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5 9 Now is the time to build that house. We are prepercd ' to furnish you the Lumber. Space does not per mit us to tell you just how much we can save you on your purchase. :. Come and see us. . THE KIR BY LUMBER COMPANY Special Rates to Contractors. 0O0O00OO00CVftO0 I The Petroleum STliEL OIL STORAGE TANKS. AirCfasses Plate and Sheet Iroxf .Work. Fuel Oil Equipment. Old Tanks Cut and Rebuilt on Short Notice. Main Office an J Works Washington, Pa. Southern Branch OfficesGodehaex Build ing, New Orleans, La.; American National Eanfc Building, Beaumont, Tex. . - . . INDIANS READY TO WORill:?. 6lmplo TrlcU Made Them Think the White Men Gods. Kvon as Into as tlio your lSHii tlure were Iiulinns nn tho North American .iiilinciit who had in vor Ktii-it or hard a nun. had i.hvit sim'ii tobacco smoke end were capable if worshiping the white liK'ii who controlled these wiiii :tm. 'J'lio Rev. A. 11. Morli-o tells of rorae r the adventures o.' Siino Fraser, who has (stamped his nanm on famuli. Father Morico writes an fol lows: 'On .'andiiif: at Lake Stuart l'r.i::er'F men. to imiress tho r.atlvei Willi a proper idea of their wondcifi'l resources, llretl n volley with their Kims, whereupon the wholo crowd .t Indians fell prostrate to the ground. To allay their fears and make friends tohaceo was offered them, which ou belns tiistcd was found too bitter and thrown away. Then, to show its use, the crew lighted pipes, and at tho BiKlit of smoke issuing from the!: mouths the people began to whlspei tlmt they must come irom tho lar.. of ghosts, Flnce they were still fn!i .f the lire wherewith they had been ere jnnled. Pieces of soap were given to the women, who, taking them to b calces of fat, set upon crunching them, canning foam nml bubbles In the mouth, which puzzled both tho actois and bystanders. All these phenomena, however, were soon explained away leaving no suspicion- in the native mind, but a most profound admiration for tho foreigners and their wares." ' THE FALL OF METEORITES. Scientists Assert Hundreds Drcp !r. the Cource of a Year. The total of 34 meteorites was known up to 1 of which there were 1X2 irons and only 74 stones in the western hemisphere, and 2!I9 stores am; only 7!) irons in the eastern heml sphere. The records show only the fall of S'O of these meteorites, dating barL' to the fifteenth century. Prof. Ilerwcrth of Vienna, despiie this small lumber of known specimens, caleu totes that 900 meteorites mrist fall to .he eiarth each year, not countiri? shooting stars that disappear In tli' atmosphere, and thai "5 of there ft least sh.v.ild come under observatiea Prof. licrwerth finds that Stave been chiefly recorded In civilized centuries, but that in many Instance- they are more numerous in thlv'ir set tied districts, and that they ha.-e ab especial allinitj for mountainous area Art Appropriate Time. We will sing 'Awake, Ye Salntr. immediately before tho scrn.on to Viorrow," annonrced the minister at choir practice on Saturday afternoon 'Don't you think," inquired the olv servant tenor, "that it would be moif upmotriate to sii.g It immediately aft tr the sermon?" New Orleans Hex yune. Palm Tree Wine. The natives of Ceylon make a Jtlrd o" ine by tapping palm trees and allowing the sap to ferment in vcsr.rU attached to the trees. A spec''' ' parrots (Coryllis Indlcus) lias dii-cov t'-rod that Ihir. aap taftcs good. a:i! parrots arc frequently found drunk near the trees. Japan's Area and Population. The atea of Japan Is about fevrn Jnth? of that of 1h German empiic iun ..ti. l alf of the lrtt:.liilar live In tomta of from 2." to 5 ( )' pt-m na. of w hich there are (,." V"r rvcrr i-tOJ Hien there are j vomer WWW fl ; ! A '6 ooooooooooooo Iron Works Co. BORTON'8 VILLAGE-LIKE WAYS. Simple Pastoral Life There at a New York Woman 8aw It. "Yes, I've boon to the country. said u Now York girl who keeps he eyes open. "I've been to Boston. I rtayed there two wecl;3, and my head has been in a whirl since I got back to New York, with all the clatter and rush there Is here even at this dull timo. "In Tioston the finest shops are filled with bareheaded women shop pers. They're not women of tho poorer classes, either, but well dressed matrons and stunning looking maids. "In Moston neighbors call to one another from stoop to stoop over their after-dinner coffee. There, too, children visit from house to house for all tho world as they do in coun try towns. Neighbors borrow each ot her "s newspapers, to say nothing of uagnzines and books, and they uso r.r.o another's telephones. They arc not above taking a neighbor's dog for an automobile ride, and the way Iho women take their own parcels homr. alter a shopping bout Is enough to make a New York sister's eyes open. For all their cold culture they beat all for asking questions of strangers, oLitt as villagers are supposed to do. "It's fine to go there once in r. great while when one wants to re turn to simplo country life, but tot every day living purposes Now Ycrl: uiits mj " New York Sun. An Omen. Gen. F. S. Dodge sat in tho lobby of the Grand hotel of New York. - "As a rule," he said, "I don't be lieve In omens. Once at a wedding, though. I heard a sentence that I con sidered ominous indeed a sentenco pregeant with prophetic meaning. "This sentence, jest before the cere mony began, was directed in a stern voicu by tho olticiating clergyman to the mother of the bride. It was: " 'Step a little farther back, madam.' " Royalties Use Typewriter. PrliK i ss Charles of Denmark Is an expert typist, while Princess Chris tian is also a quick manipulator ol tho "keys." Her machine is fitted with Herman characters as well as English, and she types most of Prince Christian's German correspondence for him. Another royal typist is the prim-ess of Wales, who is extremely quick and types a number of her own letters in quite a professional stylo. Doctors Must Register. The Ilritish medical profession will ir.livduce a bill la parliamei.t nevt year m-kirs It a crnr.o fcr oven a pialifie.I i"'j:;1 1 rartitio-ier. uu ietist ! .'.-! ' ' " PV!"! t. Curiosity of Cirds. P.iids. I.owevcr wary, are curious and will approach n strange object at the r.kk of their lives, as will', fowl shooters know. A singular Instance A curiosity is row rejHirted of a gnos in a xmall village of the Duchy o. I iiad n. When the "garde-chani, .etre rang Ma N il and read Ms d-er"-s le the i M-nil.l'-il xaHuts, a white a...i black tmisi'. fcevntric by it K intelli genre, p ilmu a tuoe of gen Ur. l-t ti e flock an-1 planted itm If tfir hlrn and listened ith lofiy and wlet,.i, !are peculiar t. tim; humaa i.t rthcm'isr. When the rir n:i.e,l ot: th- f'-Iiowed. ami ot.Iy return", to its n mp tin ti after the nuiid tw iiiad. Ii Minecd this atti-r.ii-.a twiiuc inuii. I, v- I otiilon 'J!-)!. Come Here! For vour Spoiling Good. Compare Our Triers and qualities. I'm; yor eyr ard Ira it ocr judferrtfnt. Ifyoodo the basinctt it our i. E.. L. WILSON Hardware Ca. CONCERNING LABOR. All work, even cotton splnolrf, li iiobltt. C'i 1 le. The goda aoll everything good for labor. Eplcbunuu. tabor, wide at the earth, haa Ita summit In ht-aven. t'urlylo. There la a perennial noblenesa, and even haeredncm. In work. Carlyle. learning I pleasurable, but doing la tho lielsht of enjoyment. Novalla. Thoro la alwaya hope In a man that actually and homntly work. Carlyle. The fruit derived from labor la the eeteiit of all pleasures. Vauvenar What la there that la lllustrlnusthnt la not aUo attended by labor? Cicero. llleHHed la ho who has found work; let him ask no other blessedness. Canylo. Work, according tn my feeling. Is .is nvich of a necessity to man as eat ing and sleeping. Wlllltim von Hum boldt. The livo epic of our timo Is not arms and the man, but fools and the 'nan an Infinitely wider kind of epic. Carlyle. Why work I not. The veriest mote that sports Its one-day life within the sunny beam has Its stern duties. Alexander Smith. Labor is discovered to be tho grand conqueror, enriching and building up nations moro surely than the proud est battles. Channlng. Tho lottery of honest labor, di-.wn by Time, is tho only one whose prices are worth taking up and carrying home. Theodore Parker. Oct leave to work In this world 'tis tho best you get at all. E. B. Browning. Labor Is the talisman that has raised man from the savage; that has given us plenty, comfort, elegance, instead of want, misery and barbarism. Mc-Culloch. CHEER TIPS. Only the heartless are hopeless. There is no short cut to happiness. When love labors it needs no fore man. Too many men reckon time by pay days. A little silence may save a lot of sorrow. Repentance cannot tear up the roots of the past. There is no joy gained except where joy Is given. The opportunity is always ripe for the man who is roady. Judge a man's success by the meth--ds he used in succeeding. A man's success depends on what he does with his failures. No man reaches the stage of tri umph but by the steps of trial. Extravagant speeches are often very economical with the truth. It would he lovely if others esti mated us ae we estimate ourselves. Nobody makes any particular prog ress by patting himself on tho back. A man often thinks the fellow who does not ngree with him a fool. Lon don Answers. DAILY THOUGHTS. Monday. The great consulting room of a wise man Is a library. Tuesday. The happiness of life de pends leHS upon what be falls us than upon the way in which we take it Wednesday. Every man has Just ait much conceit as he Uc'.;j under standing. I Thursday. Every evil to which we do uot succumb la a benefactor. Friday. Concentration la strength. Saturday. Do not waM time, for that la the stuff life la made of, Sunday. ThP man who woold take an urfair advantage of an enemy tan not be trusted as a friend. BROTHER DICKEY. Tr.k Am Uri) f'-r de hot wrath; ill c'!-rat:r- Vt r tiew ole nlnnera ter de hereafter. par wnr a t.i'1--how In town de utt-r day n what jn r-kon rte at de do' ut fcJirin'? "Sl tiLtwia ttietiR. all ftr a dlmt!" I.'cMria Vi!4 m-V "T-ln la rrt a tritn cm day w-k. - err ' r.iv-f ' " aJl e niarrl-d ni-t.a In dat "tt'tnTt t t--s jrfl j ti!- f'r tbun- NATHAN SELLS IT FOR LESS. HE WOULD TAKE NO RISKS. Cowboy Wanted to Have Decent Chance of Spending Mia Money, "In the Wet." aald Mr. William Bturgla of Cheyene, Wyo., "the people take very aluly to the net Ion thai government should busy Itaelf In the endeavor to regulate pnbllo morula. "For that reavon, althouuh wo have pretty stiff atate and (tumbling law, tho statuto Is of little potency, and the boys rather In the old fainlilur center to bet their coin ugalubl furo, roulette, baxard or poker. "Not long afio one of my clients, of the cowboy tribe, who had dopo"l ll.otiO with mo. mado a trip to town, and for several day got ine to let him have about $100 per diem. I thought he was trying his luck at faro, und finally, when he hud spent Just liuif his capital, I advised him that the writing of checks was getting monot onous, nnd that if he meant to keep on playing to withdraw tho remaining $500 In n lump, so that he neen not bother to hunt for mo. At the sumo time I advised him In strong terms to atop then and there and take no chances In losing tho money ho lind acquired through months of patient toll on the plains. He heard me through with the utmost patience, tak ing uo apparent heed of my rebuko und then said: 'I know what you say h true, Judge; but supposing I should dlo right sudden and gel no chance to spend that other $500?" "- Washington Post. Most Fertile Cause of War. A famous French political economist drew up a statistical table some time ago on this very quest ton, nnd. the an sis showed that nine-tenths of the whl'a wars have grown out of quarrels lint arose directly from com mercial disputes. No fewer than fifty live wars wer. classified as civil; forty-one wore wars of succession of Crown claims; thirty under tho pre tense of helping allies ; twenty-eight were religious wars; twenty-four were wars of retaliation; twenty-two were for commercial rivalry; and eight on points of honor. Changes in National Features. Whether we look it portrait gal leries, like Hampton lourt, or turn jver illustration in o I books, It Is evident that some yhyslognonilcal change has be-jn tuklny: place. Tlie itout, plethoric, muscnlat . ruddy-faee.l man of fctolid expression is becoming exc eptional, and his place s being tak en by a thinner, more ert, active type. The modern face is noro keen, ie-iner ;nd of less coarse t otild thn's Hiose of the older pioneers who lul l ihe foundation of Uheir tmntry'b i-reatness. Aspects of Soch Evolu tion. Wild Cocs of Central Africa. The wild dog of central Africa, nn .xplorer writes, Is common enough Ho Is an ligly looking beast, with f, iled body, coarse hair, short head and large upright eara. These wild dogs play fearful havoc with game, occa sionally clearlnr, out whose districts precisely in the same manner as the red dhole of India, before which eveu the tiger is said to ritreat. Snake That Stole. While working close to a farm nouso at Fuibeck, in Lincolnshire, a laborer wus astonished to see a snake, over a yard long, swim across a stream. With some trouble he cap tured It and found in its mouth a cheese cake which it had stolen from the farm house larder on the other side of the river. London Daily Ex presa. NATHAN BELLS IT FOR LESS. RAILROAD TIME TABl t. Texaa and Nw Orleans R. R. Test Bound. No. G Local Arrives C:.r0 No. ( Local ..leaves No. 10 Sunset Limited Arrives 9 Leaves 9:05 a. r. e Co. p. m. a m a. m 12:16 67 p No. 4. Oriole to Echo Arrive p. m. Tavea 1S:6 p. ro. No. 8 Texas Express Arrives m., leaves 10:06 p. m. West Bound. No. 7 Texas Expr?as to Han Antonii Arrive :18 a. in.. Leavea 7:2 a. m. Vo. 3 The "Oriole" Arrlva S:67 P m, leaves :07 p. m. No. 6 Local Arrives 7:M p. u.. Iavi at ':3S p. m. No. 9 "Sunset Limited" Arrives It: 25 ii. iu.t 1t-avea 'J.Z p. ' North Boiier No. 1 r..;. To Dallas Iii j !:1T. p. m. No. Kfi. Kiom Dallas Arrive X:l.". a.m. South Bound. S'o HI Sah'n t--r a w No. ir,I Pprni Sabine Arrives r,:Ii im No. HI. Ioral lu H-KKIaLd a m S'o. lit. Ifal from ItiK-klntid Arrives 4.20 p. at Kansas City Southern. North Bound. n. I for St. Im.i. Kanr-.m Cfy. fihr v port, TirV ar and Fort i Smith l-avn ":, ' Nr 4 for Kanran City. .T-.i1.n. V-t FnnDi. T'-arkaiia ai.4 Shrv port l-ava 7 i0 p. m South Bnvnf. I ,io. 1 tn t" 1n . Kia Ci-y. i Tcrt Fir.lth, 1urktia and sf-'-l""rt srrt.. p- an.' la- 'u- fun 'Atr...1S p. vl' Beavimont, No. 3 from KnnsaR City, Joplln, Fort Smith, Toxarkaua and Shreve- port arrives 8:40 a. m. Leaves for I'ort Arthur. 8: 45 am. Port Arthur Service. To Port Arthur. ;'. Departs X:1! n. in. r Departs TO:::o'n.' m. 7 departs 4:15 p. m. (Sunday ou-!y.- 45 Local Freight departs a:00 p. m. (except Sunday). 1 departs 9:15 p. tu. From Port Arthur. 2 arrives 7:45 a. m. 6 arrives 12 '20 p. m. 8 arrives 9:35 a. m. (Sunday on ly.l 46 arrives 10:05 a. m. (except Sunday.) 4 arrives 7:45 p. m. Center Express. 202 Leaves .. .10:51 a. m. 201. Arrives 0:00 p. ni. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe. Kansas City Mail and Express. No. 218 leaves 5:00 p. m. No. 217 Arrives 12:25 p. m, Saratoga Express. No. 204. Leaves 7:00 a.m. No. 203. Arrive 7: 00 p.m. Gulf and Interstate Railway. No. 2 (South bound I departs 9 n. m. No. 4 (South hound) depart 4 p. m. except Saturday. 0 p. tn. No. 1 (North bound) arrives 7: 20 p nt. No. 3 ( North hound) arrives 1:20 n. m. Beaumont Sour Lake and Western No. 1 (West bound) depart 7:20 a. ra. No. (west bound) departs 4:10 p. m. No. 2 ( Kant bound) arrlvo 12:1 i m. No. 4 (Hast hound) arrives 7:00 p m World's Fair Rates Itf-cimiing Orlulier 1st, and continu ing until the end of the World's Fair, low rate excursion tickets t' SI l.ui will Ik- on Kale Titep.Iny and Saturday of arh week. The rate is xtreiiily low about a ri nt a mile each way. 7 days' llmiL Ti'l 'ts iriod in chair car and ' It 's only. t if till As The TicKcI Agent or write to V.. LaBeaume, C P. and T. A. St. Low s, Mo. A PICTURE FREE We ere anxious to extend the cir culation of the Enterprise in the territory surrounding Beaumont without employing solicitors, and for the next sixty days we will Rive a handsome Art Picture, worth 25 cents to each new subscriber, and we will give one of the pictures to any old subscriber who will get us a new subscriber. Remember that . the Enterprise is published seven days in the week for only50 cents per month, while other Associated Press Morning Papers cost you seventy-five cents per month. Re member that you get the Picture Free. It is suitably mounted for framing, or looks well without frame. Try the Enterprise a month and you will be glad of it. J& ADDRESS . ....ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING COMPANY.... THE BEST YET Purchaso your tickets to St. Louis via Iho. LOUISVILLR. AND. NASH VILLIO It. It., nnd ..tnlto in tho two best, shows on oarlh, tho World's Fair and America's Greatest Natural Wonder Mammoth Cave. Kentucky. Hound trip St. Louis tickets permit sldo trip lo Mammoth Cave Junction without additional cost. Stop overs also allowed nt Nashville, Tenn. For rates and full Infurmntlok. cnll on or address Louisville a Nashville R. R P. W. MOrmOW T. P. A.. Houston, Texas. J. K. niDGELY, D. P. A., New Or leans La. Old Forrester WhisKey Guaranteed. Strictly puro and of tho lines! flavor. Hottled st tho distillery and guaran teed by the distillery. Sold overr the counter or by the bot tlo by P. G. FUREY, 446 Main Street New rhono 205 MEMBERS OF MEDICAL PROFESSION AND OTHERS asked to remember I.Tiat Ihe consensu of the T-t Medical Authorlt e (based on Invest ig: lion and results) unanimously favors th nnrivaied Klvantagi a Cool Colorado Offers a rort f'ir IndlvldnaN or those In nec of l'hylca: I'pliulMIng be can f fif nw-r wot. K--l'ii'ary ilabits or Other t'aut-es; thin having pnr tlcilf.r r lriiie tn Hiomj r linn la lh Lower Altitudes of Malarial dis tricts. This Land of High Elevation lnvlrraiiiic Attnon.hre tnd Manrfic-nt Pccnle Orandenr, prwr.tlnC tiniiii -A i.i.iiHi.i'i-t for Out I no r W.t and aff'Tding all the Coniforu ii iiliiM at Wiiiiiui.ui i:ipufe , Is but one day'e oaniry frm Te a a THE DENVER ROAD" wM'h I. ) "1y Un f'ffertt e "liI Thronrii Tralna from the PotithL "Mi Ifc iiwr" n rK " fiulw p -r round trip and many lioara Um. ,t, iro ;- (nl.i-.: n.rourh 1rm i-h Taiaee lrairc !lnm -1-I..f i.t.) M:iiiiliet''ly A'iint Cafe C"a aemng all niew'a at city .-f.i.t-- tn a M-a-W.a, "THE COLORADO CHAUTAUQUA," voit-Kf. 1 rti J j'T 4'h. Ak r u-mt- ThI' A."1 or wrH f rr Ir.frinnaMoaj rt'lat'r the utrw "Jri Aia' Ti' t.vta"" 10 Col'redo ia St. Ixs . One Wy Via the Denver Foad" M. . Or-1. T.P.A. f C. T.A. A- A, Clhe, 4J. P. h. .laiicl M rttwlBi i Texas. Lubricating OILS Direct from Refinery to Consumer! No Jobber's profit! Write for Prices Today! GULF REFINING COMPANY S07 HEtfNEN BLDC. NEW ORLEANS, LA. KntrrprlKo want ads always b Ing result n.