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THE BEAUMONT M (ERPRISE. TUESOAV, OCTOBER 11. 1904. SUIT SALE ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft 3 ft ft ft ft ft ft ft: ft Every Suit Guaranteed if 98 SUITS TO CLOSF; OUT FOR 65 These Suits Sold tor lO.oo and 12. 5o SOLINSKY BROTHERS On the Corner. .4 Money BacK If Not Satisfied T ESTABLISH 0 188. R. M. fVIOTHNER THE POPULAR JEWELER .CROCKETT 8TREET, . ..BEAUtoON'i, TEXAS ;. .-., -i. -t :fc $ !;. .v. s A i ! Illinois j&gfr Central WORLDS FAIR EXCU fl RATES BEAUMONT TO ST. LOUIS $36.40 forTicKets Good Until Dec. 15th. $30.35 for Tickets Good for 60 Days. $24.75 for Tickets Good for 15 Days. THROUGH SLEEPER LEAVES BEAUMONT 13:03 P. IH. DAILY ARRIVES ST. LOUIS 7:08 A. M. Fast Train ServiceBuffet Library Cars--rin!rf! fais-Mol a la Carle Free Chair Cars Pullman Sleepers. Special Rates to all Summer Hesorts. Apply to TicKet Agent for full information, or address N. D. FINCH, T. P. A., Houston, Texas. t You can't afford to miss tHe great World's Fair The greatest show ever held, an education within itself, equal to a journey 'round the world. Why not fjo now-this month Kates at e very low, accomodations are easily had at reasonable prices. If you are in doubt about the cost of a visit you can purchase a complete round trip including railroad ticket, hotel accomodations with meals, admissions to the Fair and all necessary expense for any number of days at a certain fixed price, with arrangements all made in advance. Write us about thi3 at once to-day. The Cotton Belt Route operates Through Daily Trains to St. Louis r.'irrvinir s rriicra. i nunc cars, rnair cats, nwn Wiite illustrated World' Fair (older containing map of grounds, train mIil-iIiiIm, etc. E. XV. LaBEAUME, G. P. T. A. St: l.ouis. Mo. or call on Cotton licit Route Ticket Agent cliei K. CS. Rrj. TexarkanaFort Smilh Ry. World's Fair Route ST. LOUIS Through Sleepers Wilhout Change Via. JhreVcport and Cotton Kelt Route. I ..mining Car Service... This Train Leaves :A. w. u.i.y Arriving tn St. Louis Next Morning. Doufc Daiy Srnice to Kansas City. Through buffet Sleepers C t. SWINDELL, Gen!. ra. At- R A. MORRIS. City Pa.aTicK?t AfcL SLANDER SUIT FtfANK DE PEYSTER HAUL. PROM INENT NEW YORK CLU3VAN, KILLS HIMSELF, Was Member of nrt Old New Ycrk Family, and BelongeJ n a Num ber of Clubs Weaoon U -d Was a Revolver. Now York, Oil. In - F'siiik Pr 1 ) Ki r Hull, n member of sc,o al 1 row! ti ' : 1 1 c. nls, iniliiy shot ni'l Uilli'il hit.i- si-ir. A suit broi.Rht by lil'ii tuuliiM Iv.'ii (.liter clnl.iuon, alios. ej: blander ntj-l Sino.iMlu diuiiiiKes, was to !iao co-tie TILTING IflTII THE WINDMILL TOM WATSON, THE POLITICAL DON QUIXOTE. BREAKS A LANCE AT CHICAGO. HID BHTSUITfOR $100,000 SKIN B3TII PARTIES IMPARTIALLY today. of the Says Parker Hai Not a Ghost of Show, 8"d Claims That Olney, Belmont and Gorman Are Simply Republicans. Chioncn. October 11. Thomasi K. Watson, liniiihiee of the People's par ty for prosldem, spoke here I011I14I1I to mi audience w'tlch filled Hie Prin cess It i 11 k to overflowing The poli cies of both the republican and demo crat io purlles were scored bitterly by Mr. Watson and Ms ileclaral ions wen? iiiHliiuiio!! of (iie.rwived with oniluiKl-iHin. tr t.i 11. t.., BUils only l.eenine public dnr- , ' J 1 1 I nm neensed ol draw nir more up ill court Thu fact slander tig 1 110 past ween, aiiuou.ii me tirw vo.,,s f.m .r)(.r than Koosevell suils were benun last. .May. These lielicvini; 11s I do that, lint It of t.hein were against Alfred II. lionil, president f"f '' i"10 syHtem. which I ol (ho Calumet club, and (loorK A. "",l,ul; " M"rc ,r",n fwl'"'11' 1 "' ' , my votes is a ma'ter of iiidifferene( Cormaek hecivlary of tho New York ,0 ni0i ,lat ,hey nre peiiuine .lelTer Yaclit ciub. Hull alIeK(!il that both son linn demorcniic volese. If Mr. men, in conversation with oihers, ac- Hryan hnd bolted the St. Louis conven- hlni of iirncl ces ll"n " cuii- npun i .11 uvi-iy whore to rally to his 11 1 it un n iiiuiijim in iiivj vii mil. l raj Klroot Iarl((i' tliih. The answer tiled was to tne 1 1' support. 11 i;ainst. a campaign would have died in Its birth. The Hcliuonls ort'ect that the nlalc:nents made worn and Oormans and Olneys nud CJIcvo tiue, and the conversation privileged. '' w(lll1 ave been driven into Hie ' 11 ..1 republican camp, where they hcloni?- 'I ho charges were den.ed by Hall, and Bryan w(Mi ,)aVn mnlo Mmu (h(, hist Wednesday from Chief .Justice uncrowned kins of American democra Lcin UrifiK he secured an order re- cy, and in all probability would havo ( to give a bill of parlicu- defeated Roosevelt in 1!iu4 most as lars. In till! se.tlins of Ibis ino'lion, suredly in 1!)llS As to Parker, he Ins all the papers were 11 ed in the su- net. a gh'ist of a chance to be elected, preuie c(.uil, and Ihe fact of the suits He is what In Knglish polhics ln'came public. , j would he called n "buffer slule." lie One of the Knickerbockers. stands for nolhinc and represenls ,, ., nothing. The purpose of my cam- trunk I a. I'eysler Hall aH u men- )aRiis q r(ivj n,(irKi1n , ber of an old New York family, and r(a democratic , RoiiHmcnl which ex tmlil recinlly was presidenl of the sla thwighout the counlry. linn of Do 1 'oyster Hall & Co., wine j importers. His reslgitat on us a inem lii r of 1 lie Calumef chili was reqiiesled on July as, in:!, and was immediately g.veii. Hall was a so a member of the SI. Anthony club, the New York Yacht club and t!u Thinly Alumni. in all his suit.; Mr. Hall alleged that 111., stulemeiils were made falsely an. I maliciously; that localise of those slali ineiitu be was obliged to resign the prosidlnoy of Do l'eyster Hal. & Co., and many of iiis social acquaint, anoes refused to either transact busi ness or associate with him, and th il h; had been obliged to abandon entire ly his oc upuliou. ' Mr. Hall was about HO years of age. lie was devoted to athletics, having a good athletic record in college, where he was a member of the Doha I'sl Ira torn ily. Hall's- body partly dressed, wa found by a servant lylag in a !" d o iilo:;d on the floor of his bachelor apartmtnls. A revolver was found underneath tho body. On a tabli ,-it::i tig article of clothing and jewelry was a package (;f leit 'is. Some of tlu ii Hers' had been opened while others were si 11 sealed. The doctors who c-iinio in rospmino to ealls from the lions, t-aid Hall had bo'"i dead only a il ort time. Tlie bod bad not boon 00 1 I pied. Another suit, similar t those against I'iihI a:ul ( nrmaok. was l-ioi-f-h' a-.-aiiist ICrnest Siahle.s and Ihis case came up before Justice I'al : ;ere today. The rase was continued. VillUm Pcn.i's Grave. I r.otlco that one or two of your porroiiiMimlcnts hvcta concerned about the condition of NVllllam Pcnn's grave Having, while In England dur ing the nuininor cf 19o2. visited Jor dan's Mirtlr.g Houbc and hnrylim troiind. wtftre the remains of Wil liam Tent lie. I can testify that the Cravi-yard then Id reFectalde condition, ainl the graves of Wdlian. Pnn. 1.1a two wive?, Isaac Pennine ton. Thomas tiUood anl othi 1-ruBiiiKt.t In their day. were well ' 1 1. and marked liy neat. mod. st ie ftiorrs, afir the imrie rnnrT .f tt.e i'-Kiety of Kri-fi'1s. T1. litHe .tk aid fcnd the BKftlng I:t:M '. i.v arp nriir the care if tr-i f:. ,Lr to ciard an1 1 r t',- jtti-.rtT mr fully. Jr4ti f'.-.ut tr-j r-i!"i from 'be ,'ia:nl .' :i l-r.? i : t t Oalfrr.t St. It v !n f ! 1'- I lac. H.jt 'he 1 J ':.: V iv-i !;t 'l. i.n1 be .1 l'tr I..-t " 7t- l.o!. Is 1 r rl '.'e of .r-T at iin. etd r ir nil. i-"tr y ar letter - 11 :,..: I UL...C Ie?g'. TAGGART TALKED WITHJHE CHIEF CHAIRMAN AND NOMINEE PAR KER HAD CONFERENCE ON LATTER'S FIFTH VISIT. COL IAMGNT 10 GET IN ACTION Does Not Intend to Spend More Than Two Dayn Out of Each Week in New York Delegations Ask for Dates. New York, October 10. A few call rs wore received by Judge Parker today at. his apartments at l:ie -bin I Seville, where he will remain until Thursday niht on his filth political visit to New York. Chairman Tag Karl had a long talk wilh Judge P-tr-ker tonight. Inasmuch as the national chairman is soon to leave for Indiana to give the situation there most of his time ll. Itil rler-l fun day. the roiiversH tlon wis coiilineil almost exclusively to the campaign in that State, ll has been desired by Mr. Timiiarl and his associates that his political experi ence will be needed in the West liere afier. and while be will be kept ad vised on everything that takes phee In niational headquarters, the active management in the Kl will fail al most entirely on Senator Outran and Vice Chairman IMaiirey Nire.ll. with Wm. F. Sle-e an devoting much of bin attention to the sini.vion iin New York. It Is f-aid Col. Iia.iiel S. I.amont. wrremry of war unlet former I're-i dTit Cleveland, will fx- Identified wi'h the ranipaiL-n rlowr than in r. J'ldre Parker, it is ai. rt-K s nt int.-nd to p-ii'l more than one or two d&vn out of s'h - t. in New York, al er h" r'-t'irim home .r Th'ir-dav A nnniUr of d 1 rai i-iti f-i.e 1 I A PICTURE FREE We are anxious to extend the cir culation of the Enterprise in the territory surrounding Beaumont without employing solicitors, and for the next sixty days we will give a handsome Art Picture, worth 25 cents to each new subscriber, and we will give one of the pictures to any old subscriber who will get us a new subscriber. Remember that the Enterprise is published seven days in the week for only 50 cents per month, while other Associated Press Morning Papers cost you seventy-five cents per month. Re member that you get the Picture Free. It is suitably mounted for framing, or looks well without frame. Try the Enterprise a month and you will be glad of it. ADDRESS ENTEHPRISE MUSK COM MM Beaumont, Ml Texas. j I I World's Fair Rates Peginniitg Oel.iber 1st, and continu ing until (he end of Ihe World's Kair, low rate excursion lickels to SI. I.oitls will lit! en Bale Tuesday anil Sal unlay of each week. The rate Is extremely low about a cent a mile each way, 7 days' limit. Tiekels good In chair cars and conch 's only. Ask The Ticket Agent or write to V. LaBeaume, U. P. and T. St. Louis. Mo. THE BEST YET Kansas City Southern Special Excursions To All Poin ts In Iowa, NebrasKa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, North and South DaKota, and to certain points in Missouri and Michigan. RATE ONE FARE PLUS $2.00 ROUND TRIP. Date of sale Oct. II and 25, Nov. 8 and 22. limit 30 days; ten day stopover allowed in Kan sas City; rate Kansas City to St Louis and return $6.00. R. A. KCRRIS, C. P. a T. A City office cor. Pearl 31 Bowie. Phone 6. -f- rLZ IT EEST f'.r !( w'-ei they Tliliy randidate M K-"i,im. I T'." rat- w iio i-jie, ,n j,, ) T to -day j.r.-.;.e, irr.ji ' !. x' ii'".! ' -,! ttt t.,r.,( !-e,i !. vei-n. i f,j,s t i.ny t.'i d lit a '! 110-TH' l..- ,e. n." ' I jr " !m I.- 'd ' t'arr: i..,,-..r '1 I Mr ''. -. hn'i-.'in'-d tl:r-ri:-b f'!fi'J : tint .- -.m:,j Im ; 1 fj r -. - t.- pirt wild i in t ti x'i'l tlir .Mi-li ttiat Jiieu.u l(!'ie Ih tUl ' t' itr.- iMt the ' far net ,., !'- r, re ri i M:.l Purchase your tickets to St. Ixiiila via the. I.OUISVI1.U5. AND. NASH VII.M2 R. and tako In tho two best kIhiws on earth, tho World's Fair ntul Anierlca'H O rent est Natural Wonder Mammoth Cave. Kentucky. Round trip St. Iiula tickets permit tdde trip to Mammoth Cave Junction without additional cost. Ktop over also allowed at Nashville. Tcnn. For rates and lull Information call on or address i Louisville a Nashville P. R P. W. MORROW T. P. A, Houston. I Texas. ! J. K. RIDGELT, D. P. A, New Or-j I lwn Law j ! I vc work. Kffort wa made to e-i him I t'i jirf-ide ov-r a nmn-n-r nuks ni' t itii; to lc held at MadiHoti Squars flar den, but his health would not k rmiL j Ignorant ChnVren. j ta ft elAM in ft Manrlm'rr f Err I . ftr horj Dot OB of the rt!ldr-ft ln- bat ft be was. TLis ittlimi.t was tnale at N'rwlch Oi 4b'-r t.y at U.fl of tb Muwufris Avxtm- , tion by Mr. Pritcbard, jf TViMm. Amrl'-ft. Tbi Im'ratie ia H -b ; towa was m rr-a'T. R,ail-a I bowed that 77 pT --lit tit tb fb'ml tbi.dr'ii th'T bad tkVT ct'iw. 17 t cvt. rr-r h-b-1l a tf.e. ( i'i t-T cct. l ad not pn ft y, H x etL ilii B' kno n 'm r, i 7" it teef. 5id n' l'i .a f-wm 4 tbo yr It waa. fi I IT ritiX. f'i,i auA a.y lal tutu waft n.atf U. Colonist rateH to California points.... 17-fiO Tickets on nalo Si-pt ember la to (.toiler ir.. .r that would warrant Die nacrif'ca A. R. Atkinson. I). I'. A. J. K. Tooko. C. H. T. A Lubricating OILS DirectJ'from Refinery to Consumer! No Jobber's profit! Write for Prices Today! GULF REFINING COMPANY S07 HENNCN BLDC. NEW ORLEANS, LA. Enterprise result s. want ads always In ins M EMBERS OF MEDICAL AND OTHERS PROFESSION aaked to remenibcT that the cinspnsu of the Pst MHIcal Atithorlt' (baxed on Investigation and results) unanimously favors tb unrivaled Advantages Cool Colorado Offers ft ft resort for individuals or tbns I n need of Tbyslcal I'pbnlldlnc x rau of er-work, Kel. n'ry or other l'u: thin bavins pr tieiilxr rt-eriiee ti thor rea ding lu the 1 "wer A!litml- or Malaria, dia trictft. This Land of High Elevation Invliroratlnr Atnoj.her tnd Marn-f irt-nt Frvnr Grandeur. freseatln tflfin -d i.x.nut itieii Out lino r l-f and aff'wdinc all the tVmifor t4 Civilization t Miniurtm Kj--ne vf It but one day's t-t Tet S M THE DENVER ROAD" wvMch Is Ibe rt,1y Kln off'Tir c f'did Tbrotirti Train trrmt the Vmtbert "1 be h-iivt" e y.rti '.'.'A Helen p T rxntet trip nt many boars ttni-, nl jr'nt'!e lk.ul.le lu j Tbm-b 1 r-in wi h !;- It."- u HteM-r a til eiii.y Afi-oitee Cafe -rv n all tneaa rl ' H -rf.l."r fle w-l res-loft. "THE COLORADO CHAUTAUOUfc.-l!.nl-r. Ix-r n Julr 'b At four H'.tti Ti' H Ai or rl'e f.r Icf'eTtiattoft r-lt e ihe liew "TriAi-r'e Ti' k-'" lo C-Amwit ia ?t- Ita "One Way Via the Denver Road M. . Dr K. TJJC C. TJL A. A. ' MS) Mm tv Tavaav a p.