Newspaper Page Text
THE BEAUMONT EN rERPiTISE. SUNDAY. OCTOBER 9. 1901 12 MP's tt ei rv I THE PARLOR AND IN THE KITCHEN ?!23sraiaiffia , ,L. ..,,, , A Wine l Laruill If inr iiiriumic inr iviry woman. '-'. t'l Winr nf Ordui huilih up a woman' i strength and makei htr lit lor any ilufy, If the it ailing it putt her in (he he it health. If the ii Jik it cum her of ith trouble ai Irregular period, I). jrini down paini ami all the wfakn.-isci of womanhood. But you do not have to be siik to take Wine of Cardui. This natural female tonic i. bcncfuial at any time. Periodical use of Wine of Cardui ii necetwry fur mod women who arc burdened with todai duties, women who have (he care of youn children and have to do their own work. They find this great tonic a grateful support at times when they are tired, nervous and worn out. Li .y I . aft 7 KP1 KV, i v i j I You Give Wine of Cardui a Trial? ALL DRUGGISTS SELL 1.00 BOTTLES. RAILROAD TIME TAII.E. Texas and Nw Orleans R. R. Co. I"4t Bouno No. C laical Arrives C:MI p. in. No. luteal . ,lavea a m. No. 10 bunaet Limited Arrlrei a- m. leaves II: US a. r. No. 4. Orlol (o Echo Arrives 12:15 p. a. '.caves 1I:'A6 p. ro. No. 8 Texas Express Arrive 117 p. hi., leaves J 0:06 p. m. West Bound. No. 7 Texas Kiprjas to Han Antonin Arrives 7:18 a. nt., )avea 7:J! a. m. Ni. 3 Tha "Oriole- Arrives S:17 p. n., Loaves 4:07 p. m. In. 5 IckI Arrives 7:SS p. ti., Lav at 7:3.1 p. m No. 9 "Sunset Limited" Arrives 9:2." p. lu., Leave p. n. North Bouoo. No. ln.V To Dall:iH Leaves H: IS n. No. ir.ii. Prom Dallas Arrive 8:4.". n. REED m$ TRICKr LOUISIANA SHERIFF ' KNOWS TRAIN SCHEDULES. Gl 18 IlliN AVAY, I KM MHN Arrivor, at'nont n'(l Is Goone DiMore llour.lon Mer,'-.,ife Cots . Ilnrc. Hlieriff I -n n 1 1-v 1 1 -:i i 1 1 n 1 1 1 were'il 1 1 in :i - 1 1 1 1 I ' "I eiisi-.i :i lew diiys sinee lliiil I'i'iiiiiiileil nne t I lie Kperljienlitl' ili'lcrlue slurie;: 111. ll r.iffl'il with nueli liny rmiie leu yi'um lllnee. KlierilT It I. nl l.-iKe I'lmrles, w:ih ill l!c -illinium ii .ii, In hi Inn ir.'u. An lOnli l p'isc i -, m . rl r .:nv him iinil ii:;l;eil, :is iisiinl, Inr news, iim! why he hiiiiiieiiiil l In' in I li '.i il mi in I ill lliiil piirl i c 1 1 1: i r lime. Ihnili'.li I liiiri iii;;Ii l Milii liiicli Thiiii l.'ie cniicliisiiiii I J i r I illesK illl'ilir. I.iilrl' nil Ill' .' 1 1 1 1 1 lV MM II ill.'. Mllltll (III iniilnirlii ilie I m' h;nl l it. i .lll'I'lll. it wii Aii eviisive, iiiswit en me in.! I. il In I lu: a iii'ivale Im.s- Ih.'Ik Ii nl which coca to liLo hill les. 'I he wiiv SherilT lteel linnilli il Ilie niiiiiir unii ihiiL Jio enme over lu I., iiininiiil on the Hiiiii I hill m riveil In n' ai i;:.',n in i he evening. . Ili liml hi. nu n wild him mill lliis eave lilni Hi.-1 nne niiiir In eiil siiiier in llemi iiiniil ini'l lahe Ilie 7:."iO norlli hiniiiil Kjiiisiim Cily Southern. Tint reporter .am hint iltnliiK at Ilie Sinn reslaii liinl. I.aler tin Illicit Keen oceiirreil iiinl ilie Kansas City Southern depot W ii.: I if object i vc poinl. AI lliiil lime die slierilT here hail reeeiveil no in.' ::,ii;;i' lioni Houston. When later I ruin Ironi llotiston iir riveil, Depitty SherilT Sum Holmes iiml SlierilT l.iiiiiliy wore on hand ac coniin to insl i net ions lint of cooiirse iliere wii.s no Sheriff Heed or prison "i., ;ii while 1 1 si I I hey eniild liml. i'he train was watched and in fact L'.iiie lhni:;li Inn without avail. rvtMlMNG OF FINE LACLS. THE CHURCHES. Lulheniii riinrch--(Moetn !i7:'. I'ear' Kiroet, C'rny HulldliiK- Smultiy school In o'clock; preaching, :: p. in. v:ind 7:4.j p. in. The ;i 1 1 -I ikk in i-.ervici! will lie in Ceiniiin. Kilward Kiselier, pahtor, , In."i7 Hihli tiveilue. First fhiirch of Cnislian Si-lenlist- Sunday services, II n. in. Temper iinee All rordially welcome. One Case Where American Genius Is Still at Fault. "Flm? laces." tiald W. VV. Chace. "ronfililntn uno of tho most roafllly Pitliihle classes of merehandiso which l.'i imported to this country, and It Is a soiirco of womlvr that American renins has not. devised some way In I1'" w hich lo meet this demand with n do- mciUin nrlU'lc which w!!! servo Lake (jiiirh's rlierilT ere ii rii mi ii 1 1 : t i -1 ;',n I 'earl sheil. Ahoin ti'liinler heiird Hint n Ilie Kaiisan Cil.v Kmn hern. Mini were liy dial lime sniiie. where ill I .iiiii.iiiiiii. Xmhi'ii: wa:i I in ill h I ef diis iililll ye-aerdiiy's I'of.l. i :t no ' in with a i Inn;. inn : i i' v rea'dim: :i.-, Inllows: Sin rilf Iir i ii nl l.iil.e diaries. La.. : 1 1 1 1 1 a iiinri ii on Alloniej.; Love and l.!ii.wr. ii. i die coiiil of l'i Irii'l .linh'r K M I i'i -1 1 and iihii all el' die ollicers ill I'.eilllllliilli illlil in ll the I 1 1 illln Lulli: iilllil. The men were arri'sled almiil !!: In ami lal. en i:i . 1 1 ; . I : . In i he pnlli e Ktiiiion liy oiticiTs .liiiihv :i"il Kes si. r. A i ri . i . anil hi;; ilepiil v W el 1- II' i;i in liruiliiT of nne i here. Siht.ii ol ill I lie l ill'l'iill to drive jiwiiy if die prisoner.. 1 1 1 ami a: li'i i lie eil.i i r w leii 1 1 llll. Iililll III lea e . HI. il ml W il' thill llli'V VV.illlil : Ill mi Illi Sni'diei'ii I :i . ii ... 'I he Inail v llii a: Ked I lie ill I hen ih" i ri .1 in l.iniu vv In i e ii. C'lll;; ai III. il li'ilir iiiul iul. i .ai ih. 1 1 1 1 i . . i . . t ... I..:..' i a I., hi; die i il v. Tin' . ;i rr awn iiu.l li .. nlln 1 i.imIiu liiilli prm't I . .i.i. .1. Wis . .hill . i;. . .I e .iim! A rilliie III lie Inlil e 7:'Jn n " I ion e WHS el III. . I .Hue ih nv e . I Ii.i'l . I i 'i the Wlil III. I. IS. ,,!,; ll' i'.l I" It. 'I iil .til' I I.. I 1 e V. 1 , S . 1 It. Ui ii. Ill III same iniriiosn unii ran ho sold sotnsl hii:j lio tin. saine price. " I :u '. it has not," hp continued. "Wc linve hiiil ninny lnaohlnes Inveiiled, lint die nearest wo can coino Is to iiiannfacliiro a type of laoo which is niilniiilly cheap and does not ii) any Kense approach its hand-mado forelBii rival. Of course, American women could he laiight In time to Unit, such line fabrics as their sisters do In Iro I land. Filmland, France, (ienminy anil Spain; hut we in this country are too j Ini'-y maUiiiK money to waste tiaio iu that way. I "I have traveled all c.Yor Europo I nnd thr' most inti'restliiK method of niiiKliiK lace over thmre that I cam across was at l'lauen, derinany. It lii Chrlslian Church Notes All reKU lar servieeM will he held at the usual hours. Itilde school opens at !i:1" a. in., followed by moruini; worship; .hi uior meet inn, at I p. in. and Senior at tidll), wllh eveiiitii; worship at 7el'l. We are o he 1'ivored by sermons, hoi U mnrnint,' ami evenini;, on Lord's Hay, by Urol her llehrinaii, of Ilie V. M. C. A. Ilrother llehrinaii has al ready won a warm place in the hearts of lleauiiiont people and we -pcali fo: Tiim a full nl tendance, Ilrother Holmes is spetidin.1! a few days with his lined parenls in W'iiillehl, Kansas, prior to his nl leniliince jit the Mai inn id convention, wliich convenes Octo ber Ii!, iu St. Louis. All desirini; to attend die con vi ill inn should leave lleauiiiont on Tuesday liioniiii over lite Kansas City Southern ninl join Texas delewilion ill Shreveporl. This will he a line opportunity to af- th6 vend ilie nil Kesi i enigmas eon veil i inn t j ever iissenililed. Students Rcplate Strikers. A ;.' r.r. :i ii KUnl"iits' clul- at lionn was having a new houso built for itself w I en n htrllie lirohe out anions lit! Iii'lliier i. Tht reii;,nn the t'tinlenUi !:e "M Ives took u l.iind In tho job ami oinplcl'.d It. Ira m I Avenue Mapljsl Church One hlocli west of I'arh car line on Soulli Criiiid avenue. Sunday school, !i: l. a. in.; preaching, nl II a. m. and 7: l-i p. in. H. Y. I'. I', meets Friday a I. 7: l" p. in. Kveryhody inviled to ;il lend all Ihese services. North Kml llaplisl Mission Ono I Illicit west of Mamioliu, ell Fiulilll si reel. Sunday school at :: p. in. sharp; preae'iiuu;, at I p. iu., by Ihe paslor; ni iiyer meet hit:. 'I'liesil iy 7: lii p. 111.'s illld Society lilfci eacll alleruale Friday at p. in. lOvery hi ily cordially inviled to attend all services. Mean Can Turn I".'"ir.t tln.e Immejiiorial tho moon 'in" 'liei'it popularly cn I'fed with thu ;nn,i'.' ef tnr iiiiH raw meat, bail, anA .'.!r. T. Liille;., in the "Sunday at dene, asi rts tliut tlteic i;. truth III hi; belief." 71. e First Knife. T!;e first luiii'e was, of course, a flint liil.e :il;i! the spoon a I'.hell, '.) v.! ic!i i riiuillve i,i;:n leiirned in tlm ,Mi,f;.e i I aires to I ; iea a liandlo of vooil, says Loudon Answers. South Bound. No. 1K1 To 8nhln Loavpn w. a. m No. 1T'2. From Sablno Arrives 5:10 urn No. 1S3. Local to ICK'Kland 9:30 a. m No. 154. Local from Itorklnml Arrives (:30 p. m. Kansas City Southern, North Bound. No. 2 for St. Louis, Kansas City, Shreveport, Texarkana ami Fort Smith leaves.. '. . .7:&0 k. m. No. 4 for Kansas City. Jonlin. Fort Smith, Texarkana and Shrevo- pon leaves 7:60 p. m. Ajy Little Doctor's Pictura 'jfeV Arwi i,,,in.,ini'iii..iir.!i.i :':' V vr ' ) IBS and TOMIC PELLETS WSV ) ItfrtAiid iil.l'.c e-m..I' l..r l-v.tli..t lu umra. lSl&Mi xCgik RAMON'S BROWNIE CALENDAR Vv'wJiX i. ..... it..M rw .' ",,;'Vl'i"ii"!..,."'A It No. South Bound, from St. Louis. Kansas City. 1 Fort Smith, liiarkana and Shreveport arrive.. ,.9::i) p. m. Ieaves fo- I'ort I Mhtu. .9:15 n. m. No. 3 from Kansas City. Jonlin. Fort Smith, Texarkana am! Shreve port arrives 8:40 a. m. Leaves for Port Arthur. 8:4G am World's Tallest House. The t iilest Inhabited hoiiao In world is the I'ark llt.ri liuildins New Vo'-', , Frnni Ihe UerbiiiK to lop of die tovvi::;; tilt; height is feet. the in tho L.ipland'c Chief CMne, lr T.rtplam!, the r-ritnu which r.s pun ishe l liiost :,.'verely, next to murder, s fin' iiiai i j Ims of a !,rirl against tha xpieys wish of I er parents. Thrifty Scot. A Fifosh'ro Sot not only stole flow rs from ;i .'iHvo, hut. wnn a prize with i'.e; "f 1 ".V'- '.how. No. No. No. N'o. Vo To. No. S'o. o. .Vo. Ni). No. Port Arthur Service-. To Port Arthur. " Departs km 5 a. 111. 5 Departs l(i::;o a. m. 7 tieparta 4:1a p. m. (Sunday on-!y.- 45 Local Freight departs :!:00 p. 111. (exceiit Sunday). ; departs 9:15 p. nu From Port Arthur. 2 arrives 7:45 a. m. G arriver 12-20 p. m. 8 arrives 9:35 a. in. (Sunday on ly.) 46 arrives 10:05 a. m. (except Sunday.) 4 arrives 7:45 p. m. Center Express. l'u:j Leaves .. .ncari a. iul. Arrives 8:00 p. Ml Ii' Jin I II 'll II IIIIH I 1 .1 i aXTZK3BMW!tiM,KieMt The Pelrolemn Iron Works Co. STHF.L OIL STORAGE TANKS. AlLCIasses Plate and'Sheet IrongWotlf.SSFtfe! Oil Eqafpmentt Old Tqnks Cut and Rebuilt on Short Notice. Mafn Office and WorksWashington, Pa. Southern Branch Offices Godchaui Build ing, New Orleans, La.5 American National Bank Building, Beaumont, Tex. . Diana Brick k Tile Go., ltd. MaKers o f RICK The Best Suildins BricK in (lie World Address: LOEB, T1LXAS I The' iii:i 11 1 it y of pure Altar of 'roses ever lirniiLiht to diis ciinnlry iit one dine is cxhillcil in Ihe liul K.irian exhibil in die I'aliice of X'iiried : Inilusl t ies nl die World's Fair. Tho iixllihil of I .Cllll ;llllle-i. iivc- i;r.";al in.' a ii:irl eiieli, and valued al iilioul 5"imi per bottle. Lie entire display hciiis; valued at $;;iin,il'lii. St. .Mark Kpiscopal Church Cor- vvoviii on a Uind of holtliiK cloth ma.le iner of Orleans and Forsythe si reels, ef line silk, and after tho pattern v j 1 ! 1 1 1 . Sunday jifler Trinily. Ser- cotn,ileted a certain oclil, pnrts of 1 vices sit II a. 111. and 7:15 p. m.: S1111- hich are Uept secret. Is applied and ,l;l.v "'' !l: '' "I. The larK'- .lie lii.lttnn' ..Intl. inn nwnv lenvlnir vested choir has made marked iin- ,inlv Ihe Tliev also have a wav d'lovemenl during die piisl t ' 1. . . .. , ., , wi render special of altering the a rnuKth of the acid !,,.; ,, ',,., ill Ollli'l IU Kive llll! 1111 o A l!tu, w" '..I,,,;,. sl'jr." Iiouisvlllo llarald. is trained bv 11111111 ii, ;i ml niusie al linlll services. The I'rofessor Kirk- ' iv .1. i.lh.e I . Ill Church Drtoratinj. 'omen vvlio take upon themselvel pi. asiiiit duly of deeoradni; tholi .lies may i interested in what bishop of Worcester has to say oa i abject. "Flowers," says tho 1 p. should lie used only on fes- they should never be allowe ..I t.tuain after they are witheredj ih- v should lie voluntary iITisrlni;f :ii. :e is no ecclesiastical rensoa why ;n. . -heiihl be put In brazen Jars or 1.1 lined into unnatural shapes; there .hei.l.. rnt do too many of them; . a . s or (lowers should not be al v.. 1 to itilrude tliuniNelvc upon or . , the li'.lin' of the pulpit so as to ., it. ir with the pr acln r" liatnls or or to hinder tho ;.ioper use of '. imil." Patrick, who ;;ivos all tiH'inliers thor eimh tiiiinint; iu exchani'.e for seivieus. , , cliiirch desires l.r meet die v.stry diis liieniilii;. Tho Itedor id Hie St. Mai'i" First .Melho.lisl Cliun h Srrvie iit II a. 111. and I". p. 111., Imhiv will he conducted hv the pastor, and die public is cordially invited, to attend. The services of this eliprch are ill tiiit.I liisie. iind reliiin'ee is placed upon faithful pieachim; of the vts pel in:- -iieress, and not upiiu anv sensation m h. n;rs or linn s. i ipt nt::' devices. I 'o:i!i' and worship wiili Us. V. A. Ibi.lbeV. I'asior. NATHAN SELLS IT FOR LESS. On Oct. II iiml I-', thi' Sunt hern I'a cilic will have on a r ile of $7."u for die roiMiii trip in Tyler on account of the C; j"lell ( Hiiptist SetlO'll Con vention. NATHAN SELLS IT FOR LESS. Gulf, Colorado A Santa Fe. Kansas City Mall and Express, No. 218 leaves 5:00 p. No. 217 Arrives 12:25 p. Saratoga Express. No. 204. Leaves 7:00 a.m. No. 203. Arrives 7:U0p. iu. Gulf and Interstate Railway. No. 2 (South heiindl departs !) a. m. No. I (South hound) depart 4 p. m. except. Saturday, ti p. in. No. I (North hound) arrives p m. No. 3 ( North bound) arrives 1:20 P. m. Beaumont Sour Lake and Western No. I (West hound I depart 7:0 .1. m. No. 111. No. 2 p.m. No. 4 P.m. (west hound) departs 4:10 p. ( Rant bound) arrivo 12:15 (Fast, bound I arrives m. m. " : " -" - - - - -- i' WUHLDS FAIR ROUTt Slimj ST. LOUI5 pim fYJ ' .: fHROTTr.TI si irrotMJV Jmnmm " " ' A'anta Fe and , Harvey Dining HM. " Stop-over at lSSy" feL-"'.'-- Eureka Springs. W. A. TULEY, Gen Vf 1 Pdsse"JsT Agt., Fort Worth, T?x. tin j iv- tl i - 1 j Arify Colic-ting Old Doors. N'.vir I nn'. 1 1 ilel lives a banker who 1 ,i nne 1 'lin of old dmt They ara .I et.t hell -. s. i rislles. or a'.b.'VS .it 1 ive wtiii''ilC lnleri'u 1 , ' 1 it, ;v he bid $.""" In I'ati I of i.e. r l! r..n:-h wl;l"li. ('.nritiif ll : :, i volution. M ine Ati'.'inetta, 1 1eii.1v. I'atii'.n nn.l H"'." : j.t- . .! ' ti c l ii!!. 11 ine. Ou- .le t - U s.iid t.i I . l'.' sl ut o(T . II from I.'" ll""t'!'ii 'l l 'ir : .'. 1 I-. ,M list h S i-f a'e - , ,.-;;.'(': ii ti i'f anct. nt . i.'i 'i.r cf th.s fc. Salv ;il ion site pad.. tn diihlvi n's 'pen air in... t ,i ;: l' ilt'l st-eets ill ti.ri .11 p. '11 itiiisie ill m flee illl I 111 Wail si l ee! otiii 1 lie- meet itm ,-:l II s. meet itm ;it I p. 11. : corner Cioeket an-: '. 11. 111 Me, ' ; in Salvation '-'H':- a. el A.liaissi.itt ...Iv Invited. A.i A p.-oj r dte 1 ii. i ' V.'e will s 11 Air al.e. V it;;. .!!' t !v I" I....' the . 'I r.' . .i t . IV. tit v.. 1 1 v a'.: . ',- .rel t l.lle r r! f s. 1 1:; ! 'I'i-. ;t . . ,; tt o S.iiMr.lav I.." i : j 1 1 : t : I j( it w .ni. .i.C it til. I.e. - Ni oil, in. e'nlnt? : ..a t n a 1 ..I;.- r.. l"'.' fzn rv'Br COTiposer StTtl Lives. rk 'tr. t. B'i!h..r m,. e..?i '1 'V f ?. TT nr t Tne ihitlF; ' ri i,e i 1 t !i . ;ri aii J !:.-.; J'rry. N. II. a lt ! " Vim !. . r II t.:l j s H: r .;- i! m t " vt " :::. ! tn ! r !. ' I !t 1 . ' ' 1 t" r p i 1 TI r J . r. A I r. . ir Trrr Wine. 1 . '. i.TI 11 I.I 1 t . ..':! 1e 1 I ... It t. . . A - it .. I .. F B eer is Good for You la : t ? J .it . el I I t When the patient weak, the doctor says "Drink Beer." Whei. the nerves need food, beer is the usual prescription. So in insomnia; so in nervousness. The d-.xtor knows that malt and hops are nerve foods and tonics. And lie knows that most people drink too little fluid to rid the system of waste. He knows that pure beer is good for yoiu That is why he says "Schlilz." He knows that Schlitz beef is brewed in absolute cleanliness. It is even cooled in filtered air. And ever) bottle is sterilized. Half ths cost of our brewing is spent to insure absolute purity. Ask for the brewery- bottling. 11 ii a m IK e Q 0 1- sj Li