Newspaper Page Text
THE BEAUMONT CNTgRPRHE. MONDAV. OCTOBER H. 1904. . : - - - ' - - ii. i r ri several communities IIIIIV th.-lliaiKI. i. ...........' ' ---- - - - 171 I KYLE THKATRK One Nitiht On!y Monday, October 3 CHaUI. Yale's Everlasting DEVIL'S AUCTION ..Twent). Third Edition.: nil the BfU I" t illed to Overflow inn With ll that U Iniijue., Odd. li usual and New. Siut Sale Open Friday 9 'MORNING SIMON i N RLV. CODBtY (Continued from Page Two-) IfHI liiutt evangelical religion H III! ImII. ve It, ttlld tl HW III" unfed lillil lllu llllK lli'il lllllUllllil.'K dllfllUK il into ivory I)m nf miKnilliiKwH, tin did not iit-hliaio lo bo lo Uw host available mid pi each In Di - ' 1 T BYT It n frHr9 r. m a, iniflidiiiiu- in in" ' . .i ' I..1....I lit.. ..r l.illt III III.IIHI l'l llllll.ll I"IM I"". " i . , . .. liii-iiiniM-tt ill ri'iilt-Miilit- " u,. iii miiiK-r r in imilii'it M'"''1 a:i4 iisi.m arose iiliiiiH "Ilo ritti-h In- ii.u-mk ' vihI "Why nu n il' "" B" I. , iinmli." in.. Willi h riMl'f'l i lunge. In iinHi'i'1 i" ,'" ii, mi. nr.-ri in ".in. i in- i.n.i" ; Miinv looked ilium il''s' '"'' v IV- appr. I.. ii-i"H ' If'- '"" M.M'" Hi. zealous iiml i.iiiMi ruii il ilMin lKv. Im-m,.ii lo Lour mh Ii I Mil .is lo Imiil " ,hc Vrr.i.ni1l-H Lars Huh ,m, in nn.s,. urn n r i.tli' T-. fall "f II, . mid full.. 'I'- i-mi'l- "" ii h., Th.v - 'I. Ha'! s nv.i.r.- il '" 1"'" "r V" . .. . in i. it i tin bo ll,'- I I.II.O.iai '"" ' ,,. ,. ., . it, ., 1 1' Ii' fr II..; im'W ..... . hurl . IK'. II " i.m ii air, ami I. imi it i tn i no Icmncil some liiH.r.MIl many churches have need such foal- tires? ei iim think HiIh matter over very carefully, uml look will nr il.iiv iim Christian nu n uml w .ml ir iiiiL-lit to mukn larger of- world i foi l uml inl.1 anything to Iho equlp- I .. II... ..I...... I. In urili.p llnil II h . I i J mi'iil of I lio cliMii li ill onlcr lluil ! ini.v hit mnro 'ITil'tlvi. let UH (lo ...... lln.n i.u...l MII.K. .Hitt llll II V. I lO AIUI l""y l"H flllin II lMl III K"l liowi il In IiIh I.iikv lifii llin -iiiii I woiUh. K.iiii iirylnr'. nlaii Inu Winwlfj " I m in ciii.ili.ionii an iliov nri'Ni-iitoil new .....liliiin, and iIiiin H.o iiii'.IioiIh of Mi-..iiillHm w Klowlv i-viiIvi'iI iiihI iho (liurrli wn nonl mil wl'h fr,,o iluiii lo ilo ItH work, ami w'Ui lllioriy to cli.'iimo nnv form nml n.oilioil of work, ko lime oh i ho ( Iwiiibo ill.l no n.iiw in ro.i ni t with tho plnln w rl of Cod. Ci-noriil TIimiIIi win ii Mi'lhoillKt ir'iirlnT nml kooI.ik Hint komio rluiimi'M woro ihtohmicv In onlor to liinko iho work hiii.tooiI n.iio.iu il.o poor n.i.l iioKloclr.l rlnssos of IChrIIkIi Hv llfo. ho kiivo Iho i.ioslloii Hi-rl- ens .hoiit: il nml soon u i.u llfltRf Ii. DAVIS Iflltll Of ACCEPTANCE (Continued from Page One.) MAGNOLIA PARK Tuesday and Thursday Evenings Music and Dancing Cm Out and Enjoy THE COOl. BREEZES THE FINE MUSIC THE DANCING who;, unrohlriil.ioil. kioiii lo inoilnro comliiloiiH which hrliiK ahoiit Hlrik.-H uml iliHor.lor, ami dlsinrl) tho biihlni'H I'.n.ilrH of lliu ro.miry. lAii'Hl HL'f KOVI'.'...IIOI.I. H.I.t OO.IIOH lo UK. not us fho K fi of Urn nuilonul riovormm nl, I) lit lis Hi,. I.-kIi lnmto oul iii.ii,. of Iho roaorve iiowcth of tho Hli.tiH nml of Iho pinplo. Ih II. o very oornorxioi.o or our pilillcnl, . .1 . . Ill ..Ml .. .II THE ROYAL HUNGARIAN COURT ORCHESTRA Y. M. C. A. Auditorium Monday, October 3rd. 10 Performers, all soloists, lead by Matus, formerly of Cilmore's Famous Band 75c- Admission 75c TicKets for 10 Enter tainments $3.00. : Reserved scats on sale at Association Office Monday October 3r, a. m. . ,.r II IT.II.I.I'I'"' "I'lIU- M, n..,.. ,- or.lliii.i-v imHioilx ,.r In " I. mh I. -. M.. in l.lntr. v ,,1 .rny.T Unu. ''V " ..f l.ln hh htvIo.'. '"'" ' !. !" ,ihvlr..l. s.--l"l ;' . .. M ii I ir slillH""' ,,.,K r.n. l.i.. rr ''n- 1,1,. ll I I...". will. l ;' ,lh,; f k..vI., II." wl'.'l" I'f" t"'-"!"1'' rM, Hi .I.'s.ik rhrlsl.' ri .-iMircli Ii lliori foio IH"'- ,uhly orciinl.i"l nml H:' im-ml" " I''; I rnnio woiUoih In mmo '" .Inu.'li work. I.."".'" l"'vo no sii.n.l- lK in In Kin-It l.'.xy chin'on. This church Is always oni?n. Mn.iv os nro v.ix u lh"'0 or . ' ., llw. Kiil.l.lllll IIH'i mi in 'ii r.Mii.ii ; 1'iis ill, inf ill mm soi.n , un: cornorsiouu or our poum-m mi.n i,n- i:.n wiy: i.nn-h ' onclnslon Mint It woul.i ho hollor lo i nul Iho hosl MKHiira.ioo of lllioriy rtKU "A il.-ilnlilon of Hi.' .....ii ii ,i,.ri. tho work 'n n n.o.ho.l on-li.i'rt l.y hiw. It can only ho main Ih- Hi fol'.iw--: " " " ,i,(.iv .unworn rro.n thai which was tallied hv Htrlct ohsi rvi.noo of tho Iim l..r.!....l'd f'"1 ''J' ,; "ii,,,,.' falrlv :n tl.o rh.irrho , ,i.i,.-IIhiii in lis in....' .i ii nni)MK )ho fi(Vorf,f, nn(, cllKh,. ..mi I' v. " " ,...ql i-iit il. and from Iho hour or his cho'co s -Ii.l rolllou ,,f ,.. field of work o largely wn- Iho wollilll ii "'"" ., ... ,,,,.., Armv. Il.o iiinvi-M.oi.i lu.x rrowH .. power and olllcleiicy. mid Htnmli out lodav h.h one or iho mosl rrfcellvc roliRlmiR imi't.clos on onrlh In cnrrvlun oip tho comtuand to preach Il.o Rospel lo every rroaluro. Tho Young Mens ChrlHtlan Ass.-)-olaiion l an oihop creal Inslltiitlon Hull Mills! rules Iho v;i I if chiil.Klnu the nioiho.lH or work lo moot Iho changed rondlllons of Iho limes. I'lirmed in the I'liili'd Slates nlinnt Hie mlildlo of Iho century, the unso cial ion: did not discover uml cleurly doll no their proper sphere for Iwenly yen m or more. f During Ihl-i llmo they iimlerlook precisely the same work (hut active churches were doing, mid THE KERSHAW AFFAIR. How a So'ilh Cnroli"a Moh Bent a ShcriM to the Jail. niiiicNinii, s. c, oci. :. r.M-ii.ei- details of Hie lynchim ( .loin -M""- wliile nr. i. wli" Killed Will Floyd, Saturday, at Kershuw, liave lieen received i,, i he Xews an, I Courier h Kiujis Tree I , mi uli . nays: "lui- iiiedi.iley al'ler Hie Killing of Klnvd l he an -I el Morr.Hoii. leoiillK I, lie intense. Tiiere was 111 Ilo Ini! ii ;. ion lieea.ue known Uml iherilT of Lnneasler was on his I i as. i:n i.i nrnlei'liliK I lie irisnn- An eleclrio Ih'.l.t 'lad lieen placed re ilie r.uard lion ie door and a en. an was imi );:iaril. Almui S '. ih, I i - -1 , i went mil and I In crow, I poured into I lie alley, nverpow- lie- iiiiliceinan, took Hie keys and III .Mm i ham mil. I le was lakeii iillslile I lie mill limils and lllr" i lo a tree will, a pail of lawny Two shol:; were lired into Mm' i hack is he mvu.ik. Sheriff r nt l.atieasler, wilh dcpulieS , :i, l, i :1m w. mi a . ! i io I I ram I mill. il s afn i- I ! e :;'iai'd hom.e nr I and iiol,ali!y heard Hie .hoi:., lie Iiev.aii eaifluinv for !' Intm parly and luiind Hie in ml uiniuivlil. 'Iiiiois Iron, n niT'e, laier. An i.up.esl I, I and I he u mil .I'd re.. No nrrrH- have y. I I -li I i:,mi, T. jlfil ami :aid Hie way ir. In I,, .led llfein: ll.ili: hue; risoli': W'll. I. .l nil : i ii' Ii.-il v -i i 'em I. wa In ,1 I wo or three I lilies iiiiruiK "i'' ,, r,,,- the i-esl stand wHh closed looi'H Tlio open oTiureli N onen all dnv and evorv day. Ami whv not' The saloniiH are onon elKlileen on' of every Iwenivfour hours, while many rhurchcK are mil ore.. olJit"oii on. id evorv Iweulv-four iIiivh. The spas modic, manner in which much Chr'i Hun rlToi-l Is can'l"'l on. mil otilv fails lo accomplish the remit desired. .inn I.I on the reality ef o"r pur nose. The adnnled elnireli .' us nil raid '' l."s l,o "'ou'd not rooio I,..- merely st'li'Mual 1'ensiin. Th" erl mail Is .ml to avohi "' r'ninh mid vet he I - the man who needs it must. In order lo roach all meh Hie . .lurches lire helm; li.llll III neli wav as lo nvnvlde r,- null, ho'' of ml, in lonal reiilnres of elni'c'i wirk wllhoul uslnu' the satu'liinry for nny linrnose exeepl for worship uml in sliuclioa in rdi'vioii. I'liiv'sinn is ii iule for n readliiK room, a kinder narlen, a nymna-ium, a laln.r hiireau, a savings hank, a people's drawi.iK room, temperance concerls, sleriopli con exhihils, classes in howIikj and cooklnn. nlnlil school, cluhs for dif cln-ses, molher's meeliiiKS, etc.. and Ii. this way Hie cliu-eli has ioel mini" needs of Iho people and lliev have eiui:e M.lo s.'eli cnnlacl wilh the nirslor tha' lie 's a lre(iienl and In'liilul counselor lo Uioin and acipiir.'H an Influence Hml makes 11 no-sihle for lii'i' iieeoiniilisli work llial ollierwi c would he out of Ills nower. II is mil esnecled nnv. ! church will mlopl evorv feature of I (he onen church, hm merely recoKii- lo lie' principle and imply II as lo-. , cat conditions ma" roipilre. Conditions repiiire 'I o o some i of these f, iiln res. We need new wine for oew ho'tles. NoHiitnr can he more evident lo th" ... .,.-lif of .mi- limes dun Hie fact I Ihal we are ftil ehaimlim f'-om a nil I t ion of imrieullurali-ls lo a peop'e I who dwell I'' elites and who eiiKaue in mercMiiiile and manurad iirinir pur ' .nils and in evorv 'o."n n' hnsiness and i.rolessl.Mial life known lo the race." The farmer oo.lh' ""''i-ill e eron almie and make his living wilh mi ire imleiiendeiu f 'he cilv ami lln. mai'kel. and r,,r nils reason an me eruinenl and nil efforis to nro ij.le fo- the welfare or men have iliro.-led lo the iml.vniuai rainer I,, the cominunily as u whole. . i.: militions this was Hie I., ell I Ikiii I'.ide ih. ill, d. u:a,, Ex i)i : icd ii.don. 1 1, I :: u s of an". '' A i hu r mi I i I. ...rl - l .(.. Iii . I h . ,1 a 1 1 UK el I' Ml wilh r pi V' r I 1 h i i, ,d s.,i.aij.iii a Sh iiifl.., ihal a liu i. hi war I I,, ;ip. ..i ,i me: , I ; i '.in i !i I.- 1 1 . i i ii, l r I,, m, '-I l,r i- i-onrse lo pursue. III! ,,i::;e.l conditions have made il n -.r-.snrv to lay trout sties- on the i social as well as Hie individual rela 1 Cms ,,f men. and we have Loon ad I im nishod Ly painful failures and ; ,h I .ill ill I hi- ello.-t I,, save til" eilies ih.i we tun t have new- wine for new Loll lis. The S.-ili at ion Armv is a this i'han"e, .ondi'ion When .l"hn W sL v hi 1 lain I lie .1' I ""' I""!1" ' Km-i sii:i ..I. lln- i pal liur. h for Hie i.,n iH'--e of ,,f THE ! l-moT Nmnwn RamiHF RFAIiMHMT b ill0l IMUUIUL UrtHUUI ULrtUiuiiH 1 1 hy the sanio old methods. Apart from rending rooms and a few lihra i'les, I hoy rooogn t'.ed no needs exeepl spirit mil. U Is a hlKiiilleant fact Ihal al'ler nearly twenty years .of such e.f foi's the assoclallon hud not Iwenly gonoral Korrotnrios, had erected no hulliliims and had acnuirod no per nianont property. About ISSil they discovered Iho need of rhmiKcH in Iho illrei'll'in of the presetil. order of things mul from the hour of th" adoption of new methods their pro gress due-'. In liinii, which was 20 years afterward. North Ainerlci had 112!) local associations with ahoiil 2.r.H,lMM. memhers. There wore also nearly Km buildings valued at S2.iH.n,mf; and the number of sal aried officer was l'i7.r. Thus when ri'liglous, cd.K'Hlional, physical and soelul needs were provided for, miil Hiiides found u this religious Inst 1 I ul ion what they were seeking and Ihus Ihey hecaiuo accossililo for reli gion j work and were prevented from drilling Inlo channels or vice. , The institutional church is nolhlni more lhan an active chiP'oh, with i evorv ordinary feature of church I work carried ou In nieoli the usual I way, but profiling IV whal hits boon shown to he true In Hie success of the Salvalion Armv. V, ,M. C. A. and a few chiirchc: thai have for years had some of tl.o fe-itures moiilimn'd and to be menlionod In Hie remain der of 'his discourse. I hoy have wisely added some features to tho church work thai have greatly In creased the al tendance noun iho ser vices and Iho addition to Iho church I by profession of faith, and thh lakes ' Ilo 'it'connl of the distress relieved. I of 'ho endure beoun, of I'm enlarged I svnipalhy wilh the work or th" ' 1 i. .in., ,,i- V.' 1.1. 1 111 'l " ' Ill' " 1 of nubile morals Morgan Chapel (Methodist) llos lon, is used hv Dr. Jostuh .Strong in a very inslriielive hook entitled "iXo-ligioii-i Movements for S.ioinl Helier inenl," as mi illustration of the idea herein advanced. Th'a church is sit iinleil in a thickly seltled leiieiiienl disiriel and aims lo ho, as nearly as pos ible. self .sunnoil ing. II is an old church into which was grafted Iho I new life live years ago. Itnlhing f;i joililios being grout ly needed in that loeallly, a number of baths wore I placed in Hie basement of the I church. A in mi i .in I charge of five cents made them more than vidf sup porting and they have yielded;. sui plus ri- the reading room. A I'hool of liamlieniff has been opened, in which pnnling, cobbling, tailoring, ilrossmaking. and ourpon- j irv are taught hv volunteer inslruc , tors. After a time this sellout! .level- oped into a l ooprTaliic industrial I work, wnii h has been a great l.eno I lad ion to mam hundreds of neoossl , tons pie, I'lioinplnycl women are I s. l iii work repairing garment -'which halo been colli ribn'eil and 1 which are afieiar,s Fold va j riot v of einphu nieiils is furnished for I idle men. An employment Lurem ' luels permanent iHrsjijouH lllsl mic ion I-. given in ill knots of in i.'iitn.nial t ... in i C.irdal Stock.. . jurp u. Fund I - .-.ct. ll P. of ts W j V. P I i." i W. r. D.i i'lnn, H. f r ,. U v, v. if K'nt U. I n. Vi: c Prcs.d'nt rr. 't C.ith'Cr. c r. .IJ00.000 100.000 $71,000 M. Urbcrt. Sfcood H&t. Cashier. J. W.rss. OirfCter. .no. N. Gilbert. Orr U'r rcn R. Levy. D"fd". Ic! n C. Ward, Director. in1 a l Hi' .Old P.. i i:i. ii.-.ii V for manv. local and music, bv - lli'lil t,le lall'MIs lluslon "ll i - A day nuiseii iind l ui- 11 .lie 111 Mlecessllll I MM I a I loll . !'.;. inn's, i ,al m ho, 'I ;. i iir, I. ii uficrilixius. wnii an a' t i"!., me of about A tni-i"ii has N-eri saLli -nod. , i .. pin ii -inns "f t he rL y i , ,i 1 1 ii i 'I-! ihmr ., ; i ioo -.''. -ill lllght H 'r.e oliee-l i 1, !i la'l un. il l' i en 'l'.'ia- hl h a I. lllpro.mee : i ..ii bti ted f,,r tin in-tnic Hiiiiw'.n wi it- nii ' The Democratic party has nlwuys re siKtcil, and will cont'niio to reslKt, Iho )'iicr)'achments by I's enemies upon the fi.ndamenlnl right of Hie people of he several kUHck. All power ooiiich lioni ih" poofilo. uml should ho surron- iii Ted only In the Inierosls of tho pie, and whenever this ikiivit Is used (it: selfish Int rests, It Is not only an abuse, hut usurpation. Arbitration, The declaration In the St. Louis plat form in favor id arbitration Is one lha. apeuls lo my sense of fairness. Nations mid states have employed to advantage this meilnid of settling ills puled questions, stales have Invoked i nil' wilh go(., result a. a:ul Individ ,,,,iu rriwiimiii Iv Inivn resort to it In ndjusilng questions of difference. The Hague iriiiunai, representing mo w-un-mciil of coiKdlialion, is Hie h'ghest nraetlcal expression of Intelligent Ihoughl on His siibjecl. The pr'nciples oi arbit ntion nre Hie same, wnetuer governing In the great court of na tions or applied in tile affairs of Indus- trial life. Its pormuneni. esiannsn ineiit ns a part or I lie industrial sys tem of the country, upon a basis of mutual consent of all parties lo a con troversy, would insure more friendly relations bo' ween employer ana em ployed, for the interest of the wo' king man and the employer Is identical. 11 affords a safe and cnuiluble method of determining differences that may arise, and has been callld "a reason able and natural mode" of settling siicli disputes. The sp rit ol nrktral ion is kindred (o Hio love of law ami oruer II in tlio n rhiler of nonce instead of wnr. and makes for happiness Instead of sorrow. Race Is-u.e All love s of iho'r country must deprecate the rehabilitation hy Iho Republican party of a disappearing race Issue, 'it. a Hnie when every effort should h" made lo promote rather 'hsin loiard t! rogre,ss which was Doing mad" in the states where slavery had iv;-1 od loward tin. liimnier reiuiionn belwren Ih" two races, while the revival of Hlis issue, wilh all its ut lenduii' ei'ils. must of necessity retard 'ho dcve'":iiiient of the southern s ates. whose people are hi niggling manfully w ill conditions left by the war. nnd seriously interferes wilh the industrial progress of bo'h races. Fraud in the Public Service. Peculation and fraud in Hie public service under the present administra tion, especially in tho postoflloo nnd h'lid departments, reached such p-o-portions that knowledge of the evils practiced became public properly. Prosecutions naturally followed, inn a thorough and impartial liivesngaiion by congress, proposed and urged by he l)eiiio"i'iilie minority, was ret used hy the Republicans, at the iii'indalo, it la nellevcil oi i ne iiniiinns, .. , Cong ess adjourned earlier ihau at any session for many years, for tho purpose. It Is believed, or preventing furl her agitation of the quest ion, and nn effort to curia'l expenses. Civil Service. Olliees nro created and filled in pur Kuance of law () carry en I lie gove u menl. and not to further parly amid turns' nml the se llsh purpose of any citizen. Many of the hundred tlmn .end I'cilernl oHiee-holders. sin all's id nil the people, and while mid' r salary, a.'e now vigor insly, some i'ov rlly an l n ine openly, working and eotiiribullna la tho present campaign to s"'iire the s'lcross of the Ropubliran party, in defiani ilolaliotl of the civil service' aws. rules and regulations. Several t'lembei's of I be eahiin i and oilier ofli rials of the government, forsaking their du'ies ami Ih. depart 'm ills ai Mashingtoii. are spi ndiag th -Ir entire time in making speeches and us'ns all, the influence and power of tlml,' olllcial , t'otis to eb-et in"ir Cliiei. Judne Parker. I The tale Iveniii rntir convention, and its- a.i,ii,late f. r president. Imc give,, sn;ii lAhil'i'u-u of a mui'tal r.siH-,1 ami eonfi leii.'' almost ii.'l'i ' ''' , . mi. i.ol::..-.: lnn.rv. at. I , purty I.: IK,: all i' I I -, a - la stna l n.r eh Hneiiiiii 'f . fi-' r 1 ; . p. i te ire a - r- in, I i" " lii".iai "ii an I li"," it- ap a' to I'll' p'-ip.e. ' ain. a; prcciaie mid admire c"ii uc. char :.i,r nid ilx'Tcion '" Hn- r e.p-rs Cur i-iiinli'ia..' haw II "'' i'i i.n lw iPt'eii'l l iip 'n i' iiIk, Hi' iii' lf-'on. n.l ptiiI ad ,.i" I ! Ii s I" t-af.. ren"i n- and wind j'l lib in. a' ..' I mist i i Hi . .1 . ' .. . .- , I ! : ..r-lw-i :.'. ' 'pari. l" .1 a nisi. ! I" Hi.- ,'i'l i'l '1 m'ii;-'m: "i. , : g,n. mm. n'. ' r'li ii , ;..-! .. ic, nml . r"? 1 I , j,' ;.a ' ' ,ur tl..' ''' r "!':'' lilt. I I imi i" 1,1 J-M1-H I a T,-ll . . :., . li, y ; ..-.r rn" pr- - '" ' "' a i t Hi-' "'.ri "' , ,! , .. ' ,' '.''. ' -i-!l- ' ' !" 1! (, IHVIf ARTHUR L. FINN li ECK JEWELRY COMPANY i Mbus trncnM. . i -t t i.Lb'. .i.iiii'' "" I ,. . - .a.ri'l al-'n'. .: l: -Ta .... - . ,,.,,',1.'.'.. t.- ." " I " ' r ' ' .,.' : v. I ' r.t .1 ' ' r . a .J n-e ' MM I" :" '""'' 1 , .... .-.l ' i ' " i- " to l'ti 'Ve .i-rm, anl ..J. , I'-l I 1,1.11, v.-.. ix-' I ' ' v- ,..,".... ." v n. L: 1 1' . ., ... ' - ' : ; - - - . m As a rule you advertise to reach the people; not some of the people or some particular class of the people, but all of the people; not only some of the time, but all the time. my TTTTTHr TO M it is necessary to use a medium for your ADVERTISING that reaches all of the people all of the time-, not only in the city but in all the sur rounding country. The Morning Paper does not anywhere claim TO BE A CHEAP MEDIUM but it docs claim, and can show the evi dence at any time that it covers the field and is fully entitled to the higher rate. Try it and the result will more than satisfy you. , ' The Enterprise Wishes to Distinctly Assert it Has No TOE LUST But it has more subscribers in South East Texas and Louisiana than any paper in the state of Texas can boast of. If you are an advertiser and wish to reach the people of this section phone the advertising man and if he does not con vince you, don't advertise. Both Phones 93 O O D J ; I - ! ft n s.