OCR Interpretation

The Beaumont enterprise. [volume] (Beaumont, Tex.) 1904-current, October 14, 1904, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86071101/1904-10-14/ed-1/seq-2/

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Tin- ludmiii inn uru fur various
rlttllli tK4Hi III" iliu. (ii Milling
oiiupany, Kin-iny "in 'Ii'ihih im
vt r.r pivvioti. lu ih tiro uliit-U de-
I 1 1 t .1 111,. IllUX lllill lill (Mil.
Ireland - Co. rVrt Si Ctnti
High Oldest Cat en h
D-rk:t Is Settled.
.few-rat iinM.rmiii Judgment ami
lr' wi n r.liiy wl.h the
lihf ric-t iinirt for rvitinlint,'. The
J nil II. i HI H liU'l litt li ri lnli'ivil In fore,
r.i i lirmm -)- In iliw column. The
.Noun Mills - mi t y a Kirby Lumber
roiniiiiiiv ri-nri-n-liifil milium tin
Imki st Judgment cur granted In lli
fiillll.i. Tin- lil "W-r I lie IHiM-iS
himi iif n l IT" quantity uf pine lulid.
'I in judgment i.iimiMiii to t mul
tile avkuid of I In- l.i.nl. 'Um- decree Ik
iiuiii- lengthy, giving ' Ik- li' Id notes ol
nil i In' iinN'Hy in nni-stlon.
Tin- i.iM- ol Texas Tram mill Linn
In r company vs. liinia'iNiiii Ulnos.
I Ii oldest civil m i ion mi i In- ilm l.i l.
IlilS ill lilsl lll l II M-Hlltl by agreement.
't in' Judgim til recites I Ihi I llii' iilniniilT
iluill liiivi- Judgim "I itgauisl .1. J.
Hun s i.i Ho' nun of HIT. II uii'l Inur
l it. mul ilim On' ii-i iiilunl trustee.
n; i In- church i hull i hi y nil tin- costs of
rrniri. This i n i' involves llii- iiiiiuiiiii
lino in tin- i.iiiiaii lor lumber fur
li ;:.) Donaldson . Ilincs, Willi which.
llioy ; 1 1 Mi 1 1 ' colisi ructoil I lit' la ri;
lii'i'.ro ( liMn li nil Willi street. 'I hi' 1 ii tit
l. r was fumblicd back In 1 it't'l
ih" milt was illi'il tlii'it. It Is tin- oil
l-kl sllll fur damages nil tin- district
court ilix'ki'i.
. II. Ilnttc.'i. trustee, vs. Texas &
Now Orleans Railway company in set
I toil liy agreement aiul dismissed.
MuiLatii- lin-liKu urn- Ukir hi I lit
i i rl. nltiii- i.f I tin cntihiy ciiiirl lo
i.i.i Halls ill uitil .Miku Lyilia .M.i.iol y,
atiil tit Win m hlii iiii Til mill .Mi-. Ki
ll 1 l.lhlcr.
There mm' iwu iiniiKiiully Iiiiimui-
um iiiia-iii ti-nis m ihi- com I yester
day. iim iiii iliu imx-iiiiK i if the
Ci.IIIIIIm.iiI' i l lllirl ;,Hl I II . lilIT
';, ilu- concluding nf iIh- rl;,l of
Kvu Jlnttaiii iiimn ii charge i.f'iniir'
in r. .I'lilue 't transacted djs us
ual amount nf liii-iiiii-Ks mul In aid
ihri-i -jm-cIu K'"l nrmiiiii-ii'ii In ilu?
Leading Merchant! All Wear a Smile
When King Norther Called Yee
terday Morning.
f'nloiU'I W. A. ntivlilsoii, pri Hlili-til
nf ilu- Kit hi Nutlonal 1 lun k, lias been
H.ioiikIi ilu) ii st find north iii hU re
(-lit triivcltf and tu iikiiiiI Iiiih taken
III Kitnriilly tho Hlliintloii rcliitlvo lo
mul the futurn prospiTts
fnliillKTclnl worlil Coloiu 1
I:ivIiI-ioii Kn'iit a fvv 'lays I'liiiKsntly
ullli lilu i.tiri.iild Im A l.i.vill.i Vul-lll
whilo John T In land K- Tu. ,;i. in .- ' t;,r.,n:. ... tl...n u'.,i .... o. v..n-
York. Spi'iiklni; nf lln npironclilim
i li-i lion mul conncciioii with Ims
lini4 la- Kiiid:
tool nil i.aii, Ml I In- liini' mi'l ill
ii it I. u uuMlii-r i If ort tu roiapli lc u
vt-ll. Tin y urn 'ri f ml i-uy.
William. liiu, Uu nr.- drilling
ki.ntli i.f ml city art d .u aUnii UM
fii-i mill ait- nukiiiii rauafaeiiiry pros
W liiii- mi ii. Ituiii- airaiii;i tin iiU liavr
I'.-i'n ii. inli- il in nit'i'riiil ilml mtui
in w ili-M'.'opiui-iil vkork U lo l.e ktarinl
It i It. i Nini.yilocln s ti Id In a tirt
1 1 iiii.
.Mr. H-iri Join-. wa in ilii Hy '
Ulilay fmin llif Nai-nri.ili'-i nil ti-litrf
ai.il Id i linn iiioriiini; fr Uai'ii.
iim iiiiiiiiii.hoii. r. l oiirl m
:il;i' III H'l'f'lill NI'-IOl ! oi. ;,ll'l
lnar ilu- hii., iii.on ilu- fiirnUhiiiK of
In sln-11 or rock in i In1 rmitiiv for
Ili u utiii in l mul I'ori An Im r ''!i' ii- wi-ic . IiiIiii-m
iwu liliU In mi Ii ca-i'. Knr f i;rni.-,'.inu- t the
ni il ni lii aiiinoiii Myrid; llinili n
ha I In n Mil of $.'. :i pi r m -i:i yarn.
h nf $2.. Tin' i'oliir:ct wn nccor
Iniily inMii'iliil to Mvrlck llroilm-s,
ihiy lii-lnc ilu- lowi'Hi lilililcrM. For
the I'ori A n itu r uoili Mils vori iln
.-a mo i m il firm hiiMini;
per Mumi' anl. Tin' n-i-ul'
was lh.-if tin' fntiillllSt-iniicrH
llii not aa-i that co:il vail lut
potpoiio.i fictioii upon Ii until nri.j,,l(lt it ihric or four limi-H. Tim
:'IUi Tit.-' Mils funii.-lii'il Int. rest itmironsi'tiKiis or nplnlon there in that It
lea. Im,' m this lime when Hi- iiilltl nialteiH liitle which tti'in Is clectoil
cal hiiun'ion woillil he iiciiti; If i he , s, f;1- ;1s lmnesu is cnlicerneil. Tllev
,eis wen- in licroriliincc- wiili the are each regarded hr cafo mon nnil
he liliHjthe ailiiilnistrntinn of clihor would he
the couti-Uteiidy mid laeklnc radical chance
Shell Wae Purchased Cheaper Three
Years Ago Without Competition
Than Now With It.
'There l.s a llHllensness iihout tho
i liri ion liuit has iiever heeii known
In-fore. In New York City I would
never have heard tin election men-
, t lulled except that I. myself, asked
fiis were in accordance
wild V;iK;iri(-M llaiinteil mil.
h.'mw Unit nntwithsianditm
Ab .staled n'. nowhere In these ml
iiiun.i. the county cniiiiiilssioners nu t
III l; pec III I Keshlon to open (tills for I In
fi'rni.shiin; nf shell or stone to .leffer-t-.i.n
county, ntii! ipimitMy heiiiK wanted
nl llemimoni mul the other at Port
Arthur. Two bids were received, the
lowest heiiiK .Myrick llros. for the
Ilea 1 1 mon i work, while at Port Arthur
tin- bids were tied. While the com
liilssioners were in sesnloti they dis
cussed informally the letter of II. II.
liitty, candidate for county JiiiIko, and
the iiieinberM di filled that 'hey would
answer the rliarnea and show tl r-
ri ni mis ami mlsleadir.s features of th.?
li.Ltcr lo Hie entire siuisfaiiloii of the
(.eop'O of .lefTerson county. The
Hi a li nienl will proliiinly he signed by
nil the commissioners and perhaps
JuiIro' Wheat.
ly ha- been advert Isinu for a we k -1 ti the currency laws or rules.
ten days they have been unable 'oj "ileiter business conditions will ex
Iniv Mu ll us clieaii from any one i le ist after the election bccaiwe wlnlor
!'-,ve sav 'd money by Iwlna able
buy from .Myrick Iiruthers. Tlu s!!:.v
report that but one bid was into the
court Is In keepinu' with the ml--
follows it mid tho winter months are
i : a ways busy months. The traveller
,- can tell very little more about the re
sult of the approarhini; election than
those who remain In Beaumont. The
leadiiiK slateinenis usually clrculiiiei newspapers convey as much informn-
.bv those HcckliiK to besmirch the char- itlon aiiout the political affair., of tho
actor of the commissioner:! anil .Indue nation as one Rains liy personal con
Wednesday afternoon before .Iiulu '
Pope the hearing in the iintter of ilu1
contempt proceedings brought aaini-t
'onstable .iiaclien. Iepuly Constalil.'
ilium Flores. ste'-e Kreomaa mil
Sam 'Cunningham, ail ol :r Lake
was crvieii, mm oil account ot in
court beiliL' cnuiiKeii in another mailer
tho hearing was postponed until tir
iMoiniiiK at ! n'clooli. The bench war
rant for contempt against r lores was
o: ly lssiie,i Wednesday iiioriiini, am
the defendant, was not in court, neith
er was Constable .Maehen. I he com l
ordered Kreeman and Ciinnimduim
placed under botids in the sum of $.'im
each for their appearance before the
court, and warrants were issued fi
Alacheii and Flores. The contempt
proceedings grew out of an alleged
violation of an Injunction issued by
Judge I'ope last week relating to in
oil well at Sour hake.
Caused Custom House Officials
Assess Them $5,000 Each
for Uncle Sam.
In the Fifty-eighth district court ar
gument on the plea of privilege brought
by Hie defendants in the case of W. V.
Iiell vs. Wilson I). Wing et al. was
npaln up before (he court. The plea of
I tivllege excepts to the jurisdiction i f
the court on the ground that the d"
li ndants are non-residents and cannot
be legally sued in the district emit.
No disposition nf the case has yet been
laade by the court.
Other orders made in cases on the
jury civil docket for the day were:
t. Sudano vs. S. tieraci; reset for
October 27.
Chicago Texas Syndicate vs. Thumrs
Orniiiu et at.: continue! by order T
lip' court, no counsel appearing for
cither side.
F. C. Collins et nl. vs. John McKin
i.oy: withdriwn from jury docket ly
mutual consent, and jury fees ori'm -d
lo be returned to plaintiff. Case reset
for Novemler is next.
in the county c uit al! iasi s avi
one were continued on account of ti e
fact that the county aitoriey mul
assistant county attorney ate engaged
in the criminal district mint. Mr. ('.
W . Ilnw th ri presented the slate as
nMstnnt count v tiornev in the only
c.isc that went to trial, which was that
;iL-:iiiist I". Pipes, i liar :i d wph uu'aw
fully killing a dog. Tin eonipliint
against I ipi s wit.- nil1 le by C 1 u 1:
ills Justice S I'.row ) u;is ti-i ree.'
bv the a. -r used, and the e id-tu-.- a.i-'
gen,, ttiio it !etigti ;! atvu. ! '.- ih.-ri.iiiii-i
I. It sii'ii.s 'I at !Vp. - aiv u-.-ilj
the Niebi-lts dug of kiliil.g ll:- i ll. i I. J
lis. nnd oil'- day be r" ; a'r! b j
Hie ii: An iiii'-li ::iiL- . .I'm. -
the trial was ih.. ti-'in mv .. 1 .
Alfi.117-. Nil hulls. Tl-. , bihi .s
more than six wir oi a. nil .
tnvi a v. r i-nlii r. iii -'.r.-'-.t
what bad "nrr.d r i. i m,
Nichol's l" - le.-i b-s -1- rl,
f. s lt'i.w n r i l '1 l.i
I i ii. d I i ) - v. 1. i. I ' V,
fi.ade fjn-f.. n-i a I lr- -- in M '
T he c.isi. a lr . 'I I I i M
t . '. .1. r.'lis in i ii. i ;
t bn ri-ntrii-l a ti-rdn-i in a '
f tHKl culiv
b r '-
tu d. Itl' "'l-i f :
r h: rc-l i'h
.t." tl I i' I"
to- r i ni-'sc'-'l
In t- i - ' V f ' .
,4 , r s i I. tt V ! .
) il Ii ' ? 1- ' f . !
Hi- P'.-- r':-. ; -. '
In H I V ,m " ' . f ,r -1... , , . t
fi T i."d .-. ft .....
t i, m '. ' W M t-
1.1 irv ate' T T a ! J 1.
Yesterday at Port Arthur two ersl
v bile merry jack tars were lined $."i,inni
each, just for a change.
It, seems that the captains of the
two vessels were uoi as familiar with
the ipiarantiiie regulations as good
sailors utighl to he, and that their fail
iii c lo proiluie the jiroper papers when
I ho custom house ollicers asked for
lliem cost the sum of $.1,nnti each case.
The American ship Alary sjanford,
liom ('animus, Cuba, Hardin captain,
.mil the Urilish ship i'orlo i'raya, l mini
ilael witth the people of other stales.
I There is very little interest In the
I elect ion, in any state."
"Just keep this cool bracer from tho
Arctic Pole up and Beaumont will he
whlzing along at a boom time pane,"
said Mr. 1C. S.afir, the stationer yes
unlay. "Our business has shown
a remarkable increase just today anil
the norther Is not twelve hours old.
It Is cold weather wo need here to
get better business conditions. Heau
mont has been better off all summer
than any other city I know of but
from now on things will hum if this
Inorther will only keep up."
"Yes, the jewelry business is large
ily governed by the -weather too,"
said It. -M. Mothner. "This cold wave
will do more to build up the wave of
prosperity than anything else I know
of. Of course we want factories
here, railroads here and new enter
prises here, and for immediate action
thin norther was about the best thing
"Yes, we are smiling today," said
Martin Wiess yesterday, "and of
course it is attributed to the colder
weather. Some good wholesome rail
ti ad rates into I.eaumont would make
ns smile audilably though. I am
.thoroughly satisfied with our business
lot the summer, and tee! that this
c.,i.. v. iui....,iu A.,,i....,. ..',.,, (winter will surprise all the business
the two culprits
were the two culprits, mid upon a
charge of irregularities in their bills of
health they were assessed the tines as
The captains, upon their arrival at
I'ori Ari'iur and the discovery of the
liouble, immediately went back to Sa
bine and were yesterday afternoon
engaged in straightening out the affair.
Just what success tlicy met with was
not known in lieaumonl yesterday
men of Beaumont."
"The White House has enjoyed a
bit of the cool bracing weather," said
the manager. "October has been un
usually warm so far hut with yester
day's change we do not anticipate
any more of those life sapping hot
days. People will now buy heavier
clothinn- nnil more clothlnir nnil the
White House is getting its share of
the trade."
Items of Interest and H .ppeninijs at
That Oli Center.
.Special to J lie Knicrpriae:
Saratoga, 'le.;is, Oct. lo. Sharp.
Hi os. hruiigui in a drilling n;; li.nii
i.ai -on mid will begin pulling now u a
we!) as .soon as the rig can bj placed.
The tiulley Co. brought tin ir tno i
rig Hum lltson 10 tin., p. ace yesi,.-
d;i'. Il was placed mi tile derrn'i.
aiid was In ing connected up in a
hurt while alur it was lirou.it in.
The (iulley gusher I.- ...til! gniii
and there has lieen no lunlni
Olll put
in the
"The baseball season is over, the
norther has arrived and we are sell
ing an unusually large amount of
clothing today." said Louis Mayer, at
the Manhattan, "and I don't know
why we should not .U carry around
an air of satisfaction. Business is
going to be better now just as it al-
l ways is in winter."
"Say we couldn't accomodate the
. ( iirsionisis today or tomorrow if
'this business mid weather keep up,"
isnid .1. J. N itban. "but please tell the
j l-.niei prise management to hnmmer
away on those low rate special train
'excursions to Beaumont. We need
ga- pressure and
is placed u I. barrels.
Knnis of the Parketsbiii g Tank
w-iS here yesterday lin.king all'' j
i aim- tanks he is placing hen !
Teams c.i'e lonnti". in una
I, iluls of oh well niaehiniTv en-.
Captain J. H. Trerevant of H mt
pi u today in S.,tati
ing oeiiipied with
Sai .toga will in
mi. hi - t inn I
land matter.
..II proktt'ili' v g.-i
h ranch house of the Murry S '-V.
Co as Mr. Murry was h. re y-'. ri '
liHiKing alter a liM-atioli.
This ciiy p-i'sents atl e.
npi long lor a baiilw.iie ate! 1'i:ti l-i.-si.
V'l.ong the proiirn. lit -'-.1 tcti "
i 1 , n 1 1 in thU moniirg wiie W. V
Sn ,r'. Mr Crawford IM Pi.-ib : X
" ho you si e that show xvindnw?"
aid Mr. Kmis, "well the cold weath-
- and tint show window did the bus
iue.a f..r ,;s yesterday. Wo didn't
think it any nicer than our windows
usually are but the people thought
so and what they say goes you know. '
Send me 1. l oysters" ticked the
itistruiin tit at the telegraph office, and
i' was sictu d K rrr at lh Alamo
"The iiortln r did that," taid
The special meetliiK of the rounty
commissioners brought out some In
teresting fact,, yesterday that will
seem Important, perhaps, to the small
coterie of republicans who are at
tempting to make much out of tho
shell contracts that have been hereto
fore made and executed by the rouniy.
About ten days ago the comnisl.-don-
rs instructed .lildgo Wheat to adver
tise for bids for the furnishing of
shell or stone at lleaiinnmt mid at
Port Arthur. The sped Heat Ions and
u rms of delivery were specllled In
the advertisement. It was. of course.
a well-known fact mat Dttr rnree pos
sible bidders were In the Held. One
was the firm of Myrick Bros., which
has mi extensive line of tugs nnd
barges and has purchased outright
large ouantltles of shell In the bank
in this county. Another was the firm
of John T. Ireland & Co., which has
ben growing rapidly in recent months
and Is now thoroughy able to contract
for and deliver this character of mate
rial. The third possible bidder was
the owner or owners of the rock quar
ries at Rockland, represented by W".
W. Kyle. When the time came for
the opening of the bids it developed
that Mr. Kyle did not have in a bid
and it is presumed that he Investigat
ed the matter and found that the stone
could not be furnished at the points
named on a competitive basis with the
shell. Myrick Bros", bid for Beaumont
delivery was $2."-". as against Ireland's
bid of $2.41. Both concerns being
thoroughly able to furnish the mate
rial, and the Myrick bid being the
lowest, the contract was so awarded.
On the Port Arthur delivery it was
different. The Port Arthur bids were
each the same. Both firms hid $2.35.
The commissioners finally decided
that they would postpone action on
the Port Arthur contract until Nov.
24. The facts that are particularly
interesting are that two and a half
year.s ago, when Ireland & Co. bid
upon a shell contract for the county
their figure was $1.15 per square yard
while Myrick's vas also lower than
the bids of yesterday. At that time
Ireland & Co. had not come Into pos
session of their present efficient tug
and barge line and shell banks. The
other firm was In a position to furnish
the shell and furnish it promptly, and
was the only firm that could do it.
Since that time Ireland & Co. have
developed rapidly, and with their de
velopment they have evidently be
come thoroughly convinced that shell
In Beaumont is too cheap at $2. .'Iii for
they want $2.41 per square yard for it.
This price is considerably higher than
Myrick Bros, ever charged, and illus
trates that the charges in the past
have been too low, if anything, be
cause labor is more plentiful now than
it was when the low figures were
made, and still the contractors, both
successful anil unsuccessful, in bid
ding have found it necessary to in
crease their price.
The opening of these bids and their
discussion led to the discussion of
Mr. Betty's letter and the commis
sioners from each precinct stated that
they want a reply made to the state
ments before election day, and that
then the people may see exactly what
the facts are and what has been done.
There were many irregularities in.
Mr. Betty's statements that will be
corrected, and when the commission
ers make their statement it is believed
that the democratic party will not
have the slightest reason to be
We Gel Our Share
of Business
it Why?
Becaui we
, --j-m carry Cloth.
. '' "-ft W A in to sell
i' ' ' rL middle nd
All money
looks alike.
Our Prices
run from
in the finest
Try us! you
don't hav
to buy.
fOPvn.i mi i J
FA MtltKAtll.t:
Call and try on a Suit.
Solinsky Bros.
Means That $74,000 Will Be Distrib
uted on Nov. 20 Makes Total
of 75 Per Cent.
of the
ashamed of its nominees from consta
hie up to president, and especially the
county commissioners and county
Receiver Williams of tho Citizens'
National Bank yesterday afternoon
r.ntliorized the announcement of divi
dend No. 2 for 25 per cent, payable
on Nov. 20.
This will be cheering news to the
depositors who had their saving in
the defunct bank, and it shows that
Mr. Williams has been getting every
thing possible out of the assets of
the concern. Tho total amount that
wiil be paid out on this dividend will
be approximately $74, mul, upon a total
ot $2y0,iine. I t makes 75 per cent in
all that has been declared, and looks
now as if the depositors will eventu
ally get every dollar that they had de
posited. The distribution of this
amount of money in Beaumont means
that it will get into circulation among
a class of people who need it at a time
when it will do the most goou. It is a
si rt of provider for a Christmas gift to
c me a month later, and Mr. Williams
will no doubt be remembered kindly by
the small boy when he hangs in his
stockings for Santa Clans to do his
best. There were many children who
had deposits in the Citizens', nnd to
them it will be a means of lessening
their hard opinion of the world and
its business people. At the time of
the failure there were many pitiful
tales of poor people having deposited
savings in the bank and having lost
practically- every cent they had. The
declaring of these dividends, there
fore, will help where help is appreci
ated. .Many of the certificates had
ntcn sold cut. nut some of iliem are
still in the possession of comparative.
poor people.
Beavimont Shoe Co.
W e wish tc announce to the people of
Beaumont and vicinity that our Fall line
of LADIES and MEN'S SHOES have all ar
rived and opened up entirely to our satis
faction. While we considered that we
heretofore had the strongest line in the
city, we have nevertheless added two other
strong lines, both Standards of Styles and
Universal Favorftts- one for Men and one
for Ladies. N
The "LA FRANCE," a strictly $3.00 Shoe,
made in both Hand-Turned and Goodyear
Welts. We have them in all styles and
leathers. They are snappy, stylish and
up-to-date in every respect -constructed
of elegant materials throughout. This is
the Shoe all the ladies are buying.
We have also added the "DUNLAP," a Shoe
that excells them all in style, material and
workmanship. It is strictly a Man's $5.00
Dress Shoe, made in all leathers and in all
the late styles.
Bek.urront Shoe Co.
Both Phones
52? Pearl Street
Higgins Oil & Fuel Co.
Beaumont. Texas.
Producers and Shippers of CRUDE vHT?OLnUl from Sour
ana "itaumoni, storage lank Beaumont, Sahine,
Morgan City and Sour Lake.
Unexcelled lacilities fur uialfintr nromnt sliinmoni- .-i
towinff on the Gulf tor new tuns
-"vrebixindenra solicited.
water. We- so solicit
'Gilbert-" a.nc' "Hitrgins.
President Will Deliver Invitation
Signers of Hague Conference.
Washington. D. C, Oct in. The
president is preparing to redeem his
pr imise to the delegates to the inter
parliamentary peace conference to se
cure another meeting of the plenipo
tentiaries of the powers signatory to
the Hague convention with a view of
1 i rv
: "V.
T . i
- nil I
' I
I... I
S'nrm. .1 1 1 -1
!! ir n
.u l'l
"i. a
...I Wl
r tini
r i- ihi
w in.low Ftovc Is
now" said l-arry
rich restaurant.
:it a premium.
Ti . 1
i 1. 1
,bn -I
-,t K
M'e- S
.i,.! 1
n i.g
: i:-.i at." naid Miller.
i.it!i tf-ed iii.te and
1. 1 tti -tf ta-f nibt
t,. f . if tho Krinc!
ti. trki t La i ktart-
The In lies of Si. Louis Catholic
chinch will m it this atternooii at 4
o'cliHk at the couu nt In discti nia:
ter )m running t the Ha'aar.
Mr. 1. Harm.
Chaffy Iturns.
Vim : n ia ar'. t v
"'! !?.- ti'irhl.
ti. X. Iliifc hti. ld at"'
il ne n of th West
nr.. in from il"
Co to M ifr'i Market
ii m- at mi l l.e
i :.r.- th" '
a" revising and adding to that instru
Complex machinery of this kind is
ilin'icult to set in motion and if the
ordinary course is followed in these
negotiations, it will be at least a
year and probably longer before the
meeting can be held.
The state department will address
separate noies to every government
I represented at the last conference, in
Iviting suggestions as to the time and
i place of met-lins. and witnout ilniibt.
I in the fcnitit of camion that Is atwnvit
i -
I cMiilntisl liy any or tm-sp govern-J
meats, before giving their assent to I
the proposed conference will seek to
'serure an ironclad agreement as to
jthe fcopc of the conference. Many
j limiin'iors are expected to be pro-'
l him'.I in this way. and it if rtalucil
that much dilTiciri y ill be expeti-
..iictd in si tiring harmony.
Now is the time to build that house. We are prepered
to furnish you the Lumber. Space does not mr.
mit us to tell you just how much we can
save you on your purchase.
:. Come and see us. .:
Special Rates to Contractors.
Heavy Casting, Forging anJ Structural Work, 5aw mil
Work a Specialty. Well Machinery Built and Repaired
i ii
I ir l' MIH
-'i"l the
-. - . f- .
r ti e
1 1 ,
Tr L
C jrc H
I i .- - ,n 1 .
I t
...1.., ,i. .. . ' ..vi nnfs;:
' "'-" ,w,e.., - --. "Ii Jifniet Popular. I f I BiAi
. . lb.. ti r. --i.Ti-.'it t-'-t en i i"T . f At ikW- tv ,
ro -d l(-f8 Fie d ' ' :.! e-in-r. ; Cat Hayti.-n. Mayti. O, t IS.-The APlJrP1
"- ' ' rr -r th-' - ' ;'!! ri vo lition in the r pnti.ic -f an'lal1 r." 'i TL f?V A'jf-
; ' , . ,.' v ,J i .v.-r.lng A?. de Conip..si.'!a rVVJ.iVry I
' ' ' ' "I 'b" N-I I , It ,-.r the Hol-h .;..tl fltlil all detlilft- V Jf L A V I
" ' ' "' '' "" I...'..., , .-4. i - f.-'..-t -'-m r r tit.' of the mi haw declared in fjL. -'AV
No Weet.-a Tco.v. I Mayt Eai-e.
' v ; i . v - i: ,.-i.l-m..i.n.a-i;-7kHn !V.I;V
', ..... - . a r- :- V-- 1. ca-b-r. ti-!r.-t!.r T,(yS
-., - , , , , -,. ! -'. -f.. "T it.--rr.-. ! ;n ia-..- , lr- -K'fl S A f
. -v. t.- - ' - it rr-; r-.f I:--. sJ
. . .. ...... ..- .. - I.. I . - lb 1.-: I. I N? --- --
I,. .. .i i j-, ...,- -. V .1- t i' . :;!"')- :w r-d ' ; . at ..If". j ----- -
Santa Fe and
D rv
HiIIl --
Sprmo. W A Tin w
efa Peer ABU For, Wor.rT.

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