Newspaper Page Text
o f THE BEAUMONT ENTERPRISE. ' MONDAV. OCTOBER 3. 1904. BEAUMONT WLRI'HISI. I'nlilh li-1 l-.n-ry .MmninK l.v THE BEAUMONT ENTCrtPRISE PUBLISHING CO. enterprise BuildmQ. Beaumont, Texn. Entered i Hn- l'u i"l!lr.. iii II. iiiiiimin ,ih Set olid C!ii-; .Vail .Mailt:. MONDAY, OCTOBER 3. 1901. Terms of Subucnntion. Ohm jr. nr Ti.r.-o iiiniitl.'i 1 Sunday, P'r y. ar ' riiiii:!" ropy NOTICE TO PUBLIC. The Enterprise Publishing compnr M not reanonbiljlu for any richis con tracted by its crnployeec, of any char ncter whatever. on., i.r ih. hiMiiin: ini.ii I'i'i r Sln ll. l o, Indiana, i i eia-h !i pmlmll t -: in this y nr. Such . ; !: t nucht l.i i.iiiiiiiliH" In ah by, lib ( i;ri iiimiM. 'I'Iih cln.picncc f Senator IVrbiilik".. Ihi. vice ple;.ii.ili!.l li'inil H i' nf ihi Id pill.lll'IIIIV, I'! uml l ! Clll'llc'l ii. i. mi. I in ii H li ii.i i iiinr ini'l h;in.."l nut '.villi in- tun.;. . A 1 1 1 I llliliiill.'lil'i' died in '' cIihmII-i Ihi' i.ihi-r day. iiml I'll :ni iilalc nf .mm in :iy te,l:i ol ".'". !.. Thill Wil l ;Hliilf, nllli'l' pcnie':; I -ii ill -y in ,'ood 1 1 :i I .lui;i. I'a I;it'k In ipii lit I i i. i In N'i-W Vnll all' ( 1 1 i 1 1 i nil. full ill)- In lho.7 Ili llinriiitS who lil.d In lii:i' .si.n.i I Imi.K inn i.- iii.i-i ii'i.l lli.'in siliii.:1. ni. a 1 1'' ii' linicli, nr ilii iiiK into l hi' rivi' . K:in Ai.lni.i.i is linii il inp . mil lailnry. in iiililiiinn nf a : ;.in i' In il m r.i'.'.'il l:.iii:ili. iinliii.i ry. Win -ii S.H. Aiiliiiiin .n l ili:ih up :ioini'lliiiii! 'iUl of I In' or ilinary it hi an unusually Hull il:iy. Tin- atli'inpl In cIhi'U k.viii put liy for .lapiin iiiiioiiK the AiiH'liial.s by r:ylliK .v. ll.nv pi'iil'' Is mi iliiiil.l iiirpiri'il by JiiiKsian j-olil, whiili may Im- epiili' i l l.i'l.v.'ly iisi-il in nlln'i' ways Hun. by buying bulli'ls. A man In (' i n.aili- the r.inl li.i.slalii- of sli-alini; Ihn-i- 'iua-s of 1 1 ll 1 1 1 ) :i K H. - il. ii. it Ilic impi'i'ssiim Hull it Willi nii'ilii'inal w:iIit. Tin' .lispiil.'li ilni'S not .slain wli.'M lu liiipiil In run' v 11 ll I III- Will.'!'. Tin. nii'iiiii sl mi. n has jusl bi-i'ii ilis roviTi'il at Alrhisnii, Kansas. II.. has I mlnpli'il tin. plan nf rrailiiiK :i 1 1 lo l is tiiniily about Hn- lini'i'ilili' railway w i'i liK, lo kci'i) tljcin from k'B I-0 the wnilil's fair. . . A ynini;;' mini In Arkansas niuiii'il .Miirlin siKi'i'ssl'iilly ili'visnl a way of Mhnnl in,;, hiilif.iliK iiml l.lliili.l;; liimsi'lf, ill iinli'i' In inalii- SIM' nf his si'lf ill si i n. ! !. m. This Is pi'i haps I In 1 1 I - ii si siiiriir- on ii roi'il. j.. Sixly iiiinisl its in lii'lmil hiivi I'nlllli'll 11 I I II.'. I ami llili.' llcriili il mil In li-it ll v il'Viirri'il 1 1 1 . -. I'p In ilali', In. w. -v. r, llirr.' has In n m luiivi'inriil .-.iiinn.; Hi.- jiisliri'S nl' lb.' 1 1. iirr In en I :ii I t hi' ini I usl ry as Inn,; as I hi' l.-rs ai paid. Mi', ll Is mil I.. In' pre: 1. 1. H'd llii';i; of Ti'Mis !.lnis at 'he A' Inl i;i in Ni w York In ri.u: I 'i ll Wahlnrf ' he hit. I. me SO llililieteil In lllMIIV. bill bi ciiuse il is ii ;l. ;il plie e In oh e ' III.' liiulll III tile lelllil.'l.'S nl' III" ' ..rlnpllS." ;'. milnr J.... ll.ule i. l..'ilirt ' l. iil.ick . hits I i t'll '. in -lilt.. Ilii.t s.'ii.U b.lil In II ' I. Hi'. t-Hi.lirh In : h.iw III.- p. i.j.le ll;n ll- n al y ri-iui nilii r Mli re T.-.v.i. i s In l i'leil. iiml In cull Imw .v I .n l. In Ihe Ill Mil', nl' hi:. I.llit' I'l.l ll'Mlle. . - - . . . A i l.i;.- l .i ni in ha-, b, . n t hi. I t I i. k.j.iw i l.ei.i:-. I,, pi iiiii.'.i.i, .in I 'i. nil l :. I ill hi:; i . nil l a In . ,v i l...'.'l,j:.w is li. -w I i.rlv i. t..-..iii.' i . i...,lll.l il : Ml.ll ' Int.- ttil . t C l I ll ' I i bii.iiii Im In. in. .1 i i . . i i. .li:'.- :iii m .'.. ii.ii I. r I., mi : ;n". l i :: . In I v. 'I h M'nliiy i . I..,'' l,l:l..l' lb III Tl. I I H l 1 I i .1 . I llf .'1 .11 '"' 'lit I. l'-- I I. lull "I I' I .'I I I- .. iU- iii..u.Uy ucn U u haul muiiir'nf tt. law r lmy a ' mid. ' " - l- CARNIVALS DO PAY. '" 11111 'II Cmu i iiV . I Kiiriri"'i i ... i ni.y iini'hliuii uImxii u laruivul i.u ii .Ml hUiu iii f..r any "y " iy ...ihI.iii.-.I. Ii ir.i.i thai I-. I" ivn-y I.iimii'-. man may not ImrtUie; (lirllli,rl,.M llf ,. Aerlciilinr lur. iili i.ii Hun iluy. but a HI h'li'K H Hu, MiTlianh-al n.llcK.. urn full to il imn.unU of ilo.uu lu be -in. ''' h ovt-rltowini?. I'lcidml llniiMoii an- ..... j..,,, ati.l thorium tho ui.tiounr. iti.-nl that im "" """" "" V ,. ,,. ...ore ii..liiiinia for tin- fr.-ihiimn v.i, i. Ii ln n.-i.t-, .-v. in iho t'. (.liM( r,.,.(.V(., , cih,, n t, an i.raii.ili IiiiikI ! m-kmi'"!'''' s,h, tiijillriuiu lor lln ii r ihiin iiinly in Hi.. na in of an mlwrti--.t-ii nun from huiii" uniil liny liavo i nib if ui- v.uii in ui.i.r... ia... .1. H .O.MH..IH H Iron. I'n .i.l. i.i llouMoii i ...iinrs. v.uii in in i . n,, u-v will In- u-lmiU' W. -' i.. .,..i.. .l. , n...v Unit in. Im . in. ';j4t, ,1,llll,..r of ol.l hiii.l. niH i. , ..-liiii..i..H iiml loi not lin """uhn hiivi. writn ii Hun i In y tiro .liin- ii. hiiiitii-i. of puiilti- iy. TIhi.' ""!iiiii in ri hi ii but who liavu not yi-i .i.,,, a.i.l, ... .i-..l l '" h..r..u.i, All miii-Ii k....I.iuh will I... ...ui.iry wiiu Know bill li"U'' nboi.t '-f'-hm. I . :i;i:i.uii. TIhiv an- i-ouimy in'r- ,v, l.jinls who i.UKht l' irinili In . i . . r i nil.-!, wiih ll... . ity. TIh i.. aiu . LOUISIANA NOTES I iii.ilii .l:. win. buy tiooibi i hut i m y can ...i iiiil in i In' hiiiallH.' lortiii nl Ka-'-t ! a!i: ami U i .it I.ouIhuiiiii, ami If lln-y i:. Ii.' blnilfhl to lli'llllllintil tai-y will i,, many liiiini'i'i b.-rniini ciisIoiui is n I Mini" Iti aiiiiHUil busim ss liou 'I In- Aiui'i'ii an pi'npli', lilio nil ollii'i' M.,pl.', I.K.i in hiiM! a Komi liiim "" ' I. , a wlilli'. ami whi'ii lhi rroin um v.i ll I'liii.i ii il iiml tin; Iianl loll of ihi miiiiiih i- i nili'il H. y want n f.'W ilays ..; j..llilir;ilion, ami if liny -iml luiv ii in lii iiiiii.n.ii thi-y will no i-lsi-wlii i', v 1 1 1 -i i im ans in this Inslmii'C llouiilmi. v. I irh is Iti'iiuiiiuiil's only coiiip.'iior. Will our biisin.'ss nu n urknowli ill?.. ti iil wi! caiinnl hiivo u en nival hn-ciiiis.- II. limy I'osl tin-in us ii who!i' Mm .' If tlu-y im. not. wIIIIiir In tnaki- II. IS IIMiell of ail ill Vtrsl Mil-Ill . If, llii'ii'i'il wi- huvi.- no claim to luliiri- mi'iitni'ss. Iti-ili-r huvi- Uiis i. nni'y !iH'iil in Ilii-caniival a. I im l inns ni home flinn miiiu'wln-ii- -ls-, and n-nl iii'suii il thai if ISi'auinnlil Is so "pnky" ll iil tli.-r.. is iiulhint; Hi aitiiiii. iniis mi- si'i lii-l's thai llii.-y will I'.ii 'ls' w In n'. 6 TEXAS NOTES. Tho .:imai'tio well Is down 517 loot. A Klrnm? How or oil 1ms been struck at Lakola in I'arkiT county, al Iwcti ly IVcl. l''iim tnali'iial fur a fool hall Icim i.l IIh- Amiiultiiial mid Mi-clianlcal colli';;i-. Tin- Houston mid Texas Cent nil has iiiaiiniiraleil a- sx-cnil cotfon train service. .Inlin llniii-lierly was Khot and dl nl Marsliall. Arliur I-'isIht iirr.'sle.l. kill was A cnntrncl. for pnrohasn of 12,0110 acres near Alice for colonization nas li.rii i ii il. . Success with Hie I'listeur Irealinenl an. I prcpa nil ions for the openiiiK ol the Ausliii institution. Joe S'pence was found tnurilered by an known parlies at. Kaiil'maii. An arrest has been tuaile. Hon Turner was shot and killed al Marl employi cry. e Kails In a iiuirrel with an nhoiil repairs to sia niachin- Cerlilleil lists of parly nominees ifor slate ollices liave been sent to ci mi. l.v clerks by Secrclary of Stale Curl. I The uueslion of Ihe li'K'llily of I Dunlin i-ounly July priniiiries is to 'be lakeii In the Mate executive com ll.iltee. The lite of Carl Ueyne, who was I Iii I,., i,j Iti ,i ule.l.ler 'lie .'.nl A. J. Kim; has been arrested Hi.'Imii.I iilenl ilieil. W Smninehill, a llnheiniiin, accl .1. tiii.lly shot one of his lingers off while iiiinliiii; near West P.iiul. lie as irawliiiK lliroui;li a barbed wire fence. Turn Owens, a necrn, for whom there has been a warrant fur several .l.ns in Ihe hands of iilli.ers. was iir le.leil ill ll.illsnll .hi n rlrnw of vio I. ii mi, Ihe cilv iirdiiiiilice in r.Tiiril In si illpl IK lillll'i'il.l licLels. lie is nil. r.e.l to have sold lh- return enn ..nis .i tun tickets isMieil by III. S..ii. h. i li Pacific. i -ihiir ri dier shot atlil killed John ' i, lie-In rtv at .1 s:ll.'ll n I he , ill. In .in- in M.iiMiall Tlie - ln it im: w :i- i .1. ii.- will, a II ralibi.- pi-ll. T! r.. ' !i.'s U . O.'it in I .1. .nil :i al 1 1. ,, i in-.iiiiiiiiiii-.Mt-: There - r- a ll'illlb. r of - il ll.-f. s in i lie -li.n il, 1 1,, ill .;illl" .'ire ln.' .,l. til in-i -. Iitiui: siMiih ..f t..n. Ki-li. r ill.- -. MITl i Jill!. I. V.i-. . I'.'i '. n l-.v i. i i. r i si' . -i .-,i...i-ii tin- W.IU Kirt-.i Kv l. .', f Ti.'in.i- i.f I '.int. .nil. i II I ;irm '1 "f i-:iiil-. V !. l .',.. . ... Im- I ..!. li- Oil, -I. l-l 1 i- .. '-i..ii. ',' ll l Im ' inn i - ' ' . I'l '"': I r.' 'i i 'i'- 0-- ''- . J T i r- a-- --ii"! -.1 , . . . ni i ! '-. I' '.- ;: r nr - -.-t'i; !ti-. r- I- it i . - ii- ..t m . - . I. .t !-;. 'I - -J-tlt 1 . ' ,.-. ml, i. 'ini a , , li r ..''i.'.. : -!-i-fi i-tet ;. - ii v. 1 ,.. .-. ' ;, I. - "I V . -. r. i ' " . . ,, - ... . , - ... .... ..f . . e. !;.- a . .. , I I .. I".-'. '" I .-, 1 -' i 1- .1 .. , I' . . . - J,,. .-f! iilmuulit a maiiiiiKMh r.ihUry lul j lu- ii loiuwiiuil. Thurilay the valu able imiKh vm found at lln I'.iii'H Mi - lii.1 iraiihfi r ntlUH. when, a green I ... I I. ...I il.r.iu.. il 1.11. Hill it lullll) ... i-.t imply xui l. iilmvn ii. uii.l a "ih of rebel vi.iii im that r a hid irom lMiii-.u to VahiiiHoii. l. (I. Iluiiti, or the Kiiii iih City Soul In i n IniiiUKrailiiii Hi pari nn-iil, It 1 1 Lake Cliuih-s with mi exhibit "f Ciililiileu liroducls In be shown al lln- llliiinls Statu fair. A new hardware Hi in wiih $2.'.ihhi iiipiti.1 Is h.-itiK or-;iiii ei by .1 taliiiH Kriink ami W. .1. Davis, at Lake Cliinles. Tin. Ilrni will In-Kin bii-'i iirss al.oul Oct, I.'.. (nil., a numb., of entile have ill.'.l iiml II.. iiina w nil in tho lil .1 lew lays. Some of Ihe deal lis lire ntlrlbul ill lo cliarboll. Some ol llie uairi.-r uiiutieiiile.l sellin-' luilk on ar (1'iiiit. of Hlekness ulliirkiuK lliuir Block c.ii-i-i'iinr llliiiirlm tl has tipiKiitiieil the followiiiK addilHinal ilelegnies to n present Loulslaiui' nl tin-' I ran n.isnlHsippi coinmi-rcliil :ont;reHH ut. St. Louis, (Jclnber 2".: I). .VI. If yt d. I'.aloll House; A. II. Illakely, a ml .lames drain New Orleans. V. K. Howard Newcninbe, lumber ex I oiler nl. I.aki- t:har:es. Is assembllm; a ciiino of hurdwiMiil lumber lo In shipped by Ihe sleiiniir Jacob ItriKhl IVnm I'orl. Arthur to A.ilwerp. Kllleen flirlnads of lumber have already been s cured rrom the Tew ha iiwond mil. in Hint, vicinity, ami their entire out pill eliniU'eil. This Is Ihe first hard vood shipment made from that pari of I he Ku'f coast. The t rial of Annas Descant, for man siaiih'liler, took place at Ma ksville. and Ihe jury returned a verdict of (,-iiilly. llescant was Iried for hsivinv killed I.avlnrla l.aborde lasl May at Ilnyoii dit Tin- il i IIUiill y Krew mil of a dispute over a I rot line, which Laborde had st re died acros. the bayou fur nil chins fish. I.abordi si.w li'sc:.:il ra'se his line on Hie dii of the liomlride, and this stinted tin t: oulilt'. The body of a youtiK while mat: vns foiiiid on the Kansas City South ei n I rack near Kricrson. sixteen miles below Shreveport, henrinn every ituli cat ion of foul play. Til" cnriuie.-'ri jury ii dared that death resulted from i blow on Hie head. H was evident thai Im had been t 'dried and the body placed on Ihe Iratk lo hide Ihe crime Several papers were found in his pock el , one inilicalitiK thai his name wa: John llniKK. mid Him he was fror. Miime small I own in southern Arkan SI'S. While on Iheir way to New OrU-an.-ii. hoard the New Orleans. Kort Jack si in & (iraiiil Isle I ruin. William Du linin, William Smilh ami Chiirl-s Ne! son, white men, wlio Imd been em plnved on Ihe jetty works now in p'.'osiess at Southwest. I'ass, lilleil ll-.eiuselves Willi whisky iiud (Seale.l a The lady pusseiiKei---i n biiiird tin- Irain. to seek rel'ime, had to Kit in the caboose nnli! the irs rcacheil Wesl I'oinle a la ll-ldte. wlif.i Slii rll'l K. C. M- yeis iii resli'd the hr " lien iiml loik them to tile I'oinle a In I l:ii !n jail. Diimoii and Smith are charged Willi beim; drunk, nsini; vul (..iir hinnuiim- and a-isaull wi ll a deadly weapon, while Nelson is churned with distil : I i ii ar the pence, nsini; vulvar Ian lAi-ane and bein drunk. Joseph Poole, James Murphy ntul William llnlland a und'-r a.T'sl cliiir..-.eil Willi liavi.lU knowledge of tin I, Mil ry on Ihe slfnnier Uoineo till 1:1.-1 Weilnt-sday or .l.niii eonsimied ! MieritT Kimlesoii. of Cameron, which was taken from the captain's desk. .IH I ilesse.l l.iilay lhal Hie money x. sis taken just before Ihe boat left lb wharf, and that all but a sniiiJ miimint Win sci Tel. -.1 mi Mrs. Perki ls' urnllll ls. i. Hi,- smith lake I auk. He panic.! Ihe tilliciTs lo the place, and t'.u;:. was found. I'nole was formerly t ihplovetl on the bnal. His ifessio . !i.:.!:. i.i. s .lames Murphy, former ccr; ,,i ihe b.iiil. but exonerates Holland. The ilfs ferce is Ileitis hiKlilv i ..iiiplinienl. il iipnti their tpiick work. -, he robbery .M iirred miiih w here be M-.-. H Lake Chillies and Cam-'in I. si i miles -...nil. i.t the im mi li .'f Hi'- Ci.' . ; m. ii ru. r 'I t..' innti- was b. iiii , arr.-d in Sin rilT Kimlesnn. ill Cam . tnn. :it.. I w .i .l. iei.-.l a- the I-.i;ii i-.l iH-lnie it -tuned When the wax an away from Camerin it v:m t. .iiii, I the desk had 1" " . . II l. ll !.!i I tin- p.ickiiue M.ll. M t ihe p,. :i.;. r and in siibniilii d I i seat. It. 1 Curies. ty of Bird. Hii.N. wary, arc ctiriona. at.! li! ii. i.'.n h a t.traiif:' i-bj-it a! it .- r -k . 1 Mi. ir live, a I'.l l.. 1 i..-. ia kn-.m. A uticular It.narice f i :'i run. ..-ill l ..'-d "t : if. in a n i.:; .;!ai.-e of tie lnn. t P.- ! r. XV?.. n I'm-'-'r. " y .m i; 1 i I - : it' '1 M .i.-cn-s " 1 ,i,. ...! iM.aRt.t. a Mle at .1 : . . , . i l i ,1, t . . r.tti. ! i:' ri. i I- . ! I .' T i : r- t'-c..f C. I: "I. tt '.i t r ' : ! '-. !' -f III. ', : . t .j . ' --ii i .f tei !-; ii i: ; . . . lit.' I- . ! ." f. 1 'it.;. iT..: ... . r !:, -'! ... . ' lit ,.- ' r- ' I .. - - j i-f-. tt'. t.--i-' i f :'.! M.i- n'-. ..' a I .. t : ' . - x: a Ui. '.-v. TIED IIP SUNDAY ! TIGHT AND BLUE CITY OF LEXINGTON BECOMES STRICTLY VIRTUOUS AND DRY AS A BONE. Drug Store Closed aid Peoolo Who Had Neglected to Lay in a Sup ply of Provisions for Sun day Went Hungry. 1.1-xlnuton. Ky.. tut. 2. U-xInr.ton today i xierl. ni eil In fli- t Sunday under tin- lilue law- ri-Klm". Tin' re- , htllclloli.t were Kr. ii.r Hiiui limy will In- una in. I.iiU- I'.ls aflirniMiii llie city solicitor iIIhi-ov. red lhal luilk Wilsons mid Ice waj-olis W.Te ll liecei-:- ' siiy. mid i-xeiniil by law. Only n few I mill- WHKons iitu iiiptetl to run and their drivers were promptly lirresle.l : Most of tin- populiiiioll drank colTee williout ci-enin. Kali. lilt s whose nick ' bllilren were tleprlvi d nf milk rom- I Ph.ii.etl l.liierly mid i hr.-ui.u- miiis icinpt in run. Tim mternoon tiieclty, solicitor ileciiletl IhiH both have ihe; riulil lo run mid tin- drive'-.-- u-ider nr.; l-.-Kt were released. lll V llbolil lieoiili! were arresleil for vIolalitiK the I Sunday law. iillhounh alioitl I'uii hud , llllliounceu tneir iiiu-iiiioii muiini i of (-ontinuillK business. I ney ilel-lil-I eil when they starieil to omn ami ! saw Ihe p.illce, IIh-.V had belier keep dosed. j Druq Stores Closed. I DriiK store's had a riv.hl. lo sell ineil- j icnes n prescription but this did not pay lo keep clerks mid till . driiK stores closed. The only places 'open were hotels, livery statins ami newspaper ollices, the lullrr two. classes havlni; secured injimcl ions, i No time had been ulven cilieiis to ; prepare for the strict ciit'o'-ceinelil of j Sunday laws and many families had I not laid i" Ktocries mid meats. Pre parations will be made herealler. t home of the pastors spoke of the Sunday enloi-cumenl today and nrueil j the members or their coni;rei;al ions . lo lay in siiflleient sup lilies on Salur-i day. The saloon men believe Sunday I enforcement, will soon liecome iinpop- illar mid Hint they will be allowed to j open again. No saloons were? open today. Tiiey reporli-d :i recoi-u i.reau- inir sale of bottled Koods Saturday niKlit. No drunks were rcKislered i inlay. CARL SCHURZ ON Ll SAYS IT IS TIME TO PUT A STOP TO STRENUOUS PYRO TECHNICS. THE HOUR AND MAN HAVE MET Claims to See Democracy's Frail ness Also and Does Not Expect the Millenium in Event of Parker's Election. Itnnlloil LilllilillK. N- V., Oct. 2. A li'licr. several cnlumtis in Icimlh. from I Inn. Carl Sciiurz, lo the general see reiary of the Parker independent clubs in New York City, win made public tonight. Mr. Schuiv. says llnf fur years he was identified with the llepiiblican parly, lie discusses Ihe tariff, war armaments, the I'nit.-d Slates as a world power, so-called im perialism, machines and bosses, and lev. ites considerable spare In a crill- ism of President Roosevelt and hiis 'impel nous (.111.11ern11. nl." Mr. Schiir. in dnsiim says in purl: -I do mil indulge in Hn' slightest lelusion :is to the Democratic party. I know ts fa. 'lis and slm'-t ciimni;s very well, and I have opposed it olien. Hut 1 believe (hat. ifpnt in power, nil .h r present circumstances, il can d" the country a very iiiiiriatit serv I'll iiinly of a tiecative. pan l.v nf a pnst live kind. Ol course I Uti 'lot exieti ihe niillenium bill I think we may ex pect lint it will put a sum to the slr.-iiiiiiiis pyrotechnics which lor sum.' veai's have distracted ns, ami brint; the rem. ! tic back In beit.-r w:iys nf pixel nine it : that it will arr.-t the evisiiim l.n i-lim-ss "f public i xp. n.'itiii-es and introdnee a ii ii..:, s,i!.i.. ee .mtiii v into our ti.'vern- in. -tit : on-, h.i'-l : that ii will ihnmtmh lv ..X. tl. Kill '..' Xilfiiilis i;.n einmelll .i.'l'itri no tit-; ''.at it wi:i s'.i't a iiiMi-,! ni. ".em. i.i au iiiis' 'he i xtiir-titt.i-i i'ti-l cut i -i:t t inns ! our tariff sys .-.lid i'':-t it wi" ,!" awav with HIT ll't.tlv -.lll.tlHW'-l' i' . tilllltll iil'V .i,.,.;ii! ati-l iMi'ii ii ii' iv . tn'r,ili- rvt."'iti --. n.-!... f.e.l. ' r r. r. ' . vie. !i I .. a.-.- i ' in nld i.n In. h I. in. I I. t iv . . f..r "ir .'tn c.ti- -H:iv .,. tf :. h ii- -I d n -t '' a' it .tii;. tt . -. : a 1'ieti , - ., v- ,.1 i' . tl,. . . . ''it -t of ... r ft- t ' - 'f 'be 1 1 - Ti in r t'-. i . 1 " -' r .'t. ,1. r ' ! I ,...-.-' I i.- I.'. I :E AND MILK WtRt ALONE IMMLNf REPUBLICANISM We Have the Distributing Ascncy of the New Patent - ..Holland Fountain Pen.. Rvery Dealer Durchasln?; One Dozen Pens From Us We Will Furnish a Neat Dis play Case for Same, Liberal Discounts. OUR NEW TYPEWRITER RIBBON For livery Standard Machine. We Sell Under Ouarantce and (live Very Liberal Discounts to the Trade OUR BLANK BOOK DEPARTMENT HE A 5 UA R TERS FOR School Books School Supplies Office Supplies DraughtingSupplies COUNTRY WE SELL it. is peculiarly desirable thai we should hnve a true juilfi. in the pres idential clinir a man who Knows t In law ; who reveres Ihe law; who will never pernil his emotions to make him overlook Ihe law; who will nev er presume, that his will is law. and who will conslanlly Keep in mind lliiil a democracy will drill into chaos as soon as Us government cease in be n ijovernineiit of law. MUTUAL GROUNOS. Fall River Merchants Try tn Bring Orid-atives and Mc Tonclher. Fall Itiver, Mass.. (VI. I!. Willi the opening of the eleven' h week of I in cotton mill strike today, the pros pect of il sell lenient -eenis somewhat i. .... l,,,r In live lileiC.II I'eS .inline. taken by the vocal merchants. 1 .' - tirs have been .cut to bo'll matin - liicuiers ntul i !" ra lives reipiesl inn that the two side.; hiiM iiii :i:lv cnii ferenee and a la .nriibie i-i-nlv has I been received f-'-'m the op : :U r. . The inaniifiirlnt'. r. will receive their letters tonne-row niorniiii:. Mel-chiinis li'.'.v be'ieve thin Ihev bave discovei'i d miilual urnutiils upon which tii'i'ntiiit inns mav be v.-.n n.-d mill that some settlement will be reached within a short time. n-i Her Day. vr ML. ,,!... A,.A- 11. ,1a .rtl V,n W.'IT..-. ..-" . Kri.m wtiirli l.un;hin turni..!: ' gh fnnrt.-.1 'tifith t lie little I.I..WS I w ill. Ii t. ft h'ni iiii. '-nr.-i I; I Bin- l.rt-oe.t tttilo tr..iil.l. h.n ! Kli Iiml n..ti- .f tn r on: H.. nnill. .1. rt- I" tin- y n men, AuJ lt hvr fi. t ..; 11. jl or"-w ttiiit " r.l m-1 irrriit On ih"tn i "1 i':iy: , li,.ii'l-.i I.l I.' et l.i- ild .k f ne II.- tt,i'. i i I.--I- h.. .. il . t .ir-mm l. -itr -1.- --nt, Vhil.- " it - jn.i J.-.i I i'n f"iti. Ii.iltm tij .nt, iv I.' ." I""1 ' ' ' ' .! . .i... 11". - r l 11- ialJ To Protect Memcan Birds. rf!"r' at- ! it e ii.a.b- in M. xn-0 c b..e a Ian la'"'! fur t!- j..-t. . c-..-ti 'f 1 U -i ll at ar- hm iO '.i t! .. .r.-'. ar.-l tan..- I.' at ."rta'ti i Tcc'-c Lesves Snug It r .1 - : ! S , .. . c ;:1 !) r ' : . ., -.. -t-i -1 - -i :. Fortune. ,. .-t -IS NATHAH FLLS IT FOR ttftS. Is the Most Complete in the State of Texas, and to Purchasers Who Don t Know Our Dusincss rielhcds. WeOunr nnleo Quality and Price and Defy Com petition. . Opposite the Postoffice, Beaojmont, Texas, Engineers Suppl ORDERS PROMPTLY EXECUTED. THE NEW CITY DIRECTORY. Illinois -V -A 'if ft ft WORLDS FAIS EXCURSION BEAUMONT TO ST. LOUIS $36.40 for TicKcts Good Until Dec. 15th. $30.35 tor TicKcts Good for 60 Days. $24.75 for Tickets Good for 15 Days. THROUGH SLEEPER LEAVES ; 1 W j j , 51. Fast Train Servici- Bofit t Lilirary C i s--1; ; nng (ai--rTrtU .1 la CarteFree thair Cars l uilman Sleepers. Special Rates to all Keor!i. ! ; i -- : AppJy to TicKet Agent for N. D. FINCH, T. P. ' rv i SUNSET 0 ROUTC h-l Sept. 15 lo Oct. 15 Inclusive . r -f In- ' 1- ,.l V- I ' ': i 'l te P. A. : i a' .- Ol i:v T - A. n 9 les ..I.. Central RATES lis- BEALMONT 10:03 P. II. I? LOL'IS VM A. M. full information, or address A., Houston, Texas. 4f Low Colonist Rates TO CALIFORNIA RATE $27.50 i '.1 I' Ari7on: also '. r1 i 1. n. I 'a. it! . 'fA ' 'i 1 x 1. -t i'h In I i-t NO SMOKE. NO CINDE.RS i : r 1 W t ' V.1 liikt.1. i. K. TOOK E, C. T. A, --i 3y. i .