also hilled for Now Haven, November I. Charles A. Towno sppiiks Ortoher 1, at Lima. O AFTER GEORGIA MILITIA. Court Martial Will Convene In 8avan ah to Overhaul It, Atmnlii. .Sept. I'S. .IiiiIki- Ailvornlii Niipli-r. of iho Siateshoio court mar tini, which will conn-no lM Saviinnah. Oclol.ri- in, Hcrvcil tho olllcer loilny v. th Ihe fo mill rhnifce mi which they will ho I rind. Capl. It. M. HHch will Ii.. trli-.l on llni lollowilll! rlinrKi-x: (irosn iH K-rrt. of duly, lui lllclency ami misheliavlor hrfore a riotous limit in violation of Ihe lil'iid article of war. ('otiiliiet to (he preiuiliee of kooi ' ih r mi. I niillinry discipline in viola tion of the liL'u.l in fiiio or war. Tho chin-Kin attains! I.leul, Moll. were: Cross neulecl ol Hilly, lllel llciciii'V iiml nilHheliavioi' hefore a ''! olous iniih: coniluct lo the prejudice of military discipline and koimI order. Anainst I.leul. Morrison: ( undue! lo III-.' prejudice of Kiioil onli'i-aiul mil II a ry ilisclplino. Acainsi Mont, (iriler: (Jiiimiiik " Hiiard without leave; sliniiiefully iihan iloniiiK his iKist; rondiicl to the pn-J- uillre of kooiI order and military nisi- cipliue. AkhIiisI l.ieut. ('ono: tJuiltiliK Ills mi il without leave. Tho iilllcors will Ik-kIii at oiit-u pre paring their defense. Took Time to Compliment Gunner Orlolier -i nl. hamlusuy, and ocloiici Moiifccn, Who Saved the Missouri. 1:1 t New Haven, Cnnu. Kornier As- WnhiiiLinii Ii C Sen! "s Tiii "i1"11' Sorretary of the Treasury IiiiilIi'M, II. I ., h. pi. -s. Hi , ,,, , y Hainlin will speak al Fori ii... i., i in ... ... .. . . "US line i I ,11' mini' oi i ........... Knoscvell ha.i had fi.' several weeks. U'nviio I loniori'ow. H(M)l'(SSeil!a I live .Morris Shepnrd of Texas, will oil -:,,, i urn ri-,,ii f.:tiii-ii in i -I i ii 1 1 i.i 1 1 1' willi lei Ihe Wisconsin enmnuiun with ti Major ('en. II. ('. Corhin, wh-t has In en assigned lo Ihe command of Ilu Shot frcn Ambush. Cairo, ill., Sept. :s. While Kink Hi lid. a funnel- living Ion,' miles from Cliiilnii, Ky a small town twenlj n.iles soiilh of Here, was Klanilini; with his wife ami children on llieir Iron! ponh IoiiIkIiI, they were all idiol from ambush. Head was filially wounded and the wiinian and children se iously hurl. Ileuil had some trouble, "'iih his neighbors. The sheriff: has gone to the sciii". A Wonderful Medicine. hill 1'inli 1 1 mi mi y count ry. i iseo for I'liilipli'nes. (len. Cor- I In; I'lesideiil farewell pre lo his depart lire frnni Hi's lie will Hail fn in Sim l''nui' Manila on October 1. Secretary II iihenck. Attorney (ien i al Moody and I'm;! master (leneral I'uvae had I r rf conferences with tlicl I'les'ienl en deparl nieiilal mailers, "rii" I'residi nl was introduced lo Mmi iien, I Ik- gunner of I lie lull let hip M is sell i, will, by llninl.ig 111'' ves.S'-l's v.'.-ird iiiiu'.iiuie, preveliled Ilu- li.ta! ile -il rucl in'i of the ship and crew al Hie Hill.' t.'f Hie il'sasler which rust Ihe I'vrs of more I Iiiiii a scire of Ihe Mis inn I s crew. I'resiilenl Hnnseve'l warinly con-jral ulaieil him on lilii per i.onal bravery and ciiniplinienleil the riinilue! o'f I'ii- oflici rs and crew of Ihe vessel oil Ihe occieiii n of tile d s .id-', a Idini; thai Ihe ini'ii on holh Ih" American navy and the American aimv always were lo he ilependeil up i.ii in lime of dnii'-;er nr i aieiKi ncy. I inl i it ii ll-.w ii lie Iiml I I ele ll. s priileeleil or pitni.ihed by .- i-i (i'ii-. n ; lli.'N il l r':-,lit or tins s lieiiiildii i'ii . iii in a i.eii i, i-rican in a phase. Wlif-r.i th Ennpnn Is. v.-nii il die o;i" ma's lein- dy i-i llii, I, - in I u: I made ailiele-i tlie .Sliiiiilni'l Oil i i h i liir fl on ml il. oil I'li'niliilial inn. if I : t -1 . - I Tin-re i:. no ta ili' nil anHiiaeii I 1 I llii. I . Ili'ii';. I . I lie pi h i -i llli'l, I'lllll i 'ii re i ll. nl I. e nl' ! , .m I n: I .il " TI'. iv i.-Ir.el,- -.- -II iinl ar , ii Hei id a In il l I ll I -. '. I Democratic Managers Confer. New York. Sept. L'S. Senalor elect Itaynor. who was elected I'. S. lann Ini I'min Mioylaiid his; winter, wan at iin- ill ni'ieial ic milional headipiarters l day and saw Messrs. l-'liee!i:iii. Tin; nail, N'ieoll, l'li'liiumi aid liavid H. Hill, who was al'o a caller. Alt it lli :i- ui -lit i 'urn had been ill confer eli.-n Ii siillie I ime. t In allllnlllieeliielll .va i ii'ii'le that Sen.ilnr Hay tor would li-Ki- an a-livo unit n Hie iiniinnal I i'a in pa u n ami winiui -ipeiii, in .mw V'irl on Tiiesilav nf in vl weel, lie will iiiiike speeelli's ill .New .ler-ey and jl illiillil OMITS PARKER'S NAME. p I. e . w Ii Fitirbanks Skipped It in His Speech ;,, Iv . 1 1 . - .it Great Falls. Mont, i ... II V Iin ll I'allr. Molil . Sep'. L'V I e And ni p.irium I nun the pn:'.i."ni ii'iiomed ,- lip.' Ill le In t'e II. llllllllll cnlllllill Ini-, Si-tialiir ii p. 1. 1- nf I'ati Iiiiiii,:; a In.- ili'iniir in his I iiit . t Sn j M,, nl, in. i e.iliiiiiu:n in in, In- In i il iih I; an, I ill., i 'iiii-inli- .niiiiM Iin- ti, m liiint; speech III Madison loiuorrow evening. Jfynii road this paper you know nhnut.nraKO S , Senator Joseph W. Ilailey 1ms lieen i'imitowiniiir engnged for ll speech at. ( harlohlon, lmi3( r reailorit ilo. Any ri'iuli-rnf this i-nn W Va. Kormer Congressman John 1 iavo airlul hoiiln q( Druke's l'lilmntio Wine . i'....ui,v ..r Mmuu ii-Iiiiwi-iim -iinl li'or- rrcc. IctU-r or iHistuI cnnl to Drako h. ( losby ol Miissailiusilis ,11 .1 I or Formllhl(;,IITI v, urllk(1 Uuililii.c.C'hiraKo. III. I iner Complroller Iiml S. Color Ol t (), dosna day nf this ionic, laxative Paliniaio I i. in .....,..i, ,n n.,1-1 ii,i-,i f'nn. mi.iiii-iiu, LfivoH Inimcilialo relief and oflmi cures , ,,., kiji, . . oi..n. - ' , :' , i,,,,k,.'S lMimetto Wine Is a ' oinoili.r worUi-r fnr Tlllllid. L,iV(T lind KidnilVH. I Seventy-tlvo cents iit Druic Stores for a lartio bottle, usual dollar size, but a trial hottlo will be sent tree ami pieiaiu 10 every rcauui ui luw puiwr who v. ri'.L'a for it. neclicnl, (lelober Hepresenlallve Oscar W. Under wood of Alabama, is to speak at Hempstead, L. I., tomorrow. The opening number on the Y. M. ('. V eiilerlainnienl course Mommy nielli . Oil. Iinl. will lie tho K'tvnl I'uiiKiii'ian Court Orclicstra. All Depends on the Man. A mini Is kirn; or slave ev: ry ino mint of his ITp. Ilo is cither run ipe ring or being copipu-red viclor o' vanquished, l ilher the man or Hie ir.nte Is always on the llirone. When Ilu- man stcis down tho beast i:teps up an nan v tlie in OOOOOOtOOiOtUOO 0000'00-0'0C00K3 D TIIE I I First INatiowl Bank of Beaumont Cuban Baptismal Ceremony. A Cu linn bH by is bai.lied when It is two weeks ami a day "Id at the ver; latest. A Cuban baptismal pnrl.v wo-ihl not think of wnlklni: to churcli, even though tho huilding bo next dour. ' ' Two Mrn :o Each Office. I:i Tbibel nearly every public office two lurntnl'ieiits. (m- Is sunposei! P. In- a cheek o:i ti c other, tint some li'ee.; t'ds dual aiilhnrity lines no! work Willi in war. for example. London Suburbs Filling Up. It win. e-limnted recently (hat Lon don subiirhs were tipreadlim and ll,. iin; ro fast thai as many lis iiuii.nnnu in-nple n tileil in (heni. 111 new hol!.-.'J. i.l live yi ars. Fir.d Valuable Coal Beds, fn a sc.'irih fnr radium (bo French .ml In T'l !. .-; in In. In China, luivi- dis rnveri"! laiue ami valuable coal beds at Yi n P:i. Praise tor Dead Servants. Pmiii- KnuH-h iniploy'rH adveril .' In hi p-ipe-M the ilinth of failhf-il trrvani-. i.'"l a id H'id-bli ti-m irK '. 9 C'Apitrft Stock...... ( i fiurplim runt li'wIiviitiH Profits W. S. Djv.d.on. f irndrtit I W. P. H. Mcir.irtilni, VilC President Tln Alvrv. C!.l'irr. W. C. DjviilkDn. A-.s.t C. , liner. C"il( n. Dn e tcr. ( t. C. ITOO.OOO 100.000 .. $71,000 M. Hrbirt, Second sst. Cashier, . Wiess. Dirett-r. mo. N. Gilbert. D rnter. ion R. Levy, D rriW. lolin C. Ward, D rcct r. Consumption of Tobacco. Tin" total r.x-elpt from (obsren from all 'iuriit wrrp 44.fir5."l "5 ! fnr thi tim-al -or. airslnut fU.Slll. Se?4 fnr tin- fliriil rrar I?'1. "T Van In. r.-a i-f ti.14.9 51. This In V1 irt-ri.ff u rsrt1iliatil In Iv ail .'-nsnlvj I''nn of irad. fn . pt rlcsr ninu T'li-Ti-rn peti- me wi n'-. -n - I'.'.l'' :.f. 1 A rlpar irannfai-tiirlur SIXTY PERCENT , itic tii.rft i-ondltlon. " t t niifar'ti-" h'ii Ibi I""' r.iti'1! r Vil " "" He. i i. f. thin brsni-h -f r. -i'tr' 'jTy t:i- it ..... 1 tin- nwlMi fr the L 4 .i l t" . ..; "-nl j.-ar l'J 11 7T.T"-' "- - - I . 11.. ). ..r t.Mm . r m hull" l ARTHUR i BECK L. FINN ii HI' t " JEWELRY COMPANY lt;il?C f-PIKMV 4 1 U s y r-et r. "! - t. :i . 1 . -r a ti'ii I In ttin f in -s-l'-n i-f f' ti r tn 1'ir a nr. f.-rni . ' ii'l -fi m '! lir'" run ti-'t '. '. lie- i:';ii' '4 Bi?fl'' i .. fi t ' f. ' ' ,H' I .' r:v.z am I'r-i'i"! . ;- ,- i:. -f.'i"'': anvi t.' p -jri. --Wi-'i tn To il. THE ROYAL HUNGARIAN COURT ORCHESTRA Y. M. C. A, Auditorium Monday October 30th. 10 Performers, all soloistj, lead by Matus, formerly ofGilmore's Famous Band 75c- Admission--75c TicKeti for 10 Enter tainments $3.00. : Reserved scats on sale at Association Office Monday October 30th. 9 a. in.. World's Fair Rates I'.ecinninc October 1t. ami ronllnu no; until ihe ini of Ih-- Wit' Li's Fair, low rate i'1' nr..ii'ii ni-K. ii to Ht l'.iis will en tale Tin -day and li wi-i I.. -t l l llll- .nit w.i hair :it unlay of Tie- rale a i i nt a m i Tii l.'t't t--."" r I'lilf. in at Inu day-' limit . lei I'"! ll Ask The Ticket Agent tr w te to A. LE-ut, U. . .--d T. $t Lent s, v o. iiimiii TO ID)VE1?DE1 i . ' As a rule you advertise to reach the people; not some of the people or some particular class of the people, but all of the people; not only some of the time, but all the time. T0 10 THUDS it is necessary to use a medium for your ADVERTISING that reaches all of the people all of the time; not only in the city but in all the sur rounding country. he M ornino Paper does not anywhere claim TO BE A CHEAP MEDIUM but it docs claim, and can show the evi dence at any time that it covers the field and is fully entitled to the higher rate. Try it and the result will more than satisfy you. C, The Enterprise Wishes to Distinctly Assert it Has No LIST But it has more subscribers in South East Texas and Louisiana than any paper in the state of Texas can boast of. If you are an advertiser and "wish to reach the people of this section phone the advertising man and if he does not con vince you, don't advertise. Both Phones 93 0 0 .J .. ............ .... .......... ( i