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THE BEAUMONT ENTERPRISE. SUNDAY. OCTOBER I. 1XM. ! A Great Chance T buy your Household Uooih at k'ock Holt ni ft Price. In order tu make room for our im- ft niciiNC stck of Holiday Goods aivl loys we ft offer the following r Jlulliiif; pin, regular Hu- fur 5c d.iai.i Manlier ' 5c Sonar ll-iwl 10s u liuiu-r IiihIk, 10c $ Ciiili'n Witit-r liiiilti-i 10c While I'minich-d Slop Jul-, regular I" i.e. l. mi fur 4riC liraiiiio Wnii-r Currier, regular price f-r 45c irTiT'.jf?5lJ Wlilio Kmiuulcd IMvsevro Kclile, VA;;?'0J nv.uhir price $!.' now 45e rat-;-V-;j Ci anile Ta I'.il. regular price 4c vA.wAiS' "mv 20e $ MONDAY AM) TUESDAY ONLY. I New York Jacket Store 2 BONHAM ST.. Det. Postoffic and 0p?ra House. $ O v O4nooooooooooo oaooooo ooooooo Chicago and Return $32.25. On sale daily until November 30th. Good to return 30 days from date of sale, or not later than Dec. I5tH 04. Oil burning' locomotives all the way. No smoke. No cinders. Excursion Sleeping Cars. Clean and Well Ven tilated. A. R. ATKINSON, D. P. A. J. E. Monroe, C. T. A. You can't afford to miss the great World's Fair The greatest show ever held, an education within itself, equal to a journey 'round the world. Why not go now- this month Rates are very low, accomodations are easily had at reasonable prices. If you are in doubt about the cost of a visit you can purchase a complete round trip including railroad ticket, hotel accomodations with meals, admissions to the Fair and all necessary expense for any number of days at a certain fixed price, with arrangements all made in advance. Write us about this at once to-day. The Cotton Belt Route operates Through Daily Trains to St. Louis carrying sleepers, iliriin; cars, chair cars, roarlir, 'Write for illustrated World's Fair folder containing map of grounds, train nthediilcs, etc. E. W. LaBEAUME, G. P. T. A. St. Louis, Mo. or call on Cotton Belt Route Ticket Agent IMRVH9 K. C. S. Ry. Texarkena& Fori Sinilh Ry. World's Fair Route ...0... ST. LOUIS Through Sleepers Without Change Via. ShreVeport and Cotton "Belt Route. ...Dining Car Service... lht lrain Leave : j . it Arriving in St. Leafs Nest Morning. Double Daily Service to Kansas City. Through buffet Sleepers C E.SWISDELL, Genl. Pa- Apt. R A. MORRIS CifyFati. Ci Titt ArI. BOY OF THE REGIMENT. With MU Hrib II Aaka fcarlaaMI tr ta, ( I When Euao I VirttU cuter! actively Into (! Italluu war Of ludeiieiideuc ! b wa Jut auveiitecu. He Ml 1'aruiA secretly, tb-aeriiui;. aa it war. Itla fa tlnr. mother aud family to flsht for bit . hero, tiarihaldt. Ho walked over tb Apeiiulue without a penny lubUpocle : at oud. arrlvluc bait dead at Ueuoa, 1 CtiiimiUvt bluikvlf ou on of tbe hlp bound for bicily. When at bi dtlua tiou ba emerged oud g.ilm-U tho uloa , name of tba "buv of the reuluieot." I - t row turn uuiw iur puiiio uiumua w ' fought uutil Hid day fur rent caiuo. II was abut In the b-ad mid curried to the honpltal In a diiiitfiTuu condition. Everything possible wiia dunu fur bliu. j but It was evident Unit ho waa trou bled, and ut hut It came out tbut b I could not dlo happy because bo bud I uevvr aeen bia hero. "I bave fought . avcrv whore and autiubt always." hoei- a ... ., .1...., ......... ........I... li a claimed, "but I buve uever siieoeediil lu wing blin. How can I dl never having caught a glliupiio of hliu I" Another preoccupntluu win that b bo might bo burled without a colli a. Morulug. main and nlulit bia cry was, "Let nio bavc a couin!" Tbo very day bo died, by a fortunate chance, llarlbaldi urrlved nt tbo bo pltal. Having brard Ferret U'a alory, bo stooped and spoke to lilm. Tbo alclc lioy'a expressive face lighted v.' and h ixeliiliiH'd: "Now I ran dlo hnppy. Ob, eni nil, let mo bavo u colli n!" TRAGIC IN ITS BREVITY. Tba Story of ti Pari Itetnaea Ham ilton anil llurr. Tbo story of U10 Hamilton-Purr tluol la trade Jn Its brevity. TI10 IJtllu party of flv! tbo piiiu'l)aU tbelr bt-couda aud Ibo aui'Roou wuh on tbo ground uot long nftor huiu'Ikc. Tbe pielltul narlcs wero booh u era need. As Pen dlulon, Hauilltou'a vecond. gave blm bia pistol, bo asked, "Will you bave tbo liniraprliiK s'tV" "Not this time," was tho slgnlfloant reply, and then tbo men faced oacb other. According to the best utitboritles tip 011 a disputed subject. Httrr fin d lit tbt word. At the report, llaiiiillon Htarted forward with a convulsive movement, reeled, Involuntarily dlscliui'Kiiij; ! pistol Into the foliage above liim, and fell headlong. Uurr, witli an exptes Hiou of pain upon bis face, apraiiK to ward blm, but Van Ness, bia second, seized biiu by tbo arm and hurried liiiu down the bank and into their boat. Hamilton, beliiK lifted up, revived for a moment and gasped, "This is a mortal wound, doctor!" Uelapsinj again Into uneonsciousness be was ngain revived by tbe fresh air of the river. 'Tendleton knows," he Baiu trying to turn toward his friends, "that I did not Intend to lire at him." At 2 tho afternoon following be had breathed bis last. I Mounter Iloivl of Punch. In 1G!)4 Admiral Kdward Kusscll, commander of 41ip English Mediterra nean licet, entertained (i.llOO people in a largo garden lu Alicante, where he served tbo largest bowl of punch ever brewed. It contained twenty gallons of lime juice, four hogsheads of brandy, one pipe of Malaga wine, twenty-live hundred lemons, thirteen hundred Weight of line while sugar, three pack ages of toasted biscuits, tifty-one pounds of grated tiutuicga and eight hogsheads of water. The whole was prevented from dilu tion lu case of rain by a large canopy, which spread over a marble fouutaiu bowl which held the punch. The punch was served by a boy. who rowed about the basin of the fountain in a boat built for tbo purpose aud refilled tbe empty cups. Two Scotch Rlorlra. A Scotch schoolmaster in Itim (Tshlre years ago bad strong views on the sub ject of dresu. In tbe day when crino line was tbe rage a girl came to school with a very, extensive one. which mucU exceeded the tpnee between tbo desk and tbe form on which she bad to sit. Tbe teacher, seeing this, said to her, "Caiig own' home and tuk' off tbae girds (hoops) and come back tov. the ecliool 11s God made ye." Another rough and ready tlominie was examining his boys in a catechism and asked if God bad a beginning. "No," said tbe boy. "Will be bave an c-nd?" "Yes." be replied. This was followed instantly by a buffet on the aide of tbe bead. "Will bo bave an end noo?" "No." said the boy, and tba master was aatixfied. T()i.l'i "Married Brow.." J "I have a question to hsU," an j nounced tbe literary man. "Vou know j I Trim on' line: j 1 "The charm of marrlad brova. j "Well, did be mean by that tba ' crowning burin of married women, or did be refer to the tlmrm of eyeb.vwa that meet In tba middle! In the 'Arabian Nichts tber are many p-' aacea in which audi ryebrvw are tpoken of aa a preat (.barm. Indd, but ! In tbe ct.t our beauty doctora rtpllclt directiofia to prevent iiHkj frvwtha. Wbat did Tennviwia menu, iujbowl" I'Liladt Iphla 1'reaa. n it. TwbT Willie. civ ro a fwT.tprir In wbl b U t' t ia book and an- la 01 Willie Me an' pa it fjoLiii. I'a told toe t' l.a.t rue book au' I del lialUuior Am-rxntt. A Rn.lMln. T:fl bvTit a :' a ft V wi-r. DoOihta-Jytet IhM tbe f-.i ik.i lf tb xrvabta WiJ UJ lit:!. t Tork Tibvva. It ewf triT- a flan tirn-ry. kvt tla pp V-- wt. r It la afcfot vaav Mastci7 Adverlteer. -tmn JUVENILE WISDOM. Willi t"oa frooa . , All btr taaJri !J ijt IValiula Imfc . ' (Uler Rue Jiint I rllrU IlLe kid. Willie at Itina 11 h crta. 1 Then ha alt: "Theral N..I a .-i.t Chlldri lieul4 ra t Scvu. ic-i lu-urA" -Kaiuaa City Ttmea. A Plalaaaal. ''6h Lndy-IIow daro you como to tbe front door! Iilplomatlc Pavls W'y, mn'nm, I'm a man of taste and prefer to talk to de charming lady of do bouse Instead of a homely menial, ma'am. New Yurk Evening Journal. Solved at I.RNt. "It used to be," growled tbe hus band, "that women taught their daugh ters how to cook. Then when people couldn't get a servant, as we can't, the wlfo would take hold of things, and all wont well. I must say I don't see what tho next generation will do." "Tbe next generation will he all right," retorted his wlfo, opening some more canned meats. "Tho mothers of today will tench their daughters bow to bunt for cooks." Judge. Dorothy, Ancd Three. Dorothy, aged three, who wus naugh ty, bad been corrected with tbo ma ternal slipper In the usual way and loft in her little room to think It over. The storm of her grief past, the pat ter of little feet was beard In the hall way, a golden head appeared at the door of her mother's room, and a baby voice said; "Iiorothy good now, .Mam ma spank Dorothy. That make Iioro thy good girl." Philadelphia Press. A Correction. Miss Gnsaway-I think you were present when she remarked that I had a big mouth. Miss Kute Yes, and I took occasion to set her right too. Miss Gasaway Did you, dear? Miss Kute Yes, I told her your mouth wasn't really so b!g; It only seemed so because you kept it open so constantly. Catholic Standard and Times. Moeli Safer. We approached thu c;:ar. "You do not seem worried because the Russian fleet Is bottled up?" wo Interrogated. The czar smiled a wan smile. "My dear friend," he said slowly, "don't you know our ships are liko wine? Tbe longer they are bottled tba better." New York World. Not In tho I'onillr. Mamma Oh. Johnny, you naughty boy! Don't you' know It Is cruel and wicked to torment that poor kitty? Johnny 'Tisn't our kitty. It belongs to Mrs. Snyder across tbo street. Mamma-Ob, does It? Hut I wouldn't tense it on our steps, dear. I'eopla might think it was our cat. Iloston Transcript Kot a Remedr. My physician cay a that worry makes people thin." "I don't believe it," answered Miss Cayenne. "There Is nothing that wor ries some p-ople more than tbe dis covery that they are getting fat" Washington Slur. Ula PrlTBta Oplaloa. Mrs. Enpeck Here's a story about a man who actuallt aold hla wife. Now, wbnt do yon think of that? Eujiwk !i. there are aorno fool In tbe world who will buy any old tbiag. lSrooklyn Lsgle. He aa t ..lri.l aa the I ir ! "Lxxn your wlf bave tiitlcb to any When yoo er.nie home lntr't" "Not aa mo' h aa he did. 1 boy hav ina4e hft lrllf e abe bua tab-nt for a fot'- ii;rT and now tire f.srM e.-rrttiirg abe naya." CievcUuJ Ilala tHmift. The a..r f:ljc. "Ati cotH-lo'!"I tJ;e foiid fatlr, "tlxy wt tiirrlI" 'h. I know." lriTru;.t-4 U t d.';0iitT and b"lr a. "aiel i-"t a dl-nrr- and 1ir-I bp.(!y tr afterr riuiad' lpbla liuIILin. t mmrnl r. Ia b-l-ati1 I hare d144 ta foTTB a I'f rtrfv-t,!p. !;t - l!i'V-5! A f rj-rr VrA b ti l I nt frt-KT ml put up tba mw-fy- t-f Ititixr - e I IB 1 Beaumont, World's Fair Rates neginning October 1st, and continu ing until tho end of tho World's Kair, low ralo excursion tickcls to St. Louis will lie on salt! Tuesday and S'al unlay of each week. Tho rale Is extremely low aboul a cent, a mile, each way. 7 (lays' limit. Tickets good in chair cars and coach 's only. Ask The Ticket Agent or write to V. LaBeaume, C. P. and T. A. St. Louis, Mo. THE BEST YET Purchase your tickets to St. I.nuii via tho. I.IJI.SVHJ,H. AND. NASH- VIM.IC H. It., and Jake In tho two best shows on carlh, tho World's Fair and America's Greatest Natural Wonder Mammoth Give. Kentucky. Hound trip St. Iuils tickets permit side trip to Mammoth Cave Junction without additional cost. Stop over also allowed at Nashville. Tenn. For rHs and full hifoi matii-a call on r aMrcs Louisville a Nashville R. R P. W. MOUROW T. T. A.. Houston Texas. J. K. RIHGELT. D. P. A, New Or 1wana Ta The .l;iii;in m- tiKirt f wild diK-k torn line ix one f 1li- most fniixirtanl uri-i-ix- .atini- i tin- inpr-. A rn'! l .f 'In- imiH tial pr-' -t - ut Sbiiibania. i'h 'ln.t"L'ri' s ! th L,,ri . arid i!k- imwli m t.t- u-j-'I. i-s t.on in Mi- .!aptn-- c'v-rtiim til h,li!' in tti- I'alaK- "f Fir-'try. Fih '"! ';"' World's Fair. T liirti r -KH fiuti Isii r r: iitf'-i Wffld'-. V r In , l,.,!v. -i-n-iifis h- 'ii. T'h and "h .,f f,iM-r t li- ln-'i- In i TIh1 . i'i. ' S' lrii ii , t v t if li;-ri-- 't Hi.- d.-'i- -iin f I ' l'r- I'iii li'iti ' tic ' let! -i , t, ir "iil d n 'tc- W'rtld. I r : ii -i - C'LLMOPE riXEt 1T BET ft!0'E S7. A PICTURE FREE We ore anxious to extend the cir culation of the Enterprise in the territory surrounding Beaumont without employing solicitors, and for the next sixty days we will tfive a handsome Art Picture, worth 25 cents to each new subscriber, and we will ive one of the pictures to any old subscriber who will get us a new subscriber. Remember that the is published seven days in the week for only 50 cents per month, while other Associated Press Morning Papers cost you seventy-five cents per month. Re member that you get the Picture Free. It is suitably mounted for framing, or looks well without frame. Try the Enterprise a month and you will be glad of it. JZ? j& ADDRESS ....ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING COMPANY.... ocksphihgdistW L OwC IV iUORO ll"MMV Mltt.lV'f0..tlu"' CEP MEMBERS OF MEDICAL PROFESSION AND OTHERS is::cd to u Cat tbo cr.R.-rnr.u s cf tba TrA Mcilri! Auf!,2!, ,,!. I based on investigation aud resulu) unanimously favora tbf tmrlvaled advautagca Cool Colorado Offers as a reiorf for Individual nr tJios I n need of I'hynlcal t'pbnlHinj I ran e nf iv. r or-. S-.. titary ilabita or Other fausea; tbia f'r ti' ff.Ti-n-t: to tlx'Mj reading in the Lower Altitudea or MaUria. ttla t riot a. This Lsnd of High Elevation A'nia b re rnd Marn ficnt Soetile Crandcnr. frwntttn iri.-.nij -l tipp-iiiiii.iti.-s f r tnil ho r l.fn and affording all the (Vttnfort i4 f.iiliratmn at Muiirin.m Emnii . Is but one day'a "". r "r-ni Te i v. a THE DENVER ROAD" tl.o 'Hi'y Lin ffT'-rit g Pli1 TbronrSi Tralna from tb Rontbeat. nn-r" ! ym milin p -r rmin-! trip atnl mary Ixmra tlmaw 1 1. y Tbro'it'h Trunin i'b l'alc Iwaaieg ;.t:-l T-i-.-n.!n-iiMy Ai kiiiI-1 t'afn Cn"a trt -tia all m-a'a at rity i'- - !. ti't K-n-v.n, "THE COLORADO CMAUTAUOUA.- 1- .1 't Vh. ,r Ti lt Ar- or write wa ttr li,firtnai ! r-lat ta -iAti;'- Ti l't" io T-lmad' : llla tiM'-b U "Hie i ... .rc f...r t ri'- . :-m. :: ' Wi!-!-r. A-1 v. Texas. Lubricating' OILS Direct from Refinery to Consumer! No Jobber's profit! Write for Prices Today! GULF REFINING COMPANY 507 HENNEN BLDC. NEW ORLEANS, LA. ICnterprlsc want ads always b'ing r kiiIIs. Onn Wny Via the Denver Road" M ID--.T.PX.I. --.T.A. V - C)wa. CV . t Hot .h. r- . JjiilLCJ kthi tttL. rT roR Ltss, M th tzu. it ro LC&S.